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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 11, 2024 2:20am-3:06am MSK

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was with a guitar, well, who could have imagined that lenin, vladimir ilyevich would help me out, well as now, well, of course i didn’t know him, as you understand, in general, when the beatles ceased to exist, it was a tragedy of a lifetime for us, well, where to go next and what, here’s their latest record, well, i tried a lot in these directions, i’m my older brother. advised me to listen to this, this, jimmy hentrix was like that, which i didn’t like at all then, then, of course, 10 years later, i understood what his merit was, what, why he he was so famous, it was still not my thing, but i appreciated it, in general, at my brother’s suggestion, i listened to american jazz-rock, these are such chicago bands, blood, sweat of tears. “water,
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wind, fire, that’s it, that’s it, and i really liked their orchestration, the quality, the complex , very wonderful rhythmic grid, and the voice of blaton tishs, which means the soloist has a voice like metal, i tried it, we immediately got a huge success, but of course, i understand that it was, in general, a pitiful copy, because the instruments were not the same, and the musicians were without. these traditions, and but at the same time some money was earned, even, as far as i understand, of course, of course, all the graduation parties in schools, weddings, birthdays, the more famous you are in the city, the more offers you receive like this, my mother gives me all this she allowed it, but she said, but i don’t want you to earn money with a guitar, so i had to... deceive her, that
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is, i was staying at a classmate’s birthday party somewhere, or or a girl and i were somewhere in the cinema went to the last showing, in fact i was standing and making money with music at that moment somehow it wasn’t very right, it wasn’t my mother, she was a wise mother, she just didn’t want it all to come together like that for me, that is, i like it, and besides , they pay me money and that i generally...
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what in in general, in order to get rid of it, let him play already, let him play, but when he comes out alone, there will be 10 people on the jury and one participant will come out, so i played, i played with paper clips, but the funny thing is next, i scored the most high score, and this is fate again, well, the chairman of the jury was, i’m not mistaken, oleg krysa, and he said, you want, for a new one to be born? there is a joke in the viola world
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that the violist came and defeated the violinists, in general, that’s why we were not awarded the first, second or sixth prize, we were given gifts, presented, everywhere it was written: the winner of the competition, everyone, we had six people, everyone had such gifts, and somehow this determined my final departure into classical music. a year later, i was in tenth grade, a year later i was already entering the moscow conservatory, and i must say that when i heard some, in the genre in which i performed with a guitar, performed, nostalgia tormented me so much, you don’t pick up an electric guitar now, no, well, i have one, but i forgot, of course, it looks like john lena today, more often should i compare it with others, with whom? with alpachin and some other actor with
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nikita sergeevich mikhalkov, it was an amazing event, there was a film festival, in general, me. i had the instrument hidden under my coat, nikita was making a speech, the opening of the film festival, nicholson was sitting in the front row, and nikita says, but we have a surprise, we also have a guest and alpa chin, which means i i go out, and this is in russia, yes, and the whole hall roared, and nicholson was in the first row, so he became like... well, but he doesn’t know how to play the viola like yuri bashmet, here i am, standing in the cinema you weren’t offered to act as an actor, you were offered, once very black, the same nikita sergeevich offered, but
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it didn’t work out on time, i was on tour, it’s a bit kreutzerovat, this is schweitzer, i passed all the auditions, but there it is, i have a 3 week tour. japan at the time of filming this film, and so it happened, in general, i refused, and then i was glad that i refused, because there’s a lot of text, that’s where i still had to take part a little, this is asa-2, at seryozha’s, we were friends with him and often saw each other quite often, suddenly he made such an offer, but i refused, because i understand that this is not my thing from... refused, refused, he says, but we can drink coffee, yes, of course, we sat down in a cafe, a cup of coffee, and i say, well, look, you see my schedule, and i took with me, well, what there may be filming, you see, i’m not
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in moscow for more than 200 days a year, seryozha takes out a piece of paper from his pocket and says, so and so numbers, you are playing in the large hall of the conservatory. and we have a night shoot, there at the old riga station, there are some spare tracks, there is the first day of filming, right there, and then after 3 weeks you can then, that is, he found out and inserted everything into my schedule opportunities, and it was incredibly exciting, i missed these days for a long, long time, then when it all passed, well... i can’t watch you there, i watched this film, except for one frame when i’m silent, and it’s the operator’s fault, he’s somehow lucky for me there was enough time there, regarding the schedule, i was once driving around moscow, along one busy street, i noticed that on the left to the right
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of the road there were posters with different projects, but with your participation everything, well, the question is, how do you manage , some secrets.
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well, i had such cases when the computer composer neural network, yes, we did such a premiere, uh, well, yes, then we performed it several times in sochi at festivals in moscow, uh, then light music, that’s generally, i
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never said anything about it i didn’t hear, i didn’t see, i didn’t know, well, in yaroslavl at the festival. was the premiere of this work, what is it? i’m not a professional, again, in this, but each color has a range of other colors that we don’t see, it turns out. the piece took half an hour before the concert, so that the instruments
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were tuned differently than usual, that is , in simple terms, they were out of tune, especially interesting, and then it was very funny, since there are such traditions, probably in all orchestras, so you brushed it off there , and they suddenly started playing something completely different, and well, yes, someone’s birthday, that is without warning, one of the musicians has a birthday, and the orchestra is playing happy birthday there, and i think, now i’m worried, these are very complex things that i haven’t encountered before, in this piece, i’m worried, so i showed the beginning, they suddenly started playing happy bezdy, wildly out of tune, because for half an hour they upset the orchestra, but in this upset... the state had its own peculiar harmony, it was
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funny, and this was at the closing of the festival, usually there, on may 9 , that's what it had to be everything is incomprehensible, this work is in the closing program of the festival, well, usually i talk a little with the audience at the end of the festival, i say, well, you all witnessed today, it was a world premiere, for me this is an experiment. and two women in one voice from the third row, we liked it, we continue our conversation on the first channel in the creative industry podcast, with you are still elena kiper, roman karmanov and our guest is yuri abramovich bashmet, if i can say a few words about artificial intelligence, now great the discussion is about the future and what artificial intelligence will bring and whether it can replace it at all. until a human heart is inserted into this robot,
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the robot will not compose tchaikovsky’s music, this cannot be designed, and i think that the power is of human sensations, just if all this, artificial intelligence, develops like this, then the strength of a person is in his weakness, compared to, if this intellect grows to... incredible heights and can do everything, then he will still lose to a person in music, if we say about music, i think in chess, probably the intellect still wins, such and the last one, there is such a version that if you download all the beatles songs, then as a result the artificial intelligence will produce another beatles song based on the corresponding half-live song. what artificial intelligence produces, they periodically send me songs by those artists with whom i worked, which
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are generated by artificial intelligence, and these are dead voices, this is a dead, how to say, soulless melody, in fact, a lot, yuri abramovich spoke about emotions, which a person accumulates in order to create, and for this magic to appear, artificial intelligence is not capable of giving birth to magic, let’s see what will happen in 5 years, he was going to the next conducting competition, it doesn’t matter whether there is first or second prize,
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this money, and he only went 10 times, just earned money, and i also know one girl who also participates, here she is, she ’s like that, i say, why did you play, what’s next , what does this competition give you, she says , and i wanted to go to turkey for 3 weeks vacation, motivation, utilitarian approach in general. practically, of course, there are, mostly they prepare for competitions in order to win, of course, they are very upset when it is not the first. second, and you , as a mentor , musicians will come to you and learn from you, because everything you tell is the most valuable information, because you convey it like a master, you can even say, i think that the power lies in that you yourself don’t know for sure, that’s serious, but you think that you’re just not ready yet, haven’t grown up yet, but you
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you’re constantly rushing, this is how i see myself, i can’t... there are so many music centers around the country, academies, there are many, there are 16, thanks to this , an all-russian youth orchestra is being assembled, which is already more than 10 years old, well, almost 11, and these are shifts generations, we now have the smallest girl there, a gaba player, she is 9 years old, at 22
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years old we need to make room for our rotation, this is not an orchestra, such an eternal brand. i thought that you became very attached to the guys, so with connections you then say goodbye to those who are 22 years old, that’s it what is needed, but yes, it is needed so that the new russia can, well, it turns out, well, we are not rubber either, but what’s interesting is that now we are touring the country, but no matter the city, there are some of ours in sitting in the orchestra, who went through the youth orchestra. at the marinsky theater there is an amazing trumpet player in moscow, in moscow there are a lot of spivakovs in the state orchestra, everywhere i meet them they are so taken apart and that’s good, and very often they return to their cities, yep, even better
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, now one guy is very good the horn player is the most difficult horn instrument. he is finishing his studies in germany, he plays as a concert performer in our youth, that is , he always comes to our training camps and concerts, now he is finishing his studies, he officially loudly declared that of course he is returning to russia, there are no questions about it, i feel sorry when they don’t return , and he’s just returning, his dad in novosibirsk plays the clarinet in an orchestra and there, in general, he... he’s russian, this one, he’ll definitely come back, then that ’s good, that’s it, everything’s fine, there’s such a stable expression, it doesn't look good to me i like it, but nevertheless, the quality of human material, this expression, well, i mean, it’s just people, how their qualities change over time, still the attitudes are different, in the soviet union there were some, then in the nineties, others now
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third, now we are generally experiencing the breakdown of some ideas, in general, and... how have people changed over the course of that time and what are our youth today, who are coming to you? you know, i performed a lot with our genius richtor, svyatoslav teofilovich, and i once asked him, does his interpretation of a work that plays to him throughout his life change, does his attitude change in connection with his experience? and concert experience, due to age, well, when we were already close, we spent a lot of time together, i could already ask any questions, he said, no, i fell in love with this as a child, and today, nothing changes, but he says so, and if you listen to his recordings at that
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age and at a later age, of course, it sounds different. but the root is this: perception, the longer it is childish, the better, because this perception is pure, even with some, well, offense, but in childhood, it has no dimensions, today someone will somehow offend me, this it won’t hurt more than when my toy was taken away when i was 2 years old, seriously, there is no size, but... there is the concept of resentment or the concept of pleasure or the concept of happiness, the same love, don’t get me wrong, but.. . i, as i understand it, love, in fact, as a concept, is the greatest gift that what a person receives in life, the first is that he
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was born in the first place, the second, the biggest one, is love, if you look carefully at a painting, say, from the renaissance, italian paintings, as a rule, some... that’s right, yeah, i’m of a normal classical orientation, but we’re looking forward to the end, you know, the viola is
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my instrument, this, this is cosmic love, higher than sexuality, higher, it’s generally about what kind of divine gift this is, love, that viola is neither a man nor a woman, it's unisex, but i'm already primitive. i express myself, here i am, working with young men and children, i just encourage them to do this, to your question, a very interesting topic, human quality, yes, human quality, and well, we taught tchaikovsky’s romeo juliet, i’m asking a question, first rehearsal , i say, do you know who actually composed this whole story of rameu and juliet, who? sitting, silent, 100 people, from anador, from yaroslavl, from rostov -on-dana, from everywhere, they arrived, then with
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a whisper, somewhere from the second violins, a girl with in a whisper, he says, shakespeare, here she is, either she dared, or she was the only one who knew, i say, okay, how old were romeo and juliet, and the proud boy there, trumpeting? 21 so confidently, i say, we need to check, in my opinion, a little less, so gradually, gradually we begin to get closer, and this theme, this musical one, is what at this moment, well, imagine, this is not necessary, it is necessary drawing pictures that this is a musical episode, this is him coming or he’s standing at romeo’s balcony, you don’t need to do that, because the whole secret is in so that everyone who listens draws their own story to themselves, but the information in the music itself
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will certainly lead to the goal, the address is still the same, in romeozhilet there are episodes of doubt, episodes of some kind of wariness, then there is a culmination of recognition in love. and so on, now they are all already adults, i told you there are nine, but she is the only nine year old, and so the main cast there is 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, here the main cast, and the smallest of them are 7-10 people, then you won’t be able to take them on tour boy, an excellent trumpet player, but he is 10 years old, he is still small, and he will need to play a responsible solo with travelling, but they just can’t stand it yet, he still has to grow up, so we also came up with such
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a scheme, the trainees, they here are the little ones, they sit at rehearsals, learn from older ones, well , we don’t take them on serious tours, it’s possible for one concert, if it’s in moscow or st. petersburg, in general the orchestra has already seen europe. i saw asia more than once, i finally saw the country, because at some point i decided, what if we will travel around the country, to interesting cities, so there are transfers every day, concerts every day, buses at 9:00 in the morning, we ordered them, waited for them, which means we took them on excursions, well, this is a golden ring, everything is absolutely worth it in the morning interesting. because they didn’t see, they didn’t even see peter and, by the way, this is all thanks to the fact that everyone understands that this is necessary, it’s not just interesting, but as
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a senior... we continue the release of the creative industry podcast on channel one, with you still elena kiper and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, our guest is yuri abramovich bashmet, you are a very loyal mentor, and you say, now you are already a leader, i decided to travel around the country, and then, as these doors open, here, firstly, a grant - this is the money that is lying around and we are using it, right? what does it mean
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to gather everyone? this is to organize the road, their place of residence, food, that is, already in moscow or near moscow, well, most often we had this in former holiday homes, well, these and there is food, there grandmothers bake wonderful pies, with them, but they work brutally, guys, then they have 2 hours of rest there. what do they do, they play football, then practice again, well , these training camps last for 10 days, but how to organize concerts is not a problem, there is a russian concert agency that generally takes care of me, and we easily organize these tours, well, we are organizing this, there is a debate about whether a creative
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person should still engage in management. or he’s just like a person creating, you’re a leader, a loyal mentor, and the leader is probably serious, you have managers, but i joke with them a lot, then we are friends with them, well, for example, in the same romeo gillette, there we go, we go to the climax and finally, this is a divine theme, when here they are hugging, so i say, you are ballet, can you imagine, ballet, about my juliet, she runs up...
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children, then they realized that everything should make sense, then if they have gained so much energy, where is the result? this means that all the time you need to communicate with them somehow in your own way, is there a need for management, can there be creative person manager? there are all sorts of examples, the most striking in history are reference list, which became its own manager and... when the soviet union collapsed, those arts that the state concert was actively involved in, this organization that sent soviet musicians on tour, were arts , with whom the state concert was actively involved, and there were artists with whom the state concert was either not involved at all, that is, they were formally listed there,
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but were not managers. for this artist, there were different reasons, and so, when the soviet the union collapsed, accordingly, the state concert, too, what happened, those arts that the state concert was involved in, they basically lost all their careers, and those who, due to the fact that they did not engage, nothing changed for them, the concerts continued, bright the example in front of you is me, and an even more striking example is vladimir spivakov. yes, him, he traveled, of course, thanks to the state concert, but he always kept his finger on the pulse with these managers, which is what i did, so he broke up, lord, so what, the same person in france, my manager, he stayed in italy, he stayed in japan, japan arts stayed, there icm in america and so on, is it necessary to do this, there is only one inconvenient question, how much are you
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worth? the simple fee is very interesting, this is inconvenient for the artist himself, i’m like , what should i do when a manager, when a manager comes into play, and there’s another thing... and the value can be priceless, let’s listen, you need to keep finger on the pulse, indicate your value, dear friends, but firstly, secondly, you need to be interested approach to life, thirdly, you need to do
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so that people perceive it all beautifully, aesthetically and it is pleasant to look at it, then the issue of the fee, it is solved as if by itself, in general, systematized all the knowledge, unfortunately. we need to finish, how we would like to continue to continue to receive so much important, valuable information from the master, thank you very much, yuri abramovich, our guest was people's artist yuri abramovich bashnet bashnet the text to the cant is understandable if you overcome the difficulties of your own dementia, usual for any reader of kant's works, there are some philosophers whose reading causes the reader to falsely think that the reader is a clear coritinus, kant's texts
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belong to this variety, but having overcome the difficulties of our dementia, we still understand the text. this is what the philosopher mirap mamardashvili spoke about kant about us in his lectures. hello, today we have gathered our thoughts about immanuel kant, his life, his philosophy. on april 22, the great philosopher turned 300 years old. today i just have, as they say now, a dream team, i can with west to east, geographically. alexander alexandrovich fedorov, rector of the kant baltic state university, alexey pavlovich kozyrev, dean of the faculty of philosophy of lomanosov moscow university, i’m vladimir ligoido, let’s try.
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at the same time, any brilliant work of art is open to the viewer, on the one hand, the outline is very aphoristic, sometimes very simple and clear, sometimes so complex that thought stops, stumbles, but at the same time it gives pleasure, you need to go back and think again, therefore if you briefly answer mamardashvili’s challenge, it will turn out like this: kant -
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i read the criticism of pure reason, it was in the ninety-first year, i returned from the army not very long ago, after 2 years of service, and don’t believe it, i was sitting on an island fishing in lake lazoč and i read the criticism of pure reason, so i read it for 2 weeks, this is already a picture, but i read it for two weeks and came to the conclusion that no, this is not my philosopher, why is it like that, when you call someone your philosopher, you know, how metaphysical judgment, you share his philosophy as a whole from start to finish.
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let's say, if you take courses in the history of philosophy, they are usually taught based on
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large cultural and historical periods, yes, so we talk there about the history of the philosophy of antiquity, the middle ages, and so on, it is clear that they have their own characteristics, but if i understand correctly, but if we take an internal criterion for periodizing european or western philosophy more broadly, yes, then by and large we can divide it into three unequal periods, from the birth of philosophy to plato. from plato to kant in in general, from kant to the present day, which immediately, if so, tells us about the fundamental place of kant’s philosophy, but are you ready to agree with such a periodization and somehow explain it? in general, the point is this: in the history of ideas, events happen that are meta-temporal, that is, events of personal centers that...
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artificial intelligence or even artificial intelligence, what's the matter? here
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is a thing that can summarize kant’s entire philosophy, it will be a bit of a provocative statement, but i’ll try, but this one this is the a priori nature of the subjective, the spark of god lives in us regardless of our desire, of someone’s will, yes, it exists, now, when we begin to argue that we have some alternative in the form of artificial intelligence, this is fundamentally important for modern anthropology, this is a topic that was very clearly formulated by kant, very clearly, which is why, in my opinion, in the eighteenth year he was the most quoted philosopher.
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maybe kant himself is not an absolute nugget, he followed on one side along the path natural science from newton, on the other hand, along the path of such a spiritualistic philosophy, maybe of the levnitzian kind, christian wolf, this somehow didn’t fit well in him, and maybe from this explosive mixture
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kant’s anti-namism was born, but this is a very interesting thing , because you, as... a person involved in theology, know that theologians have become very fond of kant’s antinomies, because, in fact, all christian dogma is antinovic, yes, two natures in christ, yes, which are combined, it’s unclear how not together, not separately, yes, this is an antinomy, so theologians suddenly began to speak in the language of kant, the same father sergei bulgakov or the same vladimir nikolaevich lossky. berzyaev, in general, he all came out of kant, yes, therefore, of course, kant is referenced not only by neo-kantians, not only by those who chose kant for themselves as a teacher, as the founder of a scientific school, but also completely different other
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people, including poets , andrei bely, his poem is wonderful, i really don’t understand why it’s about kant, but... and he whispers, stopping among the green graves, that our life is only a connection of transcendental prerequisites, they walk through the navodevichy cemetery and whisper, yes, that is , very many things are really a note to kant, but not only to kant, but to hegel, for example, who is a completely different type of philosopher and who influenced russian philosophy, i still dare to say: a little more than how about hegel i immediately remember this historical anecdote, which raseniy vladimovich gulygo cites, by the way, in a book about kant, and what the dying hegel said, there was only one person who understood me, then he paused and added, but he probably didn’t understand, and i also came across the interpretation that he
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meant himself, this is generally wonderful, let’s see, we have there must be the most famous portrait of kant, this is jagan gotlep becker, the artist kant here is 40. 4 years old, this is how he looked, again, usually in history and philosophy courses they say that there was nothing remarkable in kant’s life, this was life university professor, in fact, his philosophy is the most remarkable thing, although it personally seems to me that this is a slightly false-stereotypical story, well, firstly, kant, unlike many other philosophers, was a real scientist of kant’s own concept...


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