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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 11, 2024 3:05am-4:01am MSK

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kant is 44 years old here, this is how he looked, again, usually in history and philosophy courses they say that there was nothing remarkable in kant’s life, it was the life of a university professor, his philosophy itself is the most remarkable thing, although it seems to me personally , that this is a slightly false-stereotypical story.
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you won’t believe it, i’m deeply convinced of this, from such carnal events, he led, you know , what i know, especially after reading the letters, yes, he led an infinitely varied life, it was the only thing that was full ritualistics. that is, everything was just strictly planned, he really adored it, these getting up at 5 in the morning, yes, for which he followed these walks, by the way, it’s a legend that he always walked along the same route all his life, at the same time , probably also a legend, because if he had lunch for 4 hours, how could he, having started lunch at one, go for a walk at three, having lunch for another couple of hours, if it was raining, he didn’t just go for a walk and much more, he was with on the one hand, a person is deeply immersed, immersed in the world.
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and he is afraid to go, he writes to the publisher, for me now the most important question, i’ll tell you briefly, how much i will earn from this , by the way, he uses one word, rarely only twice in the entire collected works, he uses this word, that is, close, so here something is happening nearby that worries me very much, heideger then clings to this word and makes it into the fourth dimension of time, now this is it. here,
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now, present, yes, it was very important for him, by the way, we have this the first edition, and this is riga, yes, and this is then the russian empire, so on the issue of kanti-russian culture, continuous parallels, not only there 4 years ago, in my opinion, he was a subject when, during the seven years' war, eastern prusia proper moved away, but to russia, but you see riga, that is, the first edition of the criticism of reason was published.
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today we have gathered our thoughts about kant, his philosophy and life: alexander alexandrovich fedorov, alexey pavlovich kozarev, i am vladimir ligoida, we continue. you know, what amazed me was that a book was coming out swedenburg, yes, if again, this is true, what i read, four copies of it are sold, one goes to the cant, he not only reads it all, this huge book, but also writes, i don’t know, one might say, devastating text about this, here is alex. how does this characterize kant, what do you think, this action? well, swedenburg is a spiritual seer, for him, after all, religion is within the limits of reason alone, yes, that is, he tried to treat things, let’s say, related to the spiritual tradition as a representative of the era of enlightenment, no need forget that, after all, when we say enlightenment, it is not only rosso, not only diderot, not only walter, but also immanuel.
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think with the help of your mind, be responsible for your actions, in this regard, who to read, who to criticize, how to relate to the thoughts of another person, this is also not an order, but this is a manifestation of a certain intellectual honesty, yes, defending your beliefs, defending your views , but we must not forget that this is an educator, but he is not an atheist, kant was brought up in a christian tradition, he will educate... in the pietist tradition there is a wonderful work by nikolai konstantinovich govryushin, a professor at the moscow theological academy, about kant’s apprenticeship, where he talks about those professors, pietists, yes, who gave him an education, in this regard, when we come into contact with his moral teaching, with
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his categorical imperative, yes, with his ethics of duty, one must understand that it is unlikely that any atheist could do this... there are respected authoritative kant scholars , so to speak, who believe that kant was an atheist, yeah, how about this topic in general and maybe you have some kind of personal relationship here? no, i don’t think that he was an atheist, i think, moreover... the thought didn’t come to mind, that is, he, he would n’t have formulated the question for himself that way, his philosophy, on the one hand, you know, it didn’t stand on the spot, she was in motion, tried to bypass the question of god, come into very close contact with it, as a result, leave it as
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a question, it was not closed to him until the moment of death, and i don’t think that he would categorically took some path of denial, no, in no case, but... for him it comes to the fore, and this is also actually a conversation with god, so what i said came out, this is this apriority of the subjective, which is born from somewhere, who is the author of this birth, this was the main question for him, i understand correctly that let’s say, if we look at kant’s teaching on morality, then religion will be a consequence of kant’s morality, whereas in fact there is such an idea, that religious... the look tells us about another cause-and-effect relationship, although i am not here i see some kind of insoluble contradiction, because there is a religious feeling, yeah, yes, but there is, well, a form of organized religion and they , in a general cause-and-effect sense, can be placed in different places, or not, alexey
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pavich, well, religion is a consequence of education, and ways of life, ways of life, these are the three famous questions, criticism of pure reason, what can i know? what should i do, what can i hope for, that’s the most interesting thing, yes, the third question is a question that opens up a completely religious perspective. kant says that i must act in such a way that if there is eternal life, then my actions should play a role in ensuring that in this eternal life i find bliss, yes, so that i am rewarded. what comes first here? ethics or religion? well, it is clear that, probably, for kant, just like... being in russia for lev nikolaevich tolstoy, they come very close together, that is, in essence, the field of religion covers the field of ethics, yes, for kant there are no sacraments, miracles, generally speaking, he is a protestant, this should also not be forgotten, but still this is not a reason
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in order to refuse to follow that he is a confessional philosopher also does not work, that is, he is a protestant by upbringing, not a protestant theologian, well, as we say, protestantism is a professorial religion, sometimes there is such a statement, in this regard, kant is a professor, yes, a professor, but carrying within himself the background of his education, including spiritual education, here is another interesting question - about the categorical imperative, yes, which may be the most famous and after the quote about the starry sky, there is a moral law above me in to me, yes, one of the formulations is
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how he came to it and how the evidentiary system is built, and it is very complex, that is, this is one of the truly engineering components. in kant’s philosophy, which was thought out as much as possible, assembled into a very complex system, and is, as they say, his author’s card, how to take and derive what seems to be already familiar, in a completely different way, in completely different conditions, and so launch it that we are still repeating this, mind you, he didn’t just reinvent something, consider that he created it anew, this whole thing is being built, we still won’t be able to explain it, i won’t. try to do, i’ll just point out, yes, i’ll point out, so to speak, the path, it is built in syntheses
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by perception, in the critique of pure reason the most important methodological mechanism is actually given, empirical synthesis, transcendental unity, don’t worry, i also stopped partially understanding anything , this is normal, translendental unity of perception, this is all arranged between the concepts of reason, mind, sensory perception and productive ability. imagination is born because of this, this is a very beautiful construction, you see, vladimir solovev, who, by the way, is one of my favorite philosophers, who has a difficult relationship with kant, like most, he has an excellent article about kant , you know, there is such thinking of kant solovyov, here he emphasizes that, firstly, kant’s philosophy is elegant, secondly , it is full of errors, thirdly, kant is very curious, this is... this is a construction with a categorical imperative, to me seems, was born out of curiosity, do i understand correctly that the main difference,
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so to speak, between the golden rule of morality and the categorical imperative is that in the golden rule of morality there is no this category of duty, but for kant there is still duty the source of moral behavior, and duty is contrasted with some of our desires and aspirations, but when i talk about duty, the question arises, to whom do i owe it, yes, who commands me? oughts and the golden rule of morality are given by the teacher, be it hillel, jewish the sage, or christ, who teaches this rule in the new testament in the gospel. and kant, in his criticism of practical reason, gives us, in fact, now another bad word, synthetic judgments a priori, which is why the possibility of synthetic judgments is his favorite topic.
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and should not confuse kant with comte and so on. this is what a non-philosopher needs to know
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and understand about kant? i really believe in this methodological design. it consists of two parts: this is criticism, abilities, judgments and in general the whole series of criticism, as a method namely, the second one, you are talking about three, just in case, for our viewers, about three main works. to create a project and bring it to completion, on the one hand, this requires a schematic
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effort, in fact, this thing, this was the decisive moment in the european history of ideas, when this thing was invented, and then many methodologists began to promote it, and the first thing is building a defense mechanism to protect oneself from the influence of other people’s thoughts, on the other hand, the ability to select, rejecting something you don't need from... protecting yourself. wonderful. alexey pavlovich, what would you add? well, a very important kantian intuition is, not intuition, in fact, he showed this in his work, this is the difference between understanding and reason. after all, the criticism of pure reason is built, as it were, from three parts: first is experience, this is the sensory perception of the world, then it is reason, which makes a judgment, finally it is reason, dialectics, yes, which concludes, so often we stop at reason, and we think , that a set of judgments that we gleaned somewhere is
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knowledge, no, to gain knowledge and especially understanding. it is important that knowledge is gradual or stepwise, yes, it is stepwise because we learn something new all the time, because we acquire, as it were, new tools, new levers of knowledge, we see that what we knew before , it is incomplete, it is limited , it may, as alexander said,
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really be connected with fakes with false sources of information, that is, this is such a growth, here... about kant, his life and his philosophy. what would you recommend to read about? kante, and if someone takes a chance on kant himself, here’s where to start, i still recommend reading the article by vladimir solovyov, yes, let a professional kontovite say that it is outdated, that it may be archaic, but
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it is magnificent. as for kant's works, where to start, start with a lecture on poetics. such a good funny thing, he is free there, yes, he is interesting, there is a lot built around the concept of taste, a very good thing, this is a small but beautiful lecture from pedagogy, wonderful things, wonderful, this will hook you, true, but if someone intends to immerse themselves in all this taken together, then well, comrade.
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baltic federal university, it is in the neo-kantian tradition, so i think that there are popularizers, here is the gulygi book, it is more for entry, in order to read something about kant in the zhzl series, i did not tell you kant’s text, yes, maybe, please, yes , maybe, well, first of all, one of the prefaces
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of the critique of pure reason, where kant explains, yes, why he actually does all this. what is a priori, what is apostriori, what what are analytical, what are synthetic judgments, it’s like a dictionary, an alphabet, a lexicon, kantian philosophy, you need to know how kant is read, seen in russian culture, there is russian hegelianism, schelengianism, it ’s generally accepted that kontiyanism is not, i in general i don't think there is. who are at the same time researchers and followers, not one of them is completely a follower and, well
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, completely, excuse me, of course, with all due respect to the researchers, here is to contrast russian thought with kant, non-akantianism, a lot of people were ready for pseudo-kantianism and all of them dealt with it quite successfully, because a concentrate of what we... mean by russian philosophy, which was subject to many influences, once upon a time quite a long time ago wrote a textbook on the history of russian religious philosophy with autonomous evgenevich shapushnik, this whole idea that it was born there only under pamphilya, respectively yurkevich and vladimir solovyov, this, you know, is primitive and impossible, this whole gigantic mental construction of russian history ideas, she, in general...
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kant put his thoughts, including one character called the nightmare of ivan fedorovich, but in general dostoevsky wanted to become a philosopher at first, he asked his brother to send him books to him in omsk after hard labor to write his own philosophical system among these books was a critique of pure and pure reason, but one can agree with such a free, perhaps not entirely professional, philosophical judgment as for dostoevsky, the ultimate problem is the problem of freedom, well, the problem of man, the problem of human freedom, by the way, to say, to these three questions from the critique of pure reason kanja then adds
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the fourth, what is, what is a person, yes, in the ninety-second year he does this for the first time in writing, then in logic in 1800 this is fixed, and a person is at the same time an end, but by no means a means, and even that is of course. in one way or another relates to the question of freedom, it also relates to the question of the limits of freedom, which is why kant, no matter how one treats him, certainly a great thinker, there is another very interesting topic, kant time, kant and the future, i know what you are doing, if my insight, so to speak, is correct on this problem, although...
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and once again i want to emphasize that i do not consider it i don’t consider kant’s main work, nor one that can be placed at the forefront of modern discussions about the future of humanity, however, this is a very interesting judgment, in kant’s view, in general, the problematic of time from how the future develops is incomplete. the topic is definitely for him, he thought about it, thought in very interesting different ways, when he set himself the task of uniting all three modes of time, past,
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present, future, well , what was called the now moment naturally opened up before him, how good it is, heideger, that’s all concentrated, actually for him, you know, this is my deep conviction, at that moment, when he reached this point, there was nothing left but the future, remember? "we are today, and for him the theme is raising children for the sake of the future, and not for the sake of future, although he did not write a special text about it, was the main one, so it seems to me that this quote from the criticism of pure reason, which is also important for this discussion, simply does not leave me, if space and time are a property of things in themselves, then freedom cannot be saved, after all, space and time for kant are the very glasses through which we look at the world, or more precisely, as vladimir solovyov writes, 200 years have passed since educated people know that there is more time with space
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no, no, yes. in 1804, if i’m not mistaken, he is very afraid, there are some dangers associated with electricity that await humanity in the future, today we are talking about artificial intelligence, today we are talking about some digital technologies, in general we we continue this line of kant, the expectation that the future will be the way not only we want it to be, but technology, technology, they will change our
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nature, they... will change our mediation in relation to the world, kant felt this at the end alexey pavlovich, absolutely right, this this is the point that any great thinker must have, is to catch the new by the tail and warn about what it can lead to. again, as they say, kant often repeated to his students that you should not learn philosophy, but philosophize, from this point of view it turns out that... university courses in the history of philosophy, they in general are initially aimed not at teaching how to philosophize, well at least on formal grounds, to study philosophy, that is, how others philosophized, the question is not so simple, yes, what of to choose how these two categories relate to each other, to philosophize, to study philosophy, so - without trying to push you against kant, i still want to ask you to answer
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in our conclusion: a most interesting conversation on this question: what is more important, if we use this quote: to study in philosophy or to philosophize? of course, but again this is my personal point of view, you need to learn to philosophize, each era understands this in its own way, mm, once metaphysics, once pragmatism, once neorealism, once marxism, no, in this case one of the universal tools that we have already named today are critical thinking.
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moscow university alexander alexandrovich fedorov, rector of the baltic state university named after kant, regarding the philosophy and life of which we were gathering thoughts today, i am vladimir ligoida, thank you. hello, my name is still dmitry bak, we, of course, have the next episode of a literary podcast: let them not talk, let them read, but today one could say, let them watch, because these days on the first channel there are the first episodes of the new season of the famous, most popular series, which is called according to the laws
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of war, began with... this is its seventh season, which has its own name, it is called the enemy behind our back, today our guests are the main characters of this season and in general this series, and of course we... let's start with the people's artist of russia and the people's artist of the republic of south ossetia, alexander vasilyevich pankratov cherny. hello, alexander vasilyevich, you look most beautiful as a chauffeur, brave driver grigory ivanovich fedorenko. but is it true that you don't drive a car? no, i drive, but i try to free myself from it, because i’m in cars all the time. i got into accidents through my own fault, but this doesn’t happen in the movies, i immediately thank you, lord, i remember an anecdote about stanislavsky, you remember, yes, that in life he was like that, on the screen he could do everything, this is of course about you, and about you too, ekaterina aleksandrovna klimova, performer about the role of
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svetlana petrovna elagina, a very formidable person, a very wise person, this prosecutor, her titles change from season to season, but her charm and skill remain with you, good afternoon. well, finally, maxim georgievich drost, the performer of the role of a very high-ranking person, also from the same prosecutorial environment, this person’s name is nikolai trofimovich mirsky, and you play his role with your usual courage and charm, this is for you... an idiot before entering the theater institute i completed military service in the russian armed forces, 2 years, 2 months and 4 days, probably there i acquired the necessary skills, acquired a military profession, acquired military registration specialty, which help me act in russian tv series,
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what a clear answer, you recognize this man, service-minded, service-minded, experienced, measured, clear, this is, of course, maxim drost, by the way, the father of my student, and let's start with this : i follow your work, of course, and i see that each of you had experience participating in projects that were in one way or another connected with the army, the war, some military events, you ekaterina had a role in the tv series kuprin, according to story about kuprin's fight, raisa is there, and we are from of the future, of course, the match, the film too, you had battalions that asked for fire.
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this is also a very noticeable film, important and so on. look, my question is: is there anything in your past acting experience that helped in the current filming, that ’s what was most important? let's start with katya. in our last season, which viewers are now seeing on their screens, i finally managed to remember my horse riding skills. that is, when i was young, after college, i thought that i definitely needed to do horseback riding, because it’s going to be a big deal for me, we’ll be filming guardsmen, again about a musketeer. film, but so far i have never needed this, it happened here in our last season, which i am very happy about, how great it is, this anticipates one of my questions, i will ask you to share what you know, but none of doesn’t know the audience yet,
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but for you, maxim, how things are, i ’ll tell you honestly, i’m just always comfortable being on a film set, which is associated with the presence of a military uniform, shoulder straps, senior ranks, service weapons, maxim also instructs, he explains how i, for example, his younger sister, need to use these weapons, sometimes i received this generally undeservedly, even, as it seemed to me at that moment, but i tried to follow your instructions, alexander vasilyevich , here's your filming of the film: battalions ask for fire, something? they gave you, you said that you fired a pistol, the army gave it to me, i served in the taman division, i always brag about it, in a parade on a show regiment, so i know the army quite well, i was a machine gunner, i had the skills, but
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my sergeant-major, here’s the major i have there, yes, the major remember, he’s taking care of himself, the mold is all tight, well, the young guy just arrived, that’s why. he shoots from a pistol and at airplanes, that’s grigory ivanovich, my fedorenko, he’s not a soldier, he’s not, not, as they say, taken from the people, war. because he too finds himself in a military situation, and he is a purely civilian man, i have a civilian gait, and civilian manners, but i have an analytical mind, he helps in investigations, how well, at the expense of his, yes, at the expense of his kindness, this one worldly wisdom, svetlana petrovna, she’s like a military man, she’s always so fit, and she’s got everything in her gymnast. she is such an emasculated military man,
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of course, strict, in character, in behavior, besides the fact that she is a prosecutor, she is also a criminologist, a researcher, how she figures out who shot where, everything is foreseen, of course, she guesses, she has a remarkable mind, a lady, yes , and what am i, i’m okay, no, look, everything is wrong, i’m a spectator, i have the right to express my opinion. otherworldly opinion is incompetent, but still look at what contrast, one person, look at maxim, he feels comfortable with routine, with established relationships, and so on, and the other is a civilian, he seems kind, a little out of place, baggy, but it turns out a synthesis, it’s no coincidence that you were seated this way today, yes, because in the center is katerina, in the center is this investigative wisdom that solves all problems and... it’s not just training and bearing, and not
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just kindness, although there is kindness, you have kindness in the movies, well, probably my character carries such a burden as such a tribute to all women in the war, yes, it’s one thing when we understand that there is a strong man who goes about his business, feels organic, and another moment when, as they say, old people and children, and this affected everyone, including women, which maybe, in general, svetlana petrovna would never, perhaps, have started to do, what, what is she doing, would fold it. as if fate were different, well, yes, but still not a traditional interpretation, because a woman in war, well, such an established image, is either a nurse, who heroically saves people, looks after them, or it’s like in the film in vasiliev’s story, the dawn of the elements here, it’s just a soldier, yes, but you are neither one nor the other, you are an officer, firstly, and secondly, you are a person, which, well, how can i put it bluntly, well, they fear, who knows what? will bring an investigation, how do you combine this, this is an unusual female image
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in the war, i didn’t find any analogies right away, in any case, you come from humanity, well, as an actress, i always work initially as if i were representing this person, and then you can already equip him with all sorts of skills, but he’s strong, he’s so wise, he’s professional, of course, i have an older brother, this is a dynasty, that is, it’s not just that she became a prosecutor, but i have it for my length of service this one. 21, everyone argued for a long time about how this order could even appear on my chest, but she really began studying very early, studying, apparently, somewhere, yes, and such formation, not just like that, she suddenly, and although she did not allow in the first episodes, worldly constantly, in my opinion, i want send to the rear, oh, these brother and sister, they even play here, they continue their roles, yes, as it were, well, maybe they’re just so immersed, that’s just it, katya, that ’s my next question, well in fact, i still want to say. thing: acting in war films is quite difficult, the seasons are often
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frosty, and +55 and -20, after all, it’s a man’s destiny, more precisely, when a fragile, beautiful, bride-to-be girl, mother of four children, is on set for 12 hours a day playground, it's a huge physical work, this is work, katya, thank you, at this moment i... well, how difficult can it be for me to have this fragile creature next to me, how can i say that i’m tired, i’m putting up with everything, yes, i’m again judging amateurishly, but there is a theatrical role, there is a full meter, the theatrical role does not end, the performance sometimes goes on for years, yes, well, i’m like a teacher.
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and of course, thanks to the audience, their love, we continue, we continue to live together with our heroes, of course, alexander vasilyevich, are you fedorenko or not fedorenko? you know, i have a cinematic education, i i’m a film director, so i approach the role as a director, i take the lead. from which scene i appear on the screen, this is my start, my start according to the laws of war is that i lost my wife and daughter, but remained a husband and father, so i take care of svetlana petrovna all the time, i don’t just follow her, yes,
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of course, of course, and i am grateful to the playwrights who wrote. that i am a blacksmith of the future, i am a dotted line, my role is dotted, but all the time i take care of children, in the first series i am about a girl, in the second series i am about a boy, in the third, i am already about an adult, growing up, a future warrior who is collecting dust, so the audience will see him, in the finale my hero adopts a child killed by the war... he doesn’t speak, he’s animel, and i don’t believe that he was born dumb, that it was the war that made him dumb, and i i teach him to speak, i teach him to write, and this is the future, as they say, of our people, our man, i adopt him, so that the child and
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the german, in another language, you in russian, that is, you teach him, you begin to understand each other friend, this is this, this is this. heart when they tell me that my daughter, only, wife, and i feel bad, and then throughout the film it is clear that this person, who survived the tragedy badly, has enough courage and courage. here the army is a great helper for me, i know how to hold a machine gun, and it’s clear that yes, a warrior is holding a machine gun, yeah, how cool is what you say, i think that there is a role of co-creation here, yes, that is, of course, the writers write, they put something in, but this is surprising
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for me too, that is, your hero is really the most important thing for us, i think we are all lucky, because there were several directors. you are already selecting other directors, cameramen, life goes on there, yes, they come to our team, leave, but it turns out that the atmosphere is still the same, the artists come and go, yes, something happens there, i don’t know , in the world, in the country, but here this story seems to continue, well , go on as usual, great, let’s
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try, a slight spoiler, and not, of course, all spoilers are prohibited, yes, it’s impossible to tell that in two episodes something will happen -that. and these will be arrested there, and these will end up innocent, this cannot be said, but still , in those episodes that only you know, the film crew, and the audience and i don’t know , they really want to find out what’s so important about it, it’s not eventful, but maybe, well, somehow tell us descriptively what you think is most important there for your hero, some personal relationships, what will happen there, try to describe without describing, well, light up such a yellow little sweetie, the most important thing and... the most valuable thing for us, for artists, is that the film, the series that was shown before was liked by the front-line soldiers, they believed in us, that means we... are convincing on the screen, we act convincingly, we act truthfully, so the front-line soldiers believed us, at their
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request, other episodes are now being filmed, adding to this series, maybe even some motives, some episodes are suggested by living people, of course, we always think about where the next events will take place, that is , they take historical events and construct them.
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this is a question from pankratov cherny, but i actually wanted to ask, how are you , your heroine, how do you feel, what is changing, ivan grigorievich is about two years ago, if you count from forty-four, well, he’s not around, but now you have a new partner in investigations, this somehow affects your work, why are you even staying with him, well, the military people, they are forced, there is no such thing there, i want to stay. well, somehow the distribution happened so that it turned out, in war it’s always like this,
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of course, of course, everything is different for everyone, in war, in the world, as our director said, the main emphasis in these seasons is on detective, yeah, and i, as i said in the very at the beginning, unfortunately, yes, to my regret, yes, because, of course, to be honest, we played such a swan game.
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this first meeting, when the lieutenant colonel paused a little, i would have extended it, the moscow art theater pause would have taken place, because in order for the darkies to meet, yes, they met, yes, well, after all , there is such a plot motivation, yes, because you have a reason stay, crime, you stayed. yes, your own people are always something dear, close, it is clear that you want to be close to the person, in where you are cut off, there from home, you meet someone from childhood, you meet someone from the regiment, from the institute, from school, this certainly evokes emotions in you, a layman’s question, and the lieutenant colonel, when he meets you in the film, he knows about grigory ivanovich or not, he knows, that is, he knows all this, yes, that is, depending on what season, in what scene, now.
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with humor and some anecdotes and jokes, jokes, and it’s just some kind of pile of endless stories, yes, that is, you come to the site, you understand that you and poetry, it means that alexander vasilyevich reads his own, and it’s always with some kind of mood, with such eagerness and zeal, and every time i learn something new, well, even today, how many interesting things we learned, i’m simply amazed, of course, and in
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many ways this success is so reliable or something, thanks to alexander vasilch. because this is a person from that generation who, firstly, remembers everything very well, tells us, passes it on to us, as it were, and rewards us with these qualities, but they would like to act in more seasons and how many seasons, yes, in this project, in this series, i say, regardless of some kind of business -related production things, it’s to your heart, maxim would like to start with you, it’s cool or already, yes , there are always interesting proposed circumstances for... this umirsky man, it’s interesting to exist and work in them, well, yes, also katya, to be honest, i’ll tell you a little secret now, but i’m waiting with trepidation, in my opinion, the eighth season is already being written, my god, can you hear, friends, yes, everything is ahead , it’s always like this - it’s exciting what awaits our heroes next, because of course, god forbid, if it’s a good story, then i’m always for it with pleasure, in general, let’s hope
3:59 am
, well, alexander vasilyevich, well, you, of course, of course, of course, in general our group is very good, what make-up artists, what a wonderful team, it’s true, a wonderful team, well, yes , the administrative group is wonderful, they respect the artists very much, they treat us very attentively, you can’t mess around there, you think, god, people give themselves so much to you, so we need to reciprocate, today we talked with wonderful actors,
4:00 am
hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. the first step towards a new government, vladimir putin appointed mikhail mishustin as head of the cabinet of ministers, after the state duma approved the candidacy.


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