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tv   Ya lyublyu moyu stranu  1TV  May 11, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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to beat the ridges of those who oppose the unity of the state, for only with a single, strong, united kingdom inside, one can be firm on the outside, but what is our fatherland if not a body, but chopped off elbows and knees? the upper reaches of our rivers, the wolves, the dvens, the volkhov, are under our power, and their access to the sea is in the hands of others, the coastal lands of our fathers and grandfathers have been torn away from our land, and therefore on this day... we are crowned in possession of those russian
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lands that are now, for the time being, under other sovereigns. two romes have fallen, and the third, moscow stands, and the fourth rome will not be. and to that third rome, the moscow state.
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but, for example, yegor gaidar had the attitude, let him get rid of it, why should we subsidize them, not so, but ivan the terrible had vladimir putin at different times, and as you correctly said koren, by completely different methods, but nevertheless it was there is a feeling that the state is russian.
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historical, which we are talking about, and but, but they, in my opinion, become outstanding when they embody what are called the internal needs of the nation of the people, here you are they said correctly, in the nineties, all this was there, this and that, but in general, at the same time, among the people, among the people that we usually call simple, so to speak, that...
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an extraordinary zasteyn, he wasn’t afraid to insert people in color for 20 minutes, as soon as color film appeared, he immediately shot it and inserted it into a black and white film, he didn’t give a damn about everything, all these, why do you have it in color, that ’s why it’s in color, it’s a brilliant scene, but to me
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it seems that it expresses the spirit of the russian people, the russian people in general, ordinary people, in this, in this dance, in this, in this, in this unrestrained kind of...
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even in the known, ordinary people, as you said, they became a known limiter even for the decisions of those elites who at that moment were, because i think that if in the mid-nineties yeltsin had not understood that certain steps of his would not be accepted by the people at all, say, remember this story,
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when the transfer of the kuril islands was discussed, for example, at the highest level of japan, or when we were talking about our strategic weapons, which the west and i would be happy to reduce it even more. i will only say on my own behalf that for me, of course, in this film, in addition to the incredible mastery of inspiration, it is very important for me that this
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film shows the continuity of russian history, demonstrates that those things that concern us today. those challenges that we face, that in general, in some ways similar problems, similar challenges, i would say the possibilities that this is... what the russian people solved centuries ago, well, let’s say, they directly solved it often , very very good, the best in the world my. russia, i will report to her, adjust to her and say, hello, dear
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friends, a familiar situation, everyone is assembled, the blue screen is flickering, a fight begins for possession of the tv remote control, because some people like programs on history, others on geography, and others are fans . and two bright, amazing, unique teams,
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the red team is their captain. sava savchenko, hello, hello everyone, hello, well, valdis, it’s time to introduce my team, a very diverse, bright composition, powerful, this man knows exactly what is given to those who are early arises, and i am sure that this is not the only question that he will answer today. host, good morning at first. and that is a unique case when i will be very brief in my presentation, because the applause, after i introduce it, will sound longer than my text, a real legend of our country. and
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of course the people whom we simply cannot let down today, our fans who will support this team throughout the game, our reds, great performance, hello, we are glad that you are with us today, they say that he is, first of all, handsome, this is... well, he is, first of all, kind, he is so kind that he is ready to take his team even sava savchenko, igor lantratov, the captain of the blues. well, let's start with the fact that today he came here not to drive anyone, but to answer any of your questions about all the cities of russia that he visited on tour, denis klyaver, who to drive, a good joke. i really want to make tea with her in the morning, listen to her pleasant voice and get in the mood for a good
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day, good morning host anastasia orlova, and a small warning, please be careful with this participant, reds, because the last time he was invited to a show on channel one, the king of the ring, he knocked out his opponent without hesitation, theater and film actor mikhail kolotushka, imak police. scary, scary man, i saw this fast memorable fight, but we have nothing to fear, because we have help behind us, people behind us who move us forward, these are our spectators, the teams are ready, the musicians are ready, great, and we begin right this second, the first competition, where does the homeland begin, where does it begin, the first
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competition is a blitz, where the one who first presses the button, because the answer has already matured in his head, will answer, answer correctly, earn points, answer incorrectly, do not earn points, your opponents will have the opportunity to get this question, but for their own money, name: the author of a series of publications, an explanatory dictionary of the living great russian language, the reds, vladimir ivanovich dal, yes, of course, but we weren’t in a hurry, did you hear? even by birth vladimir ivanovich, yes, great, meeting, flirting, gourmet, wide thursday, mother -in-law's parties, red, maslenitsa, maslenitsa, absolutely right, why didn’t anastasia answer, now the zalovkins are having a get-together and forgiveness sunday, all this, of course,
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is maslenitsa, okay, in 1744 empress elizaveta petrovna founded the first porcelain enterprise in russia. look carefully at the photo. so, this building is from 1913. what was the name of this enterprise? three possible answers: yusupov porcelain factory. imperial porcelain factory, or popov porcelain factory. anya. imperial porcelain. arfory factory is true, reds, well done, thank you, attention, fighter pilot, who during the battles in 1942 crashed and walked for 18 days, yes, of course, of course, alexey maresev, yes i understood, let me just press , and then we’ll decide, honored
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artist, soviet and russian music editor. for 32 years, the host of the music kiosk program is red, even let’s call it that name? eleonura belyaeva absolutely right, in which city according to the version?
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which means this question will be answered by the team that most likes the way i read poetry, uh, oh, no matter what life teaches us, well, but the heart believes in miracles, there is unfailing strength, there is imperishable beauty, three
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answer options , option, i see you’re already pressing, zhukovsky, afanasy? if you take this question too, i will rename the competition, it will be called the red god, the blue turtle, on the bank of which river are the four cities of the millionaire, lower. kazan, samara, volgograd, blue. volga, well well done, finally, congratulations. rossey, my rossey. from the volga to the nisha. heya, rosseya!
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the fantastic hurricane first competition ends with a score of one for the blues, eight for the reds, the next test is called umapalata, old teachers, time. for part of our show, we came up with a new application for a neural network, we now have it illustrating the names of great literary
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works, we will show them to you as soon as you guess what kind of literary work it is, well, of course we would like to, we would like to, but not necessarily someone else has his car, press the button and answer, first picture, attention.
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number five, dog's heart, four photos left, attention, sixth, left-handed, left-handed, yes, yes, yes, we continue the fight, the next picture.
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the future people's artist of the ussr anatoly popanov was drafted into the army on the first day of the great patriotic war. during the war there were days of immortality , there were so many things to see. few people knew that the explosion mutilated his right leg. he was missing two fingers and a large middle one. he learned to walk without limping. but what happened to him in august '87, when he suddenly stopped communicating. suddenly he didn’t come to the performance. i remember when.
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pre today on the first, i regret one thing, years, yes, lie, of course, i’ll sign the divorce document and hand it over to you, no, i can, stress, go away, what’s wrong with you, don’t rush, sorry, sorry, for god’s sake, contact me, alexander. you won’t get sick of being on your team, although sometimes i would like, bloodhound, new episodes, from monday on the first, it’s possible. there are three of them, uh,
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thanks, it's time for our next one headings, stop, taken down! in the competition there will be questions personally for each team, it will be dedicated to films of 2000, i’m sure you all know these films very well, someone, for example, anya and misha actually starred there, the first question is for the red team, a blind man’s buff film, i ’ll ask now show you the plot, and you tell me what will happen next, attention to
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the screen. sergei mikhailovich, we’re finishing up, maybe you’d like to take a look, did you actually study, yes, where, an architectural institute, in the center, yes, full-time, oh, in-person, let’s go, let’s go, vladik, let's see what he's got for us there. but what about the question: what did the hero of andrei panin, who graduated from the architectural institute, make for mikhalch, a bath? fireplace or pool? bath, fireplace, swimming pool. mikhalkov plays the new russian here, is he the authority of bandos, a bath, a fireplace or a swimming pool? the pool is most likely, it seems to me that the architecture is important in general, it’s probably not important. and the bathtub cannot be
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some kind of gold.
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it means there is no husband - that’s good, but no job - that’s bad, as always, i understood everything faster than everyone else, even faster than me, bye, wow, can i come to you, why, for 5 minutes, drink, no, what, an empty house, do you want tea, i really, really want tea, okay, but the house is not empty, maybe it’s necessary, who did plato meet at masha’s house, masha’s new boyfriend, just like so, masha's son
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or? masha’s mom, give us all the options, which means masha’s new boyfriend, maybe i just don’t know, she’s such a girl there, she lived, masha’s son, well, this is the most logical thing for now, mish’s son, you’re for your son, no, well wait, masha’s mother can’t be there, maybe she says, hello, maybe you can, but you can call mashkov and ask if you have a phone, ok, call, you have, wait, 7 seconds, mish, you will have time, son or mother, i am also a mother for my son. well, mother, mother of 3, 2, let's all unanimously decide that after all, children are wonderful, let there be a son or a daughter, what difference does it make to you, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, now mom will come out, do you want some tea, very much, i really want some tea, okay, mom, collectively
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on the mirror, yes, yes, yes, i thought about that, me too, i’m very happy for the blue team, they are catching up with the red ones, but the red ones can now get ahead after watching the next one... fragment, attention to the screen, let's go, and you quiet man, why, i haven’t seen you here before, officer, in which troops?
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he ran away, let's go, he doesn't dance, well, what is this from, what is it called? he is my driver, you are not his type, i am his wife, time, uh, well, he is my driver, in fact he is, she would not be his type, it seems to me that she will not say it, well, either or i am him wife, either i’m his wife, or you’re not into his taste. well, you're probably not his type, he's not his type, yes, he's not his type, you're not his type, she's like the owner of him, she can probably afford it, he's mine best man, oh, i'm silent, otherwise i already said, no, look, i don't remember, i won't, his wife won't, she says, no, no, take away the third, here are two, but it seems to me that she's not his type , wife,
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you’re done, there’s no time, no decisions, you have two options, you’re the first or the second, i’m his wife, i’m his wife, it’s accepted, we look at the screen, he ran away, let’s go, he’s not dancing, oh well, what’s that for? , but because the servants, who the servants are, my driver, that’s it, the answer is obvious, it’s good that i, the reds, are not used to such jingles, it’s wrong, but the game is the game, the film, high security holidays, where is the buoy, what buoy, is there a sign? there is no wallpaper, there are no toilets either, so we put buckets, you will have to take them out too, here it is, your room,
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tv, old, but it shows, now the question is what the tv shows, the first channel, of course, shows everything in black and white color, or the sound is audible, but the pictures, no, time, well, come on, then the first channel, this is my favorite answer, yes, everything is in black and white, the tv has some other channels, no, because this is a comedy, guys, means sound you can hear that everything is in white, in black and white, it’s a color tv, it should already be, secondly, if the tv shows something, it only shows the first channel, that’s all, you can hear the sound, there’s no picture, but that’s all of course it's cool, but let's do it, maybe someone? some channel took part, let's take ourselves, by the way, by the way, the film is in color, yes, and she says, everything is in black and white, it's a joke, there's a comedy next, as you noticed, answer please , give it to me, it seems to me, here
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come on, two, three, klyaver answers, denis, you you answer, well, i won, you can hear the sound, but there are no pictures, you can hear the sound, but there are no pictures, good girl, well done, let's take a look at it. here it is, your room, the tv is old, well, it only shows one channel, but thank god, the first, the first, now, well, what do you say, guys, well, dear friends, the top competition ended with a score of 1:0 in favor blue, already quite good, the final score at this point in time. six blue, 14 red, of all the arts, the most important for us is cinema, the cinema of vladimir ilichlen of all
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yard games, the most important is hot potatoes, hot potatoes, of course, welcome, antasha. antoshka, let's go dig some potatoes, antoshka, antoshka, let's go dig some potatoes, what is this, what is this, what is this surprise?
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cream, creams, creams, poker, pokers,
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well done, finally, light, growth, growth, growth, growth, rye, rye, and rye, well done, solnitsa, denis, this is an irrevocable question, awl, shilishche, shilya, shilya, okay, text, uh, texts, of course, texts, well done, oh!
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workshops, no, stand, workshops, workshops, scissors, scissors, scissors, naturally, they have only the plural form, pull a little, faldi, axe, axe, axe, axes, axes, axes, fir trees, botalki, senar, tenor, wire, it was dishonest, like you, beautiful, congratulations,
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from music to game, it’s natural, after all, the competition is called the words from the song, you can’t remove the words from the song, you are in a music competition, it is two-part, at the beginning we will show you 14 music video fragments, you must remember all the songs, the sequence is optional, then in line. you will name the songs that were played, i am waiting for an answer no more than 3
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seconds, and then there will be the second part of the competition, but i will tell you about it later, ready, attention to the screen, memorable,
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i love you, i love you, this is great, the last fourteenth melody is accepted, if you are with me, i can breathe, right, and eva, iowa beats the beat, right, counted, bogdan titomir is there, i don’t remember the words, this is a duet, bombina, signori is crying, fried sun, and the heat, heat, fried sun, big cities, kuzmin, kuzmin, kuzmin, soul, that's right, that 's right, that's the trump card , the red went well, so we still have a lot more there a lot a lot a lot yes there was hi-fi once and we loved it and an encore and what is this melody and how far you are from me the boats are rightly counted and
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the girl who is this is what else was there that the presnyakov from this stream i honestly don’t remember exactly what- then back and forth together.
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there can be only one russian folk instrument on the first channel, who else are you? i am the host of the program game and harmony, my beloved, zakhar zavolokin, and you can’t check, kvn, major league, new season, watch the time after the program, a terrible dream of a rovenkovo ​​peasant, oh great, nonsense, biden, biden! minsk, the capital, meet us! shall we try real belarusian pancakes? certainly! wow! finally, some kind of meshtal will close my mind! do you know how potatoes will be in belarusian? how? pulp! the first pair in belarus is made with horseradish. i want to make braised
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ribs with roasted beets and pickled plums. i'll make flatbreads and wrap just a breaded chicken thigh in it. opens the envelope and we find out what song someone from his team will sing, or whichever one of you will sing to the guys at the beginning it will be in greenhouse conditions, said incubator conditions, orchestral music will sound, backing vocals will sound, sorry, but in
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this number there is a vibak, yes, yes, yes, and moreover, there will be text on the screen, but at some point everything will disappear, and your task is to continue singing, every correctly sung line is sava, what ’s in our beak, we have larisa dolina today, the weather in the house, wow, anything can happen, be careful, and the whole audience can beautifully wave their hands at us and flags, of course, you and i
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are like in that video, ready, then i’m superfluous, you ready, ready, what to do, what is the forecast for us today dear, what did you wake up with again, without me, almost, you just tell me, god have mercy, everything else will be nonsense, which is also fine, just the weather in the house, everything else, nonsense, nonsense, vanity, vanity, everything that can be easily settled with the help of an umbrella.
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wow, it’s so lonely, it’s standing here high, that’s right, how could i, as a child, cross the arc, i wouldn’t have started bending and swinging, well done, i wouldn’t have done it then. bend and swing, bravo, bravo, bravo,
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handsome, well done, bravo, misha, bill for this the competition is 11:8 in favor of blue, the total score of the game at a given minute. good luck, it's so interesting, time is the wheel of fortune in our program. so,
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noda’s points will be placed precisely in this competition, but these points will be preceded by numbers, because in the wheel of luck the answer is always a number, it’s a certain number. we were the first in space, what did we send there first? a dog, a companion. there is only one simple satellite, it existed in orbit for 92 days, then it entered the dense layers of the atmosphere and burned up, please tell me, and how many times during this time did the ps1 manage to circle our planet, 92, in 902 days, so let’s give it
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time. that means at least 90, and if he’s faster with a 10.00 km radius i won’t be able to 92. let’s remember, airplanes fly, that’s how many days he needs to fly, wait, he flies 800 km, you can hold, count, hold, 10 seconds, there in general there is no one, let's, maybe half, maybe half, lete, he would have fallen, 5 seconds, let's do the opposite, how much we had. 2, i want you to be the first to record your answer, 9,200 km, 9,200 km around the earth, in fact the question was how much how long, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, what is it, i solved a problem in mathematics, what, 50, in fact, i’m surprised, everyone knows
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that gagarin’s flight lasted several.
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slows down, oops, what's seven? which is good, plus 7 points, but good, the topic of our today's wheel of fortune is somehow connected with transport, let's talk about the railway, in 1837 the first railway line opened in russia, it went from tsarskoe selo to...
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from st. petersburg to tsarskoye selo, the length of this railway, which was called tsarsko-sky station, vitebsk station is in st. petersburg, this is important, it’s important to you, it doesn’t matter to me, time passes 24 seconds, let’s trust the st. petersburg ones, well, let’s assume, but is this a little for the first railway? well, 10 seconds, it seems to me, is even closer, it seems to me that this time the red ones will be the first to answer, record their answer, i thought, wait, look, just from the center, that’s it, they wrote their number, no, somewhere, how much, wow, how interesting, listen, red ones, please show me what you have, and 51, blue ones 50 km,
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there is only one error. in fact, the length of the first russian railway was 27 km.
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created with the help of artificial intelligence, go to igor lantratovo’s team, here in the center of the stage, red, i ask you, dear friends, any game ends sooner or later, but this is a sweet feeling. victory, it remains with our winners for life. today with us is the red square band led by konstantin gorbatenko. valeria and kiril ostapov,
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separate applause for them. see you again at program "i love my country". the world is not simple, not simple at all. it is impossible to hide in it from storms and from thunderstorms, it is impossible to hide in it from winter burdens and from separations, from bitter separations, but besides the troubles of unabandoned troubles, there is sunshine in the world of stars, there is a home and the warmth of fire, i have i have . everything that i have in life, everything that is the joy of every day, everything that i call my destiny is connected, connected,
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only with you, with you, with you, only with you. hello, the evening news is live in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main ones topics. by presidential decree, vladimir putin signed a document on the structure of the russian government, what changed the meeting of the head of state with denis manturov and sergei chemizov?


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