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tv   Eksklyuziv  1TV  May 11, 2024 6:20pm-7:11pm MSK

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landing is guaranteed. there are 12 steel cables stretched here, which lead to supports on both sides of the gorge. also, for safety reasons , we have limited the number of players; no more than 50 people can be in the net. it looks funny to be able to spring back and at the same time kick the ball from the side. the main thing is to calculate the force of the blow, the ball strives to jump out into the sky. oh, yes, every day the balls fly out, some of them can be retrieved later. it’s absolutely impossible to play football like that, but ... this is a sports ground, for sure, wins nominations, the most unusual field in the world. natalya lyublinskaya, sergey shilin, channel one, china. well, in conclusion , there are urgent messages that come to news agents’ feeds from the government house. we are talking about the candidates for the new cabinet of ministers. so, andrei belousov will leave the post of first deputy prime minister. his candidacy is not among them.
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ministers, except for the heads of the security bloc and mit, for whom a special procedure applies, and i’ll also add: mikhail mishustin proposed dmitry patrushev for the post of deputy prime minister, who will oversee agriculture and ecology. we receive this data directly in real time in these minutes. well , our colleagues in the “time” program already have all the other details. i'm with you on this.
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we are soli on pozona and porota, without death, like fire, calm as granite, we are the army of the country, we are the army of the people, our great feat, history preserves, it is not in vain that it promises, it is not in vain that the country hopes for us, the sacred words of asta are behind us. pomnitsa time has given birth, all the words of asta are yours, pomnitsa is tired. here we are together,
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we are working on the bathroom, and for you, dear, you can hear him scorching, as a testament, yes.
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behind the drum field of miracles in the festive program ivan viktorovich uschinov, the city of volokholansk, anna sergeevna kirichenko, the city of omsk, ilyas mukhameddeev, the city of kiodochia. well, guys, who will start? dear leonit arkadyevich, i don’t want to delay starting on a pleasant note, gifts for the studio, no, no, that’s later, no. i turned to you, yes, exactly, norkaevich, today we have a lady in our studio, i want to give her this beautiful bouquet, thank you very much, today we’ll talk about the military bull, here’s the task for the first tour: what is the name of the bag for ammunition,
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which was worn on a rembra or strap over the shoulder, which made it possible to increase the amount of equipment carried. fate decreed this way, fate is generally the right thing, i said, let’s start, but i didn’t start with you, and fate told me correctly, because you need to start with a woman, you have zero, here’s a woman, she should start the game, and you’re standing , then you don’t offer it, it’s the same for me, i want to tell all our tv viewers and those who are present in the studio today, behind the drum there is a field of miracles that are not just players.
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i’m a primary school teacher, and this and that happens, they offered me tasty, satisfying food for the kids, i couldn’t refuse, can i ask you a question, military awards on my chest, for what? i’ve been to the syrian arab republic twice, further, since my husband is a military man, he was also in the zone, now i have a son in the zone, so i couldn’t stay away and send my warmest regards.
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baker, now i am the coach of the russian national team of the international army games for cooking, well, okay, i understand, but there is some preferences, here you are , for example, i’ve been standing near the stove for 70 years, i know my preferences, here’s your favorite dish, that’s what... buckwheat is boiling in your hands, oh-oh, you know how to cook buckwheat porridge, i hope so, you are a great cook, thank you very much, tell me how to make buckwheat porridge crumbly, crumbly, of course, the main thing is love, respect for the cereal that you
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hold in your hands, and a good mood, and you know, i always say that in in cooking there is only one recipe, one, everything else comes from it, you know what, then love. kitchen, you have to really love those for whom you cook, everything else will follow, the plus sector on the drum, you can open any letter in this word, which one is the first, open the first letter, leonid arkadyevich, in our hall there are a lot of guys who came from the zone isvo, they were released literally for 2-3 hours, some, some for several days, and i would like to brighten up their presence in our studio and invite an artist from the front-line creative team of the song and dance ensemble. plays about love, about how
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he spent hot nights with his girlfriend, such beautiful salaries gave, play, play, when the boy was leaving for a terrible battle on a dark starry night, he offered his heart to her, in response, the proud girl joked, apparently with him, when you return with the order, then we’ll talk, play, play, tell the little ones yourself. oponka, a black-eyed
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fighter, surrounded by smoke of gunpowder with nalyanochka, was friends in a fierce battle with forge, a medal he deserved , a flying letter arrived. the snow-covered distance that awaits, that as a last resort, according to us, a medal, play the game.
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gifts to the studio, okay, but while the gifts are being brought out, i want to thank the ministry defense in the person of the department of resource support, the directorate of railway troops, a separate omsk railway brigade, an omsk bridge separate railway battalion, for allowing me to attend this program, now you have a ladle in your hands, and from it it is always tasty, always satisfying , also baked... bread 190 by the military school of cooks, which graduates more than
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a thousand specialists every year, i would like to treat the audience in the hall with military bread, come on, come on, take it, you go there, you go there, leonid arkadyevich, so that you become a real military cook in the field, we have prepared a field uniform for you, and also allow me to give you... a slug of the railway troops, and no, listen, i every time, i don’t bargain with women, this is known, but that nevertheless, such a holiday, i would like you to remain in a good mood, the devil knows what they put here, and leonid arkadyevich, my birthday will soon be on may 14, so all you give is will be the best gift from the transfer, i can’t give you guarantee nothing, you see, i don’t know what lies here.
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just like that, yes, leonid arkadyevich, i promise,
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now all the guys in the special military operation zone will be well-fed, satisfied, fed, tell me, firstly, ilyas, as it is translated, ilyas and this name, which means clarity, fidelity, uncle .
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gifts to the studio, this is ours, beauty, 750 points on the drum, letter p, comrade sergeant, well, let's do it somehow, let's, let's start somehow, let's do it. tell me, i’m a tanker myself, which is how i, in fact, earned my awards, for courage, for what? worked in a closed firing position at a range of 9.5 km, destroyed an enemy infantry fighting vehicle with a direct hit. bradley, what's at home, you're married, you have six children, no, i'm single? i'm lucky,
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but there is someone, someone is waiting, no, young, hot, full of strength, everything is still ahead, the whole life is ahead, everything has its time, then you know how many girls are now rushing to the television center, well, look, hang in there, at the exit, i’m telling you for sure, something unimaginable is happening at the exit... lucky hand literally this year you will invite a wedding , let’s hope you will definitely invite wedding be sure to look catch the word 450 points letter letter d open the famous word you held it many times and what i actually went broke sector plus on the drum what letter to open the third third letter open also
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leonid arkaevich i can’t stay away i also have gifts for you gifts to the studio. come on, i have a gift for you from the studio of military artists named after grekov, a reconstruction of the pano, the victory parade of 1945, oh guys, i also have a gift for you - a model of a tank, which became a symbol of our division of the valiant t-80, but a tank. showed himself, proved himself in battles, from one of these, in fact, that same bradley was shot down, and also a helmet with my call sign, guys, with the combat chevron of our regiment, which became a symbol demonstrating how a hawk dives on its prey, so and we entered the battle, fight to
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the end, i want to say hello. to all the participants of the special military operation, guys, hang in there, we will be back soon, we will join you, and on this day i would like to especially thank you for our bright future, participants of the great patriotic war wish good health, prize sector on the reel, you can take or refuse 2.0 points, then decide for yourself, the prize is me, but ivan viktorovich, you are an adult, still young, but what am i talking about, soon will get married, in the near future, i hope, well , so the prize, no, i say, he will get married soon,
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therefore, you need to give your wife something for the wedding, definitely, i choose the prize, i say, you need to get married, so she will come, and you you say, open the box, and there’s a prize, but you know what, i really mean, these are games games, there is actually no trade, it’s just that, a prize, and let me have the last word. sister, where in the hall, and where is she, second row from the top, third, shy, sitting, is it you, sister, and is this your brother? cousin, eldest, and she asks for an indiscreet question, she is married, yes, but where is her husband? in the zone of yours, then that means you are like a brother, please answer, what kind of disorder
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is this, why is she here in this form, as in a wonderful, beautiful form, i’m asking you, why is she here in this form, look there, look at the mess, you weren’t prepared, so what’s the matter, fix it, can you help? well, for the holiday of may 9, a prize for the studio! naturally, this means that you have three result codes, after which you will have to say the whole word, otherwise we will be left without one finalist, and this is not good. leonid arkadyevich,
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a musical group came with me, the song of dance ensemble, of the aerospace forces of the russian federation. to the studio, please. we are friends, birds of passage, but we can’t be the only one good, you won’t have time to get married on earth, you won’t find a wife in heaven, because we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is ours, our home, first of all, first of all.
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and then the girls have a tender image in your dreams , you love, you want to give your heart forever, today you will meet, you will kill, you will fall in love, for tomorrow you have an order... yes, because, because we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is ours, our dear home, first thing , first of all, planes, and girls then, first of all, first of all, planes, and girls then, so that with longing on the way they don’t...
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even the most beautiful girls, because, because that we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is ours, our home, first of all, first of all, airplanes, well , girls, and girls, then first. first of all, on planes, and girls, and then girls, we are friends, migratory birds, but it’s not good to be one of us, you won’t have time to get married on earth, you won’t find a wife in heaven, because we are pilots, heaven.. .
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at trinity, it’s exactly 30 years since my first solo flight, it’s a holiday, i really congratulate you, that’s it, a thousand points on the reel, letter, letter a, open, you know this word for sure. absolutely, but in any case, you received this thing many times, or at least several times, 350 points, leonidavich, decide the word , i’ll say it, bondalier. and before us is the first
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finalist, capital show field tunes, the first from our program, from channel one, on may 9 , gifts from the first three players to the studio. arkadyevich, i would like to convey a huge greeting to another of your big fans, this is the grandfather of one of...
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i would like to convey a huge greeting to all my family, all my loved ones, everyone who knows me from all cities, i wish our guys guys good luck, success, speedy victory, that everyone returned home, alive, healthy, the game is interesting, very cool, i didn’t expect it, i went out, it turns out i won, thank you very much, i’ll fly on air again on the capital of the show, program:
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here is the task for the second round. a field bag is a special bag for command personnel, in which, as you know, documents and writing materials were stored. it also contained a ruler, a compass, and what else was in the commander's bag? i don’t know how it is now, but during the great patriotic war, my father told me, this was for sure. guess for yourself. 600 points letter, first the letter, the letter e, open it, now spin it, say what you want, let me introduce my support group, this is my charming wife alexandra, these are our young army men from the tymoshenko detachment, rise up, evgeniy’s father is in the northern military district zone, therefore supporting. his
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are our specialists from the nbc protection troops, our few troops, but still friendly. letter r, no, no, no, no, no, so, oh, i’m slowing down, alexandra, let me, come out, come out, don’t be shy, no, it’s you. come and let me, guy, okay, this is your wife, i came with flowers, okay, tell me, captain, why the star, a large
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number, successfully completed. fire tasks, well, it so happened that we were surrounded and had to lead people out of this environment, well, basically take all the fire yourself, thank you, guys, the sixth regiment of the nbc protection, a huge hello to you, i love you very much, i will always miss you i miss you, unfortunately, i no longer serve with you, but in my soul i will always remember you. 600 points on the reel letter, letter r. open the letter r. today at it’s my father’s birthday, he’s turning 62 years old, dad, happy birthday to you, my love, i am my service, of course it’s frayed a lot of your nerves, but we have such a dynasty, you ’re a military man, my brother is a military man, i’m a military man, i love you all, with happy birthday to you and a cup of tea for your health. you have a military dynasty, yes,
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that means my father also has a professional holiday, among other things, actually national, but also professional, may 9, you know what, this will be correct, it’s unlikely for me. someone will sue, tell your father happy birthday, soldier, officer, he’s still a soldier, no matter what, what’s his name? nikolai viktorovich, nikolai viktorovich, happy may 9th to you, deservedly so, accept this gift from us for your birthday, a gift to the studio, give it to your father, thank you, here you go, give this to your dad, well, 600 points on the drum, letter, letter k , open up! three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two boxes, two boxes for the studio! give your wife something that comes in a box, which box do you open? yes, the box itself is beautiful! so what? did you guess right? that's it!
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gift from the studio! this is the layout of the great terrible tos 1a the sun was shining. unfortunately, this model does not shoot, but if necessary, it will. for our troops and for representatives of the military industry , nothing is impossible, we will solve the issue 350 points, open the letter y, let the girl say, open the letter y, i wanted to say the word, like guys, whatever you want, curvimeter, and before us is the second finalist, the capital of your field miracles, tell me, lieutenant, how did you get into the army? i dreamed of entering the military medical academy, and i did not succeed the first time, not immediately after admission, because there was no enrollment girls, and a year later i had the opportunity, and i did it, so you are a doctor, i am a doctor, and
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tell me, anastasiyavna, are you a general doctor or a surgeon, who are you by specialization, i am a general practitioner, you were there, and directly from there . have you been to a war zone ? yes sir. my beloved parents, mom and dad, i love you very much, i say hello to you. i want to say hello to the head of the main military medical department, head of the medical service of the armed forces of the russian federation, dmitry trishkin vyacheslavovich, as well as the personnel of the entire medical service of the russian federation separately to the management of the infantry division, 135. and separately to the yenisei, atom, cap, barrel, kollovrat. gifts for the studio, i would like to present you with the latest first aid kit, an individual first aid kit of the eighth modification,
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such a first aid kit will go to the troops in may, each fighter can help himself and his comrade directly on the battlefield, it has two, two pouches, this is the main and extra for storage. let me colleague, senior warrant officer, show you the correct application of a tourniquet type tourniquet on the upper limb, exactly the tip, exactly the tip, on the upper limb, so that i don’t get nervous, yes, so that you don’t get nervous, you never know what they can put a tourniquet on, then they won’t let me go home they will let you in. and i have hemorrhage, and what is such a serious,
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serious event, because the application of a tourniquet, everything must be precisely in time, she puts a tourniquet on her hand, that she is nervous, we must write down all the time, that the time must be recorded, write down, and how much for your watch, everything is ready, no, not everything, no, not everything, but what else is needed, well, you see, the patient is nervous, a kiss. the patient is nervous, she stroked me, it only made me worse, well,
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come on, jew, tell me, i welcome everyone, my name is timur shakhbanov, i am a sergeant, i arrived from the vladimir region and represent. where did you serve or are you still serving? i still serve in murom, in the city of murom, vladimir region. first engineer in the sapper brigade, wife.
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we would like to give you a gift of a puppy of the russian black terrier breed, this breed the red star was bred in the nursery, which is located in the 470 training center. leonid arkadyevich, i would also like to say that our center is together with the nursery. the red star was formed on august 23, 1924 and therefore this year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our nursery. i hope this will be a reliable friend who will always protect you.
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all our relatives, parents, brothers and sisters, wish them happiness, success and health, and also greet our comrades who are now in our zone, tell them that our cause is just and victory will be behind us, from channel one to channel nine. may gifts from the second three players to the studio, the impression was certainly great, the atmosphere was super, the mood was just indescribable, well , of course, the question for the commander was too simple, not knowing what was in her tablet, but that’s what it’s like, so thanks to everyone who was sick worried about us. and dear veterans, thank you for the peaceful
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sky that you gave us, god bless you and so that for a long time we can see our heroes like you, thank you, the capital show field of miracles is back on the air, festive program, we dedicate it to the ninth of may, guys, happy holiday, happy holiday, happy holiday, third three. here is the task for the third round: antiquity, part of the military ammunition in the form of transport with hanging accessories, for loading the gun it was called a berindian,
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cartridges, a bag for bullets, a reserve of five and something else were attached to it, 800 points on the drum, any letter, name any, open the letter a, tell me, that lieutenant colonel, for what he received the order of courage, the order of courage during the assault on the city of ovdeevka directly. happy victory day, i wish you good health,
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career growth, family well-being, i separately express my gratitude to my commander, sergei pavlovich karasev, maradovich kudayaro, andrei nikolaevich mordvichev for giving me the opportunity to participate in the field of miracles, listen, you are a psychologist, and why, where did you study to become a psychologist? you studied at the novosibirsk higher military school. bravo lieutenant colonel, bravo, 400, no, 750 points, letter, letter b, ah, let me talk to the sergeant. dagestan, listen, i’ve been to dagestan many times, but where this one managed? klerortinsky district, dagestan, high-mountain district, tell me, this is the uniform, what does it mean, where listen, leandrievich, i came to you on the program to represent the marine corps, the russian navy, since my school years i dreamed of becoming
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a marine, so after graduation and school entered military service, and at the first opportunity signed a contract with the ministry of defense of the russian federation as part of the landing force. i say hello to all military sailors, all marines of all fleets and flotillas, comrades, remember, our cause right, victory will be ours, where we are, there is victory, 600 points on the reel, letter, well, letter and, open, on behalf of all the personnel of the navy, as well as on behalf of... the museum of your program gifts, gifts to the studio, you know what i want to tell you, all the marine pirates, allow me to convey to i accept gifts, the only thing i won’t do is i won’t wear a beret, not even a hat,
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i don’t have the right, you know, thank you very much, this is an applause for you , here is someone who will help us, here is a man standing, as rufet is translated, the name, as it is translated, ruet is translated as strong, strong, in which troops, electronic warfare radio, yeah, for what the cross, georgis was awarded the cross. in general, i represent the 150th motorized rifle legendary idrid-berlin order of kutuzov division, the rap battalion, during assault operations , covered our units, suppressed two enemy aircraft-type uavs and four and four enemy cpv drones, for which i was
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awarded the george cross. gift for the studio! drone dragged, leonid arkadyevich, this is exclusive to you, enemy drone enemy, planted by the eagles of the rap battalion of the 150th motorized rifle division, the guys asked me to bring this exposition intact for you and hand it over to you, i wanted to congratulate our dear respected veterans and military personnel on victory day and... to wish from the bottom of my heart health and long life to the sector plus on the reel, you can open any letter in this word, which one? let's go first, open the first letter, i wanted to say hello to my dad and mom, i'm doing well, i'll see you soon, i
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also wanted to say hello to all my friends and acquaintances, your beloved and hometown. cherkaska, as well as the command of the 150th motorized rifle division for providing me with the opportunity to participate in such a transfer, making my childhood dream come true, here - further to all military personnel, all military personnel located in the zone of a special military operation, we are always with you, soon i will be too with you, so i have a little vacation, you speak your native language, of course.
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points on the reel letter o, open, open, let's count, one thousand, two, three, 3. points in one move, which means that there was in this, in the bag, do you remember what i said? bullet, bullet, i only remembered the bullet, but 350, 350 points, letter letter. nikolai, open it, say the word, 5 seconds to
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think, or a drum, help from the hall there is no such function, help from the hall, i want to remind you of the task about the bullet, part of the military ammunition in the form of a sling with hanging accessories for... the gun was called a berindian, to cartridges, a bag for bullets, a supply of wick and something else were attached to it, 450 points, patron, cartridge, wick, what else, i just didn’t remember, cartridges, a bag for... bullets, stock of match and something else to shoot, 450 points, letter r, open, three correctly
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guessed letters give you the right to two boxes, two boxes in the studio, leonid arkadyevich, i know the word, but i letters, guess, the whole hall is rooting for you. open, in the letter v, wait, wait, it will stop now, you, first of all, people are applauding, let people have fun, well, so i guess, 450 points, letter in, in victor, that’s right, open, we’ll collect glasses or straight away? your right, let's score points, go ahead, well, well, and you will return home or
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back, no, no, i came to you in the special military operation zone and after the transfer i’m going back there, it’s just a short break, a business trip, well, you can call it that, god willing, they gave me the opportunity, points on the reel letter x, open, well , powder flask, and before us is the third finalist, the capital of the field of miracles show, who forgot to say something, i came here, not alone, seven came, my family came to hold me, my wife is sitting in the hall, diana, and where is she. then the son allash sits and the daughter alantos,
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alash, come for me, flowers, well, it wasn’t flowers, take flowers, flowers, flowers, i don’t have any flowers. thank you, can i give it to you, alash, let's go volun, alash, come here, alash, what else did i want to say, i forgot it, we have prepared a poem for you.


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