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tv   Mikhail Zadornov vsya zhizn  1TV  May 11, 2024 7:10pm-8:05pm MSK

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next sits son allash and daughter allantos. alaj, come for me. well, there were no flowers. take flowers, flowers. flowers. no flowers. thank you.
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get up, what's your name? bady alazh surenovich, hand, leonit arkaevich, it’s very nice, why are you coming to us, come on, tell a poem, what a poem to tell, you’re asking me, i don’t even know, congratulate everyone on may 9, congratulate everyone on may 9, and i want to tell i want to tell you a poem, so come on, leonid arkhadevich, leonid arka, our good leonid arkhadevich, the field is miraculously wonderful he rules, now friday evening is coming, now friday evening is coming, people gather around the screens, he conducts his business very brightly, everyone gets hot in their souls, he starts the show with excitement, he offers the participants a game, for a baby. oh,
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arkadievich, lenya, so, it was dad who did everything, by the way, that’s not all, come on, uncle of the hustler antikhonya, and he jokes cheerfully with adults, so he loves everyone with a sincere heart, arkadievich is a rare example, why he is the greatest friend, let the field of miracles will last longer for the people and will bring more goodness and peace.
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pravyatalashka, pralyakhalaa natsyaroka, na clean battle, for pure battle, kab paeta on the path, kab paeta for shirokai, sayalay white shaitsory, melted white shaitsory. here is the colonel grooming this pike.
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you check the protection, you read the orders, but you feed it, why are you cossacks, why are you young, you have a lot of money, you have a lot of money. a day in pahodza, anechka ramule, a day, a campaign, we began, we began, oh, we stood on the itch, oh, we stood on the itch, the gates were waiting, the gates were waiting.
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prayagala at the beginning of the darozhka, prayagala on the shyrok, in the same way, in the same way, in the same way, in the same way, bachyts namuyu, gifts to the studio! brought a small president from his small homeland, here is a set of teas, tea made from sagandal, local tuvan chocolate, well , our local tincture is made from deer antler, then it comes from the military personnel of the fifty-fifth
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brigade, we call ourselves black leopards, we brought you our brigade so small president, badges, chevrons, black bartsa flag, pen, emblem and notepad. for those people who went to war and did not return, i don’t know what is due and what is not appropriate, but for all times, from here to eternity, the third toast - this is a holy toast, for those who did not make it, who gave their lives, so that today we are here... standing and congratulating each other on the great holiday, bright memory, heroic people, for the rest of our lives, we will remember each name,
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thank you everyone, three chords, new season, tomorrow... product of stellor group. and again on the air of the capital show field of miracles, a holiday program that we dedicate to may 9th. the final. here is the task for the final round. according to
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the order of the minister of defense of the union of soviet socialist republics of 1969 the soldier's bag was packed. points letter letter n m a n n nikolay so exactly open it for me because anyway there was something else specifically for shooters and machine gunners uh sector plus on the drum which letter should you
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open the second open the second letter how is that wait wait a second i can only the second letter close the first open the first. this is what is being done, no, i drove, 750 points, the letter p, what p, comrade captain, let's somehow get out of this deadlock, the situation is complicated, how complicated, you have a personal weapon there is, naturally, not a single one, but here, like this , here we are, now remember, 450 points, letter, letter k, open, you have now struck me to the very heart, i don’t understand what you think and why you don't say the word? i’m thinking about the number of points, but another thing, 450 points, letter, since i serve in the twenty-seventh scientific center of the biological defense, i did not say hello to our
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honorable third department and, accordingly, the head of our organization, this is maxim petrovich and viktor alexandrovich, letter s. open, well, 350 points, letter, no, 550, l, leonid, open. three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two boxes, you will spin two boxes in the studio, but why not, which one is astyr, choose, give yourself a gift, you didn’t, but forgive me, i didn’t pay attention to the junior lieutenant, which one you are they opened the box, this one, and guessed what was there. i didn’t see it, in vizun, the letter yo, e, i have
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the letter e, what do you want from me, the word oil can, i forgot, so tell me the letter, open it, and before us is the winner, winner, you scored 4,800 points . however it doesn’t matter, today is a holiday, choose what you want. and how many positions are possible, what do you need, a smart tv, a smartphone, say, they’ll take it all out, alexandra, we’ll go to the sea, alexandra, we’ll go to the sea, or somehow later, when we’re done, we’ll go to the sea, we won’t go. well, then we’re going to the sea, sash.
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so, so, a holiday at sea, what else is there a tv, as far as i remember, what else? smartphone, we are going to the sea with a tv and a smartphone. well, my mother-in-law doesn’t ask me if i come without a chainsaw. olga alexandrovna, a huge hello to you, now, if leonid argaevich will give the go-ahead, i will definitely come with a chainsaw and cut through all the wood. honestly. but after the sea and chainsaw in the studio, do you want to offer me something? yes, yes, there is, there is an extended list, i understand, i just see in your eyes what to recommend.
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super game! so, if you guess this word, you will receive the keys to this car. in the old days, chain mail saved fighters from being hit by a weapon. underneath it, to absorb these blows , the warriors wore either cotton or quilted clothing. how are these clothes? was called here,
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yes, actually, what i think, i allow you to open any, in general four, of course, but for the sake of the holiday, five letters, if there are any, they will be opened, i got lost three times while i was counting the letters, probably let’s give the first one, no, we won’t open , then immediately the second all the rest, right? nikolay yes yes p p, but that’s four, one more, e, e, open the letters if they exist, that’s all, i’m ready to give you a minute to think, would you like? yes, a minute has passed.
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you can stop time at any convenient second or think for a whole minute, please let's try, underarmor, what what? underarmor, let's do this, lera, i'll go down, and if there is such a word, you open it. with this, with this, as you said the word, under the special order, uh-huh, well, well, go, open, winner. bye,
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great holiday, great day, i ask that all those who gave us the honor of coming here from the war zone to celebrate with us, come to the studio, guys, come to the studio.
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happiness has entered every home again, we cannot forget this spring day, victory, victory, people flying in the streets, victory, victory, we all went through flames and smoke, glory to the dead and glory to the living. victory, victory, we believed, we knew, to win, that land that
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was saved in battles, there is no light, more expensive and better, for smoking. and soldiers, listen to how the silence rings over the world, you cannot forget this spring day, victory, people winning in the streets, victory, victory, we all went through the fiery, died in glory, glory lives on. victory, victory, we believed, we knew we would win, and day by day the war checked, forever sounded with friends, but today they are with us, the frends
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heroes names. victory, victory, victory, victory, we all went through the flames of others who died, glory to the living, victory, victory, we believed, we knew, to win. victory, victory, we believed, we knew, pavedi.
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the future people's artist of the ussr anatoly popanov was taken into the army on the first day of the great patriotic war. he was a soldier and commanded a platoon. few people knew that the explosion mutilated his right leg, and papanov lost his fingers. the observant front-line actor never showed how difficult it was for him to overcome this injury. he learned walk without limping. but what happened to him in august '87, when he suddenly stopped communicating. with the theater and family, this is channel one, good evening, i am dmitry borisov, our exclusive, today is the last summer of anatoly popanov, the confession of his daughter and the bitter confessions of his widow, which even those closest to him did not know about. i regret one thing, the years, i so want to live
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like a human being, these are the final shots of the cold summer of '53, the last film by anatoly popanov, august 5, summer moscow seemed to have died out, it was very stuffy, on the way home, anatoly popanov met a plumber, who said that turn off... the hot water, it’s okay, wash yourself cold, answered anatoly dmitrievich, for him this was not a problem, he went through the front, the rank of senior sergeant commanded an anti-aircraft artillery platoon, march 22, 1942 i was surrounded near kharkov and was seriously injured, the german joked that he cut off half of my heels, before the war anatoly popanov worked in the foundry of the second moscow ball bearing plant, he was a real working bone, he used to swim across moska river to watch how they film it. cinema in the thirty-seventh even starred in an episode of the film lenin in october, played a worker, after the war he walked with a cane, but overcoming the pain, he began to engage in dancing and gymnastics,
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got rid of the disability with which he could not become an artist. papanov tried to walk from home to the theater, he used his car exclusively for trips to the dacha, he was embarrassed. he says: i’m uncomfortable, our artists wear darned tights, and i’m wearing a new one... car freedom to yuri tetochkin, i’m not they are letting go of a highly artistic theater, idiot, we are not working for modernity, but for the soviet common man, yes, you see, i suddenly felt like i was at the front, all these phrases of papanov became catchphrases long ago, the audience adored him because he seemed so simple to them , to his own, but what about the children...
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popanov said, i’m a one-woman man, one wife, one theater, nadezhda korotaeva was asked to marry varoshilov’s nephew, but she married a shy front-line soldier, envali, who was afraid to confess his love to the girl when he came to the second course, mom was already studying and he saw that she was only one of the girls in a gymnast, and he came up to her and said: uh, you were also in froznitsa, she says, yes, this is what brought them together, our tenth impermeable...
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from at the sater theater, he and his wife got an eight-meter room in a dorm, they lived hard, there wasn’t enough money, they didn’t know how to beg for papan roles, their neighbors were tatyana ivanna peltser, viktor baikov, the famous panvatrubs from zucchini and vera vasilyeva, anatoly papanov devoted almost his entire life to the theater of satire 40 years old and never ripped off one rehearsal.
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hello, and the director of the film cold summer of '53, alexander proshkin, hello, len, you probably
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still remember that terrible day, august 5, '87. yes, well, it was just the month of august, the children were still small, masha was 8 years old, the other daughter was 2 and a half, we were at the dacha because it was the holidays, there was no telephone at the dacha then, there was no mobile phones, there was no such landline phone, and at night our son-in-law nina nikolaevna arkhipova suddenly came to us, this wonderful actress of the satire theater too. says that they can’t get through to a city number in moscow from the theater, then it turned out that when dad arrived, he had business at gita, he had completed a course at the mongolian studio, and he recruited new guys, and there were some with there were problems with the hostel, and when he came back from gites, he met a plumber, this plumber lived on the first floor, so he knew him well, he said,
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we won’t have hot water and... it so happened that he said: well, nothing , i 'll take a shower with cold water, well, he doesn't arrived, which means they can’t get through there, zyatnina nikolaevna arkhipova comes to us, then yuri takes the keys, he couldn’t get in because the door was locked, then he climbed over, he climbed into the window, found his father, yes, the lights were on everywhere , but he said that i heard the water flowing into the bath, he went into the bath, and there he was already dead, then preparations for the funeral began, but unfortunately, then the theater was repairing the stage in the auditorium, and the coffin could just put the faye and we didn’t even open the coffin, because when we went to the morgue, well, they just needed identification, we just didn’t recognize him, because it turned out that he didn’t stay there for 24 hours, what was happening in riga at that time, she told us at one time, we were playing a play . called
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a red mare with a bell, nadezhda yurievna, shirvin, oroseva, papanov, mishulin, misha derzhavin were busy there, i suddenly nadezhda yurievna flies in with an alarmed face and says: “zoya, can you imagine, the roofing felts didn’t arrive, it was impossible, for papanova theater, it was that’s it, i was terrified, this search began, as a result, some person in the hall found out the phone numbers that he was from this cold one.” he was the one who filmed in karelia, the last film left, which means he must be in moscow, his daughter doesn’t know , we found this very key, we went and opened the apartment, we saw tole, he was in the bathroom, he died, by the way, i remember all this, we were in jaun kemer with marya vladimirovna, everyone was there, then the entire satire theater was there, and i remember how the time when dad said that it was impossible for him not to come, something happened it’s terrible, but it turns out that your
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film was anatoly’s last work. maybe if i had managed to persuade him, none of this would have happened, we said goodbye, i thanked him for being together. work, he got into a taxi, drove about 50 meters, the taxi stopped, he got out, he said, show me my grave, well, he knew that there was an episode where the hero valerie priyomhu, after the death of the hero anatovich, comes to his grave , i say, well, what’s there, well, the scenery, the hills, the wooden cross, he says, well, show me, show me,
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well, we left him, he walked up to this very scenery, stood there, it seemed to me that he was whispering something, you know, people of such talent, such talent and such intuition, perhaps they have a presentiment of something, he sat down, left, and a day later he called our assistant, they are looking for popanova here, they can’t find him, and before that i talked to him, i said, but... filming is not difficult for you, the road, in general, from petrozavodsk, where the actors and the film crew lived, it took four hours to get to our village ruga, probably after all a rather tedious thing, he says: no, everything is generally fine, i say, well , how did you hear, you had a heart attack, everything has long been forgotten, everything is fine, if i get a little bit, i feel some kind of, so to speak ,
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discomfort, i immediately... a cold shower and as limited as cucumbers, but this is an instantaneous constriction of blood vessels, this is a very dangerous thing, he probably did this experiment on himself all this time... and he did it, and it all ended the way it ended with such a tragic outcome, so early 65, only 65 years old, it hasn’t even happened yet 65, because it was in august, and his birthday is october 30, and you know, i also want to say, nina nikolaevna arkhipova, actress of the satire theater, she told me later, you know, i was in front of... the entrance filming, i met him, he said, tolya, why do you look so bad? he says: yes nina, i’m tired, he says, she says: why do you need this, but why are you pushing yourself like that? in the spring he staged his only performance based on gorky’s
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last play, in june it was handed over to the arts council, the play was approved, it then ran for several years, the release of the mongolian studio in getis, filming in the cold summer, it seems to me that after all, it all just got layered. well, plus a wound from the war, let's listen to what your mother told us, his foot was so crushed that it was impossible to put it back together, he was missing two toes on one foot, a large middle one, when he was hospitalized , then they wanted to take away his leg, but somehow they put it back together, everything was healed, and when he came to our institute, he still walked with a cane, he was wonderful...
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in the end they lived with their mother for how many more than 40 years yes yes more than forty if they married in 1945 42 years you appeared in the world and that’s when the roles began just when he said so. a daughter was born, proposals began, i think it’s just a coincidence, and once there was a film crew in your house, and that was a long time ago, but they asked a question about roles, at that
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time the position was like this, my favorite role, i have three, even four , firstly, general sirpilin, and secondly, there is a father in our house. family, thirdly, in comedy, although this is a small role, our artists very often say, here is a small role, we choose the script, we do not agree, in the film beware of the car, i played a small role , i am very pleased, i like this role, and i really like my work, to unfortunately, for some reason, the film distributors released this picture in the summer, and it was not a very popular season, it was hot, everyone in the cities went to the bosom. nature, that is, very few people watched this film, i really like my work in the city of es, which was made by the excellent director joseph efinovich feevich. indeed, it’s amazing that he hasn’t repeated himself in any of his roles, this happens extremely rarely, tell me, yes, that
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i just can’t even say, someone has never repeated himself like that, despite the fact that he has shakespearean talent , dramatic, but he clung to. these characteristic roles, because this is a way of mental survival, look, according to his filmography in the theater, yes , he worked in the theater of satire, there really were kobedins, satirical roles, and according to his filmography, god forbid you have 100 with some roles, well, you can pick up a dozen comedic ones, mostly there are serious roles in films, but or anatonevna they say, she was embarrassed when dad appeared in a diamond hand, but in a scene that was less polished. yes, yes, yes, well, yes, well, because i was still at school, and somehow, when i saw this, i was so ashamed of it, i didn’t even go to school for several days, honestly , i’m like, wow , yes, just like that, uh-huh, uh-huh, by
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modern standards there’s nothing at all, by modern standards it’s nonsense, then it was the year sixty-seven, in my opinion it was, you weren’t allowed to put on powder at school, and i couldn’t, well, what’s more, they also said that... it wasn’t an accident that they didn’t even think about it, but while they were filming, they didn’t think about it, yes, yes, they flew away, the pants flew away, but they left a take , because it’s funny, which means it’s a comedy after all, he a... prepared you to be an actress , did you somehow understand it as a child? no, not at all, because in the last tenth grade i studied language, russian, literature, i was preparing to enter the institute of foreign languages, they did not prepare me and did not recommend me to do this at all, that’s all it’s difficult, and they dissuaded me, and i entered gitis, went through three rounds, so i graduated from gitis with vladimir alekseevich andreev, i really wanted to be in the satire theater, but dad was against it? mom was against it, mom, she said, there can’t be any nepotism,
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because if you play badly, they will say, popanov’s daughter played poorly, and if it’s good, then well, that’s right, it’s popanov’s daughter, he worked with her there, well, in general, mom was just an ultimatum under no circumstances, and he never asked for her either, because she was so very it’s an interesting story, when the little ray just decided to put a little ray of light on the nest of the bluebird dad, orphan, dad was supposed to play the main character there. sudak, an official of the ministry of foreign affairs, the second main role there is his wife, now we see on the screen, yes, and olga aleksandrovna ruseva found out that there was such a role, one of the main roles, she came up and said, tolich, she called him tolich , he says, tolich, go to pluchik, bother him, tell him that you want to play with me, i want to play this role, he says: “okay, ol, i’ll do it.” he went to pluchik. valentina nikolaevich, ulya rossieva wants to play my wife in this play, the ray said: well... “i don’t know, i wanted to give it to your nadya, he says: “then as you wish!” and
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he left, but still he i gave it to my mother, she played well, he even said: “natya is outplaying you .” got loose, quietly made a domestic chicken out of me, do you think that i’ve already completely degenerated, i’ll give you some bubbles. let me remind you, i’m not yet completely overwhelmed by your fat life, he created comfort there, you see, food, and you want, i ’ll throw all your trash out the window, i ’ll slam the door on you so hard that you’ll take me back...
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your daughter to yours parents, her parents are not poor, she completed nursing courses , she said that’s it, i told my mother in evacuation , they went to novosibirs, she completed nursing courses there, she said: tomorrow i’m going to the fronts, grandmother, having only one daughter, she said, well if you decide so, go, she rode on an ambulance train, and before she had already entered getis, she entered, the war began, but still classes began in getis, they studied for several months, then... the institute went into evacuation, only the older students and
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teachers were taken, but the younger ones were not accepted, well, here she is, when their train stopped somewhere near moscow, she asked for time off and decided to go to gites, and met joseph moiseevich raevsky, he was a teacher on their course, and he told her, let’s come back, we have already started working, she’s like- then she was commissioned, i don’t know how this is called, in general they released her, she came alone to the communal apartment. where they used to live, when she came to gites, there was nothing to wear, she was in a tunic in an overcoat, and dad had just arrived, and dad said, i would have approached her, and he told her, you were at the front, she says, yes, i was there too, it brought us closer, and we lived together not far away, mom was in the plyuchikha district, and dad was in the sports metro area, there was a tram there, so dad says, we went, we went together on the tram and got there, in they got married in 1945, but how did their parents take it? yours mom and mom’s parents mom’s parents is it
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a legend or not that grandma was against it? yes, yes, yes, yes, she was against it, because he often accompanied her home, she was already somehow familiar with him, when she said that i was marrying this student papanov, she said : daughter, well, he’s a fine guy, he’s really ugly, but he really was so thin, so classy, ​​because he was thin, my mother said, yes, but he’s the most talented on the course. this really turned out to be the case because after they graduated, it was taken by the small theater, bralmhat, but on the basis of this course, here is theirs, which they completed in the city... it was called, but then it became soviet, russian drama theaters were organized in klaipeda, they were already husband and wife, they went together, dad refused all the offers that we offered to moscow, went with her to klaipeda, but there she played a lot, and dad played little, because
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she was such a russian beauty, but apparently also i don’t know, there are front-line awards played roles, convinced the grandmother that well... there were no front-line awards then, they painted in the forty-fifth year, one award was the order of the patriotic war, second class in the seventy-third year, the order of the patriotic war, first class in the eighty-fifth year, well, the order of the red labor in the eighty-sixth year and the order of the october revolution - this is also the eighty-second or eighty-first year, and this is the badge of the people's artist of the ussr, this is the badge, and the badge, the badge, yes, yes, in the seventy-third year . .. received the people's artist of the ussr. with anatoly popanov said goodbye on august 11 , 1987. the satire theater was undergoing renovations and the coffin was installed in the faye. most of the artists were unable to go to the funeral. the theater toured in riga. menkultura did not allow us to interrupt the schedule. only those
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who were not involved that day arrived. partners, papanov's comrade andrei mironov, the place of the performance where they were supposed to play, was forced to work out a creative evening. and after 5 days andrei mironov passed away. our exclusive today: mystical coincidences in the life of the famous duo mironov popanov. in our studio are the daughters of famous and beloved ones. when my parents bought this dacha, it was probably the early sixties, everything was a little different here, because there was a summer kitchen, there was a toilet, there was no garage, everything here was planted with strawberries, just everything, and what do you ask , sit down, who are you? this is my giving. if they want to hear it, let everyone hear it, this is my dacha, it’s listed as yours, they’ll tune in to my money, and you prove it, but stop it, wife, you ’re generally living by proxy, don’t touch it a dog, cars for their wives, dachas in my name, you have nothing, you’re a kladran, why,
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he came up with this, this is this laughter. this photograph is of some kind, apparently an artist, this is beware of the car, papa imironov, although this is a small role, we very often have artists saying, here is a small role, we choose the script, we do not agree, in the film beware of the car, i played a very small role, for dad, after he played dead and alive , some military unit, well, at a very low price, sold a decommissioned car. pobeda, i still remember that it was such a beige color, so we came to this dacha in this pobeda car. who ordered a taxi to dubrovka? me, sit down! in general, dad took very good care of himself, even when he was playing in the play of the houses, the house talker, he
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was playing a boxer there, he specially trained with a master of sports in boxing so that it would all be believable, hysterical. art, in my opinion, is somewhat more complicated than, say, dramatic art, because when you, say, fall short in drama piece, well, the viewer didn’t cry, when a person starts to tell something funny, suddenly no one laughs, then he gets a slap in the face, everything must be authentic, he fell, he swore, i’m sorry, damn it, look, don’t mix it up, injury, everything is authentic, as our dear boss says, in our business the main thing is this very realism, i really liked the duet of andryusha and tolya popanov, because they are, well , two antipodes, andrei mironov, handsome, so, well, he seems to glide through life,
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dancing, singing, everything adores him, and he also adores everyone, falls in love, and so on, if someone... will come up, sing loudly, what to sing, well, in any case, not god of the tsar, something passionate, an apple or a beauty’s heart is inclined, and such, that means, a worker-peasant block that rudely objected to something, this couple was always very funny, it’s not aesthetically pleasing, but it’s cheap, reliable and practical, they became partners, it was already a very big unity, they were absolutely in contact with... no, wonderful partners, wonderful and stage, in the cinema, but they also went to a lot of concerts together, and
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pasha’s mother also went, they had their own administrator, yes, yes, yes, by the way, i think it was also rudik furman, yes, yes, yes, yes, who later created an enterprise in st. petersburg named after andrei mironov, yes, yes, yes, and then my mother even told me, so i meet andrey, for example, in the corridor of the theater there, he says, and nadezhda yurievna, tomorrow anatoly dmich and i are going to a concert, please gather him, and so here it is. .. well, what a great grandfather he was and i’m generally grateful to fate that i had him, albeit for a little while, but it was here
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this is my grandfather, i was raised by my grandparents until i was 15 years old, i lived in this communal apartment, where they first lived when i was born, then they were given a room in a dorm, that’s where ivera kuzmenichna lived vasilyeva with ushakov, with her husband, tatyana vana peltsar, a wonderful childhood and i’m so grateful that it turned out this way, what about my parents?
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i went out of town to see some woman, she did something for me there, then i went to the doctor and said, just like that, you know, abortions were prohibited, yes, well, what should i do, i had to get out of this somehow , i never didn’t say that i was just saying, stop drinking, i loved him, he loved me, so he got very drunk at my mother’s funeral. then i cut it off like this, i say: tolya, tell me what you are, maybe you
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could give me some lunch, leave me alone, i didn’t give anything, that’s it, i don’t drink anymore, he told me: listen, never to anyone don’t believe that you can’t stop drinking, you just need to have the will, so i did it to myself, i told myself that i wouldn’t get drunk and i wouldn’t drink, well, i just didn’t even see it, but i... wanted of course i wish i had brothers and sisters, yes, well, you can’t return it, but you still have something from dad, i don’t know, handwritten, you know, yes, i have one single letter, unfortunately, i probably forgot to take it, which i keep this, i think it’s like a parting word for me for the rest of my life, because that’s what it is, and we have it, a letter, the only letter from a father to his daughter. “dear daughter, well, hello, it’s a little hard for you, i understand, but what can you do, this is our acting life, it’s good that you
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immediately found it difficult when you start with easy, then it’s difficult to fight illusions, my mother and i told you that this profession requires special tension, dedication of strength, spiritual, physical and, of course, creative, you need strong nerves and a clear head, it seems that you have all this, the most destructive thing in creativity, especially for a beginner, is easy success, or the appearance of success; in my memory, such people did not succeed in anything worthwhile in art, in the theater or in the cinema, it is better to start with a call, the smallest one, do not rush into the clouds, stand by strong earth, she will give you, fight in envy of oneself, ill will towards comrades. this is detrimental for any creative organism, as stanislavsky said, love the art in yourself, and not yourself in art.
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in general, here is a parting letter.
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i haven’t acted in films for several years, they’ve already started to forget about me, yeah, about how fate separated us, we’ve already figured it out, that’s how we connected, i’d like to say, to be honest, i didn’t expect to invite anatoly bidnich to this picture, it didn’t even cross my mind this never happened, i tried wonderful artists for this role, first of all it would seem that he knew dvorzhetsky, who worked in the camps for 17 years. subject, what should we play about? vaclav dorzhensky, yes, but the test showed that people who went through this horror reject it. after him, i tried the wonderful zamansky, but zamansky and valeri priyomykhov overlapped, so to speak, as individuals, this
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conflict did not work out, i tried many more people, nothing worked. finally the assistant says, i ’ll drive you crazy, who do you need, what do you need from me, i say, i need an unknown an artist with a tired face papanov, the next day, about 12 o'clock at night, she calls me, says papanov will be with us tomorrow, i say, this is not what we agreed on, a day later anatoly dmitrievich came, this pass through the mass film with papanov, do you understand this is something? completely unusual, because all the doors opened, in short, well, such a soviet celebrity, in a luxurious , completely gray suit, i thought, again i flew by, we came to the costume shop, well , let's put on a suit there, while you look, i i’ll go to the office where i’m waiting for you, in
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half an hour the diggers will arrive. a man in a triukha in a padded jacket with a dull gaze on padded legs, he says: well, when the auditions, i say what auditions, everything is clear, yeah, we agreed, it started with what that means, we were filming somewhere 100 km from petrozavodsk , the bronze beauty of the icy cold north, this huge gray sky, amazing places, this is the lake for everyone that we filmed. in the role of the siberian river, the group arrived on some kind of broken-down bus, crawled behind, that means the yellow taxi that papanov was taken to on the first day of filming, this lake was always completely empty, but as soon as the public of the local villages saw this taxi, that’s it...


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