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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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because the east is not europe, that’s it, i can’t do anything else. hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, the main event of the day. the new government, who will retain their posts, who will be promoted and new faces, candidacies have been submitted to the state duma, and today the president signed it. decree on the structure
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of the cabinet. a blow to donetsk on the tenth anniversary of the referendum, the independence of the dpr, there are deaths and shelling of the belgorod and kursk regions, new crimes of the kiev regime. broad front in the kharkov direction five settlements have been liberated, there are successes in avdeevsky, new reports from the ministry of defense. another $400 million worth of new shipment of american weapons for kiev. how moscow reacts to this, commentary by mikhail leontyev. the contribution of chemists to the defeat of the nazis in the great patriotic war. superglue, synthetic gasoline , is a special substance that was called a formidable weapon for partisans. our special project, the science of winning. extreme level, powerful magnetic storm after a series of flares on...
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incredible beauty in the sky a signal for everyone be more attentive to your health. so that's the news for this evening. candidates for the posts of ministers and deputy prime ministers have been submitted to the state duma. there are new faces, and there are those who are up for promotion. now the decision is up to the deputies. and in the morning the president signed a decree on the structure of the government. it is published on the official legal information portal. the number of ministries' names follows from the text. it remains the same, only 20. one department, the head of the cabinet will have 10 deputies. new powers of the state duma in action for deputies it is necessary to approve the so-called civil list of the cabinet of ministers of the security forces and the heads of the ministry named after just, in agreement with the federation council, will be appointed by the president. and today the prime minister presented a proposal to parliamentarians. so, the head of government has 10 deputies, including the first deputy. denis manturov, who previously headed the ministry of industry and trade, has been proposed for the post, increasing the status of the deputy prime minister in charge of industry, and the press secretary of the prime minister. from belyakov explains first
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of all the importance of the president’s tasks, achieving technological sovereignty. the development of technology today is at the forefront of the entire range of tasks facing executive authorities. it is technological leadership in all areas, be it aircraft manufacturing, manufacturing, tank building, radio electronics, or the military-industrial complex, that can become a powerful driver of economic development. vitaly savelyev will supervise transport in the status of deputy prime minister; before that he was the head of the ministry of transport, and this is another innovation in the structures of the cabinet of ministers. development of transport corridors and logistics require additional control. victoria abramchenko, who dealt, in particular, with issues of ecology and the agricultural-industrial complex, will be replaced by dmitry patrushev. experience working in the ministry of agriculture will be useful. alexander novak will also receive new powers. in addition to energy, instead of andrei belousov, who is leaving the government, he will take charge of the economic block. but deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko, in addition to the financial and control and supervisory spheres, was asked to delegate digital development and communications, as well as antimonopoly policy. here boris belyakov explains how this is a solution. he
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was responsible for the digitalization of public administration, has extensive experience in implementing key it systems, and has all the necessary competencies to continue this work. in addition, the ongoing reform of control and supervisory activities has had a positive impact on economic development. the transition of the federal antimonopoly service to the supervision of dmitry grigorenko will give additional impetus to this work. dmitry chernyshenko will continue to oversee science, sports and tourism development, to coordinate the activities of the media, the ministry of education of rosmolodezh will be added as additional sponsored departments. tatyana golikova, who was responsible for the status of deputy prime minister for the social bloc, according to boris belyakov, will also coordinate the work of the federal agency for nationalities affairs. she is a long-term supervisor of social policy, the development of institutions and programs to support the protection of people, is deeply immersed in issues of interethnic relations and has enormous experience in systematically and comprehensively solving problems with relying on feedback from people. the combination of these qualities will ensure a proper approach to work on the development of this area. at the proposal of the head of government, alexey will retain the position of deputy prime minister. in 2012-2018
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, he headed rosavtodor, in 2019 he headed the group for safe and high-quality roads and road activities for the preparation of the presidium of the state council for transport, he knows the industry from the inside. in addition, roman storovoit has extensive political management experience, which will be useful in his work as the head of one from key federal ministries. another governor who could join the government is the head of the kaliningrad region, anton alikhanov, he is a candidate for the post of minister of industry and trade. anton alikhanov is qualified and strong. as governor, he was able to ensure the development of the economy and industry of the region. thanks to his experience working at the federal and regional levels, he has an understanding of the tasks and decisions on the agenda, which is extremely important for the industry for which he will be responsible as head of the ministry of industry and trade. sergei tsevelev will also make the transition from the governor's corps to the government;
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he now heads the kemerovo region. many years of experience as the head of the largest russian coal mining region, as well as work at the federal level in the presidium of the state council of the russian federation and as a... chairman of the state council of russia commission in the field of energy give reason to believe that sergei tsivelev will ensure the further development of an industry important for the country. and experience working in a specialized committee the state duma will help the governor of the khabarovsk territory mikhail dekterev quickly get used to the post of minister of sports. it is important that he is a master of sports in fencing, a prize-winner of all-russian and international competitions. mikhail dekterev has the necessary competencies to respond to the challenges facing the industry to continue the active development of this area. and finally, deputies were asked to approve oksana lut as the new minister of agriculture. now she is the first deputy minister, she has been working in the ministry of agriculture since 2018. the rest of the cabinet composition will remain unchanged. at the suggestion of mikhail mishustin , the minister of labor anton katyakov, the head of the ministry of natural resources alexander kozlov, the minister of education sergei kravtsov, the head of the ministry of culture olga lyubimova,
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the minister of economic development maxim reshetnikov, the head of the ministry of finance anton siluanov, the minister of health mikhail murashko, the head of the ministry of construction irek fayzulin, the minister of education will retain their posts. science, valery falkov, head of the ministry of eastern europe. development alexey chikunkov and minister of digital development maksud shadayev, tomorrow the candidates proposed by the prime minister will be discussed relevant committees of the state duma. evgeny lyamin, kiril brian, pavel lurdakov and boris kamenov, channel one. while the formation of a new government is underway, there should be no pauses in work. today , vladimir putin recalled this at a meeting in the kremlin with acting deputy prime minister, minister of industry and trade denis manturov and the head of rostec sergei chemizov. the focus is on the task ahead.
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is moving in this direction within rostec, i would like to talk to you now about how this work is being built now and how we plan to build it in the near future, i know that a lot has been done, everything is running smoothly, everything is functioning, but there are issues that require special attention, so we’ll focus on them today, an important date: 10 years ago. voted for independence from ukraine, against the aggression of the nationalists who seized power in kiev as a result of an armed coup. people expressed their firm determination to defend their right to their native language, culture, and free development. this is stated in the presidential in a telegram, vladimir putin congratulated the residents
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of the dpr on the tenth anniversary of their important historical choice. that referendum became the starting point of a new era. residents of the lpr also demonstrated their desire to be with russia. they also received a telegram from the kremlin. "tomorrow is also a special day for lugansk, 10 years of the proclamation of the people's republic, on this significant day for the residents of the dpr, in revenge for the choice made 10 years ago, militants of the kiev regime shelled peaceful donetsk, our people are again being killed by american weapons, one of the shells of the haimers rocket system got into restaurant in the kirovsky district, three dead, nine injured. alexey ivanov has all the latest information; he works on site. the terrorist attack on civilians in donetsk was filmed by our colleagues, journalists from the war gonza project. a car rally in honor of the tenth anniversary of the donetsk people's republic was supposed to begin in the parking lot of the shopping center. explosions were heard during the interview. people tried to find shelter in the hypermarket.
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the parking lot and the impact site were separated by some 150-200 m. a popular restaurant in donetsk is located here on leninsky prospekt. a direct hit from two shells at once. here the working day had just begun, the militants of the kiev regime once again used high-precision weapons, it is clear that, for example, the entrance group was completely destroyed, the second missile flew into the neighboring ones. the completed building, rafael miraculously managed to escape, his clothes were covered in blood, he says, he was in the summer kitchen, everything around began to fly away from the blast wave, what kind of injuries do you have, please tell me, but i’m fine, i was just helping guys, we’ll have it soon, but everything is fine, i had nothing, it’s a miracle for you, as they say, it saved me so much that i just don’t know, so it worked for later, i just turned on the sound twice right away, and then went out, let’s look at this situation, there ’s a gas station next to the restaurant, fragments. the shells flew there, the windows of several cars were broken, there were dents from
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bricks on the hood of the car, there wouldn’t have been a gas station about 10 meters away, of course, just if the roof hadn’t caught it, it would have caught the gas station, that is, so that everything would fly up into the air, naturally, that’s it from this fragment of the restaurant's exterior panels, you can see how strong there was a scattering of fragments, the metal was pierced through, here, too , these fragments of the rocket were found on the spot, the characteristic yellow color, that is... the projectile was fired from the khaimars installation, in the near future all this will be added to the materials of the criminal case. there are even inscriptions like this here, which suggests that you can find out the markings and date of manufacture of these shells. the use of american weapons by the kiev regime against civilians was confirmed by employees of the center for monitoring and recording crimes committed by ukrainian troops. especially it is emphasized that the shelling took place on a holiday for the donetsk people's republic. the following fragments were found at the site, a part of the main engine was discovered, missiles
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using two types of rszzo hymers missiles, this is an m-31 fragmentation missile, ram-shaped fragments of fragments of an m30 a1 missile, this is a charapnel missile, the consequences of the shelling were recorded by the investigative committee, at least four people were wounded, they were hospitalized, they are receiving the necessary medical care, one of the dead was a waitress, she and others employees... was preparing for the upcoming banquet, which was planned to be held in the evening, the girl worked for us opening, the child stayed behind, help will be provided to the family, of course, the local one lives next to us, this area called peaceful is coming under heavy shelling, no longer in the first time, in august 2022, ukrainian militants targeted the galaxy shopping center in the middle of a working day, then miraculously no one was hurt, but the hypermarket burned out completely on the spot.
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borisovka, ogurtsovo, pletenevka, dusty and arrow. the enemy's manpower and equipment were hit near volchansk, which the ukrainian armed forces turned into a fortified stronghold. success in the avdeevsky direction, our center group of troops established full control over the village of keramik in the dpr. and the military of the southern district improved the situation along the front line on the donetsk front and burned three german tanks. the battalion named after pavel sudaplatov is successfully operating in the zaporozhye direction; the famous soviet intelligence officer became famous primarily as a specialist in guerrilla warfare and a hunter of bandera leaders. today's sudoplat workers continue his work with dignity, using modern technologies. report by valery kuznetsov.
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our fighters keep the sky under control and prepare in minutes. drone for work on the screen there are spot symbols barely visible to an ordinary person, these are the goals, it is important to be able to notice details, transport yes, it is clearly visible, because it is on...
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against the enemy, all this is in perspective, it will be, it future, there is also a workshop where engineers assemble drones that can stay in the sky for up to 5 hours, and also these four-wheeled light reconnaissance vehicles, which can even make their way through minefields, for assault brigades, for some purposes, for example, to drive under a car to see whether it is mined or not, individual systems are manufactured here for fighters. all this equipment helps destroy the enemy every day, bringing our victory closer. valery kuznetsov, natalia sidorova and alexey kozlov. channel one, zaporozhye region. and new examples of the courage of our defenders. private yegor lunev under constant attack enemy drones and regular artillery
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attacks, established a complex system of video and radio communications between units and the command post. guard. private alexey burakov saved 12 comrades, carried wounded soldiers out from under fire and provided first aid to everyone. we have already spent more than 50 billion dollars since february 22 and are allocating more. american president joe biden signed an order on a new package of military assistance for the kiev regime. this time the amount will be $400 million. as reported the pentagon will send ammunition for the patriot and nasams complexes and missiles to ukraine. harm, haimers rocket systems, projectiles for them, as well as anti-tank guns, armored vehicles, small arms, spare parts. the white house openly acknowledges the successes of our military in the northern military district zone, and the new allocation of money is a response to the advance of the russian armed forces on the battlefields. why does the west constantly provoke russia and provoke it to respond, mikhail
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leontyev argues in his author’s program; however, he recalls the medicine that the doctor prescribed one cartoon character, so funny. the association has worked out, but if things get serious, then no one will be laughing. words attributed to the german chancellor bismarck: i know many ways to get the russian bear out of the den, but i don’t know a single one how to drive him back. however, hello, this is called controlled escalation, creeping, gradual build-up. the quality and quantity of weapons supplied to ukraine, the range of missiles, against the backdrop of macron’s repeated threats to send contingents to ukraine separately from the frozen nato countries, all this... prompted us to an unprecedented reaction. the russian ministry of defense announced that the general staff has begun preparations for conducting exercises with missile formations
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of the southern military district, with the involvement of aviation and navy, on the use of galactic nuclear weapons. unprecedented, this reaction is noticeable only from our side. nato has been conducting similar exercises every year since the eleventh year. controlled escalation, the idea of ​​poking the bear with a stick little by little.
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strategic ambiguity, translated from macronsky, is the very controlled escalation, which assumes that only they should manage the escalation. russia, as a strategic power, no longer gives us any certainty. faced with such an adversary, it would be very reckless to set limits a priori; on the contrary, we must deprive him of any certainty, since this is what creates the potential for deterrence. what's the catch? in order for nuclear deterrence to work, it is precisely certainty that is needed, no limited nuclear war with any individual frozen nato countries it cannot be the idea of ​​teasing a nuclear power. the russian doctrine of nuclear deterrence does not divide nuclear weapons into tactical and strategic at all, what are you complaining about? on mice, mouse, don’t mouse, everything
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is clear, you are very kind, you need to get angry, i don’t know how, doctor. you can, here’s the medicine, azverin, take one tablet at a time, and what if you go wild, isn’t it time for the beast, however, goodbye, look, they demonstratively destroyed the charter of this organization, the representative of israel brought a special machine for cutting paper and showed attitude.
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palestine's membership in the world organization will help equalize negotiating positions with israel, which has long had full status, and palestine has been waiting for it for almost 80 years. it is our common duty to correct the historical injustices against chaane and the palestinians with our own sovereign unified state, which should have been accepted at the un back in 1948. we are convinced that palestine’s full membership in the world organization would help equalize the starting negotiating positions with israel, which... received this full-fledged status more than 75 years ago, it was the admission of the state of palestine to the un that would be the first practical step towards a fair solution to the palestinian
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issue on an approved un platform based on a generally recognized international legal framework. now achp is in the koma republic. a five-story residential building in pechora partially collapsed. more than 100 rescuers and over thirty pieces of equipment worked at the scene. according to preliminary data, no one was injured. 14 people were evacuated from the building, including five children, temporary accommodation centers have been organized. the houses will begin moving in next week. the investigation is being conducted by the prosecutor's office. they knew about the problems with the building. more than a year ago, experts identified defects in load-bearing structures and ceilings, when, after checking the dormitories in pechora , two criminal cases were opened. the captain of the pleasure boat, yan karasev, as well as idris gadzhiev, shahban dzhabrailov and mukhamad hasanov. i'm risking my life. rushed into the cold water to save passengers of a bus that crashed into a river in st. petersburg. all four will be presented to awards. footage appeared from inside the bus. at the time of the emergency, there were two dozen people there,
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seven died. residents of the northern capital bring flowers to the scene of the tragedy; the driver is detained. the company that owns the bus was searched. investigators are carefully determining whether the rules for transporting people were observed, the labor rights of workers, who selected the drivers, and who was responsible for the medical examination. formidable yars missile systems. on victory day they drove through red square, and now they are returning from alabino, near moscow, to the ivanovo region. route length columns over 400 km. they will stand still. after technical inspection, the locations of the parade crew vehicle will take their original positions. immortal regiment in cuba: hundreds of people with portraits of war heroes walked along one of the central avenues of havana. our compatriots, russian diplomats, cuban students and university teachers. songs of the war years have the sympathy of local residents. at the russian embassy there are minutes of silence and a concert in honor of the great victory. we continue
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to tell you about scientists who made an invaluable contribution to the common cause of victory, in special project of the first channel - the science of winning. superglue, synthetic gasoline, a special substance that was called a formidable weapon for partisans. today we are talking about chemists, they used all possible methods, in some sense of the word, to chemically achieve victory. the input included almost the entire periodic table. about why the fuel of the war years was fragrant with fir, and what is it, our formula for victory? in the report by kiril brainin.
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nikolai zelinsky did a lot, from the creation of the first gas mask to the discovery of activated carbon and the development of production synthetic fuel, this is only for the partial first quarter of the 20th century. during the great patriotic war, zelinsky worked to improve the quality of gasoline, primarily aviation gasoline; here it is hardly possible to overestimate the importance of every second of stable engine operation. altitude is the first thing, the second thing is flight range and...
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the archives of the institute contain many reviews about the properties of nazarov’s invention, this is now in abundance, even superglue, even cold welding, even sealant, and during the war , a substance capable of tightly gluing something anything, with anything, it seemed like a miracle without any exaggeration, it was tried to see if it was possible, so to speak, to glue together defects of military equipment with the help of this glue, which means it turned out that this glue really helps to repair... for example, cylinder heads, military equipment, cracks on them, and machine bodies were repaired, and, what is important, this could be done without taking the equipment to some repair shops, it could be done literally in the field . the glue successfully sealed aircraft fuel tanks that had been punctured in battle, it even connected plates of armored vehicle tracks; in general, it worked at any temperature, in the air on the ground and even under water. diesel engines are useless after a dive, without
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air they... work underwater, the boat is driven by electric motors, and they, in turn, are powered by batteries, but what if the batteries are damaged, in the midst of a war , spare parts are in short supply, here we found more one application of nazarov glue. many people are familiar with the bonite stick from the school physics course: the body of a ship's battery is made made of the same rather fragile material, inside a container weighing more than 600 kg is a toxic thirty-five percent solution of salt. acid, in the event of depressurization of the housing , everything that was inside went into the battery pit. this is an emergency situation in which not only personnel could be injured , but also an entire submarine could be disabled . before the advent of clay nazarov, such a battery had to be removed from the submarine, and this was a very labor-intensive process that required a lot of physical labor and a lot of time. that's why.
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which worked perfectly in these conditions, and the bakers were able to bake bread every day for leningraders in such difficult conditions of the siege. at this time, at the leningrad special chemical laboratory of the kirov technical institute, they were struggling with the problem
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of fuel shortage, and so synthetic gasoline appeared, from seemingly completely unobvious raw materials. this synthetic gasoline was made on the basis of perfumery raw materials, on the basis of fir oil, fir oil... was in large quantities in the perfume factories and soap factories of the city, they are just in this time they didn’t work, the raw material was simply not used, so after this transport goes, it leaves a trail of such an aromatic smell. the laboratory was also involved in the development of chemical detonators for molotov cocktails, and moscow chemist anatoly kachugin created the destructive partizan weapon, a mastic named after him. looks like a device. resembled a piece of laundry soap, you just had to attach it to the enemy train, the train would move, pick up speed, then chemistry would meet physics, from the oncoming air flow increased the frictional force and the substance ignited, the combustion temperature exceeded 100°, everything inside
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the car was guaranteed to burn to the ground, and the ammunition also detonated. in laboratory conditions, the reaction is achieved by striking it with iron pincers. here the reaction is based on phosphorus. compounds, but for demonstration we took ordinary red phosphorus, with the addition of potassium chlorate. in principle, this mixture is something explosive that can actually explode from the slightest mechanical impact. impact. kachugin’s mastic was based on a similar composition, but a drop of sulfuric acid activates the reaction that was used in the same incendiary mixtures, this is only a particularity against the backdrop of such a scale of scientific research that scientists later... said, only six elements of the periodic table did not find their application during the great patriotic war, but if someone knew the formula for victory, it would definitely include the courage, heroism, and faith of millions of people approaching that very day, and behind it the first parade on red square. academician
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zelinsky stood on the podium with his son, and this memory was etched into the memory of both of them forever. he, who survived the first world war, the civil war, when before his eyes and...
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parts of russia and over the crimea one could observe a fascinating spectacle of incredible beauty, the northern lights, all because the strongest magnetic storm in the last 20 years was recorded on earth, and tonight it reached the maximum fifth level, it was caused by powerful flares of the sun, a cloud of plasma hit our planet and provoked a disturbance in the magnetic field. in at such times, weather-dependent people may feel general malaise and headaches . experts note that solar activity. may cause interference with navigation systems and electrical systems, including damage to substations. according to scientists, the magnetic storm will last at least another two days. that's all, keep an eye on the time and
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stay updated. and now the club is on air on channel one.


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