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tv   Zakritii pokaz s Aleksandrom Gordonom  1TV  May 11, 2024 11:50pm-2:30am MSK

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that's it, you can stop with her, we're late, the movie already started 20 minutes ago.
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we agreed.
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fill out the form, where is the evidence? what are you doing here? where is the birth certificate? who are you, comrade? my child will study in a regular school, is he normal? is it normal with this diagnosis? why do you have any doubts? mommy, why are you silent? will your boy not survive in a regular school? do you want to destroy your child? give it, give it to the doc , he’ll go to this school, the issue is resolved. don't
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touch mom. the dance ardista is back on our stage, give me, you've had enough, dance, muro, dance, dance, try, take the lesson, that's it, you've got it, come on, tell the story,
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kavalesh, what's under your desk? do you think i don't see anything? immediately put it on my table along with the notebook. sorokin, reduce the bags. come on, count of montacrista,
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what else do you have to do? nothing, tetyana fedorovna, i just did the whole test, well, let’s check it, i see everything, you did it yourself, uh-huh, well, actually, we haven’t gone through the changes yet, teodrovna, i’ve already read the rest of the textbook, so what? you will do until the end of the year, i i asked for a textbook for the fifth grade, they don’t give it, they say it’s too early, yes, we’re taking all the tests, well , you can, take it, take it, let’s, carefully, carefully, hey, you’re coming,
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do you want to run away too? i can give you your mapatompharia, look what i have.
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we're writing a new topic: arithmetic mean, mean, arithmetically, can we, hello guys, i'll just be a minute, i have incredible news, so
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to speak, a sensation, so to speak, sit down guys, sit down, where is sasha kovalev, in my opinion, sending our clown to the circus. what, listen guys, the winner of the all-union olympiads in mathematics, according to the sixth grade program, student alexander kovalev, is awarded a trip to, and guess where, to the artek pioneer camp, that's it, guys, the first bitch for... you get on the train, right away, take off your shoes, put on slippers, they have you are lying here, remember, please, in the sea without a counselor, not a leg, can you hear me, you
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remember, hello kovalevo, tatyana fedorovna, hello, hello, what are you doing here, well, i’m very pleased to see off such a special student, so what? you, i'm like everyone else, no, you're not like everyone else, everyone vrtek is not sent. you are a very gifted, talented boy, i’ll be proud of you, take it with you on the road, remember, you wanted to run away, you succeeded, so little secrets, come on, help, come on, i’ll help, no need, good afternoon, i’m sasha. kovalev? yes. well, come on in. let's welcome sasha. what are these
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boring faces, you had to wait a couple of minutes and you’re already bored? well, we've been here for an hour already. we’re sitting here, tell me, what are you looking forward to most, the sea, the sun, uh, oh, something completely awaits you ahead. unexpected to everyone, something that cannot be imagined, but something that is forever will change your life, are you ready for this, yes, and why is it so sad, are you ready, yes, it’s better, one, one, two, three, in the young month of april we drink, in the old fuss, and the cheerful swing begins its run, grooves . the whole world, the heart has stopped spinning, only the sky, only
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the wind, only joy is ahead, only the sky, only the wind, only joy is ahead, soaring into the sky, an unfaithful obstacle, we wanted to fly smoothly... you noticed me, yes, yes, can we go to the camp? under no circumstances
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are there any disabled people in the ussr, it cannot be shown to foreign guests, you don’t have such a rule in the arctic, but we do, that’s it, send him back, you can’t do that, he’s traveled halfway across the country, don’t mind your own business, the discussion is over, i said back. baby, it’s not about you, adults are very cowardly, but you are strong and brave, i see you will defeat everyone, do you hear? this is an unusual
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necktie, i award it only to the most worthy, you were in artek, sasha, you were. “hello, friend, i’ll put a shell here, just don’t touch anyone, look, i saw it myself, because he immediately gave it away, rewarded with a trip
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to the artek pioneer camp, the first time in our school. that’s it, you don’t have to stop, we’re late, the movie was called 20 minutes ago, and how are you going to go for a walk, dad, don’t worry about the flock, you were morpeth, sasha, you were, what should he do?
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apparently the delegation is traveling, what a society for the disabled. the fifth one has already left, somehow i’m not close, quietly, now you’ll declassify everyone. thank you, who's next, i want, i want what you have, hold it, it won't work, there's already one, i'll take two, chewing gum won't work either, yeah, don't worry, today it looks like
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we won't be able to go to the toilet at all. sasha, what are you doing here? stina fedorovna, s there was no escape, so please help me hide. wait! parents know, wait, i’ll call now, wait, come in, it’s a great honor for me on behalf of
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the executive committee of our plant to present this... wonderful musical instrument to your school ensemble, thank you very much, and i want to give the floor to sasha kovalev, oleg, oleg, the hero our school, the child of our district, thank you, our whole city, at such a moment i want to tell the truth, and i will tell it, although it is difficult to find the right words. “i only tried artek for a month, but i managed i miss you, i miss you, i give you warm greetings, on behalf of all of artek, let’s greet our young hero, well done,
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come here, i’ll hang you by the arms, let me copy your homework, but i won’t do it myself, damn it, a couple again slap, i can do everything quickly, why do you want problems? no, but i can help with yours, and are you for it?
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you play, what are you playing, as much as you can, ksyukh, i am this, i want you to go with me to moscow, but i can’t, i’m not ready for the exams, i can help you with these exams
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and this, listen , but this is my city, the concert is coming soon, and you love me, kovalev, and you didn’t mix up the wand, and this way you ’re doing even better, knock with yours, or maybe i’ll knock on your head with this wand, what did you say, kovalev, to the director. so pay attention, we submitted a petition to moscow state university to admit your boy without exams, as a gold medalist. but then we found out that your son is selling tests and essays, and does it systematically, what does this mean,
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tatyana fedorovna, please explain, he lied to us for 2 years in the squad council, certificates of honor, said how much he for... he is very he’s a good boy, everyone loves him, alexandrovich, so, we’ll give him a certificate, but there can be no talk of a petition and a medal, wait, alexander ivanovich, let’s talk, dad, stop, dad, i couldn’t do otherwise, dad, dad, dad, listen.
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sasha, sash, sash, can you hear me, sasha, after the hemorrhage, most of the brain is functioning, unfortunately, so can you hear me, there is no real development in medicine, in such cases, i will not be able to help him, wait, well, it must be just a miracle, only miracles,
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corpses, she loves it, her ex-wife arranged it scandal screamed that it would kill them both? do you smell it, gentlemen? yes, there are internal organs, muchisa, as the new forensic expert of the most prominent opera recorded for you, well, it seems like everyone was taught, if this is not murder, it means a kidnapping or a staged kidnapping, an assault group, readiness number one, that is, it’s not safe with you here. it’s not safe to hang out with me at all, uh, no, i won’t take you like this, go back, get treatment, otherwise, can you explain to me what’s going on? don't worry, this is
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a formality as part of the investigation. no genetic fingerprints of the killer were found, the victim was still pregnant, in the sense of a bloodhound, a new episode from monday on the first, you bear too much responsibility for others, my shoulders told you this, the body can tell a lot about a person, here is our potolaganat, that’s what he thinks,
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dad, where are we going, where are we, where are we going, that’s it, then he himself, from here to... the house through the forest is 100 km away, what are you looking at, there is an assignment, dad, what are you doing, i’m not doing anything, now that’s it you do it yourself, as agreed, crawl,
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maybe you’ll get to your feet, it’s more convenient will be, or you can’t anymore, but i forgot, you’re disabled, now let’s go there.
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oh, i can’t offer anything better, have fun, son!
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why, my son, he decided to run away, he couldn’t escape from me.”
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sashay. sanya, son, sasha,
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sanya. where is he, what are we? what did you do with him? it seems i lost sasha.
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get out, get out, i don't need your help.
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mom, go already, mom, mom, go!
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are you ready, everyone has already gathered there, well, let them wait, there are 20 thousand, they can’t give 20 thousand, they themselves don’t know how much they can, friends, it’s happened, i tried to invite him for many years, welcome to the stage of the main business forum of the world, alexander kovalev, turn off yours. mobile phones right now, you're in the third row, this concerns everyone,
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we were only a little late and you've already lost interest, this is not what you expected, nothing, i'm here just for you to see and hear something unexpected, something that will change your life forever, this is your secret for weapons, yes, this is kovalev’s son, they have not communicated for 15 years. let's get acquainted, my name is alexander kovalev, i am the best business consultant in the country, that's what you want you don’t know, i was born and died immediately, asphyxia, the pros saved me, but they gave me a diagnosis, d, c p.
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getting out of bed, taking a step, taking a spoon was a problem for me, but by the age of eight i decided, i went, i went, i ran. i understood that i had a problem, a big problem, but i also solved it, i graduated from a prestigious university, founded a company, and pulled
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half a thousand businesses across the country out of crises. polina, my assistant. polina, please, as soon as we finish, please remind me of one very important matter, what? just tell me it’s important, and we’ll with your permission we will continue. today i will help your business. i will do what no one else can do. and here is my secret, after all the problems that i have experienced in my life, i hope you understand how i feel about yours, for me there are none, i think it will work,
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now i will arrange everything, and these are asking for individual consultations .
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congratulations, i congratulate you, in general, guys, then let’s celebrate this event, so let’s applaud our wizard robert, the drum roll, bravo, once again we’ll drink to my favorite, please, so, you go full speed ahead, you want to steer, yes, of course, i would be very happy, uncle horse, what? so tense, no, okay, how are you, how is the city, how is the factory? yes, everything is bad, they don’t pay salaries, there are no orders, the plant is dying, i came to you as the mayor, to ask for help, but i don’t know where to start, i mean, just tell me how it is, give me something, robert is a very
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rich man, he wants to be an investor, wants to invest money in a plant, but it doesn’t work out, what’s the problem? everyone at the plant is behind both hands, the general is against it, and so what? broadcasts, we can handle it ourselves, all these are temporary difficulties, now everything is clear, sanya, just don’t be offended, i understand, this is your own father, first, maybe you’ll get up on your feet, so it will be better with someone else... or can’t you already? be careful, let him pass, he ’s going against the flow, that’s his problem,
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lock him up, i’ll do everything, it’s not difficult for me. thank you, and robert will pay you whatever he says, of course, they will pay, where will he go, i believe that our plant urgently needs investments from moscow partners, and i propose that the shareholders’ meeting accept a positive decision on this agreement. you have known me all my life, i came to the plant from putyaga, this is all i have, yes, now we are having temporary difficulties, but we managed. we don’t need assistants, what do we know about these people, that they are from moscow, okay, you can drink with them for that, but work, i don’t trust
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the muscovites, look what they have turned the country into, what a circus, this is an ordinary circus in front of you a standard agreement, everything is transparent, but you yourself have read this agreement, has anyone here read this agreement, we even have a lawyer in the city no, to understand this in detail, i won’t sign something that i don’t understand, stop doing nonsense here, let’s go to work, dear shareholders, attention, since our general director has proven his incompetence here, he couldn’t even figure out what- some kind of standard agreement, i’m kulya, are you crazy, or what, i’m raising the question of appointing a crisis manager, here’s my candidacy, good afternoon everyone, hello, my name is alexander kovalev, first of all , you shouldn’t treat me as a person with on the other hand, i was born in this city, i love it, i also know this man very well, i know... all his arguments in advance, he says that you have temporary difficulties, that you don’t need to be afraid of anything, that you can handle everything you will succeed. why does he say that? because he always passes off what is desired as
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reality and, on the basis of this, demands the impossible, but i will give you the hard facts: you have a disaster, the market has fallen, there are no orders, the equipment is outdated, workers receive 25% of their salaries. the company can only be saved strategic partner. my moscow order will bring money with which it will be possible to reconstruct production and not sometime in the distant future, directly. now, this will directly affect those people for whom oleg nikolaevich is supposedly so worried. there is an agreement on the table, which was drawn up at the level of world standards, this is the only way to work today, everything else is a thing of the past. let's keep it simple, this is an appendix to the contract, one sheet, two paragraphs on it: first, you appoint me as crisis manager, second, in 15 minutes after this, the first tranche of money will come about the plant, from which we will first pay off wage debts, if...
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something has changed, as i understand it, you came to ruin my plant, well, i won’t allow you to do that, plant you ruin him, i save him. i have a plan, we’ll get out of it, miracles don’t happen, i’m sure, i’m begging you, stop this, it’s late, but with this capital’s undead everything is clear, but what are you trying to achieve, i want to save the plant from you, but i understood, personally, but as a result...innocent people may suffer, they have children, i can’t afford this, you want me to apologize, for my childhood,
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for the taiga, yes, i’ll do that, dad, what are you doing, dad, get up, dad, get up, forgive me, dad, get up, what are you doing, the money has been transferred, there were only three women in hitler’s life, no one really knew anything about them during the fuhrer’s life. hitler wanted to remain vacant, and motivated this by the fact that his destiny was germany. how hitler’s relationship with the female sex was built was subsequently restored bit by bit, but only one thing is truly known: all women hitler attempted suicide. let us note that his... beloved germany , because of her great love for her fuhrer, committed suicide and died slowly in agony.
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premiere, ordinary fascism. two. on monday, on the first. how are you? class, mood. oh, mariupol, like a seagull with a broken wing. their uniforms were thrown away, that is, they mostly came to the surface out of shape, the guys will work in positions, they gave you a chocolate bar, at this point we started negotiating with representatives and got tired.
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he forbade me to swim, but i didn’t listen, well, thank you guys, it’s a cool city, that you’re okay, yes, thank you, everything is fine, i ’m just saying that people tend to love their hometown, or not?
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sash, let's go to the table, you are very handsome in this
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apron, sash, why didn't you say the last time? stay with us, sasha, no, mom, given the circumstances, it’s not very convenient. how i miss our get-togethers, i live in memories, my memories are so pleasant, but you feel sorry for yourself, i felt sorry for you too, and what would you do in his place, mom,
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in what sense, well, if god forbid you... but it’s easy for him, you know, i’ve only seen true love once in my life, that’s how dad loved you, god knows how many times i was ready to give up, but he never did! i’ll come up now, so this is your father -
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on his knees in front of you, yes, and he deserved it, do you really think that he deserved it? you don’t know him, it seems to me that i don’t know you, everything that concerns my father is none of your business, now it’s mine, or you need to kneel. a neighbor called there was a fire at the factory, why are you standing there, are you standing there not strangling i will, we have everything according to the instructions, what kind of nonsense
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are you being given instructions, sasha, calm down, everyone. under control, the guys do their work according to the instructions, cut off the fire so that they don’t go further in flight, you don’t understand everything, we took the order under strict conditions, without the lyceum workshop we won’t complete it, there will be penalties, robert will take this plant for himself, something needs to be done, uncle kolya, but what can we do here, well, it will take it away, maybe it’s for the better, which means it’s for the better that you look at me like that, what do you know, sanya, i thought, you understood everything a long time ago, you see what the situation is here, and i thought you were the best consultant in the country, i helped you, i helped you, my name is...
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these are the things, son, yes, i’m saving him, and he knows you, you if you hate him, don't touch your mom. “i’m sorry, i will never force you to do what you cannot do, only what you are afraid of,
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don’t be afraid, son, never, nothing, sasha, sanechka, dear, what’s wrong with you, i’m not for you sanechka, i’m for you not dear, sasha, sash, where are you going, sasha? why are you standing there, putting out the fire? sanya, wait, sanya!
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eat, no time, let's go, okay, uber reconstruction, fridura, and of course, i’m a better business consultant, well, yes, i understood, well, i’ll tell it like it is, a fire in the foundry put us under... the fulfillment of one very important contract for us, in connection with this the plant found itself in a crisis situation, temporary difficulties, yes, but thanks to your promising contract i was able to attract additional investments and purchase
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equipment, so we will fulfill our obligations on time, thank you for your trust in your contribution to the development of our industry, well that's it, the meeting is over, what will i do with this scrap metal? why are you sitting? go bend them! it’s easier for me to bend you over! what? kohl, are you going to lunch? i'm coming. you are working a lot? listen, dad, we're going to need your help. i don’t know how to explain,
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i’ll tell you how it is, in general, in general, polina is pregnant, trust me, yes. i grew up in the poorest neighborhood in america and life was very difficult, i didn't have a normal upbringing in general, and i ended up getting into trouble with the law. then i met cass damata, who taught boxed me and my life changed. like
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the army general, discipline and discipline said about me, you have to be the best, you have to do it better than anyone, and if you try something and you don't succeed, you get up and try again until you there will be no success, and russia needs people who will try, even if they don’t succeed the first time, the hardest thing is to spit on all public opinion, on everything that blows in your ears, on... everything that is commonly said when i was a child i tried to drown myself in the bathtub, i had a fear of loneliness, i was afraid that i would never find a wife, i thought that i would never find a job and would not be happy, but i was wrong and i am so glad that beautiful things can happen , even when everything around you is broken, be grateful, don’t feel like a victim, be winners, and not only you can win, not only...
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hello, this is a psychic podcast and we continue to lay out. this very psyche into molecules and maybe even mathematical formulas, in any case we will try today apply to the word psyche, the word kinetics. our guest today is valentin shishkin, an expert in kinetics and nonverbal communication. tell us in a nutshell, this is generally, this is science, this is some kind of practice, this is some kind of technique, that’s what it is now, because to be honest, until recently, of course, i associated the word kinetics only with physics, well, how we all learned. yes,
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our form influences our content, i will show with examples: if i sit like this, how will i be perceived, well, you are like that some small little guy, come here, you’re afraid of how i ’ll feel inside, i don’t know how you’ll feel, well, if you sit in this position, within 3-5 seconds the psyche will begin to eat itself, and if i regularly if i sit like this, then my physiological, internal, bodily essence, it will begin to change, wrinkles will appear, clamps, clamps will pull my energy. because clamping is a waste of energy, so i realized that you can work from the inside out, or you can work quickly and efficiently, from the outside in. the word transformation consists from three words: trance is a transition of forms, forms, not content, action. if i am a super professional, but i sit like a child who is not confident in himself, the adapters are on, then i can say anything, i will be perceived as a child. let's break it down into two parts, we 'll talk about how - our habits, kinetic, here's our movement, gesture.
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doesn’t feel very good, but he says that he feels very good, but this is not a correspondence, but what if we feel that this person has all these gestures that, well, you know, in everyday psychology, on social networks in
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magazines for housewives, they are described as revealing lies, well, for example, a person closes his mouth, a person touches his nose, maybe i have an allergy, my nose itches, you know, i really love professionals who make money ... money puts this head in the corner, that is, some material is taken, but it is commercialized, you can look at some stars and even say: you know, here he is lying, this is not true, not even a profiler can say that what's here lie, because i work with professionals in this field, uh-huh, it doesn’t work like that, in order to make money, this is great, so to evaluate a certain gesture, well, it doesn’t work, what do we do, we record it on video, well, literally 30 seconds, let’s see what the body really says, well, let me show you an example, for example, now i ’m sitting like a man or like a woman, like a woman, of course, and i can say whatever i want, but i’m a woman, now i’m a little, how can i say this, well, such a boss, man boss, and, well, this is not very
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decent, but for example, i say, now i’m not aggressive, but my body says that she is aggressive, yes, now i say, you know, i’m very confident in myself, but my body says something else, every time you trust the words or behavior. i don’t know, well, look, i’m sure that this is so, believe me, no, no, yeah, now you know, i’m somehow worried, even nervous, believe me, no, every time you believe not the words, but the behavior, what is called body language, yes, essentially, yes, listen, and this it was used quite, it seems to me, early probably, not even for the first century in the preparations, well, of various special services or some kind of spies, analysts, the pre-verbal period of communication. on average , the emergence of words dates back to about 150-2000 years ago in total, this is about 10,000 generations of our ancestors talking, and before that there were no conversations for millions of years, there was non-verbal communication, that is, physical communication, how does it differ if the word is pause, the word pause and one must listen, the second one speaks
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discretely, then communication is non-verbal, it constant, we constantly broadcast something , constantly perceive something, at the level of gestures this happens automatically, unconsciously, because under the cortical zone. which has been in charge of all this for about 100 million years, and the neocortex, which is aware of 2 million years, 100 and 2, as serious and small, and the dog, by the way, reads the owner’s commands, that is, the owner may not say, or may say a word on in some language that the dog, and you probably saw it, this is a fiasco bro, it’s called a video, no, and the owner calls the dog to run across the bridge and says: just don’t fall, the dog doesn’t hear, no, he hears, fall, he falls into the river and the owner... joyfully says this is a fiasco, bro, what does the dog hear? let's go, fall, the dog breaks down, our subconscious doesn't see the word no, it sees an image, this is the image we actually broadcast to people, i'll try to formulate it differently, cinema in greek of movement, how i move determines
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society's reaction to me, i'll share situation directly, and the person is engaged in consulting, 3 days of consulting have already been sold, he goes out and consults the company, he is not taken into account disobedient, at night they bring him a presentation, he looks, says: everything needs to be redone, there should be another presentation at 9 am, he says, you should do it, he tells me directly this situation, i turn down the sound , i hear this, this is essentially, well it’s clear what he’s telling us, i say, how is the client treating you, the client says, let’s see later, he says he doesn’t look at the presentation at all, i say, it’s not about the presentation, it’s about you, it wasn’t about the reel, the presentation of you, because that you go so far that the lower ones want to be with you give in, you are arguing at the level, but what about your superiors? pushes you away altogether, what does the gesture have to do with it, of course, the point is that gestures carry basic information, that is, if a person doesn’t sleep all night, makes a presentation, brings it, and his client tells him: let’s see later what he’s doing, this it’s an attempt to devalue, you need to look not at the presentation, at how this presentation was brought in, if it was brought in like this, then
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there will be nothing but a desire like that, but how the presentation should be brought in, well, for example, if now i brought it in like this, i serve her if i’ve brought it up now, you can see what i’m doing, this shoulder goes back, this one goes a little forward, i... they don’t give this benefit for one reason, the form is wrong, everything we did, we changed his delivery, because if he continues to behave this way, the company will simply lose a lot of money. wait, did you teach him how to show it externally, or did you change what’s inside him? when you
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work externally, the inside instantly changes, look at the example again, i ’m sitting too much like this, yes, i’ve changed internally or not , well, it seems to me that you are like that, relaxed, not very respectful, you understand, but if i regularly find myself in such positions, how will my psyche begin to change, that is, those? of course, of course, this approach, the transition from form to content, it is very fast, for example, a person is used to sitting like this, well, he’s clumsy, yes, why, by the way, what is it about - why is this a question of the past, this is for psychologists, i’m a kineticist, i’m working with the question of how, how does it help or hinder positioning, obviously it doesn’t help much, but i make perfect adjustments from below, now i place my legs like this, position a little more space, i sit down...
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like a professional, he moves from the center, not from the center, but from the head, his hands are tucked in, how to move, look, now i ’m moving from the head, now i’m moving from the chest, now i'm moving from my center, yeah. so once again now, how much do i weigh? i’m standing , i’m perceived as someone who is such a frightened bird
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, and so all my weight of my some kind of knowledge disappears, now i start to move not from the head, but from the center, i start from the chest, i start to prove something, not it’s a fact that i’ll prove it, but it’s a fact that i’ll do something wrong, so and now i move it to the center and say this and that, moreover, if i say the right things, but move from the head, look, twice 24, i believe it, no, well, not like that, although, but it’s obvious. now i start to move from the center and i don’t perceive anyone like oh, it’s worried, it’s worried and i ’m worried, i start to say: you know, 2:2 is 17, sometimes 28.5, who wants to believe, this, well i suddenly start to doubt my knowledge, listen, this is like something out of a movie classic, blurt out with confidence, come on you know, in addition to blurting out confidently, you still need to understand that the words will be heard, and even if this is nonsense, then this is obvious nonsense, still, let's go back, show me how i should behave? a doctor at an appointment, when such a tense, arrogant patient comes to him, let’s start with what kind of
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doctor should not be, this is how he should be or should not be, it feels like he doesn’t really know what to do, okay, this is how he should be to be or not, well, maybe to some grandmother, hello, i’m listening to you, here this is how he should be, definitely not, so we took three behavior patterns and cut them off, they don’t fit, now i do the following, i sit down more comfortably, and i don’t stretch, but i accept. okay, apparently, now i want to tell, or am i becoming tougher, more domineering, well, yes, i need to wind down
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already, but i believe you, again, i’m pulling, again i’m stopping, and now i’m saying, so, and now we move on to some kind of actions, procedures, because they become vertical and my gestures are not here, not here, not here, here, i say, come in, sit down, yes, open your mouth, we will now look at the tonsils, you want to open your mouth, let’s...
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don’t hold the shields, look not with your nose, now i ’ll show this thing, look with the back of your head, it looks abstract, yes, look, now i i look with my nose, as if i’m moving from the nose, it’s clear, now i’m moving with my nose to the back of my head, i’m balanced, now i ’m looking with the back of my head, if i look only with the back of my head and moves like this, a slight arrogance will also appear, apparently, yeah, this is a transformation happening from the outside, not psychologically, kinetically. for example, if i want to be a powerful person, but all my movements are like this, then i will not be perceived as powerful or vice versa, i listen to you, but my hand says to sit, once these places were the bottom of an ancient sea, but today it is located here one small but very beautiful republic, we are vdygei, friends,
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tell me what kind of instrument you have in your hands, in adyk it is most often called a ner, can you show me? the most complex figure you know, it is true what they say, that you have so many spices that if they take a sniff, you might fall, let's start with salt, here 's pomegranate, oh, these are already rapids, have you managed to study any features of the language of alpacas, alpacas, llamas, they spit, they mark their territory this way, whoever spat last wins. the life of their premiere tomorrow on the first one who said that cats don’t like to swim, he’s near the water, washing dishes, he’s there, now, wait, wait, look, spend
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more time on your real life, me, you know, how much.. . brings up, i think she gave me more than i gave her, so he learned to play the guitar and quickly began to learn to play the blinds, dear viewers, there is a sensation in our program, we will show you the only georgian bulldog in the world, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, this is a psychic podcast, today we are talking about kinetics, but not from the point of view of physics, from the point of view of... psychology, show me how you go into a class with difficult teenagers, firstly, i’ll go in as if i’ve been there for 100 years already, yeah, and they’re there guests, but my guests, if i need to come in without preparation, i will open the door and slowly i’ll pass, slowly, without fussing, without carrying, i’ll pass , examining everyone, appraised by an evaluative glance,
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yeah, then, i won’t serve as an object and a process, i’ll turn the chair around. i’ll sit down and be silent until one of them says something, because i decide, if i start talking, i start losing, if they start talking, let’s talk, why can i say , hello, it is possible, or you can make them obey, my goal is to become one of my own, but a little higher to make them want to listen to me, my grandfather is 45 years old taught, 45 years old, geography, his name was count, geographer, so he will explain such simple things to me, he says: look, a bad teacher tells, a story is words, a good one shows, a show is images, and the best one lights up, if difficult tough teenagers, i worked in orphanages, at performances, i worked in vocational schools, in universities, where
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drug addiction flourished in the really tough nineties, we went with anti-drug performances, i came in and said, guys, at night all the cats are gray, something interesting things are happening, here's how to distinguish between those who yes, from those who are not, we will talk to you now, they become interested because i lit them up, yeah, they don’t understand what is happening, but they become interested if i don’t arouse their interest, well, actually , this is a huge problem for teachers, they are taught to give the essence, but they are not given the form, it fits, then no one teaches them the movement of plastic, absolutely, it fits , serves the chalk, then she stands and talks to... just like that she talks with someone, but this is not possible, this is possible if i want myself completely drop in status, depends on the task, i’m working, i’m with you, here i am working, but i don’t do it like this or like that, and also when i approach the notebook, you can see that i am moving with a downward impulse, so i approach, take i’m doing something, but my pose is that of a person asking, and the teacher is great,
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now let’s switch roles, you are a student who came not ready for the exam. how interesting, i don’t know, i wouldn’t do anything special, i would come and say, you know, i ’m not ready for everything, but how about... you know, yes, i’m ready to tell you, good idea, i learned four tickets, if not, no, if he understands that he needs not to threaten the information, teach a person to want to get details from there, honesty is always captivating, and what kind of pose should be, what kind of plasticity should be, let’s start with what it is like it shouldn’t be if i start begging, especially you know the girls. they do, they turn on their grace, sexual signals, they try like this, it’s impossible, you know, this will lead to completely different results, if a girl starts to seduce the teacher, then the teacher,
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well, he’s multi-opic, you mean kinetically, of course, this smile, that ’s all, yes, yes, yes, yes, he says, hello, it’s brilliant, by the way, they just showed it right here, yes, if i were a teacher , so i’m copying you, isn’t it? in general, if we talk about signals, allow me to tell you what actually works. first, conflictogens work, a conflict-generating state, that is, if a person is tough, if he looks from under his forehead, but the other, of course, tenses up. like right now i'm putting on a cold face i feel predatory, i immediately want to know what to do with me, you’ve become kind of funny now, of course, you’re funny, you feel a threat, so, the second thing is adapters, pursing your lips, blinking, that’s the behavior, that’s it. i adjust my clothes, these are adapters that say that i am uncomfortable, i am nervous, and my status immediately drops. and the third is sexual signals. why are these particular types of behavior important? because i'm a practitioner. and
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practice shows that if you remove conflictogens, a person will not be bothered if you remove adapters, and for this you need adapt the person and the place in which he sits, he will stop being nervous ; there will be no need to be nervous; they will begin to accept him, and if you turn off unnecessary sexual signals, the problems will disappear. here. most of the people i work with, once again, this is not from theory, not from books, this is from real life practice, what is practice, we shoot on video, people, firstly, do not understand that they are broadcasting this, because there is a picture of the world in the head, and there is objectively what is on the video, and the greater the difference, the more people are in shock, that is, a person thinks that he is perceived in this way, when he looked at himself in the video, he says, this is not me, and i did not mean this, and what am i showing, and i am not like that life, i say, of course you, yeah.
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i have another program turned on, don’t trample yourself, but help him open up, put your foot in a different way, lower your hand, turn your head, stand so that you are not serving something, move the center of movement here, start talking something like this, and you reveal yourself, don’t trample, i don’t want to, and another very important thing, if you don’t like the video in which you are recorded, you have good taste, you distinguish good from bad, here’s what you can do, first, we always strengthen what’s bad, what it gives, firstly first, a person... begins to accept himself and understand that even in this form - it’s him, it’s okay, no one will throw a hammer at him. secondly, the program that is built into it, it is also built in, it came from somewhere,
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why is this a question again for psychologists, we are finalizing it, using the zeigarnik effect, effect zigarnik, bluma vulfovna zigarnik founded the psychology department of moscow state university, well, this is what we are doing, this process has begun, but is not completed, shield, tightness, i need to make sure it is completely clamped.
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this is love, really, well, love can be different, for life, for oneself, for one’s homeland, and for men, for women, yes, and now we are talking about what kind of love, well, i would like you to just comment on the love between a man and a woman, that is, ordinary romantic love, let’s say, yes, because of course people very often, especially young people and inexperienced, very often they like this question, they don’t like it, but this is that same daisy, yes, it bothers them, that’s how
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a girl looks at it. understand, she loves me or she is not indifferent to me, in any case, this is playing with me, this is me being used there, i need a video recording of how it works, i’ll tell you exactly how we work with the lady, yeah, men, women come, we are filming, just doing a simple exercise, i say, you are only the right one, you are only the left one, take the chair and move it, but you can only move together, you can’t move the chair alone carry, and if a couple comes, you can clearly see who is commanding whom, who is performing, who is bearing the main load, the chair is vertical, the distortions are immediately visible. you can immediately see who is in front, who is behind, you can immediately see at the end of the pre-process, who is commanding whom, the process, who is carrying, of course, and the post-process you can see who is coming out of the post-process asking for confirmation, yes or no, love, it is right away, it is a flow energy, it’s instantly visible, look, for example, now i’m detached, and i’m accepting your attention, now i’m clearly reaching out, you can see, i’m exaggerating a little, but the essence is clear, this flow of attention is a manifestation, and there are many types
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of love, even older than the greeks, ludus, agabus. yes, and mania, you can look it up on the internet, read the features, but the video clearly shows whether a person is open to his own or not, in most cases i see an imbalanced state, when one loves, the other allows him to love, you can see this from the plasticity of the movement, by some kind of gestures, and what, for example, can give away a person that he does not love, allows himself to love, i will tell you an example, but we are filming an online course. and we imitate how a girl comes in, a man is waiting for her, her husband is at home, yes, here she is, just a peck, pecked on the cheek, and the camera holds my face and her face, when she imitated, well, she kisses the cheek, and then she removes her head in just a second , an expression of contempt is written on her face, we catch this frame, we bring it out, she says, this is how i act,
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she says: valentin, i don’t have that for you. feeling, i say, it means it's a habit, she says, it's a disaster, i never would have thought in my life that when i touch to a man, even, well, to you, yes, well, i’ll kiss you on the cheek, i feel contempt, it turns out, i feel it for everyone, and i don’t realize it, it ’s written on my face, it’s a podcast of the psyche, and today , together with valentin shishkin, an expert in kinetics and non-verbal communications, we are talking about... we researched this, we are currently conducting this research in my laboratory, let's explain the holter monitor that measures blood pressure and heartbeat, and so, of all communications, we found 18 effects here is the profiler teach to see aggression joy load we communicate with these things we communicate with effects four of them are the so-called
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horsemen. explain what faces are, that is , some kind of instant masks, it is not constant, it hangs here once, flash, once flash, and consciously we don’t even seem to notice, the subcortex of course controls this, well, for example, right now i have contempt on my face, obviously, yeah, but part of my face is working, who cares, john gottman , maybe it’s just asymmetry, yes, this facial expression and body expression, apparently i now i’m starting to express my body, my body of contempt, he says, i want to humiliate you. that’s what you want, yes, i want to humiliate you , explicitly and implicitly, and i am taller than you, and, well , regardless, the second mask that we wear, which destroys our relationship, is the so-called criticism, and criticism is not of a process, but of a person, for example, you don’t clean up after yourself, this is a criticism of the process, and you always don’t clean up because you are so defective, this is criticism, if criticism is present in communication, the relationship will soon collapse, well, verbal psychology is well-known story, yes, i am a position, you are a position and so on, from the point of view it’s just tough.
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look, for example, now i’m saying, this is what i’m doing, i pointed with my finger, showed, yes, and now i’m not even pointing with my finger, you can see what i ’m doing, well, they poked my nose with the same thing, even the movement of my head, but how can he say, tell the teenager that he needs to clean the room, you have already told him 100,000 times, so as not to cause aggression in him, he finally went to make his bed, the first thing i do is i call him to see how i i choose my bed, the second i go to him and say: help me, help me, i’m doing it together, well, how do you do this plastic? yours, how you show me that i open the door, i walk in, i say, okay, here you are open, yes, disposed, you are without aggression, you are tense, yes, it is very important, in fact, this is the moment to watch yourself, take a video of yourself, watch , how you go somewhere, if you go to a teenager who annoyed you, most likely there is aggression on his face, most likely contempt, most likely this tightness, of course, and what, what will the teenager feel when looking at you, yes, what will he
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transmit and feel, the third sensation that is transmitted through the face is protection, well, how could you do this, he says, i don’t know, it happened, it happened, as soon as my shoulders tighten, i become like this, the other person has nothing but... well, i mean, what ’s happening? and this is the third behavior, which will soon destroy the relationship, the fourth, it is the most interesting, and the most dangerous for a person, stone wall, stone wall, a person becomes tough, like this, and his behavior says: i don’t want to communicate with you, i want you to know about it. so, criticism, defense, oh, criticism like this, defense is this, stonny is a stone wall, and the fourth is contempt, if it is everything in communication, come and here we move on, you know this stereotype, you need to find out, what is a lie, it needs to be detected, but it doesn’t work in practice, it doesn’t work, i have my own laboratory, two profilers work there, serious specialists with
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many years of experience, we are not looking for this, this is all bullshit, yes, that i don’t see this in cases, you know, i don’t see this in situations, everything works completely differently, so people looked, you know, deceive me there, but shoulder movement, for some reason. and the commercial profile was shot in a storm when they are taught to see a lie, but it doesn’t work like that, i work with people who sit in uniform on machines involved in personnel policy, i communicate, ask how, well, i don’t delve into the details, yes, they say, yeah that's not true let's look at some other cases that may bother us, you say that a lot can be said about a person, for example, the furnishings of his home, and even how food is displayed in the refrigerator. well, you know how, for me it ’s probably more about the story not about whether he’s lying or whether he ’s not lying or whether he’s orderly or not, but about how his modus operandi works, for example, an unordered refrigerator says what, what a person doesn’t give matters to him, he does something quickly, and he is immersed in his processes, strict orderliness speaks of
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the fact that a person begins to change everything around him, he controls, he is quite tough and clear, and most likely it is important for him to build everything the way he wants for other people around him. it will be uncomfortable, well , because he arranges everything, not only the milk in the refrigerator, but yeah, no, it’s probably not that a good, correct person organizes everything, no, you can’t draw such direct conclusions, but for example, by the way the jacket lies, which he took off, i can say, he hung it up, just threw it on, threw it or threw it off, it’s the same difference, i i’ll tell you an example, of course, he’s a serious man, i say how much you’re worth, he says, well, i’m moving billions. i say, do you want to know what you're really worth? he says, it’s interesting, come on, i take off my jacket, put it on the floor, stand on it straight in my shoes, i say, repeat, i, well, i say, well, stand on mine, since you can’t stand on yours, but somehow i have respect, i say, i realized that you are worth, you are worth less than
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the chemchisk of your jacket, you cannot go beyond the barrier, wow, you are moving billions, i say, look, the ability to go beyond boundaries, here this is a story about what adaptive potential you have, most people... if we talk about real living situations, they are not adapted, they are clamped, energy is wasted on clamping. the first thing we do is record it on video and make sure that the clamp is straightened at least a little, because the energy will stop moving in the clamp and will become your base energy, you can use it. secondly, a squeezed person causes either a reluctance to communicate or a desire to regret. and people who constantly say: i didn’t succeed, i sacrificed, of course, this is your life script, modus operandi, only through this can you receive food, attention and support.
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to another place, and what you must not be, not be, in order to come there, like this, show, show, look, not dangerous, but not suitable.
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she says, yes, no, from her, yes, she is an abuser, she says, is it this one? 3 months pass,
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i come to this country, the three of them meet me in a car, he is she, he is driving, like this, she is like this, valentin, admit it honestly, he gave you money, i say, no, max is driving, happy with life , he says: well, we are together, when you begin to see body language that clearly shows what your body is really saying, you, firstly, understand what is being broadcast, and secondly, you understand what not to do, what... the third number of neurons change their configuration, this is how the change happens, if
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you take things that really work, forget about this lie, film yourself for 30 seconds when you do something, see if you would like to see this person next to you or no, is he suitable for the role he wants to take, and if not, can leave it as it is, or you can start to change, which is what i wish for everyone. well, friends, today we discovered a whole new world, today we talked about the psyche and... about physics, about the kinetics of our body and our consciousness. valentin shishkin, an expert in kenetics and nonverbal communications, has opened a whole new page for us, and maybe a whole new world. the main thing is not to get carried away and not to flirt, but to continue to look for new and new dimensions of our conscious, unconscious, physical psyche. this is a psyche podcast, all episodes you can watch in the podcastpla project on the website of the first channel
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greetings, this is a podcast chronicling the end of times, and i, evgeniy dodovolev, will tell you about how me and my colleagues were manipulated by the so-called security forces, that is, people from the intelligence services, i, of course, must stipulate right away that this is not just any kind. .. this local phenomenon, this is generally happening on a global scale, has happened, and apparently will continue to happen as long as my profession exists, and the profession of intelligence officers and counterintelligence agents exists, previously in the soviet union, well, before the perestroika era, say, before i entered the profession in 1985, of course, people were recruited there, but they were not recruited in order to manipulate their pen, topics, or publications. choice of stories, but
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just like they recruited people from any other branch, industry, because journalists wrote what had to be written, was... had no direct relation to the profession, i remember that my colleague, vladimir mukusev, who was releasing glances and leading glances when i was working on memoirs, he brought me some declassified documents from
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the state security committee, because in ninety-three he was a deputy of the supreme council, i think that’s what it was called then, or already... it was a thought, it doesn’t matter, that is, he was parliamentarian, as a parliamentarian, so he raised documents and papers related to the youth editorial staff of the ussr radio guests with a project called look, and he showed me there transcripts of broadcasts, including my broadcasts and his own, with notes by onatoly grigorievich lysenko, the head of the program, in his coordinate system there it was a denunciation that... there lusenko wrote that and i told him that this is not to be said, this is what we have sorted out, this is some kind of generally normal work process, that is, to be honest, there i included his direct speech in my hands, of course, but with the reservation that i actually voiced to him then, that in principle this
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is like a working moment, this is not a denunciation, that this person is something... he did something like that, he needs to be punished there for it. this kind of cooperation is absolutely not what i am going to talk about, but what i am going to talk about is about manipulation, when journalists are manipulated into thinking that they are doing their job, and often highly professional work, in fact serving the interests of this or that service, this or that department, in order to somehow not focus exclusively... in the late soviet union, i must talk about the charismatic history that became the basis of the film green zone, green zone, in my opinion, it at our rental it was called a hollywood film, not to be taken alive or something like that, where mat damon plays the main role, this film is based on a real
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story, it actually tells how the war in iraq began, the war in iraq began at the instigation of wall street.
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a wonderful or terrible moment, to throw in information that could change the course of history, as was the case with the wall street journal, it was information about the presence of saddam hussein, well, he personally, of course, and iraq has weapons of mass destruction, then it was actually accepted deciding what is needed
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to send troops there, that is, the war began, this is all described in detail in the book, i repeat, a film was made from this book and... this scheme, i repeat, is working, when did i first learn about it? i first learned about it in 1989 from a general of the kgb of the ussr. oleg danilovich kolugin was such a general, a very famous figure in the perestroika era, firstly, he was the youngest general in the kgb system, he became a general when he was 40 years old, no one before him or after him became a general so early in this structure in the soviet union, i already i’m not saying, i don’t know how it is about the fsb and about the current times, but at that time he was the youngest general, he saw himself - as he told me, in the future as the head of
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the state security committee, because in general everything turned out more than successfully in his biography , he went to america and recruited a man there named cook, that is, this was his call sign, who obtained some useful information, by the way, to america. again, he told me, he went completely by accident, because he was an arabist, that is, he studied arabic, planned to work in the middle east, but then, when it came to distribution, a senior comrade looked at me and said: well, what kind of arab are you, you are such a typical completely american, you will go to america, he went to america undercover as a journalist, he went as a journalist who accompanied nikita sergeevich khrushchev, the then leader of the country, on his visit. overseas and witnessed the famous demarche of khrushchevsky, about which songs
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are composed, when i say songs are composed, i don’t mean figuratively, but there really in fact, songs are written about this, that how on the podium the united nations organization, the leader of the soviet union, knocked on the podium with his boots and said that he will show you kuzkin’s motherfucker as interpreted by western journalists. allegedly he threatened to bury everyone there, literally, that is, translation. in fact, the son of nikita sergeevich khrushchev, sergei nikitovich khrushchev, who, by the way, lives in america, said that his father did not take off this shoe, that he dropped this shoe when he was walking to the podium, took it in his hand, already it was very it’s inconvenient, he’s such a smart, big man, it was awkward to somehow put this boot back on the heel, so he
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still had the boot in his hand, when he entered the enemy, he began to knock on the podium, it was a very noisy story, we she is still remembered, not in the best way, this affected the image of the country, not to mention the image of nikita sergeevich khrushchev himself. all this was observed directly by oleg danilovich kolugin, then an officer, senior lieutenant of the state security committee, who, i repeat, worked under the roof of journalists, this is very a common practice, because in general , god himself ordered intelligence officers to work under the guise of journalists, because this is our profession, i’m just on duty as a journalist, i can come to almost any place to ask any questions, well, because i...
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i want to make stewed ribs with baked beets and pickled plums, i’ll make flatbreads, i’ll wrap just a poached chicken thigh in it, we don’t waste a second,
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the premiere of the cook on wheels, tomorrow is the first one, we’re preparing for facial rejuvenation before the summer, the technology is unique, look, this ordinary needle pierces right through, which means there will be cuts, this is a stupid horse. the wire is flexible, which does not damage the skin, but rejuvenates the shine. there is a unique technology in our program, and in general everything that is most important and interesting in the program. live healthy on monday on the first, this is a podcast of the chronicle of the end times and i, evgeniy dodolev, tell you about how the special services worked and are working with us journalists. vitaly nasetkin introduced me to kolugin. vitaly nasetkin - this is, of course, an unknown person to you, this
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is such a completely pilevin character, during... this perestroika, in general , a lot of completely different people fell out, by the way, i think that nasedkin may have had something to do with the special services, not i know, because i met him at the rossiya hotel, where on setkin i lived in apartments that were previously assigned to gorbachev, that is, with a view simply of the mausalee, the spassky tower, such were the apartments he had, and nasedkin a... amazing some character i suspect that he said so, he can neither read nor write, but at the same time he knows everyone, there are a lot of subjects for the program, he actually wanted me, he said, there is a kgb general who can do what -to talk about the kgb there, maybe now it sounds somehow banal, but at that time, in the late eighties, it was something, generally
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considering the statuses. the scale of this organization and the actual figure of kolugin himself was already known to me, because this man organized a st. petersburg rock club, or rather leningrad rock club, at one time he headed some kind of department there in leningrad, where he was exiled, and as he told me, well, i’m tired of it, so here it is... some kind of community, that a decision was made in the state security committee to simply gather them all in one place, that is, to organize a leningrad rock club, where they would all make music ; in general, they could be looked after compactly, and so this
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legendary organization actually appeared, which gave us the best people. rock movements, of course, they, none of the musicians, i just consider it necessary to say this, had no idea how this idea was born, in fact, like us who work in the vzglya program, i have never worked in the vzglya program, i never i was invited, but had a connection, and so, like us, who are related to the gaze program, and those working there, also my colleagues, had no idea that the gaze program, well, at that stage they had no idea, was organized as an alternative. party central committee a note that young people, advanced, listen every friday, these are hostile programs, they listen to music, at the same time they are poisoned by wrong ideologies, that it is necessary to create on soviet television, at this time, on friday evening, a television
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product that young people would watch , and... ignoring - seva novgorod, kolugin also told me about this, but much later. so, at that moment, when nasetkin, the owner of these apartments in the russia hotel, suggested that i do a story with a kgb general. i'm certainly happy for this i grabbed it, we made a story, it was on the air of the program. after that, a line of western journalists lined up towards kolugin, he became a very noticeable figure. as far as i understand, in the interpretation of kologin’s opponents, and he understood that he was being watched, he was suspected of being recruited by american intelligence services, and he simply played ahead of the curve, that is, he became a prominent figure,
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and later, he became a deputy. supreme council to the krasnodar territory, i remember that alexander politkovsky went with him, the host of the program made his look the plot, well, that is, in in the eyes of, let's say, a democratically minded public, he was such a hero, but as it turned out much later, many years later, he was actually a traitor, i, when this movement began many, many years later. i asked one of my friends from the fsb: why didn’t you immediately, i don’t know, tell you that the person was a spy or suspected of it, and they explained to me that because...
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i had eyes like that, that is, for me it was a complete discovery, and kryuchkov, who was his opponent and competitor, with which, throughout their entire biography, somehow, as it turned out, from this
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conversation they were in agreement, believed that what was known to him should have been known to yulian semenovich semenov and would have become known to some of his employees, one of whom was i, okay, that’s not what the song is about, so i… i understand that, naturally, oleg danilovich manipulated me, because he invited me to his home, i met my wife, my grandson, there, i filmed a large amount of material that i have since then, and which no one has seen it, do you have a favorite movie ? no, no, no, you know what - what is your favorite film, well, mine is a very old film.
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this history means the wars in the hawaii region, when the japanese attacked the united states, and from the films, oddly enough, one of the oldest - this means... casablanca, this is a film about intrigues, german and western spies in general, in the north africa at the beginning of the world war, this is just one of those films that i really like, well , not to mention that once in my childhood i was a great admirer of deanna durbin, there was also this zaneta macdonald, a wonderful singer, she had a partner edie nelson. if i'm not mistaken, an excellent singer, they, of course, left a big mark on our culture in general, especially those of our older generation who, after the war, saw a huge number of western films, including captured ones, and where there were a lot
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of good things, in general , when he was still at school, he even had small notebooks, one notebook, what was happening in the country, who was the president, who was doing what, minister, it was the eighth-ninth grade, another notebook - music, that he...
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something that calms us down, yes, it calms us down, in one of the conversations, we did it all perfectly, well, well, at least there are several newspaper interviews with him, he told me about this system of working with journalists, like the intelligence services, well in particular the first directorate, the first head of the kgb, and intelligence, worked with western... journalists, or some small publication, some small provincial newspaper, well, private, here it is i bought it with a person. who either worked for
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the kgb or was their own sleeper agent, the necessary uh article appeared in this newspaper, completely unknown, some kind of provincial, city, or even rural uh newspaper, and uh tas, the telegraph agency of the soviet union, that is the largest news agency of our country, with reference to a western publication , has already replicated this information already from... slen taz, this could already become the property of the world community, relatively speaking, they have already talked about it, overseas, in europe, that is, this is how it worked, in fact, this is the mechanism that i told you about from the film green zone, this is the scheme he also told me that he worked, in particular, not himself personally. and some of his
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wards worked with the largest german publication spiegel, who were friends with one of the journalists, and pushed through the necessary agenda, in particular, there was an idea that, according to him , i was just listening to the recordings, it was like that in the first headquarters, in the first directorate of directorate a, by the way, i found mention of directorate a, there is directorate k, about directorate a, i couldn’t find any memories, maybe he got something wrong, supposedly directorate a came up with a trick that he’s asleep, this immunodeficiency was developed by the central intelligence department, they tried it as part of an information war to somehow throw this thing in, but somehow it didn’t work, that is, they didn’t pick it up... the media
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didn’t shoot it, that is, it was such an unsuccessful approach, but there were a lot of successful approaches, in general he talked a lot about his work, and it seemed to me that he was a person who did a lot for soviet intelligence, there, in particular, according to him , while still a senior lieutenant working as an undercover journalist , he recruited a man who told from...
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this is pure conscience, such honored intelligence officers who do not want to put up with the presence of secret police in the country, uh, well , in fact, it turns out that i indirectly, how to accept this, you know, there is such a journalistic standard, i was grist for the mill, i was grist for the mill of the ideological enemy, then some time later, when he left for america, he emigrated. that is, he did not emigrate, he left for some lectures, but he simply realized that he would not return. i talked with the same one, with vitaly nasetkin, who headed one fund, then another fund, he headed the internet fund, that some, some funds, about which no one knows anything, but the main thing is that he is fine in health, everything, all this time, did it even occur to him that kolugin had been recruited and he... said no, that this
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was all slander, that this was a competitive the struggle that it was there that kryov came up with everything, here, you know, there is an expression, for what he bought, for what he sold, i then tried to find him in america, especially since he was not hiding there, he was doing something more than strange to me business for a former kgb general, he gave excursions in washington to spy places, well, as far as i understand, it was some kind of bus, where he was just there with a megaphone, he told people who bought a ticket for this excursion, that such and such a person was detained here, there was... a safehouse this man’s apartment, that is , he just worked as a tour guide, i don’t know if everyone understands what a kgb general was like in the soviet union, i don’t even mean in a material sense, i don’t mean an apartment there, some kind of car, a collection of records , all this,
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of course, all our academicians, generals, this was all property in terms of level, but this is such a middle class, the american middle class, that is, there was nothing so stunningly outstanding there, but the status of this person was very- very tall, he was just, well, the man was counting on in the future, i will repeat once again, as he himself said, he expected to become the head of the state security committee, that is, to become one of the key players in the system of the soviet nomenklatura, of course, i would really like to ask him some questions now and it would be interesting to understand what an idiot he saw. me, that is, he saw such an enthusiastic red guard, so - me, uh, hong weibin with a career, i was called that by igor svinorenko, a very famous journalist, you are already uh, the departed best of all worlds, very famous interviewer, i just once said in a conversation with
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him, in a restaurant conversation, that, for some reason , someone filmed this conversation, i don’t remember it now, because it was many years ago, it was called. red guards of perestroika the red guards were such chinese youth groups, people who made the so-called cultural revolution, the cultural revolution is what is now called cancel culture in many countries, that is, they canceled everything there, and mao zedong, the chinese leader, used just enthusiasm young people, there were red hongwins and black hongvibins, red hongwins - these were what we call major, that is , they were... children from the chinese party nomenklatura, that is, such children from families there, i don’t know, generals, academicians, concelebrants of chinese arts, these were the blacks, the hunavins were people from the simple
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classes there and from the villages, both of which malodzedon used later. so i didn’t feel like i was in the context of the plot with kolugin’s relationship with the security officers, in general i felt like just such a funwein, that is a man whose enthusiasm and such youthful enthusiasm was used by people who understood the rules of the game, that is, i , many other journalists, the majority, i’ll take it here to say that the majority of my colleagues... did not understand at all how this whole thing would end movement, everyone understood that the administrative-command system, in the form in which it existed at that time with this decrepit politburo, with an outdated discourse lagging behind real life, it could not exist, and here the point was not even there
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due to some shortage or restriction of freedoms or prohibitions there, it was impossible to go abroad there. we didn’t understand that the rest of the huge world, the civilized one, as it was commonly called, the western world, was not waiting for us with open arms, that this world, chewing gum friendship, was completely different. this is a podcast chronicling the end of times and i, evgenia
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dodolev, am telling you about how the special services worked with journalists. oleg kolugin was an advanced person, i mean, here he is... in the special services he is still a huge sign the question for me remains: when and how he was , why he was recruited, that is, what he fell for. i'm afraid we'll never know. in addition, this is no longer interesting now, because with the end of times , the heroes of perestroika actually left. now, in general, no one remembers these people, they are actually not interesting, no one will make a biographical film about the kgb general who. turned out to be there not even a translator, but simply a traitor there,
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i remember such an episode when it happened - the so -called august puch in ninety first year, it so happened that i had just arrived on the night of this month with my wife, and before i had time to go to bed, my friend françois moreau, who was such a prominent french journalist at that time, called me from france and said that you have there? for a coup, i say, what are you even talking about , frenchie, what kind of coup? at that time i heard such a rumble, i went out onto the balcony and saw, it means, here is a column, a column of equipment, then, strangely enough, the second one called me - panfilov, kostya, kostya, kostya kinchev asked what was happening, i said that kostya , i’m the second person with whom i’m talking about this topic, now i’ll tell you everything, and i was the first person i dialed then, i called. naturally not on a mobile phone, because there were no mobile phones, i called oleg danilovich kolugin at home, and i said,
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what’s going on, tell me, and i was perfectly aware at that moment that, well, firstly, that my phone was listening, because well, i was a journalist who communicated with many people who were interested in the intelligence services, and not only ours, the fact that his phone was tapped, as if i understood this, that this the conversation is being listened to, and he very cheerfully said that these are people, well, who... gkchchp, who committed, these are criminals, we will judge them, he did not address me, he did not tell me, he said this to comrade major, who was listening , and uh , after listening to his whole very cheerful speech, i realized that the gkchb wouldn’t succeed, by the way, he was arrested an hour and a half after our telephone conversation, not because we talked to him, but because in general.. there were arrests and another friend of mine was arrested. telman kharenich glyan, investigator for particularly
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important cases at the ussr prosecutor general's office, who was involved in the case of galina brezhneva, the case of yuri churbanov, they were released literally a few days later, well , when on august 21 it all ended, they were all free, but there were a few enough of these nervous people. her and nervous episodes, he was not the only one, of course, a chegist with whom i communicated, like any other journalist, i was recruited many times, if at all you are one of the venerable journalists of that era says that he was not recruited, this means that he was recruited, because everyone was recruited, they approached him many times, i was recruited openly, as far as i understand, in the dark, that is , slubyanka people met with me there, who did not
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hide it, that they are slubyankas, they said that here we just need to explain some questions to us, here are the workers, we, well, we’re such idiots, we don’t understand anything at all, like in your editorial offices, besides, as other security officers later told me, these could not have been security officers at all, they could not have been ours at all, western intelligence services could have recruited me for exactly the same purpose, to get something written. the country was dying like an ancient lizard with a new virus in its cells, this meant the end of times, we just weren’t all aware of this, although i think that the people i talked about, that is, people from the special services who... worked with us or tried to work with us, they still saw a much broader perspective, than us.
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it was a podcast chronicle of the end times and i, evgeny dodolev talked about how the special services tried to work with journalists and sometimes did it successfully. hello, the theater podcast is live and i, its host anton getman. today our guest is an incredible prima ballerina of the bolshoi theater. svetlana zakharova. hello sveta. hello. tell me, please, was it your choice to choose the fate of the ballerina, or did your mother participate? well, probably in childhood, at the age of ten, when you need to go learn this profession. at that moment, of course, i had no idea
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in general, what is it, that is, i saw on tv how they dance. ballerinas, what ballet is in general, in principle i had an idea, because i myself studied in different circles, went to dances, went to gymnastics, that is, well, my life as a child, it was so very rich in different circles, different directions classes, and but exactly what professional ballet is, of course, i only understood when i crossed the threshold into a professional choreographic school, and it was completely the idea and dream of my mother, galina danilovna zakharova. who at one time, when she was little, she dreamed of becoming a ballerina, but her parents did not take her, because she was an only child, in the city where she grew up there was no vocational school, but still her life was ultimately connected with dance, she graduated from a cultural education school, she danced, danced in groups, in ensembles, in a
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drama theater, there was also a group that had ballet, let’s just say, she performed there, that is... she was so very creative when she came moment of mine, let's say i grew up, and i had to make a choice, not even for me, but for my mother, whether to send me to a vocational school or not, there was no vocational school in our city, i was born in the city of lutsk, we had to go to kiev, where at that time in ukraine there was the only professional charegraphic school, and it so happened that my mother was a little confused, she remembered her... wonderful teacher, and who in the past was a ballerina from leningrad, so she took me to her so that she could just look at my data physical, so she undressed me, asked to stretch me out - that is, she looked at my figure, then she asked me to stretch out my foot, checked my turnout, she
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said to my mother: why aren’t you taking her to leningrad? mom said: leningrad is far away, let her at least enroll somewhere closer, she says: take it, take it, she will definitely enroll, and i immediately got in the first time, why do i say the first time, because i have a lot of practice us in ballet, that children who do not enter the first year, definitely try to enter next year, but i entered right away, the intake was huge, it was huge, i don’t even mean the intake, but the competition. scored the required score, it turned out to be such a number that the commission was confused and added another round, but there is also a whole story with this, that is, we had to change tickets every day, because honestly, my mother thought that
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immediately after the first round i would be cured her, it means your soul will calm down, what she did, you will go home. the duty officer, she gave us shelter, because at that time there was a hotel there, you know how difficult it was we spent the night at the school in the basement of a rented house, it was still soviet times, then we spent the night at the same house on duty, just like that, and i remember how at night i was preparing for the next thing. in the corridors of the choreographic school, i danced this number to my mother, which i had to show to the commission, that is, to put it very briefly, this is the story of my admission. the most interesting thing is that when i entered the school in kievskoye, i then lived, of course, in a boarding school, and my mother lamented that well, we have relatives in moscow, we have relatives in st. petersburg, but there is no one here, and why am i
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talking about this, because i lived in a boarding school, and girls also lived with me. from my class, uh, someone lived nearby, well, someone went to visit relatives on saturday, sunday, i was left almost alone in the room, and because of this, my mother was very worried, at first, she came to see me almost every week me, on the train, and spent 2 days with me, then left at night to go back to work, well, in general it was so difficult, i cried, my mother cried, it was very hard, but when i came... such a certain, let's say, moment when they began to notice that something was working out, it became interesting, such childish excitement appeared, so the choreographic school sent me to st. petersburg for the vaganovo competition. and there i got second place, so i got second place, and another boy from belarus, whose name is igor kolp, and here we are, the only one who,
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let’s say, penetrated these pedestals, because he took third place, i took second place, all other places in solo or pair performances naturally went to graduates and students of the vaughan school, this is the atmosphere. boarding school, what is it, this is the atmosphere of a pioneer camp, or is it the atmosphere of a kindergarten, this is a dormitory, in general, you can say so, a boarding school, it was just officially called that, a boarding school of a choreographic school, there is one dining room for everyone, large rooms, later for some time they were separated and we stayed there, at first we lived seven people in a room, then we made renovations, i remember, and i lived with my classmate in... together and it was just happiness, there was one phone for the whole boarding school, that is, you know, sometimes my mother will call and there are parents of other children, in the boarding school, well
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, i don’t know how many, about 100 children probably live, well, give or take, at that time there was no cellular communication, no internet , nothing, and this the only phone was the one on duty, only she had time to pick it up, one child spoke, then the phone immediately rang again, they called, there was also such a notification on all floors that svetlana zakharova was there, go to the phone and you would fly from the third floor through three steps. , because you understand that international long-distance communication is very expensive, and you run to quickly, the main thing is that the call does not fail, in general, yes, of course, well, in general, there is something to remember, because the conditions were really harsh, children's group well...
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he saw potential in me, and there was nothing to eat there either, because it was a huge canteen, which served, in addition to the choreography school, a music school and an art school, that is, there was absolutely no conversation there at all, about calories, and in general about how to feed a child who is studying ballet, that is , 300 people came there, a huge queue still had to be stood in order to take this tasteless thing that... is offered to us, yes, like this, such a life, you say, this is the connection between the ballerina and the teacher , it arises, these are special relationships, when there is a teacher
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whom you trust, who, yes, works with you, these special relationships with the teacher, they arise in school, yes, you said exactly right, the teacher you believe me, it is very important for a child to trust, i i remember when we had a wonderful teacher, valeria ivanovna sulegina, she... is still alive, and i communicate with her periodically, and i am very grateful to her, but at some point she had some, let’s say, well, conflicts with the management of the school, she left, but we, you know, the whole class was simply madly afraid of her, madly loved her, idolized her, and incredibly we listened to her and trusted her, believed when another teacher came, i...
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that teacher , well, whom we believed, whom we loved, and he, all her comments, they remained in our heads, in general i i always honestly say that what she taught me, i still use in principle in my professional life, how to hold my back correctly, what my hands should be like, well, that is , these are the moments, tell me, light, now looking back, this uh, harsh period, it generally helps in the profession later, yes, yes, well... you know, i ’m structured in such a way that some difficulties, they very quickly for me, you know, are somehow forgotten, and i i don’t think about what happened yesterday, i think about how to live today and how, well let’s say, to organize tomorrow, so now i remembered it, even somewhere with a smile, with irony, maybe that ’s what i had to overcome, but it really educates, it strengthens
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character and...
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one main thing a meeting of a lifetime, gifted by moscow. i want to marry you. filming from the personal archive and the true story of an outstanding intelligence officer. tim philby. secret war. tomorrow on the first. well, hello, what happened?
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the flight must be suspended, the situation must not be escalated, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down, insignificantly, a ram at such a height is certain death, if you were in the pilot’s place, what would you do, i’m half a hundred and two, i’m ready for the daran, the interrupted flight of harry powers next saturday. on the first aired theater podcast and i, its host anton getman, we continue the conversation with the prima ballerina of the bolshoi theater svetlana zakharova. light, you moved to st. petersburg, new teachers, new classmates, or probably already classmates, it’s correct to say, new requirements, that’s something fundamental changed when i arrived in
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st. petersburg.
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when i didn’t dream, so, of course, it was a big shock for me, firstly, i was psychologically not ready to unlearn 1 year to go into adulthood, not even to the theater, but into adulthood. here are relationships with classmates who are already in their senior year, suddenly a young girl arrives who, not only is she from another school, but she also jumps through the course, well, that is, this is initially some kind of very serious head start, so i i was lucky, i had a wonderful class, and there were two graduations class and the parallel class was very good, from the parallel class we had girls , well, they lived. in general , there were many in the neighboring rooms with me, so we were very friends, it was surprising, for me it was a revelation that i had arrived, a stranger, one might say, a stranger, and i was so accepted in the class, they worked with me a lot, we were engaged, the girls and i
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went for walks, there were shops, museums, a theater, uh, there was such a quest, let’s say, to ride like a hare from zochi-vorosi, come take the tram, get to the theater without paying.
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in may i don’t remember now, i remember that it was spring, i had already danced giselle, it was also such a unique occasion, i was only 17 years old when i came to the marinsky theater, but at the age of seventeen i had already danced such a difficult part, if
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we talk about the bagchasaray fountain, there are two main characters, maria, who danced, they once staged this ballet for galina sergeevna milanova, and i and also zarema, everyone remembers maya mikhailovna plesetskaya in this part. well, in general, at the marinsky theater before this performance is still on, which i also performed there, and i danced maria, that is, i understood that the ballet is divided into two characters, so when i danced giselle for the first time, then i really felt like a ballerina, the next stage is a big one theater, 2003, yes, again a change of school, again a change of city, again a change of team and again a change of teacher, but still...
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at that moment this was such a close family member for me, that is, this is the teacher who made me me as a ballerina, all the ballerina's parts, she passed everything on to me, she was a student of vaganova, that is, she told me so much, she showed me everything so well, it’s just that on tour we were always next to her, well, a very close person to me, and the only thing, probably at that moment, i was very worried and...


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