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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 12, 2024 3:20am-4:06am MSK

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the apollo docking alliance, which was covered in the press and which became a very important factor indeed in cold war détente. speaking of the queen, what was his genius? again, as guborev said, everyone was used to walking up steps, but he jumped over the steps, moreover, aware of the risk and aware of the opportunities. he had amazing instincts. he was not a scientific genius, he was an organizational genius. who managed to gather people, who knew how to manage them, who knew how, by the way, which is very important, had intuition, engineering-scientific intuition, they argued when it was necessary to send a device to the moon, without a person, yes, they argued whether there was dust or a hard surface, they argued, argued, korolev thought, thought, listened to various arguments, then took a piece of newspaper wrote: “the moon is hard,” but no one knew whether it was solid or not, king. on the one
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hand, it went to rice, on the other hand, this is what is called scientific intuition, it is really solid. there were people around korolev who went through the war, and for whom this work, exhausting, hard work, it was no less easy compared to what they saw during the war, and at the same time it was motivation, yes, the feeling that the future of the country depended on them, on their work. grechka wrote: korolev always relied on people , which is why he won. the slogan, personnel decide everything, this is sergei. and in this i see his genius and uniqueness. i attended several meetings held by korolev, he invited the main specialists whom he knew well and young people like me raised, for example, the question of fuel for rockets future, kerosene or hydrogen, he asked everyone, including me, i couldn’t offer anything smart, different from what was said, but he stood up and expressed his opinion, only much later did i understand. that
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korolev taught everyone to say what they think, again, this is a lesson for many modern leaders, yes, we’re probably already finalizing it, but i can only say one thing, that yes, the collapse of the soviet union dealt, of course, a powerful blow to our cosmonautics , this is negatively impossible, this is a fact, well, what can we say here, well, now with the general the rise of russia...
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emotional. this was a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. today we talked about the space race, the competition between the united states and the soviet union. pyotr romanov was with you. and sergei soloviev. study history with us. you can watch all episodes of the podcast russia and the west on the swing of history on the channel one website. hello, i'm cosmonaut pilot anton shkaplerov, this is a podcast about space stories. on march 9, yuri alekseevich gagarin would have turned 90 years old. he did what seemed impossible, with his first bold step he literally burst into outer space. my old friend, my real one, is visiting me today. major general,
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first deputy head of the zhukovsky air force engineering academy, professor, candidate of technical sciences vyacheslav konstantinovich markov. hello. today let us remember what gagarin was like, talk about his heroic flight, and, of course, understand why his name is forever inscribed in the history of all mankind. i know that you started your studies at the academy together with sagarin, september 1, 1961, by that time he had already become famous, he had completed his space flight, please tell us about your first meeting and what was it like? yes, indeed, you are right. that on september 1, 1961, yuri alekseevich and i stood in the same formation. on september 1 - this is the general formation of the entire personnel of the academy , two cosmonauts stood in the foreground: yuri aleseevich gagarin and german stepanovich tetov.
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so, at first everything was mixed, but after a month and a half or two, i don’t remember exactly now, they no longer always attended classes and were singled out. a separate group, but it must be said that the program was absolutely the same, they had to receive a full engineering education, so sergei pavlovich korolev, it was he who recommended them to enter the shukovsky academy, to be honest, they wanted to go to the academy gagarin to act like all pilots, well, of course, like all pilots, this is natural, but sergei pavlovich insisted that they enter akademyukovsky, and here... i would like to especially note that for cosmonauts, this of course, there were exceptional people, because, you know, they were recruited from several thousand people and selected, at first 32, then there were even fewer, they studied very conscientiously, it was more difficult for them to study than for us, ordinary students,
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well, they were in plain sight, they were ashamed get there, come unprepared, get an unsatisfactory tarsus, i understand them perfectly... i watched them with 100 eyes, they studied longer than us, we studied for 5 years, they studied for 7 years in order to have time to complete the same program. it turns out they studied, but you say that they began to miss classes for reasons independent of them, that after the flight, gagarin was somewhere abroad every month, and then he traveled, he glorified the soviet union, glorified the soviet man, he himself was in spirit. a very soviet person, obligatory, loyal, conscientious, i once said that it seems to me that the country was lucky that the first cosmonaut was gagarin, he never let the country down, not in any foreign country, anywhere, the whole
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planet loved him, and he corresponded to this, so we later met with gagarin, i personally rarely i met, but when they came to classes, and teachers often had to travel to stars. so as not to distract them , they went to the stars to teach, on the contrary, to the academy they went, then the academy went, then they came, that is, there was a complex curriculum, the curriculum remained the same, but the curriculum changed, what is the curriculum, this is on wednesday, this is, in thursday these classes and so on, here is the curriculum, and it, of course, was adjusted according to how busy they were, and in order not to waste their time, it often happened that teachers traveled, but they did not study in absentia, it turns out, you know, in person in absentia. yes, because they remained cosmonauts, they had their own work, they had to take tests, pass exams, this is mandatory, this usually happened at the academy, but it happened even in the hospital, if the teacher suddenly had to take a test gagarin, then
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he went to visit, to the hospital, and shveikin was lying there, he taught the astronauts mathematics and he was very strict, he gave yuri a b and then he worried for a long time. says he answered between four and five, and i, he says, in due to the tediousness of his character, he gave him a four, but all the teachers were also under supervision, you see, higher mathematics, shveikin, choir, everything else is excellent, here is vorobyov, that is, this is a real page of the grade book, this is a photograph of his grade book, yes , all the teachers here are very close to me, all my friends, quite a rare meeting.
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yuri petrovich attaches a badge to him about graduating from the academy, and this is already graduation, yes, this is after defense, and this, since yuri alekseevich dealt with issues of take-off and landings, then on this simulator there is an analog simulator, he practices the elements of takeoff and landing as a pilot, as an astronaut, the characteristics of this device, which we gave them after purging, are embedded in the analog machine, so... these characteristics are embedded, and he tries, well, he tries,
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he always succeeded, he lands, takes off and lands on this analog machine his airplane invented by him, you were with him, you say often, you could feel some kind of aura, that it was a loon, that difficult person, yuri alekseevich, or he yuri alekseevich would have been as simple as all the other listeners.
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it will be easier to walk, he was very heavy,
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sidorin, when you land on the moon, my friend is also very nice to you, did you know gagarin, did you meet him, did you communicate with his family, with loved ones, you know, we communicated a lot with the family, i don't know how much.
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do you feel when this holiday comes? as i remember, this caught me in kazakhstan, well, they immediately formed a regiment, shouted for a long time, hurray, glory to the soviet homeland, glory. well, like all people, general rejoicing, it’s not me i know how even a military unit, a strict military unit, why did you say sabantuy in the evening was like, god forbid, well , flights were canceled for tomorrow, of course, when his father was told this news, well, they said, in my opinion, your yura flew , he says, definitely mine, well, yes, major, he is like that, definitely not mine, my senior veteran, yes, yes, there is such
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a story, yes, there is such a thing, he was assigned during the flight. the minister of defense reported to khrushchev that we would give him the rank of captain, khrushchev said, don’t be greedy, come on major right away, he was given the title right away, he was given the rank of major, he was a most worthy man, and what a pity that he died so quickly, you know, yura was so focused on everything, no matter what he did, he did it very efficiently, i i understand him, you understand better than me why he wanted to fly, he was a pilot, in the spirit of a pilot, he had to fly, he wanted to fly into space, yes, he wanted to go into space for years, he really wanted to do science, and i’m sure that these are the bookmarks that he made in his graduation project, if he had become involved in science, he would have completed his dissertation quite quickly, and part of this work, which he completed
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as a graduation project, part of this work, i don’t know how much... he turned around, so simple, and the white- toothed stranger, let’s smooth his hair with his hand, while the cramps are not yet reduced , his kind, kind race,
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gentle, tender bristly redhead. karen, i loved you, oh, how karen, i loved you, he, he didn’t know after how long i swam with a fragment of his throwing, his jet hit my back, and he silently pedaled,
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painfully, painfully, then fell, hurt himself from under fragment.
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as if it were true that the milky way, god lowered it onto his stripes and... his shoulder straps burn like mercury, he is so beautiful that it makes us sick, he is filled with white light, he laughs with kind words, his soul is like a testing ground,
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it is bright for him, and she is afraid of life, bilon, bilan, yes, life, krela, spalela, ha-ha,
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i’m visiting today, theater and cinema, hello, good afternoon, and today i’m also visiting the deputy director for scientific work of the memorial museum cosmonautics in moscow, vecheslav klimenko, yes, good afternoon, hello, well well, let's talk, what does yuli alekseevich gagarin mean to you? gagarin had to happen in my life, we call him a hero, when he went to this, i think that... he didn’t think that i wanted to become a hero, i think that he just knew how to dream, because looking at his biography, i looked, well, how is it possible, well, sometimes a person chooses one
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direction in his life, he chose wrestling in his life there and he goes boxing there, samba did something else, well, he played basketball and football and hockey, played in orchestras, whatever he did, he was an elitist, but this is his destiny, i think it’s not because he hung out, because he wanted to... try everything, how he came to the flying club in saratov , there is a story that, well, he just saw that someone was flying somewhere, he saw some story about a club, he wanted to go there, that is , he saw, he went and won, some kind of thing, it seems to me that the phenomenon is very useful in general for people, that is, doing what you like, achieving some success in it, not what is accepted, well, go for something and you will become a worthy person, but do it and get pleasure and don’t wait for what will fall on you, walked and walked. hop, stood up, this is the most important thing, yes, so this is probably the quality of loving life, enjoying every moment of it, it helped him become the first,
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and it attracted me to gagarin, i make him so natural to me, enjoy here now , here’s yaroslav, i played in a film once, but in art, i just came, played myself, i’m not preparing for anything, tell me, before that how to play the role of gagarin, you had to... specially prepare, well , of course, i read everything that was available at that time, there is a small funny moment that during the filming, everyone, all the actors, came together very well , all my partners always, when they met me in any scene, no matter what it was, they told me: “smile, you look more like gagarin.” i say: “well, firstly, gagarin was not a sick person; he had to smile endlessly.” to do something, well, i think the director maybe i chose myself because of your smile, because gagarin is very famous for his smile, yes, well, we tried it before filming, we tried it there and on the computer
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there they pulled me a little closer to gagarin, it all didn’t look very good , and did some kind of plastic makeup, tried it, but then we realized that it was better to look for his love for life through his inner history, than to try to copy him like that, you know that the most difficult thing was that it was a lot... after landing, this is the task of deciphering what he was really like alone, how well he was worried, how scary it really is, well, at that moment, i understand that for those who are flying now, well, it’s almost like, we know where to go, we don’t know what to expect, so many simulators and everything else. the first to leave, well , i think it’s time to ask vyacheslav about his childhood, i know that the museum contains a lot of things, a collaboration
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between the museum, which is now located... in the city of gagarin, the former gachchen, that is what he was like as a child, what he was interested in, i don’t know what made him stand out from other guys, well , strictly speaking, a museum is a place where it’s true that we not only store objects, we study these objects, and we, strictly speaking, are for this, well, balanced historical truth, yaroslav just said that he read a lot, and it’s also very difficult to understand gagarin, because a huge amount of literature has been written, a lot of stories.
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she’s standing on the left, she’s changed them all, you see, so the shirts, valentin is standing, elder, elder brother, the younger one is standing behind valentin boris, yura gagarin is sitting, by the way, you see how he looks, he is not smiling, now yaroslav noticed an interesting point that this smile is famous, if you look at all the photographs, such a smile and such a smiling gagarin, he is after the flight, not even after the flight, i would say after april 14, just look at the photograph... the first photograph we have, they are on display in the museum, when he was just taken literally an hour later , here he is only they brought his military unit, listen, it feels like a man has returned from the underworld, it’s so true, he hasn’t gotten over it yet, he doesn’t believe it yet, he still doesn’t believe that he’s returned, because you said it right , yes, there are 11 emergency situations, everything went wrong, that’s how many times you talk to the chief designers, some, yes, they say, no one would sign now even with one
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percent of such situations... this is the execution of such a flight, good strong family, dad, it means such a working bone, everything was burning, everything was burning in her hands, it’s interesting that mom, she’s not just a peasant’s daughter, not just a peasant woman, it so happened that her family lived for some time, lived in st. petersburg, gagarin’s grandfather was like that a hereditary worker at the st. petersburg flying factory, also, by the way, a flying flying factory, so she received a three-year education, she knew how to read, unlike her dad. so she read to him a lot, told him fairy tales, that is, this is the first education he received, he received from his mother, from annatimofeevna, very helped his father, that is, he also had everything burning in his hands, for example, there in the museum of the city of gagarin there is a small wooden frame, which is on his father’s instruments, so he made it with his own hands, so carefully, to put just photographs there, photographs of his parents, and this is already a school photograph, in general, he went to first grade,
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all in klushino, in september, he really wanted to, he was preparing, he meant he was running, it so happened that his student there allowed him to sit with valya, with valentin, with his brother, there several times he stayed in class, he just went before the war, he went on september 1 , 1941, he probably didn’t even really understand that there was already a war going on, the boy was 6.5 years old, so he studied for a month, a month, absolutely right, in october the fascist in october everything was right, they kicked him out . the germans came to you, they set up a workshop in this house, although the house was nice, big, there were three rooms, there they were, well, in general, my father literally tore out the dugout in 2 days, they spent the entire time there during the occupation spent more than one year in this dugout, yes, this is forty in the third year, only klushino was liberated, life was difficult, of course, and there was nothing to eat, and not much to bathe, they went through a lot, they almost died there, they almost died
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here... they were taken to germany and managed to escape, such was the case , then they fought until the end of the war, then in 1945 they decided that they had to move, he moved to zhatsk, my father was so, damn it, everything was so good in his hands, he knew how to do everything, and he was a very good stallionist, he's dismantling the house, it's a mess, and he's moving, they they move, well, now gagaririn, to gzhatsk, and he collects this house and here... he goes to study fully, here there are a huge number of stories, a huge number of sources, because he also managed to communicate with people who were friends with gogarno and were classmates, and there are many classmates, many classmates, i just know that i remember when i, when i flew into space,
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well, we have the internet there, you can read, well , i read, for the first time of course, i read, i look, and there they write in short, well i sat with him class, i was sitting, and sometimes i read, i ’ve never heard these names in my life, there are other names like that. so if we go back to school and then of course he, well, he is very active, very active, and active from that side, he is really the first, he really was a hooligan, he was a hooligan, well, he was a hooligan, he was a normal
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boy, but he was in charge in everything , and not into the forest, he is the main one there to collect some cartridges, some old man, if, well, this became a little later, if the sport is a captain, for example, you remember saratov period. arap school, the famous photograph where the national team stands, it means that this school and gagarin is the smallest in height, and he is the captain of the team, and what is the captain of the team, it means that the guys elected him, that’s already character, for 2 years he was the captain of the basketball team , here is this photo, here is their physical education teacher, here is the first one at number five, here is the tallest one, really, why was he chosen, the astronauts at the beginning, and now we are in the astronauts, well, yes, the first one goes everywhere, in fact it’s very...
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he got straight a's everywhere, he did everywhere he finished with an a, but at the same time, as his teacher said , and even after the flight at the academy, he had one b in mathematics and the teacher later admitted that it seemed to him that apparently
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gagarin, well, he was too cool, he needed to show off, as it were, because he says he was less than four five, but i decided i’m such a cool teacher, i gave gagarin a four, then all my life i regretted what he gave him. i would also regret it, well, what do you think, he was a charismatic person, he he was charismatic, so - i’ll even say this, the girls really liked him, he was very, you know, he was very, you know, there is a description of how he dressed when he went to school, yes, when he went to school, he was ironed all the time trousers, a white shirt, this canvas bag, that is, his mother was watching him, and at the same time he was very open , for the first time, just in everything, by the way, i wonder where the last name came from, there are also a lot of stories around this , there at a press conference they asked what your relationship is with the princes of gagarin, gagarin, who live, he said that i don’t know any princes, then the myth began that it was actually someone who
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was a serf, was, well, theoretically it could be like that, because the truth of the land, the land of these these nobleman, it’s interesting that this is a bird, this is the bird itself, this is also some kind of... stubbornness, so i won’t get up until i do this, that’s why i could sit at night, and it happened like that, and it didn’t work out , there were moments when he finished sixth grade, many of his comrades decided to leave for moscow, and he also makes such a decision, apparently it’s not an easy one for his parents, they let him go alone, so he comes, his uncle helped him there, he comes to the city of lyubertsy, he comes to the city of lyubertsy, now even on the coat of arms... this one city, and he really
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wanted to have some kind of specialty, a real one, which would come in handy later, a stable worker, a mechanic, but he didn’t have enough education, this year, which he lost due to the occupation, only one you can go to become a pilot, they everyone didn’t want, who did what, why, when the first time we came to the ukhtomsky plant, here he is in his book, the road to space, he then describes, we say so, we were scared, he says, everything rattles, sparkles, lava flows, and then nothing with...
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i want to envy, nobly envy , and if you take advantage of this , gagarin nevertheless chose the one with a lifestyle, then you will achieve a lot, and some gates will open for you that you don’t even suspect, because being the first in everything is not it’s just gloating to try to achieve something, that’s it through the pleasure of going, you will succeed, i think so, so it seems to me that to the museum, and in general not only to our museum, here is the real museum of cosmonautics, just... to all the museums, in all the cities where stored, you need to walk, you need to take schoolchildren so that they, in general, are charged from the loon. dear friends, unfortunately, time has come to an end, today we remembered yuri alekseevich gagarin, talked about what he was like in childhood, what he became after the flight, how do you feel about him, different generations, and today i had two guests wonderful person, he is a theater and film actor... yaroslav zhalnin, scientific assistant
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to the director of the memorial museum of cosmonautics, vyacheslav klimenko and i, anton shkaplerov, and this is a podcast of space stories. hello, the program is on air, in the studio quiz andreeva, the main event of the day. the new government, who will retain their posts, who will be promoted and new faces, candidates have been submitted to the state duma and today the president signed a decree on the structure of the cabinet.
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the strike on donetsk on the tenth anniversary of the referendum on the independence of the dpr leaves dead and shelling of the belgorod and kursk regions are new crimes of the kiev regime . five settlements have been liberated on a broad front in the kharkov direction, there are successes in avdeevsky, a new report from the ministry of defense. another $400 million. shipment of american weapons for kiev, how moscow reacts to it, commentary by mikhail leontyev. the contribution of chemists to the defeat of the nazis in the great patriotic war. superglue, synthetic gasoline and a special substance that was called a formidable weapon of partisans. our special project is the science of winning. extreme level, powerful magnetic storm after a series of solar flares. incredible beauty in the sky is a signal for everyone to be more attentive to their health. so that's the news
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for this evening. candidates for the posts of ministers and deputy prime ministers have been submitted to the state duma. eat. new faces are those who are up for promotion. now the decision is up to the deputies. and in the morning the president signed a decree on the structure of the government. it is published on the official legal information portal. the number of ministries' names follows from the text. it remained the same, only 21 departments. at the head the cabinet will have 10 deputies. the new powers of the state duma in action , the deputies will have to approve the so-called civil list of the cabinet of ministers of the security forces and the heads of the just ministry, as agreed by the federation council, will be appointed by the president. and today the prime minister presented a proposal to parliamentarians. so, the head of government has 10 deputies, including denis manturov, who previously headed the ministry of industry and trade, has been proposed for the first deputy position. increasing the status of the deputy prime minister in charge of industry, press secretary of the chairman boris belyakov explains the government primarily by the importance of the task set by the president, achieving technological
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sovereignty. the development of technology today is at the forefront of the entire range of tasks facing executive authorities. it is technological leadership in everyone. departments, be it aircraft manufacturing, manufacturing industry, tank building, radio electronics, military-industrial complex, can become a powerful driver of economic development. vitaly sovelyev will supervise transport in the status of deputy prime minister. before that he was the head ministry of transport and this is another innovation in the structures of the cabinet of ministers. the development of transport corridors and logistics requires additional control. victoria abramchenko, who dealt, in particular, with issues of ecology and the agricultural-industrial complex, will be replaced by dmitry patrushev. experience in the ministry of agriculture will come in handy, alexander novak will also receive new powers, in addition to energy, instead of andrei belousov, who is leaving the government, he will take charge of the economic bloc, and for deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko, in addition to the financial and control and supervisory spheres it was proposed to transfer digital development and communications, as well as antimonopoly policy, this is how this decision is, explains boris belyakov. he was responsible for the digitalization of public administration, has extensive experience in implementing key it systems, and has all
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the necessary competencies to continue this work. in addition, the ongoing reform of control and supervisory activities has had a positive impact on economic development. transition of federal antimonopoly. service under the supervision of dmitry grigorenko will give additional impetus to this work. dmitriy chernishenko will continue to oversee science, sports and tourism development, coordinate the activities of the media, and the ministry of education and rosmolodezh will be added as additional sponsored departments. tatyana golikova, who was responsible for the social block in the status of deputy prime minister, according to boris belyakov, will also coordinate the work of the federal agency for nationalities affairs. she is a long-term curator of social policy, development of institutions and programs to support the protection of people, and is deeply immersed in interethnic issues. relations and has enormous experience in systematically and comprehensively solving assigned problems based on feedback from people. the combination of these qualities will ensure a proper approach to work on the development of this area. at the proposal of the head of government, alexey overchuk, yuri trutnev and marad kusnulin will retain the positions of deputy prime ministers, these are the new faces.
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the current governor of the kursk region, roman starovoit, has been proposed for the post of minister of transport. and, as boris belikov notes, he has specialized experience. in 2012-2018. he headed rosavtotodor. in 2019, he led the group on safe and high-quality roads and road activities for the preparation of the presidium of the state council for transport. knows the industry from the inside. in addition, roman storovoyd has extensive political management experience, which will be useful in his work as the head of one of the key federal ministries. another governor who may join the government is the head of the kaliningrad region, anton alikhanov. he is a candidate for the post of minister of industry and trade. anton alikhanov is a qualified, strong manager. as governor, he was able to provide. development of the economy and industry of the region, thanks to his experience at the federal and regional levels , he has an understanding of the tasks and decisions on the agenda, which is extremely important for the industry for which he will be responsible as head of the ministry of industry and trade. sergei tsovilev will also make the transition from the governor's corps to the government; he now heads the keimerovo region. many years of experience as a manager of the largest
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russian coal mining region, as well as work in the federal one.


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