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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 12, 2024 4:05am-4:55am MSK

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and, as boris belikov notes, he has specialized experience. in 2012-2018, he headed rosavtodor. in 2019, he headed the group of safe and high-quality roads and road activities for the preparation of the presidium of the state council for transport, knows the industry from the inside. in addition, roman storovoyd has extensive political management experience, which will be useful in his work as the head of one of the key federal ministries. another governor who may join the government is the head of the kaliningrad region, anton alikhanov. he candidate for the position of minister. anton alikhanov, a qualified strong manager. as governor, he was able to ensure the development of the economy and industry of the region. thanks to his experience working at the federal and regional levels, he has an understanding of the tasks and decisions on the agenda, which is extremely important for the industry for which he will be responsible as head of the ministry of industry and trade. sergei tsevelev will also make the transition from the governor's corps to the government; he now heads the kemerovo region. perennial experience as the head of the largest russian coal mining region, as well as work for the federal government. level in the presidium
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of the state council of the russian federation and as chairman of the commission of the state council of russia in the field of energy, give reason to believe that sergey tsivilev will ensure the further development of an industry important for the country. and the experience of working in the relevant state duma committee will help the governor of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev, quickly get used to the position of minister of sports. it is important that he is a master of sports in fencing, winner of all-russian and international competitions. mikhail dekterev has the necessary competencies to respond to the challenges facing the industry. continue the active development of this area. and finally, deputies were asked to approve oksana lut as the new minister of agriculture. she is now the first deputy minister and has been working at the ministry of agriculture since 2018. otherwise, the composition of the cabinet will remain unchanged. at the suggestion of mikhail mishustin , the minister of labor anton kotyakov, the head of the ministry of natural resources alexander kozlov, the minister education sergei kravtsov, head of the ministry of culture olga lyubimova, minister of economic development maxim reshetnikov, head of the ministry of finance anton siluanov, minister of health mikhail murashko, head of the ministry of construction and... faizulin,
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minister of education and science valery falkov, head of the ministry of eastern development alexey chikunkov and minister of digital development maksud shadayev. tomorrow , the candidates proposed by the prime minister will be discussed by the relevant committees of the state duma. evgeny lyamin, kiriu brian, pavel urdakov and boris kamenov, channel one. while a new one is being formed government, there should be no pauses in work. today, vladimir putin recalled this at a meeting in the kremlin with acting deputy prime minister, minister of industry and trade, denis manturov and '.
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everything is concentrated here, a significant amount of work is going on in this area within rostec, i would like to talk to you now about how this work is being built now and how we plan to launch it in the near future, i know that a lot has been done, everything is running smoothly, everything is functioning , but there are issues that require special attention, here they are, uh let's stop today. an important date: 10 years ago, donbass voted for independence from ukraine, against the aggression of the nationalists who seized power in kiev as a result of an armed coup. people expressed their firm determination to defend their right to their native language, culture, and free development. this is stated in the presidential telegram. vladimir putin congratulated the residents of the dpr on the tenth anniversary of their important historical choice. that referendum became the starting point of a new time. the desire to be with russia. and
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on this significant day for the residents of the dpr, avenging the choice made 10 years ago, militants of the kiev regime shelled peaceful donetsk. our people are being killed again by american weapons. one of the shells from the hymers rocket system hit a restaurant in the kirovsky district, killing three and nine injured. alexey ivanov has all the latest information; he works on site. the moment of the terrorist attack on civilians of donetsk was filmed by our colleagues, journalists of the war gonza project; a car rally in honor of the tenth anniversary of the donetsk people's republic was supposed to begin in the parking lot of the shopping center, during an interview explosions were heard. people tried to find shelter in a hypermarket; the parking lot and the impact site were separated by some 150-200 m. a popular one is located here on leninsky prospekt.
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there’s a gas station next to the restaurant, shrapnel from shells flew there , the windows of several cars were broken, there were dents from bricks on the hood of the car, there wouldn’t have been a gas station about 10 meters away, naturally, i just did it, if the roof hadn’t caught it, it would have hit the gas station, then there is a chance that everything will fly up into the air, naturally,
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from these fragments of the outer panels restaurant, you can see how strongly the fragments were scattered, the metal was pierced through, here, too , the following fragments were found on the spot. in the near future, all this will be added to the materials of the criminal case, there are even inscriptions here, this indicates that the projectile was fired from the khaimars launcher, you can find out the markings and date of release of these missiles, the characteristic yellow color, that is, the shells, use the kiev regime of american weapons against civilians was confirmed by employees of the center for control and recording crimes committed by ukrainian troops. the following fragments were found at the scene, a part of the propulsion engine of a rocket using two types of haimers missiles was discovered, this is an m-31 fragmentation rocket, ram-shaped fragments are fragments of an m30 a1 rocket, this is
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a charapnel rocket, the consequences of the shelling were recorded investigative committee, at least four people were wounded, they were hospitalized, they are in need of medical care. one of the dead was a waitress, she, along with other employees, was preparing for the upcoming banquet, which we planned to spend the evening. the girl worked for us at the opening, so the child stayed, help was provided to the family, of course, a local woman lives next to us. this is not the first time this area called mirny has come under heavy fire. in august 2022, ukrainian militants targeted the galaxy shopping center in the middle of a working day. no one was injured, but the hypermarket was completely burned out, at the site of the current arrival, the removal of the rubble continues. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, yulia khodorova, igor ikofonov, channel one, donetsk. ukrainian militants attack belgorod, killing at least one person and wounding 14 in
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heavy shelling this evening. one of the shells hit the entrance of a residential building, several cars were burned. governor vyacheslav glodkov previously reported that the region was shelled over 120 times in one day. in the village of novostroevka, bordering ukraine, the first person to drop ammunition from a drone onto a truck, one died, one was wounded. according to our ministry of defense, more than thirty air defense systems were shot down over the belgorod region rockets from the czech vampire system and nine drones hit the ssu in the kursk region in the city of sudzhi, a man died after a drone attack. now the special operation is in progress. the main news comes from the kharkov direction. the russian army launched powerful attacks on the position. and the military infrastructure of militants near the border with the belgorod region. the military grouping north, advancing on a broad front, liberated five settlements at once : borisovka, ogurtsova, pletenevka, dusty and strelechya. manpower and technology the enemy was hit near volchansk, which
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the ukrainian armed forces turned into a fortified stronghold. good luck in the avdeevsky direction. our group of troops in the center established full control over the village of peramik in the dpr, and the military in the southern district improved the situation. along the front line on the donetsk front and burned three german leopard tanks. it is also reported that a division of the pvtriot complex manufactured by the united states was destroyed at a combat position. the battle named after pavel sudaplatov is successfully operating in the zaporozhye direction. the famous soviet intelligence officer became famous primarily as a specialist in guerrilla warfare and a hunter of bandera leaders. today's ship payers worthily continue his work, using modern ones. taxes report by valery kuznetsov. zaporozhye direction, scouts from the battalion named after pavel sudoplatov are heading towards the village of rabotina. the enemy there is now trying to move the front line, but to no avail. there are now 200 of them who came in, they
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were some kind of assault group. the activity of enemy reconnaissance drones is now high. the fighters keep the sky under control, in a matter of minutes they prepare the drone for work; on the screen , the spot symbols are barely visible to the average person; these are the targets, it is important to be able to notice. details transport yes, it is clearly visible, because it heats up, it is displayed well, people, it happens that you can confuse people with animals, with hares, you have to fly, do additional reconnaissance, plus we also adjust the artillery at night, if we identify targets, 2 days on them we worked very closely, day and night, and mortar, free-range artillery, we worked with fpv, the last ones are for several days the enemy is not visible at all, they lay low, the flight range of this.
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you fly 100-200 m away from you, go down the landing path towards you and are already flying at a low altitude, but on the other side, in principle, the same drone will not see you if it is only above you, but it will not be above you, because because you are already a professional, the operator detects the target, the coordinates are immediately transmitted to the artillery, gun, shot, shock operators work. drones on a mission , the three of them: the scout detects the enemy, the operator of the attack drone destroys, and the sapper engineer
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meanwhile, he is preparing another suspended ammunition for shipment, in the arsenal both grenades from an under-barrel grenade launcher and high-explosive fragmentation mines. comikat drones are worth the extravagance, they must have a certain set of characteristics, which we, with the help of, let’s say, our own hands, finish, add from standard ammunition. with the help of some small ammunition, brought to mind and used wisely. let's just say that a specialist can hit a much more expensive, much more important target. the battalion is constantly introducing new technologies, the time from receiving coordinates to making decisions has decreased by 10 times, fighters say, soon it will be possible to control a drone while being a thousand kilometers away . what the pilot himself sees is one thing, the commander sees a different picture overall and can make more competent decisions. yes, we are now working on... remote control, taking off from moscow, for example, and flying to work on the enemy, all this is in
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the future, this will be, this is the future. there is also a workshop where engineers assemble drones that can stay in the sky for up to 5 hours, and also these four-wheeled light reconnaissance vehicles that can even make their way through minefields. for assault brigades, for some purposes, for example, to drive under a car and see whether it is mined or not. here they manufacture individual electronic warfare systems for soldiers; all this equipment helps destroy the enemy every day, bringing our victory closer. valery kuznetsov, natalya sidrova and alexey kozlov. first channel zaporozhye region. and new examples of the courage of our defenders. private egor lunev, in the face of constant attacks by enemy drones and regular artillery shelling, set up a complex video system. radio communications between units and the command post. guard private alexey burakov saved
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12 comrades, carried wounded soldiers out from under fire and provided first aid to everyone. we have already spent more than 50 billion dollars since february 22 and are allocating more. american president joe biden signed an order on a new package of military assistance for the kiev regime. this time the amount will be 400 million dollars. according to the pentagon, ammunition will be sent to ukraine. for patriot and nasams complexes, harm missiles, haiers rocket systems and shells for them, as well as anti-tank guns, armored vehicles, small arms, spare parts. the white house openly acknowledges the successes of our military in its zone and the new allocation of money is a reaction to the advance of the russian armed forces on the battlefields. why does the west constantly provoke russia and provoke it to respond, argues mikhail leontyev in author's program "however" recalls medications. words attributed
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to the german chancellor bismarck: i know many ways to get the russian bear out of the den, but i don’t know a single one how to drive him back. however, hello, it 's called.
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can’t, the idea of ​​teasing a nuclear power is futile, the russian doctrine of nuclear deterrence does not at all divide nuclear weapons into tactical and strategic, what are you complaining about, about mice, mouse, don’t mouse, everything is clear, you are very kind, you need
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to get angry. i don’t know how, doctor, you can do it, here you go. medicine, azverin, take one tablet at a time, and go wild, isn’t it time, and to the menagerie, however, goodbye, there, they demonstratively destroyed the charter of this organization, imagine. israel brought a special paper cutting machine and showed its country's attitude to the general assembly's decision to expand palestine's rights in the world organization. israel does not like the fact that palestinian representatives will now be able to make statements at meetings and propose amendments. palestine still does not have the right to vote, but in the near future it may become a full member of the un. and the adopted resolution contains such a recommendation.
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voting is also indicative. 143 countries were in favor of the resolution, including russia, 25 abstained, only nine were against. russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebenze noted that palestine's full membership in the world organization will help equalize negotiating positions with israel, which has long had full status, and palestine has been waiting for it for almost 80 years. it is our common duty to correct the historical injustice of aspirations palestinians have their own sovereign, unified state, which should have been accepted into the un back in 1948, are convinced that palestine’s full membership in the world organization ... could equalize the starting negotiating positions with israel, which received this full status more than 75 years ago . it is the admission of the state of palestine to the un that would be the first practical step towards a fair solution to the palestinian issue on a un-approved platform based on a generally recognized international legal framework. now achp is in the koma republic.
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a five-story residential building in pechora partially collapsed. more than 100 rescuers worked at the scene. at the time of the emergency, there were two dozen people there, seven died. residents of the northern capital bring flowers to the scene of the tragedy; the driver was detained. the company that owns the bus was
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searched. were the rules for transporting people and the labor rights of workers observed? investigators are carefully finding out who selected the drivers and was responsible for the medical examination. they drove the formidable yars missile systems across red square on victory day, and now returning from alabin near moscow to the ivanovo region. the length of the convoy route is more than 400 km; after a technical inspection, the parade crew vehicles will take their original positions at the place of permanent deployment. the immortal regiment in cuba, hundreds of people with portraits of war heroes marched along one of the central avenues of havana. our compatriots, russian diplomats, cuban students and university teachers. songs of the war years have the sympathy of local residents. the russian embassy has a minute of silence and a concert in honor. we continue to tell you about scientists who made an invaluable contribution to the common cause of victory, in a special project of channel one the science of winning, superglue,
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synthetic gasoline, a special substance that was called a formidable weapon of partisans, today we are talking about chemists, they used all possible methods in some sense of the word chemicalized victory, the entry was almost the entire periodic table, about why the fuel of the war years was fragrant with fir, and what is it, our formula? victories in the report by kiril branin. bala calls and says i won’t come for lunch today. i'm having a reaction. i must finish. well, if he finished successfully, he came, of course, in such a state of elation. perhaps only by the mood of the father in the family of academician zelinsky they could have guessed about the next breakthrough. of course in detail.
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the second is the flight range and much more active maneuverability for air combat. the moscow institute of organic chemistry is named after nikolai zelensky; among the laboratories there is one named after another outstanding chemist ivan nazarov. here is one act dated december 14, 1943. i inform you the results of using the carbanol glue you invented in our army, this is addressed to nazarov. many cars have been repaired.
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it turned out that this glue really helps to repair, for example, cylinder heads of military equipment, cracks on them and vehicle bodies were repaired, and, what is important, this could be done without taking the equipment to some repair shops, it could be done literally in field conditions. the glue successfully sealed aircraft fuel tanks that had been punctured in battle, and even connected armored vehicle track plates, in general, it worked at any temperature, in the air, on land and even under water. diesel engines are useless after diving, they don’t work without air, under water the boat is driven by electric motors, and they , in turn, are powered by batteries, but what
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if the batteries are damaged, in the midst of a war , spare parts are in short supply, here another application was found nazarov glue. many people are familiar with the ibonite stick from their school physics course. the body of the marine battery is made of the same rather fragile material, there is more weight inside the container.
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the entire battle route was spent in the baltic, defending the city, which in the most difficult years of the siege did not lose its scientific school, even that same blockade bread was largely the result of the work of chemists, recipes changed depending on what the bakeries had, when it was necessary to add pine shavings or hydrocellulose, a serious obstacle arose. yeast did not work with such a low quality of raw materials in the dough, and it was necessary to quickly develop it, here are microbiologists from the central laboratory... leningrad, which worked perfectly in these conditions, and the bakers were able to bake bread every day for leningraders in such difficult conditions of the siege. at this time, in the leningrad special chemical laboratory of the kirov technical institute, they were struggling with the problem of fuel shortage, so synthetic gasoline appeared, it would have been a completely unobvious raw material, this synthetic gasoline
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was made on the basis of perfume. based on fir oil, fir oil was in large quantities in perfume factories and small-brew factories in the city, they were just in it they didn’t work for a while, the raw materials were simply not used, so after this transport comes, a trail of such an aromatic smell comes from it. the laboratory also worked on the development of chemical detonators for molotov cocktails, and moscow chemist anatoly kachugin created a destructive weapon. partisans, mastic named after him. in appearance, the device resembled a piece of laundry soap; all you had to do was attach it to an enemy train, the train would move, pick up speed, and then chemistry would meet physics. from the oncoming air flow increased the friction force and the substance ignited, the combustion temperature exceeded 1.0°. everything inside the car was guaranteed to burn to the ground, and the ammunition also detonated. in laboratory conditions, the reaction is achieved by striking it
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with iron tongs. here the reaction is based on a phosphorus-containing compound, but for the demonstration we took ordinary red phosphorus with the addition of potassium chlorate. in principle, this mixture is something explosive that can actually explode from the slightest mechanical impact. impact. kachugin's bridges were based on a similar composition; a drop of sulfuric acid activated the reaction that was used in the same incendiary mixtures. that's just it.
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today there was a vintage car race dedicated to the seventy-ninth anniversary of the defeat of the nazis. the column drove along the garden ring, reached vorobyovy gory and finished at the museum on poklonnaya hill. on the cars are portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war. there were also those who took with them family heirlooms and letters from relatives from the front. i when i was putting together this exhibition, i cried again. this is an archive that has been passed down from generation to generation in our family and will continue to be passed on. my
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son is here somewhere, i will definitely tell him. this is a saint. today in the central part of russia and over the crimea it was possible to observe a fascinating spectacle, the incredible beauty of the northern lights, all because the strongest magnetic storm in the last 20 years was recorded on earth, and tonight it reached the maximum fifth level, it was caused by powerful flares the sun, the plasma cloud hit across our planet and provoked a disturbance in the magnetic field. at such times, weather-dependent people may feel a general malaise. and headache. experts note that solar activity can cause interference in the operation of navigation systems and electrical systems, including damage to the substation. according to scientists, the magnetic storm will last at least two more days.
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the power of memory is great, there is something terrifying in... the diversity of its countless depths, as avrely augustine wrote in his famous confession. hello, we are here today gathered their thoughts about memory, about its secrets and riddles. dmitry petrovich bak, literary scholar, candidate of philological sciences, evgeniy germanovich vodolaskin, writer, doctor of philological sciences. friends, i am very glad to see you, it is mutual. no matter how you talk to about this topic, you know. i want, so i have a preliminary question, perhaps, a warm-up question, is memory more about hope or curse? evgeny germenovich? well, memory is something that you often want
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to get rid of, and in fact it is so. sometimes i want to forget many things, so in some way there is a trace of the curse, but... memory, it gives hope in the sense that if it is a good memory, a good memory, then they give hope that something will happen again, petrovich, what do you think, you know, after all, i would put hope in the foreground, because well, we know, yes, the curse of the family, which can weigh, hang, put pressure on oneself, it definitely exists, yes, because the golden age gives way to the silver age and further up to the iron age. but nothing good with does not happen in the world, so memory always speaks of a curse, but on the other hand, memory speaks of the best, precisely because the past is happy, this childhood, for example, it almost always has a shade of happiness of a sinless, transparent existence, and the
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more you remember, the more you hope that at every moment you live in your fullness, and not in the incompleteness that seems right to you, vanity, i’m here now, when evgenia germanech. they said that sometimes something you want to get rid of, but i thought, remembered, or rather, a thought, not my thought, about what is confession, it’s a cry to god, lord, don’t remember me like this, that is, don’t remember me committing this act, forget it, well, it’s funny to ask god to forget something, but that’s the whole idea, well, not repentance , but repentance is probably based, no, more than that, i believe that repentance... confession is overcoming time, you return to the time before the sin, as it were, because this sin is washed away, it goes away, the only difference is than: you return to the old time, but with the memory of
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sin, this is already a hint of the absence of time, to the absence of before and after, and simply there is repentant sin. and there may be a desire to prevent it from happening again, it is washed away, but the scars remain, the scars remain, well, the famous line of pushkin, but there are options for sad or shameful lines, i don’t wash it away, yes, this is a very important story, because even if you want to get rid of the memory , i agree with zhenya, after all, the work is not to get rid of it, but to understand that this is given for something, well, because there is no test of superpowers, we... understand perfectly well, even if this memory is bad, the memory of a sinful state of soul or of an action, then anyway it is not given in order to be equal to it, memory is what makes us unequal to ourselves in the best sense, look how naturally we
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are now then to let’s move on to the actual content part of the concept, equal, unequal, yuri mikhailovich lotman said that a person is memory, culture is memory, i always tell students that there is no need to substantiate this. a lot of evidence, imagine waking up tomorrow and you don’t remember anything, and what you don’t remember doesn’t exist, that is, it turns out that memory is a culture-forming phenomenon, forgive the involuntary academicism, and a person-forming phenomenon, the question then is, after all, a person is identical to memory, or forgetting or not, there is wisdom unburdened by knowledge, that's who dealt with old people... wise people in old age, sometimes he does not remember any specific things, but at the same time he is wise, he is absolutely error-free in his choice, although he cannot justify it in any way, maybe tolstoy had something similar in mind when
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he said that a person, leaving for another world, takes with him memory, but memory not of specific events, but memory as a certain sum of ideas of good and evil, so... i’m not talking about that i mean that a person falls into childhood at some point, i mean it more in this sense, we are approaching our beginning, so this is the same lack of fullness of memory as in childhood, but only after, with experience, experience does not disappear anywhere, extremely interesting, to be honest, at the beginning, when you said not burdened by memory, i grinned, because that a different associative series arose for me, yes, that is a lot of wisdom.
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the impossibility of getting away from bad memories, that when you see all the beauty of paradise, then at that moment you become incredibly ashamed of yourself, this memory is burning, maybe this is it, well, this is what your chagin suffers from in one novel, yes, that is , i actually perceived it as an experience of hellish torment, and he cannot forget, he cannot forget his existence, and this is really so, absolutely true.
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i am far from convincing the reader that you just need to rewrite it, no, you need to repent, and then as such a gift, maybe, maybe i don’t... it doesn’t rather state the question, you can get away from bad memories and stay with the good ones before you die. today we gathered our thoughts about memory, its secrets and mysteries. dmitry petrovich bak, evgeny germanovich vadolaskin, i’m vladimir ligoido, let’s continue. but look, memory is not only that we forget something, but that we remember something. by and large, augustine writes about this, he says that this is like this...
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and the memoirs of another contemporary about the same events will be different, how to perceive this? if you allow me, i would still start with forgetting. so that this topic does not disappear, because in this earthly desolation we are always faced with the realization that we have to forget, yes, that something completely different awaits, and i always repeat the quatrain of my beloved georgy ivanov, if there is a new life , oh, the soul opens in the black grave, how good it must be so
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that we forget about earthly things, yes, that is, here this moment of possible forgetting of what seems... valuable is always present in the face of some other memory, these are not memoirs, of course, memoirs, this is personal experience, yes, yes, well, memoirs are, of course, memory, but this is such a very, truly selective special memory, this is not, not what actually happened in quotes, because the very thing is the very...
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topic of imaginary memories, not just interpretations, again in chaigin there is this nikolai ivanovich, this is the story about chagin’s business trip to britain, i honestly i will say, i still want to think that this is not true, when in the end i think that he came up with it all, i don’t like it, i will assume that this is what happened, but in fact, here is a different chaplan, our author is a wonderful one from thomas, in his article to pochagin, he wrote that he, as a mathematician , immediately remembered complex numbers, parts of which are imaginary quantities. but the meaning is that this creates a kind of three-dimensional vision, and then, you know, i immediately begin to think further, i remember lotman, who says that art is experience unlived, the most important human experience, it turns out that the imaginary memories of any person, they allow him to be a creator
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in some sense, more than he is, more than he actually is, almost art, yes, that is , there is no art without art, well, it is in in general , it realizes itself differently. for example, anna karenina, i am convinced that everything that happened to her stems from the desire that she experiences when opening a book in the carriage, even at the very beginning, when she goes to reconcile stiva with his wife, and there she meets together with vronsky’s mother, meets vronsky himself, she so wanted to live the lives of all the heroes, yes, that’s the whole point, i think that the reader experiences the same thing, as a child i so wanted anegin not to kill lensky, when i reread it, but suddenly it won’t kill, i thought that’s all. this is, in principle , the law of art, when you perceive art, you think that it is reliable, in general, memoirs are reliable not in the sense that they correspond to some kind of case itself, as zhenya put it, but do not correspond to yours conviction, your rightness, there is no rightness,
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remember the paintings of picasso or picasso, how convenient it is to say where dora maar has two noses, yes, because he wants to see her right away. or full face, we see each other full face, but there are other sides, so any memoirist is sacredly convinced that he writes the truth, even if he wants to deliberately distort it, like zhorzhik ivanov in st. petersburg winters, in a word, for in my memoirs, after all, the most valuable is the subjective, but in kotaev’s grass of oblivion, he describes him there, how he he considers friendship with bunin, so... that bunin asked him something all the time and was interested in him, well, mayakovsky asked him, but he asked bunin in the damned days, and only during the day. a completely devastating phrase, i don’t want to repeat it, that he would have sold everyone, including there, if they had paid, here are the memoirs
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of two people, and about specific ones, but they do not contradict each other, these are two truths, they are both true, yes , salomonov to court, it’s as if it’s impossible to say what he sold or didn’t sell, that’s not the question, well, yes, but it’s just... i’m surprised, so to speak, by the range of opinions, although here, you know, i can’t help but remember this famous buddhist parable, five or four blind men who approached an elephant, and from different sides, one, which means which one is for the trunk, he’s absolutely right, he says that it is a snake or a wall, or a rope, yes, yes, in this memory it is always like this, it cannot embrace everything at once, it cannot give this volumetric vision, give vision, in general, this is our apparatus, we do not see infrared.
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something that leads to this emotion and make it yours, appropriate it, and this is scary, of course, on the one hand, this is a bit of life, on the other hand, it’s like a rush, after all, there shouldn’t be a distance, no, i’ve been teaching acting for many years, so i keep emulating this all the time, i won’t argue with you, today we’ve gathered our thoughts on about memory, dmitry petrovich bak, we continue,
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education, she says, but memory - i say, well, why memory for knowledge, for this is not about remembering information that is not knowledge, but this is about contexts, chernigovskaya was once told this topic, and i have associations, but this is it, if you have... at the sans sous palace.


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