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tv   Igrai garmon lyubimaya  1TV  May 12, 2024 6:55am-7:41am MSK

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until his old age, but the second time, when he was already released for the same, so to speak, the same rake, yeah, it seems to me that this is love, you know why, because he wanted to let the woman he loved know that he loved her , because, of course, after 5 years of camps, of course, he forgot a long time ago and cursed, yes, as the reason for his betas, then he makes it clear to her that no, i... this feeling was serious, it was not a joke, here i am it seems that this is the feeling i have, well, in general, a man who had something to love, minsk, the capital, meet us, and we let's try real belarusian drones, of course, wow, i finally got a taste for some beshtal, and you know how potatoes will be in belarusian, like bulba, the first couple in belarus are made with horseradish, i want to make stewed ribs, baked beets and
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pickled plums, i’ll make flatbreads and wrap just a breaded chicken thigh in there, we don’t waste a second. premiere, cooks on wheels, today on the first. in 1954 , the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich khrushchev, decided to transfer crimea from his master’s shoulder ukraine. he was sure that, like the first bolsheviks, none of this would matter. fanatic, tyrant. and no tank. likes to say, an attempt to invest in the ukrainian bureaucracy or even a gift to my mother, who was born in western ukraine. in a strange way, the protocol was signed not by malenkov, who presided, but for some reason by khrushchev. a crime was committed in violation of three constitutions, by bodies that were not authorized to transfer the territory, accusing khrushchev of transferring crimea, after all, he transferred crimea is not romania, nor bulgaria, not great britain, nor france. all this happened within the framework of the union state. when
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the processes of the collapse of the soviet union had already begun, we suddenly felt that we could find ourselves outside our homeland, the entire square was cordoned off by people holding out their hands with russian flags and saying russia, my tears flowed, a big story, like khrushchev’s crimea i passed it, look after the program for the time. and from this cycle is the last poem, which is called love. again you lie in at night, opening your eyes, you are having an old argument with yourself. you say he's not that handsome. and the heart answers, well, everything doesn’t go to you, damned dream. you keep wondering where the truth is.
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where is the lie, you say, he’s not that smart, and your heart answers, well, so what, then fear is born in you, everything falls, everything collapses around you, and you tell your heart, you’ll be lost, and your heart answers, so what, we are talking today about yulia drunina and... here she is, well, as if she was deprived of income in childhood, then she comes across a husband, father, who gave her everything in in the material sense, and he also took care of her physically, taking some pills, but look, after the war she was deprived of sleep, and she started having problems with sleep, and it was impossible to buy good sleeping pills in soviet times, by the way, yes... alexey
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kapler buys her this medicine, can you imagine what happiness it is to suddenly fall asleep and wake up over many, many years, but she tamed him, again, what kind of woman, that is, what kind of woman can tame such a man, especially from the outside even they said that he loved her madly, so constantly sent her letters almost every day when she was not there, but in general they were together all the time and he cared about her very much and these trips to the crimea ...
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my daughter became very attached to him, because relatives always feel , do their relatives love them, that is, they cannot penetrate into the relationship, the child cannot penetrate into the relationships of adults, understand what is happening there, he understands that his mother loves, he sees it, yulia, who suddenly got the opportunity to live, create, love, write, and kapler, who went through such millstone, suddenly they meet a gentle, beautiful, well, practically young woman for his age. here i have letters that alexey kapler wrote: the planning room, drunina’s work, it’s already three o’clock in the morning, i’ve already packed my things, i have the need to admit that i love you very much, my infinitely dear, again kapler, i miss
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you at all, i’m just terribly shocked, that i can’t call you in your room whenever i want, i’m unaccustomed to living separately, my vestibular apparatus is not designed, i’m equally lost. again the captain, he sent her these notes on the train, good morning, chapler, it’s just that there is such and such a carriage, such and such a place, i made a forced march in your honor to mayakovskaya in the morning, i just can’t stop admiring how good i am, my dear, what a shame that i can’t say anything necessary, i kiss you according to the number of kilometers separating us, count it, your husband, comrade kapler, well, this is of course a very lively relationship, they are interesting and here are two talented people, and so it turns out, from a garbage fool, you made me just a fool who understood something in life, i love you incredibly, and so to the very the depth always pierces me when i look at you, and i’m so proud of you, as if you were my child, and i gave birth to you like this, your
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person always and forever, well, this is amazing, of course, it’s just that all this lasted 19 years, this is very for a long time, that is, the relationship was alive until the very end. he was so old that he understood that he would one day leave and much earlier than she did, and he was very worried about this, and he laid straw for her in every possible way, and i mean that the couple began to fade away, but 19 years they lived a happy life, and he, she had a good influence on the privateer, yulia drunina, she made him go for walks, they walked around the old crimea, walked along all these voloshin paths in kaktebeli, so he even... lost weight, became healthier in general, there are advantages to living with a young woman, of course, and then, when you are all in black and loaded with black melancholy, it won’t occur to you to write a script, striped flight, oh yes, striped flight, it’s only written when everything around you
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is blue and green, and what a romantic amphibian man is there is a script based on the novel by alexander belyaev, there was also an inspiration for a second life, it degrades, because this train, a burden, a feeling of guilt, they are lowered to the bottom, someone , on the contrary, at the expense of a partner, suddenly shoots like this, grows, that’s when something is real, not there are unhappy loves, there are no such things, do not be afraid to get into the epicenter
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of a super-powerful explosion, which is called hopeless passion, if a flame bursts into the soul, souls are cleansed in the fire, for this with dry lips, thank you, whisper to spring. she associates love with a cleansing flame. and you, larisa, argue that she she’s a mason, but she has a mythological consciousness in which, uh, the worse, the better. that is, love is a cleansing flame, that is, what is it from, and what was better, what was worse? let it be unrequited passion, let it be, it’s still good, let it be. she wrote this when she realized that the coupler was in her pocket, some people need to write to create when everything is bad for them, yes, and for others, when everything is good and full for them, it seems to me that yulia drunina, but otherwise we'll follow up now, everything happened it was good with poetry when she had everything in her
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heart, in her soul there was such more or less peace, quiet and well-being, yes, this can be traced, that is, when she had. keeps in shape, he is very efficient, yes, he gets tired, but he can’t live without it, i
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believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but in the black eye, so we have to spit phew, on leonid kanevsky’s eighty-fifth birthday, today on the first, in several cities in eastern ukraine, rallies were held against the new government in kiev, this is a war, a war against the people.
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it was there that the love that grew stronger was drawn,
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it was in these sweet warm night evenings, a beautiful fish, wonderful wine, but kapler dies, and before his death he wrote a will that he would like to be buried in the crimea, here julia’s adult life begins drunina, but there is an opportunity to know yourself to say: someone has a car, she started introducing it, which is also at that time, yes, this is a woman driving, but not the first woman driving independence, it was impossible to buy a car in those days, these were special some postcards that were not given to everyone, only those of high flight, high rank, it was very expensive, then today there was such an opportunity, because it is clear that alexey kapler left, at least there was a place to live and something to ride. the world begins to change, the country begins to change, well, by that time she is already an honored person, she already has
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several poems that everyone remembers, several collections of poems, there are poems that she remembers, probably everyone remembers, i have only seen them once hand-to-hand, once for eve and a thousand in a dream, who says that in the war... it’s not scary, he knows nothing about the war, in general, in my opinion, everyone remembers this verse, that is, she still had such literary merits by that time, and even kapler, he is one of the telegrams, dedicated to her, he read her books, she was away, he read her collection of poems, wrote that it was dear, i admire her, and so on, that is, he didn’t admire her for nothing either... only as a woman, but also as her literary self,
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i would say, maybe there is no other way to the poetess’s heart other than to admire her in poetry, probably, well, with such a backbone as yulia drunina’s, it seems to me that it was possible to survive these times, she was not yet old and was not seventy, that’s what happened, i wonder, she went to the white house, she . ..
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the old life generally needs to be washed away from this earth, now we will build a new life, she wanted to defend that country with those interests, with those principles that she carried in her heart and that generation all her life, she was going to defend them, she didn’t know, that everything will be turned upside down, but that’s how she with great enthusiasm, but the first time gorbachev let her down, yes, when he said that, he practically kicked her out, yeah. meetings, so the world began to collapse, because the main years, the most important years of her life were lived, ahead of her she did not understand what was shining, what was looming, uh-huh, where could she go, what should she do, who should she sing about, in general, what to write about , for whom to write, well, again, the relationship with the daughter was not strong, yes, that is, many people still go to care for the family at this
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age, grandchildren and so on, woman a woman, that's when a woman is a woman. it includes a program: i must survive and my offspring must survive, and it doesn’t matter, war is perestroika, but there, i don’t know, life collapses, or it is revived, the empire is revived, it must survive, it must its offspring somehow yes, to protect her, but she was not interested in it, it was unnecessary for her, what she then did to herself, well , just like tsvetaeva, but the children remain, by the way, she has a poem dedicated to her. where exactly is it about suicide, i would like to read it now, marina svyataeva, in in moscow, in an old alley, i grew up not knowing then that marina, the star of the russian sky, was rising here, and then in the thundering trench, when the earth was blazing, i didn’t know that a tight noose was tied around my dark neck, i didn’t know
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that she would rise again from the fog forever, burned terribly and strangely, russian. in a fight created for businessmen with iron elbows in the world, such an imperfect creature like me can only
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have a strong rear, she means a capler here and nothing more. just from this darkness of perspective, it was unclear what would happen to darkness, when it was unclear what russia was like, what would happen to everyone who was involved in culture at that moment, but she left at that moment, she didn’t see some kind of, i don’t know, return of a rush of blood, then to these frozen organs , well, yes, 100 years old, she is 100 years old, i think she would have been already years old, today it would not be like that. gloomy , look what a mockery of fate, she learned to drive a car, many, by the way, very famous and great people, worked part-time as a driver, so that later they could end their life in a car, but it was possible to use this car not as - so to speak, an assistant in order to leave this life, but in order to survive, i know very many, just
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professor level, who were also a writer for me. black black, if i were not a daughter of russia, i would have given up long ago, given up my hands in forty -first, remember, ditches, like...
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art, a poem that we can re-read, and we get these emotions now through them, we can touch their picture
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of the world, thank you very much, thank you very much, larisa, for calling me, it’s a big thing for me come, let's start, oh, game, harmon, arrived, hello, hello, welcome! victory day was the law.
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we haven’t been home for a long time, her family is blooming, as if they weren’t in fairy tales, for three-nine families, as if fairy tales weren’t for three-nine families. there are new needles on it, honey on it, there are new needles on it, and the cones are all gil, meth on it, the war bent and mowed us down, the end came
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for her too, 4 years mother without a son, 4 years mother without a son, 4 years mother without a son, take your overcoat, let's go home, we are all wars, crazy children, and general and private. again spring in this world, again spring in this world, again spring in this world, take the awls, let's go home, someday we will remember this, and we won't believe it ourselves, but menchi... we need one
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victory, one for all of us we won’t stand behind the price, we alone won’t stand behind the price, fire awaits us, lethal, you bear it, it’s powerless, doubts go away into the night, a separate, tenth, airborne battle. he is our tenth airborne battalion, backwaters, through mountains, rivers and valleys, through a blizzard , black smoke lights up, we drove cars, avoiding mines, along
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along the dear front-line paths, as if it were a front-line path, we are not afraid of any pumping, but it’s too early for us to die, and we still have things to do at home, but it’s too early for us to die, if we still have things to do at home, the cattle are dirty. cut green maple, hello guy, my good one, my dear, green maple, curly yaklen, crucian carp, curly, ryzno!
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and before the swamp and harsh to the point of shine, the steel sky, from the love of the house, the infantry died, still not believing that help would not come, where the battalion stood, where the fourth company was,
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behind us... leningrad, withdrawal is impossible, only death stands, only death is infantry, and stands. you won’t leave the line anymore, your tunic is wet with blood and then you’ve used up your last cartridge, but lieutenant, don’t give up , infantry, you won’t, you won’t, prey on your enemies on the day of victory! quietly, go through the gate, and hear footsteps in the distance, these are fallen in obscurity, our infantry, from lyuban
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domga, from lyuban domga, well done, thank you, thank you.
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stand up, friends, tomorrow the great thought will go on a hike, let’s sing more cheerfully, let us sing along with it. my captain, goodbye beloved cities, leaving tomorrow perhaps, and early
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at times, due to karma, we are familiar with the handkerchief. any, farewell to my beloved city, my morning is gone, not an early pair of kargor stumps, we know the blue goldenrod. of course, he’s such a good guy that we can’t sing any songs,
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out of great friendship, out of naval service, let’s fight harder, friends! forgiving our beloved city, we leave for... nastral and early couple and sweep away my zakarov, acquaintances platon blue, great love bark. tomorrow we will go to the sea, early
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war, it will come up for karma, the fences will be for the lady, malats, malats, the dynamics of the voice are just so everything, well, you
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conquered, you know, this is so cool, this production just nailed me, let there be music, three chords, a new season, watch it after the evening news. cnop gin , a stellar group product, monte shocha cognac, a stellar group product, romca, a stellar group product, veta vodka, a stellar group product, old barrel cognac, a stellar group product, we are getting ready for camola.
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the unique technology in our program and, in general, all the most important interesting things in the program, live healthy, tomorrow comes first. to me it’s not easy to reach you, but you, my dear, wait for me, don’t be sad, i’ll come with victory, your love keeps me on the road, i’ll arrive with victory. your love keeps me on the road, on the road on the road,
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thank you, there are no veterans today on victory day. hall, today is victory day, i am looking for them with my eyes, but only yesterday we were greeted with bouquets of filban, today we notice that there are no veterans with us, but they came as an immortal regiment, but they marched under the thunder of the orchestra, they became a covelist, their own, to find out from us
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how now we live to give orders, to keep our father’s house and to believe in us that we are our homeland let's save, today on victory day i remember with pain how my grandfather, a lieutenant , dies from a wound, like a school teacher... our teacher, drank the dugout with tears, please forgive me, they knew so little about you, but they came. from the mortal regiment, but they passed, under the thunder of the orchestra, they became a soloist, to their dead friends, to find out from us how we live now, to give an order, to keep our father’s house and to believe us that we
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will save our homeland, you believe us, we are our homeland let's laugh. believe us, we will save our homeland. as you were, so you remain, steppe eagle, cossack face, why, why did you meet again, why did you disturb my peace, why,
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why did you meet again? why did you violate my god, why lose yours again, i hated to blame you, you are guilty of one thing, one thing, i’m only to blame for not having the strength to forget you, one thing, one hell of a thing. it’s only my fault that i don’t have the strength to forget you, my fate, with your fate, let me connect it, i couldn’t, but i
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lived, lived only by you, i waited for you all the war. but i lived, i lived listening to you, i waited for you throughout the war, i waited for the time to come, when you would return home, and burn you will rebuke me bitterly. my hot, my straight , and bitter to me and arrogant about pareks, you ’re my hot, my straight, but you
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didn’t think to take a look. show the cossack the face that you were, you remain the same, but you are a fool to us , just as you were, and you remain the same, but you are a fool, there you are, and to us!


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