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tv   Chasovoi  1TV  May 12, 2024 7:40am-8:11am MSK

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russia will not defeat us, our faith is holy and pure, we will mercilessly beat our enemies under the banner of the great christ, and there on the front line, then they will be quieted by you, and not everyone from there will return home, but there on the front line. “it’s scary, no matter how you look at it, help us, lord, and forgive us our sins, and since he covered the whole world with himself, our russian warrior, who conquered fear, again he is fighting a mortal battle, with a holy prayer on his lips, and there on the front line, with you, and
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from there not everyone will return home, but there on the front line, it’s scary, no matter how you look at it, help them, lord, and forgive them their sins, a simple soldier, he i could withstand everything, and i was ready to sacrifice myself again. the truth is behind us, that means god is with us, it’s not a pity to give your life for victory, but there on the front line, keep quiet with you, and not everyone from there will return home, but there on the front line, it’s scary, no matter how you look at it, help them, god,
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hereditary aristocrat and the best employee of the british intelligence services, the head of a special department for identifying soviet intelligence officers in great britain, he had, of course , an exceptional gift, he didn’t tell anything, but he told him.
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one main meeting of a lifetime, gifted moscow. i want to marry you. filming from the personal archive and the true story of an outstanding intelligence officer. tim philby. secret war. today is the first one. get up, vacation is over. vacation, i haven’t rested a day yet, you can rest at work, alexandra ivanovna, can i, oh, excuse me, we should somehow schedule a visit, i have an advantage, well, these are some kind of evidence corpses, she loves it , the ex-wife started a scandal, screamed that she would kill them both, can you smell it, gentlemen, yes, there are notes of musk, how do you like it new? forensic expert of the most prominent? recorded,
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well, it seems like everything was taken into account, if this is not a murder, it means a kidnapping, or a staging of a kidnapping, an assault group, readiness number one, that is, it’s not safe with you... it’s dangerous to be here with me, it’s not safe at all, uh, no, i won’t take you like this, go back, get treatment, otherwise, can you explain to me what ’s going on? don’t worry, this is a formality as part of the investigation, no genetic fingerprints of the killer were found, and the victim was also pregnant, i mean, bloodhound, new episodes, tomorrow after the program time, you you carry too much responsibility for others, my ps told you about this
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. we went to the front not for fun, but to defend our country, beat the enemy not for rewards and give our lives in our native land, as when passing through the village, my army detachment and i. i saw a meek and short-lived, but maddeningly tender gaze, they all say that not to love is dangerous, they all say that love and bullets are not friends, but how you really want to fall in love when
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you see those blue eyes. the battle was hotly cruel and long, and i was wounded in that battle, someone put me on the floor, tried to save me, my life, waking up only in mezzambaten, i heard a ban on getting up, standing up a little. above the bed i saw blue eyes, although they say that in war there are turnips , there is order, love and bullets and friends, but how you want to fall in love not in vain when you see
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these blue eyes, but how you want to fall in love not in vain when you see these stronger. and we returned with victory. russia cannot be defeated, but it remains. well, history has passed, let them say that
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there is no need for wars, they say, friends, but how you want to fall in love without asking when you see these blue eyes, but how he wants... the spring of forty-five, how the blue danube was waiting for you, the people of europe brought freedom to the bright sunny may, saved on the square of cherevena.
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it was easy and boldly inspired, this soldier’s sound sounded, and vienna circled, poured out, as if strauss himself had played, the guy with a happy smile, pressed his accordion to his heart, as if he had seen volsky floods, as if he had embraced russia, ben remembers talty danube, that blooming... singing bright may, a whirlwind of crowns in
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the russian waltz through the years, the heart remembers, will never forget, over vienna the beautiful gray-haired val sailed, full of dreams. fire, it sounded sometimes tenderly, sometimes passionately, everyone was overwhelmed by spring, the spring of 1945, how long had he been waiting for you, the russian on beny square, the rescued soldier played the accordion, he remembers ben, he remembers the alps and the danube, that blooming singing bright may , vih children in russian. everything through the years, the heart will remember,
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it will never forget, now we are filming in the republic of tatarstan, in the city of zainsk, together with its residents and guests we will sing the most beloved song among the people, sing along with us from the screens, friends, no one will take victory day away from us, music. victory day, so it was from us, it gives, so they asked for vadushek, it gives scales of burnt dust , this day on the pri'.
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hello mom, not all of us have returned, you crossed the borders with the east, you walked half of europe.
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hello, the military information program chasovoy is on air on channel one and i am its presenter alexey rafaenko. watch this episode. they see and know everything about the enemy, how the soldiers of a separate reconnaissance brigade fight. our crew was the first hummer it was also discovered in this direction by self-propelled artillery. we are fighting, heroes are among us, we are not fighting for awards for our homeland, our homeland is your family, this is your land, your region, this is your
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country. we continue to monitor the special operation, right now the news is from the past week. in the beginning, how the victory holiday went, the immortal regiment held an action on the front line, this is the avdeevsky direction. we continue and will, we will crush fascism and we will move forward. with photographs of grandfathers and great-grandfathers on the armor, tank crews of the central military districts went to destroy the enemy, for victory, shot! a military parade was held at the russian khmimim airbase in syria. more than 1,200 russian syrian troops walked along the runway. the ceremonial events
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took place in tajikistan, where 201 russian military bases are located. the logistics service unit in the western troop grouping continues to provide fighters in the northern military district zone with everything they need. in particular , modern bakeries, field kitchens, canteens, and gas station storage points were deployed near the front line. fuel. water supply systems were installed in the field. the dugouts now have not only washbasins, but even dishwashers. the first stage of the joint charity campaign of the popular front foundation of our program dedicated to victory day has ended; funds raised, including by viewers of channel one, this week were purchased and donated to frontline soldiers, suvs, electronic warfare equipment, thermal imagers and other necessary things. the collection continues, follow
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the qr code that you see on your screens. your participation brings our common victory closer. the sentinel's film crew continues to work in the special military operation zone. our path lies in the kherson region, where fighters of the dnepr group are fighting. our new report is dedicated to the soldiers of a separate reconnaissance brigade. the guys are fighting in the kherson direction and are doing everything to make their work as invisible as possible, but noticeable to the enemy. and now we will get acquainted with '. there are only a few separate reconnaissance brigades in our army ; their main combat missions directly follow from names: this is aerial and electronic reconnaissance aircraft. adjustment, strikes using uavs, special assault operations, electronic warfare.
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one of the popoloks near the contact line, they arrived here together with the uav crew, this is also reconnaissance, aerial reconnaissance. now the guys are starting planned work, deploying their equipment, they will. surveying allows you to scout
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out enemy concentrations, equipment, personnel and strongholds at a great distance. russian reconnaissance drone army, it is capable of spending up to 16 hours in the air and flying within a radius of 120 km. depending on the weather task , the camera can change, so this uav can see just as well at night as during the day. there is a descent, i’m watching the set-up, the operator is already working with the remote control, determining the take-off point, and this. but we cannot show what is shown on the screen, because it will be a certain reference to the area, of course, we will not give clues to our enemy, now what is our combat mission,
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what will we do? task as quickly as possible raise the side, bring it to the work area and work with artillery, adjust the fire. 56-68. our artillery on the dnieper is very active, but only hits reconnoitered targets. what the enemy is trying to hide in real time, data is transmitted to artillery divisions or special forces of attack drones such as the lancet; footage of the work of the dnepr group of troops. scouts spot a slovak-made 155mm self-propelled howitzer at the position. she's firing on our side. a few minutes and the crew of the lancet uav is destroyed. and here's another example, in the avdiivka direction, the special forces air force of the center group of troops hits a tank of the ukrainian armed forces, which is hitting russian positions,
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the armored vehicle is destroyed. air reconnaissance crews take great risks, the enemy is trying to figure out the launch site and does not spare missiles to reach our crews. we are trying. come to the area as quickly as possible, work, return, land and move to another place, but it happened that the enemy still groped for the take-off location, unfortunately, it happened, for personnel, for equipment, yes it is dangerous, but we try to do everything as quickly as possible, what was the most interesting goal himars found, managed to work on it, and that year and before the new year, they gave themselves such a small new year's gift for quiet work, well, this is such... the most, probably, a valid goal, well apart from the fact that our crew discovered the first hummer, in this direction we also have self-propelled
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artillery units, conventional towed guns, also delivery vehicles, command posts, not to mention the front line, ordinary infantry, the soldiers have long lost count , how much enemy equipment has already been destroyed on their advice, the guys are here once... that's it, the starting checks have passed, the engine is being started,
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the engine is being checked. and the wire mode, the gasoline engine here is quite reliable, it is this that gives this long stay in the air, and perhaps the eagle is not too fast, the drone is quite simple, but very reliable, just what is needed here at the front, given that well, you can lose a bird for various reasons. actions are adjusted to automaticity, the guys are in a hurry, it’s clear sky. it’s good for work, but bad for your own safety, you need to leave the open space as soon as possible. the plane quickly took off into the sky, the guys did everything very quickly, much faster than during the exercises before the special military operation, because now we almost didn’t even have time, and most importantly, they immediately masked the launch site. how important is camouflage now, to hide,
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to take cover, to be invisible. camouflage is not so important as the speed of work, it allows us to save our lives faster and technology, the speed of our folding and unfolding to hide, everything, an eagle over the enemy’s positions, transmits the coordinates of enemy targets, in hitler’s life there were only three women; no one really knew anything about the life of the fuhrer. hitler wanted to remain vacant, and motivated this by the fact that his destiny was germany. how hitler's relationship with the female sex was built was subsequently restored bit by bit. yes, only one thing is truly known: all of hitler’s women attempted suicide. note that his beloved germany, due to the large love for her fuhrer, committed suicide.
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in the reconnaissance brigade there are not only such aerial eyes, guys fly on simpler birds in the interests of their own assault special forces, everything turns out the copter has gone, where can i fly here? operations are already traps, so to speak, and also the rescue of these , we developed all sorts of our own tactics, our own copters, that is, before it turns out that no one had much experience with this kind of application, where i used to use a quadcopter at weddings, for birthdays, and everything in tourism, now imagine fighting without it action is generally impossible, in no way, because the enemy also uses the same means, these are consumables like bullets, you
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can get three or four a day. lose, smash or take them away malda in front of us is an anti-tank guided missile system, and this can be... give a sniper crew, fighters with the call signs sega and donbass. the guys sneak almost to the rear of the ukrainian armed forces and hit enemy equipment there. only one of the combat episodes. the scouts positioned themselves on the very banks of the dnieper. there was a base there, before the flood. so, in general, we climbed in, carried out additional exploration. well, you can basically settle there. then one friend.


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