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tv   Zdorove  1TV  May 12, 2024 8:10am-9:21am MSK

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they discovered it, they didn’t find us, well, everything is fine, we evacuated, they were looking for you, yes, there were a lot of birds flying, yes, they did not understand where we were shooting from, again the combat work of the dnepr group, the crews of the anti-tank missile systems fagot and karnet set up an ambush a decision was made to attack the ukrainian armed forces unit that came for rotation, three vehicles were destroyed, the fourth was hit and finished off.
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allows you to hide the heat that is now emanating from the installation, and even if the enemy copter took off, you immediately began to look for where a shot was fired, well, in general , the installation will not give itself away, the guys were completely camouflaged, hid, took cover, they work as usual reliably, this crew is also a combat crew, they went out on missions in the gray zone more than once, they worked on the other side directly against the enemy, we were given information the fact that there is an observer in the building who sees all the movements there of our boats, our groups, so to speak, positions, and they gave a command, chose a place, there was a place to hide, there was a place to work out and at the same time secretly withdraw so that the enemy would not i managed to figure out where the shot was fired from, and so that they didn’t raise, so to speak, birds, didn’t fire artillery, it’s curious that the scouts adopted the traditions of their grandfathers, every return... the task
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is a small victory, a small holiday, as they say, blessed for work, for a task, also met, joyfully hugged, a beautiful table laid, a bathhouse, that’s it, rest until the next, so to speak, task, until the next job, this is familiar to us from the literature about the great patriotic war, there were also scouts have such traditions, no one sat down at the table until they returned from a mission, yes. we waited only then it was possible to do everything from our grandfathers to our fathers, so all this was passed down from all families, the established traditions of everyone, grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers there, took part in the great patriotic war, someone in the blockade, someone helped there in the factories, like my grandmother there grandfather also collected cotton directly on the belarusian front, he drove the forest brothers from a scout with the call sign monk, a medal for courage from the order of st. george, fourth degree.
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have you already had to wear it somewhere, as they say, and carry it with pride? yes, on may 9, just in the twenty-third year. how did people react in general when they saw military awards, they came up, yes, yes, you can feel the attitude when you are just walking in civilian life when, in general, at the parade, as they say, kind words are said, there, thank you, as a rule, they say , scouts perform many tasks, they also work as special forces, we caught one of the training sessions, a sudden meeting with the enemy. how would they act if they came face to face with enemy during their patrol, you must understand that any special forces group that moves into the gray zone, for example, is still covered by snipers, covered by comrades, they do not work on their own, there is
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aerial surveillance, everything is still monitored, that is the guys are not on their own, they work comprehensively, they work in collaboration, all this is already the developments of a special military operation, here the guys... they get colossal combat experience, they write new textbooks on the tactics of using special forces groups. snipers customize their camouflage themselves, put on goblin suits, depending on the time of year, and hide under heat-insulating capes. there are different tasks, like we work in pairs, separately from groups, we also work with groups, that is, the group will discover the goal. but he doesn’t have the opportunity to destroy it, they report, communication is coming out, we’re working, there are also tasks, either in pairs or alone, these are single targets for which we are working, a serious rifle, we heard it hits loudly, what kind of weapon is it, this is asvk
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kord, caliber 12.7, in range, very good, in our direction, helps us a lot, sometimes snipers come out unexpectedly. usuri paratrooper snipers won a duel with an enemy sniper pair and even took four prisoners. we had already been waiting for them there for 5 days, when they finally came out, we knew that they would come out there specifically, and we worked it out, there was a very serious sniper there, the rest were shooters, and then, well, someone pulled up to cover them, that is maybe it was their patrol, maybe it wasn’t their reconnaissance, maybe it was someone else, they immediately started screaming that they give up. how to become a reconnaissance officer, a special forces soldier, i would like to, but in order to gain authority, i have to try. two cooks come to us for the mobilization support platoon, and there, well , the guys are so strong, healthy, we start communicating with them, and they say, but we
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served in reconnaissance, we served in the airborne forces, well, that’s it, come on, guys, you will carry out combat tasks, yes of course we will, we are ready, right now we are ready to go on the attack, i say, that’s it, no question, i... are now serving and bringing great results to the unit, alive, they are healthy, everything is fine with them. serving in a reconnaissance brigade entails a lot; in many wars you are awarded medals, orders, and some are promoted to higher ranks. the heroes among us, in the brigade, of course, are all heroes without exception, but there is also a hero of the russian federation officially awarded with a gold star. please tell us how you feel... a hero, what is the essence of your feat? the essence of the feat is that a small group survived against vastly superior enemy forces. the reward belongs to all my warriors who are with me we fought then and everyone fought to the end, everyone
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was real heroes, we don’t fight for awards, we fight for our homeland, we have a certain concept in our heads, what a homeland is, a homeland is your family. this is your land, your region, this is your country. everyone is fighting for their family, for their country. during a fight, no one thinks about rewards, believe me. roman is not a public hero of russia, he was awarded a closed decree of the supreme commander-in-chief, when we recorded this interview, he could not yet reveal his face. however, now with his approval and permission from the command, we show this photo. he was saved by a comrade with the call sign bakhchesarai. the task was received to move into position and prevent the enemy from advancing forward. we moved out in a group of
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six people, superior forces according to estimates in the area around the company, there were probably about a hundred people. hundreds, six of you? well, six, yes, plus their armored vehicles. in fact, this is an example of the fact that in our army even one fighter is still sometimes a warrior in the field, that is, six guys opposed a company the enemy, who... to be noticeable, so as not to be in one place, each unit performs its
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task, we worked with special forces, now we are going to the fpv drone units, which perform reconnaissance functions, as well as the function of identifying and destroying targets. there are 15 people in this air special forces group, which allows them to cover two dozen kilometers of the front. to the landing zones. and we are already working according to approximately how many targets your unit has hit, not in absolute numbers, but at least in the order of magnitude more than thirty enemy boats, well, a fleet of assets, so to speak, that’s correct, for the infantry it’s even difficult to answer, because quite a lot of manpower, so to speak, have been put out of action, 30 boats - this is for what period, but literally i don’t know, months no one can hit two or three in such a timely manner, neither artillery, nor any
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drops, there is equipment, as if in pivid, instantly 5 minutes, if the target is far away, the entire target is destroyed, and how many times have you already heard from our infantry brotherly, thank you brothers, the target was destroyed there, that’s it, thank you, as well as the mortar crews were striking there, which for a long time did not allow the infantry to live in the trenches. the impacts of our fpv drones are very sensitive. for the enemy, one such deadly bird can disable an entire infantry squad or destroy a tank. we wrap everything that explodes, but often home-made charges are used, such as palych or resets, which are what the guys interact with us, they use with confidence, all this is structurally attached to the drone itself very effectively. homemade, 3d printed, several hundred
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gramo explosives destructive elements. it ’s almost like a toy, if you don’t just know that it’s a deadly thing, deadly, first of all, for the enemy, but, as far as i understand, he uses the same techniques in the opposite direction. this is a two-way weapon that is rapidly developing right now, as is the skill itself.
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scouts, they fight in such a way as to be as invisible as possible to the enemy. we leave the positions of our reconnaissance officers at sunset, one might say, at dusk, now there is a little less activity of unmanned aircraft, you can it’s safe to leave, well, you had a one-hour program and i, alexey rafaenko, will see you in exactly a week, as always. on the first channel, this morning, friends, i’m starting with two ent doctors at once, why? because a pandemic has come for you, dear doctors, and why has it come, because the season has already begun.
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a drop in the nose, this is the simplest method, the most convenient for patients, why doctors consider it the worst, well, firstly, the mucous membrane deteriorates directly from contact with vasoconstrictor drops, and secondly, vasoconstrictor drops have an effect on the entire body, they slowly, indirectly affect the cardiovascular
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system, and what does it say, i can say, as a therapist, vasoconstrictor drops increase. blood pressure, why? the vessel is dilated, the pressure decreases, the vessel is spasmodic, the pressure increases, but most importantly, if you have been dripping drops for a long time, you have probably already taken the path that you need more and more drops, more and more often, and the effect is getting worse, right, well, there is such a thing, so , the effect of vasoconstrictor drops of idle time, vessel narrows, for the nose at first this is not bad, it reduces... swelling and it is easier to breathe, but for the vessels as a whole this is bad, first of all, because if the vessel is narrowed all the time, the blood supply to the walls of the nose is disrupted, the nasal septum does not receive nutrients without necrosis occurs, simply put, a hole in the septum. here is my first request to you, dear doctors, to take our patient for an examination. and
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secondly, we have to tell you. how to properly treat a runny nose in general now, in particular. so, the first rule of treatment runny nose the first rule is not to immediately grab drugs related to vascular-servicing drops, start with active rinsing of the nasal cavity with isotonic solutions, sodium chloride, sea water, saline. there are also a lot of these solutions here. advice is advice, but an examination was simply necessary for our patient, we urgently needed to check
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what was wrong with her nose, and of course, what was wrong with her blood pressure, well now let’s pause for a minute, at the very end. program we will continue the conversation about how to treat a runny nose, how to treat polynoses and in general, what is important to know in this difficult time, the time of runny noses, the time of polynoses, the health program begins, while endless passions are boiling in this harsh life, it is necessary to wake up healthy in the morning, even to real happiness, it is necessary. health is with you again, dear friends, good
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morning, as always, starting the program, i say my favorite words, because... it’s true, here in the television clinic of the health program only the best doctors of our country work. a general blood test will tell you what kind of immunity you have. eosenophils, what to do if there are too few of them? anything can happen. as a result of the accident, a pitchfork ended up in the man's head as doctors saved him. hypertension, how to understand what therapy is. incorrectly, symptoms that require changing the prescribed blood pressure medications to others. so, dear friends, this is the word we have written on the floor: eosinophils. eosinophils. who knows what this is?
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please, here you are, for example, let's say these are blood cells that are responsible for. allergic response, god, how smart girl, my god, these are white cells, since you are so deeply enlightened, or red, white, leukocytes, that’s right, these are cells, leukocytes are white blood cells, leukocytes are a heterogeneous mass, there are many different cells, leukocytes in this leukocyte formula includes lymphocytes, neutrophils, iosinophils, you correctly said that they are responsible for the allergic reaction, but this is not enough to understand, the fact is that in general all white blood cells, everything nature created for
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the fight, these are immune cells, in each cells have their own function, with whom to fight, now we will show you a completely unique, real video of how these white blood cells, leukocytes called easinaphils, attack a parasite, a worm in our body, let's look at the screen, this is completely real filming, this one, this is a parasite, a worm, all these little cells that bite around it and destroy it, these are eosinophils, you see, that is, they pounce and literally literally eat the parasite worm in the literal sense of the word without... increase like this our body is divinely beautiful, and of course, the more you learn as a doctor, the more shocked you experience. so,
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eosinophils are fighters, fighters are special, here we have an eosinophil cell, here it is, they secrete a special enzyme. now the screen will show the eosinophil norm. look, you see, there’s an enzyme inside, that’s when it’s like this. the eosinophil secretes its enzymes, it literally, it is a special protein, it literally dissolves the parasite’s membrane, okay? the question arises, for those who logically they think why eosinophils are elevated, if eosinophils are elevated, you took a blood test, your eosinophils are elevated, we turn to this half of the room and most likely there are more parasites... why are there more, they don’t normally live with us, most likely with us there are parasites, that is, worms, so with elevated iasinophils, the first test
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that is taken is worms, feces on the eggs of a worm, if worms are found, hallelujah, that means we are right, that means iosinophils are in the battle, that’s why there are a lot of them, that’s why they have increased , so we have to help them, how... than to etch with tablets, tablets that are called antiparasitic or anthelmintic drugs, absolutely true, even if prosinophils you only know this, this is already a great victory, if eosinophils are elevated for a long time, this may be a sign of a disease, in principle, of all any allergic diseases. but first of all it is bronchial asthma. bronchial asthma, as you remember, is a disease in which the bronchi swell, allergic edema, and
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eosinophils also take part in it. this is one of the companions of bronchial asthma. by the way, they also secrete their enzymes here, causing massive inflammation. therefore, an increase in eosinophils is also a companion to bronchial asthma. so, a person.
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unfortunately, viral infections in general can reduce white blood cells, this is bad in older people, of course, so it’s a plus and a minus, we need to figure it out, we need to watch, we need to fight, but i want to finish right away to show you once again how iazinophils fight worms , i think this is simply outstanding stuff, let’s do it again, here he is a worm , look at what a bunch of them they fly at him in in the literal sense, their own... they gnaw through enzymes and eat this worm, this is how nature created it brilliantly, now we’ll pause for a while, and then we’ll continue. once upon a time these
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places were the bottom of an ancient sea, and today there is one small but very beautiful republic located here, we are in adegea, friends, tell us what kind of instrument you have in your hands, in adyk it is most often called a name, you can show the most complex figure , which you know, it’s true what they say is that you have so many spices that if you smell them, you can fall into pleasure. made it in time have you learned any features of the alpaca language? alpacas, llamas, they spit, they mark their territory in this way, the last one to spit wins. the life of our own. premiere, today on the first. stirsman bourbon is a product of the stellar
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group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller group. cnop gin, a product of the steller group. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. who said cats don't like to swim? i'm brushing my teeth, he's near the water. there he is there, now, wait, wait, wait, let's go play, oh look, take more time in her real life, you know how she teaches me a lot, i think she gave me more than i gave her, so he learned to play the guitar and quickly began to learn how to play blinds, dear viewers,
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there is a sensation in our program , we will show you the only georgian bulldog in the world, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere, today on the first, permafrost, snow, we are in salihard, my name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region, my name is masnya, i am also from the yamal region district, for our bride we have prepared a frog made of deer fur, we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called...
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here in the arctic circle in the tundra we will shout out our friendship, we will play a wedding, next sunday on the first, good morning, hello, lina vasilievna, you have no idea, how i was rooting for you , that’s when... well, you can’t hear, please sit down, when behind the scenes the sports commentators turned off: “sasha, sasha, hurray, hurray, that’s what i shouted, but no one did it i heard only the dog at home was barking because he couldn’t understand what this is it, it was simply unforgettable, today we will show these shots, how life turns out when such a drive leaves it, in fact, it seems to me that we are a little adrenaline-dependent people, athletes. i always
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need sports, my professional career has stopped, but i haven’t stopped, i do constant exercise, i do constant training, i think it gives me more health, because when it’s hard for me, when there’s stress, when there’s negativity, and i go sports, i kick it all out and the mood comes, well, like us, we have physiology no one has canceled it, when blood begins to circulate throughout the body, at this moment a good mood comes, stress goes away, and most importantly, health, this is above all, so... oh, how great it is, tell us about your family, well, family, i have one child, arseniy, 8 years old, engaged in skiing, who does not sit still, i even come to you for advice and worry about this, because he is a bit of a hooligan somewhere, but everything happens in a childish way, but he is real doesn’t sit still, i think, well, i guess sport will fix everything, sport is a discipline load, i want to say, sasha, we are taking three tests from you: sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure, so we’ll see what your condition is.
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health is with you again, dear friends, i want to tell you a story that really shakes you to the very core. it was november 3, 2023. in the surgical emergency room of the first novosibirsk hospital, she brought a man with a pitchfork in his head, someone with all his force in the forks in his head, a photograph taken by the doctors then, today we have it, here they are, a pitchfork in his head ,
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here they are, besides the fact that the pitchfork was in the head, they cannot be removed, because... the pitchfork and any blunt object pinches the blood vessels, preventing them from dying from bleeding, so no one ever chooses these objects to be stabbed into the body, from the human body until he ends up in the operating room. it was the same with this man, when the neurosurgeon came first, it became clear that in addition to the head injury, which obviously occurred, he had broken ribs, had a pneumothorax, and it was clear that a cockroach surgeon was needed. this is how the emergency operation began, in which several groups of doctors took part. i want to ask right now for a continuation of this story of the first doctor. the young doctor saw a man with a pitchfork in
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his head. what did you tell yourself in your heart? this is the only thing you can say, oh, because there is nowhere to go, you still have to do something. with the anesthesiologist they began to examine him, was he conscious or not, he was conscious, this is the most amazing thing, his pressure was normal, and this is beyond good, saturation too, so the saturations, as they say, despite the fact that they were broken ribs and ruptured lungs, oxygen saturation in the blood was normal, considering that the chest injuries, you made the decision right away that you needed, since he was relatively stable, to immediately go to a computed tomograph, to determine the number and nature.
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there were injuries, multiple punctures of the frame with the back wall, the rear heavy wall with pitchforks in the back, in the back, yes, bruises, abrasions, on the chest, then it turned out that they were also hitting with shovels, how many ribs were broken, it turns out he had a fracture on the left side on two ribs, on the right side about four s which side were the lungs ruptured, where was the pneumothorax on the right on the right, post-traumatic and on the right were lacerated lungs, it was decided that life was threatened precisely by what happened inside the chest, pneumothorax , ruptured saturation drops on the table, his saturation, that is, the saturation of the blood with oxygen,
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finally - then it started to fall, how long did the operation last, guys, what specialists were involved in the work, we have a photograph where the pitchforks were boiled, how did you cut them off, the welding is visible there, we called mass rescuers, a rescuer? yes, within 15 minutes they arrived with an angle grinder and began sawing off, directly dividing the forks into separate parts, because it was impossible to pull out the teeth with an electric current, that’s how this operation went, how long it lasted: 3 seconds to an hour, 3 seconds to an hour, i want say that in this wonderful men's team.
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go out, how are you? well, it's better now. tell the story, now you, how did it all happen, well, alcohol is evil, yes, but it’s a disease, i don’t even want to judge you, but it’s evil, it doesn’t make it any easier because it’s a disease, tell me that you celebrated something, decided to meet for an acquaintance after a working day, you didn’t know this, deprived it, decided to slap you for an acquaintance, so when something went wrong, why did the acquaintance end like this? a fight, well, i don’t remember this day well, practically
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how i started, they started drinking, i remember, then , that’s all, it was only later, after intensive care, that i saw photographs taken from the camera, it was scary, of course, well, how long have you been without drinking, one might say, already from that day, from that acquaintance, as they say, for acquaintance. i drank so much that i don’t want to get to know each other anymore, but whether you have a large family or not, a child, a granddaughter, your sister is here, yes, yes, dear, how did the family find out about this, well, the family found out, his wife called me and said that it was late in the evening, all in tears, oh, this is my friend, so seryozha began to live. it’s been like this for about 10 years already, well, in
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general, she called and told me this news, we were in shock, there were no words, we called, found out, they answered everything to us, the operation is underway, the operation is underway, well, in general , it was difficult, you know, you look so intelligent today, with glasses, really, like that you meet somewhere, you won’t believe that the first person you met, you drank and got drunk. until you believe this, i’ll repeat it again, that there was a fight and almost died, it’s just that alcoholism is a disease, you can say that alcohol is evil, it’s evil, but alcoholism is a disease, so here there’s nothing you can do, this disease needs to be treated, you need to understand that there is a treatment, i want to say that today there are marks on your head, there are traces left, hair doesn’t grow here, this is a reminder for you, the next time you decide to drink for an acquaintance, you know, pitchforks, these are not the ones which you had, as a reminder to you,
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because they were sawn to remove one clove at a time to immediately block the bleeding, sit down, please, and let's do it again, i'm right, sit down, sit down, here are the heroes , here are the heroes, please stand up, i will name all the names, elena vasilyevna domrocheva, leonit evgenievich kuchuts, doctor rogi, flosovi, ogly. dzhumshuda, anton petrovich panamar. you know, life is like this, this operation was certainly unique, that 99% of unique operations we perform in situations where drunk people come to us. the greatness of our profession lies in the fact that we do not judge anyone and do not ask anything from anyone. we have one mission on earth - to save. and this is great, great. thank you guys, you can’t say anything, you
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’re a plus, let’s take a break for a while and then continue, minsk, the capital, meet us, and we ’ll try real belarusian potato pancakes, of course, wow, finally, some kind of mishtal will close my mind , and you know how potatoes will be in belarusian, like bulba, our first pair. i want to make braised ribs with roasted beets and pickled plums. i i’ll make flatbreads and wrap just a poached chicken thigh in it, we won’t waste a second of time. premiere, chefs on wheels. today is the first one. in 1954, the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich khrushchev , decided to transfer crimea to ukraine from his master’s shoulder. he was sure that like the first one. bolsheviks, that all this will not matter, a fanatic, a tyrant, no, as
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he likes to say, an attempt to tax the ukrainian bureaucracy, or even a gift to my mother, who was born in western ukraine. the protocol was strangely signed by nemalenkov, who presided, for some reason, khrushchev. a crime has been committed, a violation of three constitutions by bodies that were not authorized to transfer the territory, accusing khrushchev of transferring crimea, after all, he did not transfer crimea to romania. cordoned off by people holding out their hands with russian flags and saying russia, outside their homeland, the whole square was filled with tears flowing, a big story, how khrushchev surrendered crimea, look after the program,
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how is the mood, class mood, my mariupol, like seagull with a broken wing.
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health is with you again, dear friends, our special project is my blood pressure, my responsibility, in which a huge number of people take part, and you can join us, people who responsibly control their blood pressure on the health program website, well, i always start this program with the phone, why? yes, because today there are applications for smartphones, with the help of which... you can monitor your blood pressure, control it, receive a doctor’s prescription, record your tests here and live peacefully with normal blood pressure. why is it important? because pressure ends in a stroke. i want to remind you what
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people look like who survived a stroke but were left permanently paralyzed. this is a tragic life. this is... death, this is life, when a person cannot walk on his own, because half of the body is paralyzed, it is very difficult for a person to get dressed, because only one side is working, in a word - this is another life, so i don’t want this to happen to you it happened, and now you have no excuses, as my children say, no, a free app, my blood pressure, here it is on my phone and i can click on this picture like this, and all the information about me appears here, here it is... the ideal norm, because it’s green because it’s normal the pressure should be lower than 120 and 80, i really love this picture, this is the total of what i have achieved, 100% in the process of measuring for several months my blood pressure is normal, but it wasn’t like that,
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it wasn’t like that, here’s my story , you can see it all now, there were red and yellow numbers high blood pressure. that was all, in short, but now the ideal is normal. so, we continue to talk about blood pressure, and today our topic is: for what symptoms should the pills be changed, and in some cases discontinued. so, we will understand these intricacies of pressure with the person who made us worry and in the end made us happy. champion alexander legkov. 2014, the last day of the olympics in sochi. all of russia gathered around the tv screens in anticipation of victory in the overall standings of the games. three left to play a set of awards in competitions in bubblesleigh, hockey and the 50 km ski marathon.
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the rivals of the russian ski team are norwegians, many of them are invincible, but not this time. at the olympics. the olympic champion was born in the moscow region into a sports family. dad is an athlete, amateur, mom, physical education teacher. sasha was distinguished by phenomenal endurance. still in pioneer.
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tests olympic champion yes with pleasure, please, that means yes, blood pressure 135.80, glucose 8.1, cholesterol 5.9,
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that means yes, i ate sweets, yes, no, about glucose, i’m a little worried, blood pressure is 135.80, how old are you now, 40, 40, yes, well, everything above 13.80 is considered hypertension, this is the so -called gray zone up to 140 and 90, i admit that you could be worried, anything, so one measurement is not a reason, but now i’m telling you for sure that now you need to measure your blood pressure every morning and tell me, but jokes aside, you’re a man, men in general have higher blood pressure than women, i’ll tell you more, in a couple of days i have a 50 km marathon to run, triple the rate in the country, but athletes are people, in any case little anxiety.
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of course, humanity is scary, but what kind of years are you and me, age is a state of mind that conflicts with the body, sometimes, i agree, that’s all, you enter age, the line passes at 45 years old, you approach it, it’s time to keep an eye on your health, but you’re an athlete, well, of course, you ’ve already been watching, athletes and...
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what we want to discuss with you today, of course, should concern parents, how is their health, who looks after them? well, i can say that thank god, more or less so far normal, not bad, there are certain moments, of course, parents also grow up and you need to monitor them, most likely children do this to a greater extent, and we periodically call each other, by the way, today is my mother’s birthday, how has my son grown up, my mother’s name is irina nikolaevna, i congratulate you with all my heart, what a wonderful guy he has grown up, may everything be fine with him, and i can also say one more thing, that on the side of
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my father’s father, in fact, my own grandmother , she is 96 years old, she is still on her own cooks, reads poetry to arseny, and most importantly, there were three sisters, the eldest and middle ones are no longer alive, unfortunately, but they left when they were 94, the grandmothers are already 96. she breaks her own record, she is the youngest sister, and men in the male line, you are a man, my friend, on the male side, unfortunately, there was an accident, and my father’s dad, yes, he was not just a disaster, he was going to work and the bus blew up, and here is a moment that is incomprehensible, but actually, i’m in front of you , i have a little cholecystitis, there is a handsome forty-year-old man in front of me, what is there to hide, that means, look, we address this to our parents, our topic today is: when to change treatment? there are two symptoms that require changing treatment: you started taking medications, study the medications with us,
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there are medications that end with the word adj.
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goes in for sports, he tells me, sport should bring you joy, but it doesn’t bring me joy, sport is yours, how to find joy, because movement is necessary, movement is the only thing that fights old age, i will say that everything is banal and simply, blood circulation in the body is not i canceled it, and in order for the mood to appear, the problems went away from my head, maybe some new ideas came, firstly, fresh air, yes, secondly, that’s why i recommend everyone to engage in physical activity, it’s clear that. .. everything should be in moderation, everyone has their own workload, but you definitely need to go out to train, because as soon as you start doing physical activity, a lot of positive things appear for you, and of course, to some extent, for some need to lose weight, but in my case, when i i’m always running around everywhere non-stop, i can be at work, i’m a deputy of the moscow regional duma, and there’s also a lot of work in the district, after
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that i sense some kind of social events. sporting events, then i go somewhere to comment, i always find time to train, even if it happens at night, it’s okay, i’m not a professional athlete anymore, this is also not very good, because you definitely need to sleep, preferably 8 hours, so, but anyway, since i still only have 40, i think i have there is still an opportunity for this, maybe somewhere to sleep less, somewhere more, but i recommend everyone to go in for sports, so i agree, as a doctor i recommend it to everyone, to everyone, let’s start. myself, well, how to force myself, let’s say, in the morning my husband is there, he has a watch, there’s no such exercise, just such a workout, and i, i just get up like this, i think, lord, he tells me, lenochka, join me, i need to to feel joy, i say, i fell asleep so much, i fell so badly, there are always some excuses for how to step over yourself, one of the options for how i do this is when i come home tired, either late at night or early in the morning, when i need
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to work out something, i put it on and start getting dressed. i put on my pants, i think, that’s it, i can’t, i don’t want to, i don’t have the strength anymore, but i continue to put on these pants, then, then the same thing happens with sneakers and i think, well, i’m no longer a professional athlete, but when i go out , no one controls me, i’ll run these 5 i’ll turn around in a few minutes and go home, but i continue to do all this, as soon as i go out, maybe i turn on the stopwatch or just start moving, believe me, 10 minutes pass and you understand how great it is that i came out, that i...
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thank you very much, i really want to wish arseny, that’s his son’s name, sasha, so i’d like to wish arseny success, the same as ... from you, because, firstly, this is a huge respect for yourself, and secondly, here we, those who can’t pull their pants on, have such gratitude to you for these victories when we were participants, can you imagine, you ran, and we felt that we had won, thank you very much, let these successes be from arseny, thank you very much, but i wish you all, of course, a lot of health and good mood. so that everything on your way is resolved instantly, quickly, and most importantly with all this good mood and health, this is only if we can pull up our pants, yes, we’ll take a break for a while, and then we’ll continue, they
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’re calling me, greetings, tomin from ugrozovsk, the first perception of the audience is still major tomin and there’s no escape. if he feels poguegism and lack of professionalism, then this of course infuriates him. it has a great feeling responsibility, male charm and male self-confidence. this is a man who lifts dumbbells every morning. it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this is the gym, it’s amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he’s very efficient, but he gets tired. but he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe this, but in a black eye, so we have to spit, pah-tfu-tfu, for leonid konevsky’s eighty-fifth birthday,
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today on the first. rum, castro, product of stellar group. i'm proud to live in such a place a beautiful country that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, this is very important, ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and kancharov. taganay is a whole adventure park, where bears walk. and not only fyodor chaliapin at one time throughout his life called himself a simple vyadsky peasant. the white nights of leningrad, the gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​taiga, are as beautiful as our sunny komykia. nobody
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returns from a trip the same way. human, so travel, develop yourself. on any highway, in any village, we are all one, big family. we are preparing. unique, look, this ordinary needle pierces right through, which means there will be cuts, this is a horse, a blunt wire, flexible, which is for rejuvenating the face before the summer, the technology does not damage the skin, but rejuvenates brilliantly, a unique technology in our program, and in general all the same the main thing, the interesting thing in the program is to live healthy, tomorrow is on the first day. health is with you again, dear friends, let me remind you you, where our program began. this
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morning, friends, i start with two ent doctors at once, why? because a pandemic has come for you, namely, dear doctors, and why has it come? because the season of polynoses has already begun, which means everyone’s nose is running, everyone is dripping into their noses. that god sent, god sends different things and a lot of people make mistakes, so right now i suggest you go to the pharmacy right at the pharmacy and talk about who is looking for what here, here you go, hello, hello, judging by what you keep your eyes on the drops in the nose, you are going to drip them, the drops you put in the nose are a vasoconstrictor drug, many patients take vasoconstrictor drops.
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dilated, the pressure decreases, the vessel is spasmodic, the pressure increases, but most importantly, if you have been dripping drops for a long time, you have probably already taken the path that you need more and more drops, more and more often, and the effect is getting worse, right, well, there is such a thing, so, the effect of vasoconstrictor drops is simple, the vessel narrows, this is not bad for the nose in the first couple of minutes, swelling decreases and it is easier to breathe, but for the vessels in general it is bad. first of all,
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because if the vessel is narrowed all the time, the blood supply to the walls of the nose is disrupted. the nasal septum does not receive nutrients; without nutrition, necrosis occurs, simply put, a hole in the septum. my first request to you, dear doctors, is to take our patient for an examination, secondly, we must tell you how to properly treat a runny nose in... in general now, in particular. so, the first rule for treating a runny nose. the first rule is not to immediately grab onto drugs related to vasoconstrictor drops, start with active rinsing of the nasal cavity with isotonic solutions, sodium chloride, sea water, saline. there are also a lot of these solutions available and sold here. you can buy it ready-made, or you can make it yourself.
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at home, in my opinion, a teaspoon of salt per glass, you can just rinse with water, that’s right, ilina yurievna, yes, it’s always better than just rinse, rinse, rinse, with a larger volume and more often, advice is advice, and the examination of our patient was simply necessary, it was urgent to check what was wrong with her nose, and of course, what was wrong with her blood pressure, blood pressure in general what is yours, it’s generally lowered, it’s something like 110, but this is the norm, normal, yes. the norm is 120 and 80 and below, we’ll check it now, but while we are checking the pressure, i want ilina yurina to show us the tools that a modern ent doctor works with, of course i want you to show us the endoscope elin yuryevna, because an endoscope is a completely unique thing, i prepared such a model here, while nasyurievna is setting up the endoscope, i... ask you
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to show how far the endoscope penetrates, what the ent doctor, olga aleksanovna, can see. an ent doctor with an endoscope can look at the common nasal passage, the middle nasal passage, the nasopharynx, look at the oropharynx, laryngopharynx and go to the throat, that is, it can still go down, but if the doctor just looks at the nose, then he looks, roughly speaking, here , that’s right, nowhere else, this is what a bezendosko inspection looks like. the doctor sees only the entrance to the nose; this is how deeply you can examine the nose, pharynx, and larynx down to the vocal cords using a flexible endoscope. it is clear that in the 21st century this is the only way to do things. meanwhile we we measured our patient's blood pressure. and that's what it turned out to be. our blood pressure is 129 over 89. this is high. it's not high, but it's high blood pressure. this is pressure.
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elevated, but not tall yet, of course, we consider high from 130 to 80, so your lower one is already high, but your upper one is still in the gray zone, after all, this is hypertension, if the upper pressure is above 130 or the lower pressure is above eighty, this is hypertension , everything requires treatment, because hypertension can cause a stroke, and this is serious. i talked about this in detail. with our patient now let's go back to examining her nose, we look into the nose of a person who is dripping all the drops non-stop, we pay attention to the color of the mucous membrane, pink, and we see that there is a lot of mucus in the nose, yes, this is snot, speaking in non-scientific language, that's right, a healthy person should not have mucus in the nose, on the other hand, we get it, this is our nasopharynx, a little too...
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signs of allergic renitis, well , of course ilina yurievna is a virtuoso, because she has now masterfully carried out this examination, please tell me, here the person is already many years on drops. vasoconstrictors, and as we see, somehow this does not bring much result, right, the worst thing that can happen with such an endless use of vasoconstrictor drops is what? the worst thing, according to ent doctors, is perforation of the nasal septum, and anterior dry rhinitis, and
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why could there be perforation, can drops dissolve this? drops can dissolve, yes, because the nasal septum is also injected with blood vessels, the mucous membrane is like this. let's see how mucous membrane works the membrane of our nose, and why do we need it in general? first of all, the air entering the nose must be warmed and moistened; for this , the warm blood vessels should not be narrowed, it is the warm blood and warm mucous membrane that warm the air. in addition, the air should be humidified and free of dust and germs. to do this, our mucous membrane is covered with villi and releases moisture, which washes away germs and dust from the inner surface of the nose. if you continuously drip vasoconstrictor drops, it does not work. the first thing you need to learn is
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rinse your nose. this is exactly what we taught our patient. so, our task is to introduce water into one half of the nose. so that it curls out of the other half of the nose, then there will be complete rinsing. olga aleksandrovna, give the command, and you can stand up, you can stand up, give me glasses, so, insert the tip into one half of the nose, tilt it, come on, we have a person to do this alone, professors, just command, tribute, no need, just down head, mouth, open, everything is in the tray, so why is it important to open your mouth, olga aleksandrovna, well, because the solution can get in. from the other half it poured out perfectly, yes, a napkin, so beautiful, by the way, there will be a feeling that the nose is light, the other half of the nose, we have a patient who is highly trained, yes ilin yuli, you see she is perfect, we have a very pleasant patient,
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she is dressed beautifully, when we met, i told her that she was dressed superbly. so, we washed both halves of the nose, the effect is felt immediately. in general, ent doctors sometimes say that this should be done every day, just like we do brushing your teeth, is this true or not? i will do this every day, it’s really easier for me, attention is, of course, easier, after that it’s immediately easier to breathe, and it doesn’t cost anyone anything, so rinse your nose, and we’ll accompany olga alexandrovna to the operation, where a patient is already waiting for her i dripped and dripped these drops and got to the point where he had...


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