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tv   Zhizn svoikh  1TV  May 12, 2024 10:15am-11:06am MSK

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and in the middle of the second, stepan folkovsky, using the majority, equalized the score, a quick response from vasily glotov, who also realized the numerical advantage, brought the guests ahead, here sergei tolchinsky became the author of the assist, just a minute and a half later, arseniy gridsyuk, assisted by the same glotov, summed up the result : 4:2 victory of the russian team. previously, during the tour , the russian 25 team won against the belarusian team three times. vladimir tarasenko's puck helped florida defeat boston in the third game of the stanley cup playoff series. the panthers had the initiative throughout the game, and at the beginning of the final period the score was already 4:0 in their favor. only after this was boston able to have a short successful period and send two goals into the goal of sergei bobrovsky. but in the end, the guests, in turn, scored twice, eliminating all questions.
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as a result, edmonton snatched a victory in overtime 4:3, the score in the series... is now equal to 1:1. lokomotiv kuban basketball players hosted unix in the third semi-final match of the vtb united league. krasnodar increased the pace at the beginning of the game took the lead thanks to accurate shots from behind the arc. however, the kazan team did not allow the opponent to create a significant foundation, and before the long break they completely seized the advantage. eric green summed up the first half.
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with success, lokomotiv took the lead in the series with a score of 2:1. the next meeting of the rivals will take place on monday in krasnodar. csk became the first finalist of the russian handball championship among women's teams. in the return match of the 1/2 finals, the red-blue houses prevailed over astrakhanochka. traditionally powerful attack and reliable play by goalkeeper polina kaplina provided. in the final, cska will play with one of
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the pair rostov-don, chernomorochka. the russian rugby champion, penzinsky lokomotiv, started the home match of the eleventh round against slava in an experimental lineup and a clear underestimation of the opponent led to the fact that after the first half the hosts lost with a score of 0:10. correct.
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once upon a time these places were the bottom of an ancient sea, and today there is one small but very beautiful republic located here. “i would know the recipe for the famous adeghe cheese, it is very simple, so repeat it at home, anyone can, or could become an athlete, rafting down mountain rivers, go ahead, work harder, that’s it, that’s
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power, if i lived in odygea, i would learn the skill of a gunsmith from a famous one, look how interesting he is, he’s endless , there is..." mom, tragedy, love, i could grow the most beautiful roses to please the women i love, in 6-7 weeks this little baby will grow into a beautiful rose, welcome to the maternity ward, zhen, zhen , not a maternity room, but a nursery, on weekends i i would paraflange into the sky to enjoy the beauty of these places, and what views, incredibly beautiful mountains, valleys, rivers? but whoever i was, a craftsman, a gunsmith, a musician, a scientist, a farmer or a salesman, i would live in one of the smallest republics of russia, among proud people who still follow the traditions of their ancestors.
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they are famous for their thin waists, broad shoulders and sparkling eyes, which are also called the caucasian look, as historians wrote about the odygs. now there are just over 100 thousand of them living in the republic, and today i i will meet a family who carefully preserves traditions. hello, hello , hello, zhenya, zhenya, hello, why are the obligs so welcoming, why
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are they ready to just give everything, regardless of the family’s income, and if a person comes, even a stranger, he immediately throws everything on the table, it was just like that, here , so... a guest came, for example, to khusen, and the whole aul gathers, here’s something interesting, we’ll hear something, we’ll tell, we sat, talked, sang songs, played the accordion, so as to give pleasure to the guest, ourselves to amuse me somehow, timur, tell me about the tradition of how relationships work. between husband and wife, why do you usually dine in splendid isolation instead of sitting with the whole family? masculine and feminine does not mean that we somehow like women very much, on the contrary, so that it is comfortable, so as not to embarrass
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her in any way while eating. what is usually put on the table, what is served, what dishes are traditional? well, traditionally it’s boiled. lamb and turkey, and the main dish - chips with pasta, adygo always had it, his father is the breadwinner, the mother is the keeper of the hearth, as with the saab tskovs, the head of the family timur works as a welder, his wife zarema takes care of the children, who must be able to dance, embroider and play national instruments. besik, tell me what kind of instrument you have in your hands in adyk. many nations have, that is , their own drum, they are no different from ours, but maybe they have a different sound, some have a different beat, that is, the armenians, for example, have a different one, the georgians have a different one, and we have one, can you show which one, well, for example, we have
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a five, this is the most popular, one might say, what else is there uh? then you can add different variations to this five, you can add fills and so on, well, for example, start. like this, that is, take the first beat out of here, then, it seems to me, everything i play is still based on the tune of the old drummer, old drummer, old drummer, or is it just me who doesn’t do anything, i’ll tell you, you play better, even some who are starting to learn, can you show the most difficult figure you know? wow,
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the most favorite products among the adygs are not only tasty, but also healthy, for example, the famous spicy salt, aromatic with a bunch of vitamins, and also promotes fat burning, well, just not special, but some kind of dream? and the adygei are also famous for their cheese, honey, and of course fiery adjika, in general, as you guessed, i’m at the market, and apparently, there won’t be a penny left from the producer’s money today, it’s true what they say, you have so many spices, that if you smell them, you can fall into a rollercoaster of pleasure, we start with salt, here is pomegranate, please try it, we have the most delicious pranate salt, it is dried pranate that is added here. home garlic, very tasty, adykei goes with paprika, what are you talking about, right? yes, it’s as if
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a taste bomb has exploded in me, everything, all the papillae are screaming, more, more, give me more, tell me how much i owe you for all this, i want to extinguish, they say that in ancient times the lush orchards of adegea were especially envied the greeks called this republic the apple empire, because here there are simply ideal conditions for growing this tasty and healthy apple. fruit, it’s a pity, of course, that i came not during the harvest season, i really wanted to try an apple straight away, but this will probably be next time, but today we will be content with what is on the market, all the apples are very tasty, sweet and sour granismi, sweet fuji, sweet gala, it is not dense, it is so soft, well, in principle, all good apples, little things let's put five from each, yes, let's do it... for some reason it seems to me that you have the most delicious cheeses on this
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market? not only me, everyone has english smoked, son, because of this shell, it’s smoked, it’s stored for a very long time, oh great, it suits us, we could have not it was possible to have breakfast, but in principle, i didn’t calculate my strength, in general. friends, what can i say about visiting the adyghe market? in principle, i consider myself a fairly strong strong person, but my strength is little by little not enough to carry everything that was given to me, so it can be stated that the addyk market fully confirms the theory that some of the most hospitable people in our country. dear odegi. well, what do you mean, thank you very much, this is just great, you are cool. but i feel that the supply of adege cheese will run out very quickly, it’s very tasty, so i want to learn how
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to cook it myself, who said that cats don’t like to swim, sit down already, i ’m brushing my teeth, he’s near the water, he’s washing the dishes there, now, wait, wait, wait, let's go play, look, spend more time on your real life. you know how much she teaches me , i think that she gave me more than i gave her, so he learned to play the guitar and quickly began to learn to play blinds, dear viewers, in our program sensation, we will show you the only georgian bulldog in the world, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere, today on the first, vodka. veda is a product of stellor group.
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rallies against the new government in kiev took place in several cities in eastern ukraine. this is war. war against the people of donbass. the donetsk people's republic will respond to the challenge. the key leitmotif of the maidan was the denial of us, yes, as a community, as people, as citizens. recognize that the heroes of ukraine are stepan bendera, henchmen of the fascists. well we they would definitely never admit it. this is exactly what we rose up against, we became free from the kiev junta, we wanted only one thing, back to russia faster, everyone believed that it should be the way it happened in crimea, what happened now no longer exists.
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yes, i declare you husband and wife, anxiety, i’m sorry, i’m in trouble, maximum one and a half, well, what happened, an intruder plane crossed the border, shoot it down at all costs, francis, i know you’re not a coward, but you should know the whole truth, they can still get you, the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone. you realize the moment, of course, the ring fell, it’s a bad omen, seryozha, fourth, answer third, something happened, i’m very sorry, man, harry powers’s interrupted flight on saturday
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on the first, how’s the mood, class, mood, my!
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according to the legend, the cheese was given to the inhabitants of the sunny republic by god amish, the patron saint of domestic animals. the recipe is over a thousand years old, but it is very simple, so anyone can repeat it at home. bislan miremov knows the secret of the most delicious cheese; he carefully preserved the recipes used to prepare his mother and grandmother. adyghe cheese, it is specific, but the most...
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types of adgegea, but there are other options, there is dried cheese, sun-dried cheeses directly, there is smoked cheese, why solntseya cheese is not afraid of heat treatment, so it does not melt, a real strong caucasian character, approximately how long can a strongly salted adyghe rash like this be stored? well, it will definitely be stored for 20-25 years, and it needs ventilation, although previously they used to dry cheeses in wheat and barley, beslan, tell us what they are actually made of speaking of adek cheese, what ingredients should be used? adyk cheese
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is actually made from milk, whey and salt. we heat the milk to the upper boiling point of the milk 85-90°, add whey there, the protein is collected, separated from the whey, then we collect it in a mold, the protein is then salted and wait until the whey drains, pour, pour, pour, pour, pour, pour, just a little bit, that's it, that 's it, that's it, that's it, that's all, all that's left is to add salt, collect the whites to form a head of cheese, an hour in the refrigerator and you're done, what's the purpose of frying? adyghe? in order to have a tasty meal, well, an unexpected answer came, unexpectedly, is there some special name specifically
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for fried cheese, but it’s called koyazh, koyazh, koyazh, yes, that’s right, khoyazh, khoyazh, i understand, now all that’s left is try it, it’s soft, tender, very tasty, great, now i know what to do with cheese, what to do with cheese and most importantly, how to make cheese, it’s just very tasty, people like to say, the guest should be in a reliable fortress, this means that you get the best from the owner, some locals even build separate guest houses, which they equip with all the most beautiful and most expensive things. saw and one famous gunsmith, she built a real palace in which she receives guests. asya eutykh is the only
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master gunsmith in the north caucasus. her grandfather was a jeweler and passed his tools on to his granddaughter. now she decorates saber blades with fancy patterns. why did you choose this one? scyvian, it’s uh, not necessarily scyvian, it’s the style of the first millennium bc, transamorphous, isoamorphous - this means there are animals, birds, water, the sun, well , nature is depicted, the ornamental style, it has its limits, rhombuses, squares, circles, everything, but the animal one, look how interesting it is, it is endless, it is there drama.
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at the beginning it seems that somewhere there is better, more beautiful, more interesting, but when you are there for a long time, it begins to call you, it begins to call you, it’s directly and clearly calling you, this is your homeland, the land, when you look at the works created by asiyotykh, you get a complete impression that they... are made of gold, but in fact, this is not so, otherwise such a throne would cost as much as the budget of a small state, so asya came up with her own unique alloy, it is called
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juvilos, and honestly, in beauty it is in no way inferior to the precious metal. the project of this house was developed by the husband of the famous gunsmith, architect ruslan turkav, the family lives on the second floor, on the first floor asya’s works are exhibited, which he can see. i'm afraid to even ask how much time was spent making all this stucco, i think more than a year, more year, and this is only the beginning, it must be said that
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the forest in the ornaments of the huts is not accidental, tegea is called the land of magical trees. the forest occupies almost half the area of ​​the republic and it has always been a sacred place for this people. and the oak was considered the main divine tree. in ancient times, they believed that if you put your hands on its trunk, something like this, it would definitely take away negative energy and give positive energy. perhaps this is why it became popular in adygea. tree climbing: the practice of climbing trees. what is the basis for choosing a tree? which you will tie. the tree should
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simply lure us with its own. height, its size, volume, the second main point is safety, that is, before climbing we must assess its condition, understand how safe it all is, will it withstand us? evgeniy zen used to work in it and lived in a big city, but it turned out that climbing trees was no less exciting. the upper tier of the forest becomes accessible to us precisely with the help of mastering the methods of lifting, working with ropes, and this movement. not only down, but this moving, well, in 3d space. evgeniy chose buk. treenauts use climbing equipment to climb. and the rope is thrown using a huge slingshot. the odygs believed that if a person offends a tree, he will have to strictly
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answer to the forces of nature, therefore, so that... orientalis does not harm this beech or fagus, i will take off my shoes. on the way to the top, i learned that treenauts don't just climb trees for fun. zhen, tell us about the philosophy of the drevonauts, what is it, why are you doing all this? you you start looking for some forms, how you can be useful to the tree, how you can be socially useful, well, this is the knowledge that we receive. they kind of expand, they give an understanding of how this tree can really be helped, how to trim it so that it does not create an emergency hazard for the building there, which is a car for people, children who walk in the park, in general, friends, it should be noted , that i never climbed such trees as a child, but such high trees in the sense that in theory i can close my childhood gestalt.
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the most pleasant thing after a hard climb is to stretch out in a gomak and relax at the top. who bit zhenya that he became so actively interested. i'll tell you that there are already about 4.0 such people who have been bitten. this is an element of culture, i would just like to say that if we can convey to people in this way that it is possible to take care of, that it is possible to manage a tree, even its growth, to please even a person. this should be put aside somewhere so that people start practicing it. friends, everyone knows that the caucasus is a height, everyone thinks that a height is exclusively mountains, but no, today we proved that you can be at altitude in another place, in this case i’m on a huge beech tree, and i’m enjoying this life, now i’ll put my hands on my head like that, i ’ll be able to take a nap, life its beautiful, a special place among the trees of odyga is given to apple trees, it is considered a tree that gives life,
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an apple is golden, ripe, pouring, this is, of course, a symbol of adgey, because earlier on the site of the capital maikop there were wild orchards, today apples are also grown and eaten , but also used in medicine, because local scientists have invented a wound-healing film. doctor of science zuret hadko has been studying the healing properties of apples for many years. these fruits contain a lot of pectin. how did you even understand? that, in fact, this raw material can be used, and pectin is an additive that is recommended for the prevention of cleansing of the body. pectins, having a large complex of properties, antibacterial, antioxidant, promote faster wound healing. pectin removes harmful substances from the body, disinfects the skin and tightens the edges of the wound. in the laboratory of the maikop state technological university, this substance is extracted from apple pulp and peel. and then
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they combine it with active ingredients: ethyl alcohol in a cylinder and apple squeeze, quite active precipitation, you see, it is filled, you see the volume, and it is filled with pectin, why here, why exactly in maikop, pectin from apples acquired, let’s say , a second life, maykop, maykop, valley of apples, adega republic, where there are many ... varieties of apples, tell me, i see here there is film number one, number two, number three, what is the difference and what are they for , strictly speaking? treatment of wounded surfaces is relevant for different categories of people in different conditions, say, how can they help restore strength or what? pictin, having a large complex of properties, ensures very different occurrences of these positive reactions, which contribute to faster wound healing. the pectin
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is dried and a concentrate is obtained. glycerin is added, aloe extract is poured into the mold. the resulting film can be used in cosmetology, in medicine. convenience of film. the fact that it seems to be thin, so fragile, but when it is applied to a moistened surface, within 5 minutes it creates such a crust, after which it no longer moves from this place, and over time during the day it is completely absorbed into the skin . surgeon yuri khimishev successfully uses the invention of his colleagues in the treatment of patients. i have a tsara. i would, to be honest, conduct an experiment, i have two wounds, one here, one here, and you can put it on one, on the other leave it and let's see what happens, well, let's say in five days, let's just make sure everyone
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is convinced that this is not a prop, that these are not watercolors. well, friends, in 3 days we will find out how effective apple film is in healing wounds. well, i will continue my journey. the main river adegea, the white one, has a very violent temperament. according to legend , it owes its name to a georgian girl named bella. the local prince brought her here and tried to win her heart for a very long time, but without success. it all ended tragically. the beauty hit the prince with a knife and threw him away. into the river, since then the waters have been turbulent and the current is very fast, however, this is an ideal condition for rafting, one of the most popular sports in these places. belaya is unique in the sense that you can train here athletes from the very
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beginners to bring them to the top level, where they can perform at the highest competitions in the country and the world. as a child, peter was involved in water tourism, rafting down rivers in boats and kayaks, then he became interested in rafting and now he himself is raising future athletes. one of the main rules of rafting is to take care of your head, because you will definitely need it in the future. the white river is full of surprises ; even an experienced rafter can find himself in the water. the second rule is to hold the oar tightly. it can be useful both for... management and for saving yourself and others, at what age can you start rafting, that’s how , well, officially, you can’t be younger than 12 years old, after all, it
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’s an extreme sport, at what distances are such raftings made? , well, sprint is a short distance, and parallel sprint too it’s a short distance, but there are two elimination raftans, contact wrestling is allowed in this discipline, that is, you can barge. board, no, you can’t board, you can’t fight with oars, but you can press with raft, squeeze, block, forward, we work harder, that’s it, that’s the power, dima, forward, dan, pull up, danka, danka, yes, that’s it , great, oh, these are already rapids, these are not rapids yet, these are just oxen, what dangers can befall us on the water?
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tell me, is there some way to restore strength with food, eat well, rest, relax, exhale. after traveling along the stormy river, my new friends advised me to climb the mountains. the mountainous part of adegea is so beautiful that it is even included in the unesco world heritage list, but as for me, these slopes are in no way inferior to the famous alpine
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meadows. the main owners of these places are the tough bison, but more recently another interesting animal, cute peruvian alpacas, appeared in adegea. these animals were brought directly from south america and are cared for at the farm. it got stuck somewhere, was easily digested, and it also withered.
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danny, the question is, when will the salary increase be? evenings, end of the day, evening, well, great, wouldn’t it be such a boss, this is simply not not a boss, but gold, in fact, dani, maybe we’ll give in to our guest so that he can try, yes, you’re just not up to the status, dear director, yes, yes, a deadly number, oh, danislam muratovich, appreciate the work. what do you think, that’s how high quality it is - i’m cutting carrots, great, great, can i do the same we can raise the salary, we can, we are waiting for an increase, plus or minus - to feed one alpaca per month, how much does it cost, the most voracious one, well, 5,000, 5,000 rubles. yes, we are getting one, friends, we are getting an alpact urgently, the animals live in open pens, the mild climate of adygea suited the alpacas, we compared our climate and... and it became clear
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that the caucasus is much cooler, because this is a land kissed by god, of course , it’s not difficult to care for these little camels, they have their teeth filed two or three times a year, and they also get their hair cut regularly, what cuties, are these all girls or are there all five girls standing here in this pen, we have only 11 heads, so at the base, wow, have you managed to study any features of the alpaca language. everyone knows that alpacas, llamas, they spit. when they spit, they mark their territory, and when another dominant male appears, they sort things out by spitting. whoever spat last wins. so, if an alpaca spits at you, you should spit back, of course. alpacas are very gentle and sensitive natures, and they absolutely cannot live alone, so they are usually kept in pairs, but on this farm... they decided not to waste time on one male, whose name is peach, they bought as many as 10 females in
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a real mountain, but here, of course, there are also their underwater stones, sometimes conflicts arise with one of my spouses, i’m even afraid to imagine what it’s like to live with ten ladies at the same time. peach, dear, can i please give you a master class on how to achieve harmony in family relationships. however, without the help of a peach, i know where in adegea to find what... i always helped men to win the favor of ladies. minsk, the capital, meet us. shall we try real belarusian pancakes? certainly. wow. finally, some kind of meshtal closed for me. do you know how potatoes will be in belarusian? how? pulba? the first pair in belarus is made with horseradish. i want to make braised ribs with roasted beets and pickled plums. i'll make some flatbread there too. i’ll just return the poached chicken thigh, we don’t waste a second of time. premiere, chefs
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on wheels. today is the first one. every evening i left the office with a large briefcase full of files that i extracted from original archival documents. i did this regularly, year after year. he is called a brilliant soviet intelligence agent. many reports from the kilba were reported personally to steel and notes there in pencil.
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i can't even tell you. in 1954 , the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich khrushchev, decided to transfer crimea to ukraine from the barsky shoulder. he was sure that it was.
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watch the time after the program, sport works wonders, stress goes away, anxiety, well, i recommend you a series of beauty injections, yes, you have a pressure here, yes, there is a pressure, let’s three, once, what passions, let's discuss this in a cafe,
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is this some kind of new guy, new guy, have you started looking at strangers , it seems to me, with my way of life. winter in adega lasts only 2 months, there are already 250 sunny days a year, but there is a place not far from maykop where summer does not end at all, in these greenhouses they grow a million scarlet and not only ros, which then delight the beautiful ladies of the south, the urals and
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central part of russia, my friend, how does it smell? here you are a storyteller, all the flowers are behind the wall. okay, now let's go inside and let's enjoy the fragrance. over the course of a year , 9 million buds bloom in these greenhouses. beautiful roses ripen well to classical music and become stronger thanks to the care of gentle female hands. one day i woke up and decided that i wanted to be a light guide.
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as a rule, they take it off in shops, markets, well, why do they take off the first sheet, so that it looks more beautiful, if there is no shirt, perhaps the flower was already crumpled somewhere, scratched somewhere, somewhere something something, and they just removed this shirt for him, you can touch, of course, the bud, if the rose it stood for more than one day, of course its bud will be very soft, by the way, this is for you, thank you very much, very fresh. oh, for the queen of flowers , appropriate conditions are created in greenhouses and the climate is regulated, for example, if it gets too hot, they turn on the fogging system and increase the humidity, and it also turns out that the rose sleeps and wakes, also according to a schedule, and in order to preserve its beauty , in greenhouses the lights are turned off for 4 hours. the rose is tender, capricious and
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susceptible to disease, so once every two weeks hope releases an army of “mites” into the greenhouse, they feed on all kinds of other harmful larvae, eggs of all kinds of butterflies and the like, everything that harms these plants, that is, they constantly live here with you, these clichés turn out, but as long as there is food, they live , roses grown in edygea are of high quality and last much longer than those brought from abroad; they use their own here. so, friends, welcome to the maternity ward, not the maternity ward, but the nursery, but to be honest, i. i wasn’t really mistaken, because it is here... that the smallest roses gain the strength of health, and let’s now find out how this process actually works, from one
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rose we can draw about six to eight of these beautiful plants, then in 6-7 weeks, this little baby will grow into a beautiful rose, listen to me, i have the feeling that if we stay here for another five minutes, we’ll bud ourselves, so let’s leave the kids, we won’t worry. you know, friends, now i’m in razar, and to be honest, i’m a little uncomfortable, all because it seems to me that my mother, wife, or at worst daughters, girls, should have been here, don’t be offended by me that i’ll make money in such beauty, i’ll definitely give each one a bouquet when i return home, i was so carried away by roses that i didn’t notice how almost a week had passed since i stuck... the wound-healing film, it’s time to check how my abrasion is doing, as you can see, the top one the wound
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that was practically under the film has completely healed, but the bottom one still clearly has to undergo rehabilitation, so we can say with confidence that the wound-healing film is working 100%. the odegs have always been hospitable hosts and jacks of all trades. these two qualities were combined artificially.
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the warp cords are stretched through these holes, its purpose is to nail the cattail leaves to the edge, we lift this little block a little so that it does not fall, we need to moisten the warp cords, so what is it for...
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everything, and not sparing the water , that's where you should be carefully, we start from the inside, from the wrong side, also from the wrong side, like this, without leaving, you will work for a week to save one price, on average how long does it take? well, it depends on skill, on experience, just without ornament, but some stripes, this can be done within two or three days. previously , it was mainly women who weaved tsenovki, and marriage even depended on the level of their skill, that’s how it was, if you want to get married, be kind enough to weave tritsenovki and show it to your mother-in-law. yes, of course, i don’t envy the girls of that time at all, because this thing requires patience. oh, so many! traveling around adega, i realized that it is not only careful here.


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