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tv   Legendi razvedki  1TV  May 12, 2024 2:50pm-4:46pm MSK

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compatriots learned in a completely different way what kind of enemy he was. bronevoy was already over 40, work in the film became his first big film role. stikhonov was already a famous actor, they shared the same dressing room, and at the beginning of filming bronevoy even asked him for an autograph for his wife. i am a good old man to whom we spread links. “chief, make me angry a thousand times, he just learned at his universities to smile and speak french, but i still don’t know how to cut an apple, or whether it should there is, as they eat at my house, whole, with the bone, one day bornevoy heard rumors that the kgb consultant, who was always present on the set, believed
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that the actor was playing a too intelligent and soft muler. i came up and said: hello, they told me that you don’t like something, he says, well , he turns out to be very charming, kind, i say, why do you want me to take the child by the legs and hit him with his head? against the wall, the film is not about that, it’s about the struggle of worldviews, about the struggle two intelligence services, again you are touching some...
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in this house on maly rzhevsky lane in moscow , according to the plot of the film, there was a gestap safe house, where katherine kinne’s family was kept with her newborn son. how is our russian friend behaving? we spend time in interesting ideological discussions.
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screams, she screams, not mom, but mom, and what then, well, she said, i’ll still scream mom, so dad, like a very real writer, took this scene, appropriated it for himself, it turned out to be kat screaming: mom in russian, mom, mommy, polish, what a giant she gave birth to, she is not polish, you...
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german actor otto melis starred in the role of the soldier helmut, who helped kat take care of the child and then shot the gestapo employees. during the war
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, he lost his entire family when red army troops entered the city where otto lived, and a soviet officer saved a german teenager from starvation. i'll go to... she had, in fact, not a role, but a film, it's amazing, but you need to understand how old it is, and yet, it's very clear, everything in it is essentially, without pathetic, i was pleased to film seventeen moments of spring, so i thanked that russian colonel who saved my life. here, in the former estate of the saltykov chertkovs on myasnitskaya street in moscow, episodes of negotiations between the german general wolf, played by vasily lonova, and representatives of american intelligence were filmed. general, do you
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realize that germany lost the war? yes, but is it worth starting our negotiations with the german autadafe, which is so painful for me? in the early eighties, when yulian semenov was his own correspondent for a literary newspaper in germany, he interviewed the real karl wolf, and only then in moscow, having met vasily lonovov, he told him about this, alive and well, 85 years old, he says, this is a beer barrel. semyonov asked wolf: did he like the actor who played the general in the film? and wolf said, absolutely. unlike, well, according to the text, july says, i decided to hit gera, he said: “gervol, you should be happy that our thin womb played in you.” then he laughed and said: “okay, i i’ll send your skinny lonovoy some cognac." i say, yulia, where is the cognac? he says: “vasya, i
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flew on the plane for a long time, i couldn’t hold him.” dad came up with this story to make lonovoy feel good.
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you can’t step over them, i overstepped them , for the good of the matter, here are photographs from different periods, here is a photograph of the times from the creation of a moment of spring, here it is on the cover of the book, this is in tbilis, when he came to his parents, this is
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the period of creation, most of the music was written before filming, live the image was written a little, basically everything was written in advance, it all seemed crazy, he could call her at night, as they say, show her something that came to his mind, something that he came up with, something that was born to him, and that was...
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and then the search began the performers of these songs, who became no less famous than the film itself. initially, tatyana lioznova wanted muslim magomaev to sing them. magomayev has a wonderful voice, he can sing whatever you want, a wide, big voice, but i needed it to be always so hidden, that is , the entire measure of excitement should be hidden in soul. only to break through when i told makolajuv that i needed to sing, very restrainedly,
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accumulate a lot of passions and desire to speak out, but sing very restrainedly, and he suddenly told me, i can’t do that, i don’t know how, i can’t, and imagine , he suddenly sang very well, i ask, at least don’t... then the poet robert rozhdestvensky, who wrote the words of the songs, invited his friend joseph
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kobzon. kabzon arrived at the recording studio. suddenly i hear a voice from the control room. this is tatyana mikhailovna lioznaya. i say very nice. i'm hearing you. can you sing nekobzon? what, what? can you not sing as a kobzon? where. so, i understand that you are joking. kobzon, already a well-known popular singer at that time, became terribly angry and wanted to leave, but apparently his creative ambition took over. i think, oh well, okay, okay, i ’ll do for you what you ask, and that means i started, i, i just, no, and somewhere around take 20... suddenly: here , here, here, here, here, i ask, at least not for long, my sadness, you
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leave me, and the audience for many years remembered the music that they recognized from the first married, there remains in the history of cinema the famous silent scene, where the third and speaking character... was the melody of mikael tareverdiev. there was no script for this episode, but once upon a time.
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and i told her with my own eyes: forgive me, that i have given you such a life, that we have not seen each other for many, many years, but i am not to blame for this, i serve, this is mine, my service and my
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ministry, just like we have actors, service, yes. many years later, vyacheslav tikhonov met his faucet wife, actress leonora shashkova. and they remembered how they filmed the famous silent scene. you came, you had a day off, and i was capricious, i said: don’t be crazy about the camera, i don’t understand filming with this piece of hardware. i don't know, i'll get up, you sat down under the camera. from the smartest, we did a very important thing with you, it was such a special time, happiness, probably, for him in his work, because he already had a huge experience behind him that he could use, but he understood perfectly well that all his experience, all his talent can be revealed only in the company of these
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same talented people, i have my hands are shaking a little, i need to come to my senses, speak normally. here no one hears us, there this was born, well, well now, say evstegneyev everything, all at once and instantly, and it is absolutely clear that professor pleichner could not be different, he was like that, with such a gait, someone says, that he came up with it a long time ago, but it doesn’t matter, this is professor pleischner, once and for all, and there won’t be another, but he asked me to tell you that last night... he was waiting for your call, come in and pleischner came into the apartment, although he didn’t had the right to do this, not waiting for a response, strangely i was at home, apparently he mixed up the number, this was his second mistake,
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rallies against the new government in kiev took place in several cities in eastern ukraine. this is a war, a war against the people of donbass.
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germany at the end of the second world war, and so believed in what was happening on the screen, remained, of course, behind the scenes. the film was shot by cameraman pyotr kotaev, the son of writer evgeny petrov, co-author of ilya ilf and one of the creators of the famous ostap bender. pyotr evgenievich has a wonderful track record list, he worked with directors kulejanov, igor shatrov. with grammatikov he shot, a dog walked on the piano, with tatyana mikhailovna lezdova he shot 6 and a half films, why half, because? that he died on a film set, filming the film the end of the world with the subsequent symposium, a most intelligent person, smart,
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educated, talented, and petya understood me perfectly, never argued. i can’t help but mention two artists, production designer boris dmitrievich dulenkov and costume designer maru bykhovskaya, behind them was sergei gerasimov’s trilogy tikhidon, they brought authenticity to the picture.
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who, for the author, for maxim maksimovich isaev, told the viewer what he thinks, what he dreams about, what he would like to do, it was he, this task fell on him, and he does it wonderfully, stirlitz watched this picture called the girl of my dreams for the sixth time.
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that picture, now i understand how you need to love your homeland, we didn’t talk about it at all in this picture, we didn’t even
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use these words, but if we had used rhetoric we were doing, if we were always telling someone, this is how it should be or this, nothing would have happened, art is higher than rhetoric, art, i repeat, it is capable of turning people’s souls over. this is a gigantic event for the country in general, i think that for so many times and no matter how many times it is shown, so many times people sit down near the tv, well, because the great will always attract, no matter what. now so many 50 years have passed, let’s return to this film. these are the same emotions again, emotions of the heart, soul, emotions of the eyes, because this meeting again. with the present,
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for me this film is somehow fundamental, or something, such a sentimental one, it gives something more than just about the homeland, than just about the fate of the intelligence officer, and i think that there will be a sterletz for a long time, sorry for pathos is a guiding star for us in this chaos of materialism. and selfishness. stirlitz. and i will ask you to stay.
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britain is in shock, america is in panic, a flurry of high-profile resignations of politicians, ministers, and leadership of western intelligence services, the reason is an article in a soviet newspaper. and there was only one publication in the news entitled "hello, comrade philby." article it was difficult to understand who he was, what he was. then rufina pukhova philby did not yet know that this was her future husband, the second person in british intelligence and a soviet agent who had received asylum in the ussr. to remain undetected and to be so active for about 30 years is why we consider him the greatest intelligence agent. i don’t even have any doubts, right?
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that he played a colossal role, that is, he participated, was involved in all events in different countries of the world, by whom philby was a spy xx century. after philby was exposed and his escape to moscow, the echo of the scandal resounded in the west for many decades. great britain, on the other hand, a brilliant double agent, without half-talks. hundreds of articles, books and discussions. great britain, as best it could, tried to understand the loudest failure of its own intelligence services in their entire history, about who he was, this kim philby. for the first time, a unique recording of kim philby’s speeches, in which he himself talks about how he worked for the ussr. those were very energetic times back then.
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ticked like a bomb, counting down the seconds of each moment. the true story of the greatest soviet agent.
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to answer the accusation and lift the veil of secrecy, kim decided to write a book: the wives of most intelligence officers bear the burden. i understood that i really couldn’t ask some questions, he said something, i can’t say this, it’s still a secret, i can’t even tell you, among dozens of
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secret special operations, kim philby was especially proud of one when kim was asked , that's what you did the most important thing, that's where? tim philby gave us the most interesting and concerning the situation on the fronts of the soviet union, including operation citadel on the kursk oak tree. the fate of the entire country depended on victory in the battle of kursk. it was the tank
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battle near prokhorovka that became the first victorious operation on the kursk bulge. thanks in large part to kilby. but how did an english aristocrat, a british intelligence officer, help the ussr? it all started in austria, cambridge graduate kim philby is 21 years old. while still at university, he became interested in the ideas of communism. in 1933, kim arrived in vienna. he wants to help his comrades.
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in vienna, kim rents a small room, and soon he becomes close to the owner’s daughter, eighteen-year-old litz friedman, a communist and a jew. young people have a lot in common; they are passionate about socialist ideals and want to fight fascism. soon the ikim faces get married. the goal was this: to bring out the anti-fascists who fled from germany, from austria, to bring out the jews who fled from there. friedman's face is being watched. the nazis
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become aware of her underground work, her life is at risk, her arrest is a matter of a few days. he just saved her from the big one troubles, marrying her, bringing her to england, because. of course, she would have fallen into the clutches of the gestapo, but although they had a good, warm relationship, they still did not have a family life . kim returned to london with his face. the ideas of socialism do not leave them here either. soon the people recommend that their communist friends get to know their husband, an english aristocrat, better.
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this was an absolutely clear offer to work for soviet intelligence. he said about philbe that this man came deliberately, because he was looking for contacts where he could to contribute their strength in the fight against fascism. soviet intelligence needed its people. but
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first you need to declare yourself. on moscow's advice, philby tries his hand at journalism. his first article is published by the times, fee 30 pounds. philby soon became a special correspondent for the times. he is sent to civil war-torn spain. the west supports the dictatorship of general frank in the fight against the communists, who are helped by the ussr. kim deliberately demonstrates his loyalty to frank's regime by working on the front lines. almost killed him an artillery shell, which means that after which he was awarded the order by franco himself, as a victim, and so on. those familiar with franco managed to penetrate the military-strategic
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plans of the spanish leadership and inform our colleagues about what was happening and would happen. general franco could not even imagine that kim was actually working for his enemy, the ussr, and that by decree of stalin for his services in intelligence. analyst, psychologist, supports frank, strategist, that is, the one they need. kim's goal soviet intelligence achieved. i was sitting in my office at the times, bored, when suddenly the phone rang. phone and a voice told me to come to a certain room, in a certain hotel, on
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a certain date. i came, they immediately asked me: are you ready to leave your current job in journalism to start working for the british government? this is a job of a very specific nature, and i said, of course, this hotel in the center of london holds many secrets behind its façade. at the beginning of the war, british prime minister winston churchel ordered the fifth british intelligence department mi-6. it was here that twenty-eight-year-old philby enlisted in 1940. everything on this street looked different then. the war with germany is in full swing. london is in ruins after constant luftwafe bombing. soon.
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there is in intelligence, after all, intelligence is
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a game, he knew how to play with this system and end up winning. on april 15, 1943, the fuhrer signs order number 6 on the offensive near kursk, i decided to carry out the attack as soon as weather conditions allowed . the victory at kursk should serve a torch for the whole world, neglecting style.
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hitler's headquarters assigns the main shock role in the upcoming battle to tank divisions, the armor of the tanks is made of new steel. the old soviet guns will not be able to penetrate it, technological information has arrived about the armor and the russian defense industry in the urals managed to do it before the battle, new armored slaughterhouses will be built, and the shells have become so powerful that they penetrated the armor... but the key question remained: when and where exactly did hitler’s will the army make a breakthrough? kursk arc length
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more than 200 km, the outcome of the battle depends on where the blow is struck and where the main forces of the fascists will be pulled together. the soviet command needs accurate information; this is the main task of intelligence. the work is not being done behind enemy lines, but behind ally lines in great britain. we must give credit to british intelligence; almost from the very beginning of the war they managed to obtain the codes of the german encryption machine. secret.
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a respite is provided, so here is churchel’s disinformation, there were very, very many of them, each of them had their own game, churcher had his own, stalin had his own, nevertheless there were people in england who, contrary to even the plan, shared information with the soviet
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union. every evening i left the office with a large briefcase full of reports that i wrote myself. full of files that i pulled from real documents from the archive. i handed them over to my contact in the evening. the next morning i would receive them back, they had already been photographed and i would bring them back to the site early in the morning. i did this regularly, year after year. the documents handed over by philbe stated that the germans plan to break through the defenses of the kursk bulge near the small village of prokhorovka. the soviet general staff is faced with a difficult choice, is it possible to risk everything by relying on the report of the englishman philbe, the last word belongs to stalin, many of the reports of kim philbe were reported personally by stalin, personally marked in pencil, all this was preserved in the archives, i saw it myself, in a short
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time soviet units were redeployed, it was a success, it was unprecedented. such nocturnal activity, when they transferred parts from one place to another, only by message intelligence. without this information, the soviet union would either have suffered even greater losses, or simply would not have won this historic battle, which predetermined the entry of the entire war. on july 12, 1943, soviet tank formations , without waiting for the nazis to attack, began an attack near prokhorovka. near which the germans actually concentrated their main
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forces. german tanks, tigers and leopards, which the germans considered invincible, began to burn like matchboxes. as in a battle of tanks, as in general in all battles and arcs, success. german fascism, he understood that there was a final turning point in the war and was proud that he took part in it. on august 5, 1943, the first fireworks display in moscow since the beginning of the war, in honor of the victory in the battle of kursk. three chords, new season, watch after the evening news. veda vodka, a product of
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stellor group. 3 months after the victory of the soviet troops at the kursk bulge, the first meeting of the leaders of the three allied countries took place: the ussr, the usa and great britain. the soviet leader is more confident at the conference in tehran everyone. roosevelt did not know what stalin knew, but he knew almost everything, all positions, compromises that they were ready to make during the negotiations, and this is also thanks to him. the war is not over yet;
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a department to combat the ussr and communism is already being created in the british secret service; it should be headed by felix cowgill, philby’s boss. the soviet station conveys to kim moscow's demand to do everything so that instead of cowgil, philby himself is appointed to this post. my soviet contact said: suppose kaugel disappeared, left, who would be in charge then? i replied, apparently, i am his deputy. i asked, are you going to shoot him or something? he said no, but in any case you will be the head of this new department. that is, this is an instruction from the center so that i get rid of my own boss and take his place.
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three weeks was enough for kim to compromise his boss. soon after
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returning from a business trip, kaugel received an unpleasant surprise. a week later, the boss called me and offered to become the head of the anti-soviet department. from this news i filed resignation. it was a huge surprise to him, but he accepted it. enemy or, as at the beginning of a war, an ally. in
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2010 , a memorial plaque was installed on the building of the press bureau of the russian foreign intelligence service in honor of the ninetieth anniversary of the department, with an image of kim philby on it. rufina ivanovna pukhova filbe, always an honorary guest here. the documents of her husband and his orders are carefully kept here. well, i see them now and of course i remember them. bilby was the only one in the world to have received the highest state award for services to intelligence from two different states. in 1945 in 1947 he received the order of the british empire from king george vi, and in 1947 the order of the red banner from stalin. he valued this order most of all, because it was his red
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banner, it was the arc of kursk. that's all, that's what he really reveled in, the most. kim philby saw his orders only when he arrived in moscow in 1963. then, in british society, philby was literally hated upon learning that he was a soviet spy who had worked as a double agent for more than 30 years.
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undisclosed for 30 years. in 1963, he was the rest given time. philby held out forced to flee to the ussr. at first i lived alone, getting used to moscow. in 1965 , george blake came to the union. this. intelligence officer received 42 years in prison for treason against great britain. blake escaped and moved to the soviet union. philby and blake would become close friends. thanks to blake's wife edie, a meeting took place between kim philby and rufina pukhova. ida worked at the central
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institute of economics and mathematics together with rufina.
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after the wedding, they moved to this apartment in the center of moscow. there was a sports fan, and here he especially fell in love with hockey, it was funny, or somewhere i’m in another room, suddenly i hear him yelling along with the lake choir, goal, he was invited, these hockey players
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are famous. and here , sitting with them, kharlamov, our famous one, is photographed. the meeting with rufina became the beginning of a new life for kim, all his loved ones remained in their homeland, five children, ex-wives, relatives, friends, kim's cambridge classmates continued to work for soviet intelligence in britain, they still had to survive interrogations and revelations. his friends are also young english
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aristocrats are credited with the capital of karl marx. students are completely captured by the ideas of communism, participate in workers' strikes, and organize secret circles. and i found myself gradually drifting further and further into communist views, but this was not a sudden transition, it lasted 2 years. in 1931, kim became the treasurer
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of the socialist cell in cambridge, keeping records of donations. in addition to philby, there are four other people at the core of the cell. all of them would subsequently work for the ussr. in the seventies they would be called the "cambridge five". they will become the world's most famous spy group, about which hundreds of books will be written and dozens of films will be made. they believed that they were not ... giving the interests of great britain or the united states, but they were defending peace, which was also necessary for the population of the united states, and for great britain, for other countries, like the soviet union. these are
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the cream of society, they worked in different organizations, but wherever they worked, there was very valuable information that was of interest to the soviet union. in 1944 , most of the members of the five already occupied important posts. kim philby, head of the british intelligence department for the fight against communism and the ussr. in the ussr, kim philby's morning always began with news. this is how kim would have left in the morning at 7:00, but here they stayed like that, here he put a glass with a glass holder with tea with
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lemon, it was called russian tea, so he sipped the tea, listened to the bbc news, just from 7 o'clock. every week kim and rufina walked to the main post office. there philby received parcels and letters from the foreign press. well , really, he was annoyed because it all came late. we could get like newspapers, the dates there were march 5th. and so on, and a week later receive the january newspapers, among
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these letters there were messages from the british journalist philip knightley, who constantly asked philby for an interview. i wrote to him every year for 25 years, reminding him.
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to change you have to belong, i never changed my beliefs, but he told me when i asked him, i made an agreement with the soviet union, with russian intelligence, when i was a young guy, and i am loyal to him.
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accepts any, any trifle, there, for example, i don’t bother him, what is he called with such gratitude or something, some little thing, something that is natural, completely, i can’t understand, i ask, well, why does this surprise you, he says, you don’t understand, no one ever gave me anything, everyone just took it. that's all i heard. during 18 years
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of marriage with rufina, kim philby was never able to get used to care and attention. all his life he trusted no one, always took risks, lived on the edge. this was the case in 1945. the cold war began immediately after may 9, 1945. of the year. churchel and the new us president truman are literally ready to start a war against the ussr. churchill, speaking in the folton speech about the need to deal with the soviet union.
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in the usa and britain they soon realize that information about him in detail is known to moscow. mi 6 and the cia are looking for a mole. advertisements appear in western newspapers offering rewards for any information about spies. guaranteed for informers.
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already in august 1945, kim philby was shown documents that came from the consulate in istanbul. named, but philby already knows, two soviet agent from meath are his fellow cambridge five, guy burgess and donald maclane, the third is himself. the situation
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is out of the ordinary. they plan to send mi-6 representatives to istanbul to talk with the soviet vice-consuls. akim's only chance to escape is to fly himself, but directly offering his candidacy is too suspicious. the dacha was on his side. philby convinced management to send him. in fact, philby really didn’t like heights and airplanes, he really didn’t like them. nevertheless, well, i had to fly. kim should go to istanbul to meet with him. who will report that one of the soviet spies is kim philby himself. luck is an important component in almost all successful intelligence operations. you cannot control luck, but you can organize your activities, when luck
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comes, it will be easier for you to take advantage of it. before flying to turkey, philby meets with a soviet contact. and gives him all the information about volkov. soon after, kim flies to istanbul. it was necessary to gain time. so he took the flights that flew through african routes with landings and so on, i arrived at the end of the week. in istanbul, kim is met by a british embassy employee who knows nothing about the purpose of his visit. ambassador, but there was a century, and like every decent englishman, the ambassador went on vacation, then the ambassador arrived, then the embassy could not get through to the soviet embassy, ​​everyone asked where volkov was, volkov was not there, for several
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days philby the british embassy staff tried organize a meeting with volkov, but it’s impossible to get through to him, in soviet embassy. in the ussr in britain they find out only a few years later, then in 1945 philby returned to london and reported to the management about the incident as a curious accident.
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it turned out that information about soviet spies was provided by a non-existent person, most likely this was a provocation. the management accepts kim's version, but this event becomes only the first in a series of indirect evidence against philby. less than a month passes before news of a new defector arrives. this time in canada, we visited in canada there is such a figure who betrayed our strategic agents around the world, which was. the cipher clerk at the ussr embassy in otava issued hundreds of secret documents, including soviet correspondence. dentures with foreign agents from the nuclear industry. invaluable information for western
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intelligence services, which have been trying to catch the mole for several years now. at first , guzenko in canada did not take the information seriously. he had to knock around the doors of the otawa police department for several days and prove the importance of the stolen documents. all. at that time, moscow already knew about the leak and tried to find the traitor. when the interrupters found out in the usa, agents were immediately sent to him and they took him under protection. since september 1945 , igor guzenko has appeared in public only this way, hiding his face. he is afraid of reprisals from the soviet secret services. the world press nicknamed him.
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apparently there was a major leak from the british embassy in washington between the dates mentioned. i found lists with current dates, looking through them, i saw the name of the head of the embassy in washington. donald mclean. comparing the dates, kim quickly realized that the information could lead to mclain, and subsequently to the rest of the five. including himself. philby
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again faces the threat of exposure. but this time the defector is in the hands of american intelligence services. what kind of evidence does he give? is there enough information for disclosure?
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what stalin knew, and he knew almost everything, thanks to kimufil, he helped create the soviet atomic bomb, participated in world events of the mid-20th century, 30 years on the brink revelations, he was directly accused of being a russian agent, when he was interrogated for 4 years, he did not give up. he didn’t reveal anything, but they had no direct evidence; his escape to the ussr became the largest failure of western
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intelligence services in history. intelligence is a game. he knew how to play this system and win. for the first time, the true story of the greatest soviet intelligence officer. on august 6, 1945, american planes drop an atomic bomb on jeroshima. three days later. on nogasaki. the whole world is aware of
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the destructive power of new weapons. in britain and the united states are seriously discussing the possibility of using a nuclear bomb against the ussr. the power of the soviet army and the influence of stalin haunt western leaders. churchi gave his famous speech in fulton, where he declared that an iron curtain had arisen from stetin on the baltic sea to trieste on the adriatic. from this moment the record of the cold war began. the soviet union does not have nuclear weapons. stalin intensifies work on its creation. all soviet stations in the west are working to find information about the nuclear project.
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critical information comes from members intelligence network called the cambridge five. maclean, berges, cairncroft and others did this, they believed that no, they do not attach the interests of great britain or the united states, but they protect peace, which is also necessary for the population of the united states, and for great britain, for other countries , like the soviet union. in september 1945, an employee of the soviet embassy in canada, igor guzenko, gives the united states the names of soviet agents who collected information on the nuclear project. guzenko received the nickname “man-kalpak”, for fear
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of persecution, appeared in public only wearing it. based on his testimony , more than thirty people were arrested. there is information about two employees of the british embassies in the usa and canada who transmitted data to the soviet union. both call signs are ellie. the first ellie was found almost immediately. it turned out to be an employee.
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ways to fight the ussr, the idea appears about the possibility of the collapse of the country from within, for this british intelligence attracts stepan bandera, the ukrainian... "the british, who had excellent intelligence, tried to use these banterites in their own interests. british and
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american intelligence services are preparing groups of saboteurs who, with the help of bandera , are going to be thrown into the ussr. their task is to conduct subversive activities on the territory of ukraine. bandera and him.
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conditionally 20 saboteurs, all names, names, as we say, addresses, names, identities, all have long been known. but it is no longer difficult to detain them. none of the saboteurs who landed in ukraine ever contacted either bandera or representatives of the british intelligence. all of them were neutralized. as a result of another failure, the intelligence services of both countries are intensifying the search for the mole. to coordinate joint work, it was decided to organize a representative office of british intelligence in the united states. it is headed by kim philby.
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in fact, this post was already considered as the last stage in order to later be promoted to a manager. he was on the short list of these candidates to head intelligence. kim philby moves to washington, in his spacious american apartment, kim regularly arranges a reception. by that time, philby already had a large family. his wife ilens, who has been separated for more than 10 years, has five children. the cia and fbi are frequent guests in their house. he knew everything
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about the cia, he had a large piece of information about the pbr, right? well, this kitchen, it’s very important, who works where, how to approach whom, yes, so to speak, who has what weaknesses, you can only dream about it. keeping in touch as a soviet agent was not as difficult as it might seem, we were working right under the nose of the fbi, i traveled from washington to a neighboring city, for example, baltimore, there i met my contact and took him to a small village, away from civilization, where we left the car approximately.
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philby continues to fear for the safety of his cambridge five friend donald maclane. he could be among the suspects. soon kim organizes his transfer from the usa, another member of the spy group comes to work at the british embassy in the states, and for the first days burgess lives in philby’s house. bjos turned to me with a request to stay with me until he will find a place to live. and here i made a serious
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mistake. according to the rules, two agents of the same network should not have common contacts. if one fails, a shadow of suspicion will fall on the other. borges could get drunk right at the reception and then take a shower in his suit. burges said: “what, i disturbed someone with this, i was hot, but it attracted attention, and unnecessary attention.” does a scout really need it? for many years, kim skillfully covered up the agents of his network. but to divert suspicion of espionage from maclane, who by that time was already working in london, i couldn't. the americans included him in a narrow list of suspects in transferring data to the ussr. it became obvious that
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the ring was closing around mcclane, now the list of suspects was reduced to 20-25 people, and it was decided that mcclane really needed to be saved, we had to send him to the soviet union. we urgently need to warn maclane in london. leaving the service is too suspicious. philby develops a plan: now burgess's scandalous image must work for the good. burgess he rode on in his car to some conference, in some distant state, managed to exceed the speed limit three times in one day and was fined, and then he was imprisoned for the role of a stranger american whom he picked up
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on the way. if you disappear, you go on a spree for a week or two in prague, you will be forgiven for that, you will definitely come back, even if you have a reputation, but if you don’t come back, then i will be under the hood. i took burgess to the train station in washington, where he boarded a train to new york and then a plane to london. i said goodbye to him at the station, saying: take him out
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mclane. for me this was fatal news, and of course, all the arrows were turned on me. the british press erupted into a sensation. two soviet agents, donald maclane and guy burgess, fled to moscow. the scandal was gaining momentum. philby himself was under suspicion.
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guybjus, as he said, this is so that it doesn’t blow in his ears, like this, he really loved this old chair, i remember he stroked, stroked, it fit, the hat he inherited from burgess, kim wore constantly, although he knew that it was for him doesn't work at all. philby missed his friend although then in 1951, burjas's escape actually exposed him. the americans, they immediately said that philbe was to blame, that he
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was the third person. a few days later philby was recalled from washington to london. official reason to testify in the investigation into the escape of burjas and mclane. in fact, kim himself is under suspicion. the interrogations began in this building in london in 1951. even innocent people confessed to espionage to the chief counterintelligence investigator patrick melmo. the perpetrators
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had no chance at all. the investigator starts with the most insidious question. as an employee of the soviet embassy in istanbul, volkov ended up in a soviet prison, because of volkov’s desire to hand over to soviet agents. i didn’t let myself be misled, i answered many questions, that’s why i should know this, and i know this, and i answered some things logically and completely, that is, when i realized that there was no evidence. i know of many cases in which the perpetrator was convicted only because of a guilty plea. there might not have been enough evidence, so if he had not confessed, he would never have been brought to trial, and the sentences in such cases, convictions were made only because of an admission of guilt, each interrogation lasts
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several hours, and so on day after day, week after week, the investigators’ calculation is simple, no one is able to withstand such pressure. he was directly accused of being a russian agent, but he never admitted it. during interrogations , kim is forbidden to smoke, so melmo decided, because an extra second of thought or an awkward movement could give him away, and milmo continues to bombard kim with questions. used the fact of his stuttering to gain time to decide the correct answer several si.
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for kim to spill the beans himself. i noticed that there was not enough evidence. if there was enough evidence, they could detain me and put me in prison for assistance. they questioned me, but they didn't have enough evidence. they interrogated me to break my spirit and force me to confess. and all i could do was gather my courage. interrogations last for several months. kim remembers his own answers so as not
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to get confused in the testimony, because the investigators ask the same questions in order to catch him, in the next room all this the director of mi-5, the director of mi-6 , the deputy director of mi-5, were wiretapped, they sat and listened, as dick white, the director of mi5, later wrote, he says, it was all clear to him that he was lying. yes, that is, somewhere at the very beginning they understood from his reaction, i don’t know, with a sixth sense, that he was saying something wrong, but they could not prove it. as a result of the interrogations , no charges were brought against kim philby, but he was suspended from work without pay . his passport is taken away so that he cannot leave the country. they are keeping a close eye on him, hoping that he will make contact with to his contact. these were troubled years, the matter
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began to directly concern me, and i had to leave my post; it was quite difficult to make a living. kim's house is besieged by journalists, in order to protect his children and his seriously ill wife eileen from them, philby moves into his mother's apartment. then he receives the first message from soviet intelligence in the years of investigation. the meeting is scheduled for late evening in a pub on the outskirts of london. you have to be doubly careful. philby is under constant surveillance. one wrong step, make excuses it won't work anymore. but the main thing is that soviet intelligence remembers about him and... supports him, soviet intelligence helped during this
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period, so to speak, threw him some money, because he already has five children, a wife, and he is without work, it was necessary psychologically not to break, and he also could not get out of touch, ask for anything, could not do anything. the newspaper persecution of philby continues; member of the british parliament, colonel marcus lipton openly accuses kim of treason and demands a trial. it was late fifty on the fifth, when one of the influential members of parliament, austin, the stupidest man in parliament, called my name, me as the third. the accusation from such a large figure
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plays into philbe’s hands. now there is an excuse to play off the insult and hold your own press conference. he's still under investigation. true, 4 years of interrogations did not lead to anything, there is still nothing on the file, nevertheless, a public event is a big risk. in november '55. this house attracted
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the attention of journalists from all over europe. kim held this press conference in his apartment dora's mother. the goal is to prove to the public that he is not a soviet spy, and that british intelligence falsely accused him and forced him to leave his post. you can tell when your connections with the communists stopped. the last time i spoke to communists, knowing that there was a communist in front of me, was around 1934. he did them all, well...
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after all, in those moments his fate was decided; what was hidden behind the external calm and smile is impossible to guess. almost 20 years later, kim philby will look at the film 17 moments of spring, and like a professional will pay attention to
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some components. 17th moment of spring, he looked, then laughed a lot and said: “with such an expression on his face, our intelligence officer would not have lasted a day, he instantly became one of his own, with an amazing sense of humor, that is , a very easy person to communicate with. philby taught confidence and charm to the young intelligence officers, when he moved to the ussr, such a group of young employees was organized and an agreement was reached with kim that he would organize a seminar, it all turned out impromptu, it was just the first one organized. a meeting, it was, if my memory serves me right, december 75, small groups of two, three, four people, people
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who knew english, they played games called role-playing, philby played, let's say, a role, he was born in india into a family of english aristocrats, his father worked for british intelligence, it was his father who gave him the name kim, in honor of the hero of roman kipling, a young british intelligence officer. and this predetermined the future of his son. kim was only six when his parents divorced. mother returned with son to england. father, st. john philby, remained in india, and later moved to the arabian peninsula, converted to islam and took the name
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abdullah. he was completely imbued with arab ideas. he... retired from working for british intelligence, and it is believed that by doing this he betrayed, absolutely betrayed his country. saint john philby, an english aristocrat, won the trust of king ibn saud and became his personal advisor. it was in the middle east that , after many years of separation, he met his son kim. in 1956. the dark streak in philby's life seemed to be ending, he offer to return to british intelligence, work undercover as a correspondent for the observer newspaper in the capital of lebanon, beirut, it was said that i should go to
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the middle east for sis under the cover of the newspaper, there was an agreement with the observer publication, many people with whom i communicated.
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participation in communist demonstrations in austria, the leak of information from spain to the ussr during the civil war, and most importantly, the way to british intelligence was opened to kim philby by guys, a soviet spy, it became clear.
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yes, she began to deny us, yes, as a community, as people, as citizens. to admit that the heroes of ukraine are stepan bendera, henchmen of the fascists, well, we would definitely never admit this, this is precisely what we rose up against. we became free from the kiev junta. they wanted only one thing, back to russia as quickly as possible, and everyone believed that it should be the way it happened in crimea. what has happened now, there is no turning back, there is nowhere to retreat further. we are not aggressive, but we will fight for our own.
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i was walking down the street under his balcony, if he walks empty-handed, then everything is fine, then it’s just that their meeting is clear, if he has, say, a newspaper or a book in his hands, this means an urgent escape, simply, he leaves the house, and then it turns out that the curator forgot to show his identification mark, they immediately leave. there is a dry cargo ship at the port, on this dry cargo ship a new member of the team appears, he leaves the sport and somewhere on january 23 , sixty-three, he arrives in the city of odessa. nicholas eliot was fired from...


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