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tv   Osvobozhdennie territorii - liniya zhizni  1TV  May 12, 2024 4:45pm-6:01pm MSK

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i forgot to show the identification mark, they immediately go to the port, there is a dry cargo ship, a new one appears on this dry cargo ship, and a member of the team, he leaves the sport, and somewhere on january 23 , 1963 he arrives in the city of odessa. nicholas eliot was fired from... from
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british intelligence with a complete ban on working in the intelligence services, for britain philbe's escape became a sensation, newspapers and television, everyone wrote and discussed philpi's escape. not only did he work for soviet intelligence for 30 years, of which 7 years he was under suspicion and drove all the british ones for us intelligence services. philby still managed to escape and escape. at the end of january 1963, kim reaches moscow. for his services to the soviet union, kim is awarded a state pension and given a spacious apartment in the center of moscow. but he is completely alone, without friends and without family. you find yourself in a country that is foreign to you, generally still unfamiliar. and there is no one
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with whom he could communicate, no one seems to be interested in what he knows. soon after his escape, kim invited his wife eleon to the ussr. a year later she received a soviet visa and came to philpa, but neither the country and her own husband did not suit her. she didn’t actively like it here, she went to america and wrote.
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by that time, he had already lived in moscow for 7 years. this love became his salvation. at the third meeting, kim proposed to rufina . invites me to lunch at the metropolitan. well, i agreed to this launch, as always i have nothing to wear. as a result, i was 40 minutes late. here i am. he raises his head, my god, he blossomed so much, he has such a smile, you know, i felt that my heart began to melt, you know, i can’t fall in love with him it was impossible, but there are people who everyone likes, find a common language with everyone, finally, he could not stand it, grabbed my hand, he had a very strong one, he immediately
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declared, in his russian-english, i want to marry you, literally, here, but i don’t know how to convey my condition, i was in a hurry, i was stunned, i don’t know that they lived together for 18 years. every detail in this apartment reminds rufina pukhova philby of her husband. now, if he was sitting, this is how i was sitting now in this chair, there was a table next to it, on the table there must be there was an ashtray with cigarettes, but he had a book in his hands, he is always with a book, here is a chocolate box, he begins to fumble, hum-hum-hum, i hear. this crunchy crunchy thing is so
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delicious. on may 11, 1988, this apartment was empty. cam philby passed away, he was 76 years old, and this love could have given a lot and could have continued, if not for philby’s unexpected death, because when he was taken to the hospital, nothing actually foreshadowed such an end, now it seems that... then i didn’t finish it, i didn’t save something there with the doctors, in general, all this, yes, that he absolutely...
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and he managed to follow his line until the end of his life, which is why we talk about the fact that he is a great intelligence officer, a brilliant intelligence officer, and the further he goes, yes, he moves away from us, much is seen at a distance, and i now understand, what a great job he did. kim philby, a man who throughout his life did not compromise his principles, believed in peace. and sought to preserve it, the man thanks to whom the soviet union occupied the strongest position in the world in the second half of the 20th century.
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the confrontation in kyiv today has taken a turn for the worse. growing, now it’s not just brawls and pogroms, but already open shooting in the city center, even then it was possible to understand that people seemed to be against, well, something like a coup d’etat, tension in the east of ukraine is growing, donetsk, lugansk, kharkov. one after another, messages are coming that the protesters are being taken under control not only by the authorities, but also by the security forces. the assault was, of course, an expression of our protest, our disagreement with what happened in ukraine. today residents of donbass answer a question that will determine their
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future. there is a referendum on the status of the regions. we became free from the kiev junta. everyone wanted only one thing, back to russia quickly and everyone believed that it should be like this... shells exploding, people dying, and i realized that i should be here, i ran up to my father and said: dad, i want to help children of donbass, as much as i could, we collected sports equipment, humanitarian aid, loaded them into a car and came here, since then donbass is forever in my heart, i met there are many amazing people, i have heard hundreds
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of tragic, heroic stories, but the story of the boy dima zavdeevka is special. dima was born in avdeevka, when it was still under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. his whole life passed under the roar of canadian music and the eternal threat from the tv screen. it's a big mistake to stay in donbass. it will never be russian territory, simply. never ever. when in july last year the ukrainian authorities announced the forced evacuation of children living in the donbass, the baby actually became hostage to the situation. dimin’s parents hid him in the basement, they didn’t let him out on the street, because his mother came, she says, one family had two and three children, there were fighting dogs, the soldiers came, shot at him and still took him away.
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apartment, but the boy was not there. ukrainian police officers even broke into our avdeevka, a major victory and a huge success for our military in the special operation zone. obdeevka in the dpr came under the full control of russian troops. 2024 dima and his parents were taken out of the destroyed city, we have a unique passenger today, look,
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what’s your name, you’re like dima, cool, how old are you, you know, three, four, four , you’re four years old today, today is today, today’s your birthday, yes, here’s dim, you happy birthday? yes, okay, my god, that's it, dim, let's not distract you, contact us, why are you meddling, hugging, how did this happen, how long did he have to sit in the basement, well, completely, without going outside, for about a year, why didn’t you leave when ukraine announced the evacuation? we're not there for anyone needed, they didn’t want him to be taught
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, to be forced into nazism, what kind of future would they want for their child, without war, without shots, without flights, without anything, well, in a word, without war, i’m afraid of the question of when he will go to school, etc. .. will begin to study history, that he will ask the question why we didn’t leave, why did all this happen, why did he have to sit just like this, like this, as you explain to him, they saved him from nazism, the only way, a sharp escalation of the situation in kiev on the maidan, as they said. kyiv on
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maidan and in kiev on the maidan, yes, we were there , all the cobblestones were flying and the body of mosnovny was also present there and we were there.
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france, there was hope that from signing an agreement with the opposition with honorable witnesses from germany, poland and the carnage of lawlessness, they would move on to dialogue, but alas, already... on february 2, the so-called euroactivists completely seized the government quarter, and began again on the maidan kill people, and yanukovych was removed? do you have a feeling that at that moment, that period, you were betrayed? yes, many said that this is some kind of betrayal. the verkhovna rada
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adopted a law on the functioning of the ukrainian language as the state language. today we voted that it will be possible to humiliate people. by language, by nationality, by religion. every citizen of ukraine is required to speak the ukrainian language, starting from the fifth grade, the bill prohibits education in russian, ukrainian is the only state language, and it was very strange and incomprehensible to me why it would be allowed here, well, at that time in our city of kiev, on vladimirskaya street, where the main building of the sbu department was located, in general, representatives of the cia are sitting and leafing through ours.
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there were even more complaints about what was happening, well, because it was a coup d’etat, a revolution, whatever you want to call it, what kind of revolution it is, it’s just a planned colorful action that took place in many countries, the key motive of the maidan, that , what was happening in kiev was the denial of us, yes as
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a community, as people, yes, as citizens, and in general the attitude towards the donetsk people, what about us there they called it... so we will bite into our land with our teeth, we will still defend it, it will still be right and the way it should be, and no matter how much we would like to nail us there, i don’t know, an atomic bomb, we remember all the words of yulia tymoshenko, that crazy one, that we need to be fenced off with barbed wire, throw an atomic bomb, we haven’t forgotten anything, but we will still
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fight for our land, this is ours, this is our home, and we don’t take it on anyone we will exchange it and not give it to anyone. far from donetsk i met the dawn of the russian spring in crimea, fortunately the events there unfolded bloodlessly, however, both i and my colleagues closely followed with alarm everything that was happening in kharkov and the donbass; it was clear that a big war was approaching. by the way, the first volunteer detachment went to slavyansk
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precisely from crimea, when the city was already completely surrounded, it was absolutely clear to me that my place was there to cover the struggle of the russian people of donbass for survival. ukraine has never been a monolith. it has always been a caressing blanket, where the contradiction between the center west and east, southeast, they have always existed in one form or another. and maybe, to a lesser extent, the west of ukraine, because we had no time for them, and they had no time for us. they didn’t understand miners and metallurgists, we didn’t understand. yes, they didn’t even try, in principle, we least of all positioned ourselves with them in any way, here kiev as a political center, as quite a snabist thing. 80 dead is the latest data provided by the ministry of internal affairs, thus
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the number of victims of the riots that broke out in kiev this week has increased again, hundreds of victims. yanukovych was silent, as we found out later, like he was afraid for his life, at that moment he disappeared safely, so he was taken out, from us. the only question that remained was how to, roughly speaking, leave here, there was nothing to leave with, all of our buses were completely burned out, our commander of the lugansk berkut, he directly found a compromise to get us out, but since they found out that all the roads were blocked, then we have no options on roads, he decided to take us by plane. it was very nice that we
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luhansk residents greeted us, there was even an urn near the administration to collect funds for wounded golden eagles, there was everything else there for their families. rallies against the new government in kiev took place in several cities in eastern ukraine. over publications of government institutions in lugansk, donetsk. the pro-russian rally , the flag was raised for the first time on march 1st, it was raised here near the regional administration building, that is, all this also happened spontaneously, some kind of organization, to be honest, it happened so spontaneously. what do you think now, how is this in general, everything could have worked out, probably it did thanks to this, because if it had been something orchestrated, planned, coordinated from above, it could have been
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resisted, it could not have been resisted, because we ourselves are not we understood that it would be there not only in an hour, but in half an hour, today we hoisted the russian flag, this is our small and huge victory, everything was abandoned, the elites abandoned us, the elites were scared, what could they do, all that was left was to take everything into their own hands. “we don’t want war, but we know how to fight, the illegitimate government should resign, volodya, well, here 10 years ago, including near the fountain, the square was filled with people, that’s right, yes, of course, the city, starting from the end of february, began rebuilding your daily life, one of the key elements of everyday city life was that on weekends, yes, this is the time from russia, russia, russia, we saw, we remember these numerous rallies, up to 50,000 people, yes.
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gathered on lenin square, right along artyom street came to the regional state administration with the presentation of their demands, a preference, a preference, when was it possible to hold a rally, to go to the rally? on a day off, so we gathered mainly on saturday and sunday, well , on the other days we had to work, well, this kind of coven that was on the maidan, alas, we couldn’t allow it, but by gathering here - on lenin square, there was an opportunity to express our position , they tell us what language we should speak, they tell us what kind of monuments we will have stand, and which ones don’t? and the worst thing is that they are trying to change the concept for us, hero and fascism, because here the people of the population can safely
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be classified as deep people in this category, for these people it seemed that everything would be unshakable, no one would take russia away from them, no one would take the soviet union, no one will take away their memory, no one will take away this monument. and so... it’s just that it began to dawn on these people, who are difficult to rise from the point of view of political activity, that this victory of the maidan is simply a symbol of the fact that in ukraine the attitude towards our common history, towards this trinity, has already radically changed, belarusians, russians, ukrainians, that processes have already begun so irreversible that we are simply no longer on the same path with them. it is important to note here that we had a truly
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peaceful protest.
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only then, what is the way out of federalization, the russian language, you don’t need to retrain me, you go to the european union, pack your bags, pack your western ukraine, go there, in response to this, yes, we received such a harsh reaction, we all remember, yes this fiery performance arseniy yatsenyuk, where he said that the earth would burn under our feet, well, as if everything became clear to everyone, yes, we will know everyone through the river.
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two: we will bring you to court and we will be judged in ukrainian and international courts, the earth will burn under our feet. well, according to your feelings, do you think that kiev at that time, 13-14, still had some chance of an official nod to ensure that the lugansk region remained part of ukraine? i think no, not what i think, i'm sure not. because official kiev, which, in general, officially became the leader those individuals who generated the ideas of nationalism, fascism, which forbade us , in general, to speak russian, to remain brothers with russia, to remain true to our history, to recognize that the heroes of ukraine and the victorious heroes in the great patriotic war are stepan bendera and his minions
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shukhevychs and so on, henchmen. a fascist, well, we would definitely never admit this, this is precisely what we rose up against in 2014 . to the hero of ukraine, stepanoviya, a flow of information, a flow of distortion of history, plus me, yes, i myself am a historian by training, and this bothered me all the time, yes, and when i went out to protest, i hoped, among other things, to eradicate it, yes...
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yes, fight, of course, i will sign the divorce document and hand it over to you. no, i can do it, stress, go away, what’s wrong with you, take your time, sorry, sorry, for god’s sake. your team won't get sick, although sometimes you'd like to. bloodhound,
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new episodes, tomorrow after the program time, we can have three of these, thank you, in donetsk, to support its residents, today hundreds of miners from other countries arrived.
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i don’t agree because what they did there is donbass has always been, as they say, well, we were friends with russia, back in the first orange revolution, i screamed, why do we need all this, what the hell do we need, ukraine is what it is, yanukovych, i think, made a big mistake that having come to power for the second time, it was necessary to change the constitutional system of the state.
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before the last rally, which took place on april 6, i left home with my purse, never returned home again , in the last 24 hours the situation in the east of ukraine, in large buildings have been captured in cities. regional administrations and law enforcement agencies, i remember april 6 very well, i hastily put on everything
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i can put on, i put on a jacket right over my t-shirt and run straight here, i look and the police card is still there in some places, but people are already going inside, this event has changed a lot, yes all. the center of resistance, the center of rejection, that is , of what happened in kiev, in fact, here is the russian spring, what has now happened, there is no turning back, and there is nowhere to retreat further. the coat of arms of ukraine was removed from the captured building
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regional administration, it happened this afternoon, three masked men climbed out of the window. one of the most striking moments on that day, on the sixth, was how they removed the ukrainian coat of arms, the ukrainian trident from the place where it is now. i was just in the middle of the square and i remember this picture, men from the second and third floors climbed up, unscrewed the necessary bolts that held this trident emblem on the fire hydrants and carefully lowered it down, but it’s clear why on the fire hydrants this is the only rope of some kind available at that time.
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at some moments the entire donetsk people's republic, it was this building, this is all, this was all, everything that was donetsk, checkpoints were set up - this is also the territory of the donetsk people's republic, then these are police stations, that is, in different cities, that is, they began to expand their living space; in the east of ukraine, meanwhile, pro-russian activists are in favor of holding a referendum similar to the crimean one, in lugansk protesters stormed the local office of the ukrainian security service and seized weapons. this is where it began.
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employees, because at that time they were still demanding that they release the militia guys who were detained behind the wall of the kbu, yes, yes, yes, in general, they left the building, in general, the guys were released, so i remember this moment, i was visiting my niece at that time, taking into account the fact that well, let’s be honest, as they say, i worked in this building for 20 years, my friends called me and said: leonid ivanovich, the sbu building is on fire, there is fire, smoke, i
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say how it is burning, but why is it burning? well, he says, because that’s it, we made a decision, it will now be like this, we will have a new life, i dropped everything, got into the car, flew in, here were residents of the city of lugansk at that time, the lugansk region, who supported everything those events that occurred supported the assault, the assault, it was, of course, an expression of our protest, our disagreement with that. what happened in ukraine, it was an expression of our protest to those individuals who came to power in kiev, to that pro-fascist regime that, in general, seized power in ukraine. acting president of ukraine alexander turchynov announced the start of a military counter-terrorism operation in the north of the donetsk region. the national security and defense council has decided to launch a large-scale anti-terrorist operation from military personnel. forces of ukraine, fellow countrymen,
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a few hours ago, the so-called president turchynov announced the start of an anti-terrorist operation, this is war, war against the people of donbass, the donetsk people's republic will respond to the challenges. maidan was made, not heroes, we are extremists, how can we live in this country?
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acting president of ukraine alexander turchynov announced the start of a military counter-terrorism operation in the north of the donetsk region. when the ato was announced, it was still a completely different fight, it was not just going out there and participating. god forbid, throw a bottle there, or something else, this is still, well, one mode of existence, when you go out to people and say guys, but now it’s as if they will kill us not in words, but in reality. this is already that definite and the line that everything, it had already been passed, then that was it, it was officially announced as an anti-terrorist operation, about the scale we could only suspect then that this meant the use of the army against us, that is, this is essentially the first military a crime, an anti-terrorist operation against an entire region, against civilians,
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the use of tanks, airplanes, heavy artillery there, this is a war crime, here you go. we are entering a new round of development of those relations that, in general, arose here in the donbass, i understood that this would be a fairly serious confrontation, that probably no one would leave us alone, but without understanding our, so to speak, tough donbass character, that we will never come to terms with this, we will never submit to this, but
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honestly, frankly, at the same time, i did not think that everything would drag on for so long. a referendum was demanded today in at least two regions in eastern ukraine, in just the day before, donetsk refused to accept the head of the regional administration appointed from kiev. people are shouting slogans for russia, against the current government for a referendum. svetlana, did you bring the pies? you know, we took them home so that enemies wouldn’t steal them. and i took it. and what are you talking about, my god, this is the same one from 1414, and you called them pies back then, yes, yes, that’s how it was, we were actually afraid of everyone, but as they say, the eyes are afraid, the hands are doing, and we agree with each other they talked on the phone like this, like this the seventeenth kitchen is going to work today, how many pies do we need, 300 is enough,
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what recipe to cook them with, communist, free-floating, or maybe proletarian, in reality this means 300 pies - that’s 300 ballots, communist street.
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in fact, this is probably one of the monuments of the era that has been preserved in its original form, since the fourteenth year, there were about 20 people, yes, there were us, along the perimeter, yes, sandbags were laid out, there was also barbed wire, there were old tires, yes, so that if something happened they could be set on fire, you didn’t have any weapons with you, two smooth-bore hunting rifles, how the duty went was, to be fair , chaotic, yes, that is, whoever was free, he someone came. a core of 5-7 people was constantly present, but in the evenings, they spent the night here, some spent the night constantly, some, when freed after work, came here on weekdays, and in the evening, let’s say , the garrison...
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somehow self-organized, because we imagined, well, repeatedly taking participation in election processes, more precisely in the preparation of election processes, in previous calm years, well, for example, i understood for myself that this is a huge layer of work, it is really necessary to prepare these precinct commissions there, suddenly, as it turned out, well, here are the lists old precinct election commissions were found, opened, they found everything that was needed, but actually how the commissions themselves were formed, they were formed... from activists, they were teachers, they were some kind of foremen, women, men there, not the point it’s important, these were essentially ordinary teachers,
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yes, who, well, it seems to me, had no particular experience or how it all was, well, there was once experience, but there was an attitude, this is the most important thing, and when there is an attitude, you already you understand how to distribute roles, there weren’t enough hands, everyone volunteered, of course they didn’t take strangers from outside, because you can only be confident in your own team, probably we are...
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there were quite a few from different formations of the kiev regime at that time, it was simple, what threats, the boss, appointed, the newly appointed head of the election commission center suddenly for some reason wanted money for publishing the results of the referendum, in my opinion he started with sub-trading with a couple of million dollars, he’s local here, yes, yes, local, he then worked for some time in various government bodies of the danetsk people’s republic, and then he ran across. to ukraine, that is, there were such characters too, and there were many of the same ones here, yes, who were spinning, spinning in different directions, and could not
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correctly navigate where you were at the polling stations, how you printed these ballots, so all this happened without my participation at all, i was an observer in this case, i saw that the referendum was real, well, it’s not fake at all, at all, what are the signs, explain, the signs are that there is a huge crowd of people with an eerie amount of enthusiasm for everyone. everyone wanted only one thing, back to russia as quickly as possible. what was the point of no return? for me personally, it was odessa. so, odessa, more than forty dead, about 200 injured, many in serious condition, this is the result of a clash provoked radicals. first they started shooting at supporters of federalization, and then they drove them into the building and set it on fire, without giving them a chance to escape. because when i began to understand
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that you could be killed so easily, and then you know, filming and mocking those people, seeing the bodies, that was the point of no return, i realized that i don’t want to go to that ukraine, i never i won’t be from that ukraine anymore, and this is not the ukraine that we probably loved, guys. no need, on may 2, of course, there was very little left before the referendum, of course we tried it on ourselves, ourselves tried it on because they understood perfectly well that at that time they had already been dispersed, that is , those protesters who tried to do something similar in kharkov were arrested, they also occupied the regional administration building, but... and there the situation was forced by force and there it was defeated, we we understand perfectly well that they wanted to intimidate and did it as openly and as
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openly as possible and... with aggression, that is, they directly demonstrated it on all tv channels, although this is, this is a crime, to kill every single one of them, we must kill, we won’t kill, tomorrow it will be, but no, we must kill, ukraine and kiev at that time made it clear that everyone, in principle, who would have at least some relation to the referendum is already a target for them. the sbu were still in the city, there were police officers there, not everyone was on our side, some remnants of elite groups, they were also here, but in the end, there was another one of the main oligarchs of donetsk at that time, akhmetov was also here, so i also remember then about akhmetov, that he was also playing some kind of game of his own, i am convinced that the dpr is deceiving
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people, they are deceiving the people of donbass. we, donbass and the dpr are not on the same path, so when he then made this statement calling not to participate in the referendum, did the people of donbass feel that he had betrayed his region? of course, it was a mistake by the technologists who advised him to do this, and after that, then he already left donbass forever, and he became a traitor, because if before that someone else had hoped for something, someone had in relation to him... there are some illusions there, listen, yes we had them, we were on some kind of stage, given that we had no resources, no opportunity, we ourselves proposed to him that he should lead this protest movement with its resources, opportunities, when there were opportunities, not small, great popularity in the donbass, the opportunity for him to resist then the kiev regime and the coup d'etat had much more than we had, but he didn’t use it, he bargained with kiev, extracted some preferences for himself, and
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we continued preparing for the referendum, in donetsk, meanwhile... preparations for referendum on the status of the region, it is scheduled for this sunday, almost all the ballots have already been printed, we are teachers, we are ready for any situation, we definitely have a printer, if not at work, then at home, because we have the notes ready at home, that is, a printer and we brought it from home, paper, everything in use, pens, that’s all we have, everything that ’s ours, we tried to find lists from the last elections, printed them out on old printers, but they didn’t... didn’t reflect all the streets , that is, some area was, some area was not it was, and we just lined up such a grid on the computer, and manually wrote down the last name, wrote down the passport address, and we didn’t have time, that is , there is a crowd, i’ll write it down for now, it takes 2-3 minutes per person right from this crowd, people came to vote , they say: let me help you, sets up the table, sets up a chair,
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sits down, takes this pen from me, there is no pen, so they went to the store and bought it. well, approximately at the level of terrorist attacks, we received information that a group of people arrived and stayed in a private hotel on artyom street, the city of donetsk, part of them was to disrupt the referendum, but they had this sort of task, at that time we were trying to block the airport, because planes with military cargo were flying there to deliver them to slavyansk, and we are still doing that before the referendum, these were the very
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last days before the referendum and we... blocked exits from the airport, did not allow transport to leave the airport with weapons, we did all this at such rudimentary levels , ensured security, well, we were very worried, of course, we suspected that they could give us a lot of harm, we had guys come out, our miners, our miners, our athletes, about 100 people, so they provided us with protection, but how it was, they stood there around the perimeter, they we were in the dots, we had children, well... teenagers, they had to play in the clearing, some playing cards on a rug, on a mat, some with a ball, here, there, the main thing is that they were watching with their phones, whoever is coming is a suspicious person, they should have told us to close the quick shop, because
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specifically, the police were instructed not to guard the areas under any circumstances. i know this for sure, because my husband worked in the police, we were guarded only by militias, at that time the militias were in sneakers, slippers, with a machine gun, then there were just local men who had what, literally there, well not rakes, but traumatic weapons, hunting weapons, some sticks, edged weapons, everything i had, i actively helped the militia, so when the militia arrived on the 12th, i captured it, i say, the city police department, and then the security service of ukraine, we , as active citizens, started with volodya.
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exactly how to help, what to bring, to which checkpoints, what is needed, everyone who wants to defend their land, take up arms, will take the oath of the dpr, whoever doesn’t want to can go home, they are my parents, father, not you, well, not stood up to what was happening on the maidan, took a gun and simply went to build with the rest of his friends. like in our time, we began to gather people in underground safe houses, began to accumulate
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weapons, how, if it’s not a secret, some nuances can be revealed, how did someone really dig up a gun somewhere or what did it look like? well, in fact, in fact, everything was somewhat more organized, this part of my unit that remained, it simply took out all the alpha’s weapons and... that is, you understood that certain means would at least be protected, just protected, we didn’t dare anymore, or even rather there, probably, to scare off the first rush, let’s say, well, we didn’t dare anymore, because all this what happened, firstly, under the watchful eye
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of law enforcement officers, and i often used my security officer id to smuggle what had to be smuggled through police and national guard checkpoints, but it was necessary to form such popular forces. hello, what happened? samoletny sergeevich, american reconnaissance officer over our territory. congratulations, valen. great photos. very valuable information. you understand that it’s a shame, such a day as may 1st, and to sign your own helplessness. i even envy you a little, guy, you will go down in history as the first to fly over the soviets from south to north. air defense system. spy, learn to shoot down immediately, flights must be suspended, you cannot escalate the situation, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible, the second one at such
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an altitude is certain death, if you were in the pilot’s place, what would you do, i was there two today , ready to ram, interrupted flight.
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russia urgently demands the kiev authorities to immediately stop all military.
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while moscow is making diplomatic efforts, kiev seems in no mood for a peaceful resolution of the situation. today, maidan secretary of the national security council and defense of ukraine parubiy, said that the military operation in the east of the country will continue, regardless of whether the vote is canceled or not? against the backdrop of the hostilities that are taking place, they are taking place in the cities of the region against the backdrop of the genocide carried out in odessa.
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even before all these difficult events, people gathered there, discussed the decisions made, the events that took place on the maidan, there we were preparing, in general, to meet the ukrainian nationalist, so-called detachments that came to kharkov, that came to donetsk, that never reached us, here in general pro-ukrainian residents came out, including at that time the lugansk region, the sirpokrylov brothers with machine guns. who tried to threaten there, but no one was afraid of them, the people were very determined, so they made a decision, made the final decision, and no one, in general , was going to change these decisions, here in this park a referendum was held, including here, people voted, i personally am here on standing tables, and there were two people at each table, here i signed my wish, expressed it as a citizen, well, at that time...
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the eleventh floor, the elevators don’t work, the elevators don’t work, and we blocked them so that there would be no assault, i don’t know how many times a day i climbed these steps to the eleventh floor, because it was necessary go down to people, tell them what ’s going on there, and it’s constantly back and forth, back and forth, here, by the way, the map will come in handy, remember the referendum, did you manage to do it everywhere, did you manage to hold a referendum in all cities, the most difficult remote points, well, listen, then that is far from donetsk, that is... since i decided where the referendum was taking place, and there was a moment that we were taking a risk, suddenly, suddenly you wouldn’t support the people, we were sure that donbass, he took his unambiguous position, there were everywhere...
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with very birth, but i was afraid that we would not we will be able to rebuild our financial system, we will not be able to rebuild the social sphere,
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my mother is an economist with extensive experience, and we argued with her, she says: we can, my mother and i went together, my mother voted for, i voted against, and i say, mom... we won’t succeed, but my mother told me, you’ll see, we will succeed, i vote for, and i realized that my mother was right, always listen to my mother, my mother will never give bad advice, at the referendum on may 11 in donetsk , i'm voting here in '88, i 've never seen so many people in my life, well the weather then was not as warm as it is now, i remember this well, at 7:00 we came to the polling station, which... we created it alone for security purposes, because well, as if there was no such great protection yet then our father, father nikolai, came to us to all 30 of us, he dedicated our site to the members of the commission and at 7:30 we already
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had about 500 people already standing in line and the miners came to us in the miners’ full festive uniform. how many people have passed through you? 16 thousand, 16 thousand, well, until one o’clock in the afternoon, we just didn’t have time, drink coffee, even raise their heads, people vote very actively, they vote from a pure heart, from a pure soul, we have been waiting, tell everyone this for a long time, probably a month ago we were waiting, we had to misbehave a little, this door, of course it’s already brand new, beautiful , at that moment she was. wooden could not, the management of the school could not allow it in any way, we were allocated a door that was in disrepair, well, okay, so be it, you can break it, we carefully took a hammer and it was about 5 in the morning, we just broke the glass, right there we called the police, recorded the call,
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said that a crowd of unknown people had seized the building, they were holding a so-called referendum, in the evening we prepared booths, there were ballot boxes left over from previous votes. imagine, and even now there was no question why you came here, but for whom, what, how,
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choice, what choice, it was such a desire, it was emotions, this unity, when you understand, standing next to you...
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is dangerous , sbu officers, law enforcement officers, well, in the literal sense of the word , it was already extreme even then; it’s not even the worst, the worst this was the action of the nazis then financed, including by kolomoisky, to the nazis these were punitive battalions in the literal sense of the word, which they hated and who were well motivated financially, and of course, that is, they were just stupid thugs, absolutely true and... to a greater extent it’s just in the area of ​​krasnoarmeyskaya dobropolye in those directions where closer to dnepropetrovsk they had the opportunity to act well in the direction of dimitrov, so there were attacks. no
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one thought about the danger, because then we they didn’t yet know what happened in krasnoarmeisk, but this became known a little later, then of course, when 152 began to fly directly to the city center, hail flew into the neighboring house, so my house stood like this , so neighborly, so it’s right in the day of the referendum or after, no, it’s after, it’s already somewhere around the end of may, the beginning of june , yes, when they already...
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in the fourteenth year, when the referendum took place, did they take part, what thoughts
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did they have? accepted, at that time they hoped that all this would be resolved peacefully. whatever did you want a future for your child? without war? hello, the evening news is on air in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya, here is the main topic: the entrance to a residential high-rise building collapsed, about 20 people were injured, some were killed, there was massive massacre. attack of ukrainian terrorists on belgorod.


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