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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 12, 2024 9:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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give to people while we are together, give while we are together. hello, on the air of the sunday time program, in the studio of ekterin andreev, we will talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. an entire entrance was destroyed, the result of a direct hit from a ukrainian missile. is anyone listening? the tragedy in belgorod,
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the latest data, we are moving the front, for victory, a shot, how our defenders took berdyche, the hero of the operation tells, and the berdyches themselves, well, nothing, they held out because of the swamp while we waited for us to pass the swamp, we him passed. and in ukraine , men dress in women's clothes so as not to be sent to slaughter. honor, duties, sacred doc, vladimir putin took office as president. i assure you that from now on the interests and safety of the people of russia will be above all for me. how is the new government formed? roll up
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a new model of economic growth, the conbers of the cabinet of ministers, which will carry out the decision of the head of state, have something to answer, we will not allow anyone to threaten us, our strategic forces are always in combat readiness, and we will show the readiness of tactical ones during the exercises, the russian leadership will... take all measures that are necessary to ensure the security of russia, does anyone like it or not? and who in europe doesn’t like the prospect of a direct clash with russia? victory will be ours. heroes of the special operation among the participants of the may 9 parade on red square. we bow to your resilience. donation,
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dedication, all of russia is with you, no one has forgotten, the immortal regiment campaign in new formats, near a nameless village, at a nameless height. and today it’s 80 years since crimea completely liberated from the nazis. blizzard in may. ukraine, a state, a terrorist, today once again targeted peaceful areas of belgorod with missiles.
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an entire entrance to a residential building collapsed; according to the latest data from the ministry of emergency situations, eight people were killed and 20 injured, including children. a one and a half month old child with burns and injuries is being prepared to be sent to a moscow clinic. the city has missile warning sirens going off all day long. rescuers, risking their lives, continue to clear the rubble; there may be more people there. the militants attacked at 11:40 am, a day off day, many are at home at this time. the goal of ukrainian terrorists is obvious - to take revenge on civilians for their defeat. kill as many people as possible at the front. presidential press secretary vladimir putin said he received reports from acting minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov and governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov. the head of state gave all the necessary instructions. chronology of events, eyewitness accounts, official comments in the material by dmitry malyshev. the explosion was caught on cctv cameras. he happened at the very foundation of the house. the entrance that was hit failed to survive. all 10
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floors collapsed instantly, these are the very first images from the scene of the tragedy: a man is pressing his most precious thing to his chest, a child, someone is trying to call his family, almost all the dust has settled , silence has set in, in which... weak screams sounded especially loud. oh, how terrible! there were 40 apartments in this entrance, the fight for people’s lives began from the very first minutes, fire rescuers, the national guard, doctors, and, of course, ordinary people arrived at the scene. there was no panic, they coordinated quickly, some rushed into the rubble, others cleared the way for heavy equipment. at the same time, the house was evacuated, primarily the neighboring entrances. inna, a resident of the second, the third collapsed. it tore everything up, all the glass flew out, the half-window frames where you were at that moment, in the corridor, your husband, maybe the bedroom didn’t have time, well, he cut his head there, took away
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the speed, did you see your neighbors, no, grandma, well, who next to us, there was a fire knocking. time melted with double speed, people rescued survivors under the constant threat of the collapse of a massive concrete technical floor, it lasted exactly an hour, 60 minutes, during which they managed to save at least 10 people, including two children. mom, mom, mom, after the roof collapsed , everyone rushed to clear the rubble, as seen in the footage taken by an eyewitness, the governor of belgorod.
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they managed to get the man out by cutting a passage from the neighboring entrance. at the same time, ukrainian terrorists did not stop firing at peaceful neighborhoods; work had to be stopped three times. the criminal kiev regime hit
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residential areas of belgorod with at least three types of missiles. vampire, alha and dot y. our air defense systems shot down all targets, but this happened within the city. while repelling an attack by russian means. the fvo destroyed six point u missiles, four rszzo-vampire missiles and two rszzo- alha missiles. fragments of one of the downed missiles from the point u tactical missile system damaged a residential building in the city of belgorod. on the ukrainian side, they fly along with the shells statements familiar in their savagery, saying that this is another provocation of russia. the representative of the ukrainian tsypso, andrey kovalenko, said that it could have been a household gas explosion, which moscow is now passing off as the consequences of a shelling. who? apparently, those who happily swallow exploding air conditioners must believe this; the fascist banking manual has not changed. despite the fact that during the attack on belgorod, kiev they use missiles, including those supplied by nato countries, all day not a single major publication reported on the next
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blatant crime of the zelensky regime, rare mentions in one line began to appear only in the evening, but there is not a word in them about the ukrainian fire on civilians in belgorod, while they remain silent... western politicians of the armed forces of ukraine continue to hit the city, this is footage from the local market, badly damaged shopping pavilions, tents in which people worked; no casualties have been reported yet, but at the un office a message on duty sounded: “we condemn attacks on peaceful targets.” dmitry malyshev, khristina ivanova, dmitry shgentia, channel one. despite the constant missile there is danger, the clearing of the rubble continues; in the evening alone, in an hour, our air defenses shot down another 14 ukrainian missiles. we’ll return to the tragedy in belgorod, but for now, during the special operations last week, news about the advance of the russian army came daily, progress along the entire front line, but the main events were in the kharkov direction. today, the ministry of defense reported that the military group north broke deep into
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the defense of the ukrainian armed forces and liberated four settlements: gotishche, krasnoye, morakhovets and oleynikova. a day earlier, the enemy was knocked out from five villages: borisov, ogurtsova, pletenevki. in a few days, a group of troops in the center took control of the villages of keramik, novokalinovo and solovyovo in the dpr. it turned out to be a good week for damaged western equipment: six leopards, three abrams, bradley and marder infantry fighting vehicles, a caesar self-propelled gun, three vampire rocket launchers, almost two dozen m-777 howitzers, a very painful loss for the ukrainian armed forces of their sponsors, an anti-aircraft division was hit right at the combat position patriot missile system manufactured in the united states of america. and again in the avdeevsky direction, the soldiers who
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liberated the village of berdyche told our correspondent alexei ivanov how it all happened? for victory, shot! tank crews smash into pieces the enemy's support forces with the words of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. their photographs these days are attached directly to the brand new t-72b3m, the immortal regiment is again in battle. we continue and will, we will crush fascism and we will go forward for our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, on the very day of victory and after the work does not stop for a minute, here in the avdeevsky direction our military brave groups are pushing back the enemy in several areas at once, the infantry is asking for fire, so working from closed positions, our 72nd team runs into these special podiums, this is construction waste, it is clear that now its upper part has risen in order to... enlarge the firing range is at least 3 km, that is, now our crew
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is working as an artillery crew, this is the so -called fire running after the first shot, the second will follow, our troops are moving further to the west of the donetsk people's republic, the guys are storming the cities, villages in forest belts, for example, were clearing one of the fortifications, what about control, control, march, let’s use a grenade there. don’t want to surrender, throw a grenade, these prisoners were from among the mobilized military commissars from the so-called territorial recruitment centers, they grabbed them right on the streets , plugged the gap in the defense with unprepared soldiers, all the soldiers, modded infantry, 110, 110, who were the commander of the positions, remained call signs, and still older? the eldest is onyx, who is the commander of the battalion, yes or brigade -
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110 of the second battalion from the sixth company, crossed the border of poland and me at the bus station from the bus, good evening, from ukraine to the army, i was removed in the morning at 6 in the morning, at 9 in the evening i was already in the old town of khovsky together, another prisoner was already from the 100th brigade thermodefense seems to have expected something different from our fighters. attitude, because just a day ago he shot at the russian military with everything that was in the opornik, here he is greeted, as they say, kindly, you will eat, well, there is bread, you will eat lard, as if you were very much shell-shocked, now without tension he talks about the mood of his brothers-in-arms and about the situation in the troops, there are few of us left after we were in...
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frankish, here in front of bradley, in front of bradley immediately to the right. trying to maintain the powerful pressure of our army, which is moving forward on the shoulders of the retreating enemy, the kiev regime threw almost the entire arsenal of western aid at donetsk, but bradley and leopards are burning equally well. for example, this vaunted american m1a1 abrams tank with tail number 105 was shot down on the outskirts of the village of berdychi back in march, then it was under our reconnaissance force broke through enemy fire. in order to seize secret equipment, but come out, it’s all idiotic, the berdychs finally
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recaptured the village from the enemy. on may 2, the village was liberated , including by these attack aircraft from the 74th motorized rifle brigade of the center group, the settlement itself is relatively small, 3 km in length , less than two in width, but behind operational space opens up for them, but they themselves are berdyche, so what? nothing, they held out because of the swamp while we waited for us to pass the swamp, but we passed it, completed the task, we are going now further, they held on tight, which in my memory was the most difficult task. take berdych, exactly, even with the example of the abrams, who actually abrams and bradley worked on the extreme task, yes, here, that is , it was all there, that is, they used all their power, tried, so to speak, threw everything there for in order to at least hold the position, the savvy helped to win, this work, so to speak, of military art, perhaps someday will end up in one
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of the museums dedicated to special military operation, but for now this is a real operational plan of the area, a large-scale mock-up. units of the group liberated the center on april 29 of this year, and here on this model the fighters were given tasks, first to liberate the village, and then to oust the militants from the nearest forest belts, of course, all this seems like a toy, but it really worked, replacing paper maps. now this is no longer secret information, this site is located on the southwestern outskirts of the village of semyonovka, here... it is in satellite images, the layout matches the terrain one to one, here are two sides depicted, and we depicted the enemy in green, our units in red, the military listeners look, wow, there is so much of the enemy, here they are, well, you can say 200, so to speak, that’s all, they are already, well, more cheerful, they know where go, where is anything
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destroyed, where are some houses still left, where can you hide, basements, not basements, where is the equipment broken? enemy, well, reconnaissance revealed. our reconnaissance is at a height without exaggeration; with the help of drones, operators see everything for tens of kilometers, monitor every step of the enemy, here is an armored vehicle landing militants, next to the school, turned next to the school, 08 09, ten people got down, five got down, five, and here the effective night work of fp operators and druns in a brave group, the enemy was caught on rotation, our artillery opened fire , then at least six militants were... annihilated by the well-aimed arrival of a drone. fighters are increasingly calling the situation on the line of combat contact a war of drones. birds fly from all directions. ours neutralize enemy ones using powerful electronic systems or like this aimed shots. not even artillery or
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a mortar. and most often, drones, primarily shanikarts, pose a great danger. for our fighters during the liberation of the populated areas of donbass and novorosiya, in such exercises our shtamoviks are taught to evade drones and even neutralize birds, air, air, such a tank flash, this is a grenade, an imitation of a vog flew to the position, just the second one. of course, he left his life on the battlefield, left the training ground, left, the fighter left, thereby saving him, back into battle, there are many tasks, but all are doable, the fighters say, this is their job, harsh, masculine, alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, pavel evdakimenko,
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channel one, donbass. the main political event of the week, vladimir putin took office. president of russia. the ceremony took place in the kremlin, the oath of office and the keynote speech of the head of state. 2,500 guests were present: senators, deputies, judges of the constitutional court, heads of regions, heroes of special operations, representatives of the clergy and public organizations. our correspondent, konstantin panyushkin, saw how it all happened. before the beginning inauguration ceremony 66 steps of the main staircase of the large kremlin palace. in that. the event is all scheduled in seconds, as soon as vladimir putin rises to the so-called antechamber, the chimes strike noon, the signal for the guard of honor to open the massive gilded doors, the enfilades of the kremlin’s state rooms. in the st. george hall of russian military glory, the most important guests of the ceremony are participants in a special military operation, as well as their families. besides them , vladimir putin’s confidants, scientists and doctors, artists,
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actors, athletes, in the next alexander hall, deputies, senators, captains of russia. business, andreevsky, the key hall of the entire presidential inauguration ceremony, is already visible. here are the leadership of all branches of power, especially distinguished servicemen and personal guests of vladimir putin, including the president’s class teacher vera gurevich, in the front row is dr. roshal, here is the head of state shaking his hand, on the other side of the red carpet is alexander pakhmutov. putin stops to kiss her. in total there are 2,500 in the kremlin. freedom of man and citizen, respect, protect the constitution of the russian federation, protect
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sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state, faithfully serve the people. vladimir vladimirovich putin took office as president of russia. the inauguration of the presidency is one of the rarest solemn and beautiful ceremonies that take place in the kremlin, most of its stages are immutable, even before vladimir putin appears , the russian flag and standard are brought in along the same route through the enfilade of state halls president. a ceremonial copy of the constitution, which leaves the presidential library only once every few years, and the so -called presidential badge, a symbol of power on whose chain links the names
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of all russian presidents, boris yeltsin, dmitry medvedev and vladimir putin, are written in gold. the arrival of the head of state at the inauguration ceremony has also acquired its own protocol over the decades of modern russia. corridor. head of state, which the motorcade. in 2018, the ceremony became the premiere show, vladimir putin heads to only on this day, in such detail , the families of russian special -purpose vehicles, now in 2024, on the day of taking office , an updated auurus limousine and a new motorcycle escort were prepared for vladimir putin. just from this sound, it’s clear that the presidential escort motorcycles are electric, and also, according to the creators’ idea, they are all-weather, able to withstand minus temperatures. after all, in winter they are also sometimes placed in a motorcade, well , in the week on the day of taking office , the capital’s weather tested vladimir putin’s new set of aurus in the wet may snow and rain. on this day
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, all the street cameras, television broadcasts and ceremonial crews of the kremlin soldiers, who lined up on cathedral square, were flooded with water. however, before coming out to them, after taking office, in the large kremlin palace, vladimir putin still had to make the first speech of his fifth presidential term. i appeal to everyone. citizen of russia. at this moment, the whole country was glued to the screens. the ceremony was broadcast by most russian tv channels. i understand that this is a great honor and responsibility. sacred duty. this is what determined the meaning and content of my work in previous years. i assure you that from now on the interests of the safety of the people of russia will be above all for me. this is how it is at the very beginning of the speech.
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i heard something of my own in the president’s speech, for me what is important is that he has family values, to honor the memory of our winners, that the great patriotic war, that now, that supports our guys. again, it was in his message that vladimir putin announced the beginning of the formation of a new managerial elite countries from among the participants of the cbo. i will do everything so that people who have shown their best human and professional qualities prove their loyalty to the fatherland by deeds and take leading positions. public administration in the economy, in all areas. we, airborne special forces reconnaissance officers, will support the course chosen by the president of the russian federation in any case, in any direction, until the very end. foreign journalists at the ceremony communicated mainly not with the military, but with prominent russian politicians. fragment of a conversation with the vice speaker the state duma by peter tolstoy is cited in an article by bbc reporter stephen rosenberg. putin is leading russia to victory, russian mp pyotr tolstoy told me. what is victory, i asked. victory is when great britain
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and the west understand that. support the development of russia, continue the policy of aggression, pressure on our country that has not stopped for years, or look for a path to cooperation and peace. the skynews reporter, clinging to steven siegel on the sidelines, clearly did not listen to the speech of the russian president. why do you support vladimir putin, mr. segal? i cannot answer such stupid questions, but sometimes it is necessary to explain, and this is what the speakers of the chambers of the russian
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parliament did after the ceremony in conversations with journalists. and is doing everything to prevent a world war, a nuclear war, everything else will instantly bring us closer to this very situation and then there will be a pass, so the world should rejoice, in his first speech after taking office, vladimir putin directly declared the good intentions of our country , conversation, including on the issue security and strategic stability are possible, but not from a position of strength.
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goals are possible only together with your country and with your people, we have created a world power, our fatherland, we are a united and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles, we will bring to life everything we have planned, together we will win, dewy, dewy! and only now vladimir putin reviewed the presidential regiment, after which he headed to the annunciation cathedral of the kremlin. poe came out onto the red porch of the chamber of facets at the end of each presidential inauguration ceremony, the holy patriarch the moscow all russia church performs a thanksgiving service here, but only this year it was shown live. we also pray
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for the president. all our russian countries, vladimir vladimirovich, even the gifts to him were taken away for rule and justice, be strong. wisdom, rule our country well, enjoy peace and prosperity in it, turn fear and misfortune into life and adversity, lord, hear, have mercy, lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord, after the service.
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continue to pray that the lord will help you in all the days of your life, it is worthy to lead the great fatherland, holy russia, which is also passing through today, through not the easiest period of its history. and here is another tradition of the ceremony, which previously remained behind the scenes: as a blessing to the head of state, representatives of the russian church present a gift. an ancient copy of the vladimir icon of the mother of god. almost immediately after taking office as president, vladimir putin signed a new may decree on the national development goals of russia until 2030 and for the future until 2036. it replaced
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previous similar document: national goals include preserving the population, improving health, increasing people’s well-being, supporting families, realizing the potential of each person, developing their talents, and education. patriotic and socially responsible personality, comfortable and safe living environment, environmental well-being, sustainable and dynamic economy, technological leadership, digital transformation of state and municipal government, economy and social sphere, and for to achieve these goals, the decree sets specific goals, for example, by 2030 , russia should enter the top ten leading countries in terms of scientific research, here is the news that just came... that vladimir putin proposed to the federation council to reappoint sergei lavrov to the post of minister of foreign affairs, the head of the ministry of justice konstantin chyuchenko, the head of the ministry of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev, the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, the director of the fsb alexander bortnikov, the head of the foreign
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intelligence service sergei naryshkin, the head of the russian guard viktor zolotov, for the position director of the federal security service dmitry kochnev. the president also proposed that the federation council appoint alexander lins, chairman, to the post of head of the main directorate of special programs. accounts chamber boris kovalchuk, to the post of defense minister andrei belausov. the government must present a plan for achieving the goals set by the president by the end of the year. now the formation of a new cabinet is underway. on friday, for the first time in the modern history of russia, the state duma approved a candidate for the post of prime minister, submitted to the lower house of parliament by the president. mikhail mishustin again became the head of government. and the night before, he himself had already submitted to the duma candidates for the positions of deputy prime ministers and ministers. today. discussed in committees. read more about everything in the report by olga knyazeva. moments of appointment mikhail mishustin, by law, had a whole week to propose a new government to the state duma, but he did it the very next
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day. the candidacy of denis manturov, who is in charge of industry, was proposed for the post of first deputy prime minister in the state duma at meeting of the committee on industry and trade, this decision was discussed at length and in detail. the area of ​​responsibility is serious, including import substitution and defense. production of industrial robots, as well as the formation of a full production cycle for chemical products, the entire industrial circuit. deputies supported the candidacy of dmitry patrushev for the post of deputy prime minister responsible for
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agriculture and ecology. for the post of deputy prime minister for the fuel and energy complex and the economic bloc, mishustin suggested by alexander novak. the relevant committee noted the 4 years of work with novak within the framework of the old government. there were no questions for him. all solutions. this concerns the export of our energy products, this concerns ensuring affordable and non-increasing prices on the domestic market, the tasks are complex, but it was necessary to ensure. this goal is being achieved, but the most important thing is that there must be a continuation of achieving more ambitious goals for the development of our economy, which is also based on low prices and affordable energy resources to ensure energy security issues, development of the pace you, on average, world investments, and investments only in the tech sector are 30% of all of ours, now , in addition to energy, new will also oversee the economy, the deputies are confident that the former minister of finance will accurately cope with all the tasks, novak in in turn...
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oil products, gas, coal products, electricity and so on. mishustin proposed deputy head of the ministry oksana lut for the post of minister of agriculture. new minister of industry and trade anton alikhanov may become governor of the kaliningrad region, and this, of course, means that the new government today needs young technocrats who have proven themselves in working with the regions. here, the main guideline for us is the president’s recent message to the federal assembly and the new decree itself, which was signed not so long ago. national development goals in terms of industry - this, of course, is,
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first of all, ensuring technological sovereignty; the real sector must make its contribution to several types of security, this includes food security, transport, information, energy, so that our critical infrastructure operates smoothly. another governor gets into the cabinet of ministers, the head of the kemerovo region sergei tsivilev, has been proposed for the post of minister of energy. i’m from kuzbass, i understand how the regions live, that’s the basis. of our state are regions, special attention should be paid to regions. the fuel and energy complex is the basis of the economy of the russian federation. this is how they will approach it. well, of course, complete fulfillment of all instructions given by the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. governor of the khabarovsk territory mikhail dekterev in his youth was professionally engaged in sword fencing, was a participant in all-russian competitions and was a member of the country's junior team. and then. headed the local fencing federation. mikhail neshustin proposed his candidacy for
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the post of minister of sports. deputies asked what tasks to set for themselves in a new political post, a former athlete. by the thirtieth year we must bring it to 70%, the number there are tens of millions of people systematically involved in physical education and sports in russia. and by the thirty-sixth to 76. therefore, those who talk about sports, that this is some kind of lightweight ministry or that it’s not very good. governor of the kursk region roman starovoita
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will become minister of transport, who previously held this position, vitaly savelyev will head the new direction. today it is important to more actively develop transport and logistics, including international transport corridors, so the new government will include the position of a specialized deputy prime minister. savelyev was proposed as a candidate for this post. in addition to the financial and control and supervisory spheres, deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko will be given control over digital development and communications, as well as antimonopoly policy. dmitry chernyshenko will continue to be in charge. and government funding, which led to a multiple increase and attraction of extra-budgetary funding in all areas related to sports, tourism, economic development, and of course...
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the state duma highly appreciated the work with khusnulin. based precisely on professionalism on a clear understanding of the candidates. we decided to vote to support the candidacy of khusnulin marach kirizhanich for the post of deputy prime minister and irek invarovich faizulin for the post of minister of housing and communal
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services. over the course of 3 years, we have been building work with the profile block of the government and the ministry and the results have been accepted. draft laws and decisions that are already producing results have already shown their effectiveness not only in construction, but in housing policy, in landscaping, in housing and communal services, we assess , in general, our interaction as the highest, the highest possible to date. finance minister anton siluanov will retain his post in the new cabinet of ministers. he has held this position for a record period since december 2011. i must say that it was a very difficult discussion.
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also in the new cabinet will be labor minister anton katyakov, head of the ministry of natural resources alexander kozlov, minister of education sergei krovtsov, head of the ministry of culture olga lyubimova, minister of economic development maxim reshetnikov, minister of health mikhail murashko, head of the ministry of construction irek faizulin, minister of education and science valery folkov, head of the ministry of eastern development alexey chikunkov and minister of digital development maksud shadayev. in my opinion, all the meetings of the committee were the last, and all eighteen committees were over. according to my information, all candidates received support from deputies; deputy prime minister andrei belousov, former deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko and former minister of sports oleg matytsin were not included in the list of the new cabinet. addressing vladimir putin noted that the old government was faced with the strongest challenges, first the pandemic, when it was necessary to quickly and
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clearly understand how to protect, save people from the virus and build a unified tactic for all regions, then unprecedented sanctions and again an urgent search for measures. .. in the name of russia and its people. in modern conditions , everything is important, there are no trifles. the cost of our actions at this undoubtedly historical time for our country is extremely high. your experience, your knowledge, personal authority and... thank you thank you very much, dear colleagues, for your hard, fruitful work. in his speech at the plenary session, mishustin emphasizes that it is the deputies, including thanks to their trips to the regions, who know how people live in a big country, and it is absolutely correct that
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now it is the state duma that helps form the government, there is a lot of work ahead, but the system has been built and priorities are set. the basis of government work. the next 6 years, i think the president’s message to the federal assembly, these are the key priorities and, of course, a large-scale program of socio-economic development, which you and i, dear deputies, will have to implement together, of course, in cooperation with the federation council, with the bank of russia, with regional leaders, development institutions, with public organizations, associations ready to engage in creativity.
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how do we plan to act? first of all, through the further formation of the supply economy, creating conditions for opening. new enterprises, the volume of industrial production will have to be increased by dozens percent, well, this will require additional investments, and we expect that not only the state, but also responsible business will contribute to this. another distinctive feature of the government’s work is the dialogue with medium and small businesses, based primarily on support; more than 12 thousand legal acts that were redundant and interfered with the work of entrepreneurs were abolished, and fewer checks were carried out instead.
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a comprehensive system of state support has been created, starting from a woman’s pregnancy and the birth of a child until he reaches 17 years of age,
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by increasing targeting, paying special attention, of course, to large families, we will launch a new national family project, which will retain the most popular existing mechanisms, and, above all, proven effectiveness of maternity capital; about 33 have been allocated for these measures in the federal budget. next children, until the end of the thirtieth year , will still be able to receive the required 450,000 rubles for repayment
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of the housing loan. in the next 6 years , it is necessary to reduce the poverty rate, people's incomes must increase. government will strengthen the targeting of all support measures, and of course, the main tool will be employment development, increased labor market flexibility and, very importantly, wage growth. by order. the head of state will have to form a new model of payment for public sector employees, first in pilot regions, and then scale it throughout the country; doctors, teachers, and other employees in the social sphere, medicine, education, culture, and science must receive decent remuneration for their work. deputies from different factions worked closely with the government on tasks of regional development, so that cities are built up, parks are laid out, embankments are repaired, special attention is given to those regions that... have recently become part of our country. another priority for the future is the full integration
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of new regions, achieving the all-russian level of socio-economic development there, and of course, our task is to support our defenders who are participating in a special military operation. we will continue to provide them with everything necessary, both equipment and weapons, protective equipment, sets of medical equipment, military equipment, help with the solution. social issues for fighters, their relatives, their families. mikhail mishustin assured that the government will henceforth work in close contact with deputies. vladimirovich, we said that the dialogue with the prime minister, with your staff, has become much more effective, but it is not always possible to find the same contact with the relevant ministries as at the level of the prime minister , deputies cannot reach some ministers by phone, that’s right, dear?
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come on, dear colleagues, let's congratulate mikhail vladimovich mishusin on his confirmation to the post of chairman of the government of the russian federation. i would like to thank you for approving my candidacy for the post of chairman of the government of the russian federation. today, first of all, you supported the president’s decision. they expressed their readiness to act to fulfill the tasks assigned to them together with the cabinet. ministers who will work, including under my leadership. according to the law of the heads of the ministry of defense, fsb, ministry of internal affairs, ministry of justice, ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of foreign affairs
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putin appoints after consultation with the federation council and perhaps already by the middle. working week, the president has set such a clear pace, it will be possible to talk about the appointment of a new government. olga knyazieva, boris leonov, olga merkulova, sergey chevello, channel one. and one more urgent news. vladimir putin dismissed the secretary of the security council of the russian federation, nikolai patrushev, from his post. he will reportedly move on to another job. sergei shaigu was appointed secretary of the security council. a clear and concise response to provocative, aggressive statements from the west. on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief, the general staff of the russian armed forces is preparing an exercise for the combat use of tactical nuclear weapons, which differs from strategic ones in having a smaller charge power and range of use. the maneuvers, by the way, joint with belarus, involve the iskander operational-tactical complex, hypersonic and cruise missiles. yuri lepatov will tell you more: shot!
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almost any long-range nuclear weapon can become a non-strategic, in other words, tactical nuclear weapon. weapons that are now. used by the russian army, it is enough to install the appropriate warhead. for comparison, the bombs with which the americans destroyed kheroshima and nagasaki would now be classified not as strategic, but as tactical nuclear weapons. this is the kind of deterrent that only a madman with napoleonic ambitions could ignore. soviet weapons were initially designed to fly more than a few tens of kilometers. may also be supplied with nuclear weapons, because in this regard the soviet military school always implied their use. russia can use tactical nuclear weapons either on land-based carriers, that is, these are primarily long-range artillery and secondary fire systems, or on land-based systems such as iskander, or long-range air-launched missiles. the general staff
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, on... instructions from the supreme commander-in-chief , began preparing for exercises on the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the maneuvers involve iskander complexes, hypersonic and cruise missiles, aviation, navy and missile forces. the army of russia's closest ally will also take part in the exercises. since non-strategic nuclear weapons are located on the territory of belarus, this time we offered them to our friends and allies. yes, and the president of belarus asked about this to take part in one of the stages of this exercise, we conduct them regularly, this time they are carried out in three stages, at the second stage , belarusian colleagues should join our joint actions, we made a decision yesterday so that we synchronize and we carried out the second and third stage together, i correctly emphasized that this is not the first time,
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this is our third training session, well, in russia. there were dozens, so we are synchronizing, and the general staff has already, as the russian defense minister told me, they have begun to implement these, the servile satellites of the united states are putting europe and the world on the brink of disaster. pole andrzej duda, for example, is ready to risk the very existence of poland. if our allies decide to place nuclear weapons on our territory to strengthen the security of the eastern flank nato, we are ready for this. hakim jeffries, the parliamentary minority leader in the us house of representatives, said that sending american soldiers to ukraine cannot be ruled out, developing the theme proposed by macron regarding the sending of french troops. i am not ruling anything out, since we are up against someone who rules nothing out, we have doubtless doubted too much in defining the boundaries of our actions. baltic mobs trained by washington, estonia, lithuania and latvia
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demonstrate their readiness to jump into the fiery ring, the british wouldn’t mind going there. if you believe their foreign secretary david cameron, who said that he considers ukraine’s right to use provided western weapons to strike targets on russian territory. if we talk about the so-called escalation ladder, they are already jumping over two steps, there is an obvious escalation, then all these are the statements of macron, cameron, scholz, duda, sekorsky, american senators, that they cannot allow. so that ukraine loses and russia wins, and if they start nominating some conditions, if the front is broken through by a russian group, or odessa or kharkov falls there, then they will be forced to enter into a direct, direct armed conflict with our troops in ukraine.
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the situation reminds many of the caribbean years, when... then in november the exercise was already in the northern airspace of europe, first of all it took place in the airspace of estonia, mechanisms for removing ammunition from storage places, lifting them onto
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aircraft carriers, and actually shooting them were already being worked out in terms of targets, and in terms of targets, all of these were located near the russian border, that is, it is clear that the targets are located immediately beyond the russian border, that is, at some of our military facilities, that is, nato. does not even hesitate to voice these scenarios, in principle, not only for internal rhetoric, but for external ones, uses his media for this and says that we are preparing for a confrontation, for a nuclear confrontation with russia, that is, we already have the most the world's greatest potential for tactical nuclear weapons, even more so for the americans, so we in fact, why brag, it will be necessary, so to speak, to uncover this nuclear club, our teaching is a response to a direct threat, because in...
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the strategic defeat of russia and its dismemberment, a warning was sounded to them back in february 2022, which would have been worth bugged nato headquarters daily. now, a few important, very
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important words for those who may be tempted from the outside to intervene in the events taking place, no matter who tries to interfere with us, and even more so create threats to our country, for our people, they must know. that russia’s response will be immediate and will lead you to consequences that you have never encountered in your history. we are ready for any development of events. all necessary decisions in this regard have been made. i hope that i will be heard. yuri alepatov, elena shtokalova arseny baibulov, channel one. and continuing the theme of the teaching. russia and belarus, where issues of the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will be worked out, comments from the host of the big game program on the first channel of a political scientist dmitry simes. the announcement in moscow that, by
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decision of president putin , exercises would be carried out using non-strategic nuclear weapons, caused a mixed reaction in the west. on the one hand they say, why does russia need this? we in the west are not doing anything bad, we are not attacking anyone, we are not waging a war against russia, so why do we need this kind of exercise with nuclear weapons?
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their nato allies were destroying the entire system of collective security, withdrawing from one arms limitation treaty after another: first from the anti-ballistic missile treaty defense, then from the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty, then they began to ignore the conventional arms reduction treaty in europe, and russia, as they say, repeatedly warned, repeatedly called for prudence, but i cannot say that this was the voice of one drinking in the desert , because many countries of the world majority, including, say, china, india, stood in solidarity with russia’s calls, but as for the nato countries, they simply ignored, they said all the time that russia must live by some rules, by some concepts, but when it came to...
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that in the seventies the so-called schlesinger doctrine, the doctrine of selective nuclear strikes, was adopted in the united states, and it was actually not about recklessly blowing up the whole world, but it was about that in order to have effective deterrence, you need to have systems at a lower strategic level that can be used in case of emergency, then the soviet union.
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and this approach, naturally, does not suit the collective west. president lincoln he said that it is impossible to deceive everyone all the time. you can fool everyone some of the time, and you can fool someone all the time. but to deceive everyone all the time is unrealistic. and so the collective west, especially the biden administration, wants to deceive everyone, themselves and their allies. that they are not playing some extremely dangerous game, therefore, when russia makes completely reasonable military preparations. not in terms of inciting war, on the contrary, in terms of strengthening peace, in terms of more effective deterrence, and about this president putin says very clearly, in washington in the biden administration, for obvious reasons, they don’t want to hear, well, who
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doesn’t want to hear what, this of course depends on them, well, that’s how russia will behave, these decisions will be made in moscow, and i i think it should be clear to everyone: that at this stage the russian leadership will take all the measures that are necessary to ensure the security of russia, whether someone in washington likes it or not? so, back to the topic of government formation: vladimir putin presented federation council to consult the following candidate: for the post of minister of defense andrei belausov, sergei shaigus became secretary of the security council instead.
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generations of parade through victory day in the stands , veterans on the paving stones of red square, heroes of the special operation. in ukraine, men dress in women's clothes to avoid being sent to the front, maybe zelensky should think about this?
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paris, belgrade, budapest, chairman kener xinping's european tour, a message for the collective west. blizzard weather anomalies. overseas in may. what are the views now? harvest and can we expect any more surprises from nature? we'll continue after the commercial. steersman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. gin сnop product. stellar group, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellor group, in
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1954, the first secretary of the cpsu central committee nikita sergeevich khrushchev decides to transfer from the barsky shoulder crimea. ukraine, he was sure, like the first bolsheviks, that all this would not have meaning, a fanatic, a tyrant, and there was nothing there, as they like to say, an attempt to screw over the ukrainian bureaucracy or even a gift to my mother, who was born in western ukraine, the protocol was strangely signed by nemalenkov, who presided, and for some reason by khrushchev. a crime was committed, a violation of three constitutions, by bodies that were not authorized to transfer the territory .
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took it, look after the program for the time, anthony damn is making a mind-blowing tour, and there’s france, and italy, and most importantly china, when will he leave, tonight, why did he go, what did he achieve, the narrative was to tear china away from russia, the negotiations went very poorly, he came with a declaration of war, next time blinky air defense crew in china escalates the situation in the area of ​​taiwan and the philippines usa . his ideology is about how to rule in chaos, chaos is constantly being created.
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get up, the vacation is over, my god, what a vacation, i haven’t rested a single day yet, you can rest at work, alexandra ivanovna, can you, excuse me, we need some kind of schedule schedule visits, i have advantages, this is some evidence of corpses, she loves it, the ex-wife caused a scandal , screamed that she would kill them both, you can smell it, gentlemen, yes, there are notes.
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well, everyone seems to have left, if this is not murder, does it mean kidnapping or a faked kidnapping? assault group, readiness number one, that is, it’s not safe to be here with you, it’s not safe to be with me at all, uh, no, i won’t take you like this, go back and get treatment, otherwise, maybe explain to me what’s happening, don’t worry, this is a formality within investigations, genetically. no fingerprints of the killer were found, and the victim was also pregnant, in the sense of a bloodhound, a new series, tomorrow after the program time, you bear too much responsibility for others, my hiding people told you this, the body can tell a lot about a person, here is our potolagant , he thinks so, a fashionable verdict, a new season, i’m with you, lilia rakh, on weekdays on the first.
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happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am charged by it, this is very cool, we are often confused if someone sees us, everyone says, oh, twins, protect your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobly, let them be an example, our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, be sure to, always listen to each other, always understand, we were raised that way so that we always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you. it's sunday time and we continue. exactly 80 years ago,
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crimea was completely liberated from the nazis, preparing to escape, the nazis mined sevastopol. our sappers then neutralized 250,000 mines in the ruins. only 3,000 residents remained in the city, almost 30 thousand were killed, more than 40 thousand were driven away to germany. the vladimir cathedral is a symbol of spirit and faith, the nazis tried to destroy it even before our assault began. crimea and sevastopol were sacred. the crimean offensive operation ended with the defeat of the invaders. a year before the great victory, the peninsula became free. victory day is a sacred holiday for each of us. it is celebrated in every family, in every home. we all carefully preserve the memories of the heroic deeds of our ancestors. the center of celebrations is traditionally red square. this year
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, 9,000 people took part in the parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the defeat of the nazis and the great patriotic war. the foot column included representatives of various branches of the military, crews from the suvorov, nakhimov, cadet schools, young army men, female military personnel, and a cossack combined military orchestra. also , heroes of a special military operation marched along the cobblestones of the main square of the country, in the stands. together with president, veterans, this is the connection of times. and on victory day there is a roll call of generations throughout the country. anton vernitsky will confirm. near an unnamed village. at an unnamed height. at a nameless click, at a nameless height. here is the connection between generations, father and son singing together a song about the feat of their grandfather, or rather for
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the younger great-grandfather, may 9, the very holiday that unites the country not by some decree or worship...
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memorials to true fighters against nazism are not demolished , they put traitors and accomplices of the nazis on peedistals, they cross out the memory about the heroism and nobility of the liberating soldiers, about the great sacrifice they made in the name of life. russia, according to vladimir putin, rejects the claims
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of any state to exclusivity and knows what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. it is our country that is worth more than the millions of victims. restored hitler's germany in its quest for world domination, then in '45. during the first three long, difficult years of the great patriotic war, the soviet union, all the republics of the former soviet union, fought almost one on one with nazis. then, almost all of europe worked for the military power of the wehrmacht. at the same time, i would like to emphasize: russia has never belittled.
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the fate of the homeland, its future, depends on each of us. we are celebrating victory day in the context of a special military operation. all its participants, those who are on the front line, on the line of combat contact, are our heroes. we bow to your perseverance and self-sacrifice, dedication. all of russia is with you, our veterans believe in you, and worry about you. and spiritual involvement your destinies and exploits inextricably bind generations of heroes of the fatherland. today we bow our heads to the blessed memory of all whose lives were taken by the great patriotic war. before our comrades in arms who fell in the fight against neo-nazism in a righteous battle for
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russia. a minute of silence is announced. but what about that same unfriendly west? an indicative passage in a report from the american associated press agency about our parade. the kremlin is using one war to shape opinions about another. the current conflict with ukraine is being used, and they this is serious. at the parade, the unit is what we call... and a special military operation, but that’s not all. western armored tanks captured by russia on the battlefield in ukraine are proudly displayed in moscow's victory park. that is, their equipment, shooting at our civilians in the donbass, killing civilians in belgorod, is our use of the image of the great patriotic war. a girl named sasha, who runs a blog called sasha
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mitsrasha, something like sasha meets russia, came to the poklonnaya hill in moscow. mother. my great-grandfather and great-grandmother fought when we were allies with the americans, here is the half- russian, half-american sasha at an exhibition of captured equipment, the one that our guys... destroyed and captured during the northern military district. this is what i see for the first time in my life. i see an american abrams tank in the center of moscow. instead of celebrating our victory as allies in world war ii, the americans decided to fight against the russians. and here is the result. sasha's reaction speaks for itself, especially against the background of the inscription that employees of the embassies of the usa, great britain, germany and poland are given access to... viewing captured equipment of nato countries out of turn, but the words of her interlocutors are even brighter, this is majestic in principle and
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useful so that everyone can see what happens when someone climbs our country, be it america, everyone has gathered, and as usual, once 80 years old, they are gathering to get the little people away from us, like history repeats itself, yes, nothing is learned, it repeats itself endlessly. the total cost of the trophy equipment displayed at the bow exceeds several millions of dollars, but this is only a small part of what the so-called collective west stuffs ukraine with, what our army destroys every day, do you want more about the connection between generations of peoples, it’s not for nothing that the leaders of belarus and kazakhstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan and turkmenistan came to the parade, now independent states who fought against fascism together.
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the faces of the heroes are everywhere, on huge screens all over the country, on car windows, airplane bodies, on combat vehicles, grandfather is back in battle, in the same places where he fought himself, what gives strength, well, after all, is memory. he gave life, it turns out, to my mother, my mother gave it to me, so i continue to honor traditions, so to speak, they did not like to talk about the war, and many of the boys fighting today did not find their grandfathers, i would like my grandfather to was alive, i would sit all day long, listen to him, being here, i understand what it was like for them, how hard it was for them, there was no big procession of the immortal regiment this year for reasons.
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here in stalingrad, defended the stalingrad elevator in the voroshilovsky district, reached berlin, signed on the walls of the restag, this is my great-great-grandfather, died in 1943, fought on the leningrad front. may 9 is a poignant day, every family honors its heroes, peering at photographs, at dear, beloved faces. memory is what our enemies are fighting with, what unites us all. victory day unites. all generations, we are moving forward, relying on our age-old traditions and are confident that together
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we will ensure a free, safe future for russia, our united people, glory to the valiant armed forces, for russia, for victory, hurray, hurray! anton vernitsky, ekaterina koryak and vitaly zaitsev channel one. processions of the immortal regiment took place in many countries this week. this is, for example, footage from cyprus. in limassol, 3,000 people came to the embankment. they stretched out giant banners, the russian flag, the st. george ribbon and a copy of the victory sign. and this is rome, where people with portraits of veterans and home front workers gathered in
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the square near the church. to erase the memory of the great victory. in kiev, police did not allow an elderly woman who wanted to go to the eternal flame lay flowers. the reason was the soviet uniform, symbols, the demonstration of which is prohibited in ukraine. as local media write, an administrative protocol was drawn up against the woman. ukraine, organization. vladimir putin spoke with participants in a special military operation on may 7 in the kremlin about what our soldiers are fighting for today. 12 unit commanders
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were among the guests at the inauguration ceremony . president, one of the officers told the supreme commander-in-chief about the successful use in the avdiivka direction compact ground-based courier drones equipped with automatic grenade launchers. this is not the only option. the platform allows you to install a large-caliber utes machine gun or a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher on it. the courier can be used to evacuate the wounded and transport ammunition to the area. the request from front-line soldiers is to launch such equipment into series as soon as possible. the president supported. more details about everything. evgenia lyamin. officers. with participants of a special military operation, vladimir putin communicates by phone with those on the front line, commanders of regiments, battalions, company companies, interested in the situation at the front line, in order to know what is called trench truth first-hand, regularly meets with military personnel in person. for me, meetings of this kind are always important because, as a rule, these are frank conversations and i really look forward to them.
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to such a frank conversation about what and how is happening on the battlefield, what and how additional needs to be done so that the actions of our combat units were even more successful, so that the tasks were solved with minimal losses, and so that we certainly achieved all the tasks set for us by our homeland. at the table were the commanders of regiments, brigades and divisions, all of them were among the guests of the inauguration ceremony of the president.
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so that all these tasks are fully realized, but only under one condition: subject to your successful work on the battlefield. this is the key link today. and the whole country understands this, the supreme commander-in-chief emphasized. and the whole country supports our army. the priority, of course, is equipping the armed forces with the latest types of weapons. and here, along with defense giants, the development and production of, for example, the same.
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the enemy on the battlefield needs to be in order to effectively counter a step ahead in high technology, vladimir putin emphasized, and a step into the future has already been taken in the avdeevsky direction, when combat robots went on the attack with machine guns and automatic grenades. the first time in battle we processed robots when we took a9, there we had four complexes, two spkt, two. used them as a fire support subgroup in the private sector. the operator led them to a firing position, an advantage to the enemy’s flank. they processed fire points and helped the attack aircraft advance. further, under the reeds, eight were used as part of the assault detachment. then the robots were divided into two groups, four each, they went first, their task was to get as close as possible to the ukrainian positions, they hit the enemy with machine guns, as well as thirty-millimeter grenade launchers, the robot’s ammunition load includes 150 such shots,
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brigade commander rinat khalikov reported to the supreme commander about this battle. during the implementation of the tasks of a special military operation , it was in the ovdeevsky direction in the village of berdychi that a ground vehicle was used. it was still difficult, i know, to tear it apart, i say, the berdychs got it after all , it was difficult, i’m sure it was difficult, but they took it, we move on, in this locality a ground robotic courier complex was used, equipped automatic grenade launcher ags-17, the use of such equipment specifically in assault operations will save the lives of military personnel, in addition to the ags, a large-caliber uty machine gun and a flamethrower can be installed on the courier's tracked platform and... it all depends on the task at hand, the ground-based drone itself is compact, about one and a half meters in length and me 20 in width, reaches a speed of up to 35 km/h, control range of up to 10 km, operating time of up to 3 days, this is from what is known,
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the courier platform itself is universal, it can be to be re-equipped for transporting ammunition or evacuating the wounded from the battlefield, there are also engineering models for remote mining of terrain, but for now these robots exist in the form of several experimental models. is it possible to organize mass production of such platforms and equip assault groups of units? it’s possible, of course, that until recently we adapted similar similar devices and developed them ourselves, so we have some experience, our designers, scientists, engineers, believe me , also work day and night, that’s really in in the full sense of the word, day and night , in order to be slightly ahead of the enemy as a whole. we succeed, this is one of the main tasks to ensure the overall success of victory. while ground-based robotic systems are just beginning to take part in battles, unmanned aerial vehicles have long conquered the skies and are successfully beating the enemy. fpv drones costing just a few tens of thousands of
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rubles are being destroyed by the same american residents of abrom for millions of dollars. now our engineers are struggling to solve two main problems: increase the range of combat drones and how to teach them to overcome enemy rap. application.
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in ukraine, according to our intelligence services, american curators are intensively looking for a replacement for zelensky. the head of the kiev regime will soon become officially expired. his term ends on may 20, and elections in
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this democratic country with european values ​​are not planned in the near future. on may 18, against the backdrop of a crumbling front in all directions, a new law on mobilization comes into force, which will allow ukrainian military commissars are even more angry. may provoke a social explosion. ivan kanavalov will continue. the strategy of constant pressure by russian forces in key directions condemns the command of the ukrainian armed forces to a chaotic transfer of troops. panic plugging of gaps in the defense, and as a result, rocking of one’s own front. having failed to stop the advance of russian troops in the chasovor area on the ovdeevsky direction west of ocheretin, commander-in-chief syrsky is now redeploying his own. actions in the coastal area, i have to say
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the black sea, the black sea coast, because from blocking the line, the ukrainian coast with the help of rocket attacks using non-contact methods, that is, destruction of infrastructure, we will move on to more active actions, more active actions mean the destruction of the enemy’s defenses, but without engaging them directly in battle, well, of course, after the capture of the hourly ravine, and not only, this will most likely be followed by... the liberation of the entire territory of the dpr. ukrainian telegram channels, citing sources in the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, report conflict between commander-in-chief syrsky and the command of the third assault brigade, which threatens to destroy the entire vertical of command and control. the basis of the third brigade is made up of undead nationalists from the azov battalion. at one time , they refused to take positions in avdeevka and collapsed the front there. now they refuse to move towards ocheretin. all this perfectly characterizes the state of affairs.
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and those they are hunting for, especially since now employees of territorial recruitment centers, as military registration and enlistment offices are called in ukraine, feel complete impunity. getting caught in the dungeon of the tsk is fraught with death for a recruit even before being sent to the front. forty-four-year-old artyom was undergoing a commission and was preparing to be sent to a training center in the saksagansky shopping center, suddenly his mother was informed that he had died, although she had seen him 15 minutes before, the official
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cause of death was an epileptic attack, which had never happened to him the information was that he had an epileptic seizure, the first information was that he had an epileptic seizure, a non-expert concluded that he was poisoned with an unknown substance.
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that is, among cloners it grows exponentially, some of them manage to illegally cross the border, itaculants, we got close to the border, this is our point where they said that no, congratulations, we are in rubonia, but others are more often unlucky, especially if they try swim across the border river. they die in cold water. another type of escape from the military commissars of the border guards is dressing up as a woman, but this no longer works. what do you put in the border smoothie? according to various sources, mobilization currently covers only 25% of monthly needs the armed forces of ukraine, and its quantitative and qualitative indicators do not compensate for losses at the front. kiev still has hope for the actually forced return of potential suicide bombers and... abroad, well, this is unlikely to solve the problem of an acute shortage of manpower,
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recruits of imported age who fled outside of ukraine are estimated at approximately 2-3 million people, so far from it will be possible to push all of them back into ukraine, return them to ukraine, but of course, i think that ukraine will be able to gather from 300 to 500,000 people with great difficulty, but...
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there is growing dissatisfaction with the endless prolongation of the conflict with russia. in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine , the number of cases of desertion and voluntary surrender is increasing. zelensky is clearly beginning to lose the fight for the minds and hearts of the people of ukraine. at the same time, the americans have intensified efforts to find an alternative to the current ukrainian president. in fact, the us administration is not even trying to hide the fact that they generally don’t care who exactly will lead ukraine. the main thing is that he is able to continue the armed conflict with russia. war before the last ukrainian should not stop. the us desire to impose its will on everyone in a completely shameless form was recently confirmed by secretary of state antony blinken. according to him , it turns out that the whole world is simply praying for american hegemony. what i see and hear around the world is a constant hunger
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for american involvement and american leadership. and even those countries that at one time or another complain about what we are doing, or that do not like this or that policy.
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but such pluralism of opinions is dangerous. in any case, the russian army has already proven your readiness for any turn of events. ivan kanavalov, liliya zorina, alexander gusev. first channel. the leaders of nine countries of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, guinea bissau, cuba and laos came to the russian capital to celebrate the 79th anniversary of the great victory. after the parade, they laid flowers together at the tomb of the unknown soldier. gala reception in granaveda.
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bring real benefits to each of the participants in our association, here we are now , before entering the hall here, just with our colleagues talked about this and stated very good indicators of the development of our economies; in fact, this helps to ensure stable, sustainable economic development of both the
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five states and the eurasian region as a whole, leading to an increase in the quality of life and well-being of our people. the agreement on the creation of the eac was signed by russia, belarus and kazakhstan in 2014, later armenia and kyrgyzstan joined them, here is the result of the decade in numbers. the combined gdp of the participating countries increased. from 1.600 billion to 2.5 trillion dollars, and the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled, to $80 billion; it is important that 90% of payments are in national currencies, despite the fact that unprecedented sanctions are in force against the two large economies of the union, russia and belarus. against the backdrop of global economic turbulence, yaes looks like a self-sufficient association that stands firmly on its feet and is making plans to actively develop foreign markets. through joint efforts we managed to successfully resolve it. the task of independent, uninterrupted supply of the domestic market with food and vital types
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of agricultural products. work has entered an active phase on the project of the largest international north-south corridor, which will provide direct access for the products of our countries to ports on the coast of the persian gulf and indian ocean. president of kazakhstan kassym zhamar takayev is convinced that in conditions of instability in the world, the ias should become even more flexible and effective. transit issues remain a priority for the republic; i propose to develop systemic solutions to strengthen the potential of the union on the external circuit. it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for more active entry of eurasian products into foreign markets. it is extremely important to ensure unimpeded transit of goods to third countries. all the leaders of the participating countries, including armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan, gathered in moscow. last year , after the situation in nagorno- karabakh worsened.
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in terms of science and innovation. cuba is interested in qualitatively and quantitatively increasing our ties in terms of trade turnover, partnerships of foreign
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investments, both within the region and beyond it outside. the eac summit took place in st. andrew's hall, where the president's inauguration ceremony took place a day earlier. this is your first major international meeting, and we, of course, will not let you down in this regard. thank you very much for the active, consistent efforts of russia. alexander lukashenko urged not to delay the implementation of decisions within the framework of the ias, to implement them without the inertia of bureaucratic delays. however, according to putin, fine-tuning of the institutions and mechanisms of the union is ongoing. this allows you to develop and adapt to changes in the global economy. olek shishkin, sergey klishin, channel one. the european tour of chinese president xiding ping caused a noticeable resonance in the world. china plays its own game, which is important, based on its own interests, and not someone else’s, in paris the leader of the celestial empire once again made this clear. and in belgrade and budapest, beijing’s approach
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is fully shared and the doors are widely open to chinese goods and investment. what did the important guest come with, does pavel krasnov know? inviting a guest to your friend's restaurant in pereneyah, macron hoped to enchant him with picturesque views, folk dances and songs. and local delicacies, but awkwardness ensued: macron had to personally remove a popular dessert from the menu, the name russian pie was let down, and russia was mentioned at the dinner table. there was no room, and this is a strange inconsistency, because at the negotiating table all 2 days, in fact, they only talked about it, although the leader of china made it clear from the very beginning that he did not come to france for this. i'm ready to start a new journey of sino-french cooperation. our countries must adhere to the original desire to establish diplomatic relations based on independence, mutual understanding,
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forward thinking and mutual benefit.
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device for the production of semiconductor components or integrated circuits, as well as radar instruments. it’s surprising that the list did not include the notorious washing machines from which we allegedly pick out chips for missiles, but the very requirement not to sell something to russia smacks of surrealism against the backdrop western supplies to ukraine, everything from ammunition to tanks, and france threatens to send soldiers there every day. at a meeting in paris, macron for some reason showed the guest a statue of napoleon, who also sent troops to russia now. we are not in a state of war either with russia or with the russian people, and we also do not seek a change of power in russia. macron wanted to invite his friends from scholz’s neighboring class to this meeting, but he decided to skip, or was still sulking because he had recently been told
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in his place, a third-rank official met him at the plane's steps, or everything had already been said. in beijing, he also bothered jimping with talk about bad russia, and then blinkin did the same. in paris, the reaction of the prc leader to these rather annoying spells was not captured on camera, but the new york times talked about it. sizenping was outraged by the attempts to put pressure on his country. chinese president xijin ping has strongly rejected criticism of china over its close relationship with russia during the conflict in ukraine. he firmly defended the role of china, recalling that his country was not the source of this crisis and... a party involved, well, who exactly held the matches in his hands, inciting the crisis, he made it clear by choosing serbia for his next stop, and timing the visit to the twenty fifth anniversary of the bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade by nato aircraft. for serbia, sandwiched in the balkans between its nato neighbors, this visit was undoubtedly important, but also for china, in connection with the anniversary of the tragedy, because serbia, from which it was torn away by force
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historical lands, strictly adheres to the one china principle. we have a simple and clear position on the issue of china's territorial integrity. we always and everywhere say that taiwan is china. china responds by supporting serbia's territorial integrity. without any reservations, china is always with us in all the most difficult moments. don't forget that our chinese friends were with us 25 years ago when our country was destroyed and bombed. and these memories of the war, where nato sought to punish yugoslavia for its disobedience, are quite enough to now china and serbia are good. understood each other in their assessments of western claims to hegemony. china supports serbia's efforts to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity on the kosovo issue. both countries will continue to stand for fairness and justice and jointly resist the hegemony of power politics. and if these words were not enough, then the final point of his trip, the chinese leader finally put an end to attempts to drag him into a militant camp.
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hungary's position regarding the ukrainian crisis is well known, standing next to sizempim. the voice of hungary is a lonely voice in europe. europe is now in favor of war. the only exception is hungary, which is calling for an immediate ceasefire and peace talks. we support all international efforts aimed at achieving peace, in particular the chinese peace initiative presented by chairman xidzenping. china's initiative is to take into account the opinion of russia and what supports it in europe. it is orban who speaks volumes; for brussels he is like a leper, he opposes the armament of kiev, he openly talks about multipolar world, but most importantly, like the leader of serbia, vucic sympathizes with moscow, past such a click. the western press could not get past the pushback from sizempina. as the conflict in ukraine continues to influence european politics, sizempin has chosen two countries that are clearly at odds with the mainstream european consensus. serbia
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is not a member of the european union or nato. it has historically close ties with russia and friendly relations with beijing. hungary has become a nightmare for the european union, and illiberal prime minister viktor orban clearly friendly with the kremlin and opposed to continued military support for ukraine. and that's not to mention. that belgrade and budapest, unlike brussels, do not interfere with economics and politics, while the eu looks at beijing with caution, these countries, with the help of china , are building a high-speed railway, and hungary is also building a chinese automobile plant, at the same time when the european union is trying to protect its market from cheap chinese electric vehicles. whose side the head of the people's republic of china sympathizes with is obvious , and he shows with his trip schedule it's open. we support hungary in its efforts to play a more active role in the eu. promote greater progress in relations between china and the european union. at the end of the visit, the hungarian prime minister also invited the guest to a restaurant, but not in the mountains, in a tower with a panoramic view of the '.


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