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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:51pm MSK

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serbia is not a member of the european union or nato. it has historically close ties with russia and friendly relations with beijing. hungary has become a nightmare for the european union. and illiberal prime minister viktor orban is clearly friendly with the kremlin and opposes continued military support for ukraine. and this is not to mention the fact that belgrade and budapest, unlike brussels, do not mix economics with politics. and while the eu is looking at beijing, sopaskoy, these countries, with the help of china, are building a high-speed railway. and hungary also chinese.
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there hasn’t been such cold weather in may for a long time, not just frosts and not just snow, in several regions this week there were real snowstorms, what is being prepared for the harvest next, about this in the report by sergei ponomarev. well, i don’t remember that this
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has ever happened, that on may 9, that there were tulips, and there was so much snow, and if such a white cover does not seem scary to the tulips, then lyudmila rogova’s strawberries had to be saved under the film, the bushes as if by chance began to bloom right before the may festival near moscow there was a blizzard, yesterday it was like it was winter, the wind was blowing snow so thick and it was impossible to be cold. since the beginning of the month, summer residents of the central regions of the european part of russia have been fighting for the future harvest; spring weather surprises with a minus sign will not surprise them; they say the duration of the frosts is frightening. there were cases when snow fell in the month of may, and even in june, but this happened for a very short time, literally within one or two days, it has been here for more than a week, the seedlings are still being preserved in greenhouses or pots, covered by green shrubs, which called. warm times, this is what
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the garden in the capital’s kolomensky park looked like this week, white belo is now in the perymsky region. one of the local residents even put on his santa claus costume again as a snowstorm swept across the volga region. saratov summer residents are definitely left without grapes this year. we already want, we want everything to bloom, to be beautiful, but there’s something nature doesn’t give us. we must have done something wrong to her. forecasters say that... however, due to several unfavorable factors at once: the cold brought with it the northern cyclone, it swept from murmansk to the capital, and then moved towards the republic of come, the situation was aggravated by the anticyclone that formed over karelia, atmospheric vortices drive arctic winds to the south. it turns out that two of these, two vortices, two funnels, which are pumped only into the rear part of the cyclone, which is above the coma now there, it pumps counterclockwise, and...
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the cyclone, uh, clockwise, this weather is a real stress for fruit trees , young seedlings don’t mind frost, this tree certainly won’t suffer, the overseas one won’t the tree is afraid, the tree that is already blooming will suffer, that is, there will be no fruit, large pears, apple trees and cherries are just blooming, you can’t cover them with film. i remember that as a child , my parents saved themselves from the frost by lighting fires in different parts of the garden, but i may have to resort to this.
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resisted, our capabilities are not limitless, just in the lipetsk, voronezh, tambokh regions, due to frosts, an emergency regime was introduced , hundreds of hectares were destroyed, azims and... the second time the frost is -8°, we can already see what it is useless. the fields will have to be replanted, there is still time for this, the final damage will be calculated by special commissions, according to the observations of weather forecasters, such severe weather vagaries already occurred 7 years ago. in 2017, when there was a similar
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situation on european territory, from the eighth to the twelfth there was also wet snow and rain, and even temporary snow cover of up to 1 cm. on may 11-12 i was here in the moscow region, but in the seventeenth year we had a record harvest, if we talk about the grain harvest harvest, you shouldn’t expect any more frosty surprises this may, next week the temperatures will still be slightly below normal, but by the weekend real spring will return to moscow and other regions again. sergey panomariov, natalya litovko, anastasia berestenko, alexander lyakin, yuri shotokhin and sergey suvorov, channel one. we return to belgorod, already during our broadcast, governor vyacheslav glodkov announced in his telegram channel about the victims of new shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. three civilians were killed, a seventeen-year-old girl, a woman and a man, five others were injured. according to defense data, this evening our air defense system was shot down by 14 rockets, vampire and
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alha. the consequences of the morning strike are now being eliminated. let me remind you that after the shelling in one of the residential buildings on shchorsa street, the entrance completely collapsed. at the moment , twelve people are already known to have died, of whom there are two children, and there may be twenty more people injured under the rubble; rescuers will work all night. dalmira beryukova is from a city where the missile threat was declared 10 times during the day. debris clearance i constantly have to interrupt, it was already dark, the missile danger siren sounded once again, it sounds here, at first it sounded literally every hour, now in the last hour there were probably four or five missile danger sirens, several arrivals have already been recorded...
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patrushev has been released from the post of secretary of the security council due to a transfer to another job. he continues to work. and over the next few days we will inform you where nikolai platonovich will continue his activities. ministers of defense, how are you? you know, andrei removich belausov has been appointed.
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here i would like to clarify a little: the budget of the ministry of defense and the security bloc, quite recently it was still around three. then it rose to 3.4%. and most recently it has grown to 6.7%. it's together. with all law enforcement agencies, among which the ministry of defense, of course, occupies key positions, since it is the ministry of defense that is responsible for placing all orders to industry, this is not a critical figure yet, but we are gradually getting closer due to known reasons, due to well-known geopolitical circumstances around us, the situation in the mid-eighties, when this share of expenses. the power bloc in the economy was 7.4%. and i repeat this again,
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it is not critical, but it is extremely important, and it requires a special attitude. it is very important to fit the economy of the power bloc into the country’s economy, write it off so that it corresponds to the dynamics of the current moment. secondly, what is probably important to note is that today the winner on the battlefield... is the one who is open, more open to innovation, more open to the most efficient implementation, and therefore, it is natural that at the current stage the president decided that the ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian, and this is not just a civilian, but a person who headed the very successful ministry of economic development of russia, who for a long time was the president’s assistant for economic issues, and also in the previous cabinet of ministers he was the first
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deputy chairman of the government. the ministry of defense must be absolutely open to innovation, to the introduction of all advanced ideas to create conditions for economic competitiveness. that is why, that is why the president chose the candidate. it was reported that from the ministry
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and you already know that previously this was also defense under the president, the fsmtc is being withdrawn. and its work will also be headed and supervised by sergei shaigu; in fact, shaigu will continue to work in this area, which he knows well, he knows well from the inside, together with his colleagues and partners from his previous place of work. that's all, stay tuned in the meantime, stay up to date with the event, now there is a big story on channel one, a special project by vyacheslav nikonov, about key events that influenced our lives. today , about how khrushchev surrendered crimea,
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you cannot drown out the voice of the people, the voice of truth, which is and will be. the big story and i, vyacheslav nikonov, are on air. hello. this is a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future. the collapse of great powers and subsequent turmoil do not occur suddenly and not without reason. it's either murder, that is external intervention, or suicide, inadequacy of power. the collapse of the soviet union and the current hostilities with ukraine are largely a consequence. murderous actions of inaction by the soviet authorities. in 1954
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, the three-hundredth anniversary of the reunification of ukraine with russia was celebrated. this event, to be precise, was associated with the pereslavl rada of 1654, at which the zaporozhye cossack army under the leadership of bogdan khmelnitsky came under the arm of the russian tsar alexei mikhalovich. there was still a war to be fought for the rest of russia, with poland more than once. blorosiya became part of russia, and then the ussr. and so in 1954, the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich khrushchev, decided to transfer crimea to ukraine from the barsky shoulder. on april 26 , 1954, a law was adopted on the transfer of the crimean region from the rsfsr to the ukrainian
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ussr. as it turns out, this will be one of the most powerful explosive devices. laid down under the building of the soviet union and under the relations between russian-ukrainians. why did khrushchev do this? what were the consequences then, then now. and how khrushchev’s decision perceived today. and, vladimirevich, my first question is for you. how is this perceived by people in crimea now? i want to say how this has always been perceived in crimea. i grew up in crimea. i remember my childhood very well, when the veterans were alive, they gathered very often, all communications took place in apartments, khrushchev illegally transferred crimea endlessly, this phrase, it sounded to me since childhood, when khrushchev was removed from power, this topic did not go away crimean dialogue, it took place in kitchens,
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of course, it was one country, and even then it was perceived as injustice, i live for it. a living witness, having not been involved in politics for a long time, everyone believed it was illegal, when the story arose, with the crimean referendum already the second, so to speak, final, when we returned to our home harbor, we paid a lot of attention to those documents, their details studied, and but when you, for example, talk to children at school, you need to tell them.
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then the question of the ownership of crimea, whether it will be russian or ukrainian, it arose during the years of revolution and civil war, here is what doctor of law yuri leibo wrote about this, let’s listen, for the first time the idea that crimea should go to ukraine arose at the end of the revolutionary year of 1917, the so-called ukrainian people’s republic, barely having arisen, he immediately declared his claims to the peninsula. this was the time of the collapse of the russian empire, in fact. the central government did not control the situation on the outskirts and the ukrainian tyrants decided to take advantage of this, however, their power lasted not for long, in ukraine governments and rulers were repeatedly changed, fighting with each other, they had no time for crimea, when the power of the bolsheviks was established, its ownership was no longer disputed by anyone,
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crimea remained part of russia, more precisely the rsfsr. crimean autonomous socialist soviet...
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russia extended or somehow means its power over ukraine in 1654, which, what in soviet propaganda was called the supposed reunification of ukraine with russia. listen, alexey mikhailovich hesitated for a long time to join, because there are such problems with they were poland. the wars with poland were still continuing, claims to kiev, poland formally refused only after 30 years, 1600 in my opinion, the sixth year, the so-called
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eternal peace with poland, which of course was not even paid for how much it was, it was clear, he did not wanted, just like paul i, did not want to annex the caucasus for a very long time, realizing that there would be terrible problems with england, that’s all, but britain landed the schooner visgen.
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to receive the leader or those whom he ordered to come for a visit. the khrushchev family settled down in the varantsov palace, a pompous building on the very shore of the sea, khrushchev rested in his own way. for several days, in torment, he wandered
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along the alleys of the park, went for walks along the royal path, sat for a long time on the seashore, continuously reading documents. khrushchov did not know how to swim, he dangled in the sea on an inflated car tire, he was frightened by even slight excitement, then he got tired of all this, and he came up with some other activity. not only the roads depressed khrushchev, somehow...
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there was no, as they like to say in russia, an attempt to put down the ukrainian bureaucracy or even a gift to my mother, who was born in western ukraine, no, it was purely like that, a structural decision, right, so to speak, crimea began to be revived, a lot of grapes were planted there, so to speak, this is the point of view of khrushcheva’s great-granddaughter, nina khrushcheva, professor at columbia university. i don’t know, i even know her, khrushchev did not give any crimea to any ukraine, so they are lying for today’s political situation. krushchev,
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first secretary of the soviet communist party.
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ivan vlasov, then legal head of the russian republic, on the separation from crimea to sevastopol as a separate administrative-territorial unit, which was to be controlled directly from moscow, and there was a separate line in the state budget for financing the black sea fleet itself, it is clear that the municipal economy of the city of sevastopol. moreover, in the fifty-second year the same kitov, as he himself recalled, at the nineteenth party congress. met with stalin and suggested that he rename the crimean region to the tauride region. i don't know how much titov correctly interprets what stalin said, he recalled that stalin was interested in this idea, but told him that now is not the time to raise this issue, he needs to think about it, in the future, it is quite possible that crimea should really be
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renamed the taurich region. in november of '53, khrushchev arrived in simferopol, he had a rather tough conversation with titov, and titov categorically refused to take part in this adventure, here is the second secretary of the crimean regional committee, dmitry stepanovich polyansky actively supported this idea. khrushchev immediately came to moscow and pushed through the presidium of the central committee the decision to withdraw... makes the decision to urgently fly to kiev on a military plane, and adzhubey writes about this in his memoirs, let's listen, late in the evening
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the kiev leaders gathered in the marina palace. he walked cheerfully and noisily, as was usual in those days, obsequious toasts followed one after another, khrushchev kept returning to his trip to the crimea , persuading the ukrainians to help revive the land, southerners are needed there, who love gardens, he complained about corn, not potatoes, but there was no talk at the table of the formal transfer of crimea to the jurisdiction of ukraine; apparently such a proposal had not yet received its meaning. i’m thinking now, what would have happened today if khrushchev had fulfilled his intention to move the country’s capital from moscow to kiev? and khrushchev returned to this topic more than once, and said so: kiev is the mother of russian cities, the air there is cleaner, there are not so many blank walls built. this very story with khrushchev’s urgent visit to kiev was confirmed by the future president of an already independent ukraine, kravchuk. i think the transfer of crimea was simply an objective necessity. khrushchev went into the office of the first secretary of the party of ukraine, kirichenko, and said: “i came with
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a proposal that ukraine take it.” because russia cannot cope with the tasks facing crimea, there are people in kherson, nikolaev and other regions who can help establish normal production in crimea. kirichenko said that ukraine is not ready, then khrushchev. invited him to go to moscow to the politburo of the central committee, to the presidium of the cpsu central committee, which decided to transfer of crimea to ukraine. well, in fact, the details were best outlined, of course, by shipilov in his memoirs. one of the then numerous meetings on agriculture was taking place in the large kremlin palace. during the break, as usual, members of the presidium and secretaries gathered in two rooms adjacent to the podium of the presidium of the large hall. for breakfast, or lunch, or dinner. depending on the time, one or another urgent issue was discussed. suddenly khrushchev made a proposal in connection with the celebration of the tercentenary to transfer the crimean region from russian federation into the ukrainian republic. from crimea to russia it is far, ukraine is closer, it will be easier to conduct all sorts of economic affairs. i've already talked to someone about this. the ukrainians, of course, are salivating
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; they will be happy, very happy, if we give them crimea. i think we will also come to an agreement with the russian federation. we just need to arrange all this wisely, so that the supreme council of both republics ask the union supreme council to make such a transfer. and varoshilov needs to carry out all this kindly through the presidium supreme council of the ussr. i think there will be no objections,” he said. bulganin, mikayan, kirichenko, koganovich and others responded with exclamations correctly, accept, convey, but molotov, who was standing at the door to the next room , waiting for some kind of telephone conversation, said without addressing anyone. of course, such a proposal is incorrect, but apparently we will have to accept it. this is the actual decision, the moment of acceptance.
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the fact that the last such protest against this fact took place in the fourteenth year, on the nineteenth of february the fourteenth year, just literally a few, well, actually days before the return of crimea to russia, that is, the crimeans unequivocally perceived this decision as illegal, unfair, to be honest, all the years we tried to cancel it, no, well, that’s right, absolutely, i’m personal i have such a vivid experience, it’s simply impossible, ninety-two.
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the fact that crimea was illegally transferred, it needs to be deciphered, why? because the constitution was violated by the soviet union, ukraine, and the russian federation. the question is why didn't do it according to the law? we will answer this question, your comment, and we will answer this question immediately after the advertisement. permafrost, snow. we are in salihard. my name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region, my name is masni, i am also from the yamal region, for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur, we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears. go to the tundra and study all sorts of
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wisdom, otherwise you’ll hit your wedding face in the snow. nenets clothing is called malitsa, it’s warm inside, unlike me, you don’t you’re freezing, there’s an ice table, imagine, there ’s not just ice here. here the northern polar berry (cranberry), in the shape of a deer antler pattern, rides for the bride before the wedding. the oldest woman in the family performed a purification ritual by fumigating the bride with smoke. here on the arctic circle in the tundra we will shout our friendly game of wedding. next sunday on the first. corn, queen, times. this joke is very popular, the armenian radio is asked:
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is it possible to wrap an elephant in a newspaper, the answer from the armenian radio is possible, if in the newspaper the dear nikita sergeevich khrushchev’s speech was published, he carried on non-stop for hours, this kurdish peasant came out, so does he look like the peasant who was in kursk 40 years ago, this is a new person, this is a new peasant, but take our pig farms, so they you know, pig farmers , you know, now these... our pig farmers are new people who were born in our country, in our village, so with these people, i don’t know, damn it, you can turn your head, if only you can understand correctly, so say, work with them, and not command or pull people. for me, in my childhood memories, i was already in second grade when it was removed, khrushchev was a rather comical figure, our family was sitting at the tv, watching the next speech of the head of the government party, laughing. and not so much because of his
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flat jokes, but because of how and what he said, and because of his whole appearance. of course, my family had special scores to settle with khrushchev, my grandfather molotov openly opposed khrushchev’s course, for which he was thrown out of the government party, and i grew up in the family of the enemy party and people with all the ensuing consequences. my grandfather always had the most figurative epithets for khrushchev, starting with sovrasa without a bridle, corn man, market prasal. ending with adventurer, revisionist and anti-leninist. but my family was far from the only one where the kruchevs were treated, to put it mildly, without sympathy. the khrushchev factor. here dmitry shipilov in his memoirs spoke very lowly of nikita sergeevich. let's listen. if khrushchev had been an educated person, if he had possessed elementary culture and the simplest school of marxist thinking, he could be an excellent speaker, but his brains in relation to...
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compared to stalin, dad, of course, considered khrushchev a madman, well, somehow without, excuse me, a brainless fool, he later said, especially not, but you will say that your father alexey leonevich narachnitsky is a famous soviet historian, americanist, academician, yes, so especially our dad was a specialist alexey ilenovich narachnitsky, he has a major work, which is still considered an encyclopedia for everyone who starts study international relations in the far east, the return to port arthur was simple for him, too, he says that he doesn’t, he doesn’t understand, he says that he does absolutely,
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that’s why khrushchev, having visited the united states, saw fields of corn there, taller than a man , with which they feed livestock, feed people, and so on, as he ordered it to be planted even in the moscow region, and i myself saw how at the end of august such twigs were knee-deep, which means they barely grew, queen of the fields, how many films have there been about this , they showed cartoons, that is, there was voluntarism there, but of course... can khrushchev be considered a foreign agent or a traitor there, but he was a fanatic, an absolute fanatic in agriculture, he was also a worker, he grew up from a working-class family, not from peasants at all, so he didn’t , in the philistine way, he could only to judge, of course, ukraine was probably nice to him, because there was plenty of pork fat there, so he’s wearing ukrainian embroidered shirts, embroidered shirts, but nevertheless, there’s no need, no need to take it off. maybe he was not a conscious ukrainian nationalist, probably he was
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first of all, a bolshevik, of course, but the ukrainian, so to speak, soviet elite was always, almost, practically, and at the beginning they were lured already, when there were walking fields there, literally, it’s not for nothing that such names are even there, because there are eternal dads, there ’s nothing in common there was no national movement, everything was scattered there, and they attracted people. then the bolsheviks brought them into the organization of the soviet union, of course, with all sorts of handouts and the fact that they could stand out there, grushevsky is already an enemy.
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related to the transfer of crimea, we talked about that this question was first raised in november of '53, and adzhubiy wrote absolutely correctly that father...
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where are you talking about the meeting of the presidium of the central committee. already on january 25, 1954, under the chairmanship of the head of the council of ministers of the ussr malenkov , a meeting of the presidium of the central committee was held, at which, according to protocol number 49 , members of the presidium of the central committee were present. khrushchev, voroshilov, bulganin, koganovich, mikayan, soburov, pervukhin, candidates for members of the presidium - shvernik, panomarenko, secretary of the central communist party of the soviet union, suslov, paspelov shatalin. from this the list reveals two obvious facts. firstly. at this meeting , one of the key members of the senior leadership, the first deputy chairman of the council of ministers and minister of foreign affairs of the ussr molotov, was absent, and secondly, the mention of khrushchev first in the list of members of the presidium of the central committee de facto put him on a par with malenkov himself, who was still considered informal leader of the country, this is what shipilov writes about this
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meeting of the presidium, he explains why no one objected to his own, listen, this was one of the first acts of khrushchevsky subjective... free approach to resolving state issues, khrushchev wanted to give ukraine a gift in connection with the anniversary and thereby put another weight on the scale of his, as it seemed to him, glory in ukraine. this was a clear and gross violation of the principles of the national policy of the state party, and of course, not only vyacheslav molotov, who submitted his remark, but also other russian, ukrainian, belarusian, georgian communists understood the fundamental incorrectness and inexpediency of such an act from all points of view, but it is worth whether on the presidium to argue about this, and even at first right away. that after stalin’s death everyone then agreed to try to maintain unity and not complicate the situation in the leadership. is it worth it? is it worth it? and now on february 18, the issue is submitted for consideration by the presidium of the supreme council. chairman of the presidium of the supreme council varoshilov. and this is what he says at this meeting. the crimean region, in its historical development, in
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its territorial and economic position, is important for the entire soviet state. and in the distant in the recent past. enemies have repeatedly tried to take the crimean peninsula away from russia, use it to plunder and plunder russian ukrainian lands, and create a base there for attacking russia and ukraine, but the russian and ukrainian peoples, in a joint struggle , have more than once brutally beaten the brazen invaders and thrown them out of ukraine. and crimea. comrades, this friendly act takes place in the days when the soviet people solemnly celebrate the remarkable historical date of the tricentenary of the reunification of russia with ukraine. it's big traditional holiday. not only the ukrainian people, but all the peoples of the ussr. let our great homeland, the fraternal union of soviet socialist republics, grow stronger and develop. so it was a holiday gift, on the one hand. on the other hand, a way of bribing the ukrainian elite, on whom krushchev made the main stake in his politics, now i
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’ll literally say for a minute, the fact is that the protocol that we just talked about was strangely signed by nemalenkov, who presided, why -khrushchev, this question is still that when his great-granddaughter says that he didn’t sign anything, she simply doesn’t know, a professor at columbia university goes to sources, at a meeting of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the rsfsr , the procedure, and therefore the legislation for making
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this decision, was grossly violated, since the list of members of the presidium was on at that moment there were 38 people, and only 15 were present, that is, this meeting did not have the right to make any legally significant decision, based on, in essence,
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the political aspects of this event you can interpret them as much as you like, it’s still impossible to understand them today, because
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they are extravagant and stupid in their essence, they don’t give anything, but they really laid a mine, here, legally , a violation of all three constitutions has been committed, in fact, illegal illegality, it is obvious, now , if crimea was transferred to ukraine, as a result of a crime committed... of violation of three constitutions by bodies that were not authorized to transfer territories, further actions related to the regulation of borders, there cultural, humanitarian problems that have not been taken into account by anyone at all, if we do this at the expert level, not at the political level, at the expert level, it will be indicated as it seems to me, it will restore historical justice and allow us to interpret events in a completely different direction, a crime has been committed. you can go on and on and not talk about anything, no one is his mother, no one is his dad, khrushchev, a crime has been committed, he is a criminal, this will happen...


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