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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 13, 2024 12:20am-1:06am MSK

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recognizing that, as in the charter, he now interprets the west, this is for decolonization, and this requires the consent, so to speak, of the mother, but he said, then this right prevails and he is a scientist, when there are still historical rights, when the separated by the will of fate, and not of the free will of a part of the people, it retains linguistic, cultural, spiritual and other ties with the connection with the right to self...
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i will listen, the decision in 1954 was made with gross violations of the three constitutions of the ussr, the rsfsr and the ukrainian ssr. today the ukrainian authorities can to correct the historical mistake that khrushchev made, namely, to recognize the fallacy, injustice and illegality of the peninsula being under ukrainian jurisdiction, and therefore recognize the russian status of the peninsula. does he admit it? no, well, i’ll say, the fact is that we understand perfectly well that today russia has crimea. russian status cannot change anything, but in order for historical justice to truly triumph, we are the legal successors of the soviet union, and we have the right to cancel that decision, which was in the fifty-fourth year, this is not only my position, this is the position of the state council of the republic of crimea and crimea as a whole, in general, i know you, i’ll tell you this thing, that’s when i hear a statement there that... crimea is a ukrainian earth,
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everything is turning inside me, because by and large i believe that, well, it has definitely never been ukrainian land, it is russian land, in particular, i am absolutely convinced that all of ukraine, in fact , is russian land, well, maybe except for that trojan horse, which dragged after uh the second world war, i mean, i mean galicia, galicia is also russian.
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this is a unique place on the planet, we need to do everything to ensure that we highlight all the delights of this territory, create optimal conditions for people to relax, we will create optimal conditions for people’s lives, you can often hear that history teaches that it will never do anything to anyone taught, and often this is true, but history should teach, it teaches, in any case , it taught us all a lot, taught the main thing. she
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taught us that we must not scatter lands that are sacred symbols of our faith, like crimea, where the holy prince vladimir was baptized, where the most important base of the russian black sea fleet, the city of russian sailors, sevastopol, we must not scatter lands conquered and abundantly watered with the blood of the russian soviet soldier, like donbass, novorossiya, and all of ukraine, we cannot throw away our ancient civilizational assets. kievan rus, we must not throw away the property of our ancestors, we all must be worthy of that great the legacy that they left us, the khrushchevs come and go, russia remains in eternity, the native land preserved by god. that was a great story, see you on the first one. crimea, russia, russia, russia! brazil, brazil, brazil.
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hello, this is a podcast 20 years later, and we are its hosts, konstantin mikhailov and alexander anatolyevich, today we have a wonderful guest, whom we are so pleased to introduce, zhanna bichevskaya, legendary,
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magnificent, mysterious and famous, different, and gennady panomariov, husband, composer, author, nadezhda. performs the songs of bulat akudzhava, a whole album has been released, of her performances, his songs, and bulat akudzhavi turns 100 years old this year, it seems to me that you were the most touring artist, that is , you traveled to more than 30 countries, i was very popular, i in 1980 i received a prize...
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i served in the tsar's regiment of the guards. you and your father, i know, had a difficult relationship, your mother left, she left when you were five, yes, when my mother died at the age of 5, my father took me from my family, and i was actually alone, with my father - on the reservation, but then my mother, who was not my own, came into my life, she was very good, but she could not protect me from my father’s monster, nevertheless, my father gave you your first guitar, in which, when i was 17 years old, he... i myself am a very, very singing person, and he wanted me to play and sing with the guitar, which means i composed the songs of my songs for him, well, there was such a personal interest, then i already taught guitar at a music school in in zagorsk, in general, with a guitar in my school they called zhanna guitrovna strad, because i didn’t
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let go of the guitar, that is, you graduated from music school, guitar class, after all, a guitar, and you went on your own, i didn’t finish, it was, i don’t even teach you how to finish, i love - she entered the world, and i’m into it, that is, such a symbiosis happened, your vocal teacher was elena yakovlevna petker, yes, she herself was once associated with a large theater and she had her own studio, she
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stretched out the tone for me, now i have almost five octaves, she brought many to tears, she is known for her singing of romances, but what is this was it some kind of thing? mm special manner or the meaning of the romance, because romances , plus or minus, all have some kind of very bad ending. the most difficult song genre is romance. yes. yes, because on the verge of vulgarity, on the verge of this overflowing, this spiritual, romances must be sung very strictly, with restraint. and in general, and, i don’t know how to sing songs any other way. um, and, you know, they really are. sounded different from how they used to sing with tears, there with flutters, because this is very so serious that they don’t talk much about love at all, about it and that’s all said, but to convey it through a romance, a romance, this is a deep feeling, this
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is only possible with god’s help, god helped me, there was a carriage standing near the church, this is a romance or a russian folk song, this is a russian russian folk song, i wrote it down - somewhere a long, long time ago in the village of nikipelovo, at my grandmother’s, she was 86 years old, baba pavlina, she sang this song to me, and this song came to life from me. “zhanna bichevskaya, if anyone doesn’t know, she traveled a lot not only abroad, but throughout our country, in the outback, she collected russian folk songs, how you made contact , what you moved on, on your own, i didn’t have money for tickets, i was a student at a similar school and i see a train with sand, with pebbles, somewhere under i climb with a guitar, i didn’t know, where i was going, i stopped at some point, in general, in short." i traveled a lot, even went as far as the urals, you know, everything was different, but everything was very interesting, and you know, i have to
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tell you, i i thank you, gentlemen, that god sent me very good people into my life after my father, in general, such a monster, and it consoled me so much, it encouraged me in life and gave me meaning in my life, and i realized that there are more good people in life than bad people, this is natural, and then i realized one more thing, this is pure... that’s why he’s with you, but the thing is that sometimes you stumble upon, you stumble upon such blackness that it’s even scary to enter it, from life, i realized that what kind of person you are with a person , you want to run away from this person, well, probably , the young bride felt the same blackness in her husband, well, tragic the song, from the church, is that her young woman is passed off as an old man. let's turn to this work then.
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there was a carriage at the church, there was a magnificent wedding, all the guests were smartly dressed, the bride was the most beautiful of all. all the guests were smartly dressed, the bride
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was of all colors, she was wearing a great dress, she had a lot of wine, she was crucified to the saint. bitya looked through a rainbow of tears, the wedding candles were burning, the bride stood pale, she did not want to say oaths to the priest. when the priest
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put a gold ring on her finger, her eyes were bitter tears flowed down my face like a stream, i heard in the crowd, they said, what an unsightly groom, what a waste of a girl they ruined, and you... i followed the crowd, there was
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a carriage at the church, there was a magnificent wedding, all the guests were smartly dressed, the bride was the most beautiful of all. all the guests were smartly dressed, the bride was beautiful.
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we continue the conversation about music and life with zhanna bichevskaya and gennady ponomarev, konstantin aleksandrovich mikhailov and alexander anatolyevich belanogov are still in the studio, i can say, maybe for the first time, but tell us how you met bulat makudzhava? about, this is this, this is a separate song, it was in the house of writers, and before that i sang the song of bulat takujava, some songs of bards too. and they brought me to bulat and put me in front of him, i say: hello, it’s me, i, i sing your songs, he says: what, what, what, i say, i’m zhana bichevskaya, i sing your songs with a guitar, he says, yes, but it’s interesting to listen, and next to him stood his wife olga, a wonderful person, generally a beauty, i say, here i am, i can call you, he says, yes, of course, olya gave me akudzhava’s phone number, then it passed
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time, i called him, we became friends, then we met many times, he gave me his collection of poems, once his prose, a breath of freedom, in general, this is a special page in my life, he rarely praised anyone like that, it was so hot, but jean jeannie on her record with his songs, he wrote that she is a master, she argues with me, and what is your favorite song of his, yes, yes, everyone is wonderful, ask me what is my favorite folk song, did they all come out of me?
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i don’t remember after which one in olympia in paris a white guard officer approached, very old with a grey-haired, thin cane, which means there was a woman standing with him, he said this is the song , this is the song of my youth. it was eighty-two eight, i don’t remember anymore, but i was from this white guard, the white flock, don’t remember , when i sing it, that officer is standing before my eyes, no,
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it was just something connected with the bell, that’s what i don't remember, but what kind of audience was there in paris, was it immigration? you see, the fact is that this audience was purely french, well , they accepted zhanna as one of their own, because the musical language in which she sang songs was very close to them, for some reason they really love russia, we have something like that magic happens because the countries are similar, and everyone loves folk songs, all of our russians, because in them, you know, they, they, because you can’t deceive people, because from these songs they radiate such love, such kindness.
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performance. fourth the village burns for a day, the danish
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spring blossoms every day, do not lose heart, lieutenant galitsyn, carnet, apalensky naleytsevina carnet, avallet. pour some wine, we are leading squadrons over the bottom near the mood, the country of russia is blessing us, lieutenant, golitsyn, distribute cartridges, cornet, abolensky saddles.
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for everything the commissars will receive in full, for everything the commissars will receive in full, but somewhere nearby there are troikas rushing by, alas, but we don’t know what our fault is. little fellow galitsen, so budztse stand, carnet, and balensky, pour some wine,
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cornet, and balensky pour some wine, oh russian the sun, the languid sun, we can’t... change the course of the ship, lieutenant galitsen, but maybe we’ll return, why do we need, buddy, a foreign land, why do we, buddy, need a foreign land, for the fourth day. the village is burning, the rains are sweating, the danish vesna, throw away cartridges for everyone,
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the border will soon be over, for all the officers, put on orders, everyone will be armed with guns, the border will soon be over. and to all the officers, but there are orders, when you traveled around the world, a beautiful russian girl, singing beautifully, playing the guitar wonderfully, there were probably just hundreds, thousands of fans and no one did proposal
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they drank the silver age, and i was interested in drinking the silver age, i said, well, let’s listen to this interestingly, he says, well, you know, well , these are songs, i say, i love poetry, well, just as i love to read, then we met in tula , i arrived in a chair, out of the blue, i had mishenka as an administrator, i said, mishenka, let ’s go to the chair, out of the blue, well, well, when god leads, this is a bell, we need to go to tula. of course, everything is from there, everything good is from there, i come to the tula philharmonic, go to rehearsal, standing here is my miracle, with huge roses, like a feather with a dandelion,
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standing so modest. i listened to him overnight, then i took him to my concert in some city near the novomoskovsk culture . gena sang his song on stage, i heard him, i realized that in front of me was a talented person, he needed help, and i gave him my phone number, and he was with me the next day right there when i left tula with... i called, he was just waiting for this, that’s right, gennady, it’s clear that the stars really aligned like that, fate itself, zhana is so complete and complete that you know, this is the best enemy of the good, how could you help her, well, play, of course, i have now mastered this guitar, its accompaniment, so i became such an assistant, then not only songs, but song cycles began to appear , about our, how to say, originality, everything, about the way of life, this is
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the genre of this song. sang not only in russian folk songs, we have a cycle, a russian cycle, with a song we are russian, a song that was blessed by patriarch alexy ii himself, you see, this is also worth a lot, a song about the holy royal family was written in 3 years, forgive me, so some priests say that she made her significant contribution to the glorification of the holy royal family, you see, i thank god that...
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"bought russia with gold, pure gold , yes, do you agree to sing this song or not, some time passed, i thought, i called and said: “volodya, you know, of course i thank you for entrusting me with singing your song, this is very responsible, but i won't sing your song, not yours at all songs, but says why? i say, firstly, because i wouldn’t sing better, also - who needs it, and worse, especially, it’s impossible, impossible, wonderful, and zhanna remembers when zhanna sang in general concerts, joint ones, he always stood for backstage, listened to it, i understand him very much, let's sing a song, yesterday i saw you in a dream, yesterday... i saw you in a dream
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and enjoyed complete happiness, oh, if i could, i would never wake up, trustingly on my chest, we bowed our head gently. and i whispered, i love you, i love you quietly, they repeated, today i see you in reality, i, alas, are completely different, no, i will not deceive myself again, i am
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self-willed... with a dream, a mockery, the evil gaze shines, and your speech is preparing torment, as if it wants to separate, prepare for separation for us, and i thought that i was not living, that my soul was striving for heaven, alas, it couldn’t, i hope that wondrous dream will come true, your gaze can blind, everything in me is empty and insignificant, why is love destined? what is
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impossible to achieve. why is it destined to love, what is impossible to achieve? yesterday i saw you in a dream and with complete happiness enjoyed it. oh, if it were possible for me, i would never wake up, oh, if it were possible for me, i would never wake up.
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this is a podcast 20 years later and we and its host alexander anatolyevich and konstantin aleksandrovich mikhailov. our guest is people's artist of russia, zhanna byuchevskaya, and her husband, composer, poet, gennady panomariov. young performers are probably watching and listening to us, they are very different now, very different. please, on their behalf. please give them some advice, to those performers who think that a song is a product, that a recording is a track, that you need to write a hit, not even a hit, that’s what they need to understand and hear from you first-hand in order to become more interesting, more serious, better, you
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know, let’s continue the theme of love, many young people people dream of beautiful, good love, not only on the emotional, spiritual, but... to be interested in themselves, to be interested in themselves from the side of art, culture, ours, our country of amazing culture, deepest, be interested in classical music, listen to bards, read classical poetry , if you if you don’t do this, then you will be
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unhappy in your personal life, you will have bad children, because you will not have a meeting of love, you will not have an understanding of each other, but most importantly, against the backdrop of my terrible tragic life, i i... always tried to be a cheerful person, i tried to make them laugh, even in childhood i made my friends laugh, uh, i say, let me make you laugh, and you give me a treat, and i made them laugh, they treated me, so since childhood i learned to make people laugh, no longer candy for cookies, they made me laugh because it’s a very hard life people, you still need to brighten it up somehow, if you joke with a person, it’s like he ’ll smile at you, something has already melted in him, you know, something has already come to life in him, people are afraid of everything, in fear, fear rules the world now, the dead are afraid to breathe in and exhale, now, and where there is fear, yes, absolutely right, and fear suppresses
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a person’s free will, fear kills, that’s why i try to be simpler with people, because that’s why i say , as vladimir’s zhanna calls me, no, she calls me more simply, i’m zhanna, i’m for everyone, zhanochka, i can say which one... my favorite song performed by you in the film of 1976, in the documentary, find your song, it’s called yes in the film, if i remember it’s a concert that was filmed in ostanka during an interview with zhanna, by the way, i highly recommend watching it, it’s called find your song from the year seventy-six, the song can’t hear the noise of the city glinka, a wonderful song, yes, but only this is a russian folk song, a russian folk song, but no, glinka music, to glinka music, to glinka music , yes it's amazing that at this concert. there were a lot of, if now - let 's put it this way, then russian folk hits, but this song received the most applause, but i don't look at the applause, because this is not the result of my work, applause,
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my result of my work is when a person follows the path that i show him with god’s help, which is not always good, you know, but it’s good when you see burning eyes. when they come up to you and say: you know your songs, he called me once the chief doctor from the oncology center at koshirki, zhana vladimirovna said, you know, i brought songs, spiritually. she spread half and half there so that people would listen, and some patients with the last stage of oncology were healed, and i asked, yes, everyone, he said, was healed a lot, but not all, because the evil ones were not healed, that’s right, because where there is evil, there is no god grace, and god’s grace heals, that’s why they are spiritual songs, especially with such a performance, now if we started talking about this, about healing spiritual music, let's... our guest is people's
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artist of russia zhanna bichevskaya, who turns 80 this year, poet, composer, sound director and zhanna's husband, gennady panomariov. thank you, this was a podcast 20 years later, hosted by konstantin mikhailov and alexander anatolyevich. if you have failed, if you are unable to dispel the melancholy, in the soft autumn, in the autumn. hai, come quickly to my spring, in the soft autumn,
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in the quiet autumn, come quickly to my spring, behind the spring, the white temple, the cemetery. old russia, this forgotten land, left us if the eyes clouded with moisture, the spring splashed into your eyes. you can cry, cry calmly,
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who will figure out where the water is, where the tear is, you can cry, cry calmly, someone will figure out where the water is, where the tear is, for the relatives. flew by the horizon, their cry melted, and
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if you are sick, bedridden, then may you dream of a healing spring, and if you are sick, bedridden, may you dream of a healing spring, behind the spring, a white temple, a cemetery, an old, i left this forgotten land.
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hello, you are watching the triggers podcast on first channel, with you its leading psychologist tatyana krasnovskaya, psychologist and psychotherapist
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sergei nasebyan. our guest today is tatyana. tatiana, hello, hello. well, tell me, tatyana, what did you come to us with? that's enough for me. it’s difficult to clearly formulate a request, i have rather painful reactions in family conflicts, i’m married, every time we have some kind of quarrel with my husband on a domestic basis, there are just some little things, usually they hurt me very much , that is, i internally somehow divide this for myself, then there is some rational part of me that explains everything, calms me down, supports me. there is some kind of emotional part, which is probably in the shadow of this rational part, which hurts, especially painfully when the husband, for example, is late at work, it can even be for a small amount of time, there are 15 minutes, yeah, and for it’s just a drama inside me, it already hurts, it already hurts, that - there,
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let’s say, our agreements were not respected, well, that is, we initially agreed, for example, for some time, and for me it’s well as if like this... that means my word doesn’t mean anything, i’m not needed, in general, and i don’t know these ones there, 15 minutes for me they are very painful and the worst situations that happen in our relationships are when , for example, he is leaving somewhere, or i am leaving somewhere, and at the same time there is some kind of conflict, well, just go, this is from the region, and i start to get sick, physically sick, that is , even literally there was a situation last week, he went there for the weekend, it was a planned trip, everything is fine, he left, and i’m starting to get sick, i have a fever, something else, that is, i’m physically and somehow experiencing this, apparently, this is the situation, and this is your first marriage, no, this is your second marriage, yeah, you i have a child, i have two children, a daughter from my first marriage,
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now my husband and i have a son together, it turns out we have a second one, small, he’s a little one and a half years old, or maybe it’s just banal jealousy, a tribute, i thought about it. and how, but no, well, that is , no, well, i admit that yes, i kind of, of course, it’s mine, but no, i don’t associate it with jealousy, because well, i’m calm i let him go there, we agree somewhere, he has some kind of events of his own, i don’t know, some men’s business, trips, there’s no problem with that, the problem arises when there’s some kind of conflict on, for example, well, here i am i don’t know, for example, we had a fight, he’s emotional - he might leave there, yeah. it’s sickeningly bad, that is, it’s something like this, and what exactly is happening at this moment, well, he went away to breathe, so that i don’t know, not to kill you,
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yes, yeah, but what kind of nausea is that, what why so bad, what are you afraid of at this moment, what won't he return? or not, will he die or not? no, it doesn’t depend at all on this, well, it doesn’t depend in any way, just some painful moments in life in general that happened - i lived alone, i didn’t die , so i kind of understand it, but what moments are you talking about, if we take it in general super early childhood there, for example, i...


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