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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 13, 2024 1:50am-2:36am MSK

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korelia is still ours, yes, that is, it can be said, the merit of uh yaroslav vsevlovich, and, accordingly , many subsequent political figures. eh, the famous battle of the neva, on july 15, 1240 , was connected with the fact that the swedes tried to build some kind of fortification in this place, we don’t know exactly what kind, yes, which could control the ivoryak’s path to greece, because this there were, as it were, two northern branches of the route, one through the western dvina and vustye. there the germans installed riga, that is, they already plugged it with a cork, and across the neva with volkhov, where, accordingly, where st. petersburg is now, accordingly, the swedes could also take control of this very important trade route there, in fact, the ancient russian principalities united at one time into a single state, the kiev-novgorod, so to speak, actually on the way to the greeks, which is also often forgotten, they could control, the swedes could take control of this second sea route, in the person of alexander, novgorod...
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some details fell through the ice, did not fall through the ice, there were knights with rags, they were without horns, there is a lot of reasoning about this, in fact, of course, these are all interesting details.
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others wandered in foreign lands, looked for intercessors between the non-believers and found none. mothers cried for their children, trampled before their eyes by tatar horses, and virgins for their innocence, how many of them, wanting to save it, threw themselves on a sharp knife or into deep rivers, alive. they envied the peace
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of the dead, it was absolutely terrible, but it was necessary to choose here, there is such a logic, i haven’t... heard it many times and i can’t help but cite, although i don’t completely agree with it, but it lines up roughly like this: the choice was terrible, but it had to be made, because the mongols enslaved the body, but at the same time, due to the fact that they were more or less tolerant, they left a free soul, the vaticans, western, so to speak, forces, they enslaved the soul - that ’s why it was more terrible and it was precisely because of this that alexander nevsky endured so many hardships from the horde, he went to this horde, received
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a direction label there, fulfilled, in general, the demands of the horde in every way practically. well, this is actually a serious problem.
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ideological, with the help of denmark and with the help of the construction of fortresses of the local population, baptism with fire and sword, yes, this still took place, but nevertheless, the horde conquest, of course, brought much more troubles to russia than what was happening from the west. we know that the word baskak practically entered the russian language, that is, these were tatar governors who collected yes.
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nevertheless sought some that were most acceptable at that time within the framework of the possible conditions so that his subjects could still survive, as for faith, he also achieved a certain success,
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of course, during the invasion itself , many monasteries were plundered, churches destroyed, but then there was still some definite one. .. he succeeded in tolerance even in 2000-1261 in sarai, and this was the capital of the golden horde, an orthodox diocese was even established, because by that time there were quite a few... there were already russian prisoners and so on, so that means he cared about this too, he managed to come to an agreement with the horde about this. here, of course, there is a very controversial topic related to the behavior of alexander yaroslavovich in relation to the horde, you actually already touched on it, i will refer to the opinion of academician valentin lavrentievich yanin, and he literally wrote the following about alexander nevsky: alexander nevsky, having concluded an alliance with the horde , subjugated novgorod to the horde. he extended his influence to novgorod, which was never conquered, that’s what you were talking about, by the tatars, he extended tatar power to novgorod,
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and gouged out the eyes of those who disagreed a novgorodian, he had many sins of all sorts, despite the fact that he was the winner of the germans during the battle on the ice in other battles, but nevertheless novgorod was betrayed to the tatars by him, but at the same time novgorod was protected from the tatar defeat, thank god, that is, ioannina , as another of our historians, now living, igor nikolaevich danilevsky, notes.
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a great diplomat, and judging by the correspondence, such
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relations are absolutely correct, let me remind you that many, of course , do not know this, that in fact alexander nevsky saint for the catholic church. this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. today we are dealing with the figure of alexander nevsky. what religious situation was you in? there is also no kiev metropolitan after the tatar invasion, and the new kiev metropolitan, by the way, on the initiative of the galletian prince, goes for a corresponding blessing for his own powers. nicaea just receives them, but he returns to the north-west to alexander, because the actual support,
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the kiev metropolitan, is with alexander is, yes, with the prince, later the prince of the grand duke of vladimir, and he acts together with alexander, and alexander at this moment, when the patriarch is not there, when the fate of orthodoxy is generally questionable in this situation, he had a way to either submit to rome , at that time it was quite a politically possible advantageous path or continuation of orthodoxy, and he did. in favor of the second, the initiative of the western church in trying to annex these possessions through, so to speak, a union, yes, some kind, some kind, which has not yet taken place, was is quite large, the church historical situation was very confusing, very confusing, and alexander yaroslavich showed here the quality of a diplomat, of course, the quality of a subtle politician who stayed, what is called, on the cutting edge and did it from the point of view.
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romanovich, and he was an unusually brave man, he is a hero, battles, hard times, this is when the russian polovtsians tried together to resist the golden horde, but lost, so he showed very great courage there, the tatars themselves respected him when he once
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was in the horde, he was perhaps the only prince who was really received with honor by...
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but he maneuvered? yes, he maneuvered and that means he was there - he was seduced by the crown, they also promised an army, in the end it ended with the fact that no, he did not fulfill his promise to the vatican, nor did the vatican give him an army, this was actually the most important thing he wanted , yes, yes, the figure, in my opinion, is quite nice, it evokes in me, here is the figure of daniil galtsky, it evokes in me,
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then, in particular, some reproach him historians, his struggle with his brothers, because his brothers tried to lead the anti-horde movement, the famous nevryuev’s army came out on alexander’s side, which in general brought troubles to russia a little less than boty’s burden, according to one point of view, but alexander’s position can also be understood , because russia then, at least the lands subject to it, could not resist the horde, that is, they simply did not have the strength, this was very well shown by batu’s invasion itself. lithuania more or less succeeded, but it also temporarily fell under the power of the horde, and of course there is power the horde was weaker due to the fact that russia resisted; russia spent a lot of effort. there is also a complex political connection here, which needs to be understood, which is very easy to swing ideologically in one direction or the other, yes, discarding very important fundamental details, and from
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gorsky’s point of view, alexander’s activity, on the contrary , contributed to some kind of local limited yes.
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which, from the point of view of many historians , was the key to the independence of the subsequent moscow state, on the other hand it is really suppression, the bloody suppression of the anti-ardyn uprisings, and this is really difficult to fit into one figure, which, of course, became the banner of the struggle with the west at moments of aggravation of relations, the nickname nevsky appears at the end of the 15th century, but along with others, and took root just under ivan the terrible , under which, in fact... alexander nevsky was canonized in 1547, this is the beginning of the reign, the independent reign of ivan ii, he was elevated to the kingdom at that moment, in the context of deterioration. he rises to the shield under peter i, of course,
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it is no coincidence that the alexandra nevsky lavra, where his relics are transferred, is named after him. in the 19th century, relations with the germans are calm, prussia and austria are allies of the russian empire, the attitude towards alexander nevsky is calm, in the church they do not name him in his honor. then, when the first world war approaches, relations with the germans deteriorate and during the first world war again alexander nevsky, the man who fought against the germans, again counted. and of course, actualization during the second world war, you mentioned the film at the very beginning, brilliant a film by sergei ezenstein with cherkassov, respectively, in the title role, who, by the way, is actually an actor depicted on the order of alexander nevsky, we don’t know what alexander nevsky looked like, and, accordingly, the main character of the film is from einstein, and is completely a myth from ..
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the west is on the swing of history, pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov were with you. study history with us. you can watch all episodes of the historical podcast russia and the west on the swing of history on the website of the first channel dear friends, the creative podcast is live industry with you, as always, elena kiper, producer, music video director and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund
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for cultural initiatives. and our guest today is a director, and a person from whom such energy immediately came, director konstantin bogomolov, artistic director of the namalaya bronnaya theater. hello, hello, i think that whoever turned on the air just now is in a storm of emotions. well, in general, different emotions, how do you manage to evoke such emotions in people, such a huge flair around your person, just a lot, a lot i work, i work a lot, everything, well, i’m not, i’m not concerned with evoking any special emotions, i’m just doing my job, doing it as i see fit, and maybe that’s... and it’s good that that’s what i’m doing i practice, it evokes different emotions, very different and joyful and sometimes some negative and controversial ones, in any case, i
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always say that the best effect of a performance is when a person continues to think about it, think and think - after after watching it, the performance is cool, cool, not when it’s right at the moment... mm its implementation causes happiness in the auditorium, although this is also wonderful, but the coolest reaction is when a person cannot forget about the performance, when he turns it over in his head all the time, when he returns to it. well, i came across somewhere that you shouldn’t be offended even if, in general , the person left, no, i’m not offended, but this is normal, listen, this is normal, and people shouldn’t - accept absolutely everything and agree with everything. i do that art. in which it is very important to remain, as it were balance between the desire to please, because neither theater, nor cinema, directing,
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acting, they are impossible without the desire to please the public and the need to preserve yourself, because if you fall into the desire only to be liked, then it is cheap, if you fall into the desire to preserve yourself in all circumstances , somehow so special, you... are looking for what he wants to talk about and how he wants to talk about it, and you professionally, as if like a child who is slowly with
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his parents with... the world groping for this way of conversation, mastering the language, trying to make him understood, trying to understand the world around him, trying to establish contact with him, so you, in your professional activity, after leaving the institute, slowly, slowly, slowly, increasing your professional capabilities, your skills , you simultaneously carry out this communication with the outside world and gradually master the language. gradually, well, it seems to me, ideally, you reach a level where you understand what people, what people think, even when they they don’t say something yet, you understand and feel it ahead of time, but how do you feel them, what are the signs, this is some kind of intuitive, this intuitive feeling, you begin to pronounce the text and you feel what waves are coming back and then you understand,
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for example, that...
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the troupe has changed, a lot of new young artists have come, every year i watch a lot of courses and take several young people into the troupe, they come, they try themselves, and if everything is good, they stay in the theater, they are delayed, in fact also oleg pavlovich tobakov acted once, when he headed the moscow art theater, he even had such an intern group of people, people whom he took, he first directed the intern group.
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uh, who, uh, well, have sort of, let’s say, settled down in this life, they understand what they want, they understand where they are moving, eh. this does not mean that they have stopped looking, this does not mean that they do not want to change the world, and to change themselves, but they have passed some kind of fever of youth, they have received an education, they have more or less decided on profession, my family status, in this regard, this is such a bourgeois theater in a good sense, theater...
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happens in these plays, years passed and i suddenly understood chekhov, felt him, felt him, it’s like he’s in my blood, i understand these experiences, i understand this melancholy, and joy, sadness, and these interests, and these experiences, i
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understand all this, a person changes, normally, that’s why, probably, of course, this partly coincides, but it also seems to me that this in principle the best audience for the theater. because, you know, the theater that exists for the very young, so fashionable, young, advanced, well, what is the time of youth, this is the time in which you will remember with sentimentality, but to which you will not return, you will not return there, to that value series, to those places, it’s cool, it’s cool, it’s crazy, it’s some kind of delusion, but you won’t go back there.
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on the air of the creative industry podcast with us today is the director and artistic director of the malaya bronnaya theater konstantin bogomolov. tell us about the manifesto, where, where did everything come from, because what we read, of course, was the manifesto
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of the abduction of europe, journalism, well , my performances are also often public, yes, they, in general, in one way or another always responded to what was happening around, and i really like it when people come. in the hall they get this opportunity to interact with some kind of modern agenda, and probably this is some kind of active internal involvement of mine in what is happening around me, it could not help but give birth to some kind of text, the text is the abduction of europe, it is in in general, this is also how the performance is structured, it is so tightly packed -
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the one that i describe in this manifesto, when i was trying to work with the value agenda of the european audience, i received such a kind of feedback from the producers even during the rehearsal process, there is no need to talk about this, oh-oh -oh, no, no, no, we don’t need to talk about this, it will come to us, what are you doing for this, you want to never work for us again, you want us not to work, who will it come from? will fly from
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the conditional opinion leaders in this society, yeah, that is, as if from those people who are in the networks, in society they give, they form a certain agenda, yes, that is, turn on cancel culture, that same cancel culture, because you do not correspond to certain given ones, i am not breaking the law, i just freely say what i think, but if what i i think... does not correspond to certain specified things, then you will be subject to cancellation, and in order not to be subject to cancellation, the producers themselves are afraid of this, they told me in advance: don’t, please, we beg you, don’t, absolutely don’t, but what were these topics? well - it was the emigrant agenda, and this was in poland - a story related to -
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grant's agenda about the degradation of the seemingly old european population, about the aging of the european population, about the fact that europe is trying to replenish its aging population, which means with emigrant flows, and how this is already turning into some kind of absurdity and savagery , what happens often there is a gender topic, there is no need to talk about it in an ironic way. these are very specific things that
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you can’t talk about, but best of all, it means that these are not sore points, these are not sore points, do performances that will correspond to the agenda, then everything is wonderful, then everything is wonderful, then you are on horseback, then you are welcomed, then you are great, so i saw all this and - returning to russia, i was convinced every time that i was here, in russia, i work in much freer conditions than in free europe. in fact, in russia there have always been much freer circumstances and freer conditions for art than anywhere else. we are a much more tolerant country than any supposedly tolerant europe. we have a lot.
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to accumulate that in fact europe, the one that exists, is not europe for a long time, that and some kind of feeling has become a real, old european environment, yes, powerful with a huge culture, with huge complex traditions, stratification of society, with incredible breakthroughs art, intellect, in science, no, it’s kind of slow.
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not in scientifically abstract, but in such a cocky language, i wanted to do such a cocky thing, and i can tell you this thing, i wrote out manifestos and went to perm, the perm theater. opera and ballet work to stage the opera carmen right now , a manifesto came out and practically flew back and forth, a huge number of people came up and said: “konstantin, thank you.” it turned out that this manifesto speaks out those things that existed energetically
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inside a huge number of people, and a huge number of young people, you know, this is very important, because sometimes it... inherits the hundredth, in a sense, and correlates with those performances that i am doing, now now you will speak in the voices of the country, yes, this is your new dialogue with the audience, and this is a project that i really like, and which we are premiering at
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vdnkh, at the exhibition, russia consists of this performance, this is a series of performances of twelve one-man performances. i came up with this idea, to give the floor to ordinary people who live their lives, who do their own thing every day, in their cities, villages, in their factories, schools, hospitals, various educational institutions, and so on and so on, and these people work honestly, desperately, with love, with joy, and overcome some difficulties. reach something, and you know, like in menhausn, it may not be a sub-act, but there is something heroic in it , there is something heroic in this in these lives, so we took 12 directors and 12 playwrights, we carried out
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such count, which means there were a lot of publications in the regional press about sending your stories. send applications, we will make performances about you. received a large number of applications from different regions, from 64 regions, we received applications, and people sent about themselves, yes, yes, it was very important so that not, you know, not from above some director of the plant, we turned to him, give us some wonderful production worker from you, and he ’s like, you’re vasily, let’s go there about you from moscow, they want to do a play about you, yes, yes , they will write about you, and this vasily. it means something like that - well , they obliged, okay, such a social burden, no, we didn’t want that at all, we wanted it to be an initiative from these people, so that they wanted to be told about them, how they feel like this people who want to share their stories who are in love with their work and want to share this love, so we received
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many applications, and the guys, directors and playwrights , selected the most interesting ones, we discussed these applications with them, and the guys went there to see these heroes. will be played, will be played, which means in the spaces of the exhibition russia, then, we are sure, these performances will continue to live, by the way, we already have requests from the regions for us to take these performances to the regions, they will continue to live and ...


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