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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 13, 2024 4:55am-5:01am MSK

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this is not the first time, this is our third training, well , there were probably dozens in russia, so we are synchronizing, and the general staffs have already, the russian defense minister said, they have begun to implement these, the servile satellites of the united states are putting europe and the world on the brink of disaster , pole andrzej duda, for example, is ready to risk the very existence of poland. if our allies decide to place nuclear weapons on our territory. i don't rule anything out, since we 're up against someone who doesn't rule anything out, we've doubtless doubted too much, defining the boundaries of our actions. baltic mobs trained by washington, estonia, lithuania and latvia.
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american senators, that they cannot allow ukraine to lose and russia to win, and if they begin to put forward some conditions, if the front is broken through by a russian group or odessa or kharkov falls there, then they will be forced to join direct, direct armed conflict with our troops in ukraine.
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the situation reminds many of the caribbean crisis of the sixties, when civilization stood still on the verge of self-destruction. the west’s readiness for nuclear provocations is evidenced by the announced transfer to ukraine of f-16 fighters, which are potential carriers of nuclear weapons, the same tactical ones that are located in nato warehouses in europe. blok also conducted training on its use. and last year, let’s say, september '23, right? large air force exercises in the mediterranean sea, in which italy, croatia and a number of other mediterranean countries participate, that is, in the air-to-air in space, scenarios are being carried out for the rise of tactical nuclear weapons, that is , those same american bombs, then in november the exercise was already in the northern airspace of europe, where most likely it took place in the airspace of estonia, the mechanisms for removing ammunition were worked out.
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storage locations, raising their aircraft carriers, actually shooting them at targets, and all of these targets were located near the russian border, that is, it is clear that the targets are located immediately beyond the russian border, that is, on our to some military targets, that is, nato does not hesitate to even voice these scenarios, in principle, not only for internal rhetoric, but for external ones, uses its media for this and says that we are preparing for confrontation, for nuclear confrontation. from russia, that is, we already have the largest potential of tactical nuclear weapons in the world, even more than the americans, so, in fact, we have nothing to brag about, we will have to, so to speak, uncover this nuclear club, our teaching is the answer to a direct threat, after all, unlike bombs on nato planes, russian tactical nuclear weapons still need to be delivered to the right place, at the right time, from one’s own point of view, hang the bomb on an airplane or load it into a bomb lover, well...
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the fleet, the caspian flotilla and airfields. nato's calculations for nuclear escalation were quite obvious even before the start of the jfo. the head of the bloc, stoltenberg, who then declared the desirability of placing us nuclear weapons closer to russian borders, received, among other things , a prize for his contribution to peace. zelensky, macron's current direct competitor in the fight for napoleon's hat.
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with special oily eyes he regretted that he could not use nuclear weapons against russia, this advanced lover of special effects would definitely have rushed, well, no, we would love to, look, we don’t have nuclear weapons, no, i would, that’s all i wouldn’t give it away, the threats of the current western leaders cannot be considered a simple bluff caused by the unsuccessful ukrainian armed forces at the front. this is a thoughtful line of behavior, the meaning of which they have repeatedly formulated, a strategic defeat of russia and its dismemberment. a warning was sounded to them back in february 2022, which would be worth listening to at nato headquarters every day. now a few important, very important words
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for those who may be tempted from the outside to intervene in the events taking place. no matter who tries to stop us, let alone create. channel. and continuing the theme of the exercises of russia and belarus, at which they will work out the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. commentary by the host of the big game program on channel one, political scientist dmitry simes. moscow's announcement that, by decision of president putin
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, exercises will be conducted using non-strategic nuclear weapons, caused mixed reactions in the west. anyway, we won’t get it, we don’t see evidence that russia is actually preparing to use nuclear weapons, so well , they made such a decision in moscow, well, let them make it, it doesn’t threaten us in any way, but this reaction is quite understandable, because they
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do not want to admit that nato’s actions for a long time really threaten russia, what’s more... is waging an undeclared war against russia, on the other hand, they want the citizens of western countries not to worry, so that they don’t think that something could interfere with their normal life, but now a war is happening in ukraine, russian troops are fighting with ukrainian ones, in the west everything will be quiet, grace, although, of course, you will have to spend a lot of money, but here you need to understand that... this kind of propaganda statements do not reflect reality. first, we must remember why russia decided to take this kind of step, not in order to spar with weapons, but because for a long time, the united states, its nato allies,
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destroyed the entire system of collective security, withdrew from one arms limitation treaty after another, first from agreement. expressed solidarity with russia’s calls, but as for the nato countries, they simply ignored it, they said all the time that russia must live - according to some rules, according to some concepts, but when it came to behavior nato itself, then no rules and no
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concepts were observed, and now washington is being told that even the very idea that such weapons could be used. under some circumstances, that the very idea is extremely dangerous, i want to remind you that the idea of ​​​​the massive use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, that we are... was not born in moscow, in washington, i want to remind you that in the seventies it was adopted in the united states , the so-called schlesinger doctrine, the doctrine of selective nuclear strikes, and the speech it was actually not about recklessly blowing up the whole world, but rather about the fact that in order to have effective deterrence, you need to have systems at a level below the strategic level that can be used in case of emergency. extreme necessity, then the soviet union had an advantage in conventional
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non-nuclear weapons, and this doctrine seemed to the nato countries absolutely reasonable and natural, but now, when it comes to the fact that russia would like, if you like, to level the playing field to have the appropriate capabilities, then it causes something, just i want to say, it looks like hysteria, i can say, why do they have such a nervous reaction? they have such a nervous reaction because they are afraid that if the citizens of their countries think that nato aggression in ukraine can lead to some kind of global conflict, then they will say: why are we interfering with ukraine, why are we putting ourselves at risk, they will say, why did we... make ukraine the focus of our foreign policy,
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this approach, naturally, does not suit the collective west, president lincoln said, that it is impossible to deceive everyone all the time, you can deceive everyone some of the time, and you can deceive someone all the time, like this, to deceive everyone all the time, this is unrealistic, here is the collective west, especially the biden administration.
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fsb alexander bortnikov, head of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin, head of
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the russian guard, viktor zolotov. for the position of director of the federal security service, dmitry kochnev, the president also proposed that the federation council appoint boris kavalchuk to the position of chairman of the accounts chamber and the position head of the main directorate of special programs of the president alexander lints. and one more addition. valery gerasimov remains the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation. and we are now awaiting a comment from presidential press secretary dmitry peskov a little later in our program. this sunday time is what will happen next in the program. roll call of generations, parade through victory day, veterans in the stands, special operation heroes on the paving stones of red square. in ukraine, men, to avoid being sent to front are changing clothes. in the women's room, maybe zelensky should think about this? paris, belgrade,
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budapest, european tour of the chairman of the people's republic of china pi day for a message for the collective west. weather anomalies and snowstorms and overseas in may. what are the prospects for the harvest now and can we expect any more surprises from nature? exactly 80 years ago, crimea was completely liberated from the nazis. preparing to escape, the nazis mined sevastopol. our sappers.
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in every family, in every home, we all carefully preserve the memories of the feat of our ancestors. the center of celebrations is traditionally red square. in this year , 9.00 people took part in the parade dedicated to the seventy-ninth anniversary of the defeat of the nazis in the great patriotic war. the foot column included representatives of various branches of the military, crews from the suvorov, nakhimov, cadet schools, young army men, female military personnel, and a cossack combined military orchestra. also , the heroes of a special military operation marched along the cobblestones of the main square of the country, in the stands, together with the president, veterans, here is the connection of times, on victory day - this is a roll call generations across the country, anton vernitsky will confirm, near a nameless village on a nameless height, near a nameless village. at
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an unnamed height, here is the connection between generations, father and son singing together a song about the feat of their grandfather, or rather for the younger great-grandfather. may 9 is the very holiday that unites the country , not by some decree or worship of fictional heroes, all heroes are real in every family, it is impossible to force people to celebrate this day, because it is from the heart, peace and goodness to all, happy victory day! the victory parade on red square, whatever it may be, as in this year in the snow, or like in 1945 in the pouring rain, when those front-line soldiers stood in the ranks, the great patriotic ones - this is the main parade of the country, the main one then in 1945, now in 2024. another confirmation
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of that very connection between generations, just look at the parade building today's heroes.
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the nobility of the liberating soldiers, about the great sacrifice they made in the name of life. russia, according to vladimir putin , rejects the claims of any state to exclusivity, and knows what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. ours the country, at the cost of millions of victims, stopped nazi germany in its quest for world domination, then in forty-five. the first three, long, most difficult years of the great patriotic war...
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all of russia, they believe in you, our veterans worry about you, and spiritual involvement in your destinies and exploits inextricably binds
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the generation of heroes of the fatherland. today we bow our heads to the blessed memory of all whose lives were taken by the great patriotic war, to our comrades in arms who fell in the fight against neo-nazism. in a righteous fight for russia, a minute of silence is announced. and what about that same unfriendly west? an indicative passage in a report from the american associated press about our parade. the kremlin is using one war to shape opinions about the current one. at the parade is a unit of the so-called special military operation, but that’s not all.
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western armored tanks captured by russia on the battlefield in ukraine are proudly displayed in moscow's victory park. that is, their equipment is shooting at our civilians in donbass, killing civilians people in belgorod - this is our use of the image of the great patriotic war. a girl named sasha, who runs a blog called sasha mitsrasha. something like sasha gets acquainted with russia on may 9, victory day, she came to poklonnaya hill in moscow, her mother is russian, her father is american, her great-grandfather and great-grandmother fought when we were allies with the americans, here is the half-russian, half-american sasha at the exhibition captured equipment, the one that our guys destroyed and captured during the svo. this is what i see for the first time in my life, i see american abrams tank in the center of moscow, instead of celebrating. sasha’s reaction speaks
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for itself, especially against the backdrop of the inscription that employees of the embassies of the usa, great britain, germany and poland are given priority access to inspect captured equipment of nato countries, but the words of her interlocutors are even clearer, well, this is majestic, in principle and healthy. so that everyone can see what happens when someone interferes with our country, be it america, everyone has gathered, and as usual, once every 80 years, they gather to get the crap out of us, like history repeats itself, yes, nothing is learned, it repeats itself endlessly, the total cost of trophy equipment on display exceeds several million, but this is only a small part of what the so-called collective is...
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so i go, as if on live television, showing him the trophies . and this is the technology thanks to which this destruction is taking place, ours in parade formation is not some promising developments, but the very thing that is combat, used in the zone of a special military operation, not counting, of course, the missiles of the yars strategic complex, one of the components of our nuclear deterrent forces, fortunately there is no need to use them yet, although the west is constantly provoking us. russia will... do everything to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always in combat
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readiness. and this combat readiness is necessary, because almost every family in our country knows at what cost the victory was won in 1945, and how important it is to maintain peace. that same immortal regiment, portraits heroes of the great patriotic war is not just a tradition, it is a memory. the faces of the heroes are everywhere, on huge screens all over the country, on the windows of cars, airplane fuses, on combat vehicles, the grandfather is again in battle, in the same places where he fought, villages are being sold, well, after all , burial, memory, he gave life , it turns out to my mother, my mother gave it to me, so i continue that tradition, so to speak, they did not like to talk about the war, and many of the current boys fighting today... did not find their grandfathers, i wish my grandfather was alive , i would sit there all day long listened to...


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