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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 13, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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no, we don’t, well, we would love to, you say, we don’t have nuclear weapons, no, i wouldn’t give it all away. the threats of the current western leaders cannot be considered a simple bluff caused by the failures of the ukrainian armed forces at the front. this is a well-thought-out line of behavior, the meaning of which they have repeatedly formulated, the strategic defeat of russia and its dismemberment. a warning was sounded to them back in february 2022, which would be worth listening to at nato headquarters every day. now somewhat important.
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because they don't want to admit that nato's actions for a long time really threaten russia, that moreover, nato is waging an undeclared war against russia, on the other hand, they want citizens of western countries not to worry, so that they do not think that something can interfere with their normal life, but now there is a war.
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the world majority, including, say, china, india, stood in solidarity with the calls of those drinking in the desert, because many countries , but i cannot say that it was the voice of russia, but as for the nato countries, they they simply ignored it, they said all the time that russia should live by some rules, by some concepts, but when it came to behavior. nato, then no rules and no
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concepts were observed, but now in washington they say that even the very idea that such weapons could be used. under some circumstances, that the idea itself is extremely dangerous, i want to remind you that the idea of ​​​​the massive use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, that this idea was not born in moscow, in washington. i would like to remind you that in in the seventies , the so-called schlesinger doctrine, the doctrine of selective nuclear strikes, was adopted in the united states, and it was not really about... blowing up the whole world, but it was about the fact that in order to have an effective deterrence, you need to have systems at a lower strategic level that can be used in case of emergency, then the soviet union had an advantage in conventional non-nuclear weapons,
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and this doctrine seemed to nato countries absolutely reasonable and natural, but now, when it comes to the fact that russia...
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is moving to another job. sergei lavrov, the head of the ministry of justice - konstantin chuychenko, the ministry of internal affairs - vladimir kolokoltsev, the ministry of emergency situations - alexander kurenkov, the director of the fsb alexander bortnikov - were nominated for the post of minister of foreign affairs. head of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin,
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head of the russian guard, viktor zolotov. for the post of director of the federal security service, dmitry kochnev, the president also proposed that the federation council appoint boris to the post of chairman of the accounts chamber kovalchuk and position. head of the main directorate of special programs of the president alexander lints. and one more addition: valery gerasimov remains the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation. and we are now awaiting a comment from presidential press secretary dmitry peskov a little later in our program. this sunday time that's what tal will be on the program. roll call of a generation. parade through victory day , veterans in the stands, special operation heroes on the paving stones of red square. in ukraine , men try to avoid being sent to the front they change into women's clothes, maybe zelensky should think about this? paris, belgrade, budapest,
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european tour of the chairman of the people's republic of china with a message for the collective west. weather anomalies, heifers and overseas in... the ruins neutralized 250,000 mines. only 3,000 inhabitants remained in the city, almost 30,000 were killed, and more than 40,000 were driven away to germany. the nazis tried to destroy the vladimir cathedral, a symbol of spirit and faith, even before our assault began. crimea and sevastopol were sacred places for the third reich. here on hitler's orders they were looking for the holy grail, a sign of the power of immortality, but the battle for sevastopol put an end to these illusions. crimean offensive operation. was accomplished by the defeat of the occupiers. a year before the great victory, the peninsula became free.
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victory day is a sacred holiday for each of us. it is celebrated in every family, in every home. we all carefully preserve the memories of the heroic deeds of our ancestors. the center of celebrations is traditionally red square. this year in the parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the defeat of the nazis in the great patriotic war 9.00 people participated. the first column were representatives of different branches of the military, crews of the suvorov, nakhimov, cadet schools, young army men, female military personnel, cossacks , a combined military orchestra, also heroes of a special military operation marched along the paving stones of the main square of the country, in the stands, together with the president, veterans, that’s the connection times and on victory day, this is a roll call of generations throughout the country. anton vernitsky will confirm. near a nameless village at a nameless height near a nameless village at
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nameless height, here is the connection of generations, father son singing together a song about the feat of his grandfather, or rather for the youngest great-grandfather, may 9 is the very holiday that unites the country not by some decree... or by the worship of fictional heroes, the heroes are all real in it is impossible for every family to be forced to celebrate this day, because it is a release, peace and goodness to all, happy victory day, the victory parade on red square, whatever it may be, like this year in the snow or like in 1945 in the pouring rain, when those were in the ranks front-line soldiers, great patriotic soldiers - this is the main parade of the country. another confirmation
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of that very connection between generations, just look at the parade formation of today’s heroes. under the banners of the combat units that liberated donetsk, zaporozhye, nikolaev, and odessa during the great patriotic war, a parade squad of participants in a special military operation is taking place. heroes of russia, holders of the order of courage, not just one unit, but the best of the best. from all directions of a special military operation, their grandfathers and great-grandfathers would have known that again we will have to fight nazism, that the very europe that they liberated from it will begin to nurture this nazism by any means necessary, nurturing it, pushing fraternal peoples together for this purpose, and the great-grandchildren will go to war. today we see how they are trying to distort the truth about the second world war; it interferes with those who are accustomed to build their essentially colonial policy on hypocrisy and lies. they demolish memorials to true fighters against nazism,
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put traitors and accomplices of the nazis on their peedistals, cross out the memory of the heroism and nobility of the liberating soldiers, and that the great sacrifice they made for life. russia, according to vladimir putin , rejects the claims of any state to exclusivity, and knows what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. it is our country that costs. the soviet union, all the republics of the former soviet union, fought the nazis almost one on one, while almost all of europe worked for the military power of the wehrmacht. at the same time, let me emphasize, russia never. did not downplay the importance of the second front of allied assistance, however, for 3 years, until in
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forty-three the nazis were driven out, having defended stalingrad, the allies were silent, but according to putin, we remember not this, but the courage of the underground french resistance, the courage of the people in china, who defended their country from the aggression of militaristic japan, we remember that we were allies with those who are now trying to destroy both the memory of the great patriotic war and our country itself. russia is now going through a difficult, milestone situation. period: the fate of the homeland, its future, depends on each of us. we celebrate victory day in the context of a special military operation, that's all.
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today we bow our heads to the bright in memory of all whose lives were taken by the great patriotic war. before our comrades in arms who fell in the fight against neo-nazism, in a righteous battle for russia. a minute of silence is announced. but what about that same unfriendly west? an indicative passage in a report from the american associated press agency about our parade. the kremlin is using one war to form an opinion about another, the current conflict with ukraine, and they are serious about it. at the parade, a unit of the so -called special military operation, but that's not all.
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western armored tanks captured by russia on the battlefield in ukraine are proudly displayed in moscow's victory park. that is. their technique, shooting at our civilians in the donbass, killing civilians in belgorod, is our use of the image of the great patriotic war. a girl named sasha, who runs a blog called sasha mitsrasha, something like sasha meets russia, on may 9, on victory day, came to the pokolnaya hill in moscow, her mother is russian, her father is american, her great-grandfather and great-grandmother fought when we were with the americans allies, here is the half-russian, half-american sasha at an exhibition of captured equipment.
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captured equipment exceeds several million dollars, but this is only a small part of what the so-called collective total cost of the displayed on display in the west stuffs ukraine with, what our army destroys every day, do you want more about the connection between generations of peoples? no wonder the leaders of belarus and kazakhstan, tajikistan and
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uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan and turkmenistan, now independent states that fought against fascism together.
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the faces of the heroes are everywhere, on huge screens all over the country, on car windows, airplane fusels, on combat vehicles, grandfather is again in battle, in the same places where he himself fought. it gives strength, but after all it’s a chore. memory, he gave life, it turns out, to my mother, my mother gave it to me, so i continue, i honor traditions, so to speak, they did not like to talk about the war, and many of the current boys fighting today... did not find their grandfathers, i would like grandfather, if he were alive, i would sit and listen to him all day long, being here, i understand,
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what it was like for them, how difficult it was for them, there was no large procession of the immortal regiment this year for security reasons, but on may 9 , people gathered all over the country with portraits of their relatives, in the fenced-off surgut still front-line donetsk, in bashkiria, kaliningrad, on sakhalin , st. petersburg. in volgograd, which again became stalingrad for one holiday, here is a great-grandson with two great-grandfathers, whom he had never seen, both left before his birth, but the memory remained, my great-grandfathers, ancestors who forged victory on this land, especially my great-grandfather, egor yegorovich lashchin, fought here in stalingrad, defended the stalingrad elevator in the varoshilovsky district, reached berlin, signed the walls of the restag, this is my great-great-grandfather, died with
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the safe future of russia, our united people, glory to the valiant armed forces , for russia, for victory, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray! anton vernitsky, ekaterina koryak and vitaly zaitsev, channel one. processions of the immortal
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regiment took place in many countries this week. this is, for example, footage from cyprus. in in limassol, 3,000 people came to the embankment, they stretched out giant banners, the russian flag, the st. george ribbon and a copy of the victory banner. and this is rome, there people with portraits of veterans and home front workers gathered on... a column of the immortal regiment in israel in the ranks , representatives of several generations. in iceland, ireland, the event took place in the format of a motor rally. in the capital of america, the immortal regiment marched on the territory of our embassy in washington; in cuba, hundreds of people carried portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war along one of the central avenues of havana. but in ukraine the current one.
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before taking office as president, one of the officers told the supreme commander-in-chief about the successful use of compact ground-based courier drones equipped with automatic grenade launchers in the avdiivka direction. this is not the only option. the platform allows you to install a large-caliber utes machine gun or a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher on it. the courier can be used to evacuate the wounded, transport ammunition and mine the area. request from front-line soldiers - launch such equipment into series as soon as possible. the president supported. more details about everything. evgenia lyamin. officers. with participants in a special military operation, vladimir putin
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communicates by phone with those on the front line, commanders of regiments, battalions, clans in factories, interested in the situation on the front line, in order to know what is called the truth of the trenches first hand, regularly meets with military personnel and personally . for me, meetings of this kind always have significance, because, as a rule, these are frank conversations and... i am very i am counting on such a frank conversation about what and how is happening on the battlefield, what and how additional needs to be done so that the actions of our combat units are even more successful, so that tasks are solved with minimal losses, and so that we certainly achieve all the tasks assigned to us by our homeland, the commanders of regiments, brigades and divisions were at the table, all of them were among the guests of the entry ceremony. which is
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the basis of all our successes, we all must understand this, in the social sphere, in strengthening the families of russia, developing healthcare, education, and so on and so on, we have all the possibilities, all the absolute possibilities for all these tasks to be fully realized, but only under one condition, subject to your successful work. on the battlefield, this is a key link today, and the whole country understands this, the supreme commander-in-chief emphasized, the whole country supports our army as a priority, of course, this is equipping the armed forces with the latest types of weapons, and here, along with defense giants, the development and production, for example, of the same drones and mobile stations rap are carried out by very small enterprises, often with funds raised by volunteers, all for victory. we are developing the so-called people's defense industry, that
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is, if... to be honest, when i meet with those who are in one way or another involved in the activities of your military work in the civilian sphere, i am honestly surprised myself, you know, at so that you and i can fight effectively on the battlefield, think thousands of people who do not have or do not have previously had nothing to do with military service, and acts very effectively; in order to effectively confront the enemy on the battlefield, you need to be one step ahead. vladimir putin emphasized high technologies and a step into the future was already taken in the avdeevsky direction, when combat robots went on the attack with machine guns and automatic grenades. the first time we processed robots in battle was when we took oudea. there we had four complexes, two spkt, two with ags, we used them as a fire group support in the private sector. the operator led them to a firing position, the advantage was the enemy's flank. they processed fire points and helped the attack aircraft advance. further under
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the reeds as part of the assault squad. they got it, it was still difficult, i know, it was still difficult to tear it apart, i say, the berdychi got it after all, it was difficult, i know, for sure, it was difficult, but they took it, we move on, in this locality a ground-based robotic courier complex, equipped with a gs17 automatic grenade launcher, the use of such equipment specifically in assault operations will save the life of a serviceman; in addition to the ags
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, a large-caliber utes machine gun can be installed on the courier's tracked platform. a flamethrower and a hand-held anti-tank grenade, it all depends on the task at hand, the ground-based drone itself is compact, about one and a half meters long and 20 meters wide, has a speed of up to 35 km/h, a control range of up to 10 km, an operating time of up to 3 days, that’s what , what is known is that the courier platform itself is universal, it can be converted to transporting ammunition or evacuating the wounded from the battlefield, there are also engineering models for remote mining of terrain, but for now these robots exist in the form of several experiments. is it possible to organize mass production of such platforms and equip assault groups-subdivisions ? it’s possible, of course, until recently we adapted such similar devices and developed them ourselves, so we have experience, our designers, scientists, engineers, believe me, also work day and night, this is real in the fullest sense this word day and night in order to
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stay a little ahead of the proteas. in general, we succeed; this is one of the main tasks to ensure the overall success of victory. while ground-based robotic systems are just beginning to take part in battles, unmanned aerial vehicles have long conquered the skies and are successfully beating the enemy. fpvidrones for only a few tens of thousands of rubles are destroyed by the same american citizens who cost millions of dollars. now our engineers are struggling to solve two main problems: how to increase the range actions of combat drones and how to teach them to overcome enemy rap. application, it often reduces for a week all the enemy’s attempts to actively operate in one or another sector of the front, there is a need to consider the issue of introducing and maybe producing an aircraft type with fpv carriers just for drones, that is, the so -called aircraft, those tasks that just recently we thought so, and indeed everyone all over the world thought that they could be solved only exclusively with the help of aviation
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systems, right? now they are decided in small ways means, but with great, with great effect, we have learned to do it, we are doing it, we are working on it and i am sure there will be results. it is necessary to constantly improve not only the weapons, but during the siberian federal district, the number of the brigade commanded by major general vlasov has grown by almost 3 and a half times, but the command structure has remained the same. for the quality of task performance, i ask you to consider the issue of carrying out routine activities for the management of brigades performing combat missions in three groupings of forces. we need to reorganize the brigade into a division, and build all the command and control bodies accordingly, and we’ll do that. only part of the meeting took place in the presence of television cameras.
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the head of the kiev regime will soon become officially expired. his term ends on may 20, and elections in this democratic country with european values ​​are not planned in the near future. on may 18, against the backdrop of the front crumbling in all directions, a new law on mobilization comes into force, which will allow ukrainian military commissars to be even more fierce may provoke a social explosion. ivankanovalov will continue. a strategy for constant pressure by russian forces in key areas. having failed to stop the advance of russian troops in the chasovo yar area on the avdeevsky direction west of ocheretin, commander-in-chief syrsky is now
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transferring his fighters to the north, to the kharkov direction, where our troops launched an active offensive. in addition to the kharkov northern direction, it is worth expecting. active military operations in the coastal area, i have the black sea region, the black sea coastline, because from blocking the line of the ukrainian coast with the help of rocket attacks using non-contact methods, that is, destruction of infrastructure, we will move on to more active actions, more active actions mean the destruction of the enemy’s defenses, but without directly engaging them in battle, and of course after the capture of the hourly ravine and not only more likely... this will be followed by the liberation of the entire territory of the dpr. ukrainian telegram channels, citing sources in the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, report on the conflict between the glovkom syrsky and the command of the third assault brigade, which threatens to destroy the entire vertical command and control of troops. the basis of the third brigade
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is made up of undead nationalists from the azov battalion. at one time, they refused to take positions in avdeevka and collapsed the front there. now they refuse to move towards ocheretin. all this perfectly characterizes the condition.
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fatal outcome even before being sent to the front, forty-four-year-old artyom was undergoing a commission and was preparing to be sent to a training center in saksagansky, when suddenly his mother was informed that he... he was never sick, he was a healthy person, there were never even doctors, i don’t understand, i mean, what do you think could have happened, what do you think happened to the tc, why did artyom die? i don’t know, i don’t know what
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happened there, but it was clearly violence against a son, but it was, like violence against a child, ukrainian publics claim that the military commissar... gave permission to use weapons in conflict situations, it is clear that the number of terrorists , that is, among cloners, it grows exponentially, for some... we got close to the border, this is our point, where they said no, romania is a fence, congratulations, we are in romania, but others are more often unlucky, especially if they try to swim across the border tisa river, they die in the cold water. another way to escape from the military commissars of the border guards is to dress as a woman, but this no longer works. why are you shy about smoothies? according to various sources,
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mobilization currently covers only 25% of the monthly needs of the armed forces of ukraine, and its quantitative and qualitative indicators do not compensate for losses at the front. near kyiv there remains hope for the actual forced return of potential suicide bombers from abroad, but this is unlikely to solve the problem of an acute shortage of manpower. the number of recruits of arriving age who fled outside ukraine is estimated at approximately 2-3 million. people, so not all of them will be able to be pushed back into ukraine, returned to ukraine, but of course, i think that ukraine will be able to gather from 300 to 500 thousand people with great difficulty, but this will require quite a long time, so this will be accompanied very serious aggravation of the socio-political situation in ukraine. they are well aware that a social explosion is brewing in ukraine; in order
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to prevent it, they are looking for a replacement for zelensky, who, by the way, will expire on may 20 . according to the russian foreign intelligence service, the americans have established appropriate contacts with former ukrainian president petro poroshenko and kiev mayor vitali klitschko. secret work is being carried out with the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, whom zelensky exiled as ambassador to london. among. ukrainian citizens are growing dissatisfied with the endless prolongation of the conflict with russia. in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine , the number of cases of desertion and voluntary surrender is increasing. zelensky is clearly beginning to lose the fight for the minds and hearts of the people of ukraine. at the same time, the americans have intensified efforts to find an alternative to the current ukrainian president. in fact, the us administration is not even trying to hide the fact that they generally don’t care who exactly will lead ukraine. the main thing is that he is able to continue armed conflict with russia.
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prays for american hegemony. i see according to him, it turns out, the whole world is just hearing around the world, this is a constant thirst for american participation for american leadership. and even those countries that at one time or another complain about what we do or don’t like.
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ukraine would not be able to defend itself for so long, and there are few troops there, that is, soldiers, there are few soldiers, observers, and engineers. discussion about the official dispatch of alliance troops to square, which was deployed french president macron, received a new turn, indicating a lack of unity in nato. lithuanian prime minister ingrida shimanytė. for example, announced that lithuania wants to be the first alliance country to
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officially send troops to ukraine, but the head of the italian foreign ministry, antonio taijani, stated a completely opposite position. we are not in a state of war with russia, not a single italian soldier will go to fight in ukraine, because it is one thing to defend international law, and another thing to wage a war with russia. for a military organization. by fact is nato, such pluralism of opinions is dangerous. in any case, the russian army has already proven its readiness for any turn of events. ivan kanavalov, liliya zorina, alexander gusev, channel one.
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many of the distinguished guests also took part in the summit of the eurasian economic union, in moscow they summed up the results of 10 years of this integration format, the results are significant, and the prospects are very promising. more and more countries are interested in cooperation in the eurasian space. oleg shishkin will continue the topic. outside the administrative framework and state borders, the eurasian economic union is based on the principles of four freedoms: the movement of capital, services, goods and labor . all this allows the countries of the association to develop dynamically. eurasian. the union today is an effective and dynamic integration structure, the activities of which contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges, the intensification of business contacts, the expansion of cooperation ties, which ultimately brings real benefits
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to each of the participants in our association. here just before we came into the hall, we talked about this with our colleagues and stated a very good indicator. both the five states and the eurasian region as a whole, leads to an increase in the quality of life and well-being of our citizens. the agreement on the creation of the ias was signed by russia, belarus and kazakhstan in 2014. later they were joined by armenia and kyrgyzstan, here is the result of the decade in numbers. total gdp. russia and belarus are subject to unprecedented sanctions. against the backdrop of the global economic
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turbulence yaes looks like a self-sufficient association that stands firmly on its feet and makes plans for the active development of foreign markets. it was possible through joint efforts. solve the problem of independent, uninterrupted supply of the domestic market with food and vital types of agricultural products. work has entered an active phase on the project for the largest international north-south corridor, which will provide direct access for our countries' products to ports on the coast of the persian gulf and indian ocean. president of kazakhstan kasym dzhamar takaev is convinced that in conditions of instability in the world, israel must become even more flexible.
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the national plan for the socio-economic development of our country coincides in many aspects with the priorities in the short and long term contained in the declaration of the eurasian economic union, especially in terms of science and innovation. cuba is interested in qualitatively and quantitatively increasing our ties in terms of trade turnover, partnerships of foreign investments, both within the region and beyond it outside. summit i and. however, according to putin, fine-tuning of the institutions and mechanisms of the union is ongoing, this allows it to develop and adapt to changes in the global economy. oleg
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shishkin, sergey klishin, channel one. the european tour of chinese president xiding ping caused a noticeable resonance in the world. china plays its own game, which is important, based on its own, and not someone else’s, interests. and in paris, the leader of heaven once again made this clear. and in belgrade and budapest this approach of beijing is completely shared and... open doors for chinese goods and investments, which the important guest came with, pavel krasnov knows. inviting a guest to his friend’s restaurant in perenei, macron hoped to charm him with picturesque views, folklore dances and songs, and local delicacies, but then awkwardness ensued; macron had to personally remove a popular dessert from the menu, the name “russian pie” was a letdown.
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macron himself gave the reason when he said that europe should not be a vassal of america, he promised not to agree with washington on taiwan issues, but time has passed, and emmanuel’s homework i still didn’t learn it, so i called teacher vonderleen to a meeting, she got into the role so much that she really began to lecture the chairman of the people’s republic of china in a tedious tone. we expect china to use. russia has no
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lethal equipment. additional efforts are needed to limit the supply of dual -use goods to russia that end up on the battlefield. oh , these dual-use goods. the german handel sblat even listed what exactly the west had in mind. the g7 countries have agreed on a list of 50 product categories, which include: among other things, machine devices for the production of semiconductor components or integrated circuits, as well as radar instruments. it’s surprising that the list did not include the notorious washing machines, from which we supposedly pick out chips for missiles, but the very requirement not to sell something to russia smacks of surrealism against the backdrop of western supplies to ukraine, where everything is from cartridges to tanks, and france, which is not a day generally threatens to send soldiers there. at a meeting in paris, macron for some reason showed the guest a statue of napoleon, he also sent troops. we are not in a state of war either
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with russia or with the russian people, and we also do not seek a change of power in russia. macron wanted to invite his friend from the next class, scholz, to this meeting, but he decided to skip, either he was still sulking because in china he had recently been shown his place, a third-rank official met him at the plane, or... everything has already been said, in beijing he also bothered zenping with talk about bad russia, then blinkin did the same, in paris the reaction of the leader of the prc to these. rather annoying spells were not included in the frame, but the new york times talked about it. sizenping was outraged by the attempts to put pressure on his country. chinese president xijin ping has strongly rejected criticism of china over its close relationship with russia during the conflict in ukraine. he firmly defended china's role, recalling that his country was not the source. of this crisis by its party, well, who exactly held the matches in their hands, inciting the crisis, he made it clear by choosing for his next stop
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serbia, and timed the visit to coincide with the twenty-fifth anniversary of the bombing. but also for china, too, in connection with the anniversary of the tragedy, because serbia, from which its historical lands were forcibly torn away, strictly adheres to the one-china principle. we have a simple and clear position on the issue of china's territorial integrity; we always and everywhere say that taiwan is china. china responds by supporting serbia's territorial integrity. it is quite enough for china and serbia to now understand each other well in their assessments western claims to hegemony. china supports serbia's efforts to protect
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sovereignty and territorial integrity on the kosovo issue. both countries will continue. advocate for fairness and justice and jointly oppose hegemonic power politics. and if these words were not enough, then with the final point of his trip, the chinese leader finally put an end to attempts to drag him into a militant camp. hungary's position regarding the ukrainian crisis is well known. standing next to sizempin, viktor orban announced it again. voice hungary is a lonely voice in europe. europe is now in favor of war. the only exception is hungary. which calls for an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations. we support all international efforts aimed at achieving peace, in particular the chinese peace initiative presented by chairman xidzenping. china’s initiative to take into account russia’s opinion and the fact that it is orban who supports it in europe speaks volumes. for brussels, he, like a leper, openly opposes the arming of kiev talks about a multipolar world, but most importantly, like
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serbian leader vucic, he sympathizes with moscow. as the conflict in ukraine continues to influence european politics, sidzenping chose two countries that clearly run counter to the mainstream european consensus: serbia is not a member of the european union or nato, and has historically close ties with russia and friendly relations with beijing. hungary has become a nightmare for the european union, and non- liberal prime minister viktor orban is clearly friendly with the kremlin and opposed continued military support for ukraine. and this is not to mention the fact that belgrade and budapest, unlike brussels, do not interfere with economics and politics, while the eu looks at beijing with caution, these countries are building a high-speed railway with the help of china, and hungary also has a chinese automobile plant, at the very time when the european union is trying to protect its market from cheap chinese electric vehicles, on whose side the head of the prc sympathizes is obvious , and with the schedule of his trip, he shows
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this openly. we support hungary in its eager to play more. orban noted with an obvious hint that relations between hungary and china are at an unattainable height, however, what is characteristic of their symbols is that they can be interpreted in different ways and the recipients of the message can always pretend that... they understand its meaning, but if you look closely, it becomes obviously, sizempina's entire european tour is one big answer to the demands of euro-atlantic hawks, translated from the eastern language of halftone hints, this answer sounds like a firm no. pavel krasnov, dmitry volkov, pavel evdokimenko, channel one, paris, belgrade, budapest. and oh wait, or rather about the anomalies, such cold weather has not happened in may for a long time.
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not just frost and not just snow, right away. in several regions this week there were real snowstorms, what to prepare for next with the harvest, about this in the report of sergei ponomarev. well, i don’t remember this ever happening, on may 9, with tulips blooming, and so much snow. and if such a white cover does not seem to be scary for tulips, then lyudmila rogova’s strawberries had to save. as if by chance, the bushes began to bloom like a film right before the may blizzard near moscow, yesterday it was as if it was winter, the wind was blowing snow so large and it was impossible to be cold. since the beginning of the month, summer residents of the central regions of the european part of russia have been fighting for the future harvest. they are not surprised by spring weather surprises with a minus sign; they say the duration
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of the frosts frightens them. there were cases when snow fell in the month of may. even in june, but this happened for a very short time, literally within one or two days, it’s already been here for more than a week, the seedlings are still being preserved in greenhouses or pots, covering the green shrubs, which is... called until better warm times. this is what the garden looked like in the capital’s kolomensky park this week. bely belo is now in the perem region. one local resident even donned his santa claus costume again. a snowstorm swept across the volga region. saratov summer residents are definitely left without grapes this year. we already want, we want everything to bloom, to be beautiful, but there’s something nature doesn’t give us. we must have done something wrong to her. forecasters. they claim that several unfavorable factors are to blame for everything: the cold brought with it a northern cyclone, it swept from murmansk to the capital, and then moved towards the komi republic, the situation was aggravated
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by an anticyclone that formed over korelia, atmospheric vortices drive arctic winds to the south . it turns out that two of these, two vortices, two funnels, which are pumped only into the rear part of the cyclone, which is above the coma now there, it pumps against. which is already blooming, that is, there will be no fruit, the tree is not afraid, that tree will suffer, large pears, apple and cherry trees are just blooming, you can’t cover them with film, i remember that as a child my parents saved themselves from frost by lighting fires in different parts of the garden, well, maybe i’ll have to resort.
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no matter how much we resist, our possibilities are not limitless. just in the lipetsk, voronezh, tambov regions, due to frost, an emergency situation was introduced, hundreds of hectares of winter and spring wheat were destroyed, and sergei tribunsky’s sunflower died. after the frost we look like the color of the leaf would be greenish, but when we crush it with our hands like this, all that remains are stumps from it. these are the shoots of what was sown back in april, he produced. dry and hot, and nothing in the forecasts foreshadowed natural anomalies, even such prolonged ones, we still hoped that if the weather conditions were good, maybe the corn would go away, but
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nevertheless, the second frost was -8°, we can already see it that this is useless, the fields will have to be replanted, there is still time for this, the final damage will be calculated by special commissions, according to according to weather forecasters, such severe vagaries of weather already occurred 7 years ago, here in 2017, when there was a similar situation on european territory, from the eighth to the twelfth there was also sleet with rain and even temporary snow cover of up to 1 cm 11-12 i was here in the moscow region in may, but in 1917 we had, if we talk about the grain harvest, a record harvest. you shouldn't expect any more frosty surprises this may; next week the temperatures will still be slightly below normal, but by the weekend... moscow and other regions, real spring will return again. sergey ponomarev, natalya litovka, anastasia berestenko, alexander lyakin, yuri shotokhin and sergey suvorov, channel one. we return to belgorod. already during
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our broadcast, governor vyacheslav glodkov reported on his telegram channel about the victims of new shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. three civilians, a seventeen-year-old girl, a woman and a man, were killed. five more were injured. according to defense data, our air defense system was shot down this evening. 14 rockets, vampire and alha, the consequences of the morning strike are now being eliminated. let me remind you that after the shelling , the entrance to one of the residential buildings on shoorsa street completely collapsed. at the moment , twelve people are already known to have died, including two children and twenty injured. there may be more people under the rubble; rescuers will work all night. dalmira beryukova is from a city where the missile threat was declared 10 times during the day. the analysis of the rubble constantly has to be interrupted, it was already dark and... the missile danger siren sounded once again, it sounds here, it sounded first literally every hour, now in the last hour there were probably four or five missile danger sirens,
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several arrivals have already been recorded in the neighboring, near shchorsa, ekoneva and vatutina streets, this is the complexity of the search and rescue operation, that we constantly have to interrupt the descent, this is how we are now in the shelter, according to the ministry of defense, the strikes were carried out from the complex. rszzo has a vampire and also rszzo alkha, a number of telegram channels also reported that the shelling of moderate neighborhoods was carried out from the direction of the kharkov village of kazachya. it's in a straight line here, literally 30 km away, a criminal case has been opened on this fact, on the fact of a terrorist attack. dalmira beryakova, sergey pelyaev, alexander klimov, channel one belgorod. and in conclusion , we return to the topic of government formation. vladimir putin presented the following candidacy to the federation council for consultation. to the post of minister of defense andrei belousov, who previously served as first deputy prime minister. sergei shaigu became secretary of the security council instead of nikolai patrushev, who is moving to... another job. on
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the post of minister of foreign affairs is represented by sergei lavrov, the head of the ministry of justice konstantin chuychenko, the ministry of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev, the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, the director of the fsb alexander bortnikov, the head of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin, the head of the russian guard viktor zolotov. for the position of director of the federal security service, dmitry kochnev. the president also proposed that the federation council appoint boris kovalchuk to the post of chairman of the accounts chamber, and he was proposed to the post of head of the main directorate of special programs of the president. alexander linets. and one more addition, valery gerasimov remains the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation. and this is how presidential press secretary dmitry peskov just commented on all this news. sergey kuzhgeet shaigu. he was relieved of his post by decree of the president, minister of defense of the russian federation and was also appointed by decree of the president of the russian federation, secretary of the security council of the russian federation. nikolai
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platonovich patrushev was relieved of his post as secretary of the security council due to moving to another job. he continues to work. and over the next few days we will inform you where nikolai platonovich will continue his activities. andrei removich belousov has been appointed minister of defense, as you know. here i would like to clarify a little. the budget of the ministry of defense and the security bloc, it was just recently.
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we are gradually approaching, due to known reasons, due to known geopolitical circumstances around us, the situation of the mid -eighties, when this share of spending on the power bloc in the economy was 7.4%. and i repeat once again, it is not critical, but it is extremely important, and it requires a special attitude, it is very important to include the economy of the power bloc. into the country's economy, to write it off so that it corresponds to the dynamics of the current moment, the second thing, probably, that is important to note is that today on the battlefield the winner is the one who is open, more open to innovation, more open to the most rapid implementation, therefore, naturally, that at this stage the president has decided that the ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian. and it's not
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just a civilian, but a man who headed the very successful ministry of economic development of russia, who for a long time was the assistant to the president on economic issues, and also in the previous cabinet of ministers, was the first deputy chairman of the government. the ministry of defense must be absolutely open to innovation, to everyone's implementation. advanced ideas for creating conditions for economic competitiveness, which is why, this is why the president chose the candidacy andrey romnich belovus. as for the military component, this appointment will in no way change the current coordinate system. the military component has always been the prerogative of the chief of the general staff. he will continue his activities in this plan of change. not yet envisaged at
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the present time, as for sergei kruzgevich shaigu, he is in the position of secretary of the security council, he will simultaneously be deputy president of the commission on the military-industrial complex, and he is deeply immersed in this work, he knows very well rates of production of military-industrial products for specific enterprises. often visit these enterprises, and you already know that earlier it was also reported that the ministry of defense was being transferred to the president. with military-technical cooperation and its work will also be headed and supervised by sergei shalbo; in fact , shaigu will continue to work in this area, which he knows well, he knows well from the inside, together with his colleagues and
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partners from his previous place of work. we wish everyone a wonderful spring. day, daria shulik and sergey babaev are with you today. on calendar may 13, monday, this is the first working day of the week, as always, we have big plans for this morning, let's wake up quickly, let's not waste a minute. we are going to celebrate world dandelion day, this is the worst enemy of all summer residents, but at the same time dandelions are tasty and beautiful. at the same time, let’s find out where the most delicious, most aromatic strawberries are already ripe, why exactly there and not somewhere else? we will also find out who goes where. how to complain correctly so that there is a result? choose the most comfortable bike for the city summer and let's ask how things are now with labor vacancies? in general, there are a lot of different plans, as you can see, but you still have to start with morning exercises. good
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morning, your figure is like a girl’s, i often hear such compliments, and it’s very pleasant, especially... considering that i have three adult daughters, regular exercise helps me keep myself in good shape. today i propose to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, legs slightly wider than shoulders, feet slightly turned to the sides, hands behind the head, squat, thighs parallel to the floor, back round, hold straight, slightly spring your legs up and down. now let’s complicate the exercise, add body turns to the mini-squats, take turns touching
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the hands and feet, and with the right palm we reach for the left toe in the opposite direction. the exercise perfectly strengthens the muscles of the hips and buttocks, and also improves blood circulation and metabolism. let's continue! passwords, passwords, as well as pin codes, barcodes, qr codes, and today they are, well, literally everywhere. and in this diversity, diversify. incredibly difficult, but thank god, biometrics is being introduced more and more, we saw this in science fiction films, when you pay for something or get a pass using your iris or fingerprint, now all this is already in our lives, and you can even pay for your purchase with a smile, let's figure out how it all works: withdraw money from
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an atm, pay you can make a purchase or enter the metro using biometrics, it’s convenient, if we don’t try, we won’t find out, together with natalya tsai from the center of biometric... technologies, we simultaneously approach the turnstiles in the metro, i pay with a transport card, natalya, biometrics, surprisingly, a fraction of a second, but natalya wins, indeed, before it took longer to recognize, but now it’s literally a matter of a second, and if you compare biometrics payment with a bank card, for natalya the doors open much faster, when paying using biometrics the money is debited from the same bank account cards, why faster? i can assume that the technologies for writing off funds are the same. but the question is in reading. the first biometric systems analyzed the distance between control points, for example, between the tip of the nose and the corner of the eye. now neural networks are helping developers. it is based on a mathematical model that converts a face image into a set of numbers. it is called a vector. and the system doesn’t care
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what color is in the room or whether you’re wearing glasses. when you and i create a vector, we actually try to extract only that from the image. information, throwing away noise, throwing off glare, for example, and in the meantime we pay for purchases in the supermarket, i use a card, natalya, biometrics, payment with a smile - this, by the way, is just a name, not necessary smile, i’m successful, my bell rang a little later, a little bit, everything related to payment and biometrics was essentially invented for convenience, here a face replaces a bank card, but there are other scenarios when a face replaces not a card, but a passport or... this is already a security issue. biometrics allows us, in accordance with the law, to receive some legally significant services in a remote channel and guarantee what exactly. that person is now receiving the service, there is no fraud.
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now, if biometrics is connected, you can for example, remotely open a bank account and receive other services where a passport is needed. in the future, a person will be able to replace documents even offline. we are now actively developing scenarios where a citizen can receive services in person without presenting a passport using biometrics. one of the options for checking into a hotel. for biometrics, this is registration and payment, two in one. according to the results of studies of hotel check-in, there are almost the top three scenarios where citizens want to use biometric data and where they wait indeed the emergence of such a service. and most importantly, biometrics is voluntary, no one is obliged to connect to the system, and if you wish, you can delete your data through government services. varvara fedorova, dmitry likhachev, ksenia maklyak, konstantin leonov, channel one. today is not just monday, may 13th, thank god, it’s not friday the 13th, but this is the day
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that ends all the long may holidays, there is work ahead, and this very work should bring both joy and income, that’s what it definitely shouldn’t do, so it is harmful to our health, absolutely our doctor, denis lobkov, is confident. rospotrebnadzor has compiled a rating of the most harmful risk factors in the office. in fifth place. dry air! girls, remember how your skin dries out after a shower if you don’t apply cream. our mucous membrane in the nose and throat also needs to be moisturized, otherwise it becomes thinner and viruses easily penetrate the body. therefore, i advise you to put a small humidifier on the table ; if you don’t have one, drink more water. in fourth place is the lack of oxygen indoors. this problem. sewing is easy, we ventilate the office more often, it’s better for about five minutes, once every 2 hours. third place -
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problems with nutrition, snacking on cookies, candies, chips lead to gastritis and obesity. ideally, we need a full lunch break. i take food with me to the office, today i have a container of buckwheat, chicken and sauerkraut. drink better. water or tea without sugar. so, what do we have in second place? vision problems. to avoid them, move the monitor at least 45 cm from the eyes and adjust the chair so that the monitor is at face level, so the neck will not strain. a we also do a warm-up for the eyes. once an hour, at least for a minute. we look at our hands on the keyboard and move our gaze somewhere far away. ideally out the window, and so on several times.
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and finally, the most harmful factor of office work. passive lifestyle. here i recommend extreme measures. we program the computer so that it turns off every hour for 5 minutes. look for an algorithm on how to do this on your computer on the internet. and at this time. we do gymnastics, self-massage or just walk along the corridor, with this working mode you will maintain your health. but our cheerful morning continues, right now let's take a short trip. it will be very very interesting, since we will visit a production facility founded hundreds of years ago, but today they continue to work and honor the traditions of skilled craftsmen. by the way, we will find out why the coat of arms of the city of shuya adorns a bar of soap. how much fabric does it take to wrap it around the ground one and a half times? in the city of shuya
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, everyone knows 60 million meters. annual output of a local textile mill, one of the largest in the country. represents a five production sites in three cities of the ivanovo region. it all starts with design, with quality, then the fabric goes to finishing production and the final stage is sewing production. the company is over 200 years old. the founders were merchant brothers posylin. the first to establish a printed paper manufactory; the design was then applied to the fabric by hand using wooden techniques. the task of the printer, who was then called a printer, was to apply paint to this appropriate manner and , roughly speaking, press it to the right place on fabric, they beat this style with special hammers, in 12 hours 30 m of design, for comparison, now in an eight-hour shift , printing lines process several kilometers. meters of fabric, the first weaving looms also looked different, in the suzdal
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workshops, there are manual ones now, this costume dates back to the 12th century, nizhnenovrozhan. and we make such fabric ourselves, this is homespun fabric, that is, it is all done by hand on the same loom. unique technologies of the past have been carefully preserved at this production facility in palihi for almost 30 years. icons are painted here and iconostases are made. from ancient times palekh was the center of icon painting, then in order to preserve their art, artists preserved it in a box, in a lacquer miniature, and even now artists are returning to... writing, but if we talk specifically about the making of iconostases, yes, then here we are pioneers , a full production cycle, carpentry, wood carving, gilding and of course, an icon-painting workshop, paints are created as in the old days, pigment is taken, dry powder and digested into an egg emulsion, first we translate the drawing onto the icon, but before
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translating it, the artist, well, in my face, must draw it and conceive this drawing. then the work in color begins, everything preliminary is processed, that is, what comes before the faces is painted with the face last. there is only one difference: now the artists are mostly women; before, only men painted icons; they were among the locals and especially gifted ones. in 1654 , a local icon painter, gerasim ikonnikov, painted an amazing icon, from the icon of the mother of god miracles were performed, healing from pestilence ulcers. which were later witnessed by the russian orthodox church. list of famous icons in the resurrection cathedral in shuya. but the city’s coat of arms is decorated with a bar of soap. during the times of the merchants, this land was famous for soap making. one of the main ingredients was salt. you could put salt on one scale and gold on the other. and the soap maker had to
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put 5-6 kg of this most valuable product on the cauldron and mix it. they stopped adding salt when caustic alkali was invented. soap was no longer a luxury, now only small handmade productions and the development of a new direction in art, artistic soap carving. natalya kovaleva, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, ilona tikhonova, channel one. a prudent owner, having barely had breakfast, immediately thinks about what to cook for lunch and dinner? how do you like this idea: cabbage rolls, they are tasty, complex, and healthy, i love cabbage rolls and often prepare them. true, many people think that it is difficult to prepare them, but our chef igor molotkin offers an interesting recipe: cabbage rolls in the form of tubes. to cook cabbage rolls, you need to scald the cabbage leaves, but all my pans are full, so i will do it differently. i cut the head of cabbage crosswise, place it in a two-layer bag, add two tablespoons
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of table vinegar to quickly soften the leaves, and pour boiling water over it. i close the bag and leave it for 15 minutes. see, the leaves have become more elastic and are easily separated from the cochin. for the filling, i fry onions with minced meat, add washed rice, salt, pepper, and for a bright aroma i add tomato paste, chopped grains, and paprika. pieces of bacon. pour boiling water, simmer under the lid until done, put the filling on the edge of the cabbage leaf, wrap it in a roll, do the rest of the cabbage rolls in the same way, line the bottom of the mold with cabbage leaves, lay out the preparations, pour the cabbage rolls with
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tomato paste diluted with water, bake for 20 minutes at 180° . the cabbage rolls in tomato sauce turned out tender and juicy, we serve them with sour cream, a favorite dish, prepared in a new way, diversifies the usual menu, like a mood, class mood, my mariopol, like a seagull with a broken wing, their uniform was abandoned, that is, they mostly came to the surface out of shape.
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premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first, did you know that today is world dandelion day, any piece of land, even... in the concrete urban jungle is sure to flicker with their golden lights, but what kind of ones are we like in childhood did you make wreaths? it’s hard for gardeners, gardeners, and just summer residents to explain how beautiful it is when
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there’s a whole field of aduvanas, for them it’s the worst weed, actually a flower, not only that beautiful, really cute, and it can also be used on the farm in a variety of ways, when the weather clears up everything goes to the park to lie in the sun, and here it is scattered under your feet. we also add it to a picnic dish; the minimum program is a salad of dandelion leaves. the taste of dandelion is very similar to arugula, dandelion flower jam, the floral taste is so unusual, there is something more unusual, a drink made from dandelion root. culinary blogger anastasia bubenchikova collected ingredients outside the city in advance. it is washed, dried, roasted until brown and then ground into coffee grinders, it smells like coffee. and like chicory, plus such a healthy menu, therapist irina godovanyuk is tired of listing vitamins and microelements; the leaves, for example, contain iodine for the thyroid gland, magnesium for the heart, beta-carotene for vision. if
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flowers are eaten, they have a choleretic effect, good for people who have congestion in the gallbladders. the root contains inulin, which is a natural probiotic that creates favorable conditions in our intestines in order to their good bacteria multiplied. cosmetologist regina markuseeva continues the marathon of praise. i prepared dandelion masks with sour cream and olive oil cheaply and effectively. prevents cell damage, protects cells from premature aging, and also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. in my opinion, she has already become beautiful, even more beautiful than she was. there is no need to say anything. let's take the subway like this. and if there was a personal growth coach in this company, he would definitely recommend taking gardeners. example: fragile flower it can break through asphalt, this is determination, biologist evgeny kubarev has an explanation: when plant cells begin to divide, turgor is created
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in the plants, it turns out that the force of pressure in these cells far exceeds hundreds of pascals and, accordingly, can push these soils apart. motivating, tasty, healthy, the main thing is not to confuse them with other colors. everyone remembers the meme, yes. these yellow ones are not dandelions, but these white and pink dandelions are the opposite. white tongue dandelion, which grows on the kola peninsula, purple-leaved dandelion, grows in the caucasus, the republic of ossetia, ingushetia, chechnya. it turns out that the girls from the caucasus and the kola peninsula had different dolls not only in their hairstyles. this is the coolest one. this is mine, and also a wardrobe. hi girls. other games were already with fluffy ones, close your eyes, open your mouth, and a mouthful of fluff is guaranteed, many came across, you also noticed another
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amazing ability of dandelions, to transport us to childhood, alena astrakhantseva, dmitry parfenov, evgeniy marinkov, yulia bykova, channel one, i will complain, yes, yes, there are people who are not fed bread, just let me complain about someone, because if something is really not as it should be, then you can not only complain, but even necessary. if you are not interested in the process, but in the result, then you need to complain correctly, you need to know where to turn, why and how to act. let's figure this out. they sold a low-quality product, the entrance is not repaired, there are queues at the clinic, how to complain correctly so that they definitely help. the first step is to send the claim to the person who violated rights in a free form, without emotions with clear demands online or in writing, always in duplicate. on your copy, the employee who accepted. the application must write your name and position, sign and date, from now on 10 days for consideration, this is a mandatory procedure, there are certain types of disputes for which this judicial procedure
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is mandatory, this is a dispute with a tour operator, this is a dispute related to the protection of consumer rights, rospotrebnadzor, without an attempt to regulate before contacting it, will also, let’s say, refuse to consider your complaint will write to you that you need to first contact the store. the second step is to be patient and write a statement to the supervisor. the authority preferably electronically, they have 3 days for registration and a month for review, the main thing is to determine the scope of activity of the violator; information can be found on the internet; consumer rights are protected by rospotrebnadzor. the ministry of health and rosdravnadzor are responsible for education, the ministry of education and rosobrnadzor, housing and communal services, housing inspection and local administration. the banking sector is supervised by the ministry of finance and central bank. if these consumer issues are related to the provision of financial services, such as osaga insurance or microfinance loans or even regular credit loans, then you need to contact the ombudsman for financial disputes, the financial obbudsman, there is one in every region, they
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consider disputes up to 500,000 rubles. this is not a judicial procedure, you apply there; their decision is binding. it’s even better to do the so-called fan mailing to several authorities at once, they will solve the problem together or in parallel faster. and if the supervision itself is inactive, third step, we contact the prosecutor's office, if it does not respond to the prosecutor general's office, then the court. after a complaint, you can immediately file a statement of claim. this usually speeds up the process. when you go to court, you must first send a copy of the claim to the parties; very often, when you simply send this copy of the claim to a store or service provider, they will compensate your claims before you even get to court. , why do they do this? if they are forced to do this by the court, then besides that the compensation that you asked for there , a refund for the goods, moral damages, the court will also collect 50% of this amount from them as a penalty in your favor for the fact that they did not
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agree before the trial, and if... there is no money for a lawyer, in each region there is a chamber of lawyers that provides free legal assistance, the list is on the official website of the federal chamber of lawyers, but it is better to start with simple complaints and requests; often the issue can be resolved at this stage. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia novakhatnya, sergey morin, first channel. and then there's a news broadcast. see you again soon. this is news from the first studio, maria vasilyeva. hello. the main news remains the president's proposal for candidates for the posts of heads of the ministries of the security bloc and the ministry of foreign affairs. vladimir putin introduced them to the federation council the night before. in particular , andrei belousov, previously first deputy prime minister, has been proposed for the post of minister of defense. thus, the military department will be headed by a civilian, which is far from a unique
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practice. and this requires a special attitude, it is very important since it is the ministry of defense that is responsible for integrating the economy of the power bloc into the economy for placing all orders in industry, the country, so that it corresponds to the dynamics of the current moment. and
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secondly, what is probably important to note is that today on the battlefield, the winner is the one who is more open to innovation, more open to the most rapid implementation, so it is natural that at the current stage the president has decided that the ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian, and this not just a civilian, but a person who headed the very successful ministry of economic development of russia, which for... also in the previous cabinet of ministers, was first deputy prime minister. sergei shaigum has been approved for the post of secretary of the security council instead of nikolai patrushev, whose new appointment will become known in the coming days. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs sergei lavrov, the ministry of justice
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konstantin chuychenko, the ministry of internal affairs - vladimir kolokoltsev, the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, director will remain in their places fsb alexander bortnikov, head of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin, head of the russian guard, viktor zolotov, director of the federal security service dmitry kochnev and head of the presidential special programs department alexander linz. today, senators will hold consultations on the candidates proposed by the president at a meeting of relevant committees, and tomorrow at a meeting of the soffed. well, the chairman of the accounts chamber is appointed by the federation council. vladimir putin proposed boris kovalchuk for this post. for a long time he headed one of the largest russian energy companies interrau, then moved to the presidential administration, where he served as deputy, head of the control department. and today the state duma will consider the issue of approving candidates for the positions of deputy prime ministers of russia, a total of 10 deputy prime ministers, they will speak to deputies and answer questions. previously , meetings were held in all eighteen committees of the lower house, the candidates received
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the support of parliamentarians, and tomorrow the state duma will conduct a similar procedure for the candidacies of ministers of the new government. in belgorod, after the ukrainian armed forces attack on shchorsa street , 15 people have already died. the victims included a teenager and an infant; he would be taken to moscow for treatment; if not for the work of russian air defense, the damage could have been greater. the armed forces of ukraine hit multi-storey buildings with missile systems. uszzo alha and the czech vampires are a modification of grads, on a sunday, when adults and children are at home. debris from one of the downed missiles flew into a residential building on the third floor. uh, a section of houses turned into ruins. in the special operation zone. feast north destroyed the camouflaged positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the targets were hit with fpv drones. one of these replaces several mines; you can’t hide from it either in a trench or in a dugout. the speed reaches up to hundreds of kilometers per hour, and can carry both a grenade and a shot from a grenade launcher. in
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addition, our fighters constantly modify them so that the enemy’s rap system cannot detect them. and on the approaches to the enemy’s front line , crews of d30 howitzers are smashing, the artillery of the first guards tank army of the west troops group received coordinates from reconnaissance enemy. sochi is eliminating the consequences of heavy rains, they went towards abkhazia, at the resort, equipment came out on the street to clear the roads in the lazarevsky district in the village of maly kichmay, a mountain stream turned into a turbulent river, a mudflow occurred in the host, stopped a bus with passengers while the evacuation was in progress i worked as an excavator on the highway, cars got stuck on the federal highway that leads to the airport, water rushed from livnev to the fountain, washed away a lot...
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the quiet season in my company is november - april, so i’m already hiring assistant auditor, now until september employees of september, because i have to train them before the start of the season and so that in november they start working full time. you can find a job in an industry where summer is not the season if the vacancy is burning, when they are urgently looking for a replacement for a departing employee. the main thing here is that the resume does not end up in a pile, it is remembered, but definitely at an interview. will not be called, the young man sends his resume, we are talking about an auditor assistant, about a person who must wear business clothes, he also sends a photo of the delivery, alina’s photo is strict, and the telephone number for contact is indicated, and the position is all-season,
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sales manager, and the response to the resume is weak, during the holiday period it can be even more difficult to reach the employer, we are sorting it out with a career consultant, experience as a barista and nursing assistant for the vacancy and manager for sales is superfluous, due responsibilities according to points with specific examples of achievements, the same with the section about yourself: they didn’t fill it out, they lost about 20% of the proposals. agree, few employers are interested in reading in the hobby section what you went to a music school, for example, yes, what kind of clients were they, companies where you had successful sales, and then to this are added competencies such as not just easily finding a contact, but effective communication, and the salary - it’s better to indicate the average: you can calculate it online on a job search website, or you can look it up in your competitors’ resumes. of course, in the summer there will also be fewer of these same competitors on the market. in addition, experts note personnel issues. hunger, if earlier we also interviewed managers
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in terms of sales per week there were seven or eight people there, now there are two or three people, so now we are fighting to attract candidates, but this does not mean that in the interview you will be forgiven for incompetence or a careless appearance, you want to speed up the hiring process job, i need to prepare for an interview, i asked what kind of company it was, that is, i came here and i already knew in principle what i would do if they hired me. i expected questions about work experience and education, but there may also be questions like: 10 ways to use a pencil other than writing, 10 ways to use a pencil other than writing. the company deals with furniture, not pencils at all. this is how the employer looks at the reaction in a stressful situation. if you don’t even know something, you can say, honestly, i don’t know it, that is , any question, if a person begins to get lost, it means that he is trying to hide something inside himself. but even if the interview fails, despair. some areas, such as tourism or agriculture,
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are looking for employees by the summer. natalya leonova, dmitry likhachev, denis panomariov, channel one. if you don’t have time or are too lazy to cook in the morning, there is a new fire option - this is a sandwich. yes, but there are more interesting options, although they are also just as simple. well, for example, you can take all sorts of goodies and place them in pita bread. my children, for example, love this breakfast. there are very many types of lavash. there are many different tastes and consistency, let’s immediately try to figure out this variety, the most fluffy lavash is georgian, because it definitely contains yeast, plus water, flour salt. boat shape, round, stretched, each flatbread will have 380 g of raw dough, when baking there will be 310-315 grams left, 7 minutes in the oven that’s all, georgian lavash with a golden brown crust, again thanks to the yeast, but if the color is pale, most likely the dough was overcooked, the yeast begins to eat
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the flour itself and it becomes a little pale, grayish in color, within 2 seconds to 3 hours you need to finish all this dough, classic armenian lavash is always light, due to the fact that it is without yeast and is not so imparted redness color, same reason, they are very thin, about 2 mm and strong , ideal for shuurma, there is nothing in the composition except flour, water and salt, in wheat... too, but it breaks easier, because during cooking they stretch only in one direction, and lavash in all sides, plus humidity affects it, the lower it is, the more fragile the product, so it is better to use the roll for rolls shaped like a long ribbon. at the end of the line, it is cut to a length of about one and a half meters, a thin layer of dough goes to baking, is prepared instantly, takes 10 seconds, is injected into... in order to give
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elasticity of the product. country lavash also resembles armenian, flat round, but unlike its counterparts, it is usually made from a mixture of different types of flour. with premium wheat flour, either first or second grade flour or rye is used. the products contain more dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. and the selection rule for all pita breads is the same, of course, attention to appearance, no burnt marks, even with armenian ones. swelling is only ruddy and important, the product must be elastic, if the dough is dry and crumbles, this indicates that either the product was made from low-quality raw materials, or the packaging was damaged, the integrity of the packaging, the packaging may have been damaged during storage, transportation, the composition is ideally short and understandable, if you suddenly don’t remember, we repeat: flour, water, salt, well, maybe dry , and if the composition includes various food additives, such as emulsifiers, stabilizers, for example,
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it all started when the manager of the cellular company called and announced that the operator had prepared a personal offer for me, the number of free minutes was multiplied by two. true, there is a nuance; for this you will have to pay an additional
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200 rubles. at first glance, the offer is very profitable, but here you need to ask the right questions. please call the manager. the number of minutes that you usually spend per month, for example, over the last year, on average i manage to talk for 300 minutes every month, i wonder what’s the point of paying extra for 2,000, which i don’t use anyway, i could have simply refused the offer, but i decided that it was necessary to reduce expenses on mobile communications, she told the mobile phone manager company, that even at the old tariff, their services cost me too... expensive, and i plan to look for another operator, cheaper. my interlocutor was seriously scared; losing a regular client is an unaffordable luxury for the company, so i immediately received a new offer. in the end, we agreed that the connection would cost me 20%
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less. do you know why this happened? mobile slavery was abolished a long time ago. now you can with your usual number. to any operator that offers you more favorable conditions. that's it, talk to employees of cellular companies correctly, then instead of increasing payment for the tariff, you can get a discount. our program continues with all the most interesting things from the world of sports ahead. we ask for the attention of the most passionate fans. celebrating a goal scored in football. a real performance, the whole team can dance in joy, this is exactly what the south african national team did at the home world cup. however, in the nomination for the most striking performance of a collective dance, the colombian team may well compete with the south africans and, of course, well, the brazilians who love to organize
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a carnival on the football field, what is worth at least the match against south korea at the last world cup, where the penta campiona was danced ...
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appeared in football 30 years ago, then the brazilian bebeto, who had just had a son , was the first to show a gesture imitating rocking a baby. in the history of the russian national team , the brightest celebrations, of course, are associated with successful tournaments for us. at euro 2008 it was a call for silence from andrei arshavin, at the 2018 world championship it was like this invented by artyom dzyuba. well, perhaps the most popular way to celebrate a goal in modern football is the jump, which has become the calling card of cristiano ronaldo. following the portuguese, this is repeated by players in all corners of the planet. another ronaldo, a brazilian who plays in
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the russian championship for rostov, was no exception. we are preparing for facial rejuvenation before summer. the technology is unique, look, this ordinary needle pierces right through, which means there will be students, this is a horse, a blunt wire, flexible, which does not damage the skin, but rejuvenates the shiny. there is a unique technology in our program, and in general everything that is most important and interesting in the program is to live healthy, today on the first. listen, you're kind of strange today. nothing happened, i declare you husband and wife, alarm, excuse me, i’ll be here for an hour, an hour and a half at most, what happened, an intruder plane crossed the border, shoot it down at all
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costs, francis, i know you’re not a coward, but you must know the whole truth, they can still get you. the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone, start, you realize the moment, of course, the ring has fallen, a bad omen. seryozha, fourth, answer third, something happened, not too bad, man, harry powers’s interrupted flight on saturday, on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. we continue our good, cheerful morning, sergey babaev is with you. and dari shulik, monday has arrived, it’s may 13th, the strawberry season has already started in big cities, they were brought from the southern regions,
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because let’s say in the moscow region, we still have to wait a month, or even more, due to such and such weather moreover, well, in general, we have opened the season, yes, well, where do the most delicious strawberries come from, which variety lasts longer and is it true that aromatic strawberries are the healthiest, in general, how can we find the ripest, most delicious ones on the counter? , did you smell the most fragrant, fragrant? you won’t try the sweet ones, but you won’t try the dirty ones, the geography of strawberries on the market has expanded noticeably, overseas, greek, turkish and egyptian berries had to make room ahead of time, ours arrived from the krasnodar territory and crimea. this year, it’s just that we have a very early spring, at the beginning of may we already had the first harvests, last year, if we take it, it started to ripen, well, in the twenties, so this year we will have a rich harvest, i think here kuban greenhouse strawberries. the covering one is even coming off, it’s time for the ground one, and that one is even sweeter, aromatic, the import
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has a weak aroma of imported berries, you just open our car even at the market, it just has such a smell that many people ask how to understand it, they will understand this is according to there is even a scientific explanation for the smell, in tropical regions where strawberries are grown at elevated temperatures, the synthesis of organic acids is suppressed, the synthesis of substances that determine the aroma is suppressed, so it is so flat, bland, with a not particularly pronounced aroma, hence the opinion that imported ones are not useful, but this is a myth: if you take useful, not useful, all are useful, in terms of organoleptics ours win in taste, aroma, but the chemical composition of the berries is quite stable, and imported, our strawberries, they are all will benefit a person, while remembering that the closer the berry is picked to your region, the better it is, since it is fresher and has retained more vitamins. and not because it is still green in distant countries, as is commonly thought. during transportation, it is not fully fleshed out, unlike, say, the same
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apples, unlike tomatoes, but there are varieties that have dense pulp, well, some of ours can be used for clothes that are not damaged, which are better for transportation, though unripe strawberries are found on sale, both foreign and ours, this one is definitely not worth taking, because it hasn’t... had time to accumulate in itself everything useful that should be, here is such a white-green space at the tip of a white-green space. ideally, the color is rich and uniform, the fruits themselves have no signs of spoilage, but in any case, they must be washed thoroughly before eating. be careful with this berry, why? because it’s not even the berry itself that can cause such an allergy, but the accumulated gunpowder, pollen, and other plants, among others. now, of course, it’s difficult to resist, but we remember unpleasant consequences, possibly from overeating, a kilogram a day is still
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too much. anna vashuk, stepan yarofeev, boris repin, alexey danko, channel one. don’t participate in this, don’t pay attention to the splitters, everything will resolve itself, the evening seems to be preparing a pleasant surprise for you. libra will have a chance to repair, improve, restore, update, and restore some old connections. towards evening, get ready to solve the problems of children or younger relatives and take care of your back. scorpios are at risk of falling in love with someone here the stars will refrain from commenting. the rest of the day is smooth, so to speak, without incident, but the evening may surprise you with something and even change some of your plans. sagittarians are all busy today, there are still some travels, important meetings, meetings, try not to be late in all this chaos. and take care of your wallet, electronic wallets - this also applies. a great day for capricorns, it will help you understand something, figure it out, figure something out, suggest a solution to some problem, you won’t be left at a loss, in general, everyone would like this, and in the evening
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expect pleasant guests. for aquarius, this day will help them establish an opinion or make an important decision. and he can also open your eyes to something or someone. this kind of discovery is not always pleasant, but nothing can be done about it. feel free to make a date for the evening. pisces is the center of attention today. events, which is not surprising, they are simply charming and full of charm, and also fish, let’s say, are quite cunning, the main thing here is not to outsmart yourself, good luck to you. i know a lot of men who consider their main decoration to be a neatly trimmed beard, it’s a rare case, dear women, when you and i right now can make ourselves a cup of tea or coffee and leave our men in front of the screens, because barber vitaly orlov will tell you how to properly care for your beard and mustache.
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a man should always look well-groomed, especially if he has a beard. she may be a little red-haired, and after forty , more gray hair is added. let's paint. i'm barber, vitaly orlov, i'll show you how to achieve a uniform color. we use paint for beards and conditions. the structure of hair on the face is denser than on the head, and the skin is sensitive. the paint does not contain ammonia and is therefore less irritating to the face. i buy yaki paint. in tubes, so i prepare the required amount of composition, there is no excess left, squeeze out 10 cm of paint and the same amount of oxidizing agent, mix the ingredients, first lubricate the skin around the hair with a fatty cream or cosmetic oil, this will protect it from staining. now, with a wide
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brush, apply the composition, but pay attention, not to the entire beard. first for red hair and gray hair, apply with movements from top to bottom, carefully walk along the upper contour, now we tint the mustache, we wait 5-10 minutes, if the composition is on... the skin, remove it with a cotton swab to comb the beard more evenly, use a comb with large teeth, wait again 5 -10 minutes, make sure not to overexpose the dye, in this case it can damage the hair structure. we wash off the composition, everything is fine,
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so we can wash the beard. already with shampoo , any one you have at home will do, if you want an even more saturated shade, use shampoo for colored hair, compare the results, this is much better. “we hasten to inform you that on channel one today the long-awaited continuation of the multi-part detective story bloodhound. alexander kushnir is undergoing rehabilitation after an accident, but, of course, no one will let her rest in peace, new complicated cases await her. don’t miss the new episode of the film bloodhound, today right after the program time. hello, alexander ivanovna, you can go for a walk in the park, wait, you
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ordered me..." how is the weather in may, then. it’s not safe to be here with you, it’s generally not safe to be with me, you need to make a sign like this on your chest, be careful cook, this season, now when it’s cold, everyone is frozen , everyone is dreaming, maybe about some kind of summer holiday, vacation, they’ll see the sea, in general , this... the bloodhound is investigating a crime in gelendzhik, but while on sick leave she got into an accident, was it an accident, or did someone set it up? even if i had such information, you don’t need to know for sure, how strict, there was a line of people who wanted to visit the bloodhound, mostly men, businessman konstantin vlasov and colonel arkady olkhovsky, both courting sasha. you and
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i are on equal terms, i have. we binge-drink chocolate, because your team is not happy, it’s not sweet for your subordinates without a bloodhound, no evidence was found, the suspect was missed, but here’s a coincidence, the groom of the missing bride. lies in the ward next to sasha, colonel kushnir will begin his investigation, of course, not a word to the boss, hello, uh, no, i won’t take you like this, go back, get treatment,
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otherwise, under cover, or something, a disguise, ours everything, humor and vitamin d, in the continuation of the detective detective, today on channel one, don’t miss it, clearly, as soon as there is any information, immediately inform me. asya ratkevich, svetlana neimanes, joseph kobrin, channel one. and then there's a news broadcast. see you again soon. this is the news on the first in the studio maria vasilyeva. hello. the main news remains the president's proposals for candidates for the posts of heads of the ministries of the security bloc and the ministry of foreign affairs. vladimir putin introduced them to the federation council.
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as for the military component, this is the appointment will in no way change the coordinate system, the military component has always been the prerogative of the chief of the general staff, he will continue his activities, in this regard, changes are not currently envisaged, as for shaigu, he will also be deputy secretary of the security council
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, you know that earlier, it was also reported that these enterprises are often visited, and you are already being transferred from the ministry of defense to the president of the fsmtc. and its work will also be headed and supervised by sergei shaigu, in fact shaigu will continue to work in this area, which he knows well, knows well from the inside, together with his colleagues and partners from his previous place of work. as for the previous secretary of the security council, nikolai patrushev, his new appointment will become known in the coming days. they will remain in their places. bortnikov, head of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin, head of the russian guard viktor zolotov, director of
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the federal security service dmitry kochnev and head of the presidential special programs department, alexander linets. today senators will hold consultations on the candidates proposed by the president at a meeting of relevant committees, and tomorrow at a meeting of the soffed. well, here is the chairman of the accounts chamber. appointed by the federation council, vladimir putin proposed boris kovalchuk for this post; he headed one of the largest russian energy companies interrau for a long time, then moved to the presidential administration, where he served as deputy head of the control department. and today the state duma will consider the issue of approving candidates for the positions of deputy prime ministers russia has only 10 deputy prime ministers, they will speak to deputies and answer questions. previously , meetings were held in all eighteen committees of the chamber. the candidates received the support of parliamentarians, but tomorrow the state duma will conduct a similar procedure on the candidacies of ministers of the new government. in belgorod, after the ukrainian armed forces’ attack on shchorsa street
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, there are already 15 dead, 20 injured, including a teenager and an infant, who will be taken to moscow for treatment. the search continued all night at the scene of the tragedy, with pauses when the city declared an alarm due to new shelling. if not for the work of russian air defenses, the damage could have been greater. let me remind you that the bomb was killed in multi-storey buildings from missile systems. at rszzo alhai. the czech vampire is a modification of the hail on a sunday when adult children are at home. debris from one of the downed missiles flew into a residential building on the third floor. a section of the house turned into ruins. the shelling continued throughout sunday; there were more than ten of them; during the day, three more people were killed, including a seventeen-year-old girl. powerful explosions rocked belgorod in the past hours. russian air defense system. intercepted ukrainian shells, no casualties. mom, calm down, everyone is alive. in addition to the news of the special operation in the kherson direction on the right bank of the dnieper, russian drones discovered a camouflaged self-propelled stronghold.
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range up to 29 km, carried out a successful raid , destroyed a fortification, it fires at the crew of a k-52m helicopter in the zone of responsibility of the group of forces-center, unguided aircraft missiles hit a strong point of the ukrainian armed forces. the helicopter maneuvered in case of shelling, released heat traps and returned to the home airfield. in primorye , a man was detained who was collecting information about the military.
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washed away the high retaining wall above the road, surrounded by water, it was gushing from livnyovok and the mudflow came down onto the highway right in front of the passenger bus in the host, people were evacuated to clear the road, an excavator was brought up. we are glad to welcome everyone who is meeting this spring morning in the company of channel one, monday came on may 13, daria shulik and sergey babaev are with you. passwords, passwords, as well as pin codes, barcodes, qr codes, and today they are, well, literally everywhere. and of course, it’s incredibly difficult to understand this diversity, but thank god, biometrics is being increasingly introduced. we have seen this in science fiction films, when people pay for something or get a pass using their iris or fingerprint. now all this is already in our lives, and you can even pay for your purchase with a smile. let's figure out how it all works.
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biometrics fee, money is debited from the same bank card account, why is it faster? i can assume that technology when writing off funds, they are the same, but the issue is reading. the first biometric systems analyzed the distance between control points, for example, between the tip of the nose and the corner of the eye. now developers are helped by neural networks, based on a mathematical model that converts the image of a face into a set of numbers, it is called a vector, and the system does not care what kind of light is in the room or whether you are wearing glasses. when you and i
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create a vector, we are actually trying to extract only its useful information from the image, discarding noise, discarding highlights, for example, in the meantime we pay for purchases in the supermarket, i use a card, natalya uses biometrics, payment with a smile is, by the way, just a name, you don’t have to smile, i was successful, a little later the bell rang, a little bit, everything that happened with payment and biometrics, essentially invented for convenience, here a person replaces a bank card, but there are other scenarios when a person replaces not a card, but a passport or password - this is already a security issue. biometrics allows us, in accordance with the law, to receive some legally significant services remotely. channel and guarantee that it is the right person who is currently receiving the service, there is no fraud. now, if biometrics is connected, you can... for example,
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remotely open a bank account and receive other services that require a passport. in the future, a person will be able to replace documents even offline. we are now actively developing scenarios where a citizen can receive services in person without presenting a passport using biometrics. one of the options for checking into a hotel using biometrics is registration payment, two in one. according to the results of studies of hotel check-in, ah, almost the top three scenarios where citizens want to use biometric data and where they really expect such a service to appear. and most importantly, biometrics is voluntary, no one is obliged to connect to the system, and if you wish, you can delete your data through government services. varvara fedorova, dmitry likhachev, ksenia maklyak, konstantin leonov, channel one. today is not just monday, may 13th, thank god it's not friday the 13th, but this is the day.
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but our doctor denis lobkov is sure. rospotrebnadzor has compiled a rating of the most harmful risk factors in the office. in fifth place is dry air. girls, remember how your skin dries out after a shower if you don’t apply cream. our mucous membrane in the nose and throat also needs to be moisturized, otherwise it becomes thinner and viruses easily penetrate the body. therefore, i advise you to place a small air humidifier on the table. if not, drink more water. in fourth place, lack of oxygen indoors. this problem is easy to solve: we ventilate the office more often, preferably for about five minutes, once every 2 hours. third place -
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problems with nutrition, snacking on cookies, sweets, chips lead to gastritis and obesity. ideally, we need a full lunch break. i. today i have a container with buckwheat, chicken and sauerkraut, it’s better to drink water or tea without sugar, so that’s in second place for us, vision problems, to avoid them, move the monitor at least 45 cm from the eyes and adjust the chair like this so that the monitor is at face level, so the neck will not strain. we also do a warm-up for the eyes: once an hour, for at least a minute, we look at our hands on the keyboard and look somewhere far away, ideally out the window, and so on several times, finally, the most harmful factor
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of office work: a sedentary lifestyle, here i recommend extreme measures, we program the computer so that it turns off every hour for 5 minutes , look for an algorithm on how to do this on your computer on the internet, at this time we do gymnastics, self-massage, or just walk along the corridor, with this working mode you will maintain your health. did you know that today is world dandelion day? any scrap the earth, even in the concrete urban jungle, is sure to flicker with its golden lights, but what kind of ones are we like as children? they made wreaths, but it’s hard for gardeners, gardeners, and just summer residents to explain how beautiful it is when there’s a whole field of dandelions, for them it’s the worst weed, in fact a flower, not only is it beautiful, really cute, but it can also be used on the farm in a variety of options, when the weather clears up, everyone goes to
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the park to lie in the sun, here it is scattered under your feet, it’s also in a picnic dish add, minimum program: salad from dandelion leaves, the taste of dandelion is very similar to rucala, jam from dandelion flowers, the floral taste is so unusual, there is something more unusual, a drink made from dandelion root, culinary blogger anastasia bubenchikova collected the ingredients outside the city in advance, it is washed and dried , fried until brown and then ground into coffee grinders, it smells like coffee, and katskori, plus this menu is useful, therapist irina godovanyuk, vitamins and microe... it’s tired to list. the leaves, for example, contain iodine for thyroid glands, magnesium for the heart, beta-carotene for vision. if flowers are eaten, they have a choleretic effect, good for people who have congestion in the gallbladders . the root contains inulin, which is a natural probiotic that
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creates favorable conditions in our intestines for our good bacteria to multiply. cosmetologist regina markuseeva continues the marathon of praise; she prepared dandelion masks with sour cream and... olive oil, cheaply and effectively, preventing damage cells, protects cells from premature aging, also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, in my opinion it has already become beautiful, even more beautiful than it was, you don’t have to wash it off, let’s go on the subway like this, and if there was a personal growth coach in this company, he would definitely i advised you to take gardeners, for example, a fragile flower that can break through asphalt, this is determination, the biologist... evgeniy has an explanation. when plant cells begin to divide, turgor is created in the plants and it turns out that the pressure force in these cells much exceeds hundreds of pascals and , accordingly, can push these soils apart. motivating, tasty, healthy,
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the main thing is not to confuse them with other colors. everyone remembers the meme, yes, these yellow ones are not dandelions, but these white and pink ones, on the contrary, are dandelions. white-leaved dandelion, which grows on the kola peninsula, purple-leaved dandelion grows in the caucasus, the republic of ossetia, ingushetia, chechnya . the girls from the caucasus and the kola peninsula had dolls that were not only different in hairstyle, but this is the coolest one, this is mine, also a wardrobe, hello, girls, the boys had other games with fluffy ones, close your eyes, open your mouth, and a mouthful of fluff is guaranteed, many came across, you also noticed another amazing ability of dandelions, to transport us to childhood. alena ostrakhantseva, dmitry parfenov, evgeny marinkov, yulia bykova, channel one. antony blinken is making a mind-blowing tour, and
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there are france, and italy, and most importantly china, when will he leave, tonight, why did he go, what did he achieve, the narrative was to tear china away from russia, the negotiations went very well it’s deplorable, he came with a declaration of war, next time blinky’s air defense crew in china is escalating the situation in the area of ​​taiwan and the philippines, the united states is preparing a very long-term and mischievous attack on china and its ideology.
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where can i stay in the morgue, well, in the sense of conducting an examination, and in the evening, and in the evening i have a jog, ilya asked not to let me through, ilya, why are you standing, let’s go, i found out everything, or i didn’t come for that reason, and why, bloodhound, new. watch the series after the program time, three chord, new season, on sunday on the first, so if i need to go somewhere close, at least even to work, the weather is normal, then of course i choose not a car, but a bicycle, it’s fast, and i can avoid traffic jams, in itself... it strengthens health and muscles, absolutely true, yes, but there are a huge
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variety of these same bicycles on sale, and how to choose the right one is not always clear, so let's figure it out. 3 million, approximately the same number of bicycles sold per year in russia, and in more than forty percent of cases they are bought as an alternative urban transport, here is an example ekaterina and olga dobroskov. we use them to get to the store or to the beauty salon, they are also called: mountain ones with a durable frame, increased ground clearance, with a front, sometimes with a rear shock absorber, but they chose them because they were beautiful, they did not understand technology at all, only in during the trips, we realized that we were right with the model, its wheels are on wide and toothy tires, i can ride where there are no asphalt paths, there are many thresholds of different curbs, and it is much more convenient on with such a bike, cross-country ability is of course a plus, but that alone is not enough for urban comfort, you need the bike to... this
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bike folds in a very short time of 2-3 seconds and it is already folded and you can go anywhere in the subway, there are cases in a bus or on a tram, that is, a man took a bicycle to move from home and work to the metro or a stop, riding a long distance on this one will torture you, the wheels are small, the speed is low, the comfort you need during the trip, ease of carrying is a special type. that's what they call bicycles urban, they are smaller than mountain and road bikes, some can be folded in half, like a folder-type bike, the wheels are full-size, they spin quickly, the tires are narrower and have a smooth tread, there is less friction, and less energy costs for movement. another plus is the frame design. the frame is sloping, because when you jump off the bike, it doesn’t bother you, it’s easy to jump off, easy to climb on and off. the seating position on city bikes is also special. the back is straight, so your arms get tired less , the viewing angle is wider, but the main thing is the saddle, you can
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say, anatomical. as a rule, the saddle is placed so average that it is comfortable to sit on for a long time, but at the same time, so that it does not interfere with your rapid rotation of the pedals. by the way, about speed in a city bike, they are mandatory, because there are rarely cities without terrain. on a climb , a reduced speed will help save energy; on a straight line, a higher speed will help you gain speed faster. there is a nuance. on bicycles with shock absorbers. these advantages may be nullified. in the city it is undesirable to use a shock absorber, because all pedaling energy goes into shock absorber swing. there are models where the shock absorber can be blocked, for off-road use the latter can be connected, if the bike is for the city, it should have mounts for baskets, you can put things, a bag of groceries, it’s more convenient and safer. nikolay lesnikov, dmitry roshkov, anatoly brikalov, tatyanayus, channel one. this often happens, residents of a certain area meet and begin to grumble, it’s somehow uncomfortable here in our neighborhood, there are few playgrounds,
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where to go for a walk, where to relax. and here there is no need to grumble, you need to be active and take part in the life of your area. your city, and this is quite possible, the main thing is to want it. from the golden boulevard to inspiration street, crossing the street of love, a sunny alley stretches in yekaterinburg. just from the names it’s clear that you couldn’t imagine a more comfortable place to relax. a very pleasant place to relax and enjoy good weather. we love to relax here, play, we really like that there is such a complex, there is more, and food, say, organize picnics, and they called let in. in addition, the alley connects the new buildings with a kindergarten, school and rhythmic gymnastics center. children can safely get to any point along it. children here go to school without intersections, meaning parents can easily let their children go. among other things, we have made a large number of bicycle parking areas near the school, so you can ride a bicycle or scooter at the time of year when it
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allows. this area appeared on the city map last summer, thanks to the national housing and urban project. wednesday and active residents who chose it in the all-russian vote for improvement projects. online voting is being held for the fourth time. this year more than 17 million people took part in it. since the twenty-first year, almost 7.0 objects have been selected, and today there are almost 4,500 projects already implemented. and of course, when residents see that what they have chosen is implemented, how it is implemented, how beautiful, convenient it is, yes, and what is theirs? astrakhan, i gave mine for embankment of the kutum river. i was very attracted by the wooden-covered arches, right in this place, and the paired stands, which would also be located on the bank of kutum. i think this is very cool, especially if
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kutum cleans up, whether kutum will become a new place of attraction will be clear very soon, vote. such signs with hands with interesting questions, where you can scan a qr code and get an answer to the question, so walking here is doubly useful, next year everyone will again have the opportunity to vote here to the park, but he’s also studying, we are in favor of updating a park or square in our city, voting for improvement projects has been extended for another 5 years,
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today let’s remember monday, may 13, exactly a year ago. became eduard sogolaev, honored journalist of russia, president of the national association of television and radio broadcasters. it was his ideas that underlay the cult program look, the first analytical programs, and in general it is impossible to imagine domestic television without this person. my name is eduard sagolayev, in the encyclopedia says that i am a major figure in soviet modern television. who am i? in fact, in the mid-eighties, he was the newly-minted head of the legendary youth, the youth editorial office of central television, whose life in samarkand and work as an instructor of the komsomol central committee did not change him at all, so we enter this viewing room, as i remember now, i look at him and say: dord mikhailovich, i say,
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we are very afraid of you, suddenly he looks with his sad, intelligent, but always ironic eyes, says: “kira, if only you knew how afraid i was of you, a man who always saw, firstly, the essence, secondly, the outside, thirdly, gifted people, those who worked for sogolaeva are now famous journalists and channel managers, he himself went on air picked up the microphone in the new program “the twelfth floor”. again we meet the ladder, the traditional ladder is teenagers aged 15 to 17 years, it was a small revolution on television, this is a landmark program, even if he had not done anything else, his name would still remain in history television, a format that she didn’t know before...
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she didn’t know how to do it, she didn’t study anywhere, most often, here are prostitutes, they’re like that, they even kick them out of schools, after 2 years the twelfth floor was closed with the wording that we don’t have such youth, but sogolaev and his team already had an idea for a new program, this is vladislav listev, this is dmitry zakharov, oleg vakulovsky and alexander lyubimov, one name has not yet appeared in our program, this is...
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“you can count on our objectivity and frankness, as completely simple
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employee, he was very worried, very worried, i remember all these creative tossings, torments, even moments of despair, that is, when it seemed to him that nothing was working out, that everything was wrong, there were times when he just..." question, i i’m looking for an answer. i believe that eduard mikhailovich did a lot to ensure that television, at least for this long enough period, was free,
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so that we could talk and not lie, so that they believed us, trusted us. and this is sagolayev’s main contribution to history . , at a time when journalists were free, that’s what he called his book. it's time to find out what's new. in the country in the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. don't switch, stay with us. this is news first. studios maria vasilyeva. hello. the main news remains the president's proposal for candidates for the posts of heads of the ministries of the security bloc and the ministry of foreign affairs. vladimir putin.
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among which the ministry of defense, of course, occupies key positions, since it is precisely this, together with all law enforcement agencies, that is responsible for the deployment of all orders to industry, and this requires a special attitude, it is very important to fit the economy of the power bloc into the economy of the country, to write it off so that it corresponds to the dynamics of the current moment. and secondly
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, what is probably important to note is that today on the battlefield, the winner is the one who is more open to innovation, more open to the most rapid implementation, so it is natural that at the current stage the president has decided that the ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian, and this not just a civilian, but a person who headed the very successful ministry of economic development of russia, which for a long time...
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bortnikov, head of the foreign intelligence service, sergei naryshkin, head of the russian guard, viktor zolotov, director of the federal security service, dmitry kochnev and head of the presidential special programs department alexander linets. today, senators will hold consultations on the candidates proposed by the president at a meeting of relevant committees, and tomorrow at a meeting of the soffed. well, the chairman of the accounts chamber is appointed by the federation council, vladimir putin proposed for this post. boris kovalchuk, he headed one of the largest russian energy companies interrao for a long time, and then moved to the presidential administration, where he served as deputy head of the control department. and today the state duma will consider the issue of approving candidates for the positions of deputy prime ministers of russia, there are 10 deputy prime ministers in total; they will speak to deputies and answer questions. previously, meetings were held in all eighteen committees of the lower house, candidates received
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support. parliamentarians, but tomorrow the state duma will conduct a similar procedure on the candidacies of ministers for the new government. in belgorod, search and rescue operations have been completed on shchorsa street, where on sunday a ukrainian armed forces shell destroyed a section of a house, 10 floors, 40 apartments, 15 people were killed, 17 were extracted from the ruins alive. among the victims are a teenager and an infant; he will be taken to moscow for treatment, but if not for the work of russian pes, the damage could have been greater. ukrainian militants hit... multi-storey buildings with missile systems. czech vampire is a modification of grads, a sunday afternoon when adult children are at home. debris from one of the downed missiles flew into a residential building on the third floor. in the special operation zone , the north group destroyed camouflaged positions and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the targets were hit with fpv drones; one of these replaces several mines; you can’t hide from it either in a trench or in a dugout. the speed reaches up to hundreds
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of kilometers per hour, and it can carry as much... in addition , our fighters constantly modify them so that the enemy’s rap system cannot detect them, on on the approaches to the enemy's front line , the crews of gaub-30, the artillery of the 1st guards tank army, and the western group of troops were smashing, received from reconnaissance the coordinates of the enemy command post and destroyed it with indirect fire. in sochi , the consequences of heavy rains are being eliminated; they have gone towards abkhazia; at the resort , equipment came out on the street to clear the roads in lazarevskoye. a bus with passengers, while the evacuation was going on, an excavator was working on the highway, cars were stuck on the federal highway that leads to the airport, water was gushing from shower towards the fountains, washed away the multi-meter retaining wall above the road. on the first day , the long-awaited continuation of the beloved detective snoop starts today. in the seventh season, the charming alexandra kushnir , played by anna banshchikova, will move to the
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investigation department of the resort city. there is a new position in sochi, now a regular detective and a new team. as before, work comes first, there is confusion in her personal life, the divorce is dragging on, but a romantic meeting awaits alexandra ivanovna. it will happen during the investigation of one of cases, and the main character will also experience clinical death; against this background, her intuition will become sharper, she will be able to predict the actions of the criminal. so, don’t miss the continuation of shcheik’s detective story, the first episode is already today right after the program time. and that's all for now. and we continue our cheerful morning broadcast. sergey babaev and daria are with you. monday may 13th on the calendar. the holiday season is approaching, but for many, this is the time to find a new job. yes, some will say that this is not the best time to get a job because employers also go on vacation, the labor market becomes, well, somehow lazy,
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but there are actually more vacancies at this time, and you need, of course, to properly format your resume carefully, carefully prepare for the interview. in this company it is... a summer interview for the position of assistant auditor, now there is a lull until september. in my company, the season is november - april, so i hire employees in september, because i have to train them before the start of the season and so that in november they will already start working fully work. you can find a job in an industry where summer is not the season if the vacancy is burning, when they are urgently looking for a replacement for a departing employee. the main thing here is that the resume does not end up in the pile and is remembered. but they definitely won’t call for an interview, the young man sends his resume, we are talking about an auditor’s assistant, about a person who must wear business clothes, he also sends a photo of the delivery. alina has a stern photo, a phone number for contact , and an all-season position,
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sales manager, but the response to her resume is weak, during holidays, it can be even more difficult to reach the employer; we’ll figure it out with a career consultant; the experience of a barista and a nurse’s assistant for a vacancy and a sales manager is superfluous. job responsibilities by point with specific examples of achievements, the same thing with the section about yourself was not filled out , about 20% of the proposals were lost. agree, few employers are interested in reading in the hobby section that you went to music school, for example, yes, what kind of clients were they, companies where you had successful sales, and then to this is added such competencies as not just easily finding a contact, but effective communication, and salary? it’s better to indicate the average; you can calculate it online on a job search website, or you can look it up in your competitors’ resumes. of course, in the summer there will also be fewer of these same competitors on the market, and besides, experts note a shortage of personnel. if earlier we
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also interviewed sales managers there were seven or eight people a week, now there are two or three people. therefore, we are now fighting to attract candidates. but this does not mean that at the interview you will be forgiven for your incompetence and... careless appearance, you want to speed up the hiring process, you need to prepare for the interview. i asked what kind of company it was, that is, i came here, and i already knew, in principle, what i would do if they hired me. dmitry expected questions about work experience and transformations, but there may be some. 10 ways to use a pencil other than writing. 10 ways to use a pencil other than writing. the company deals with furniture, not pencils at all. employer this is how he looks at the reaction.
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and only allowing you to complain about someone, because if something is really not as it should be, then it is not only possible to complain, but even necessary. well, if you are interested not in the process, but in the result, then you need to complain correctly, you need to know where to turn, why and how to act. let's figure this out. they sold a low-quality product, the entrance is not repaired, there are queues at the clinic, how to complain correctly so that they definitely help. the first step is to send a complaint to the person who violated the rights in free form. without emotion with clear requirements online or in writing, always in duplicate. on your copy, the employee who accepted the application must write his name and position, sign and date, from now on 10 days for consideration, this is a mandatory procedure. there are certain
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types of disputes for which this judicial procedure is mandatory: this is a dispute with a tour operator, this is a dispute related to the protection of consumer rights, rospotrebnadzor, without an attempt to resolve it before contacting it, will also, let’s say, refuse to consider yours. will write to you that you you must first contact the store. the second step is to be patient and write an application to the supervisory authority, preferably electronically, they have 3 days for registration and a month for consideration, the main thing is... determine the scope of activity of the violators; information can be found on the internet: consumer rights are protected by rospotrebnadzor; healthcare is the responsibility of the ministry of health and roszdravnadzor, for education, the ministry of education and rosobrnadzor, for housing and communal services, housing inspection and local administration, and the banking sector are supervised by the ministry of finance and the central bank. if it's consumer related with the provision of financial services, this is like osaga insurance or microfinance loans or even regular credit, then you need to contact... they consider the ruble, this is not
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a judicial procedure, you apply there; their decision is binding. it’s even better to do the so-called fan mailing to several authorities at once, they will solve the problem together or in parallel faster. and if the supervision itself is inactive, the third step is to contact the prosecutor’s office, if it does not respond to the prosecutor general’s office, then the court. you can immediately file a claim after a claim application, this usually speeds up the process. when you go to court, you must first send a copy of the claim to the parties, very often, when you simply send this copy of the claim to a store or service provider, they will compensate your claims before you even get to the court. . why do they do this? if the court forces them to do this, then in addition to the compensation that you asked for, there will be a refund of money for the goods, moral damages, the court will also... seek 50% of this amount as a penalty
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sanction in your favor for the fact that they did not agree before the trial. and if there is no money for a lawyer, in each region there is a chamber of lawyers that provides free legal assistance. list on the official website of the federal chamber of lawyers. but it’s better to start with simple complaints and requests. often the issue can be resolved at this stage. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia novakhatnia and sergey morin, channel one. if you sew a shirt like me, then you will have to sew a leg of buttons on it, by hand for up to 5 minutes for each, quickly by machine, only 10 seconds, but not everyone knows how to sew buttons on machines, now i will teach you, for this you need to change the settings on the sewing machine. first, set the stitch length to zero, second, change the regular straight stitch to a zigzag stitch, third, set the width of the zigzag stitch to the width of the holes on your button, and
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fourth, reduce the thread tension to one, there is a special foot for sewing on buttons, it looks like this so, it often comes complete with a sewing machine, but if not, you can buy it at any store for needlework, install the foot, make a mark on the fabric where we want to sew a button, place it on the marked point, place the button under the foot. we start sewing, as you can see, it’s easy and simple, you only need five to seven stitches and the button is sewn, but you can sew on a button without a special foot, using the most ordinary one, i install it back on the machine, you need to do everything exactly the same as with the previous foot , the only downside is that the button is not so clearly visible, but once you sew on two or three buttons, you will already like the process. it will go faster, like me, look, i sewed this button
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with a special foot, and this one with a regular one, there’s no difference, it’s all a matter of dexterity, try it, i’m sure you ’ll succeed, if you don’t have time or are too lazy to cook in the morning, there’s a fire option, this is a sandwich , yes, but there are more interesting options, although they are also just as simple, well, for example, you can... take all sorts of goodies and place them in pita bread, my children, for example, adore this breakfast. there are many types of lavash, different tastes and textures. let's get into this diversity immediately let's try to figure it out. the most fluffy lavash is georgian, because it contains yeast, plus water, flour and salt. boat shape, round, stretched, each piece will be 380 g of raw dough, when baking there will be 310 grams left. 7 minutes in the oven that’s it, georgian
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lavash with a golden brown crust, again thanks to the yeast, if the color is pale, most likely the dough was overcooked, it begins to tremble eat the flour itself and it becomes a little pale, grayish in color, within 2.5-3 hours you need to finish all this dough, classic armenian lavash is always light, due to the fact that it is yeast-free, and does not impart a red color, for the same reason. very thin, about 2 mm and durable, ideal for shawarma, it contains nothing except flour, water and salt, the same goes for wheat roll, but it breaks easier because during cooking it is stretched only in one direction. and pita bread in all directions, plus humidity affects it, the lower it is, the more fragile the product, so it is better to use the roll for rolls in the form of a long ribbon, at the end of the line it is cut into a length of about one and a half meters, a thin layer of dough is supplied for baking, cooked instantly, it takes 10 seconds,
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sprinkled with water in order to give elasticity to the product. lavash also resembles armenian, flat and round, but unlike its counterparts, it is usually made from a mixture of different types of flour; with premium wheat flour , flour of either the first or second grade, or rye is used; the products contain more dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals , and the selection rules for all pita breads are the same, of course, attention to appearance, no burnt marks, even the armenian swelling is only rosy and it is important that the product must be elastic, if the dough... is dry and crumbles, this indicates that either the product was made from low-quality raw materials, or the packaging, the integrity of the packaging, the packaging may have been damaged during storage or transportation. the composition is ideally short and understandable, if you suddenly don’t remember, we repeat it. flour, water, salt, well, perhaps friends, and if the composition includes various food
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additives, such as emulsifiers, stabilizers, for example, preservatives, then this indicates that the manufacturer wants to extend the expiration date. very valuable information, you understand that it’s a shame such a day is may 1st and admit your own helplessness, i even envy you a little, guy, you will go down in history as the first to fly over the soviets from south to north, the air defense system is powerless against some spy, learn to shoot down immediately, flights must be suspended,
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the situation cannot be escalated, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible. a ram at such a height is certain death if you were there pilot, what would you do? i'm fifty-two, ready for the daran, harry powers's interrupted flight on saturday on the first. cognac monte shococa, product c. stellar group rom kastro, stellar group product, veda water, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, stirsman bourbon, stellar
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group product, fashion statement, new season, i am with you, lilia rakh, on weekdays on the first. a prudent owner, having barely had breakfast, immediately thinks about what to cook for lunch and dinner. how do you like this idea: cabbage rolls, they’re tasty, complex and healthy, and i i love cabbage rolls and cook them often, but many people think that they are difficult to prepare, so our chef igor molotkin offers an interesting recipe: cabbage rolls in the form of tubes. cabbage rolls need to be scalded with cabbage leaves, but all my pans are full, so i’ll do it differently: i cut the head of cabbage crosswise, place it in a two-layer bag, add two tablespoons of table vinegar to soften the leaves faster, pour boiling water over it, close the bag, leave it for 15 minutes.
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see, the leaves have become more elastic and are easily separated from the cochin. for filling i fry the onion with minced meat, add washed rice, salt, pepper, and for a bright aroma i add tomato paste, chopped grains, paprika, pieces of bacon, pour boiling water over it, simmer under the lid until done, put the filling on the edge of a cabbage leaf, and wrap it up. into a roll, i make the rest of the cabbage rolls in the same way, line the bottom of the mold with cabbage leaves, lay out the preparations, pour the cabbage rolls diluted with water. tomato paste, bake for 20 minutes at 180°. the rolls of cabbage rolls in tomato
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sauce turned out tender and juicy, serve them with sour cream, your favorite dish, prepared in a new way, diversifies the usual menu. a mobile phone is the center of our life, everything is there, calls, messages, banking, internet, navigation, everything, you just need to pay for it all.
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which you usually spend per month, for example, we ask the manager to name the number of minutes for the last year, on average i manage to talk for 300 minutes every month, i wonder what’s the point of paying extra for 200, which i don’t use anyway, it could... just refuse the offer, but i decided that i needed to cut down on mobile communications costs, i told the manager of the cellular company that even at the old tariff, their services cost me too much, and i plan to look for another operator, cheaper. my interlocutor was seriously scared, losing a regular client is an unaffordable luxury for a company, so i immediately received a new offer, in the end they agreed that communication would cost me 20% less, and do you know why this happened? mobile slavery was abolished long ago. now you
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you can use your usual number to switch to any operator that will offer you more favorable conditions. like this, communicate with the employees of cellular companies correctly, then instead of increasing the payment for the tariff, you will be able to get a discount. we continue our good work. good morning, sergey babaev and dari shulik are with you, monday has arrived, it’s may 13th, the strawberry season has already started in big cities, they were brought from the southern regions, because let’s say in the moscow region, we still have to wait a month, or even more, according to this depending on the weather more, but in general we have opened the season, yes, well, this is where the most delicious strawberries come from, which variety lasts longer and is it true that aromatic strawberries are the healthiest, in general, how can we find the ripest, most... delicious on the counter , i smelled the most aromatic, aromatic one, but you won’t try the sweet one, you won’t try the dirty one, the geography of strawberries on the market
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has expanded noticeably, overseas, greek, turkish and egyptian berries had to make room ahead of time, ours arrived from the krasnodar region and crimea. this year we just have a very early spring, in early may. we’ve already had our first harvests, last year, if we take it, it started to ripen, well, in the twenties, so this year we’ll have a rich harvest, i think. here in kuban, the strawberries are greenhouse, covered, they’re already leaving, it’s time for the ground, and that one is even sweeter, aromatic, imported, well, it has a weak aroma, it has imported berries, ours is easy to open even the car at the market, it just has such a smell that many people they ask how to understand it, they will understand it by the smell, there is even a scientific explanation, in tropical regions where strawberries are grown at elevated temperatures, the synthesis of organic acids is suppressed, the synthesis of the substance that determines the aroma of the berries is suppressed, so they are so flat, fresh, with a not particularly pronounced aroma, hence the opinion that imported ones are not useful,
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but this is a myth, if you take it useful, not healthy, healthy, all in terms of organoleptics, ours wins in taste, in aroma, but the chemical composition of the berries is quite stable, and imported, our strawberries, all of them will benefit a person, at the same time we remember, the closer the berry is picked to your region, the better it is, since it is fresher and has retained more vitamins, and not because it is still green when picked in distant countries, as is commonly believed. during transportation, it is not ripened, unlike, say, apples, unlike tomatoes, but there are varieties that have dense pulp, well, some of ours can be called clothes that are not damaged, which are better for transportation. it is true that unripe strawberries are also found on sale, both foreign and ours, this is the point. it’s not worth taking, because i haven’t had time to accumulate in myself everything useful that should be, here is such a white-green space at the tip of
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a white-green space. rich and uniform, the fruits themselves have no signs of spoilage, but in any case you need to rinse thoroughly before eating. be careful with this berry, why? because it’s not even the berry itself that can cause such an allergy, but the accumulated powder of pollen from other plants, including strawberry pollen. now, of course, it’s difficult to resist, but we remember that there are unpleasant consequences, possibly from overeating, a kilogram a day is still a bit much. stepan erofeev, boris repin, alexey danko, channel one. we hasten to inform you that the long-awaited continuation of the multi-part detective story bloodhound is on channel one today. alexander kushnir is undergoing a rehabilitation course after the accident, but , of course, no one will let her rest in peace; new complicated cases await her. don't miss the new episode of the film bloodhound, today, right after the program time. hello,
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alexandra ivanovna, you can go for a walk in park. wait, is that you? you ordered me to be locked up when you wanted to go to meetings, but please take a walk, colonel alexander kushnir, nicknamed the bloodhound, as unpredictable as the weather in may, that is , it’s not safe to be here with you, it’s not safe to be with me at all, we need to make a sign like this on the chest, cook carefully, this season, now when it’s cold, everyone is frozen, everyone is dreaming, maybe about some kind of summer vacation, vacation, they’ll see my... the bloodhound is investigating a crime in gelendzhik, but while on sick leave, he ended up in accident, an accident or someone set it up. even if i had such information, you are not supposed to know this for sure, how strict, there was a line of people who wanted to visit the bloodhound, mostly men, businessman, konstantin vlasov and colonel arkady
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alkhovsky, both caring for sasha. we are with you. conditions, well, don’t tell me, i have advantages, and what are these, evidence, corpses, she loves it, when a person is passionate about something and is really busy with his work, it attracts men, they can’t seem to capture her, they hunt for her, they fail to catch her, work is the best medicine for colonel kushnir, but a new case is being investigated without her, the bride disappeared during a bachelorette party, kidnapping, murder, noshka, thank you, i knew i missed sweets from work, by the way, now i understand why you lead let's binge on chocolate, because your command is not sweet, not sweet, subordinates without a bloodhound, no evidence was found, the suspect was missed, but what a coincidence, the groom of the missing bride lies in the room next to sasha, colonel kushnir will begin his investigation, to the chief, of course, not a word, hello, uh, no, i won’t take you like this, go back and get treatment, and
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undercover, or what? our disguise is all humor and vitamin d in the continuation of the detective bloodhound today on channel one, don’t miss it, clearly, as soon as there is any information, let me know immediately. asya ratkevich, svetlana neimanis, joseph kobrin, channel one. and then there's a news broadcast. see you again soon. this is the news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the main news remains the president’s proposal for candidates for posts of heads of the ministries of the security bloc and the ministry of foreign affairs. vladimir putin introduced them to the federation council the night before. in particular , andrei belousov, previously first deputy prime minister, has been proposed for the post of minister of defense. in the current conditions, it is very important to integrate the economy of the power bloc into the country’s economy.
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the ministry of defense accounts for a significant part of the budget expenditures, it is necessary. deputy president on the commission on the security council, will simultaneously be in charge of the military-industrial complex, and he is deeply immersed in this work, he knows very well the rate of production of military industrial
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products for specific enterprises. often visits these enterprises, and you already know that earlier it was also reported that he was being transferred from the ministry of defense to the president. fsv and its work will also be headed and supervised by sergei shalbo. actually, shaigu will continue to work in this area, which he knows well, he knows very well from the inside, together with his colleagues and partners from his previous place of work. as for the previous secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev, about his new appointment will be announced in the coming days. they will remain in their places.
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control management. served as deputy head . then he moved to the presidential administration, where and today the state duma will consider the issue of approving candidates for the positions of deputy prime ministers of russia, a total of 10 deputy prime ministers, they will speak to deputies and answer questions. previously, meetings were held in all eighteen committees of the lower house, candidate. received the support of parliamentarians, but tomorrow the state duma will carry out a similar procedure on ministerial candidates for the new government. rescuers in belgorod worked for 20 hours, day
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and night, at the site where an ukrainian armed forces shell destroyed the entrance to a residential building. the search has now been completed, 15 residents were declared dead, and 17 were rescued from the ruins alive. on sunday, in the midst of rescue work, a second collapse occurred; the slab above a section of the house failed. three rescuers. when they were injured, and residents asked not to participate in the search, although there were many volunteers. among the victims are children, a teenager and an infant. he will be taken to moscow for treatment. let me remind you that ukrainian militants fired missile systems at multi-storey buildings. ur szo alha and czech vampire are a modification of grads. on sunday, when adult children were at home, fragments of one of the downed missiles flew into a residential building on the third floor level. the shelling continued all sunday, there were more of them. during the day, three more people died, including a seventeen-year-old girl. powerful explosions shook belgorod in the past hours, the russian air defense system intercepted ukrainian shells, no casualties. in addition to the news
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of the special operation in the kherson direction on the right bank of the dnieper, russian drones discovered a camouflaged stronghold, a self-propelled battery mstas, destroyed a fortification, it fires at a range of up to 29 km. the crew conducted a successful raid. helicopter k-52m in the zone of responsibility of the group of troops-center. unguided aircraft missiles hit a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. the helicopter performed a maneuver in case of shelling and returned to the airfield. it worked perfectly against air targets. air defense crew of the southern group russian troops, the tor m2 anti-aircraft missile system destroyed enemy drones and provided reliable cover for our army columns. in primorye, a man was detained who was collecting information about military facilities for... ukrainian intelligence, this data could be used, among other things, for terrorist attacks. according to law enforcement information , he contacted the ukrainian special services himself, he has been charged and faces up to life in prison. in sochi, they are eliminating the consequences
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of a flood, after heavy rains, water flooded the roads, the flow carried away cars, however, those there were few who dared to get out of the house, but the people who were heading to the airport had nowhere to go, they found themselves surrounded on all sides by water, it flowed from the storm drains and... a high retaining wall above the road, a mudflow descended onto the highway right in front of the passenger bus in the host, people were evacuated, and an excavator was brought in to clear the road. did you know that today is world dandelion day? any piece of land, even in the concrete urban jungle, is sure to flicker with its golden lights, but what are we like? did you use them to make wreaths when you were a child? that's it... it can also be used on the farm in a
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variety of ways, when the weather clears up everyone goes to the park to lie in the sun, here it is scattered under your feet, in a picnic dish, we also add it, the minimum program is a salad of dandelion leaves, the taste of dandelion is very ... i collected it outside the city, it is washed, dried, fried until brown and then ground in a coffee grinder, it smells like coffee, and like chicory, plus this menu is useful, therapist irina godovanyuk, vitamins and it’s tired to list microelements. the leaves, for example, contain iodine for the thyroid gland, magnesium for the heart, and beta-carotene for vision. if flowers are eaten, they have a choleretic effect, good for people who have congestion in the gallbladders. the root contains
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inulin, which is a natural probiotic that creates favorable conditions in our intestines for our good bacteria to multiply. cosmetologist regina markuseeva continues the marathon of praise. i prepared dandelion masks with sour cream and olive oil cheaply and effective. prevents cell damage, protects cells from premature aging. it also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. i think she has already become beautiful. even more beautiful than it was, you don’t have to wash it off, let’s go on the subway like this, and if there was a personal growth coach in this company, he would definitely advise taking from dandelions, for example, a fragile flower that can break through asphalt, that’s determination, from the biologist ivgeniy kubarev has an explanation: when plant cells begin to divide, turgor is created in plants it turns out that the pressure force in these cells far exceeds hundreds of...
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pascals and, accordingly, can push apart these soils, motivating, tasty, healthy, the main thing is not to confuse them with other flowers, everyone remembers the meme, yes, these yellow ones are not dandelions , and these white and pink dandelions, on the contrary, the white-tongued dandelion, which grows on the kola peninsula, the purple-leaved dandelion, grows in the caucasus, the republic of ossetia, ingushetia, chechnya, comes from girls from the caucasus and kola. have you also noticed another amazing thing? the ability of dandelions to transport us back to childhood. alena astrakhantseva, dmitry parfenov, evgeny marinkov, yulia bykova, channel one. don't participate in this. don’t
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pay attention to the splitters, everything will resolve itself, the evening seems to be preparing a pleasant surprise for you. libra will have a chance to repair, improve, restore, update, and restore some old connections. towards evening, get ready to solve the problems of children or younger relatives, and watch your back. scorpios risk falling in love with someone; here the stars will refrain from commenting. in the rest of the day is smooth, as they say, without incident, but the evening can surprise you with something and even change some things. these are your plans, sagittarius are all busy today, there are still some travels, meetings are important, try not to be late in all this chaos, and take care of your wallet, e- wallets, this also applies, great day and capricorns, he will help - to understand, find out, figure something out, suggest a solution to some problem, you won’t be left at a loss, in general, everyone would like this, and in the evening, expect pleasant guests. this day is for aquarius will help you establish your opinion or make an important decision. he can also
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open your eyes to something or someone, this kind of discovery is not always pleasant, but there’s nothing you can do about it, feel free to make a date for the evening. pisces are in the spotlight today in the center of events, which is not surprising, they are simply charming and full of charm, and pisces are, let’s say, quite cunning, the main thing here is not to outsmart yourself. good luck to you! i know a lot of men who consider their main... decoration to be a neatly trimmed beard. rare a case, dear women, when right now you and i can make ourselves a cup of tea or coffee and leave our men in front of the screens, because barber vitaly orlov will tell you how to properly care for a beard and mustache. a man should always look well-groomed, especially if he has a beard. she may be
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a little red-haired, and after forty , gray hair is added. let's paint. i'm barber vitaly orlov, i'll show you how to achieve a uniform color. we use beard and mustache dye. the hair on your face is denser in structure than on your head, and so is your skin. more sensitive. the paint does not contain ammonia and is therefore less irritating to the face. i buy oxidizer paint in tubes, so i prepare the required amount of composition. squeeze out 10 cm of paint and the same amount of oxidizing agent, mix the ingredients, first lubricate the skin around it. apply thick cream or cosmetic oil to your hair, this will protect it from coloring. now, with a wide brush, apply the composition, but pay attention, not to the entire beard, first to red hair and gray hair, apply
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with movements from top to bottom, carefully walking along the upper contour. now tint the mustache. we wait 5-10 minutes. if the composition gets on the skin, remove it with a cotton swab. to comb your beard more evenly, use a wide-toothed comb. again we wait 5-10 minutes, making sure not to overdo it. paint, in this case it can damage the structure of the hair, wash off the composition, everything is fine, which means we can wash the beard with shampoo, any one you have at home will do, if you want an even more
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saturated shade, use shampoo for colored hair, let’s compare the result: here it's much better, bloodhound, new episodes, you carry too much responsibility for others, my shoulders told you this, the body can say a lot about a person, our sweatologist thinks so, look at...
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premiere, ordinary fascism 2, today on the first. i am proud that i live in such
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a beautiful country, that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people too... they know, this is very important. ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncharov. taganay is a whole adventure park. there are bears and more. fyodor chaliapin at one time called himself a simple vyadsky peasant throughout his life. the white nights of leningrad, the gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​taiga, are as beautiful as our sunny mountain. no one returns from a trip the same person, so travel, develop yourself. on any highway, in any village, we are all one, big family. passwords, passwords, as well as pin codes, barcodes, qr codes, and today they are, well, literally everywhere. and in this diversity, it is of course incredibly difficult to understand, but
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thank god, biometrics is being introduced more and more. we have seen this in science fiction films, when people pay for something or get a pass using their iris or fingerprint. now all this is already in our lives. and you can even pay for your purchase with a smile. let's figure out how it all works. you can withdraw money from an atm, pay for a purchase , or enter the metro using biometrics, it’s convenient, if we don’t try, we won’t find out. together with natalya tsai from the center of biometric technologies, we simultaneously approach the turnstiles in the underground. i pay with natalya’s transport card using biometrics, surprisingly, for a split second, but natalya wins. indeed, recognitions used to take longer, but now they are literally just a matter of counting. and if you compare biometrics with payment by bank card, doors open much faster for natalia. when paying using biometrics, money is debited from the account of the same bank card. why faster? i can assume that the technologies for writing off funds are the same, but the question is reading. the first
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biometric systems analyzed the distance between control points, for example, between the tip of the nose and the corner of the eye. now neural networks are helping developers. at its core, a mathematical model converts an image of a face into a set of numbers. it is called a vector. and the system doesn’t care what color is in the room or what color the glasses are. when you and i create a vector, and we actually... we are trying to extract only its useful information from the image, discarding noise, discarding glare, for example, and meanwhile we pay for purchases in the supermarket, i use a card, natalya - biometrics, payment with a smile - this, by the way, is just a name, you don’t have to smile, i was successful, a little later the bell rang, just a little, everything related to payment and biometrics was essentially invented for convenience, here a face replaces a bank card , but there are other scenarios when a person replaces not a card, but a passport or password, this is already a security issue. biometrics allows
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us, in accordance with the law, to receive some legally significant services in a remote channel and guarantee that it is exactly the person who is currently carrying out receiving the service, there is no fraud. now, if biometrics is connected, you can, for example, remotely open a bank account and receive other services that require a passport in the future. a person will be able to replace documents even offline. we are now actively developing scenarios where a citizen can receive services in person without presenting a passport using biometrics. one of the options for checking into a hotel using biometrics is registration and payment, two in one. according to the results of studies of hotel check-in, and almost not the top three scenarios where citizens want to use biometric data and... where they really are waiting for such a service to appear, and the main thing is that biometrics is voluntary,
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no one is obliged to connect to the system, and if desired, your data can be deleted through government services. varvara fedorova, dmitry likhachev, ksenia maklyak, konstantin leonov, channel one. our cheerful morning continues, right now, let's take a little trip. it will be very very interesting, since we will visit a production facility founded hundreds of years ago, but they continue today work and... honor the traditions of skilled craftsmen, by the way, we will find out why the coat of arms of the city of shuya adorns a bar of soap, how much fabric is needed to wrap the earth with it one and a half times, in the city of shuya everyone knows 60 million meters, the annual production of local textile plant, one of the largest in the country. it consists of five production sites in three cities of the ivanovo region, it all starts with the idea, quality, then the fabric. steps into finishing production and the final stage is sewing production. more than 200 companies
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years, the founders of the merchant brothers were sent. the first to establish a force-printed paper factory. the design was then applied to the fabric by hand using wooden techniques. the task of the printer, who was then called a printer, was to apply paint to this appropriate manner and press, roughly speaking, it to the desired place on the fabric. they beat this style with special... sharpenings in 12 hours 30 m of drawing, for comparison, now in an eight-hour shift printing lines process several kilometers of fabric. the first weaving looms too they looked different in the suzdol workshops; there are manual ones now. this costume here dates back to the 12th century. nizhnenovgorod citizen. and we make this fabric ourselves. and this is homespun fabric, that is, it is all done by hand on the same loom. unique technologies of the past are carefully preserved at this production facility in palihi. for almost 30 years
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, icons have been painted and iconostases made here. palekh has been the center of icon painting since ancient times. then, in order to preserve their art, the artists preserved it in a box, in a lacquer miniature, right? and now the artists return to icon painting. well, if we talk specifically about the production of iconostases, yes, then here we are pioneers. full production cycle. carpentry, wood carving, gilding and , of course, the icon-painting workshop, they create paints just like in the old days. the pigment, dry powder, is taken and digested into an egg emulsion. first we translate the drawing onto the icon, but before translating it, the artist, well, in my face, must draw it and conceive this drawing. then work in color begins, everything pre-processed, that is, what before the faces, the face is written last. there is only one difference: now the artists are mostly women; before, only men painted icons;
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they were among the locals and especially talented ones. in 1654, a local icon painter... erasim iconnikov painted an amazing icon: miracles were performed from the icon of the mother of god, healing from a pestilence, which were later witnessed by the russian orthodox church. a list of the famous icon in the resurrection cathedral in shuya, here the city’s coat of arms is decorated with a bar of soap. during the times of the merchants, this land was famous for soap making. one of the main the ingredients were salt, you could put salt on one side of the scale, gold on the other, and we... and the development of a new direction in art, artistic soap carving. natalya kovaleva, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, ilona tikhonova, channel one.
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today we remind you that monday, may 13th, is exactly one year ago. it was his ideas that underlay the cult program look, the first analytical programs, and in general it is impossible to imagine domestic television without this person. my name is eduard sagolayev, the encyclopedia says that i major figure in soviet modern television. who am i? in fact, in the mid -eighties, he was the newly appointed head of the legendary youth team, the youth editorial office of central television, behind whose shoulders life in samarkand and work as an instructor of the komsomol central committee did not change at all, so we enter this screening room, as i remember now, i look at him and say, fool mikhailovich, i say, we are very afraid of you, suddenly he looks
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with his sad, intelligent, but always ironic eyes and says:
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this is vladislav listiev, this is dmitry zakharov, oleg vakulovsky and alexander lyubimikh, one name has not yet appeared in our program, this is the name of our program, suddenly he says: let there be a look, we say, like a look in a row, several of these letters that are impossible, he says, they will remember it. later,
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the police admitted to sogolayev that during the broadcast of the program, crime in the country was decreasing, they looked at him. there was a story with a serviceman who spoke for the contract army, after this story i, lysenko, listiev and dima zakharov, we went to the minister of defense. the look went out on fridays, on mondays, sogolaev was called to a debriefing; he fought for his journalists
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to the last. eduard mikhailovich said, remove the internal editor, i’m crying. salary to those people who in our editorial office are called editors, do what you think is necessary, what you think, this is acceptable, but it definitely shows... and frankness, how completely simple
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“you can count on our objectivity employee, he was very worried, very worried, i remember all these creative tossing, torment, even, even a moment of despair, that is, when it seemed to him that nothing was working out, that everything was wrong, there were times when he just..." left the studio, he eventually left the news too, already in a new country, sogalayev, the general director of the ostankina television company and the creator of the first private tv channel, tv6. he always felt what young people wanted, and felt when to leave. in the 2000s , sogalayev moved away from big tv and began to look for himself. who am i, really? this question. i'm looking for an answer. i believe that edward. mikhailovich did a lot to ensure that television, at least for this long enough period, was free,
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so that we could talk and not lie, so that they believed us and trusted us. and this is sagolayev’s main contribution to history during the period when journalists were free, as he called his book. time to find out what's new? stranger in the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. don't switch, stay with us. this is news first. studios maria vasilyeva. hello. the main news is still the president's proposals on candidates for the posts of heads of the ministries of the security bloc and the ministry of foreign affairs. vladimir putin introduced them to the federation council the day before.
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and most recently it has grown to 6.7%. this, together with all law enforcement agencies, among which the ministry of defense, of course, occupies key positions, since it is the ministry of defense that is responsible for placing all orders in industry and this requires a special attitude. it is very important to enter. the economy of the power bloc into the country’s economy, write off so that it corresponds to the dynamics of the current moment,
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secondly, what is probably important to note is that today on the battlefield, the one who wins is the one who is more open to innovation, more open to the most rapid implementation, therefore, naturally, at the current stage the president decided to have the ministry of defense headed... by a civilian , and this is not just a civilian, but a man who headed the very successful ministry of economic development of russia, who for a long time was the assistant to the president for economic issues, and also in the previous cabinet of ministers he was the first deputy chairman of the government. security council instead.
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headed one of the largest russian energy companies interrau, then moved to the presidential administration, where he served as deputy head of the control directorate. and today the state duma will consider the issue of approving candidates for the positions of deputy prime ministers of russia, there are 10 deputy prime ministers in total; they will speak to deputies and answer questions. previously meetings were held in all 18 committees of the lower house, the candidates received the support of parliamentarians, and tomorrow
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the state duma will undergo a similar procedure. will conduct nominations for ministers of the new government. in belgorod , search and rescue work has been completed on shchorsa street, where on sunday a ukrainian armed forces shell destroyed a section of a house, 10 floors, 40 apartments. 15 people died, 17 were extracted from the ruins alive. among the victims , a teenager and a baby will be taken to moscow for treatment. if not for the work of russian air defenses , the damage could have been greater. ukrainian militants they hit multi-storey buildings with rocket systems. urszo alhaj czech vampire is a modification of grad. on a sunday when adult children are at home. debris from one of the downed missiles flew into a residential building on the third floor. in the special operation zone , the north group destroyed camouflaged positions and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the targets were hit with fpv drones. one of these replaces several mines; you can’t hide from it in any trench or dugout. the speed reaches up to hundreds of kilometers per hour, and can carry both a grenade
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and a shot. the grenade is also our fighters they are constantly modified so that the enemy’s rap system cannot detect them, crews of d-30 howitzers are smashed on the approaches to the enemy’s front line, the artillerymen of the first guards tank army of the west group of forces received from reconnaissance the coordinates of the enemy control point and destroyed it with indirect fire. at these moments in the parliament of the georgian capital, the third final reading of the bill on the transparency of foreign influence begins, the night before...
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in russian schools, on the air of channel one , a special lesson also begins, talking about important. the topic today is the russian language, great and powerful, because 225 years ago alexander sergeevich pushkin was born, our interlocutor is a theater and film actor, musician, people's artist of the rsfsr, mikhail boyarsky.
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moscow, here is my address at the car wash near the stable bridge in the house of princess volkonskaya, now everyone knows this address, because it was here, on the embankment of the car wash, in this small apartment that the last minutes of pushkin’s life passed, here we are now
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in the poet’s office . went to see friends, adored women, visited pushkin for family life he had an amazingly happy character, the only thing he couldn’t stand was being interfered with at work. pushkin loved that everything he needed was always at hand, therefore, as contemporaries wrote, his table was always littered with books, manuscripts and unstitched notebooks, on pushkin’s table, his things, a small bell for calling servants, a bone knife, imagine, that
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without such a knife it was impossible to read a new magazine, because the books came out with the leaves glued together, pushkin’s feather, it preserved, contemporaries recalled that pushkin... even from childhood , had a not very good habit; while working, he liked to chew feathers, as many children probably chew ballpoint pens now. what qualities do you value alexander sergeevich for? well, what can we have in common? except maybe his love for work, he is a workaholic, i try to be the same, i like his honesty in everything, in clothes, in life, in attitude. friends, a clear conscience is the key to a good sleep and a talented pen, from his pen came pure poetry, pure, not stained by any filth. which work would you recommend starting
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your acquaintance with pushkin? the bronze horseman, everyone knows st. petersburg, and he poeticized it like no one else, so, probably, from the bronze horseman it’s easy, understandable, and of course, his poems are early. philosophical poems, not everyone will understand them, pushkin, of course, is a symphony, a musical symphony. he carried this oil lamp with him, by the light of this lamp, in mikhailovsky, he wrote the lines of the novel eugene onegin. the more you read evgeny neged, the more you become imbued with today . and of course, we all learned polymen, unfortunately, something and somehow, i really envy his education, this...
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especially the last days of his life, all this correspondence with hekelin, all this dueling history of danzash, here i am i want to show you the sofa, pushkin was reclining, working at the desk
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when he was mortally wounded, let me remind you that the poet was wounded in the stomach, the duel took place on january 27 , 1837, to save him, unfortunately, at that time was impossible, and so, when they are wounded... there are a huge number of these same bicycles and how to choose the right one is not always clear, so let's figure it out. 3 million, approximately the same number of bicycles sold per year in russia, and in more than forty percent of cases they are bought as an alternative urban
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transport. here is an example of ekaterina and olga dobroskov. we use it to get to the store or to the beauty salon. these are also called mountain ones with a durable frame, increased ground clearance, with front, sometimes with... a rear shock absorber, but they chose it because they were beautiful, they didn’t understand technology at all, only during trips they realized that they were right with the model, its wheels are on wide and toothy tires, i can ride where there are no asphalt paths , there are many different thresholds and curbs and it is much more convenient on such a bike, cross-country ability is of course a plus, but this alone is not enough for urban comfort, the bike must fit into transport, and to make it easier, andrei kulakov has just such a folding one. this bike folds a very short time of 2-3 seconds and it is already folded and can be used anywhere in the metro , in the case of buses or trams, that is... typed to move from home and work to
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the metro or stop, ride long distances on this you'll be tormented, the wheels are small, the speed is low, the comfort you need during the trip is easy to carry, there is a special type of bicycles, they are called city bicycles, and no less than mountain and road bicycles, some can be folded in half, like a folder type bike, the wheels are full-size, they spin quickly, tires at this one is narrower with a smooth tread, less friction, less force and cost of movement. another plus is the design of the frame, the sloping frame, because when you jump off the bike, it doesn’t bother you, it’s easy to jump off, easy to climb on and off. the seating position on city bikes is also special, the back is straight, so your arms get tired less , the viewing angle is wider, but the main thing is the saddle, one might say, anatomical. saddles, as a rule, are so average that it is comfortable to sit on for a long time, but at the same time, so that it does not interfere with your rapid pedaling. by the way, about speed on a city bike, they are mandatory, because
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there are rarely cities without terrain; on an uphill , a lower speed will help save energy; on a straight line, an increased speed will help you gain speed faster; there is a nuance; on bicycles with shock absorbers, these advantages can be nullified. it is undesirable to use a shock absorber in the city, because all the pedaling energy goes into swinging the shock absorber. there are models where the shock absorber can be blocked, and vice versa for off-road use. connect the latter, if the bike is for the city, it should have it. from the golden boulevard to inspiration street,
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crossing the street of love, stretches a sunny alley in yekaterinburg, the name alone makes it clear, you can’t imagine a more comfortable place to relax, a very pleasant place to relax, enjoy the good weather, we love to relax here, play, we really like it, that such a complex is standing, there is more, yes to eat, tell them to organize picnics, besides , the alley connects the new buildings with the kindergarten, school and center...
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collects votes for objects in their native astrakhan, she gave hers for the embankment of the kutum river. i was very attracted by the arches with wooden covering, right in this place, and the bar counters, which would also be located on the bank of kutum. i think it's very cool, especially if kutum cleans it up. whether kutum will become a new place of attraction will become clear very soon, the voting has already ended, the results are still being summed up. the knowledge park has become pro...
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with hands with interesting questions, where you can scan a qr code and get an answer to the question. that's why walking here is useful doubly. next year, everyone will again have the opportunity to vote for the renewal of a park or square in their city. voting for improvement projects has been extended for another 5 years. if you don’t have time or are too lazy to cook in the morning, there is a great option: a sandwich. yes, but there are options. more interesting, although also just as simple, well, for example, you can take
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all sorts of goodies and place them in lavash, my children, for example, adore this breakfast, there are a lot of types of lavash, the tastes are different, 7 minutes in the oven is all, georgian lavash with a golden brown crust, again thanks to the yeast, but if the color is pale, the dough was most likely overcooked. the yeast begins to eat the flour itself and it becomes a slightly pale grayish color. you need to finish all this dough within 2 to 3 hours. classic armenian lavash is always light. due to the fact that it is without yeast and does not transfer the red color. for the same
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reason, very thin, about 2 mm and durable , ideal for shawarma. it contains nothing but flour, water and salt. in wheat roll too, but it breaks easier. because while cooking they stretch only in one direction, and pita bread in all directions, plus humidity affects it, the lower it is, the more fragile the product, so it is better to use the roll for rolls in the form of a long ribbon, at the end of the line it is cut into a length of about one and a half meters, a thin layer of dough goes into baking, cooks instantly in 10 seconds, sprinkles with water in order... to give elasticity to the product. country lavash also resembles armenian, flat round, but unlike its counterparts, it is usually made from a mixture of different types of flour. with premium wheat flour uses flour of either the first or second grade, or rye. the products contain more dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. and
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the selection rules for all lavash are the same, of course, pay attention to the appearance, no burnt marks, even the armenian ones are only ruddy, which is important. the product must be elastic, if the dough is dry and crumbles, this indicates that either the product was made from low-quality raw materials, or the packaging has been damaged, the integrity of the packaging, the packaging may have been damaged during storage, transportation, the composition is ideally short and understandable, if you suddenly don’t remember, we repeat: flour, water, salt, well, possibly yeast, and if the composition includes various food additives, such as emulsifiers, stabilizers, for example, preservatives, then... this says that the manufacturer wants to extend the shelf life of this product. proper pita bread usually lasts from 3 to 5 days; it is better to store it at room temperature in the refrigerator ; it quickly becomes stale. evgeny plyukov, evgenia popova, ilyarov, alexander ignatov, tatyana yus, channel one. how are you? class,
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mood. my, mariopol, is like a seagull with a broken wing. here are their uniforms thrown away. what did you feel when you entered your house later? mariupol, returning home, on saturday on the first, he forbade me from cuba, but i didn’t listen, well, guys, praise you more than once, yes, you can’t be broken, i will complain,
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yes, yes, there are people who doesn’t feed you bread, just let me complain about someone. after all, if something is really not as it should be, then it’s not only possible to complain, but even necessary, if you are interested not in the process, but result, then you need to complain correctly, you need to know where to go, why and how to act, let’s figure this out, they sold a low-quality product, the entrance is not being repaired, there are queues at the clinic, how to complain correctly so that they definitely help? the first step is to send a complaint to the person who violated the rights in a free form, without emotions, with clear demands. online or in writing, always in two copies. on your copy, the employee who accepted the application must write his name and position, sign and date, from this minutes 10 days for consideration, this is a mandatory procedure, there are certain types of disputes for which it is necessary to go to court, this is a dispute with a tour operator, this is a dispute related to the protection
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of consumer rights, rospotrebnadzor without an attempt to resolve, before contacting it too, let’s say, refuses to consider your complaint will write to you that the resident’s information can be found on the internet: consumer rights are protected by rospotrebnadzor, the ministry of health and roszdravnadzor are responsible for healthcare, education, the ministry of education and rosobrnadzor, housing and communal services are responsible, the housing inspectorate and local administration, the banking sector is supervised by the ministry of finance and the central bank. if these consumer issues are related to the provision of financial services, such as osaga insurance or microfinance loans or even regular credit, then you need to contact the financial dispute ombudsman. financial obbudsman, there is one in every region, they dispute up to 5,000 rubles. they consider it, this is not a judicial procedure, you
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apply there, their decision is mandatory before execution. it’s even better to do the so-called fan mailing to several authorities at once, they will solve the problem together or in parallel faster. and if the supervision itself is inactive, the third step is to contact the prosecutor’s office, if it does not respond to the prosecutor general’s office, then the court. it is possible immediately after the claim. filing a claim, as a rule, this speeds up the process. when you go to court, you must first send a copy of the claim to the parties , and very often, when you simply send this copy of the claim to a store or service provider, and not before you have even managed to get to court , the court has begun its case, your demands compensate. why do they do this? if the court forces them to do this, then in addition to the compensation that you asked for, there will be a refund of money for the goods, moral damages, the court will also exact 50% of this from them. amounts as a penalty in your favor for the fact that they did not agree before the trial. and if there is no money for a lawyer, in each region there is
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a chamber of lawyers that provides free legal assistance. list on the official website of the federal chamber of lawyers. but it’s better to start with simple complaints and requests. often the issue can be resolved still at this stage. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia novakhatnya and sergey morin, channel one. we hasten to inform you that the long-awaited continuation is on channel one today. today immediately after the program time. hello, alexandra ivanovna, you can go for a walk in the park. wait, you, you ordered me to be locked up. when you wanted to go to a meeting and go for a walk, please. colonel alexandra kushnir, nicknamed.
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any information, please let me know immediately. asya ratkevich, svetlana neimanes, joseph kobrin, channel one. our program is right
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to conclude, we say goodbye to you and wish you good morning and a good day. dali shurik and sergei babaev were with you. please stay with us on channel one, the news is on air right now. see you. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. personnel decisions of national importance andrei bilausov has been proposed for the post of minister of defense. other candidates who will occupy key positions in the country? today there is a meeting in the state duma and the federation council. working all night,
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stopping only for moments of silence and what is happening now. together with the collapse of a house in belgorod, ukrainian militants continue to carry out attacks on the city. parliament is ringed against the crowd by special forces. the situation is heating up in georgia. deputies are considering the bill on foreign agents in the final reading. fountains in the middle of the courtyard and streets with a stormy current. flood in sochi. in the capital region , the weather is still march, but news about a warm anticyclone is warming. so, the most important personnel decisions for the country, taking into account new challenges, the formation of the cabinet of ministers, who will occupy key positions: the ministry of defense, the ministry of defense, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of internal affairs and others departments. in the evening , vladimir putin proposed candidates to the federation council. today , senators are beginning consultations and special attention to andrei belousov, a candidate for the post of head of the ministry of defense, which dictated the personnel decisions of the review.


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