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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 13, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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working all night, stopping only for moments of silence, what is happening now at the site of a house collapse in belgorod? ukrainian militants continue to carry out attacks on the city. parliament in a ring against the crowd special forces. the situation is heating up in georgia. deputies are considering the bill of laws in the last week. fountains in the middle of a courtyard and a street with a stormy current, a flood in sochi. and in the capital region, it’s still... the weather, but news about a warm anticyclone is warming. so, the most important personnel decisions for the country, taking into account new challenges, the formation of the cabinet of ministers, who will occupy key posts? ministry of defense, mit, ministry of emergency situations, ministry of internal affairs and other departments. in the evening , vladimir putin proposed candidates to the federation council. today , senators are beginning consultations and special attention to andrei belousov, a candidate for the post of head of the ministry of defense, which dictates personnel decisions. the candidacy
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of economist andrei belousov for the post of minister of defense of the country was proposed by the president against the backdrop of growing military expenditures; the budget of the ministry of defense and the security bloc until recently was at the level of 3% of gdp, today, taking into account new challenges, it has grown up to 6.7%. these figures were announced by the press secretary of the head of state, dmitry peskov, emphasizing this trend requires particularly important decisions. this is not a critical figure yet, but we...
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headed the ministry of development, for a long time he was an assistant to the president, in the previous cabinet he was the first deputy chairman of the government, in recent years the priority in his work was achieving the technological sovereignty of the country, one of the national projects that belousov supervised, development of unmanned aircraft systems, understanding the importance in this direction, he directly reported to the president about problems that need to be solved immediately; the production of finished drones is characterized by a low level of localization... in fact, it is a large-scale assembly, the level of localization for different types of drones is somewhere from 10 to 30%. this is a shot from a meeting a year ago. vladimir putin then made a number of important decisions based on its results. today , the winner on the battlefield is the one who is more open to innovation. the ministry of defense must be absolutely open to innovation, to implementation of all advanced ideas. that is why the president settled on... the practice
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of a military department being headed by a civilian is not unique; the minister’s tasks are, first of all, to competently organize work processes, ensure the production of supplies, and solve economic problems as efficiently as possible; as for the military component, here the coordinate system remains the same , dmitry peskov said, chief of staff valery gerasimov will continue to be responsible for it; there has always been a military component. the prerogative of the chief of the general staff, it will continue to operate; no changes are currently envisaged in this regard. sergei shaigu was appointed secretary of the security council by presidential decree. nikolai patrushev was relieved of this position due to, quote: transfer to another job. according to dmitry peskov, it will be announced in the coming days. as for sergei kruzhgevich shaigu, he holds the position of secretary of the security council and will also be a deputy. presidents of the commission on
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the military-industrial complex, in fact shaigu will continue to work in this area, which he knows well, knows well from the inside, together with his colleagues and partners from his previous place of work. in addition, peskov added that shaiga will head and oversee the work of the federal service for military-technical cooperation, which now reports directly to the president. the remaining positions in the power foreign policy bloc remain unchanged. for the post of minister.
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relevant committees, and tomorrow at a meeting of the federation council. according to soffet's law, during you must send your resolution to the president within 7 days, who has the final decision. the accounts chamber is appointed by the senators themselves; they nominated three candidates, of which vladimir putin proposed boris kovalchuk for this post. for a long time he headed one of the largest russian energy companies , intero. in february, during a meeting with kovalchuk, the head of state called the results of the campaign impressive. previously, boris kovalchuk had experience working for rosatom in the government apparatus. in march he moved to the presidential administration, where served as deputy head of the control department. the federation council will also consider the issue of appointing him to the post of head of the accounts chamber at a meeting on may 14. valentina solovyova, alexey klyuchnikov, channel one. so, i repeat, today the relevant committees of the federation council will hold consultations on candidates for the positions
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of ministers of the security bloc and the ministry of foreign affairs. they were proposed by the president, and today the state duma will consider questions about the approval of deputy prime ministers, whose candidacies were submitted by mikhail mishustin. to post first. denis manturov was proposed as deputy prime minister; he previously headed the ministry of industry and trade and was deputy chairman of the government. the new cabinet will include deputy prime minister for transport, candidate and ex-minister of transport vitaly savelyev. dmitry patrushev, who headed the ministry of agriculture, as deputy chairman, will oversee environmental issues in agriculture. it is planned that alexander novak will continue to be responsible for the energy sector as deputy prime minister. his responsibility will also include supporting the economy and countering sanctions. it reads that dmitry grigorenko will retain his post, but in addition to control over finances, he will also oversee antimonopoly policy and digital development. dmitry chernyshenko, in addition to science and higher education, sports and tourism, will receive the introduction of youth policy and school education. tatyana golikova
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will add control over the work of the federal agency for national affairs to her supervision of the social sphere. in addition, it is assumed that alexey overchuk, yuri trutnev, and marat will retain their posts. kusnulin to other topics in belgorod after completion while clearing the rubble at the site of the collapsed entrance, new data was announced: 15 dead, 20 wounded. meanwhile, the ukrainian armed forces continue terrorist attacks on the city, a whole series of attacks, including in the dead of night, on residential buildings and playgrounds. during the day , the missile danger siren sounded more than ten times. a report by sergei podmarev about the situation in the city. the search operation at the site of the house collapse in belgorod has been completed. worked all last day all night until the last, carefully dismantling slab after slab in the hope of finding survivors, we finished only by 6 am. now there is heavy equipment here, removing fragments of concrete, there is a threat of collapse of the overhanging slabs, so no one is allowed to the site of the tragedy yet, specialists
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have yet to inspect the building, residents from the neighboring entrances are in temporary accommodation centers. 15 dead, including two children. named. the list of the government of the belgorod region will be published in the near future; one of the victims has already been identified as doctor natalya ermolova, she lived on the eighth floor. the day before yesterday, natalya miraculously survived the shelling of the hospital. died anastasia efremova, cook at a local cafe. ekaterina gnedysh, her eight-year-old daughter aurora. medical college student yulia sulzhenko died. the parents are still listed among the missing. like victor’s girlfriend, the man stood at the razru all night.
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arrival at the level of the first floor, the entire entrance collapsed, including children, who were seriously injured. five were hospitalized in city hospital number two, seven people were hospitalized in the regional hospital, all others were examined, first aid was provided and sent for outpatient treatment. the shells fell onto the street nearby. from the scene of the tragedy, the video recorder camera in the car recorded one of the arrivals, quickly, let's go, start an emergency recording, ukrainian militants are shelling the city of khatishchno, according to the ministry of defense, mainly with three types of missiles, allhat.u and vampire,
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several fell on children's sports grounds, three people became victims of these attacks, five were injured, and a fire started within an hour due to a direct hit. this means a hole, now we notice a rebound, and this ricochet goes exactly here. sergey ponomarev, dmitry matyushin, yuri shatokhin and sergey suvorov, channel one. the russian army struck a military airfield in mirgorod, poltava region, which was used for attacks on belgorod and donbass. riyavosti reports this with reference to its sources. there is information about flights in kharkov to the plant where ukrainian equipment was repaired. in the special operation zone in the donetsk direction. our fighters destroyed the ukrainian armed forces dugout, a direct hit from the pogod missile system. paratroopers shot down over the city
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chasov yar, heavy copter baba yaga. the drone was moving towards our military. and this is footage of aviation work. the alligator attacked strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. collision with police, arrest. urgent news is now coming from georgia, where the situation is heating up due to the law on foreign agents. i can’t switch frames and details in a few minutes. anthony damn is making a mind-blowing tour, and there are france and italy, main china, when he leaves, tonight, why did he go, what did he achieve? the narrative was to tear china away from russia, the negotiations went very poorly, he came with a declaration of war, next time blinky’s air defense crew in china is escalating the situation in the area of ​​​​taiwan and the philippines, the united states is preparing a very long-term and mischievous attack on china. his ideology is about how to rule in conditions of chaos, chaos is constantly
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being created, we, as members of the g7, are determined to continue to strongly support ukraine, goes to france and speaks enthusiastically, how much can you do to kill caesar in order to kill these russians, begins to double down on confrontation with russia, the losing side, at least politically, will not survive on its own, so anthony blinken is already shaking in the frying pan . sport works wonders, stress goes away, anxiety, well, i recommend you a series of beauty injections, yes, you have a problem here, yes, there is a pressure, let’s have three, one, what passions, let’s discuss this in a cafe, what’s that , some kind of new guy? new guy, have you started looking at strangers? it seems to me that with my lifestyle and my
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character, a man does not suit me at all, we announce an interception plan. colleagues, what do you think, should i become a blonde? your honor was not damaged, you don’t like all this, for your sake i’m ready to do all this, even in the rain, sasha, hello, look! suicide attempts, we note that his beloved germany, because of her great love for
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her fuhrer, committed suicide and died slowly in agony. premiere, ordinary fascism 2, today on the first. fashionable verdict, new season. let's try, start a new life. on weekdays, at first. well hello, what happened? samoletny sergeevich, american reconnaissance officer over our territory. congratulations valen, great photos, very valuable information. you understand that it’s a shame, such a day is may 1st and you can admit your own helplessness, i even envy you a little, guy, you will go down in history as the first to fly over the soviets from south to north. the topic of air defense is powerless against some spy, learn to shoot down immediately, flights
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must be suspended, the situation cannot be escalated, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible, a ram at such an altitude - this is certain death, if you were in the pilot’s place, what would you do? i'm fifty-two, i'm ready for the gift! harry powers's aborted flight on saturday on the first. three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. this is the news on the first, we continue: urgent messages are coming in these minutes from tbilisi, clashes have begun there at rallies against the law on foreign agents. parliament is currently considering it in its final third reading, and 20 people have already been detained.
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the demonstrators, who spent the whole night in front of the parliament building, are constantly organizing skirmishes. the police are harshly suppressing the riots. provocateurs are acting in the crowd, special forces are deployed in the center of tbilisi, it was previously recorded that there are already thousands of people, many with the flags of ukraine and the usa. by the way, the bill that the calcos is protesting against is a similar american norm, which does not prevent the states from arguing that the initiative does not comply with the principles of democracy, well, in europe they say that this is an obstacle to integration into the eu. the president of georgia, zurbishvili, if the law is adopted, is going to use the right of veto. personnel from sochi, the city is recovering from a natural disaster, the flood was caused by downpours, there are fountains in the courtyards, rapid streams are gushing along the roads, the current is so strong that it destroys everything in its path, it is impossible to drive a car under water along the section of the federal highway that leads from adler to sochi. well , this is the novorossiysk highway, a mudflow,
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a passenger bus fell into a trap, people were evacuated in a kamaz. according to weather forecasters, livne. the city is still today tomorrow, well, in the capital it’s a cold start to the week, the temperature is below normal, today it’s +10, but already from middle of the week the long-awaited warming, by sunday they promise 20°. premiere on the first channel of the bloodhound, new episodes of your favorite detective, what tests await investigator alexandra kushnir, the most complex cases that only she can solve, heightened intuition, but what about the mysteries in your personal life? christina. will reveal some secrets, a daring crime in sochi, a bride was kidnapped right from a bachelorette party, the investigation , of course, has versions, but only she, colonel kushnir, can figure out this case, and that another girl disappeared, but i saw in news, the people's favorite and the cheek is back, i'm fine, better than everyone, better than
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everyone you're going to deceive, i talked to the doctor, you have to stay in bed for another week, well , that's the problem. ivanovna herself had just experienced clinical death after a serious accident, and where has it been seen that the investigation was conducted directly from her hospital bed. we came up with this heroine who is so multifaceted, there is so much in her, she is funny, she is ridiculous, she is very collected, she is in some sense sometimes a man, sometimes an absolute woman, with character, passionate its business, in general, there are so many things that don’t fit together that it’s never boring to play, complicated crimes and new investigations after the accident about... again the same as she was at the beginning of her journey, daring, gambling, unpredictable, free, funny, with me it’s not safe at all, you need to make such a sign on your chest, be careful kushnir, but while her phenomenal intuition helps her in working with her personal life, there’s no confusion again, because two gentlemen are literally fighting for her heart at once, you and i need to somehow
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schedule a visit , funny, charming, he plays with everyone a little, realizing that he has what it takes. perhaps his entire status is played by clothes, expensive cars, security and so on, some other stereotypes and decorations, but nevertheless, the act of a real man also takes place there, you are scaring me, come on, go to the doctor immediately, i will take you , no, thank you, i myself, new life vicissitudes of my favorite heroes and cheeks on the black sea shore, alexandra kushnir is again alone with dangerous criminals, risking herself, finding herself on the brink of death, but... behind her back as always a male team that will not give offense, i always knew that my team is the best, the thunderstorm of the underworld, but there is such a thing, our relationships within the team are also very close, we are ready to help each other at any second, at any time time of day and night. aleksanna ivanovna, she is very close to each
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of those who sit in front of the screens. eh, no, i won’t take you like this, go back and get treatment. what about undercover? yes, kristina levieva, artyom tikhonov, maria milyanova and alexander gornostaev, channel one. so, bloodhound, new season. we are watching the first episode today after the program time. and right now there’s a fashionable verdict on the air. a day after the football match between. cska and zenit fans were treated to another army-st. petersburg confrontation, but this time on the basketball court. the fourth match of the semi -final playoff series of the vtb united league in the capital's megasport.


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