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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  May 13, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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well, this is all jokes aside, but this is actually all done with your own hands, and it’s normal not to expect help from nature, extreme, guys, i brought about a million greetings from all of you, and i will definitely give all these greetings from all of you. i will broadcast it in the following programs, you know what the boy said, the boy did, and of course , everyone knows the dolls of the heir to tuti on channel one, see you tomorrow. us secretary of state antony blinken went on another trip, went to put china in its place and ended up in a puddle. the reception was bland speaking, the cool american ego-tone, which had grown to gigantic proportions, was dealt more strongly.
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bolinkin was asked this question at a panel of the notorious macain institute, created with a single mission: to fight for democracy, human dignity and security in the name of a free, just world for all people. going on a transcontinental tour, blinken probably thought that he himself was created just for this, but something went wrong and ended up being really extremely ineffective. the us secretary of state flew to beijing with an ultimatum, to washington - the main goal.
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he did not hide his visit to heaven. you have seen how we have used our diplomacy to force other countries to stop supporting russia. this was the theme of mr. blinken's trip to china, where he made it clear that beijing must stop supporting russia in rebuilding its defense industrial base, and also made it clear that if they don't take action, we will. the politician came out with the headline: blinken returns to china with a threat. this is the second trip of the american secretary of state to beijing since the beginning of the year, but just before... date , a new aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan was approved on the capitalist hill. more than 8 billion was allocated to increase the defense capability of the island, and even the attempt to squeeze the popular tiktok resource from china did not create a favorable background for conversations. it all started with the fact that blinkin’s plane did not land on the landing strip for important guests, on the side. no one rolled out the red carpet like last time. negotiations with the head of mid-china in beijing began with mutual reproaches and warnings about dangerous miscalculations. vanya was predictive from the very first words.
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when he leaves, this evening, supposedly by chance, because nothing happens by chance in high politics in china, but at that moment blinken did not yet know about the leak, which allowed him to quite bravuraly sum up the results of his negotiations with his chinese partners,
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like a squirrel in wheel, traveling around europe from brussels to capri, where he attended a meeting of the g7, everywhere he spoke about ukraine’s support for the crisis in the middle east, after china he discussed the same crisis in tel aviv with netanyahu, also top. feet about the idf's actions in ravhahi, but this time he met stiff resistance from the ally. the fact is that, according to several sources, the american administration stopped the supply of ammunition last october, and netanyahu urgently needed to find out how this could even happen. having received a left or right hook, blinken went to lick his wounds at a conference on information security, but even there, his speech still echoed the chinese failure. anthony damn made it clear understand that his... he described
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an increasingly fierce zero -sum competition in which countries would be forced to choose between western and chinese technology platforms. having left potomok with a report on the world tour, he went to the white house with sincere confidence in the success of all his diplomatic tasks. what i see and hear around the world is a constant thirst for american participation, american leadership, and even those countries that at one time or another complain about what we do or which...
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today in the united states of america a special replicator program has been adopted, it is being implemented by the us navy, the goal is to create a new generation of naval drones, both surface and underwater, to strike the chinese naval forces,
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which today have already superiority over the american fleet, in the event of a possible conflict around taiwan, in this regard, i think that blinkin’s efforts will be pushed through. china is unpromising; beijing understands very well who is who and is betting on strategic alliance and partnership with moscow. in general, it’s interesting, now let’s dive a little deeper into the nuances, because really, according to the protocol, they had to lay out the red carpet for him, and china subtly, demonstratively says: listen, we didn’t invite you, we weren’t expecting you, but by the way, to the question about the demands put forward, well, they could have been done differently. on the red carpet, there’s also the matter of protocol practice, it’s not just a matter of the minister of foreign affairs flying in, but
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the secretary of state, this is the minister of foreign affairs, which means he should be greeted accordingly a peer minister, he should have been met, even if he had been met not by his deputy, but by his deputy, and this is already... lowering the level of the meeting, mr. blinken was met, as far as i remember, by a party functionary from shanghai, maybe this is a three-time honored person, no one argues, but this is in no way the level of the secretary of state of the united states of america, this, firstly, means, secondly, i heard a joke here the other day that anthony damn went to china in order to resume the monologue with china, and essentially this is what it looks like, so this the monologue is, we will not forget that before this a test shot, extremely unsuccessful, was made by mr. scholz, he went there, and the purpose of the narrative was to tear china away from russia, yes, so that china would stop supporting russia in general, so that there are components for ammunition, for production
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, there was also talk, in response, scholz heard from sidinpin, four principles for resolving the conflict in ukraine, and so blinkin has now gone there in order not only to these four principles.
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story with a good evil policeman, here only an evil policeman arrived, he didn’t bring any carrots, only a stick, in my opinion, in my opinion, there could still be some motive here, but we are talking about the fact that there will be elections in america soon, it is obvious that the current visit of mr. blinkin - this is most likely the last visit of an official of this level of the current administration until november 5, well , recently zhenid ​​elin also came, well, everything is there in the summer, in the fall it is unlikely that someone of this level will come, the task, firstly, is to compare notes on many issues , and secondly, i think blinken is for real. put in front of chinese, as he posed the question, and that it’s very difficult for you to negotiate with us
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, perhaps we won’t come to an agreement, but if you don’t want to negotiate on our terms, if we lose the elections, the republicans will come to power, they ’ll if there was an even bigger war with china, that is, the conditions there would be much worse, so i kind of think that of course the chinese didn’t agree to such blackmail, so most likely blinkin left, well, literally empty-handed, in fact, an indicator of this was that , what right after his visit, blinken comes out and says: about china allegedly interfering in the us elections on november 5, that is, if the negotiations had gone well, i think he would not have thrown such insults and accusations, but it’s clear , that of course the negotiations went very poorly, which we see in the chinese press, but even in the american press, and you know, what’s interesting, one thing seems illogical to me, generally speaking, the anti-chinese agenda is always the card of the republicans, in this case for some reason it suddenly jumps into this democratic party?
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and the anti-chinese campaign in the united states is now one of the main ones. china is the obvious enemy. china can be united in absolutely everything, in problems in the chinese market, in problems in the world, in the destruction of infrastructure, in the fact that china is attacking global logistics, china is wonderful, naturally elections interfere, yes. blinken says that the most important thing that china needs to adjust is understanding, transatlantic security, and here china is, because it is very good. for sale, don't come i couldn’t, but we must understand that the united states is preparing a very long-term and reckless attack on
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china. the main idea is to knock china off its flight path, because it’s not even about economics or technology. china offers a different development concept. yes, which, of course, the united states really doesn’t like , maybe others don’t like it either, i must say that the country, despite a number of problems, is developing successfully. and in this sense, it is necessary to show that china. wish good to china and good development of sino-american relations, don’t
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take a whole series of measures, here is the fundamental problem: as soon as china sees that the us is not going to attack chinese interests, and this is the chinese formulation, china will open all its arms. another interesting thing is that blinky met with the mfm chamber of commerce in china and tried to assure them of the people who work in china that we are protecting your interests, the answer was amazing, american. businessmen say: no one is touching our interests here in china, please, don’t spoil us-chinese relations, this is another paradox, i would point out that the chinese model... of antony blinken’s reception was generally similar to the arab model of joseph biden’s reception. in fact, they showed with all their appearance that the people who came with such an agenda were unpleasant to them. and it seems to me that they wanted to show that we understand that we must accept you, but we no longer accept what you bring to us, because antony blinken, he truly
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personifies the quintessence of the policy that joseph biden offers. we cannot be wrong in principle, therefore. that, what we bring you is the truth in the latest sanctions, but the problem is that blinken cannot do otherwise, and this is a man who lies professionally, everything that and even after he came from china, and how he commented on what was happening there, that was also a lie, so i think that if the united states wants to change the concept of its diplomatic game at the geopolitical level, it will be forced to replace blinken, and the most interesting thing is that blinken understands his money now... have depreciated, he is in quality uses a messenger, and you know, yes, that there is an ambassador, and there is a messenger, an ambassador is the one who comes with a load of gifts with serious offers, and the messenger simply brings a message, gives it, does it, this is bad news, then yes , but the ghanaian can be yes, but the chinese side, without seeing
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anthony blinken back, they actually showed it, politically chopped it off, and is going home without a head.
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and my hypothesis is that they came there because they simply could, well, you know, how poorly they checked again, and then they arrived, they asked, accept me, don’t accept me, well, since you’re coming, okay, come in, when they started to behave, apparently, the americans quickly realized that there would be no warm welcome, they began to get impudent, so naturally they were sent out, come on, yes, thank you, the americans did not start to become impudent, because they were following their program from the very beginning, since, look, mr. xi, how he shakes his hand, it means that xi is holding it. he holds his hand with his elbow on his side, that is, he invites blinkin to come closer, that is, to play on his field, he holds it on purpose, come closer to me, please, further, if we see a photo with you together with one and, wang yi doesn’t look at him at all, he just knows, a certain figure passed by, the next moment, the red carpet, we see how he was greeted, and how
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he was seen off, question, he was seen off like this, only one mr. burns, the ambassador, came to this send-off, more. there was no one at all, there is one more such moment, i am very subtle, mr. blinken went to this meeting the day before, announcing assistance to taiwan, this is the case, that is, he turns out to be crap with one hand, and goes to negotiate with the other, this absurd, that is, he arrived badly and left very badly, they showed him that this is not so much a persona, but he is grata, you just shouldn’t be here at all in principle, that’s the story, let’s see a fragment of these negotiations and continue our discussion , the two countries should be partners, not rivals, it is better to achieve mutual success, rather than cause harm to each other. both countries should look for common ground, rather than fierce competition. both sides should keep their word, instead of saying one thing and do something different. now i would pay attention to what is said, because china
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, in its style, restrainedly says: wait, what about the word that must be kept? constructive dialogue, they are in the mood, by the way, it was said here that they came to ask, yes, i think they came to demand, let’s do this, if they ask, then what?
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will leave so that someone at the ministry level will come, someone respectable, i think that we need to pay attention to, after all, xi very clearly set the framework, this is the first, second, he pointed out the lies, the duplicity of the american policy. and this is also very important that china does not play giveaway, does not try to say something pleasant, yes, restrained, but harshly, the comrade said absolutely clearly: the united states is lying, lying in such and such, such and such a direction , and most importantly, it seems to me that the most important thing is that china understands that the united states is the enemy, and supporting russia is strengthening china itself in the situation, a new fight that awaits china and the united states. i think, in fact, both sides are right, because it may well be that he arrived he set out to demand, and then ran into the chinese side, which not rudely, but
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diplomatically, gently put him in his place in a box and sent him on his way, but let’s look at a few more interesting nuances related to anthony blinken immediately after a little advertising. stay with us. get up, the vacation is over, oh my god, what a vacation, i haven’t rested a day yet, you can rest at work, alexandra ivanovna, yes, uh, excuse me, you and i should somehow schedule a visit , i have advantages, this some evidence of corpses, she loves it, the ex- wife started a scandal, screamed that she would kill them... oh, can you smell it, gentlemen? yes, there are musk insides, as the new forensic expert of the most prominent opera recorded for you, well, it seems like everyone was taught,
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if it’s not murder, it means a kidnapping or a staged kidnapping, assault group, readiness number one, that is, it’s not safe to be here with you, with i ’m not safe at all, uh, no, i won’t take you like this, go back, get treatment, otherwise... “can you explain to me what’s going on? worry, this is a formality as part of the investigation, no genetic fingerprints of the killer were found, and the victim was also pregnant, i mean, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, you bear too much responsibility for others, my hiding body told you about this can say a lot about a person, but our potolaganate thinks so? veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group.
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steersman bourbon, a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. gin сnop, a product of the steller group. there were only three women in hitler's life. no one really knew anything about them during the fuhrer’s lifetime. hitler wanted to remain vacant, and motivated this by the fact that his destiny was germany. how hitler's relationship with the female sex was built was subsequently restored piece by piece. yes, only one thing is truly known: all of hitler’s women attempted suicide. note that his beloved germany , because of her great love for her fuhrer, committed suicide. died slowly in agony, premiere, ordinary fascism 2,
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today on the first, well, hello, there was a force, an american reconnaissance aircraft over our territory, congratulations, allen, great pictures, very valuable information, you understand that it’s a shame on such a day , may 1st, and to admit your own helplessness, i even give you a little i envy you, guy, you will go down in history as the first to fly over the soviets from south to north, the air defense system is powerless against some spy to teach you to shoot down immediately, flights must be suspended, you cannot escalate the situation, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible small, so... you are certain death, if you were in the pilot’s place, what would you do? i'm fifty-two, ready for the gift. interrupted
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flight of harry powers on saturday on the first, permafrost, snow, we are in salikhard, my name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region, my name is masnya, i am also from the yamal region, for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur, we will decorate the dress beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears. go to the tundra, study all sorts of wisdom, otherwise you will hit your wedding face in the snow. nenets clothing, called malisa, it’s warm inside, unlike me, you don’t freeze, there’s an ice table, can you imagine, there ’s not just ice here, there’s a northern polar berry, a cranberry, it’s in the shape of a pattern, a deer’s antlers, it’s coming for the bride, before the wedding, the oldest woman in the family performed a purification ceremony plague.
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fumigating the bride with smoke, here on the arctic circle in the tundra let's shout our friendship, play a wedding, on sunday on the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games from may 19, on the first one, maria butin is with you again, this heir doll, and i propose to make an interesting move, discussing blinkin, to expand our studio to the united.
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hook-makers, they have very little experience in work, executive work, work in reality, they are terrible, they don’t understand anything, real empty suits, blinkin, susie george works under blinkin, this is a very famous person, she actually works in the state department, she a lawyer from yelya, like him, in principle, and blinkin is just such a, well, general figure in relations with china. for america, america can a justified problem, a very important problem . i think the problem with taiwan is to worry about it very much, america does not want taiwan to be captured by force by china, i would like them to unite peacefully, but not by war for sure.
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area of ​​taiwan and the philippines, and the philippines is even more important now, more dangerous than taiwan, but they are doing this precisely in order to come to an agreement with china, primarily on trade and economic relations, they are promoting precisely the idea that under trump, if he victories, relations between america and china can be much worse, this is a general aspect, the second aspect is blinkin himself, this man of a sad image is taken.
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that he is not engaging more or less actively, nothing is working out for him, neither with saudi arabia, nor with the emirates, nor in the middle east, nor in china. but generally speaking, nikolai, i have a question for you: you studied blinkin’s biography, and he tells everywhere that we must definitely be in ukraine, because my relatives are from there, but it seems there are inconsistencies in the story that you found, well, well, there, really interesting thing, his great-grandfather. fled from kiev, then neither blinkin nor anyone else said in his interviews in early nineteen, twenty -one, that his grandfather fled from ukraine, he said, by the way, he said not his great-grandfather, but his grandfather, he said, my grandfather escaped from russia from
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the jewish pogroms, in fact the situation was like this, his great-grandfather escaped, indeed from kiev, it was 1904, he was a minor at that time... who was 4 years old, so accordingly, he also took him out of there , that's why to claim that he has there are some roots there on the territory of modern ukraine, well then a dialectical question arises for me, if he has roots on the territory of ukraine, how can he support the nazi regime that exists there today, here is an inconsistency upon an inconsistency in his case , yeah, but the thing is that when talking about blinkin’s rationalism, about what he thinks with, how he reasons, you need to understand: that blinken is a neo-transkist, that is, his ideology is the ideology, in fact, of a significant part of the ruling class of the united states states, this is about how to rule in chaos, constantly creating chaos. i would remind you
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of blingen’s most famous project in relation to iraq, when he proposed dividing it along ethnic and confessional lines, yes, that is, the sunni part, the shiite part and, accordingly, the kurdish part, in this regard it is clear that there are costs.
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opportunity to ask a question to our guest, please tell me, is there anything else we would really like to hear an answer to, probably, a simple question, susan rice, we mention this lady very often, and tell me, please, how free is blinkin now in making decisions, how often does he rely on the opinions of other people, i often hear in the comments that the same susan ryce has a very serious influence on the not entirely talented mr. blinkin, please answer this question, thank you, first. the answer is that susie george probably influences him more, she is his first deputy, but when we talk about susan rice, let’s say about her too, i think, and well, they say in america that obama, he was
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the hand , and biden was a doll on this hand, every time, at every important moment, susan rice was in obama's house, then she told biden what to do, that is, after real meetings and discussions there were disputes. between obama and biden, because obama told biden, let's leave already, biden says: no, i want to be president again, i want to try. without a white house, perhaps because of this, we don’t know for sure.
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privileges, one of the greatest honors of my life was to work with president clinton. to put it another way, i wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the person standing nearby. "thank you, mr. president, i spent too much time in the first lady's office, on the other side of the executive office building, as well as in the east wing, and frankly, it all happened because of one of her employees. i am more than grateful to the clinton family, firstly, for the appearance of my wife evan in my life. now, as is well known, a walk to the secretary’s office on the seventh floor causes incredible trepidation, it is a little calming
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evan ryan was born on april 18, 1981. studied at boston college and johns hopkins university. the girl met blinken in 1995. she was an assistant to hillary clinton, then the first lady of the united states. blinken was a special assistant to president bill clinton and senior director of speech writing. 7 years after they met, the couple got married. anthony blinken got married at...the wedding was attended by many famous guests, including hillary clinton. thanking the people at his wedding, blinken said: "i'm grateful to forty plus to the millions of people who voted for bill clinton, because without them i would never have met evan in the white house. blinkin, evan mooren ryan, is the daughter of mr. and mrs. anthony ryan, jr. in alexandria, she served as assistant secretary of state for
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educational and cultural affairs from 2013 to 2017. evan ryan also served as assistant secretary of state for intergovernmental affairs to vice president joe biden from 2013 to 2017. cultural education. so, it turns out it's clinton. well, i'm glad that we were able to surprise you. once blinken. yes, as we know, he is so controllable, and not only controllable, but the peculiarity of his personality, his work is such a novel, don’t you agree? look, they said here in relation to his sad face, this is exactly the case, his sad face is connected with the fact that he, understanding who he is, is a little at odds with his inner ambitions, he is forced to be a performer, this time, and he is forced to be, you know, a messenger, not an ambassador, as you said, messenger, that's two. 100%. the next thing
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is that blinkin, unfortunately, has this, you know, plan of failure, he is unlucky, everything he has undertaken lately has been a failure. and also the wife that they started talking about, i believe that the reason for blinkin’s sad face is his wife, mrs. evan rhyne , is shaking his psyche, and you know, i ’ll tell you, she looks quite good with herself, i ’ll tell you this, straight up, yes, well, but this woman is unhappy. i also just thought about it now, that way, there are moments here, by the way, saying, his face, just to the chinese side regarding his sad face, let’s
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say something that is imperceptible to many, well, who do not study faces, so in the end, so that you understand, this sad face is actually very common with. .. physical bullying of others, and have you ever met that he is sad and so on, it’s so very simple, apparently they know his little secret, that blinken likes psychological and have they studied the psychotype of psychopathic killers, pardoning the expression, they never look like monsters, this is their greatest danger, so he often, for example, likes to remember the situation room, how... they killed osama benladen, here is blinken, he is always behind, he is not even in the background all the time, he is somewhere in the last roles, and then he begins to tell stories to himself that he sat there, made decisions, that look, he is the last one in this photograph, you can barely see him, but in his
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fantasies in his stories he immediately comes up with something... then another, he has no charisma, but he replaces it with something fictional, returning to the story with... his great-grandfather mayor blinkin, i will say that here blinkin constantly lied, he constantly made up something, not only did he seem to forget that kiev was part of the russian empire, he even forgot about who persecuted the jews there, that they were local nationalists, precisely those with whom russia is fighting today, precisely those who make up this team today, and those whom he helps, but he... is still lying, he the fiction admits to be very strong, because the investigation showed, mayor blinkin, his great-grandfather, he did not flee from pogroms, he simply went to america for a happy life and opened a massage parlor there, he tried to do his own little gig, a small business, along the way,
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since he was an intelligent person, he was one of the few who tried to write in yiddish , and he wrote a number of novels and... and most of these novels were very bold, because they were devoted to the sexual life of women in america, and the ladies read these novels, but now they have somehow forgotten about them and he constantly he comes up with, for example, he talks about his stepfather, who was one of the few to survive in a concentration camp during the second world war; in blinkin’s mouth, this turned into such a story that the exhausted stepfather sees a tank coming, and he kneels in front of the tank. and says: the americans freed me, one of the cunning journalists asked: how did he guess that it was an american tank, right from afar like that? blinkin was found here, he said, and the driver leaned out, it turned out that he was dark-skinned, but in general, if you look at what stepfather says, stepfather constantly said that he was grateful to the soviet troops and
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american troops, first of all he called soviet troops, in blinkin’s stories, somehow the word soviet completely disappeared. i know that you did an analysis of his wife before we went far, tell us whether she influences him and who she is, here with a colleague, she is a phenomenal person who is doing a pr campaign about herself and her husband, here and she needs him too, perhaps as a scapegoat, there is such a hypothesis, yes, so let’s go with another hundred they don’t meet in a cafe, let me remind you, let me remind you, they meet in clinton’s office, why did they bring them together then, if there were no bets, it works great for...
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use your own head and make your own decisions, he’s always his own he is not able to generate solutions, he was initially created in such a way that he needs a wife, he needs advisers.
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i got married and then i know what she is like, that is , i regretted it 100 times, because his wife is an ideologist, a specific ideologist, wants everything to be her way, absolutely, without paying attention, without wondering how her wife lives. blinkin, he doesn’t feel good with her, he doesn’t feel good, and also his ambitions, this is a constant unfulfillment, look with biden, what we see with
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you, he’s not like number two, he’s always watching to make sure his grandfather doesn’t say something you know, he’s worried, now baydon will say something, then we’ll have to clean up after him, it’s nice to have such a mission, it’s terrible, with his ambitions, education, connections, with his, relatively speaking, relatives, how can this be , it’s very difficult, linkin has whole tours. what achieved, why did i go, i didn’t go alone, thanked melanie, for everything, again, there ’s a woman’s shadow here, probably not by chance, we’ll continue in a few minutes. hello to our huge country, i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful
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cities and a lot of beautiful places. the mighty yenisei river, in which it is wonderful to fish, is very beautiful in winter, especially when it turns into an incredible fairy tale for us. to date, i have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country. this is an outlook, this is interesting, these are new emotions. from all regions people from russia come to us in adegea to look at these beauties, many, many, many, many know our sharigezh, russia has no borders, russia has only a horizon, travel, get to know our world, our russia. montechoca cognac, a product of stellor group. rum, castro, product of stellar group. vodka, veda, product of steller group.
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old barrel cognac, a product of stellor group. bourbon steersman, product. there were only three women in hitler’s life; no one really knew anything about them during the fuhrer’s life. hitler wanted to stay. ordinary fascism 2 today on the first.
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what pain pills do you need if you have stomach problems? this is a very serious question, but we answer it and other questions in the program live healthy. tomorrow on the first. listen, you are different today. the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone, launch,
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you realize the moment, of course, the ring has fallen, a bad omen.
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on the first. alexandrmanov, forgive me, but what are you doing here? don’t believe me, i was passing by purely by chance, i looked at our bus, i thought i’d come in and say hello, otherwise i didn’t intelligent. i know that i am not guilty, and you need to prove it. you have 24 hours to do this. it's time to discuss the assault plan with the cathedral. first we need to distract him. you are here unofficially and are not
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a hostage specialist. bloodhound. new episodes, look after the program time, so rose petals, and don’t forget on the bed, they were on the bed too, with a heart, alexander ivanov, with a regular heart, i’m aware, ilya, thank you, usually with a heart, understood here, yes, call me, maria butin is with you again, this is a doll of tootie's heir, and so we see blinken going on a whole tour, including china, which is very important. france and italy are there, and what’s connected with what in general, there’s suddenly such incredible activity, it seems like there’s still a long time before the elections, maybe they’re hoping to somehow change the balance of power or are they panicking? let's watch a short story and discuss: in april , secretary of state antony blinken joined other g7 foreign ministers in capri to discuss possible
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economic sanctions against iran and increased aid to ukraine in its war against iran. russia as well. to celebrate his sixty -second birthday, anthony was born on april 16, 1962, a disc by the popular italian group maniskin, a gift that foreign minister antonio taiani gave to the us secretary of state, an american civil servant arrived in the company of his wife, who, in turn, also celebrated her birthday on the island. the blinkin family has two children; not so long ago they showed up at the white house on halloween dressed as the ukrainian flag. and amazing cynicism. what's next for this whole campaign? advisors of the clinton clans, biden clans, blinkens, salevans, what are they preparing for, since trump’s rating is growing, what is the reason for such activity of blinken, that he moves so directly around the world, how such a ball runs, runs, yes, the point is that the current administration has placed all its bets on ukraine, on confrontation with russia,
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and the rest are accordingly manageable. conflicts in situations when she loses, and this is unthinkable for her, she begins to double the bets, that is, in this regard , the system goes into disarray and, but for the actual speaking, for today's biden team, this is no longer so important, if they win due to international dominance, maintain american hegemony, even at the expense of the american system flying, well, or suffering significant damage, this will be acceptable, because if there will be a collapse, then that will be for sure...
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this is not a serious figure, this is a spoiler, and blinkin gets hit on the head at least for the second time, i remind you that there was a meeting 2 years ago, where blinkin and ivan i, where. the vans are just very rude to him, in chinese it sounded especially rude, he said, since blinkin began to make his claims again, the vans said, you know, with the guests, they were guests, they don’t say that, in our country they wouldn’t tolerate this, look really how blinkin behaved myself, i’ll be honest, when we teach people how to negotiate with china, we really teach them body language, verbal, non-verbal communication, he is an untrained person, what... for example, you can’t do, well, of course, you can’t, you can’t sit in half a turn, like this in china, you can’t go to the with an outstretched hand, because yes, i’ll tell you right away, in china, sidingping’s gestures, vani, they
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are written down in the protocol, it’s known, yes, of course, yes, it’s already known how sidingping will come out to you, which leg will put forward, so prepare accordingly , this is a question for advisers, the speed of which he approaches, smile, in china it is necessary, roughly speaking, to bother in the negotiations. and he was confused, he china feels it, the ambassador, for example, is absolutely not prepared for negotiations, and the chinese, the american are in china, he is going, he is well prepared, he has just been there for a long time works, and i think, this is why china doesn't react so quickly? china is waiting for a new kissinger, that is, for someone to propose, definitely not, well, obviously yes, and china understands that this is not blinken. china is just waiting, okay, you are spinning around taiwan, around this, around this, what next, now make an offer when you are trying to squeeze russia out of china, china out of russia, what we get is only that our
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tariffs will not be increased, that’s it this is precisely the most important question, why china is in no hurry, it hopes that something will happen more or less smart, expressed, but clearly not by blinkin, another remark, just on the topic of the difference in approach in the usa to china. even on the eve of blinken’s visit to china , there was a narrative in the american press that the secretary of state was going to china to convey the us position to china. what was the narrative in the chinese press? they had a key argument there that china wants to understand from this meeting whether china and the united states are adversaries or not, that is, a much deeper approach, they understood this, do you think, they understood this clearly, i absolutely i’m convinced that he didn’t put the point he wanted, but he did, the farewells speak much more eloquently than any documents that could be there, downgrade, i agree, you know, when we see that blinken is trying make several
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games at the same time, plays on several boards, he plays in france, he tries to play in italy, he tries to play in china, but why does he need this, because we all understand perfectly well that nothing works out with china, with china it is impossible to speak in the language of an ultimatum, we all understand that if you're trying. but at the same time he says: we don’t need escalation, we need visibility, escalation and the appearance of helping ukraine, we don’t need to do something that could actually lead to disaster, when they tell us that he now wants to ignite armageddon, no, he doesn’t want to, he
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wants to wait until january, because we all understand perfectly well, exactly from the moment the inauguration happens, he’s either a bust or a bust, but even if they rig the elections and biden wins, this will be the first victory, because in any in case people will come out... they realized that blinken is just a broken card, this is a really sad face that represents the biden administration today, what else did the chinese understand, they realized that for them, for
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the biden administration, the more dangerous thing now is not china, but donald trump and his election campaign, this means for biden that if he doesn’t change blinken, being in such insanity, then this is all very sad for him, because what is blinken for? it doesn’t matter, it’s all very bad, and once blinkin himself was asked what his motto is, he said a phrase such that the line between intelligence and... stupidity is very thin, quoting some kind of comedy about rock bands, he’s trying to present himself as a creative person, but he doesn’t succeed, so he himself is a vivid example of that that the line between intelligence and stupidity is very thin. blinkin is a lawyer who has almost no creativity, although blinkin himself is trying to prove that he has this beginning, he says that he is a fan of eric clapton, he
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has several songs uploaded on the internet to his performance, but all this is mediocre, and his main problem is that he himself goes beyond this thin line between intelligence and stupidity, more often demonstrating stupidity than intelligence. blinkin, i think that this is a globally, radically, thoroughly downed pilot. generally speaking, blinken never wanted to be a politician, in general he wanted to be a musician, but he didn’t have enough talent, that’s what he said himself. and says let's see, this is a real photo, we didn't fake it, tell me about your band, what do you get out of it and where will you guys perform next? stephen, i i've wanted to be a musician for a long time, as a child, as a teenager, that's what i wanted to do, over there i see real musicians, i was just missing one ingredient, yes, that's talent, that's been a constant thread in my life. can
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you guys help, do you have a guitar that the secretary could use. secretary of state blinken, thank you very much, anthony blinken, you know, there is an expression: a talented person is talented in everything, apparently, and there is also the reverse logic, mediocrity, mediocrity in everything, and this is the one an example, which we just watched in our program, is blinky, you know, there is one sad thing in this whole story, it’s not worth talking about...
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hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the president's team, the security bloc and mid in the federation council are contenders for key positions. special attention to the ministry of defense and andrey.


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