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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 13, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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give a general impression and at least somehow trace their actions, albeit unsystematic, but sometimes dangerous. maria butina was with you, this is the doll of tute’s heir, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the president's team - the power bloc and mit in the federation council are contenders for key positions. particular attention to the ministry of defense and andrei belaus. and the state duma approved the candidacies
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of the first deputy prime minister and deputy heads of government, what areas of responsibility each has on the list. geography of terror krasnodor in the lugansk republic, kursk and belgorod regions. ukrainian strikes after sunday's attack on a high-rise building. leopard tank, fighter, italian howitzer. what else is among the enemy's losses? and assault science from the navy? 15 brave volunteers in st. petersburg were awarded who helped the passengers of a bus that fell into the river, what did the governor give to the heroes? the capital's assembly plant, the moskvich automobile plant, has switched to full-cycle technology, what does this mean for the city and for potential car buyers. so today. the
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federation council discussed candidates who vladimir putin proposed the previous evening for the posts of heads of law enforcement agencies and the foreign ministry. the president has the final say in these appointments, but consultation with senators is a requirement of the new constitutional norms. the ministry of defense andrei belousov pays most attention to the tasks that will confront him in his new capacity. anatoly lazarev, more details. andrei belousov, a man with the senator, is certainly well acquainted. until recently , the first deputy prime minister of the government. until 2013, he headed the ministry of economic development of russia, then for a long time he was assistant to the president for economic issues, but today he came to the federation council in a new capacity; the president nominated him for the post of minister of defense. belousov was consulted by the speaker of the upper house valentina matvienko at the consultation with the relevant committee. of course, i was worried until we knew for sure. andrei belousov, who worked with the first deputy prime minister, has already resolved issues that are at the intersection of economics and military affairs. in the current conditions , the ministry. defense needs just such
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a person, he believes, someone who can establish effective interaction between the military department and economic block. in my opinion, this is a very good choice by the president of the russian federation; in recent years, the budget of the ministry of defense has more than doubled, this is about 6.7% of the domestic product, everything that the ministry of defense orders for such large amounts. means, all this must be coordinated with the capabilities of the economy. the candidate for the post of minister of defense answered questions from senators for an hour, for example, he said that he was not satisfied with the excessive bureaucracy and paperwork associated with confirmation of military benefits. this applies to payments for housing, this applies to payments to civilian personnel in military units, and this applies especially to medical care. they are driven from civilian
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medical institutions, they are sent to hospitals, which are often simply overcrowded, this issue must be resolved, this also applies to such issues, for example, when the participants of the svo are actually dependent on a minor, not only children, brothers and sisters, for example, they actually then they find themselves outside the system of benefits, which provided by the region. this is also wrong. in recent years, belousov's work has prioritized achieving technological sovereignty, and as a result, he is deeply immersed in issues that are of paramount importance to the country's defense capability today. for example, one of the national projects that he oversaw was the development of unmanned aircraft systems. the production of finished drones has a low level of localization. in essence, this is a large-unit assembly. the localization level is for different types of drones somewhere from 10 to... suffice it to say that
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today almost 100% of power plants, electric motors and internal combustion engines are imported, approximately.
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moscow region, rostov region, smolensk region, tambov region and ulyanovsk region, during the period of trial operation 75 cases of free legal services have already been provided. help. alexander kurenkov, at the president’s suggestion, will remain as head of the ministry of emergency situations. he has been leading the department since twenty-two. the senators thanked him for his effective the ministry's work in responding to recent record floods. on april 7, 2024, the federal response was introduced. by
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order of the government of the russian federation, this federal response primarily affected the orenburg region. it was raised quite quickly. if the deputies approve or do not approve the proposed options, then the senators, after consultations, make recommendations, and the final word belongs to the president, as is written in the constitution. but the candidate for the post of head of the accounts chamber, boris kovalchuk, with
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2010, who worked for the energy company interrao, was considered under separate regulations. the federation council proposed three candidates to the president, from which the head of state chose. fulfillment of state tasks set by the president in various spheres of life of society and the state as a whole. tomorrow , senators will discuss at an extraordinary plenary meeting all the issues that were on the agenda of the relevant committees today. anatoly lazarev, artyom tikhonov, boris leonov, andrey melikhov, anna zayakin, sergey
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deev. first channel. and the state duma today approved the candidacies of the first deputy prime minister and deputy heads of the cabinet, there are nine of them. the structure is fixed by presidential decree. mikhail mishustin brought the staff to the deputies for consideration. what questions were asked and who will be responsible for which areas? dmitry kochitkov talks about this. for the first time in the political history of modern russia. the duma participates in the formation of the cabinet of ministers, deputies received these powers 4 years ago, after amendments were made to the constitution, today candidates for deputy prime minister all of them had a long conversation with deputies in relevant committees the day before, and today they arrived in the duma in advance. what are you going to talk about? we are well aware of all the candidates submitted by the chairman of the government; we went through a difficult time with them. challenges faced by the country, the economy grew to
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3.6% at the end of last year, we are overcoming the challenges, the prime minister did the right thing by nominating people who do not need to study, who do not need to start all over again, as in the previous composition office there will be one first deputy prime minister and... denis mantarov, he will oversee industry, with special attention to the defense-industrial complex. today , the russian defense industry is the most powerful in the world in terms of production volume of the main types of weapons and military equipment; at the same time, the geopolitical situation dictates the need to constantly improve
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the technical characteristics of products, meet the current needs of the army that have increased significantly and accelerate work on promising models, even in difficult conditions budget, issues logistics and technical support for the departments of the security bloc must remain an absolute priority... we can get the harvest that we need
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this year, despite difficult weather conditions, we are in order to fulfill the parameters of food security. by the thirtieth year , production volumes should increase by a quarter and one and a half times; we will have to increase our supplies abroad. patrushev dmitry nikolaevich, well done, there are different kinds of questions, but they are not for patushev, they are for the agriculture of a particular region. to one or another agricultural holding, so dmitry nikolaevich has already shown his effectiveness. without votes against abstentions , deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko was approved; he will oversee the science of education, with the introduction of artificial intelligence among the priorities. the economic effect from the introduction of artificial intelligence in industries has already amounted to more than a trillion rubles; by the thirtieth year it will exceed 11 trillion rubles.
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labor, ministry of culture and ministry of health. the first and main national goal is to preserve population, improving the health and well-being of families, as well as family support. and above all, this involves solving demographic problems, such as increasing the birth rate and increasing life expectancy. we will continue the fight against cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and viral hepatitis c. the new government will have a dedicated deputy prime minister for transport.
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the federal air transport agency carries out more than 300 inspections a year, and we issue orders if something is wrong. approved by the duma and the deputy prime minister alexander novak, in connection with... the transfer of andrei belousov to the ministry of defense, he will oversee the economic block, in addition to the energy sector. thanks to the preventive measures taken by the government of the russian federation regarding the ban, temporary ban. export of motor gasoline, and priority transportation by russian railways of petroleum products from oil refineries, the situation is stable, our economy, enterprises, and population are fully provided with petroleum products, deputy prime minister and chief of staff of the government dmitry grigorenko will continue to oversee the financial, control and supervisory areas;
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digital development and communications, as well as the federal antimonopoly service, will be under his coordination. also one of...
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well, i worked, yes, do better than me, people stay, they say: we will work. the consideration of candidates lasted more than 5 hours. after the vote, the deputy prime ministers almost did not communicate with the press; they hurried to the government house. we are going to work in the government. already tomorrow , candidates for ministerial positions are expected in the building on okhotnaya row. dmitriy kochitkov, pavel volkonsky, kirill kushnev, rinad goreev, sergei romanov, veronika ilvuchenko, ekaterina yarovenko. first channel. vladimir putin today held the first video meeting with permanent participants of the russian security council after personnel changes. the new and former secretaries of the security council, sergei shaigu and nikolai patrushev, were also in touch. the head of state set the topic of the work like this. now we will talk about a topic that is always a priority for us in the external sphere, this is
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building relationships with our closest neighbors, with independents. the floor to the minister of foreign affairs, please, i ask you, and today president balevi called the kremlin, luis arza congratulated vladimir putin and the entire russian people on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. the leaders discussed the development of ties between our countries with an emphasis on mutually beneficial projects in trade and energy. now
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belgorod and the region where our air defense is doing everything possible to repel terrorist attacks. without casualties, around 17:00 belgorod itself was shelled, 16 vampire rsz shells were shot down. behind an hour before this, one aircraft-type drone and two were intercepted. drone, one of them detonated in a parking lot, the other did not explode near a residential building. in just one day , there were seven victims in the city; they are in serious condition in the hospital, said governor vyacheslav
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glotkov. and next to the high-rise building destroyed the day before by ukrainian terrorists , a spontaneous memorial was formed. people carry fresh flowers and toys. the list of victims includes 15 people, including children. report from belgorod by sergei ponomarev. we finished at the site of the house collapse in belgorod. to sort out the rubble, in the evening people from the surviving entrances were allowed to go up to their apartments, some had to climb through the window like this, the fact is that some flights of stairs were destroyed, it just flew out along with the frame, well, accordingly, with the blast wave it demolished both furniture and equipment , marina and her son from the next entrance, at the time of arrival they were in an apartment on the fourth floor, the shock wave carried me into the entrance along with the door, and my mother’s bath, well, a whole one, yesterday there was a shock, today it’s more than me. didn't leave. the search and rescue operation ended only early this morning. 15 dead, including two children. the government of the belgorod region will publish a list of names
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in the near future. doctor ermolov has already been identified among the victims. she lived on the eighth floor. the day before yesterday, natalya miraculously survived the shelling of the hospital. anastasia efremova, a cook at a local cafe, died. ekaterina gnedysh, her eight-year-old daughter aurora. medical college student yulia died. wife, parents are still listed among the missing, as is victor’s girlfriend, the man stood all night near a destroyed house with a cat in his arms, the cat came to me when i had already returned here, that is, he somehow got out, crawled out, yes, he jumped out, probably from the window, at 11 it happened, at 11:10 i’m somewhere- then i was here, we dragged all the cars so that we could get through the ambulance to break it down, the workers continue to literally clean the area near the house by hand, in addition to fragments... of concrete and garbage, we come across fragments like these, they are collected separately, presumably these are just parts of that a rocket or shell that hit a house, what
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exactly it is remains to be seen explosives technicians: among the victims were children in intensive care, a sixteen-year-old boy with an open head injury, a helicopter with an air force, two-month-old alyosha and his mother tatyana were delivered to moscow today, in these footage they are with their savior, eyewitnesses were filming when i was already driving. then after his family, he took them to a safe place and began clearing out the rubble, he didn’t even have time to ask their names, he only
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learned from the news that the young mother and son were now in the capital’s clinic. the patient's condition upon admission is assessed as extremely severe, the baby is currently on artificial ventilation; his serious condition is due to the mine explosion injury he received, as well as burns to the upper respiratory tract and scalp. last night , six victims were sent to moscow hospitals; temporary accommodation centers were opened for those who were left homeless or forced to evacuate; people were offered not only overnight accommodation and food, but also psychologists were on duty there. we have 36 people in temporary accommodation centers, of those apartment residents who were injured, the main part i left for my close relatives; air defense is working in the city and nearby areas all day today. in the evening over belgorod , 16 czech vampire missiles were shot down, one drone was destroyed in the sky, another landed in the courtyard of a residential building, it was neutralized, during that day seven people
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received shrapnel wounds, the residents of the village of razumnoye had to be evacuated, due to the release of explosive objects our sappers. the house on shhorets was studied by specialists today, the issue of the possibility of carrying out restoration work is being decided, despite the difficult... stop near the destroyed entrance, today a spontaneous memorial appeared, people bring flowers, toys, condolences and words of support to the residents of belgorod, which are now being heard throughout the country. sergey ponomarev, anastasia slobodenyuk, maria mortanova, nika vishnyakov, yuri shatokhin and sergey suvorov, channel one. in moscow, at the russia exhibition , flowers are being brought to the pavilion of the belgorod region all day today. in memory of the victims of the ukrainian armed forces attack. fundraising announced to help victims of shelling in border areas populated areas of the region. to join, just scan the qr code on the screen and follow the link. the recipient is the charitable organization
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holy belogorye against children's. all money collected will be used for treatment and rehabilitation of civilians who suffered from attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. more news from the ministry of defense from the belgorod region. about two hours ago, two anti-radar missiles, six guided bombs and one drone fired from ukraine were destroyed. ukrainian terrorists struck today other region. the head of the lugansk people's republic leonid pasechnik reported three dead and six. in krasnodon, missile debris, most likely from american ballistic attacks. after a series of explosions , a strong fire started in the industrial zone; one of the shells fell on a children's playground in the city park; fortunately, no one was there. now the road to krasnodon is blocked, transport is moving along a bypass route, a woman was killed in the kursk region, three more people were injured as a result of a bomb being dropped from a ukrainian drone on a civilian car. operative
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the situation in the special operation zone in the ministry of defense reported that units of the north group have improved the situation in the areas of the settlements of volchansk, neskuchnoye, liptsy and vesyoloye, kharkov region. in this direction, the enemy lost more than 250 people according to ukrainian telegram channels, while there are revelations that the kharkov region is not covered by anything, although there should have been concrete fortifications three stories underground. over the past six months, the press has reported on the inspection at least twice. zelensky, according to whom everything is powerful. to the construction site allocated a minimum of $2.5 million. in fact, there were not even minefields. but let's continue with the summary. in just one day, almost 1,500 militants were killed, and air defense forces shot down a ukrainian su-27. among the damaged equipment, for the first time, the italian milara galobitz. these have been in service for over 60 years. and another leopard tank. by the way, the kiev regime interrogated such people from spain by june 30th.
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there they will complete the preparation of a military assistance package with ten leopards, about our heroes, marines, people of special strength, they perform any tasks, the enemy fears them. alexey ivanov talked with the soldiers who liberated novomikhailovka in the donetsk republic, here are our marines, we are putting up a flag, here is our flag, novamikhailovka is ours, historical footage that our soldiers were able to convey only now, novomikhailovka , among other units, was liberated from ukrainian militants by marines 155 pacific fleet brigade. this group worked in parallel with the attack aircraft and was responsible for the evacuation. when it became clear that the enemy was fleeing the village, the fighters deployed a tricolor in the window of the building. victory is ours! hooray! it was
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it was an indescribable feeling. pride, joy for the fact that we are doing good, because we took a populated area, it’s like a certain point on the path to the highest goal, our victory, yes, yes, another group of marine pirates, at the same time they planted the flags of russia 155th brigade at st. michael’s temple, novomikhailovka was well fortified, concrete defensive structures, underground passages between buildings, but this did not help the radicals, ours... knocked them out thanks to the coherence of actions between units, thirteenth commands those who, under a barrage of fire , deliver ammunition, water and food directly to the front line, each such sortie is a whole operation, when some enemy bird flies after him and begins to adjust the enemy fire, he needs to find cover, he needs not to give away our cover, that is, he
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cannot run to our people for cover and... so that later, roughly speaking, those people who are sitting in this position will then give them nightmares, that is, he needs to navigate very quickly, that is, he also needs to think instantly. stormtroopers during the offensive, our tank crews also supported us; this crew often walked ahead of the entire column. initially, it was necessary to first advance there and bring in the infantry so that the oporniks would take it by storm, the first tank with trawls would travel, trawling the road so that there would be no any.
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but every time the guys got out of a difficult situation without losses, the car, as they say, took out, including thanks to the electronic warfare system, when it turns off, the drones simply freeze in place, other protection like... which puts up a smoke screen, is used on march and during offensive a whole masking cloud is sprayed into special aerosol installations. in such whitewash it is already difficult for the enemy to observe tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, and there is no need to talk about targeted fire. so, under the cover of smoke screens, a strike fist was formed from an armored group of attack aircraft and marines. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanov, alexander napalkov, dmitry matyushin, channel one. donbass. and also the exploits of our attack aircraft, lieutenant denis trokhin, his group, after competent reconnaissance, quickly took a strong point enemy and held him back. denis was wounded in the battle. guard corporal viktor kostyukov, as part of the team, completed the task of penetrating into the depths of the enemy’s defense, captured a strong point
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and held it until the arrival of the main forces. the ikhreytor suppressed firing points, drones, bandaged and sheltered the wounded from shelling. news from the russian fsb, a third person has been detained for spying for ukrainian intelligence. for a month, a resident of primorye, for financing enemy armed forces, a case was opened in the nizhny novgorod region and a sentence in crimea, long terms, vitaly kachenko, more about for what. 276 russian federation 11 years and 6 months. from 11.5 to 16 years in prison, this is the sentence of the supreme court of crimea to five security service agents.
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sent it to him, i sent this video, which says that there is equipment standing there between my friend, he works in the sbu, and i twice in three settlements near the city of kherson, near bereslav, there was also equipment on the road, they sent a video screenshot from map. this data was used by ukrainian militants to adjust the delivery of artillery and missile and bomb attacks, and not only for the military, but for civilians.
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chernobaevsky airport, there are several deployment points there, well, i specifically sent armed forces across the territory of the russian federation, there were trucks at one point, well, as i understand it, with ammunition or. so, at another point, near the airport on the highway, there was a gas station there, there was military equipment, in the conditions of air defense, filming military facilities, the movement of columns, air defense work, essentially espionage, this plays into the hands of the enemy, and
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is a serious crime, for which faces severe punishment. vitaly katchenko, ruslan yusupov, natalia mashtakova and stanislav opletin, channel one, crimea. a new agricultural scandal between poland and ukraine. “warsaw interrupted negotiations with kiev on agriculture due to the fact that there were people involved in corruption in the ukrainian delegation. at the end of april, it was announced that fraud with state lands had been uncovered in ukraine, and 70 people came.” nikolai solsky. ukrainian food imports with problems in price and quality have caused repeated protests by farmers in poland. just this evening a group of people dissatisfied with the affairs of the industry as a whole went on a hunger strike right in the building of the polish parliament. it won't happen in georgia. given the ukrainian scenario
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, the country's prime minister said today in tbilisi, commenting on the news that tomorrow the parliament will adopt the law on former agents in the third final reading. his opponents are rallying again this evening, apparently encouraged by the words of the west that the law is not needed for european integration, and by threats from the american congress to impose sanctions for its adoption. grigory emelyanov will continue. the level of security measures is undetermined term around the building. the georgian parliament has its own special procedures for entry only for deputies, employees and accredited television journalists, no more than two groups per channel, the ministry of internal affairs warns protesters, do not block the passages, it does not always help. a new surge in street activity occurred almost simultaneously with the third reading in the legal committee of the georgian parliament of the scandalous bill on new agents, to be precise that legal entities of the media with more than 20% and...
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the crowd’s water has not even passed six months since tbilisi opened a cell of foreign
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euromaidan activists, professional instructors of color revolutions from the center of the protest movements canvas, as they say, we will not tire of repeating. what i told you, i already told the egyptians and ukrainians, they staged a revolution. by the way, the ukrainian flag was placed over the heads of those gathered at shatar. do any of them seriously want such a future for their country, which chose itself post-maidan. "we are all here fighting for the future of georgia, we are defending our country. the question is from whom, a man who took himself courage to speak on behalf of the nation, knows the answer. we georgians do not want this law to be adopted, georgians do not want russia, we want europe." for some reason, they stubbornly call this law russian, although their deputies said that in a softened version they copied the text from the american one. the united states itself - georgia is still categorically against it.
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and in armenia, over 170 protesters were detained and released demanding the resignation of prime minister nikol pashinyan. a rally at the government house in yerevan has been taking place since the middle of last week, among demands for an end. defining the border with azerbaijan and transferring a number of border territories. the movement is led by archbishop bograd galstanyan. the border is drawn in accordance with the one that existed at the time of the collapse of the ussr, which pashinyan agreed with when he recognized the sovereignty of azerbaijan a year ago. automotive news, wedding boom at the vdnkh exhibition, russia, there will be more, don’t switch. bloodhound, new series. you carry too much responsibility
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for others. my shoulders told you this. the body can say a lot about a person. so believes. look. after the program, time for mancacher whiskey, a stellar group product, cnop gin, a stellar group product, monte shoca cognac, a stellar group product, rum, castro, a stellar group product, veda vodka.
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the investigation was reconstructed bit by bit, only one thing is known for certain: all of hitler’s women attempted suicide. note that his beloved germany , because of her great love for her fuhrer, committed suicide and died slowly in agony. premiere, ordinary fascism. today is the first one. ex-president of ukraine, leonid kuchma. i always say that the biggest crime will be if we create a quarrel between the ukrainian and russian people. 30 pieces of silver, for which he auctioned off his native land. the united states and the west, together with ukraine, will go through a difficult path of reform. so they came in and started downloading the anka russia project. ukraine no longer has
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a brother. he was the first to swear allegiance to the democratic party. he formed the ukrainian oligarchy. and he's a manipulator. kuchma's followers are starting. a massive purge, the cabinet of ministers will change, chechetov jumped out of the window, his next the successor, valentina semenyuk, shot herself with a hunting rifle. this story is included in one chain together with eermak, with kuchma, with pinchuk and the west. kuchma once again stated that there can be no negotiations with russia. it shows the west that there is unity among the ukrainian establishment regarding the war until the last ukraine. and kuchma remains the eminence grise here. portorg's trajectory or leonid? on the first, listen, today you are some kind of powerful kuchma, dolls of the heir to tutti, tomorrow you are strange, nothing happened to you, i declare you husband and wife, anxiety, excuse me,
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i’ll only be here for an hour, an hour and a half maximum, what happened? i'm so sorry about the interrupted flight of harry powers on saturday on the first.
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games from may 19, on the first. we continue: in st. petersburg today we awarded awards to caring people who last friday witnessed a terrible accident at the car wash embankment, when a bus crashed into the river, they rushed into the icy water without waiting for rescuers to arrive. lyubov filippova met with the heroes. first flight of service car, i was distributing drinking water all over st. petersburg, when i saw what happened, without thinking, i stopped behind the guys. they also started to help pull them out on the bus there, whoever they were able to pull out, they pulled them out, then we ourselves started to freeze there, they had all their limbs
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and also climbed into the boat, each has their own story, but it’s all one big story about caring and courage , an accident on the moika river, where the bus went under water, eyewitnesses immediately rushed to help, insignia were needed in the rescue, today they received 15 people, passers-by, our ordinary residents of our city, rushed to save these people, no matter the weather, no matter how cold or dangerous, no one thought about it, words of gratitude and a low bow to you, for the award ceremony and the captains of tourist ships and the drivers of the boats, they all helped people who were taken out of the water, warmed them up, well, they provided first aid, because they brought the driver there, his nose was broken and... the surviving passenger, they grabbed the vest, circles, threw him into the water, to save, well, to could save people. in total , there were nine people on the bus, some
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were taken to the hospital in a state of clinical death, the doctors fought to the last, but in the end, seven died. before this , the water level was 15-20 cm lower, that is, if there had been such a water level, there would have been more chances, people could have gotten out under the ceiling of the bus and there would have been air there. the area where the accident occurred, quite a sharp turn to the left, somewhere there the driver had already lost control, drove onto the sidewalk, here the naval museum is located at the entrance here such huge five-ton ship's anchors, you can imagine how fast the bus had to go in order to carry them off the platforms over a long distance, and then the transport drove out onto the road again, and it tore down the fence, it's clear that the paving slabs were damaged, and there on the oncoming lane he crashed into two more... there are shots from the inside of the bus, here is the terrible moment of falling into the river, the driver was detained on the same day, he was given a
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preventive measure for 2 months, he himself refers to a faulty brakes, but in the company the carrier stated that 3 days before the accident the bus was in full working order, the results of the examination have not yet been provided to the court. yesterday the driver worked a twelve-hour schedule, of which 8 hours were linear, there were breaks in lunch, there were no violations of the work and rest schedule, however , the investigation apparently does not agree with this, the head of the convoy of the carrier company, who was in charge , was arrested for 2 months for compliance with labor transport discipline, in fact, he had to monitor the work and rest regime drivers, he admitted partly his guilt. to date, investigators have conducted 16 searches in the case. 47 witnesses were questioned, including employees and management of the carrier’s organization, 13 seizures were made, including video recordings from
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cctv cameras and video recordings. the driver and passenger alexander tveritniev survived the terrible accident. he gave this interview on the day of the accident, in general, for some split seconds we didn’t have time to collect anything, and water immediately began to rise, i leaned against the ceiling with my hands to collect the remaining air is somewhere there. now he has been transferred from intensive care to a temporary fence has now been installed on the bridge, as soon as the cordon was lifted from the accident site, residents began to bring flowers and candles here , by the way, there is no descent to the water here, so eyewitnesses had to literally jump from such a height into the cold water and swim up to the bus. on the day of the tragedy, shahban dzhabrailov, who was one of the first...
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an important event for the entire domestic automobile industry, the moskvich plant moved to a new level of production, they launched small-scale assembly of cars. the start of the robotic line was given by sergei sobyanin. cars will now begin to be manufactured using full-cycle technology, including welding, body painting and processing, taking into account. our climatic conditions, it is planned to expand the model range, oleg shishkin saw everything for himself, attention, we are launching production on a full cycle, let's go, this is almost gagarin's, let's go, the new factory conveyor is being answered with a lawsuit, together with the workers, the assembly of moskvich-3 is working and 114 robots in total on this production line 50, as they say at welding stations here, this
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is no longer a screwdriver assembly, when a car is assembled like a construction set with the help of... a wrench and a screwdriver. the full cycle also includes basic operations such as welding and painting. the power of the lines allows you to weld the delivery of managers per shift. everything will depend on the demand for the car. during the transition to the full cycle , 490 new jobs were created. previously, moscow 4 was assembled from fifty so-called machine kits of ready-made key components and assemblies. engine, gearbox, exhaust systems. currently , more than 900 different parts are used to assemble cars. on this conveyor, for example, welding takes place. car, the next stage is the paint shop. robots already reign supreme in the paint booth. by the way, muscovites assembled in a full cycle can be two-color, for example, a black top and a choice of white, red, gray or blue bottom. it would seem, why invest in new lines when everything was going well before. the full cycle has a lot of advantages; dealing directly with component manufacturers, such as usually costs less. you can save
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on customs duties, transportation costs, plus new jobs based on experience. climatic conditions, well, then, of course, we will deepen localization and, most importantly , create our own car. the production of the moskvich 3 urban crossover at the capital's plant was mastered in just six months after the former owner of the company renault announced that it was leaving the russian market. slamming the door, the french abandoned production without technology, design documentation and components. but they remained wage debts, almost 700 million rubles,
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the payment of which was undertaken by the moscow city hall. it is clear that it is impossible to start production of a domestic car from scratch; a modern universal platform and production lines for key components are needed, so moskvich 3 has chinese roots, well, as they say here, a russian soul. according to the plan, in a couple of years the car will have a lot of russian components; the battery, brakes, and small parts for the electric twin of the crossover with the letter e are being developed by kamaz. everything is going according to schedule as was approved by the board of directors of the plant’s development program, that’s all. in accordance with the schedule, we are succeeding, we are confident that the localization program that we have outlined will also be completed in full, starting this year, part of the battery, tires, and then the transfer of our own metal, rods. there are immediate plans to expand the model range; a seven-seat family crossover moskvich 8 is on the way, so far only with front-wheel drive. the one and a half liter turbocharged engine
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produces almost 180 horsepower. start production. scheduled for autumn, oleg shishkin, andrey lesnykh, irina chuchuy first movie. at vdnkh there is a wedding with national flavor on an all-russian scale. today is the second day of the wedding festival at the russian exhibition. it began with a grand procession of matchmaking prices among the peoples of the far east. it was from there that five couples came to get married. national traditions, bitter cries, and at the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds were given particles of the great fire of the heart of russia. lit in murum at the beginning of the family year, and the wedding festival started on krasnaya hill, last sunday more than 150 couples from all over the country got married at vdnkh. that's all, but right now on the first channel there is a premiere, a bloodhound for new episodes, police colonel alexander kushnir is back in business, solving complicated crimes and
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understanding the complexities of his own life.
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hello, alexandra ivanovna, you can go for a walk in the park, they came to you, wait, you are the order. pick me up when you wanted to go to a meeting and go for a walk, please, just don’t run anywhere, i’ll try, let me go me, i’m healthy, forgive me, please let me go, let me go, i’m healthy, i don’t need help, but you understand, i’m not going anywhere, i’m not going, what’s going on, nina sergeevna refuses the procedure because i don’t need them , i’m healthy, here’s my daughter, and my daughter... she needs help, look, here’s nina sergeevna, let’s go, yes, let me go, i’m healthy, i’m healthy, my daughter, we’ll decide how to help your daughter, calm down, everything will be fine, i’m healthy,
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my daughter needs it, talk to me, i’m sorry, what happened, she’s from came running from the cardiology department, poor thing, this is not the first time she has come to our clinic, but what’s wrong with her, psychosis against the background of the death of her daughter, nina sergeevna’s son killed his sister, she lost two children at once, and... now she’s coming up with the idea that her daughter alive, now he has grabbed his heart, of course, such a tragedy, so, good, on me, so, good, yeah, on me, on me, on me, with tenderness, and now from me, this place, yes, yes, yes , good, good, good, good, on me. with tenderness, good, well done, yeah, but try to catch the wind with your hair, uh-huh, no, no, jiska, show us the granche, stop making me laugh, i
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need to rehearse the beautiful face of the wedding, you are very photogenic, girls, maybe some more champagne, by the way, they are about to bring a snack cake, the best brides, and these are them, they are not lost now, they arrived from... another street, i'll go meet them, bye, and you go open the champagne, okay? and we'll take a couple of pictures in the house with the girls, yes, of course, yeah, let's go, so girls, i need you all to get together now, jump up there and the main thing is that you look just like you get married, okay, sasha, run to your mom, quickly, hello, hello, my, hello, oh, you, my sweetie, how are you, wow, have you really grown up somehow? who are you going to fool, i talked to the doctor, you have to stay in bed for another week.


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