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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  May 13, 2024 10:55pm-11:56pm MSK

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in the previous cabinet of ministers he was the first deputy chairman of the government, the ministry of defense should be absolutely open to innovation, to the introduction of all advanced ideas to create conditions for economic competitiveness and...
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the trust of the president in the most critical situations, few people know, for example, or remember, maybe from those who did not take part in the events that it was him that putin sent to crimea in 1914, even before crimea voted in a referendum in order to assess what was needed measures of assistance, of course, he was not involved in organizing military operations there or anything like that, but he was that trusted person...
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strengthens confidence in the intention of the president and the government to conduct business seriously during military operations to use all forces to ensure that our the economy was properly rebuilt on a military basis, this has already happened to a large extent, but there are no limits to perfection, you know that in the west in...
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the option of action in order for the war not to be long, we must be sure that we are in capable of waging a long war, and any war, if necessary. andrei removich is just right for this role, of course, of course, i don’t want to go into characterizations of whether the former minister of defense was good or bad, but it is obvious that the change of ministers, at the moment, the appointment of someone... close to putin, a person who has absolutely no preferences of his own in the generals, and cannot, in fact, have any obligations to anyone, this all strengthens trust between the supreme commander-in-chief, between the troops, between everyone who takes part in a special military operation, as far as i know, and believe me, i know, this was received positively, not only with... here
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in moscow, but also where the fighting is taking place . in the west, as you noted, this appointment caused, let's say, respect to the point of displeasure, and it was presented, it did not exactly cause joy, the decision of the russian president was presented, as you just said, as evidence that russia is ready to wage a protracted war, although again, as you rightly said, this means russia’s willingness to do what needs to be done, and it is not at all necessary that a protracted war is a conscious choice of russia, so... it occurs to me that partly this choice is probably related to what russia has achieved serious, real successes on the battlefield, and the collective west responded to this not
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by showing flexibility, not by being ready to start some serious negotiations, but by very threatening statements about how they will supply ukraine. more long-range weapons, how they will allow ukraine to use these are weapons on russian territory, and it may even be that they will be ready to send some of their troops to ukraine. of course, in this situation the thought involuntarily comes to mind that, in general, we need to be prepared for any, including quite protracted scenarios, which is how i explained the importance of the economic component in... the budget of the ministry of defense and the security bloc was recently still around 3%, then it grew
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to 3.4%, and most recently it grew to 6.7%. this is not a critical figure yet, but we are gradually getting closer due to what is known. political circumstances to the situation in the mid-eighties, when the share of spending on the security bloc in the economy was at 7.4%. you agree that in this situation , the appointment of an economist with extensive government experience who enjoys the personal trust of the president, which in general sounds like a logical choice. no, the choice is logical, but certainly unexpected. so i don’t want to look like a strong hindsight. i had absolutely no idea that belousov would be offered to be the minister of defense, just yesterday, on the eve of this becoming known, i for example, i would not undertake to predict that it would be belousov who would leave for this role, various people said, by the way, that belousov would leave, maybe the accounts chamber would leave, but then
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this was denied, and indeed another person was nominated for the accounts chamber today, but i want to say that this is the case when we are once again surprised at...
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more, ivan the terrible, he was tsar for 47 years, 47 years, this is of course true, but to be honest, i meant the russian emperors, and ivan viv is like that i haven’t been yet, but it doesn’t matter, under all conditions, we are talking about russian governments, if we mean peter and catherine i, we are clearly talking about the most successful russian rulers and... in their case, a long term was an advantage and a disadvantage, it ensured competence, it ensured continuity, it helped to avoid petty politics, but if you look at these two reigns, by the way, at the reign of ivan the terrible, you will see that
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the ruler remained the same, but the changes in the composition of his closest associates and advisers were very large. and uh in case, especially catherine and peter, in the case of ivan the terrible, this was a special situation, he seemed to reduce some of his previous advisers - in height, here, when we talk about peter i and catherine ii, these were rulers who had very talented people around them , some were closer at some stage, some were further away, but in general, as a rule, these were very successful, very authoritative people, but both peter and katerina consciously updated the composition of their associates.
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people, new blood, then this is necessary, this must definitely happen, and that we in fact, we see in the example of our new government, which has been updated, maybe not to a sufficient extent, but new people have clearly appeared there, just look at how which representatives of the governors, the gubernatorial corps have replenished it, and this process is underway, this process is visible in its benefits from him, i hope, we will certainly see, and you said correctly,
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the governor, he headed the road sector, alekhanov, the governor
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of the kaliningrad region, the youngest of them, he, if i’m not mistaken, is 37, and he is already over established himself as a person in his place in the kaliningrad region, he stood out from the galaxy of other governors with his initiatives, he became the minister of industry, as for tsivilev. then he is from that very mining region, it is clear to him that the problems of the energy industry are close, and finally, dekterev worked in our duma for a long time as a deputy, chairman of the sports committee, having been the governor of the khabarovsk territory, he becomes the minister of sports, that is, all appointments have a basis grounds, and the people who come to these posts have proven themselves, these are not random people, not someone’s favorites, these are people who exist...
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those who are at the front will welcome this, you are often at the front, you are good do you know the mood of those involved in the operation, do you agree that this is the purpose?
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who is responsible for the future, is a builder, is a builder of the armed forces, that is, yes, he manages a huge mechanism, a huge economy, but his main task is to create the army of the future, that is, what is being laid under one minister, he seems to start working after 10-12, sometimes more years, because there are very long weapons programs, in this sense, belousov is a person who
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is not only useful for the military system, he is one of those people who has been in charge all these years for...
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tymoshenko, but very soon he had to leave for another position, and after the second world war, the same thing happened, you are right, so this army, what does it expect from the ministry of defense, it expects everything to be all right with supplies, everything will be in order with ammunition, everything will be in order with all the circumstances of life, and
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so on and so on and so on and so on, this is what the army is waiting for. and i'm sure the army will appreciate it. alexander, colleagues, not only the army is waiting for this, but also society is waiting for it, because now the volunteer movement has flourished to a large extent, and this is wonderful, but we understand perfectly well why it has flourished, why funds are being raised for thermal imagers, for equipment for army, because one way or another there is not enough of it in the troops, and if the new minister of defense decides this question, then it will be wonderful, because we understand perfectly well that nothing has changed -
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i thought about the example with dmitry ferovich mustinov, because on the one hand, he, of course, was a very impressive person, i didn’t know him personally either, but we we know enough. what can i say, that he was a very impressive person, when he was the secretary of the central committee responsible for industry, for the military
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industry, there was no price for him, but when he became the minister of defense, questions already arose, including among patriotic people goodwill, why, because being a very energetic, powerful and... full member of the politburo, with close personal relationships with brezhn and sandropov, he generally provided the defense industry in peacetime, not in wartime, he provided the defense industry with such privileged a situation that, in general, has not always been good for the overall industrial economic development of the country, which is still the foundation, among other things.
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if we remember the soviet system, we really remember the times of austinov, these were those the times when i began my service, so to speak, it was a completely different country, it was a country that, firstly, had emerged from a huge war not so long ago, it was preparing for another huge war, we remember, because it was a confrontation between two huge systems, within the framework of that model of state development, that model of industrial development, all these decisions looked absolute.
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our electronic factories that created televisions, radios, televisions there in soviet times were, after all, some of the best in world, they also created sights at the same time, it was what is called double , then it was the flagship, almost all industry, then we experienced, by the way, under gorbachev we also experienced complete, so to speak , demilitarization of industry, and it was a whole drama when aviation factories suddenly began to make titanium pots and so on, that is, we have already gone through all the excesses in this case. this was a popular episode, sorry to interrupt, after one meeting during gorbachev’s time, when the defense industry was persuaded to take up conversion, civilian, then one of
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the leaders of the military-industrial complex said: “okay, i’ll make you a refrigerator, but it will fly, okay, really, in this case, belousov is the man by his background, by his life experience, who went through all this , all these years he was just the man who fought." advocated precisely for the preservation of the enormous industrial potential, so i have no doubt at all that such an excess is simply impossible today? i agree with this, i think it is very important, because defense is paramount everything in the current situation, this is doubly above all, but here we must remember that defense presupposes the balanced development of the country, and the support of the people and the clear... line of president putin, that despite this terrible challenge to russia, which was posed by the collective west, that nevertheless however, russia’s goal is not just peace, but
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to preserve the normal development of the country as a whole as much as possible, and great attention is paid to this, to have a minister of defense who understands all these tasks, understands why these tasks are important, to me this seems to be an important advantage. we’re leaving for advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes, we’ll talk first of all with you, vladislav, about the successful offensive of the russian armed forces in the kharkov area. let's go to advertising. there were only three women in hitler’s life; no one really knew anything about them during the fuhrer’s life. hitler wanted to stay. and this was motivated by the fact that his destiny was germany. how hitler’s relationship with the female sex was built and subsequently restored bit by bit is only known for certain. one:
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all of hitler’s women attempted suicide; we note that his beloved germany, because of her great love for her fuhrer, committed suicide and died slowly in agony. premiere, ordinary fascism 2. today on the first. there is a big game on the air , cnn and the new york times, known for their deceit, suddenly, for a change, seem to start telling the truth, reporting on the success of the russian armed forces in the operation near kharkov. let's listen first to what cnn writes, and then to the new york times. and puts
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ukrainian president vladimir zelensky in front of an unpleasant choosing where to allocate limited resources and what to ultimately sacrifice? perhaps kiev believed so much in its counteroffensive last summer that it didn’t even think about how bad the situation might be a year later. and now the new york times. over the past 3 days, russian troops , supported by fighter jets, artillery and combat drones, have crossed the northeastern border of ukraine. at least nine villages were enough. they cover many more square kilometers per day than previously, not counting the first stage of the war. in some areas the ukrainian armed forces are retreating, and ukrainian commanders are blaming each other for the defeat. thousands of civilians are fleeing to kharkov, the nearest major city. at the refugee reception center, where order and calm reigned on saturday, a completely different picture played out on sunday. exhausted people argued among themselves, and families with nowhere to go took over the entire lawn next door. i
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have to admit, i'm okay. i haven’t read anything like this in the western press, in the authoritative mainstream western press, before about the successes of the russian army in ukraine, what's happening? an absolutely logical process is taking place, which in principle was predicted earlier, in general is a direct consequence of macro factors that have now begun to work, we must understand that miracles in military affairs do not happen if... there is a state that does not have its own military industry, which lives, as they say, and fights only on what they are given, which is not capable of forming reserves in the volumes that are necessary for such a huge front, which does not have motivated personnel, because it is simply, as they say, recruited, that is , what is called in military language a systemic crisis arises, this systemic crisis, it did not arise today, not yesterday, and not only near kharkov, it was a general system.
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which has been accumulating everything for at least the last 6-7 months, it’s just that it manifested itself most clearly in the kharkov direction, because if we take the donetsk direction, the donetsk agglomeration, which has been prepared for war for 8 years one way or another and which itself is, in fact, a huge continuous fortress, simply because the fact that there are villages alternating with cities, all this really forms what is called in the language of agglomeration, then kharkov is already a classic... fields are basically the landscape that has to be defended in field fortifications, you need to understand that any defense becomes strong, even if it is well equipped, only when it has convinced, well-trained troops. ukraine has a shortage of this, and ours is quite compact, at the moment, i ’m talking about today, putting pressure on this direction immediately led to results; we have not yet put into operation any of the main
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reserves. we have not yet launched such an offensive that could be called a strategic offensive, that is, while it is not yet strategic, it is still certainly what can be called pressure, that is, in this case we put pressure on the defense, it began to crack, so in ukraine now, not only are almost all the reserves that are being transferred there quickly, and even those brigades that were withdrawn for replenishment and then had to get up for a long time.
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let me remind you, there was such an american film: chinese syndrome, it was about the fact that an accident at a nuclear power plant is, it is foreshadowed by the fact that all the devices fail,
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they begin to vibrate everywhere, everything falls, collapses, and so on, here something similar, you called it trishka’s caftan so that it would be clear to fans of jack lemman, who played in the chinese syndrome, for americans, i’ll say, this is china...
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in western europe in order to send back conscription ages and so on and so forth, all this is all a statement that we will send our troops there, that we will send some kind of long-range missiles to inspire further resistance, to inspire to continue the fight, evidence that the fight - this actually approaches in some way, in the minds of people, at least in ukraine, to some kind of milestone, colleagues, i would also add a small point, i also recently visited... in new regions, and i saw our line of defense, this very line of suravykin, how much is it serious, how powerful this fortification is, and at the same time we know that near kharkov, according to the ukrainian authorities, as many as
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three lines of defense were built, and where they are, no one noticed the first, the second is a sad sight, well, we haven’t reached the third yet , we’ll get there, as they say, we’ll see, but colleagues, can you imagine the level and scale of corruption that is happening there, that is... to downplay ukraine’s ability to do what it did, but i already said it before, i’m just emphasizing it again, because this is very important, irresistible, defense is done the troops that are defending, i will remind you of an example, the 14:30 regiment, recruited from muscovites,
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six months later this regiment stood up for defense under the work, stood dead, not a kilometer passed through it, how to say, the shock ukrainian guard, they could not, because they stood on the defensive, people were trained, people were prepared. and the people knew what they were fighting for, we passed through these same defensive lines, because there were no longer those people there who were ready to fight and die, all that we are now... with the approval of the request for additional financing and sending weapons to
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ukraine cost us dearly. we are doing everything possible to speed up the provision of assistance. europeans do the same. i am convinced that ukraine is capable of effectively holding the line in the east. in addition, it can continue to use the advantages achieved in the black sea, as well as threaten russian troops, including in crimea. we provide them with everything they need for this, but now is a very difficult moment. we are not going anywhere, like more than fifty countries that support ukraine. this will continue in the future, if putin thinks that he can wait out ukraine or its supporters, then he is mistaken. what do you think? is putin wrong? i want to say that , of course, no one is immune from mistakes, but uh, it seems to me that in this case there is no need to believe blink, because blink, firstly, gives his interview or says these words based on the internal party situation, in order , to once again prick the opposing forces.
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it's impossible to imagine ukraine defeating russia on the battlefield, but it's easy impossible, she cannot inflict defeat, this is a task from the very beginning, as you know, squaring the circle, an unsolvable task. they set themselves an unbearable, unsolvable task, for adventurous reasons, in the hope that russia would falter, russia would fall apart, some processes would begin from within, putin would be overthrown, well, i don’t know what they imagined, our economy would be torn to shreds, since this did not happen, so they are rushing about now. i have a question for you: to what extent is the arrival of this new western assistance, primarily american, but not only, will allow ukraine. restore their capabilities, of course, this will have
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an impact, but we must understand that when we heard blinkin’s statement, blinkin was being disingenuous in this case, the problem is not only that they took too long with help, the problem is where this help can really be taken, there is a well-known effect that we all remember from history lessons, the effect of king medas, this is a king who didn’t touch anything, everything turned into gold, so he died in as a result, thirst and hunger are a problem. is that you can allocate a huge amount of money, but with this money you will not be able to find thousands of tanks, thousands of guns, hundreds of aircraft, because they simply are not available anywhere, money becomes a weapon when these weapons are produced and lie in warehouses, when they are you just need to order it, they will make it or, at best, withdraw your own, as from its own armed forces, then this does not solve the problem, it is, at best, a means of support, ukraine is receiving now, as they they themselves write
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about the tasks of normal development of the country , especially with alexander milanovsky about the very unusual conditions in which we now find ourselves. let's go to advertising. sport, it
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works wonders, stress and anxiety go away. well, i recommend the series to you. “your honor has not been damaged, you don’t like all this, for your sake i’m ready to do all this, even in the rain, sasha, hello, bloodhound, new episodes, tomorrow after the program time, there’s a big game on air,
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despite to western sanctions, the russian economy continues to grow significantly at a high rate, that sanctions seem to cause more damage to germany than they cause damage to russia, and most importantly, that in a very complex state, multinational, there are many
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different religions, different concepts of life between cities, localities, that despite this, one gets the impression that in russia it remains after the departure of a relatively small group of dissatisfied people, that in general in russia there is, well, simply unprecedented moral and political unity, firstly, is this so, if so, then why, i would not perceive it how it goes without saying, yes, this is really so, because the shock that we all... experienced with the beginning of the northern military district, it united the country, it made us stronger, that is, we, including economically, are forced to look at ourselves, we are forced begin to develop our own production, we are actually engaged in the reassembly of our, first of all, our mentality, our consciousness, we are starting to look at our
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country anew, this is managed in all areas, from production to tourism and many, many other areas, here on ... in my opinion, what is happening is completely natural, it is correct, it is good, and the fact that economically our country is becoming stronger and stronger and only emphasizes the correctness of that choice, well, in fact, the statements that the president made as his program for the coming years , we see that it says, first of all, about the growth of the country’s well-being, the well-being of our population, which in general suggests that the president is also confident that the course is correct and that this course will continue further. thank you, konstantin, we are accused in the west of the fact that russia, as you just said, has a desire to win, achieve a strategic victory, and even after that almost bring europe to its knees, but when they talk about their conditions to begin with negotiations, they repeat the well-known form
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of zelensky, which begins with the fact that russia will have to return new territories, including crimea. can you imagine such a scenario? of course not. i just read an interesting article by foreign policy. where in in general, all these current attempts to somehow unite supporters of ukraine in the west are characterized as attempts, well, in general, by these warnings, by this escalation of speeches about sending troops.
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this is called the day of the deceived, when everyone believed that louis 13 dismissed cardinal resheliev, in fact he abandoned marie
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de medici, this is what happened, the courtiers who first ran to one, then ran to another, the same thing today, you need to understand, that today attempts continue to unite, to win over side of someone from this world majority at this conference in switzerland, today attempts continue to influence the weak...
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i remember recently, literally, macron let it slip in principle that 2 years ago we said that we didn’t have a single tank, not a single gun we won’t deliver, but today we supply everything, this so-called strategy of boiling the frog, which was once voiced that you can slowly , little by little, without provoking russia or lulling its immunity, but to the maximum, that is called joining the war, at the level of weapons it worked, today they understand very well, we spoke: today about the crisis at the front, that without direct intervention, or at least direct military support, ukraine is unlikely to be able to hold out for the foreseeable
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time, 7-8 months , that's what they say. which are analyzed in this way in the west, so in this case it is necessary to internationalize the conflict, it can only be internationalized using the same tactics of boiling the frog, introducing small contingents, maybe for border security, maybe some kind of humanitarian logistics, that is, the task is to try again to accustom russia’s immunity to the fact that we are in the territories, do they want to fight, no, but they need to create support for ukraine so that it fights as far as possible, then, as i... already said, draw some kind of curzon line, for example, there along the dnieper, on which they will stand, behind which in the end russia will not follow, but we must understand that we are different today, and it is very important to understand why because before that we really carried out a huge military reform, we could not then respond to those actions when they were slowly, as they say, getting in with weapons, today at all levels our president, and not only him,
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made very tough statements on the topic of any attempt that this process of escalation is already underway, excuse me, now the largest nato exercises are taking place 80 km from kaliningrad. well, before that, we conducted an exercise for the first time in many years of non-strategic nuclear forces, which is an obvious, visible, clear warning of plans to send troops to ukraine or supplies of long-range missiles. this was directly linked to the statements of cameron and macron. konstantin, i don’t know how
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seriously, but again it’s being discussed within nato. plans by authoritative people , including that it may be necessary to use nato air defense systems, place them closer to the borders of ukraine, put them, say, in poland, and use these systems to prevent russia from launching air strikes on ukraine. do you think these are real opportunities and how russia should is this an answer? well, i want to say that this question should be answered by the military... specialists, to the extent that this will be effectively possible, i spoke before, in my opinion, the thing is obvious, that if this eternal question about the supply of f16, despite the fact that it seems that they have nowhere to be based on the territory of ukraine, they are vulnerable, if these aircraft are nevertheless delivered, they will be used by western airfields anyway in poland or romania, then in this case not only these aircraft, but also these airfields
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become a legitimate target, i'm looking at... targets for attacks among civilians, including terrorist attacks on russian territory. i ask each of you: do you think that under these conditions it is justified to say that nato is a direct and immediate participant in the war in ukraine, let's start with you. of course, the only answer here is that nato has been a direct participant from
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the moment the first shells were fired. the first weapons would go to ukraine, then the question would only go on as it grew. alexander, of course, i agree with a colleague, sorry, their weapons are shooting at our people, killing our people, it is natural that they are a party to the conflict. well, for example, when i say this to our american, i won’t name them, colleagues, our american contacts, the usual answer to... there was the vietnam war, the soviet union provided colossal military assistance to north vietnam, but the united states did not hesitate to strike, did not perceive the ussr as a direct participant in the conflict, how is this situation different? it differs fundamentally, firstly, in power two states, at that time these two
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states could destroy each other with a much greater probability. than now, and secondly, what we are seeing in ukraine is still a war in the sphere of military operations in a sphere very far from the united ones.
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in a form that the collective west will not really like. it was a great game, we'll see you on the air tomorrow.
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