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tv   Obiknovennii fashizm-2  1TV  May 13, 2024 11:55pm-1:06am MSK

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words open your eyes a lot. the crimean war of the 21st century is what the events that followed the return of crimea to russia should be called. clearly showed how the russian soldier perceived the enemy with whom he had been fighting since the winter of 2022. if at first, in 2014, we were talking about ukrainian nationalists, then later the epithets changed, in contrast to the russian official media, which mainly mentioned the ukrainian armed forces, the armed forces of ukraine. on the
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contact line, two epithets were most often used, which were awarded to enemies, fascist and german. and if the use of the word fascist in this context was natural, then nemets was referring to the fact that it was the germans who introduced the concept of fascism; they introduced several very significant elements. greatly influenced the semantic component of the word fascism. as has already been shown earlier, at the level of ideas , german fascism did not come up with anything new, and even... the concentration
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camps that made him famous, where millions of people were brutally tortured, are not an achievement of german thought, but it was the germans who raised the idea of ​​a concentration camp beyond reach the height and scale of the atrocities in the german camps cannot be compared with anything.
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witnesses present at the nuremberg trials were shocked by how calmly the defendants looked at film footage and photographs of the bloody massacres, commenting on the atrocity only with the words: “we carried out the order.” it is amazing how calmly the german population survived this period of its history, because many were aware of what was happening in the places of internment, because. the collective west never
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completely renounced nazi germany, its helmsmen subsequently took care to somehow smooth out the negative effect of everything that became... known to the general public during the open trial of nazi criminals. the british did not want to hold this trial at all, but stalin insisted. western researchers of fascism tried to put fascist
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concentration camps, where the nazis sent people based on nationality and race , on a par with camps. where various kinds of political prisoners were kept in other countries, including the ussr, but the difference was enormous, and not only quantitative. you can change your faith, your attitude towards the enemy , your political platform, renounce
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your comrades, your ideology, and so on, there is the possibility of compromise, in the same case. because biological correction cannot be done. death camps were those concentration camps where special factory-type structures were built for the mass
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extermination of people, and the effectiveness of killing and disposal of remains was at the forefront. the most famous death camps were chelmno and belzec, which served as the prototype for two others, sabebor and tryablinka, because it was in the belzec camp... that gas chambers were first installed, which put the murder on stream. two more death camps with gas chambers and crematoria were set up by the nazis
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in waswiecim and majdanyk. let's notice the gas chambers. it was also not invented by the germans, but by the americans for carrying out death sentences. in the thirties, they were actively used by the lithuanians, so they marked a short period of their independence. there is one more difference between german fascism and other european formats in the group national exclusivity with exclusive rights. it was in nazi germany that the human body began to be seen as a resource. previously
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, people were enslaved, exploited, and their labor was used, but the germans came up with the idea of ​​recycling their own kind in parts. the germans extracted gold teeth. they removed skin, cut off hair, took out organs, that is , people became something like minerals for people , now it is difficult to imagine that the mass destruction of human beings was... torture was used for scientific experiments, but human remains were not
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buried, as is proper to do even with the worst enemies, and gutted, burned like garbage, using the resulting hall as fertilizer, how could a civilized country come to this? there is still no clear answer to this question: is it clear that the soil was well prepared, since something like this cannot grow out of the blue, as fascist signs and symbols persistently remind us of. wolf hook.
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in 1866, a boy named hermann lons was born in prussia. father is a teacher, mother is a housewife, the family is decent, but from the very beginning at first everything went wrong for the guy. he was a frail, withdrawn and unsociable child for whom learning was not easy. although he was not at all mediocre. young herman preferred idleness to work and hunting to study. as an adult, herman was unable to graduate from any of the three universities where he tried to study. but he became interested in strong drinks, the vapors of which he enjoyed. with such life introductions
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, lens had one path, to journalism, he went there, and in his free time he began writing the novel “the werewolf,” which was published in 1910, the reader immediately fell in love with it. the book tells the story of german peasant detachments fighting against german marauders, former soldiers, participants in the thirty years' war. according to the plot, hordes of bandits attack defenseless german villages, rob, rape, kill residents and no one can deal with them. the main character, the peasant harmwulf, loses his family
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during one of these raids and decides to become the commander of a squad of avengers, and as his sign he chooses the wolfsangel rune, a wolf hook, which makes him not quite modern only by the exorbitant cruelty, the hero does not have any of these barriers, his bloodthirstiness is without... this rune is firmly attached to the german identity. 74 of the 86 free german cities placed the wolfangel rune on their coat of arms. gradually, the rune began to mean military valor. later, the symbol began to be associated with the traditional german pastime of fishing. with the help of a hook, so the hook gained a connection with the wolf and
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the image was created that inspired lens to write a novel. by 1933 , the total circulation of the novel. reached 2.5 million copies, while the circulation of meinkampf adolf hitler at that time numbered only a million copies, despite all the popularity of a. germany, he rushed into a bayonet attack, but 20 seconds later he was shot in the back by his own comrades, on purpose or by accident, no one knows.
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subsequently, the nazis made hermann löns national. his novel was published annually by 1966, the total circulation reached a record 7.5 million copies, now the count is lost. hitler not only appreciated, but loved.
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the ss troops had several divisions with a wolf hook on their emblem, for example, the second division ss dasreich, which burned the french alive, and the 4th ss police division, which bayoneted babies and cut off the heads of their mothers. the wolfangel rune appeared on the coat of arms of the main charitable organization of the reich, the national socialist service. the azov battalion is very fond of the wolf hook today, under this sign the ukrainian nazis are recruiting volunteers and collecting donations in europe, along the way they put the wolf hook on chevrons, use it for tattoos
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of all sorts of fascist merch, and it is unknown do they know anything about the history of this symbol? the hook path from germany to azov was paved by the social-national party of ukraine, from where the symbol ended up in the emblem of the neo-nazi paramilitary organization patriot of ukraine, conceived as a military order, and only then migrated to the symbolism of azov. more than one generation of murderers has grown up on lens’s novel .
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rather than christianity, but why did we end up with christianity with its meekness and spinelessness? adolf gitler. adolf hitler was born in 1889 in a small town on the very outskirts of austria-hungary. the name hitler had nothing to do with the baby.
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in a word, the boy’s ancestors could well have been the heat of the gypsies, which inspired the young aryan maiden to have extramarital intercourse, because it was not for nothing that hitler adored gypsy music. map. get rid of guardianship. the version of adolf’s genetic origin is also supported by the fact that in childhood he excelled only in drawing and singing. and physical education, and the career of an official, which his father read to him, aroused deep disgust in him, which is why they had constant conflicts. when adolf
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turned 13, his father died, which gave the boy a chance to realize his artistic talents. ta: go bohemian! having changed several schools, young adolf went to vienna, the bahamian capital of europe, to study as an artist. at the age of 17, he plunged headlong into bohemian life, sporting a foppish mustache, black coat and hat. and most importantly, an ivory-topped cane, the necessary attributes of a fashionable
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young man of that era. his mother and aunt gave him money, which allowed adolf to lead a dandy lifestyle, drink and smoke in his... did not work out, he was not accepted into the vienna academy of fine arts, but adolf did not lose faith in himself, he decided that at worst
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he would become an architect. let us note that he had no political ambitions in those years. map "look for a way out." after the death of his mother , money became difficult, and after another failure to enter the academy of arts, the poor fellow found himself homeless. at the age of 21, hitler spent the night in rooming houses, cleared snow on the streets, and carried suitcases at vienna train stations. thanks to the money that my aunt kept sending, he bought it.
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i am very happy. card go to war. in august 1914, after war was declared, hitler signed up to volunteer because it was fashionable. he served mainly as a courier, but during his years of service he received two pieces of iron. cross. unlike his colleagues, adolf did not drink, did not smoke, and did not visit women.
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"get a chance" card. meanwhile , a revolution occurred in germany, which hitler found in the hospital, half-blind after a gas attack, when it was announced in the ward that the kaiser was going to abdicate the throne, and now there would be a republic in the country, hitler fell into rage, what happened to him. real hysteria, on the basis of which psychiatrists subsequently gave him various diagnoses. after the war, adolf remained in the army because
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he had no choice... he did not get involved in politics and did not show himself in any way, but it so happened that his army chief instructed him to propagate anti-communist views among his colleagues. speaking to the soldiers, hitler suddenly discovered that he had the gift of persuasion and that the audience ... listened to him. as for views, he picked up them from his history teacher at school. ideas of pan-germanism, in vienna, from the then popular mayor of vienna, karl lueger, he borrowed ardent anti-semitism, and he carried all this to the people.
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pan-germanism and anti-semitism at the time hitler was growing up were already clearly manifested in all areas of german life. supporters of the priority of the german nation drew scientific support from various kinds of anthropologists, and they relied on the work of linguists who were still in the middle. centuries discovered that all the languages ​​known to the world originate from one source. on this basis arose a mass of theories about a single pro-people, pro-religion and proculture. the ancient pro-people began to be called aryans in everyday life, and supporters of the theory of their
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existence. the europeans, who at that time had conquered vast overseas territories, were convinced that they were the direct descendants of exceptional, correct people; the anglo-saxons and the french were most zealous in this matter. at the forefront of the hierarchical theory was the englishman huston stuart chamberlain, but the ground had already been prepared by joseph gabenot, who in the first half of the 19th century wrote that human races are not equal and that the french aristocracy
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happened. from the german conquerors, and her task was to lead the less advanced halomaniac french, another french arianist, georges belapouget, who back in 1902 was recognized by the french scientific community as a complete charlatan, significantly influenced german nazism. this expert on the human race argued that blondes are the superior race, brunettes are complete mediocrity, and he also came up with measuring skulls in order to judge intelligence by their size. since the nazi elite did not fit into the community of high blue-eyed blonds, unlike, say, the slavs, ulapuzha, the nazis borrowed only technology. skulls, as for
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the german contribution to arianism, pan-germanism, one of the coolest dreamers on this topic was hans hörbiger, a talented engineer who, suddenly, out of the blue, gave birth to an anti-scientific theory of world ice, the nazis liked it so much that later they took me away. the role of your chief physicist. according to his theory, the solar system was formed as a result of the collision of a supersun with cosmic ice. the fight between ice and flame was accompanied by natural disasters because... there were four icy
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moons and three fell to the ground, which each time caused a flood and the reset of civilization. the last moon must also fall, for according to herbinger, this is what john the theologian predicted. the true proto-people in this context were the swastika children of the sun, that is, the proto-germans, and russia turned out to be the birthplace of eternal ice in this plot, which must be defeated. there were other successful german dreamers, for example, guido von list. this history buff is fascinated by writing ancient germans and became an interpreter
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of various runes. as a result of his research , he also came to the conclusion that long before rome there was an ancient ario-germanic culture that practiced a cult. list viewed the entire christian period in german history as an era of decline and oblivion of the true faith, and now we have to return to it. in other words, the picture of the world, which formed the basis of the idea of ​​german exceptionalism, was in no way inferior to hollywood in its fantasticness, while also being of aryan origin.
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tyr had only one arm, so the germans first, they cut off the right hand of the defeated romans, and only then pierced their skull. from
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severed roman hands they made mounds, often in the form of the odl rune, which was a symbol of the god of war, tyr. later in the viking age, the scandinavians. made the odol rune their main sign, under which they successfully pirated in the baltic and mediterranean. however, completely different stories are associated with this rune. two good people got married in germany, otta hampel and elisa lemme. the hampel couple really wanted children, they dreamed of fulfilling hitler’s behest and increasing aryan race. until a certain point. that both firmly believed in the ideas of national socialism. otto was a member of the national socialist workers' party, and elisa was a member of the national socialist women's organization. and everything was fine until elisa
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got a job as a chambermaid for the doctor of the sachsenhausen concentration camp, hans heidl, and otto became his personal driver. and then the terrible truth was revealed to the hampel couple. a man whose profession is to save and heal was engaged in inflicting serious injuries on young concentration camp prisoners, children 7-11 years old. this doctor implanted metal fragments, glass, rusty nails, wood chips, dirt, and animal corpses into the bodies of children in order to study the development of infectious diseases that develop during injury. he did this in order to, through his brutal experiments, identify the optimal methods for treating severe wounds. behind every form he filled out for a medical experiment was the painful
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death of a child, and there were many such children tortured by a sadistic doctor. the hampels were shocked to the core by the horrors they saw. and this... changed their understanding of what was happening, both took the path of struggle. parahampels began to draw postcards calling on them to refuse any kind of cooperation with the nazis. each of these cards had the odol rune inscribed on it as a symbol of resistance. since september 1940, the couple wrote more than 200 postcards.
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the hampeli spouses were brought
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to the gestapa by vigilant berliners, which is why both were captured so quickly. just at the time when hampel was captured, it was formed. 7th ss volunteer division, prince eugene. she was named in honor of prince eugene savoy, who participated in the liberation of belgrade from the turks during the austro-turkish war. the division was the absolute champion at burning villagers alive. in total, she destroyed more than 600 people with flamethrower fire. soldier.
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in march 1945, he was awarded the highest award with oak leaves by nazi germany, and after surrendering to american captivity he settled in hamburg. in 1951, koum founded the former mutual aid society.
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the army authorities appreciated the talent of the newly minted agitator and adolf was sent to engage in propaganda outside the army contingent, more precisely, to the far-right german workers' party, of which he became a member for this purpose. time. worked for him. card become a boss. soon the party was reformatted into the national socialist german workers' party. by may 1921, hitler had already become the leader of the party. map find style.
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in the early twenties , hitler's appearance finally took shape. mustaches have become even more fashionable in the shape of a toothbrush. such mustaches were popular among bohemians thanks to. charlie chaplin and other fashionable show business figures. hitler complemented his fashionable mustache with side bangs. the image became. in the summer of 1922, as a result of yet another public appearance, hitler was taken into
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custody for violating public order. the conclusion did not cool his ardor. but it only inflamed my ambitions. after musalini's successful campaign against rome, hitler decided to follow his example to establish control first over bavaria and then over berlin. to begin with, the future fuhrer decided to take hostage members of the bavarian government during their speech in the beer hall, burgher breukeller. but the police worked properly, the puchis were dispersed, and hitler was wounded and taken into custody again. this time he was charged with treason and faced a serious sentence, but hitler skillfully used the trial to demonstrate his
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talents as a tribune. the conspirator was sentenced to only five years in prison, which seemed to the public to be too harsh a punishment. because in her opinion, adolf’s thoughts were pure. hitler sat in royal conditions, received walkers, his cell was equipped as an office, where he began to write his work main kampf, although he was a little over thirty at that time, that is, the time for summing up was not the best. in the process of imprisonment, adolf finally believed that he was a sacred figure and began to retrospectively polish his biography, rewriting small details of his past. in prison he had the opportunity to improve
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his cultural level. hitler voraciously read friedrich nietzsche and karl marx, and of course, the memoirs of otto von bismarck. all this, as the future showed, did not go well. the ability to read does not imply the ability to understand, read. hitler was released under public pressure just 9 months after the verdict was announced. an interesting record from that period has been preserved in the depths of the french intelligence services. they call hitler a journalist, qualify him as a german mussolini, and note that he is a puppet of those in power, but a clever demagogue. skip card. upon leaving
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prison, hitler found himself deprived of his main resource - the right to speak in public. for lack of anything better, he took it. for the reorganization of his party, it was then that ss units were created from his stormtroopers, a purge began within the party; hitler alienated all his potential competitors and brought his loyal ones closer. the salute to hal hitler becomes obligatory even in his absence. the youth organization of the party began to bear his name, the cult of personality and the sacralization of the image of hitler. were gaining momentum, well, the most curious thing was that hitler believed in himself, just like his fans, later his behavior was interpreted as a cunning plan, but in fact the role made the man, and he played his role from the heart, and not
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from great intelligence . map, wait a moment. gradually , right-wing forces began to group around hitler, he himself became more respectable, because after being in prison, he decided to henceforth go to power through the legal route, and this path required patience. in 1925 , marshall hindenburg was elected president of the republic, but by the end of the twenties a global economic crisis broke out, which led to collapse. economy, which sharply strengthened the position of nationally oriented groups. shortly before the start
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of the crisis, which played into hitler’s hands, another significant event occurred for him. he met eva braun, who later became his wife. there were only three women in hitler’s life; no one really knew anything about them during the fuhrer’s life. hitler wanted to remain vacant, and motivated this by the fact that his destiny was germany. until the start of the war, he was available to the lustful crowd, he walked around berlin along the same routes, at the same time, and he could be approached. he behaved modestly, which is exactly how the englishwoman unity mitford tracked him down,
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she just came up on the street and met him. just as easily he met eva braun. i looked into a friend's photo studio. for the next 15 years she was his companion, but supposedly at a distance. she did not have official status for a long time. how hitler's relationship with the female sex was built was subsequently restored bit by bit, but the details are still unknown. the recollections of witnesses contradict each other too much. yes, only one thing is truly known: all of
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hitler’s women attempted suicide. it started with his niece gelli, angela maria raubal. she lived with him in the same apartment for many years, being much younger his. no one knew exactly what kind of relationship they had, but he strictly controlled her, and at the age of 23 she committed suicide. hitler was deeply shocked by this event. eva braun tried to commit suicide twice because the years passed and she could not get the reciprocity she was counting on. the first time she just wanted to attract attention, the second time she lost her temper because of the young british woman. unity mitford. unity itself committed suicide
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when great britain entered the war with germany. and the poor thing had to choose between homeland and the fuhrer. she chose suicide. note that his beloved germany , because of her great love for her fuhrer, committed suicide and died slowly in agony.
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until the very end of his life, hitler was in the image of a lonely hero, as befits the romantic leader he imagined himself to be, and there was a misogynistic nuance to this, also fashionable in those days. to be known as loving, like musolini or mosley. hitler didn’t want to, so he stayed away from women, devoting all his mental strength to his career.
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18% of the vote and became the second parliamentary party, which was an unprecedented success for her. card ahead. by may 1932
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, gendenburg refused, then hitler put forward his candidacy for the next presidential election. his presidential campaign was innovative. the nationalist leader moved around the country by plane, which no one had done before, and goebbels skillfully used this for propaganda purposes. the inscriptions on the election posters read führer. soars over germany. hendenburg was re-elected with great difficulty, but nevertheless, the national socialists became seriously stronger. in in 1932 they had already become the most popular party in germany. card: skip the turn. but
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achieve it. success is not the same as keeping it. due to the lack of a sane program, the national socialist party lost 2 million supporters in six months. newspapers began to publish caricatures of hitler. and the famous french statesman leon blum said that hitler’s road to power was forever closed. the experts, as usual, did not see the obvious. card: take action. in january 1933 , through intrigue, hitler finally received chancellor's place. he was supported by the right, who naively believed that they could control the failed artist. hindenburg also considered hitler’s successes
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to be accidental and called him out on his back. a pathetic baghem corporal who, at best , could cope with the leadership of the post office, but luck was with the fuhrer: on february 27 , someone set fire to the reichstag building, which hitler skillfully took advantage of. in march, at the tomb of the king of prussia, frederick ii, hitler announced the beginning of the third reich and promised the country a thousand years of prosperity. germanic inspired parliament almost unanimously voted to transfer to hitler unlimited powers for a period of 4 years. immediately after this , the first concentration camp for enemies of the regime was opened in dachau. in may of the same year , harmful books began to be burned in squares, including marx, which hitler
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read with such enthusiasm in prison after the beer hall putsch. and in july , hitler’s party had already become the only one in the country, against the backdrop of the forced dissolution of all non-nazi political organizations, to gain 92% of the votes in the next elections. in june 1934 the night of long knives was held.
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according to the constitution of the weimer republic, hitler, as chancellor became acting president, voted on the same day to combine the two positions. hitler received unlimited power. his further biography is the history of germany. hitler went to the east and smashed his country against the ussr. fascist europe to the very end in everything. supported hitler when a series of jewish pogroms swept through germany in november 1938,
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which went down in history as crystal night, europe remained silent. back in july , an international conference dedicated to the jewish question was held in france, at which the countries of latin america, europe, as well as australia and the united states, refused to accept jewish refugees. it was directly stated there. none of the countries participating in the conference disputes the right of the german government to take legislative action against some. their citizens, and this was the verdict, the st. louis liner sailing from hamburg in 1939 with jews on board was not accepted in the usa, canada,
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the dominican republic, chile, argentina, venezuela, colombia, paraguay and even cuba, and this was the case with all the courts with jewish refugees, they were sent back to their executioners. and it is not surprising that almost all of these countries subsequently hosted nazi criminals and helped them start a new life. marvelous.
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suddenly blossomed so magnificently on orthodox soil that was completely unsuitable for this, a topic for separate careful consideration.
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hello, dear friends, everything is unusual today, but the most unusual thing, of course, is you, my dear viewer, you are full as always surprises, well, today we will try to be a match for you, this is a fantastic beauty, this is alice, her last name is ten, this is a person who has an interesting name, here is rust, posyumsky, and the full name, the full name is rustik. yes, well, it’s just somehow strange
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to write rustic on posters, so rustic, rustic. please tell us what you have in your hands? this is the viola da gamba, it is the predecessor of the velancheli, but at the same time it is an instrument of a different family, that is, velancheli are instruments of the violin family, and these are instruments of the lute family, that is, the lute - these are the closest relatives, in fact it is a bowed lute, the queen of baroque and its heyday falls precisely on the 16th-18th centuries, seven strings, seven strings, it’s like a guitar. well, yes, something similar, so when you play a pizzeria, it will sound different than it would on a veloncha, yes, absolutely, on it the chord technique is widespread even with a sword, there are frets for this, so that you can - to build chords, and yes, they played it with a sliver and a lot, and this was called a technique called viola damana, that is, finger viola, uh-huh, no, we now we’ll ask more about this one.
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the instrument, because we are seeing it for the first time, we will also ask you what this music is, finally , the last thing is not meaning, how could you, you know, drag such a young lady into the middle ages, in fact, i began to play the instrument , because i decided to sing baroque, in general i’m a singer, i sang different music, i sing, and i studied jazz and... indian music, classical, oh, then i collaborated a lot with classical musicians, but just at the junction, that is, when need some jazz vocals in academic music or ethnic vocals, there’s always something at the intersection, because i’m not deeply rooted in any genre and try different ones, and then i met rustic and other traditional musicians.
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why am i bringing everyone here, gaining weight and losing fur, why are there tears of laughter in me, the light in my window alone, like a sin, from the fact that i, it’s me, from that... inevitably melting,
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serene in me , words for sleep, infinitely tender, like water, infinitely alive, like fire, eternal, like our misfortune with you, like the palm of your hand empty. for some reason you were locked inside yourself, they promised clowns and a parade, they punished you and took you home, they said, no one is welcome here, and now i’ll bring everyone here. i gain weight and
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lose fur, for that i too, for the sun to melt the snow, for you and i, your amulet, your invisible, whimsical shore and the bottom of your rivers.
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pourquoi donse sombre ces jours mais vous, mai vivos avant laurare, venez-vous à moncur à nos. c'est le retour de charmant où que j'adore perquè don rasignal d'asse sombre
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seijo me vivos me vemos avant la views, including on love, where did you get it viola dogambo, it’s not for sale anywhere, it’s for sale, what do you mean, we should probably order it, and the master will make it for 2 years , that’s what happened with this viola, the master literally made it for 2 years, it’s a maple, as far as i’m concerned i know, the top is
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a resonating spruce, spruce, maple, in my opinion, these are the edges, the fretboard, of course there should be ebonite, but no, here it is ebony, and here it is, well, let’s say, a simpler option. yes, to be honest, i don’t even know what kind of wood it is, but it’s quite strong. it took you a long time to study viola yes gamba? i’m still in the process, but i’ve been playing for four, four years, and i’ve infected this russianism, yes, with this, yes, it’s contagious, after all, besides rusn, no one else teaches this medieval instrument, yes, where did you find the tablature, where did you find the lessons? well, let's just say i've just been doing baroque for quite a long time. and in general old music, and initially i was a violinist, violist, uh, it was in this capacity that i began to study early music, well, early music, in fact, is a fairly broad concept, folk was included there, who played the fiddle, then i played the middle ages in laterna magica are quite...


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