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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 14, 2024 1:05am-1:51am MSK

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the soundboard is a resonating spruce maple, in my opinion, it's a beech, the fretboard, of course, should be ebonite, but no, here it's ebony, and here it's, well, let's say, a simpler option, yes, this is, frankly speaking, even i don’t know what kind of tree this is, but it’s strong enough, you had to study it for a long time - viola to gambu, well, i’m still in the process, well, i’ve been playing for four, four years, and i infected this birth, yes with this, yes, it’s contagious, more after all... except rusn, no one teaches this medieval instrument, right? where did you find it tablature, where did you find the lessons? well, let’s just say, i’ve just been involved in baroque and old music in general for quite a long time, and initially i’m a violinist violist, it was in this capacity that i began to study early music, well, early music is actually a fairly broad concept, and that included the fulk, who played the fiddle, then i played the middle ages in the magic latern quite a bit.
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the ensemble was famous, and at some point this crooked old music led me to this instrument. the first 3 years i studied on my own, well, because in fact it is possible, because the instrument itself suggests, and the music suggests, but of course i lacked some purely technical knowledge from the native speaker, so to speak, and i was lucky because vittoria gehelmi, a famous european violist , came to russia , that’s the name of the viol player de gamba, yes violist yes. here is a violist who played for many years in jaradina armonica, also not the latest in ensemble music, frankly speaking, so he and i had to play a concert, i’m very i was worried because he was like a recognized master of the viol, and by that time i had been playing for 3-4 years and we were supposed to play in the small hall of the philharmonic in st. petersburg, everything worked out, everything was fine, and moreover, the man himself turned out to be absolutely amazing , vitorius, he, that is, those few lessons in general that... i had with him, he
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tried as much as possible during this time to give me some kind of knowledge with which i could further do something myself do. what's the dagambo in the name? viola is apparently a big violin, and gamba, what is it? dagamba - these are legs, that is, the viola dagamba is a foot viola. well then, let's continue to enjoy your art. the night captivated me with its brow, and the morning unraveled me to fight evil, the day was skin deep, like a friend hugged me, and then the evening, as if it didn’t recognize me right away , the night captivated, sailed like a dashing canoe, not to overcome what in its turn, not to drag everything away , that...
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that night reigns on earth, the fire was dozing in the hall, the morning flared up with dry fire, it’s time, it’s already as bright as day, well, get up, go and drink water, and don’t feel sorry for yourself and don’t spill the water, skin day, whispered to me, he’s like a deer with... he ran through the eight thicket of the wire, a pack of wild barks about you and me, as if it didn’t happen by chance that even he, no longer he at all, is no longer young, the sky will dry out the slope, the sunset the darkness is filled with ashes, and is not visible, it becomes a prison, captivated. the night embraced me with its brow, and the morning
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unraveled me to fight evil, each day, like a friend, hugged me, and the evening, as if it didn’t immediately recognize, captivated the night. and this is the first anthropology podcast, our guests are alisa tan and rus pazyumsky. why did viola damba captivate you, alice? well initially i wanted to understand the style, probably of baroque singing. and she began to play the violi, baroque music, well.
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it was easier for me through the instrument, it turned out that singing, it’s just something very extroverted for me, here you just sit with the instrument and you can just play it all day long and nothing, no one... is needed, very interesting, in general, how it is built, just like a guitar, yes, this is e, yes, it looks like, well, this is d a, e, c g, d a, judging by the impression we can get of frilly music, based on your songs, we can conclude the first thing, in the frilly song there is no cycle, the chorus is not repeated, as it would be in other songs, too. we won’t immediately find where the typical structure is, the chorus, the verse, as you already said, the chorus and the bridge, the bridge, there’s nothing like that, apparently a boroch song is a monologue about that mile-long feeling, yes, probably, but in general in fact, song and
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poetic forms, respectively, they were very different in baroque, including a verse for the chorus, too, this is probably generally the oldest poetic form is rondo, that is... a repeating refrain and a changing episode, but at the same time in baroka there is, for example, an aria, such a concept as an arya, which can be great, maybe there is no verse and chorus, but there is the so-called dokapa, which means hat, is a form, when the first part, the second contrasting part returns to the first part, there are a lot of these forms, and this is rather what i’m trying to do with songs in russian, these new, convey as soon as possible spirit, the spirit is very definite, i don’t know how to describe it exactly in words, they don’t look like beards at all, look, in russian, yes, yes, no, they resemble something, but the shape is not exactly the same, as if one can guess exactly exact correspondence, that is, this is not
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stylization as such, but rather this is just some kind of general, i don’t know, feeling, the vocal business has its own characteristics in the baroque genre, of course, there are, but since this is a tradition that, well not like indian music, yes, that is, it is impossible to listen to the native speaker, but it has been very modernized, then there was opera, there was a completely different music - romanticism, that is, these are direct heirs, but there are a lot of things, there was a very active, vibrant cultural life, someone thinks that we need to look, maybe even for roots in north africa , this is the baroque that has been preserved there.
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the fire is burning, its light is calling, its heat is trembling, and the ship is sailing, the captain is silent, the goalkeeper is involved in his goal, the goal has not yet been scored. we will be lucky, my beloved is running, my beloved is coming.
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he walks along the waves, through the tall grass, i didn’t believe the dream, but i saw the light, the fire was burning, roars, its heat trembles, and the ship sails.
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where can you be heard, is this in demand today in moscow, in russia? well, in any case, this is much more in demand than it was, for example, 20 years ago in moscow, thanks to the fact that there is a department of old music at the conservatory, this is actually the only city in russia where there is a department of old music, thanks to this there is, for example, there are a lot of good clavicinists, there is no such thing anymore, probably not in any city in russia, that is, in st. petersburg, well, there is one too harpsichordists, someone who studied in germany, someone who studied with those who studied in germany, but... in any case, these are rare people who study, and that they play the harpsichord differently than the piano in general,
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absolutely yes, what can you say, and well, this is due to the fact that this is not a hammer, but a piece of wood, yes, this is due to the fact that on the harpsichord there are actually no different dynamics of the piano, everything is done with time, then in ancient music, there were things are quite formal in the sense that the text was not perceived as a text that needed to play accurately has always been the stake. in this there is always a performer, especially a harpsichordist, because a harpsichordist who plays, for example, accompanies a solo instrument, he has a bass voice and numbers written down, that is , he doesn’t have exactly what needs to be played written down, it’s a chord that needs to be built from the main note, and how he builds it, he can build it in a narrow arrangement, in a wide one, or the bass here, and the rest at the top, and these are different colors, and it depends on the performer, on how he feels, how he sees, how he contacts the soloist, for example, borok is compared to jazz, also with jazz, yes, because people who are engaged
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in historical performance, in principle, they must necessarily improvise. plus , in general, what i like about old music is that the notes, for example, the baroque text, are not an indication of where you need to put your finger, where to pinch it, there is a story with a bag there and hold it for so and so long, this was literally perceived as meaning like graphics, like drawing, it’s, let’s say, a journey. sound object in space when we we fly up, we really seem to be rising, and the interpretation option is how we rise, we can rise heavily or take off, that is, a downward movement is always a downward movement, it is a jump or a jump or a smooth movement, this is exactly what alice what fascinated me the most was, yes, here, because after all, he’s a jazz singer, well, i wouldn’t say that, but you studied ragas, and yeah, yeah, here you are on the scoreboard. this is the art of raga, well, it’s just that everyone who sings in india plays the
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tabla, everyone who plays the tabla, they sing there you’re just universal, in principle, yes, yes, yes, but i haven’t seen women playing the taraban, i hope you, of course, this is not a female instrument, the viola is also not the most female instrument, that is, it is still quite powerful, especially to play with a bag and so on, and this is also a large model, this is a beretran, but such a master lived. at the turn of the 17th century , in fact, this semester model is named after his name bertrand, yes, and there was also a so -called female bertrand - this is a colechon, this is another master who made smaller instruments, they also have seven strings rosette wow, it seems to me ruts that this is a very feminine instrument because at least the way you play it, the way alisa plays it, it suits her very well no no, first of all, it’s a gentle plucking, not just an arpeggiu, you understand then, of course, with the voice. it’s very harmonious, i really like how the bow adds a cantilena sound, so continuous that
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it’s very harmonious, it’s very feminine, in my opinion, that’s how you imagine it, if only there was a palace, and even the midnight soda-boy would sing , alice is sitting somewhere, playing , and you you confess your love for some lady, or you also invite her to go to the tax office, this is of course very good, we need to release some kind of record like this for going to the tax office, i had to work for a personal name... one of our viewers now maybe he started a date with our sounds, but this way we will help him.
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the sky lies on the ground, runs, sweeps, covers the bed, sleep until you are happy enough. an underfed snail, once not torture and two, not torture, once. with a non-torture and two non-tortures, the hands of the trees, stretched up, questioning the gods, everything there is laughter, laughter filling everything, under the snow there is earth, under the earth there is water, under the water there is a bottom, something
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is black to me, something is not stolen. the sky lies on the ground, runs, sweeps, makes the bed. sleep until i'm happy, dear.
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this is how the music sounded before... it was mixed with rhythms that came from africa through slavery in america and from the arabs. of course, today it’s already difficult for us to imagine such music, but you know, probably the muscle memory of humanity is being recreated, yes indeed, look, this is the same feeling as they are, and this anthropology podcast on... our guests are alisa ten and rus pazyumsky, well, in the cinema, for example, you are invited to work, just some offers to work in the cinema, no, in a sense i’m even a little happy about this, because i’m free, well, that is , there’s no director above me, for example, or anyone else, that’s basically what i came up with, it’s like it’s there, but that’s okay, the record
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will be released again, but we have there will be a record coming out soon, i think it’s worth mentioning. well, as is now accepted, but they think that these are viols, gut string, vinyl, this is like materials, why do you call these strings fat, they are veined, veined, and veined, uh, veined, because in fact, these are sheep, they are quite alive, they also get upset by moisture, light, heat, this, this it’s not very comfortable, but they have this
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characteristic sound that i love dearly, with that crispy sound. or there was enough overall drama and i don’t know tragedy and some kind of crazy courage there and such and in the french spirit and or in the spirit , for example, like telemann with the bang of german student societies, this is so pretty violent behavior violently well, yes, he was an angry man, he worked in the church and because of
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this he often had to butt heads with the church authorities, let’s say. and his moves are also explained by the fact that things didn’t always work out, he was quarrelsome, yes, yes, he was by no means quarrelsome, very interesting, this of course should still amaze us, but why such a young, beautiful girl like alice ten , plunged into the affairs of bygone days, what doesn’t she like, is it our stream that we are all bathing in now, or after all, this alice needs... time-tested, which means real emotions, feelings, actions, yes, well, this is rather a source of strength, in general, i started singing because of indian music. that is, it gave me support, but it’s generally an endless source of inspiration, they have an amazing vocal school, there’s just
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a quarter tone there, well, there are amazing singers, they’re just completely technical, it seems to me, but besides that there’s some kind of meaning that enclosed in ragas, in peni irags and in general in... life led to the baroque as well as to the source of this information about european music is already more recent, but it seems to me
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that it is contained there, but about singing it is not always clear, it seems to me that it can be interpreted very differently when you play the viol, because it’s just how the music is written based on how it sounds instrument, and it already has some kind of sound, that is, i can sing with different voices, it could be... there for some big holidays, these were large orders or small orders, a salon party, and somehow people survived, got by in this, in fact, the same way as now it was like that, well, the russian is trying
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to prove this using the example of his life, and he feels, it seems to me, like a frilly musician, and he just writes music for orders, sometimes on different topics, but it’s like viols for many viols, for two viol, for one viol, songs, some, well, i would say that they are very... they could, in principle , be played in a different arrangement altogether, but no, that means courtly ari, as it were, while i it’s not that i’m deprived of a part of my brain there, let’s say, and i only have the one that’s there is responsible for the memory of the 17th-18th century, that is, i understand what is happening in general, it is clear that i have the whole background there, well, just like a modern person has, in principle, there is jazz, and rock, and some... then modern music. than in the sense there, well , let’s say, electronic, not that i listen to it, but i hear it, of course, so all this also somehow ends up here in the end, in my opinion this is good, because i don’t want to,
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for it to be a museum, i want it to be something that can be used now, well, you were just lucky to meet alice, who, of course, put her rich voice at the service of these tasks, it turned out very harmoniously, in my opinion, we are looking forward to this vinyl record, let me thank you... for your attention, we say goodbye to you, we need to ask our friends to remember some song from our meeting today.
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i don't know the name of you, you, you, you don't know the name of me, me. at me, look into my eyes suddenly, you will know the name, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me,
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i kiss the night on the lips, i kiss the day on the lips, i kiss the light on the lips. kiss the shadow on the lips, look into the eyes suddenly, you will know the name, me, me, me, me, me, me, me,
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me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me!
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hello friends, this is the chronicle podcast. the end of times and me, evgeniy dodolev. let me remind you that in this podcast i talk about my experience as a reporter and about all sorts of stories that happened precisely during the period of the so -called end of times, during perestroika and the early nineties. and today i will tell you about kidnapping. kidnapping is the original abduction of children, because kid is a child in english. but in principle, kidnapping simply refers to
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the kidnapping of people for ransom and... were based on an acquaintance with the film by leonid gaidai, which was called business people, this is a film adaptation about henry, one of the three short stories told about two american swindlers who kidnapped a child from a wealthy city dweller , and this child turned out to be such a tomboy, as a result they were ready to return him first for free, and then even
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i came so unencumbered, firstly with professional education, and secondly with a store of knowledge about all the taboos and prohibitions, then i... and it so happened that i was the first to write about the first to the soviet press to write about soviet prostitution, so about the abduction of children, because for me kidnapping has always been the abduction of children, although we will talk about the fact that adults are kidnapped there too, i relatively recently met with lyova novozhonov and lyoba, olev yurievich, told me how in general.
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inherent, but i repeat, i did not know that any topics, they were simply taboo, it was the end of times, that is, the already established system of ageprop and media was collapsing, gorbachev said that everything that is not prohibited is allowed,
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in fact i thought, why not write there about that, about this, the topic of kidnapping arose after my trip to armenia, it was not a business trip, it was just like that... some kind of trip with my friend, there i met relatives of a family that suffered from this kidnapping, two twins were killed there , that is, they kidnapped children for ransom, ransom is not received, and they were killed, i was at this grave, i was completely shocked by this story, why not because the children died, but because... the immediate relatives were involved in the death, there was an uncle and other close relatives, this topic generally made me feel something touched me, i returned to moscow and before, after all, how journalists worked, now i would go there
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and go online, there i would collect all the information in search engines, i would learn a lot of interesting things for myself, but then... i wrote a letter to ministry of internal affairs, i was taken to the person who wrote his dissertation on these child abductions in the soviet union, in particular, was working on this story in armenia, at that time he was working in some volos city, i don’t even remember now, i arranged a business trip, flew to this city, i found his voice recorder. there were no gadgets at all, i didn’t even have a dictaphone, that is, i just had a reporter’s notebook, where i wrote down everything that he told me, and i made this discovery for myself that mostly
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relatives were involved in the abductions of children or family friends or very close relatives, and most often, at least in the soviet union at that time , children were kidnapped for ransom, but i repeat, kidnapping in the current era is simply called kidnapping, as if forcibly moving from a microsociety to another to another place , uh, not always for the sake of money, sometimes in order to force a person there to do something or force his loved ones to do something, in my book of memoirs about the formation of perestroika television.
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he was kidnapped precisely as the leader of the pole project miracles, the attackers kept him there in an apartment so that he would refuse to cooperate. for us, for everyone, in general, arkadivich is such a good-natured showman in a bow tie who pronounces a phrase, there is such a letter in this word, and much fewer people, well, his fans, of course they know that he is a pilot, that’s an airplane, that he traveled during the second chechen campaign in chechnya, he is generally a very courageous person, that is , the attackers who kidnapped were confident that they would resolve the issue there enough within a few hours, as a result they kept him... for several days there were promises, threats, in general, they tried in every possible way
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to put pressure on him, but lentorich showed strength of character, in general, in principle, famous people do not like to talk about the fact that they became victims of this kind of extortion , as a rule, this is exactly extortion, for example, it is still unknown what the kidnappers wanted, who kidnapped jessica alba, the famous actress, she was 15 years old, by the way, she was only, she was later found in the trunk with a gag in her mouth and blindfolded , and it’s still unclear why for her sake, they kidnapped julio and glesius’s father in 1985, the singer himself lived in florida, in miami, his father lived in madrid, uh. he was kidnapped by terrorists from this organization, these are basques, they extorted
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several million there, and the father was released by glestis, there was a group of almost 100 people there, there were 40 from the national guard, about 60 other security officials, that is, there was a fairly big story in the middle the eighties, and jessica alba 10 years later in ninety-six - she was kidnapped, in general , in principle, she was in spain. there's a lot here these high-profile stories of kidnappings, about one of them, which happened in perenei, were even filmed in series, and since this is the border between spain and france, a series was filmed in spain and in france, two girls disappeared there, and it later turned out that the attackers wanted to kidnap only one, this girl was 11 years old, she was blonde, this is quite a rarity. for spain, but by chance a witness
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to this abduction was her friend, with whom she was returning from school, they were going there to along such a mountain path, because it is a small village in the mountains, at the same time her friend was kidnapped, they were kept in a hole for 5 years in such a shelter, equipped in such a shelter, then one of those who was kidnapped, as they say for company. she managed to escape, there they helped her, in general, it was such a very noisy story - there was a story, and this story was not about extortion, that is, very often children are kidnapped for the sake of being used for one purpose or another, sometimes they are kidnapped just for, well, , what is called organs, that’s the story about which i wrote, uh, which happened in armenia, it was such a completely
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textbook case of kidnapping for the sake of ransom for money, and naturally, after each publication that opened one or another verton window, other publications immediately began to write on this topic , i wrote about this story in armenia, i immediately started receiving orders from different editorial offices, and since after my... trip the volovsky city collected invoices, i was in all the major publications, in all the newspapers that are now would have been called federal, before it was called central, there were few of them, you can count on the fingers of your hand, i noted this topic in all of them, i can’t say that it somehow particularly fascinated me, but i was simply losing faith in humanity. publications, that is, with every case that i became acquainted with, my
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mood deteriorated, although in principle it seemed to me that i saw there, saw everything, i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them. we spend our evenings playing board games when i'm with my sister, the main happiness is my family and we say hello to everyone to our grandparents. and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, the health of loved ones makes me happy, not only loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy , i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish everyone
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in it to find their happiness. there are a lot of tv series and films about kidnapping, sometimes they are based on real stories, and sometimes it’s just a film adaptation of this or that specific criminal case, and as experts say, many such cases are simply, well, the public will not know about them, because a ransom is paid, the child is returned...
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which i described, where children were killed simply for edification, moreover, unfortunately, there are cases, often, when a ransom is paid, but the child still does not return to the family, he is killed because he may become a witness, he could hear something, recognize someone, because i will remind you again, most often, this thing is organized by people from the inner circle of victims. i have already mentioned that i myself became a victim of kidnapping, because child abduction has a lot of gradations, there is a concept of family kidnapping, and i was 5 years old when
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my parents divorced, my father worked with opcor in... donbass with a special correspondent of the largest soviet newspaper, the organs of the central committee of the soviet union, and my mother taught at the moscow named institute, and my mother sent me for the summer, she herself is a cossack, from kuban, she sent me to my parents, to my grandparents, to koneskaya village, how i remember now, and i was such a five-year-old cossack, that is, i had a popa, i was riding a horse, everything was my own, there were apricot trees, there were raspberries, there was fish in the river that i caught. in general, in short, she sent me for the summer, and my father, i repeat, was with the opkor in the donbass, he was an official.


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