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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 14, 2024 1:50am-2:35am MSK

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my father worked as a special correspondent in the donbass with a special correspondent for the largest soviet newspaper, the organs of the central committee of the soviet union, and my mother taught at the moscow national institute, and my mother sent me for the summer - she is a cossack herself - from kuban, she sent me to my parents, to grandmother, with grandfather, koniskaya village, as i remember now, and i was a five-year-old cossack there, that is, i had a hat, i rode on a horse, everything was my own, there were obrykot trees, there were raspberries, fish in the river that i caught , in general, in short, she i was sent for the summer, and my father, i repeat, was a special correspondent for the donbass, he was in a service black volga, a black volga, it was very cool, that’s... especially for kuban,
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nevertheless, somehow he arrived unnoticed by the neighbors, he parked a few hundred meters from the house of my grandparents, waited until i went out into the street with something, then he came up to me, of course, he recognized him, surprised him. and offered to buy something for my child there, i don’t know if it’s a machine gun or a plastic dump truck, but i just agreed directly this is what i was like, without documents, without everything, he put me in a car and left for rostov, from rostov we flew to moscow - without
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documents, i just want to point out that the journalist’s id in those years, i still found this the time when i myself received a certificate in 1985, this red crust, that is, when you show this certificate, all the doors open, that is, how he put me on a plane as a child without documents is not clear, actually it’s clear, because he had this one here is a red journalistic hack, and in his editorial office he agreed that he would be sent with a correspondent to kazakhstan, the kazakh ussr, to karaganda, and it was all encrypted, that is, they didn’t tell my mother anything, because well, my mother figured it out, which means , who was behind my disappearance, she understood that i was alive, that is, she was given to understand that everything was in order, but the next time i... saw her
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5 years later, when i was 11, i talked to her in i didn’t remember you at all, there was just some incomprehensible aunt who i cried all the time, and my father’s version was that my mother dumped me, that she had a new man and that she left me, that is, she... sent me to my grandparents, as if from moscow , my mother had a different version, that i just went with me for the summer, well, i went there, like a child, like, well, to a resort with my relatives, like , well, to the village, and that she wasn’t going to leave me, but i grew up i have the feeling that i’m what it’s called, i remember this expression of a piece of parasite, that i am absolutely no one needed. abandoned by my mother, i
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went to school there in karaganda and - school number one, as i remember now, and there everyone was a classmate, a first-grader from my mother, as a rule, they were brought to school and taken from school, from me, since my father was traveling around kazakhstan, he was, i repeat, a special correspondent, that is, he had all sorts of journalists on a business trip, i just went home with a key around my neck and fed me. parents of classmates, neighbors, but in principle i grew up such a completely social child, that is, i actually grew up so moral a freak who believed that no one needed him, even my mother abandoned me, i behaved very badly towards such well-to-do boys, that is, i...
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they would have said there was no such term then, but i have no criminal record it was, but basically i’m saying that i grew up as such an asocial child, i didn’t know that this was kidnapping, that this was kidnapping, this is a very common format when parents kidnap a child, for the sake of selfishness, my father came from the fact that it was better for me, i would not have become a journalist, and i would not be sitting in this studio now and would not be telling you about the end of times. who are you? anastasia morozova, forensic expert. continue, forensic expert morozova. where can i stay at the mortuary? well, in the sense of conducting an examination. and
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in the evening? and in the evening, arhadi, i’m going for a run, ilya asked me not to miss it. ilya, why are you standing there? come on, i found out everything. ilya did not come for this reason. and according to what? bloodhound, new. series tomorrow after the program time i was completely amazed by the information about in the modern situation with this same kidnapping, that in the united states 200,000 children are kidnapped a year, well, with something like 2000, i couldn’t find statistics for our country and... these are not relatives or people from the family, that is, mostly they are kidnapped, as i already said, by people close to the family and more than 60% of children who
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are kidnapped are kidnapped by women who either cannot get pregnant or do not want to walk around with a belly for 9 months, and a child...
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recently, in the past year in kazakhstan they just introduced a norm into the country’s criminal code, where this is condemned, such a norm was already in force last twenty-third year in uzbekistan and in turkmenistan, in my opinion, somewhere else, i don’t remember exactly now, but that is, in central asia and the caucasus this is very common and was even in soviet union and is still practiced today, although often it is just a part. well, you remember how in this film, when the kunaks say: a beautiful custom, it’s just a beautiful custom, that is, by agreement, but different things happen, by the way, in africa, in one of the countries, in ethiopia, where the most beautiful black women live, but i don’t know whether this is connected or not, but in ethiopia
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, bride kidnapping is also very common, sometimes, by the way, it ends. that is, there is revenge, there are all sorts of shootouts, massacres, that is, in general, it’s all quite connected with crime, in addition, kidnapping is practiced, so-called mass kidnappings, this is mainly in africa, they kidnap buses, school children , uh, by some families, groups, in my opinion, the record number of those abducted at one time was about 200 in one of the african countries, where children are kidnapped for the reason that the fact is that a child is, in principle , uh... without brakes, without prohibitions, that is, it is easy to turn a child into a very bloodthirsty
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soldier, devoid of empathy, therefore, since these things are going on there endlessly wars, boys are very often kidnapped there so that they are, as it were , recruited and made into young fighters; at one time, by the way, cambodia, kampuchee, the ponies were kept by these children’s soldiers. that is, young soldiers, they can very easily kill a living person with a shovel and shoot at all without hesitation for a minute, statistics have changed a lot over the last 15 years in the world, if previously the main kidnappings occurred in latin american countries, this is mexico, this is venezuela,
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the implantation of democracy there, in general, this business has begun to flourish, they are kidnapped in mainly foreigners, the countries of the former british indian subcontinent are also in the lead, these are bangladesh, india and pakistan, there are also some direct numbers there - very impressive kidnappings, in africa they also kidnap foreigners, solely for ransom, then is if in countries - uh, where, well, in western countries, relatively speaking, in countries of developed
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democracies, they basically kidnap children in order to, well, have children, that children for the sake of children, or exploit them sexually - then in third world countries, it's mostly just money. there is also such a term as, uh, i don’t know how to translate it, tiygering. well, that is, a literal contract - this is a tiger kidnapping, this is when they kidnap, say, a relative from a person, in films most often this is a bank account some employee or some official is kidnapped, sometimes, by the way, they can even kidnap a beloved pet, or a child, or a beloved wife, or i don’t know , a beloved grandmother, they force a person there, i don’t know, to give up the code from this. or open a safe or help in the commission of some crime,
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threatening death, to a close being, i say that sometimes this, of course, does not fall under the classification of kidnapping, but due to its emotional nature, this is very close, in the criminal codes of different countries different there are punishments for this, in many countries a person... it is proven in court that he was blackmailed, for example, by the murder or torture of a loved one or a pet, then where the jury decides, as a rule, the person is found innocent . this, by the way, is also used by criminals, because sometimes pseudo-
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hering is committed, that is, the person himself organizes this or that scheme, and cases of exposure are insured by the fact that he was blackmailed, a separate story of course, if i have already mentioned, false cookies, this is also a separate story, very often becomes the plot of the same... tv series and films, these are fake kidnappings, when people seem to organize the kidnapping of themselves or...
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john polgety, a billionaire and tycoon, was kidnapped from his grandson, demanded 3 million dollars, this is a large sum for the early seventies, this is not another 3 million, it was very, very serious money, but not for him, i repeat, he was the richest man on the planet at that time, and he refused to pay, he said , well, he doesn’t care will he pay, the kidnappers cut off his ear, realizing that...
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part of the amount was to be allocated, and part of it was given to his son, that is, to his father, to his grandson in debt at a substantial interest rate, well, that is, he figured out how much he could pay him, and i lent him money for ransom, but i must say that life did not work out for the kidnapped person, of course, because he was tortured, he was kept there in not the best conditions, well, his ear was cut off at the age of 25, then he had a heart attack, in my opinion or stroke, i don’t remember now, i always confuse it, this is in general and it was quite early passed away at age, that is, he was paralyzed, that is, his life was actually
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broken, of course, these stories always amaze me, when these... you remember, yes, this skopinsky maniac, and this story, it is very reminiscent of that story in the pereneas, that is, when girls are kept for years in some kind of pit, how these people can later be free, i don’t understand at all, that is, i can’t wrap my head around it, because this is actually murder, that is, when a girl is kidnapped there, she is raped there... here she is destruction of personality, that is, she can even be physiologically in normal shape, she can give birth there, she can walk, she is not blind, she is not paralyzed there, she, well , a person, this actually kills in fact, if we don’t react to these
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things, then the real end of times will simply come, and this... i wouldn’t like it, it was a podcast chronicling the end of times, and i, evgeny dudoleev, told you about my journalistic experience in the field of kidnapping. you can watch all episodes of the podcastlab project on the website of the first channel
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the day comes, the hour comes, and i want to know what will happen tomorrow in a year, with you, with me, when to enter, the sad one, and how not to fall, how to renounce in the soul, ask the shoulders, sadness of past years, find... on i know that the day will come, i know that a bright hour will come when we smile at the world. the world will become beautiful, everything is for us, i know that day will come, i know a bright hour will come when
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the world will smile and everything will become beautiful, everything is for us. the shadow of sadness will dispel away, your smile, it is like the sun and the wind, meets me, let the light of the king will be pure, it is like a dream, may the summer of heat awaken our tenderness. and there are no sales of passions, a change of gray days, i know, that day will come, i know, a bright
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hour will come, when the world will smile and become beautiful, everything for us, i know, that day will come, i know, a bright hour will come, when will smile. for peace and everything will become beautiful for us, do tsu-tsudu. i know the day will come, i know the bright hour will come when the world will smile and
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everything will become beautiful for us, i know the day will come, i know the bright hour will come when the world will smile and everything will become beautiful. hello, this is a podcast 20 years later, its
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host is konstantin mikhailov, my guest today is the rock band lead fog. hi guys. great, great, hello, their hit shot powerfully in the mid-nineties, early nineties, yes, in the middle, in the end, in the middle, in the late nineties, in the late nineties, yes, i know, this one is still played on many radio stations hit straight. because of this, we brought the team together again, because well, the request went back, and that’s why together with the guys, with grisha and sasha, we restored the lead fog, that is, you have such a reunion, my guest is the leader, founder, lyricist, author of music, author of everything, in general the author of the lead fog, dmitry nesterov, yes, everything is correct, well , now there are also co-authors of new songs and new arrangements, these are grisha and sasha lopinkov, and grisha. hello, hello, you are twins, yes, as i understand it, yes, ural peppers, you can tell them apart by their beards, as i understand it, i generally distinguish them, we have known each other for 100 years, therefore,
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therefore, since 2000, since 2000 we have known each other , yes, listen, well, i can’t help but ask a question that you’ve already practically answered, what is happening now, well, there’s just some kind of resonance and interest again, i’m looking at some crazy downloads and listening on the internet . thousands of all sorts of figures, millions, so it became, well, the group became in demand, why don’t you re-upload the clip in good quality, because 480 is the maximum resolution, you know, i don’t have anything, well, yeah, i didn’t save anything, i thought, that i quit music forever, and to be honest, i don’t even remember where in what warehouse did i store all my vytakams all the outcome, then the brothers appeared and shook dima, and what were you doing during this period? then, let’s say, from the late nineties to the present day, well, the 2000s, i was organizing events related to all sorts of political elections, i was preparing
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the field, that is, it was called a social program then. that is, i was preparing people for the arrival of agitators, listen to how it all began, bone, as usual, then in moscow, in all the institutes, i studied at the moscow automobile and road institute, here at the dkk automobile and road institute we did all this there, but most likely we organized and rehearsed there, and then moved, rehearsed at the sokol in the dkmi, it was a cult place then, there was a very popular disco there, yes, minaev, yes, well, there was a lot of interesting things there and... almost a lot of famous groups had already recorded there, there were djs, discos, we performed there with our live discos, it was terrible how everything was mixed up, slow dancing were white, yes, we invited gentlemen, white dance, well, there were slow dances, can you imagine, then it was normal in the middle of a dance set to have a slow dance set, cool, when you decided that you should write music, and that the lyrics come first
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or or music, music?
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and now you’ve split, that’s it, well, you got out of the situation beautifully once, you just took byron’s text, well, yes, but i have it thanks, thanks to my mother, she read me poetry when i was sick, we had a translation yes, in marshak’s parsnip translation, it’s fine, they didn’t read znayka to me on the moon, they didn’t read znayka to me on the moon either, but somehow my mother felt very bad about me, she took it and started reading byron’s poems to me, and i liked it so much, it sank into my soul so much that i i remembered this when i started to come up with it. look for some lyrics, the best text for this music is by byron himself, but i couldn’t come up with it myself, you know, but once i tried it and the rhythm fit, i just got it all right and it turned out to be a song, let’s just go ahead and sing, let’s sing, let's sing.
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in the bustle of the day, i will lose your image, dear, now alone at night, he will return with the same strength, and it is a matter of my pride, in my soul , keep your holy image, among forgetful friends, to be faithful to you. like once upon a time, like
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then, forgive me, sometimes, among strangers, i am laughing and careless, and those empty speeches seem to be forgotten, but don’t believe my words, which threaten you with invective, i don’t want to give it to fools, not even your sigh, not even your glance, i’m so tired of walking and losing
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you. among the nonsense of the years, yes, yes, i saw fire, where there is no fire, and where there was only dawn, just you? you alone don’t give, burn to goodness, while it’s bitter, i want so much, i want to bring you back forever, forever,
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i’m so tired of walking and losing you, among the nonsense there is no, yes, yes, i saw fire where there is no fire , and where there was only the dawn, only you alone don’t give, burn until the end, in a glass of fine wine, i’m so tired, so tired of losing you, i want to return you, i want to return you
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to myself, as once, as once. this is a podcast 20 years later, i am the host konstantin mikhailov, my guests are svintsova and tuman. how did the name come about? oh it was also a disaster, because it was my student years, even after, because it seems like a group, a group, a group, a group, but what
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group, there is no name, so we came up with a huge list of 100 different names, then there were fashionable names from consisting of two words, but i poked, poked, poked, poked, when i got tired of all this, i pointed my finger and it turned out to be leaden. cold romance, i heard something that in the leaden fog, of course, such a tour in the uk happened at the very beginning of my career, but there was such an adventure, but this is not an adventure, in fact, at the end of the soviet union there was a cultural exchange, the ninety-first, and some people from the bbc came here, only they belonged to the irish bbc, i ... a group of white clothes , they performed in chain mail and helmets such real metal class, well, we
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got to england for the first time in this way, and then we got hooked, met different producers, musicians, different people, played a lot of quite concerts in russian, please note, we sang sorry, and they they sang along... but at the concert we ended up with two left, they are szhinovskaya and alena pugacheva, and listen , how are you all yourself, you, you were included in all the radio stations, it turns out it’s just a magic
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torch in one place, you understand a lot of youthful enthusiasm and confidence in victory, everything is wonderful, horror, and now i’m scared what miracles happened in general, what miracles, that’s how you just opened the door with your feet, just how they let you in, i don’t understand how it all worked out, they often asked me, i don’t understand, there wasn't at all nothing, no limits to perfection, you know?
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i know that day will come, has it come? yes, look, we are here, you are here, podcast, everything is fine, 20 years later, we are together again, everything is fine, wonderful channel, wonderful programs, 35 years of the group, yes, 35 years later, well, if this is just the beginning, if so with mine, it turns out even more, 35, that’s 35 from may. the foreigner read his name and surname dima nesterov written in russian as dumas hiktipob, yes he said russian, you are very strange, i say, what’s strange, and i wrote he reads it to him, where he should send it, he reads it, says, well, this is how it is, i ’m like you’re like dima, i’m writing, writing, writing dumas hiktipop, that is, ivanov would have been a bastard, you know, but my friends all called me that later heftypop, you know, dj hifty pop, i remember you also had a song like that for
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a dance a little bit, that is, it’s right under, it’s love that’s gone, we did that, we did a dance version of this song with the moevsky djs, and they gave us , they recorded beats for us, and we made a dance treatment on these beats, i remember that you he called his style a new guitar style - well , we called it new guitar music, new guitar music, yes, exactly. exactly, that is, i remember, at that time it was really very, very fresh and cool, well, it’s still relevant to listen to, we had to stand out somehow, i was young, we had to organize our own log, there was rock, there was pop , but there was no guitar music, well, consider it a failure, a failure, and then they called it britpop, so you’re like a person who is always looking a little into the future, what’s next, well so we will continue and we will wait until the young people grow up again, well, the same thing or in some way, but we are just now working on new material, we are writing, what style it will be in
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, i don’t know, you say what style it is, folk , well, i think that this is not even predictable yet, but absolutely, no, it will definitely be a lead fog, but just in the twenty-third century, for example, well, yes, i’m already saying that, well, in any case, it will be a lead fog fog, well, don’t want more electronics there, add djs there too the scene was tried, tried, tried, not only talented djs and producers. they tried to implement it, but the musician’s musical firmware still takes over, we need to play everything live, if we can do it, we need to play live, but we are not afraid of experiments, we are looking for, at least we will have a new song moscow, as long as it is called that, yeah, here it is, let's see, you'll just hear it, just like that, it will be such a leaden fog in 2024, in the spring, the girls will all be what i dreamed about 20 years ago, oh, it's hard to say, i don't know what did the guys dream about, i just lived and enjoyed
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the fact that we could do something and write music and play in the club, it was a thrill, well , that is, there were no ambitions of some kind of stadium world tours? no, i didn’t have that, although you know, i’m saying, i had no ambitions, you can’t imagine, i once came to london to sign an album in russian, i tried to get along with them and sign a contract with them, so you say ambitions, is it ambition or not ambition, it's probably a little crazy,
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so much, i walked around with bruises, seriously, i surgeons once simply said, you will end up badly, hematomas, hematomas are permanent, i even had jeans with leather linings on the inside, so as not to twist my leg at all, i stopped, we even sent him to the tambourine department, but the guys say, it’s time for you . i brought it, well, i can’t have allergies anymore. the bruise will form on its own, you know, bubnophobia, i know that you are now helping young musicians, mentoring them in some form, you have something like a production center or or you, the guys and i are there, and we are all trying at least somehow, if we see talented people, they don’t particularly shine financially, we
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try to help them with something else, somehow produce, a lot, we need to help, even do arrangements, because sometimes the guys, that is, you directly sponsor, well, i'm just.
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this is not true, well, listen, well, nalich got so infected with his guitars, he actually did everything himself, well, yes, but where did he go then, which is normal, everything exists perfectly, he writes music for films, for plays, so he writes music for cinema, you understand, but from the stage it ’s still yes, you also have a collaboration with there was a movie, you wrote, and the song, i know, was included in the movie, yes, but with us it was rather different, we just had our songs included in the soundtracks, and i don’t know that you plan to write something for the cinema next, you know, i’m still like this, here i have... the format that i do, guys, yes, they manage to write everything for cinema, and for plays, and for everything, but i still like this, give me a bend, from the bend, so forward, you like the club format better, i like it, although you know, we played in big ones, in olympic, there were 15,000 people screaming there, i know, that
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day, in luzhniki there were 50,000 and nothing, but this is some kind of different atmosphere, i like the clubs, personally. grisha, sasha, do you write music for films? well, aren’t we writing anything anymore? yes, yes, we used to do those things, now we’re just relaxing, i just want to be musicians, and now the time has come that some kind of freedom has appeared, in a word, just self-sufficient, yes, self-sufficient people, and i just want to do music, play with dima and nester, us i really like it, by the way, we have some kind of chemistry with each other, we always have some kind of creative symbiosis, and we always do. because here at least
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we like everything, we really like doing it , no one is in a hurry and doesn’t think about commerce, what’s needed, tomorrow they won’t take it on this radio, probably not. we don’t think about the format at all, we just have to create honestly and truly, well, you already know, you can’t get too carried away nowadays, it seems to me that this is the only way now somehow, at the beginning you thought about, well , now i’ll write a song, how will they take it on the radio, you know, i got it on the radio, but i didn’t think about it, no, never, this is a podcast 20 years later, we’re talking with the lead fog group, i am the presenter konstantin mikhaev. how do you like to spend your free time, what do you like to do most besides art or creativity? oh, i don’t know, i ’m involved in creative work, and i do some other musical projects, related to other people performing something there, that is, i i love...


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