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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 14, 2024 2:35am-3:01am MSK

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here at least everything is real, no one is in a hurry and doesn’t think about commerce, what is needed tomorrow, i won’t take this radio on this, probably not, we don’t think about the format at all, we just honestly have to create for real, and that’s how it should be, but you already know you don’t get too much nowadays, it seems to me that this is the only way now it’s possible somehow in the beginning you thought about, so now i’ll write a song, how will they take it on the radio, no, you know, i got it on the radio , not... i didn’t think, no, never. this is the podcast 20 years later, we're talking to by the lead fog group, i am the presenter konstantin mikhailov. how do you like to spend your free time, what do you like to do most, besides art or creativity? oh, i don’t know, i’m creative, yes, i do some other musical projects, related to the performance of something there by other people, that is, i like to organize some festivals, do something else, yeah, i like it.
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as for dads, brothers, and so on and so forth, i have a son, he’s a young producer, he’s always a dad, so i need to record the guitar as a young man performer, now there is a fashion for this kind of sound again, just a couple of years ago a solo was just a luxury, a luxury yes, they always cut just a guitar, do you play the guitar, that only a loshara plays the guitar, now of course it’s made up of cubes electronic, it's all gone now. no, well, you have to endure it from start to finish, it’s back, the interest has returned , including from young bloggers uncle sasha, record the drums, also the drums, even in general it’s just always uncle sasha, record the drums please tell me, well, how can we distinguish drums and guitars from artificial intelligence from living ears?
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no, each musician has his own style, when and if there are three, yes, even three musicians, if they get together, each has their own style, this kind of symbiosis triangle has come together, this is, in principle, worth a lot, what do you dream about in 20 years, that ideally, listen, well, nothing, the most important thing is that everything is fine with us and that the country is in okay, i’m thinking about it, in 20 years, i want everything to be there, for us to develop, move forward, we have big ones, that is , no goal, this cube is... you know, like the strugatskys, this one room or ball, he hears, he fulfills wishes, he will wish for something and it will be, i’m telling you seriously, i want more positive things, i live happily, i have something to remember in a day, i move a lot, do a lot of things, and i want continue to move space in this way, some great achievements, of course i want to release an album , play more concerts, travel around the country to play, i want to, but everything will come, everything will happen, but what about you guys? you wanted in 20 years, but
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in 20 years, for example, i would like everyone, all people, humanity, to have their own home, a roof over their head, health and everything, so that everyone lives by the sea, listens to beautiful music, and i you know what i would like, i would also like to meet in 20 years, sit and talk about music, what we have done in 20 years later, what does it mean for yes yes, then there is understand that i want to stand on stage. in 20 years also so that the program, by the way, and in order to give people joy, i know that day will come, so to speak, yes, but the song has survived everything, it will survive, i assure you, it will be so, it has already become a classic , and from the classics that you listened to, you guys, when you were inspired, as i understand it, letzelin, everything that existed there, for example, in the seventies, sixties, seventies and eighties, and until 2000 in general including, reim, everything, was just so ubiquitous . just later
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how did this granche garage music appear , music and so on, the only thing i didn’t listen to was glam rock, unfortunately, in 2000 it seems to me that it was all somehow as if, you know, as if summer had come, everything had melted away. became the music of one producer, yes, that is, people learned to turn the knobs, yeah, no one is needed, a minidisc appeared, like in a restaurant, everything became equal, all the musicians dispersed, all that was left was a minidisc and a computer, now something should shoot again, i it seems that now everything that happens is going all besides, again, even though they say that the ring roads don’t lead anywhere there, they lead, that it will be, i want to make a song for now , at least a new song somehow so that it is relevant for the modern for me . for modern guys, you know, well, for sure, guitars, bass drums, everything that is alive will definitely remain, i think it will remain for centuries to come, it won’t go anywhere, because it’s a classic, by the way, i personally don’t care about music no guitars needed, no drums, no bass, no such a lively, lively presentation, it’s
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an orchestra to me, that’s another story, to be honest , we need to bring back the industry, when everyone lives with each other, exchanges and lives in the same community, in the same society. when sadness comes to us, like black
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dreams, a gloomy haze begins to cloud our vision. don’t rush to argue with her, she will leave, like guests from the underground will return again, forever to the bottom of the soul, again a tear, filled with bitterness of loss, unfulfilled hopes tormented by the shadow of days lived, i am intoxicated, i am searching in dreams, there your image, only you, only you alone, but it’s only a dream, the soul screams forever, the soul screams
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forever, love is gone, we are left... and sadness, love is gone, it can’t be returned, no matter what, it ’s a pity, but you wake up, open eyes, but you wake up and the sadness will go away forever, love is conditioned, only dreams remain. sadness, love is gone, it can’t be returned, no matter what, it’s a pity, but you wake up, open your eyes, but you wake up and the sadness will go away
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forever, love is gone.
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so here we are. of course, the next episode of a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read, but this episode is absolutely special, we have many guests today, because the topic is very multifaceted, we will read war poems, poems from the war era, poems about the war, written after the war, by very different russian poets, and these poems will be read by young actors, students of the mkhat studio school , we will invite them here, and we will not only ask them to read poetry, but to share their impressions about the stories of their relatives about the war,
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in a word, today we will have a lot of different and interesting things, but it will be cordial, profoundly important to all of us. i am very glad that i am not running this program alone, together with marina stanislavovna. nikina, chief director of the russian academic youth theater, head of the creative workshop of the emhat studios school. and the students are with us. our common students are young actors. they are just studying in the workshop of marina brusnikina and sergei shchedorin. and today they will not only read poetry, but will share those and stories that exist in their family, as the younger generation remembers.
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was in a military hospital in sterletamak, then yes, she told me every time, it was very interesting and cozy to listen to, because she had such pretty cute stories happen there, but she told me these kind of snippets, the nurse, apparently, yes, yes, this is great , this is a very special topic, because war poetry was written in different years, during the great patriotic war. then, for those people who were very young during the war, the war
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washed over them decades later, in their memories. war is a very family topic, it is a paradoxical story, but it is precisely in the family preserves the memory of those who fought, of those who did not return from the war, so today we have a table on which photographs of those poets are laid out, the poems that will be read today, this is konstantin simonov, this is... there is my generation, we we were really brought up in such a flow of information about what war is, my own,
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my grandparents there, all this, well, my mother was still a child, that is, it was all very close, this is the generation that we have called to us today, who simply in some families they don’t even have this, no, there is no opportunity whoever knows, no longer has this memory, it’s much further away, that’s why it’s so important that the guys are with us today, that they discover these poets for themselves, it’s great.
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yes right away, yes, yes, really, what, well, of course, simonov, wait for me, but what’s curious is what immediately comes to mind for you and me, psimon lie to me, here is ivan, who will read. poem, he didn’t know this poem, it seems to me, yes, i didn’t know, i’ll be honest, i admit, konstantin simonov is in front of us, well, it may be paradoxical to hear this, but it’s a fact, we kind of agree with it we work, we try to keep the memory alive, i can’t help but remember what i remember very often in recent years, because by the will of fate i happened to live in the house where
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lev abramovich kasil lived. classic of children's literature, and the poem wait for me, i 'll be back, written in the very office where i 'm sitting at the computer, now in peredelkino near moscow, in the writers' town, so i, of course, uh, well, feel some kind of special involvement in this poem, simonov was visiting kasil, uh, this poem was written, but very early, immediately after the start of the war, it was published only in january '42. immediately, yes, immediately such a reaction, absolutely, just everything by heart, they knew everything, they rewrote everything, they sent everything to each other, yes, yes, and this is an unexpected story, because even, as far as we know, there were some hesitations, yes , the newspaper is true, the official organ of the central committee of the party, but here it’s not about the front, not about victory, not about communism, but about the personal, yes,
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here it’s about the fact that you can only survive if you have... love, if you have expectations, simonov's poem will be read to us by ivan semyonov, and then sonya comes here, wait for me, and i will return, just wait, wait when the yellow rains make you sad, wait when the snow is blowing, wait when it’s hot, wait when others are not expected, having forgotten yesterday, wait until no letters arrive from distant places, wait until you get tired of it, for everyone who is waiting together, wait for me, and i will return, do not wish well to everyone who knows by heart that it is time to forget, let the son and mother believe in that, that i’m not there, let your friends
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get tired of waiting, sit by the fire, drink bitter wine, remind your soul, wait, drink with them at the same time don’t rush, wait for me, and i will return in spite of all the deaths, whoever didn’t wait for me, let him say, lucky, don’t understand, those who didn’t wait for them, like in the middle of fire, their expectations, you saved me, how i survived, only we will know , with you, you just knew how to wait like no one else, i was once very impressed by how many young guys writing, from whom wonderful
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poets could grow up, died and did not become these poets, but at the same time time has become, because we still know everything, pavel kogan, although what is he i didn’t write much, yes, or we know mikhail kulchitsky, we know elena shirman, and we can list very much pavel shobin, yes, yes, we can list this list is long, guys who could not make it, having died, at the same time they managed, some amazing things, there is a brigantine and in general, this spirit that was characteristic of that generation, this is faith in one’s own strength, the ability to remake the world, yes, in general, into some kind of impossible romanticism and they went to war with it. died, but managed to say something very important and absolutely amazing, well, when i read this, with its kind of transcendental sincerity, again, faith, faith, well, yes, just this year we celebrate the centenary of those who were born in the twenty-fourth year, and the twenty- third and twenty-four - this is known, these are the most terrible years of birth, and
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a few percent of the boys in total survived, of those who were born in the twenty- fourth year, and many are writers. this anniversary is celebrated by yuriyevich bondurev, for example, from the poets yuli drunin, also on the twenty-fourth year of birth, well, as for pavel koogan, a very bright poet, it might be worth saying that he was the husband of elena masseevna rdzhevskaya, a completely legendary journalist, writer, she devoted many books to exposing nazism, and this is also a very famous author, she died very recently, she was almost 100 years old, she didn’t live a little, but... pavel kogan, a poet, wonderful, important, it’s very cool that ivan zabarenko will read his poem to us today. there is such precision in our days that boys of other centuries would probably cry at night about
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the time of the bolsheviks, they will complain to their dear ones that they were not born in those years when the crashing waters rang and smoked onto the shore, they will invent us again, a sideways burning, a firm step, and they will find the right foundation, but they will not be able to breathe as we breathed, as we were friends, how we lived, as if in a rush, we wrote bad songs about amazing things, we were all sorts of things, sometimes not very smart, we loved our girls, jealous, tormented, passionate, we were all kinds, but... our fate understood that these days we have such a fate that let them envy they, they will invent us as wise, we will be strictly
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straightforward, they will embellish and powder, but still we will make our way, now let's talk about anna andreevna akhmatova, and of course, if you remember what comes to mind, first of all, when we talk about akhmatova , this is, of course, the silver age, a stray dog, a visit to the block, all this is absolute truth, but akhmatova lived a long life, she died only six years ago, and of course before the war, the war. this is a slightly different person, not so deeply immersed in literary problems, attentive to problems of the country, the late akhmatova is
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a special poet, isn’t marina stanislavovna? well, of course, of course, it’s always very interesting to compare with great poets, their beginning, and yes, through some temporary space, what they are, what they become later, and akhmatova, of course, this is some kind of colossally traveled path and... poetry and personal, and - indeed, it is so unexpected that she has these poems, which have also become iconic, and about the war, berkoltz has wonderful memories of akhmatova, how she saw her during the war in leningrad in an air defense outfit, that she helped sandbags, that is, it’s difficult to connect this, but it’s true, leningrad, war, forty-first year, she wrote poems like that, these wonderful courage, and sonya, and you’re from st. petersburg, yes, yes, i was born in st. petersburg, like my
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great-grandmother, and on my mother’s side, she lived in besieged leningrad with her sister and mother, there was an opportunity to leave the city, but my great-grandmother’s sister refused to leave her hometown and leave her husband. which worked in leningrad and died during the blockade, it is all the more logical to read this poem, and sofya loginova, akhmatovo’s poem and courage. we know that he is now lying on the scales, and that what is happening now, the hour of courage has struck on our watch, and courage will not leave us. it’s not scary to lie under dead bullets, it’s not scary to be left homeless, and we will save you, russian speech,
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the great russian word, we will carry you free and pure, we will give you to our grandchildren and we will save you from captivity forever, well, when we...


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