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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 14, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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then the artillery work about the hail does not sleep and does not allow the enemy to sleep and the family-combat row, father and son are shoulder to shoulder, be proud at once, i am always proud of him, and before leaving for the front, they went through difficult trials, a crime show, kidnapping , which were not, the scammers convinced people that their loved ones were being held hostage, then ransomed millions of rubles. detention and exposure, a medical anomaly, why selim began to fade at the age of 6, we first thought that we were heart patients, then pulmonary patients, and what exactly in fact, the riddle was solved by doctors from a russian children's clinical hospital, two unique operations and the boy is healthy, we will be able to play football now, yes, that's good, so, the formation of a new cabinet, today the senators at the plenary session... will hold
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consultations on the candidates who nominated by the president for the posts of heads of the ministry of foreign affairs and departments of the security bloc. before this, the discussion took place in relevant committees. vladimir putin proposed andrei belousov, who had previously been first deputy prime minister, for the post of defense minister. he is supposed to will be replaced by sergei shaiga, who has been appointed secretary of the security council. other ministers of the security bloc and the head of the ministry of foreign affairs will retain their posts at the president’s suggestion. discussion of the heads of some other departments, for example. chairman of the accounts chamber, there are separate regulations, candidate boris kovalchuk. and the state duma, where the day before they approved candidates for the post of first deputy prime minister - denis manturov and nine deputy prime ministers. and today deputies will vote for the approval of 16 federal ministers, those proposed mikhail mishustin. here are the new names in the government. anton alikhanov, governor of the kaliningrad region, may become minister of industry. head of the ministry of energy, head of kuzbass. tsovilev, ministry of sports -
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khabarovsk governor mikhail dekterev, kursk ministry of transport roman starovoyd, well , oksana lut, who was previously the first deputy minister, has been proposed for the post of head of the ministry of agriculture, the rest are expected to retain their positions. massive attacks on the infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine, they write about explosions in uman, cherkasy region, there is a military airfield there. the authorities reported arrivals in kharkov, strikes in dnepropetrovsk, where there are many military installations. and news. special operation zone, artillerymen destroyed enemy positions in the donetsk sector, firing from rapier anti-tank guns. at the checkpoint of the village of chassu yar, strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. fierce fighting in the northern direction, attack after attack, around the clock, in conjunction with reconnaissance and artillery. leading report by alexey kruchinin. increasingly, on front-line transport you can observe the following combination: one person, for example, a drone detector, which detects kamikaze drones and...
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copters, flyers, copters with resets, while a portable electronic warfare device is also constantly running in the car, simply put , a jammer, which is powered, as a rule, from a car battery, from a battery, or from we just have a cigarette lighter here, the whole installation is on the roof, it was done in semi-home conditions, but to-do-too, not everything helps yet, he already saved you, well, one bird was taken away, the multiple launch rocket system is hail for the enemy. very desirable goal, so the calculation works at maximum speeds. on a moonless night , the gunner seems to act almost by touch. 20 rockets break the silence of the night. the guys call the fighting machine, despite its formidable power, a baby. the fighters are waiting for their babies at home. they fight for their future. an artilleryman with the call sign shore contacts his schoolgirl daughters at every opportunity. previously, he was a purely civilian man, he did not even serve in the military.
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having come to the front as volunteers, berek made an impressive career in a year and a half, was driver loader, gunner, commander of a combat vehicle, then a computer, in general, all the steps, roughly speaking, went up to the commander of the second fire platoon, they probably know how to count well and quickly. the 123rd guards brigade attacks the enemy in the northern direction, the guns are aimed towards kama and ivan dareevin. the jet fighters are supported by cannon artillery masters.
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be proud right away, i’m always proud of him, he’s the best, okay, ilya, you ’re proud of your folder, of course, you were always born. ilya went to the military registration and enlistment office as soon as he turned 18, although his father, who had already lived through war, tried to dissuade him, his crew is worried about him, everyone is worried about him, he is the youngest in our battle, the youngest, but he does not lag behind his colleagues, in just one day his gun count, several accurate hits in the trench and destruction of the enemy's mortar... account. alexey kruchenin, roman khrolenko, ruslan mishcheryakov and nina khoreva. first channel donetsk people's republic. russian air defenses destroyed 25 vampire missiles over the belgorod region at night. armed forces of ukraine also attacked belgorod using a drone.
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a woman was injured when glass in a house was broken. meanwhile, doctors report that a one-and-a-half-month-old baby brought to moscow is in serious condition. in total, 16 people from the destroyed ukrainian city remain in hospitals. high-rise buildings, the tragedy occurred on sunday, 15 people were killed. the estonian government is considering the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, presidential adviser madis rol said. there is no talk of participating in hostilities; it is assumed that the soldiers will engage in rear work and will be able to free the ukrainians currently employed there to be sent to the front line. ukrainian men, meanwhile, are doing everything they can to avoid getting caught, risking their lives. another tragedy in... such cases. unexpected problems arose for those who managed to flee the country and settled in britain. the independent tells
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the story of a married couple. we moved to the kingdom and decided to leave our newborn daughter at home with her grandparents until they got housing and work. now they wanted to take the child, but the migration rules changed. the family’s requests to transfer their daughter to the country are denied. previously , ukrainian refugees could become financial guarantors for their family members, but now only british citizens and people with permanent residence permits can become financial guarantors. charities warn the changes have created unintended consequences that could leave hundreds, if not thousands, of ukrainians separated from their loved ones. exposure detention gangs uncovered. what pain pills do you need exactly if you have stomach problems?
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this is a very serious question, but we answer this and other questions in the live healthy program, today on the first one. ex-president of ukraine, leonid kuchma. i always say that the biggest crime will be if we create a quarrel between the ukrainian and russian people. 30 pieces of silver, for which he auctioned off his native land. the united states and the west, together with ukraine, will go through a difficult path of reform. so they came in and started downloading the anti-russia project. ukraine no longer has a brother. he was the first to swore allegiance to the democratic party. he formed the ukrainian oligarchy. and he's a manipulator. kuchma's henchmen are starting.
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neath the mighty kuchma. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. get up, vacation is over. oh my goodness, what a vacation. i haven't rested a day yet. you can relax at work. alexandra ivanovna, may i? you and i need to somehow schedule a visit. i have an advantage. what are these? evidence, corpses, she loves it. the ex-wife started a scandal, screamed that she would kill them both, can you smell it, gentlemen? yes, there are notes of musk, as the new forensic expert of the most prominent opera recorded for you, well, it seems like everything has been taken into account, if this is not murder, it means a kidnapping or
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a staged kidnapping, an assault group, readiness number one, that is, it’s not safe to be here with you, with me in general unsafe, no, i won’t take you like this. go back and get treatment. so, can you explain to me what is happening? don't worry, this is a formality as part of the investigation. no genetic fingerprints of the killer were found, but the victim was also pregnant. in terms of bloodhound new series, watch the time after the program, you carry too much responsibility for others, my shoulders told you this, the body can say a lot about a person, here is our pathologist, you think so, listen, you are somehow strange today, you have nothing happened, i declare you husband and wife, i’m so worried, i’m sorry, i’ll only be here for an hour, an hour and a half at most, what
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happened, an intruder plane crossed the border, shoot it down at all costs, francis, i know you’re not a coward , but you must know the whole truth, you can still be reach, target is captured, target is in the launch zone, launch, you realize the moment, why? the ring fell, bad omen, seryozha, fourth, answer, something happened, i'm very sorry, interrupted flight of harry powers, on saturday, on the first, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first. this is the news at first and we continue:
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the criminal theater does not just intimidate the victim, make him believe that relatives have been kidnapped, and how can he not believe it when a loved one has actually disappeared. also detained fraudsters who did not bet on acting talent, technology. what do they have in common? operational footage from alexander lyakin. moscow, per, novosibirs and kazan simultaneously detained 13 gang members who were suspected of extortion and simulated kidnapping. these criminals managed to process the same family twice; to do this, they staged an entire theatrical performance over the phone. the attackers used a non-standard fraud scheme using psychological techniques, they gained trust in the victims, using public information about their families. take out several large loans and transfer funds to the accounts they indicated, then, blackmailing
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their loved ones with the danger that allegedly threatened them, they forced them to go to other regions and not keep in touch with their relatives. as a result, citizens lived in rented apartments for several days, believing that by doing so they were saving their families. at this time , the criminals called relatives and demanded ransom for allegedly kidnapped relatives, whom they promised to kill. believe it. it was easy, close indeed, it was as if they had disappeared, they did not return home, they did not answer phone calls. currently, seven episodes of criminal activity with total damage amounting to more than 50 million rubles are known. according to available information, the stolen money was also used to finance the armed forces of ukraine. justice is knocking on the doors of cyber criminals. this gang from the vologda region acted differently. the attackers selected personal passwords. here is
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the story of one of the victims that she only found out that loans were taken out in her name having received a letter from bailiffs who demanded that the money be returned to the bank. i discovered that there was an entrance to government services, but this was done at night, so i didn’t notice. in the morning i changed the password, but... as it turned out, it was already too late. detaining cyber fraudsters can be very difficult, most often they work from abroad, for example, from ukraine, but these operated from russia, during interrogation they complained about unstable earnings, it happened that for a month or two everything would sound there, nothing would work at all, here i don’t know what happened there, 30-40 a day. these two crime stories are united by the criminals’ weapons, a computer and a telephone; today you no longer need help to climb into the apartment through the window and open the door with a master key.
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gas sector, at least 20 people died in a refugee camp in the central part of the enclave, as the media reported after an airstrike by the israeli army, shells hit the school buildings where people were sheltering, there may be wounded under the rubble, rescuers are unable to reach them due to the fire. israel shells khrafah, people flee to deir el falah, which is located further north, but there are no longer enough places there. to accommodate. telavif, according to media reports, has concentrated enough troops for a large-scale ground operation in rafahi. the united states assures that it is against such an invasion, assistant to the american president for national security jake sale.
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state crime control policies. let me remind you that the turning point was the case of george floyd, who died during his arrest, after which there were mass protests, in order not to be accused of racism, law enforcement officers turned a blind eye to what was happening in streets, and also funding was cut for security structures and laws were scrapped. in the same california, you can steal goods from a store for less than $950. the police have no right to pursue a thief. in such conditions, they consider their work meaningless. they are moving to republican states, where the laws are stricter, but californians fear that they will be left without protection at all. an anomaly that doctors had never encountered before, not only in our country, but abroad, it was an extremely difficult task to pose diagnosis, and then two more operations that were not described in medical practice, but specialists from a russian children's clinical
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hospital developed an innovative method, and now the child's organs are working at full capacity. in the report by yulia anishchin. selim’s mother spoke about the incredible skill of the doctors and selim’s courage. have you dreamed of going to play football? can we play football now? yes, well, that's good. surgeons with many years of experience admit that the result of silim’s treatment exceeds the wildest expectations; it is difficult to recognize this boy as a patient who turned to them for help. the fact is that he was admitted in a very serious condition, the boy was cyanotic in color, had severe shortness of breath, but in fact he was an oxygen-dependent child. doctors have never encountered such a pathology, not only in our country, but throughout the world. the most complex vascular anomaly of the liver, problems began at the age of 6, since then selim was fading away, severe intoxication developed, the lungs and heart suffered, the boy was tied to an oxygen tank, all organs suffered, there was the brain, liver, heart, lungs and because of this we at first we thought what we
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cores, then lungs, and after that she remembered that we had an anomaly of the liver vessels. to understand this, they went a long way, dozens of specialists and many tests, but an accurate diagnosis was made only in a russian children's clinical hospital. during the examination, we immediately saw two abnormal communications between large vessels: unpurified blood, bypassing the liver, returned to the body, poisoning it. if this is not recognized in time and is not treated, then, unfortunately, these children, they are candidates for liver transplantation, have become convinced that this the child can be cured. after some time, a second operation was performed, finally restoring the child’s normal blood circulation, the liver, lungs and
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heart began to work at full capacity, all this without large incisions and painful recovery. we can say that... we have completely dealt with this situation, he will now be able to live normally, study normally. this is the only department of x-ray surgery in the country where only gentle operations are performed, even on the youngest patients. and it seems there are children's smiles here more, and the parents’ hearts are not so worried, while the pathology is so complex that each case is special, congenital vascular anomalies, damage to the lymphatic system or oncological diseases. i am very grateful to these doctors, because they cured me, they...
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the russian premier league this season resembles not just an exciting series, a real drama with an open ending. just a month ago, the gap between dynamo and the leading zenit was nine points, and many thought that there was intrigue in the championship race died, but after the twenty-eighth round the situation changed dramatically and now the moscow club is in first place, two points ahead of st. petersburg. the blue and white showed champion character in the away game against kaliningrad baltika. in which they were losing 1:2 by the ninety-third minute. roberto fernandez equalized the score with a brilliant header after a cross from the corner of the field, and mumin gomalyo brought dynamo victory by successfully volleying in the ninth. compensated minute. zinit extended his winless streak to four matches, losing at home to csk. the top scorer of the tournament, mateo casiera, did not just go without a goal, cosven.


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