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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 14, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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the fact of the beginning of the battles for volchansk in the kharkov region, footage is being distributed online in which, according to militants from the russian volunteer corps, this is a terrorist organization banned in russia, they are walking around the private sector, shooting randomly from an automatic cannon, which is now happening in volchansk as a whole in in the kharkov direction, we find out from the head of the military-civil administration of the kharkov region, vitaly konstantinovich ganchev comes to us directly, vitaly konstantinovich, hello! hello, what is the situation in volchansk now, because according to ukrainian sources, they differ there, some say that everything is calm in volchansk, others are chaotically evacuating people, and they say that there is already a shooting battle going on in the city itself, at the moment this is an objective picture, how do you see it? well, indeed , ukrainian armed forces are still resisting in the city itself and on the approaches to it. the village of volchansky farms
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has not yet been completely taken by our troops, but at the same time the western part, the northern part volchansk is already controlled by russian troops, our guys are now continuing to move in the area of ​​the meat processing plant and so on, that is, they are occupying convenient positions for further advancement through the city in the suburbs around volchansk , which was quite strongly fortified at one time by the armed forces of ukraine. that’s why there’s still a lot of work to be done there, of course, but panic is evident, we see it too, we get information from the local population, how panicky information is now being spread about the capture of the russians, the russian the city of volchansk, yes, but the panic, excuse me, vitaly konstantinovich, is only informational, or is it present on the battlefield on the ground, it is rather just the opposite, in the information space they are really spreading ukrasmi. the fact
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that everything there is under control, this is a common situation for ukraine, the command of the armed forces of ukraine admits that the liberation of volchansk by russian troops has already begun, that there are already street battles going on directly in the city itself, but at the same time among those divisions, who exactly are exerting armed force there, the fact that you just showed the video suggests that there is a panicky mood on the ground. and not in the information field, this is what the woman on the bbc camera said: “god, how afraid you are of them, i didn’t even know that she was being filmed, of course, the local population sees everything and understands, the local population has nothing to be afraid of, they know perfectly well what it is russian troops, in the twenty-second year volchansk was already liberated and was under our administrative armed control, therefore , i can’t say that there is panic among the local population, that’s it. “
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happened with a machine gun in their hands, there is information that our units were attacking in two directions, in the north of the kharkov region, these are the volchansky leptsy, late yesterday evening they united , now we are marching in a united front, the width of this front is almost 60 km, this is a rather unique military operation, you have confirmation that we have indeed now united our two directions into one, and indeed such guys, there really is a wide front. information that two groups,
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society. or rather, this is one north group, which is now working in the northern direction of the kharkov region, they have combined the direction of attack in the area of ​​​​the village of terny, and now there is already reason to believe that the village of liptse will also soon begin to be liberated, while our guys have only approached the borders , to the outskirts, occupy convenient positions for the next attacks. vitali konstantinovich, simple question, which worries the ukrainian political maybe you have an answer, where are the fortifications on which zelensky spent a lot of money and went out to take pictures? well, it should be noted that the fortifications are still present there, it is also impossible to say that no fortified areas were erected there at all, this shows right now that our guys in some sectors of the front are advancing very hard with serious resistance, except moreover, the ukrainian armed forces are bringing up new reserves to these... precisely well-fortified areas,
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they expect that they will be able to hold back this offensive, well, our aviation and artillery are working there now, i think they won’t be able to resist there for long, thank you, vitaliyevich ganchev was there. contact us directly. meanwhile, the ssu officially announced the transfer of reserves to the kharkov direction, this was reported by the strategic communications directorate of the armed forces of ukraine in its telegram channel. there are no details about the composition of the reserves, but the report notes that these troops are provided with the necessary number of weapons, that depending, i quote verbatim, on the development of the situation, the build-up of the group will continue, well, what’s interesting is that there are already other ukrainian telegram channels.
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there is indeed a large collection of problems, but the skynews tv channel spoke about the real reasons behind silsky’s reluctance to transfer reserves to the kharkov direction. russia, having opened another front in the kharkov region, creates additional pressure on the forces of kiev, which are currently suffering from a lack of weapons and people. intensifying attacks on in the kharkov direction, russia may force the ukrainian command to transfer reserves from the east to the northeast. loosen.
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western sources, which also make maps of minefields, maps of defensive lines, show that to the right of volchanskaya there is a powerful defense line and to the left of the highway, which means m-20 to belgorod, here is the central part of the rugged liptsy, right up
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to volchansk, rugged rivers, it was built according to a system of fortified areas of small areas, that is, not a continuous line, because they decided to defend it in this way, namely we went there, now at syrsky... the task is to carry out a maneuver with forces and means, so by means we mean the resources that are given to him, because the battles that take place there are still technologies, they are long-range interaction or striking drones, cruise missiles, whatever, so he can transfer non-personnel, which now plays a less and less role, he can transfer artillery units there, he can transfer a unit of unmanned aerial vehicles there systems, but...
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it won’t do anything against ours - bombs with planning and correction modules or against lancets or against the same fpv drones, i remind you that they have 10 brigades located in the recess and therefore in the direction of takmak, from orekhov , this is a lot of work, because they want to sell the west that with the receipt of a new aid package we will be able to reach melitopol, there are reserves there, it is clear that the forces and means that they have are tied up in battles.
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problems of the ukrainian armed forces with reserves, they do not hide it, in fact this is visible, and the point is not even in the package
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of weapons, armored vehicles, equipment that should come from america, in the absence of a sufficient number of people, in this sense , indeed, when you are being pressed from all sides, you must make some decisions in order determine for yourself where the really serious threat is, where more forces need to be deployed, and where less. in this regard , i liked it when the offensive of the russian army began, which means in the volchansk direction, many in ukraine really taught that, no, well, not there the most significant forces, with such, with such forces, you can’t take kharikov, a diversionary maneuver in order to transfer forces, then kirby, excuse me, a whole admiral, and from the white house security council, comes forward and says: no, well, since the russians started, here they probably want to take kharkov, here panic began, panic in ukrainian... social networks, in western social networks and so on, they are now really trying to understand our intentions,
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our plans, yes, in this regard, i call on, you know, many of our russian military bloggers, do not discuss all plans, the most it’s scary in this case to guess, you know, so that later it doesn’t turn out that you really brought some kind of current, connections with recent events, you can guess the plan of our supreme. they showed footage of this so -called russian volunteer corps, what is this? this is, you know, a terrorist pr structure, and inside the gur, which you remember used, for acts of sabotage in russia in order to show it there for the picture, and if they even threw it there, which budanov, by the way, has now confirmed in interview with the new york times, then it means really, well, he’s talking about serious problems, he just said that we , i’m all the reserves from...
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listen, well, we can help you, that means we’re ready to help, they say, with personnel specifically in the business part, please throw everyone else... they will reach sums, i’m afraid that all hostilities will stop there, well, the swiss summit is soon in june, there is a fear, even ukrainian telegram channels openly write about this that the events are north of the kharkov region can have a very negative impact on those decisions that will be made, because after the fall of avdiivka there was another forum, it was also greatly influenced by how conditional the fall of volchansk is, conditional, because i don’t think that there is something around...
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that is, an additional action, let’s say, according to that the reason that kharkov is such a maximally promoted ideologeme during, let’s say, the liberation, in quotes , of the kharkov region a year ago, there a year and a half ago, the ukrainian media simply built, let’s say, built a whole consciousness of their country, that look, we liberated vast territories, and accordingly we reached the border, yes, that is, we can reach the borders of the ninety- first year, now it turns out... that after the widely announced construction of fortification lines and everything else,
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the ukrainian army is moving back, and naturally, at the summit in switzerland, this success or failure in the kharkov region will be considered as a whole opportunity to resist further, how successfully to resist the russian offensive, naturally, as i said absolutely correctly, dear colleague, help is coming from the west, ammunition is coming, equipment is coming, everything else is coming, but one cannot help but remember that for... for example, the american aid package was allocated for almost six months, and as soon as it was allocated, biden himself immediately said that not 60 billion will go to ukraine, but a little more than 10 billion there, everything else will remain in the usa if... and this will determine exactly how much equipment, cartridges, shells, fpv, drones , everything else will be given, how much will be given further, well, in general, it’s more important for zelensky now just a picture, pr is important, which is why he
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demands to maintain the kharkov direction in every possible way, because the so-called summit is coming, which is not a summit, just a conference. in switzerland, supposedly for the peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine, but zelensky once again proved that for him pr is more important than ukraine. a short advert and we'll be back. i am proud that i live in such a beautiful country, that we have so many regions, so many different cultures. i know. a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, it’s very important. ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncherov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. fetor chaliapin at one time called himself a simple vyadsky peasant throughout his life. the white nights of leningrad, the gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​taiga,
11:17 am
are as beautiful as our sunny komyk. no one returns to travel as the same... person, so travel, develop yourself, on any route, in any village, we are all one big family, you have hypertension, your joints hurt, what pain relief pills are exactly what you need, because most pain relief pills will only increase your blood pressure and ruin your life. i have analyzed this and many other serious issues in detail. program to live well, tomorrow on the first, listen, you are somehow strange today, nothing happened to you, i declare you husband and wife, anxiety, excuse me,
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i’m only an hour, maximum an hour and a half, well, what happened, the plane crossed the border for more money. bring him down at all costs, francis, i know you are not a coward, but you must know the whole truth, they can still get you, the goal captured, the target is in the launch zone, you realize the moment, of course, the ring fell, bad omen, seryozha, fourth, answer third, did something happen?
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at the first, he forbade me to swim, but i didn’t listen, well, thank samali, guys, you can’t be given away, you can’t be broken, premiere, i love my country, on saturday at the first,
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permafrost, snow, we are in salihard, my name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region, my name is masni, i am also from the yamal region, for our bride we prepared a yagushka made from deer fur, we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears, go to the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom, otherwise you will hit your wedding face in the snow, nenets clothes are called malitsa, it’s warm inside, unlike me you don’t freeze, an ice table, can you imagine, here... it’s not easy ice, here is the northern polar berry, cranberry, it is in the shape of a pattern, deer antlers, it is coming for the bride, a bunch of grains, we namga it. before the wedding, the oldest woman in the family performed a purification ritual by fumigating the bride with smoke. here on the arctic circle in the tundra let's shout our friendly play
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to the wedding. on sunday on the first. the information channel on the first continues. we work live in ukraine in the background. russian offensive in the kharkov region , the commander of the kharkov group was replaced, a certain mikhail dropaty was appointed instead of yuri galushkin, such a symbolic, telling surname for the general, well, to scurry means to run away, to flee, well, what kind of general you appoint, that’s how they scurry, apparently, well and the fact that they will definitely have to scrape is already beyond doubt in the west, for example, the former deputy secretary of state of the united states states victoria, who always encouraged me in every possible way. kiev, yes, we remember what speeches she made, what hopes she instilled in the ukrainians, and so she said here in an interview that it is unlikely that ukraine is now able
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to reach the border of 1991. the goal of the american strategy now is to prepare kiev militarily, economically and politically so that it can begin to negotiate with a position of strength, so that putin and his military leaders understand that this war is a losing one for them, it’s time to come to an agreement in your own interests. that is, the ultimate goal of american strategy no longer includes restoring the borders of ukraine as of 1991? no, all wars end in negotiations and it is ukraine’s task to decide what its goals are for the territories, but right now kiev is not strong enough to start negotiating, we would like putin to leave every square kilometer of ukrainian land, but for now, until ukraine becomes strong enough, we don't know what can be done in this regard. well, as practice shows. what nulant don't do and ukraine, everything is for the worse, well, the fact is that ukraine will be forced to agree to a truce, they write about this in the new york times and connect this with the offensive of russian troops in the kharkov
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region. the immediate threat to kharkov, the siege of the city and the flight of its inhabitants may give the impression that after 2 years of hundreds of thousands of victims and billions of dollars, little has changed. the success of the russian armed forces near kharkov could demoralize kiev and its allies in the west, which in turn will strengthen it. pressure on the ukrainian authorities to began peace negotiations with moscow. the russian offensive has put kiev in a very dangerous situation. in some areas , ukrainian troops are retreating and ukrainian commanders are blaming each other for the defeats. a serious crisis is coming between the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine. they begin to blame each other, and this crisis along the way will affect the commanders of nationalist units and ordinary army soldiers, vsushnikov. listen to what ukrainian telegram channels write about this. our source reports that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine alexander syrsky wants the whole failure to in the kharkov direction to extinguish, including with the help of azov. for bankova, this is a good
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opportunity to weaken azov by putting it into a meat grinder. we have been writing for a long time that the internal confrontation between office and independent military units is growing; it was not for nothing that the right sector of the ukrainian volunteer corps was disbanded. and now, due to the difficult situation in the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov direction, the situation is becoming completely different. the dangerous militants of azov understand that the commander-in-chief of the ssu, syrsky, wants to send them to the meat grinder and categorically do not want to go there. our source in the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine said that the third assault brigade azov ignores the order of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine alexander syrsky and refuses to advance to positions near kharkov. after the unsuccessful operation in avdeevka, azov lost almost half of its personnel and is now restoring its reserves, but commander-in-chief syrsky insists on the third brigade. and what kind of showdown is this,
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what kind of pack, how do you see it? no, well, let's say, in general, from the very beginning, from the moment of the formation of these nazi battalions, they tried, in fact, into hell it’s not flattery at all, they basically performed, perform the role of barricades of punitive detachments there inside the structure. who are always there stopping running ukrainian recruits and so on, that is why the terks have always existed there, and yes, they had a certain freedom, they were disbanded there, included in various ukrainian units, in general, nothing has changed in this sense, now, in the absence of those very reserves, uh, syrsky is ready to abandon anyone he can find, azov, it’s clear that he doesn’t want to die for ukraine, he wants to, but he doesn’t want to die for ukraine. and for what then? he doesn’t want it for anything, he skims the cream, in fact, that’s what he sometimes builds his company on now, almost the only unit where new recruits are still signed up, but what about the ideas?
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you blew it, but putin personally warned you, but do you know why? just now he revealed the secret, he is still young, inexperienced, the commander of the nato armed forces in europe, a dutch admiral, again admiral bauer, yes, who stated that for now russia is drawn into conflict with ukraine, it will not attack nato, that is, you, the ukrainians need to see this, here is the answer to the whole question, and it is beneficial for them for ukraine to bleed, for it to fight, regardless of
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how profitable it is ... or not, they want to keep russia longer in this conflict, how many ukrainians will die, whether something will remain from this ukraine or not, but you already know this, it’s absolutely not their concern, we ’ll get to the baur ruble and not only today, sorry, not only today, ukrainian telegram channel reports that if the americans and the west as a whole do not urgently transfer weapons to ukraine, then volchansk will go in literally one week, all our sources give a maximum of a week before delivery. in the kharkov region. the armed forces of the russian federation have already begun to surround the city. if enough infantry and weapons are not transferred, the city will fall within the next 7 days. if they transfer reserves, they will hold the city until the end of may, beginning of june. but at the same time, the losses will be colossal even during the autumn season zelensky promised to biden. the offensive can be given up. this issue is currently being resolved at the bank. and against this background, this morning messages came
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that us secretary of state anthony. blinkin arrived in kiev, will meet personally with zelensky and discuss what is happening now on the fronts, and we will discuss this with yuri ivanovich podalyaka, he is in direct contact with us, yuri ivanovich, hello, good afternoon, blinkincheva has arrived, urgently, and yesterday, crisis, crisis, because crisis, because russia opened the second next front, the northern front, the kharkov front, but the biggest problem for them was opened successfully, that is, it is obvious that now the armed forces of ukraine are even more heavily oppressed, according to various estimates, well, as we can assume, there are less or more, but nevertheless , more 10 thousand people, plus the fact that it was already there and this front is absorbing more and more resources and reserves, and the most disgusting thing for them and now they are looking for a scapegoat is who, how did it happen that billions and billions were well essentially
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plundered for...
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what can he now offer zelensky, that is, how can he, with his presence, influence what is happening at the front, well , in fact, you know, intelligence data is not always, especially on the sidelines, well, how can you get it, therefore, the same blinkin will probably meet not only with zelensky, but with many others, and accordingly , new information will be transferred to him from here, i think, after all, this meeting is the main one of the main parts of this visit, and nothing to indicate, probably, but... he won't be able to in principle, what to indicate there, resources are needed, now zelensky will be there, saying: give me more money, give me more weapons, maybe i will survive, but the americans have already said that they cannot give resources quickly at zelensky’s request, this takes time the aid package that they promised has already been allocated, and the new one will not be very soon, they gave them 400 million for a second and allocated it urgently, well, the money is not instantly converted into tanks, and tanks are not
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converted into shells, but it’s still very ... blanks, including proposals, and how can i assume that this is our offensive in the kharkov direction, it greatly undermines all this, and accordingly, there will be nothing to talk about there, and in order to coordinate the agenda, which is what he was promoting, they have already invested a lot in this, firstly, the same biden is going to the elections, including this case, they have invested a lot of political expectations, and the failure of this case is very catastrophic for them, and not for zelensky, he understands very well , what... don't care there no one will conclude any kind of peace, but for biden, and in order to agree nicely, i think, especially along the blinskaya, well , sort of line, he must somehow prepare an agenda and so that in ukraine they begin to pump it out already for the summit. this
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one of them, which does not gather switzerland, and this should be linked to what is happening on the front line, accordingly , get an introduction that needs to be held at least until the summit in switzerland, so as not to look like complete idiots, well... volchansk suggests itself, that he should be held back, told that the russians threw all their strength into taking volchansk, and we are holding on, holding on and will continue to hold on, how is the situation there now, because the information is contradictory, on the one hand, some ukrainian politicians say that volchansky, in general, everything is under control calmly, even the video they seem to be filming from there, on the other hand they are already openly admitting that there are shooting battles in the north of the city, that’s the issue with the transfer. is actively standing, here is the urgent news that just arrived, they are transferring to the ssu from krasnolimansky direction of the division of three brigades to kharkov and the amounts in attempts to hold positions there, here’s how to comment on all this and where to get reserves
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in order to transfer them to this direction, we still have amounts, they are also worried that we might go there too , yes, they are worried, well, look, i already said that in fact they transferred up to 10 thousand people, this is in different... from the kherson direction they are transferring reserves, they do not have enough reserves in depth to close the holes, yes, then they take it off and they need high-quality reserves, they have already... placed the territorial defense troops at the beginning, who simply began to surrender in batches and abandon their positions, they are not just transferring from the front, they are transferring good units, which now look, let’s take the last action of this same third assault brigade, she plugged the holes near avdeevka,
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she couldn’t, she plugged the holes near ocheretin, she also got her bream, her cabbage soup there, yes, she plugged the holes under the chasm varom, now she’s been moved, transferred to kharkov direction, this is essentially a fire brigade of... several brigades, the same ninety -second - these are quite serious ninety- third brigades, which were also transferred there, the same thing now with the seventy- ninth brigade, which is just licking its wounds after the defeat in the novomikhailovka area , it is understaffed, it is also rushing there, it is also one of the elite units, i would not be surprised if the same forty-seventh ends up there, this is the high-quality core of the armed forces of ukraine, which is gradually melting, but nevertheless it saves the situation there from the collapse, well, until the end indefinitely... they can do this from such good units, they have fewer and fewer, and hence there are more and more problems, and what do they count on, that we are from those directions from which they will withdraw combat-ready reserves they will send us to the north of the kharkov region in sums, we will not attack there, and we will not
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take advantage of this, they will say: guys, sorry, let’s put a pause, we will transfer there, don’t fight with us yet, but they have no options, but ok , they will not transfer these to the kharkov direction reserves, we'll take them tomorrow. the day after tomorrow we will leave conditionally, well, i mean, it is clear that this is conditional, not tomorrow the day after tomorrow, after some quick time we will leave the rear of the kupen group, the coupens will fall all over the entire northern front will fall anyway, they have no options, they are forced to do this, understanding that they are to some extent exposing certain areas and that tomorrow they will definitely light up, again under the same hourly sky, and yesterday we stormed the northern canal of the microdistrict quite well, then there, along the beam we are also moving forward, as we did before from ivanovsky, we are trying to cover often... from the north-south and prepare the conditions for a normal full-fledged assault on this city, they understand this, of course, they understand, but due to the fact that they also removed the third assault force, the krakinovo troops from there, they also removed them from there, and they all transferred them there, and they understand that now we will move
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and we are moving, the same is true for krasnogorsk, the same is the ugledar direction, where did they take the seventy-ninth, that is, they they understand everything, they have options, yuri ivanovich, well, a high-quality core, as you put it about those reserves... that are now being transferred there, also requires high-quality equipment, how do you see the ratio now? well , unfortunately, they still have high-quality equipment, but again it is less and less, let’s understand that... thank you very much, yuri ivanovich podalyaka, he was
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in direct contact with us. well, regarding the shortage of personnel at the front, the shortage of people, it is very interesting to see who, in general, sent to the ukrainian front, on social networks, this video is now being circulated, which very accurately reflects the situation with mobilization in ukraine. nothing, tattoo, don’t cry, try your best, everything will be fine, little one! we will conquer all the fathers of nasir
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ukraine, we will fight for ukraine, we will wash our father, bandera ukraine, and we will fight for ukraine, let us advance. well, anyone can fall under the rake of military commissars in ukraine. in kiev, a conclusion on fitness for service is now issued by a veterinarian due to the lack of qualified personnel, now tcc are forced to invite workers with at least some kind of medical education, well, no one hid it, in the united states, especially since he...
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the initiative to transfer 800,000 artillery shells to ukraine, the initiative to transfer f-16 fighters to kiev , if all these initiatives are completed, this will give ukrainian troops the opportunity to hold the front until approximately the end of summer or autumn of next year, but these forces will not have enough funds for a large-scale operational counter-offensive, much less a strategic one level to regain a significant part of the lost territory. to win the war, ukraine needs to increase its army, its armed forces, at a minimum.
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as for nato's role in rebuilding ukraine after the war, it must first be ensured that it has the upper hand; if ukraine does not gain the upper hand, then there will be nothing to rebuild in a free and independent ukraine. well, in general, those who have already done so much and don’t think about how to create it, this is not about them. andrey frantsevich, do the west, in your opinion, have some kind of long-lasting plan for ukraine. and what does the west see as ukraine losing? there is a plan, western transnational financial corporations would argue with the nato chairman over the restoration. the british have already created a fund for the restoration of ukraine, they say: the money will go through us, budgets, and dividends, well
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, we would really like to unpack frozen russian sovereign assets, which means assets too, to launch them there for a second, somewhere around 100 billion, somewhere... then there are some small numbers scattered across countries. the americans are older, the british, you wait in aside, we have already created a bank for the restoration of ukraine, the money will go through us. we, the black rock company, are the founders, we entered into an agreement with kiev, through us this is a new restoration, but in fact the internal political struggle that is going on in america dominates, including on the external circuit. the main task of the americans is to ensure that the front in ukraine does not collapse in shameful flight before the presidential elections. blinkin will ask serious questions about the kharkov region, and judging by the questions. salevan, who has already taken himself
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obligations, i remind you, in the twenty-third year after the aspin security forum, where big moneybags, in our understanding, sat with such people.
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the press that the dissatisfaction of the residents of western countries, normal people live there, ordinary people, not stupid, just like us, and the residents of holland, france, germany, the usa are getting higher and higher, then why are we allocating money to ukraine, which will still lose when we have a huge number of problems here with medicine, with education there, and so on and
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so on, this horror story is already familiar it has long been a common belief since the cold war that the russians are coming, the russian red threat, the russian cargo, the russian bear will come, and it... allows us to stop these outbursts and discontent, allows us to at least somehow, let’s say, justify allocation of money, as my dear colleague quite rightly said, the war in ukraine is absolutely tied to the electoral cycle in the united states, and the main task is really to ensure that biden remains in power, and no one zelensky himself, a ukrainian politician does not hide the fact that it is not beneficial for them, they would not want donald trump to come to power, that is, it is necessary to show that the ukrainians, that they can hold on, what exactly, what exactly...
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says that we must hold on, otherwise the russians, then, if they defeat ukraine, then they will threaten other nato countries, but now they are hiding behind the ukrainians, and then who are they planning, well, then there are the estonians, you understand, this is the logic. well, what am i getting at ? in fact, this is where
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it comes from in the mouths of the same people, if only ukraine joined nato, putin would not have attacked ukraine, yes, as soon as he deals with ukraine, he will attack nato. wait, will he attack nato or not, he’s the same people who say this, but what stoltenberg said is that they are not going to restore ukraine, but that’s the case. her defeat there, it’s clear that no one believes in victory, this is also an indicator, well, they’re sneezing, they’re really sneezing at these same ukrainians, we must understand, but the fact that risha sunok gave this program speech yesterday is all they expected him to announce the date of the elections, everyone is already demanding from him, tell me, when he still doesn’t dare, you know, to announce elections in his country according to plan, that means he is afraid, but yesterday he dedicated to fighting putin, russia and china all the talk about this, it means he is ready, even today. tymes, a conservative newspaper, which in theory supports the conservative party, came out with a cartoon where rish sunak was depicted as a chicken chick,
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which means that they put it in his mouth, the skies are falling, everything is going according to my plan, that is, here launching the fear project, by the way, yes, launching the fear project, he begins his election campaign, but he looks so funny at the same time, and what’s going on with the ukrainians, you showed this video before...
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he auctioned off his native land . the united states and the west, together with ukraine, will go through a difficult path of reform. so they came in and started downloading
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the anti-russia project. ukraine no longer has a brother. he was the first to swear allegiance to the democratic party. he formed the ukrainian oligarchy, he is a manipulator. kuchma's proxies begin purges massive. the cabinet of ministers will change. chechetu jumped out of the window. his next successor, valentina semenyuk, shot herself with a hunting rifle. history is inscribed in one chain together with eermak, with kuchma, with pinchuk and the west. kuchma once again stated that there can be no negotiations with russia. it shows the west that there is unity among the ukrainian establishment regarding the war until the last ukraine. and kuchma remains the eminence grise here. portorg's trajectory or the mighty kuchma? dolls of the heir tutti. today on first. get up! the vacation is over, oh my god, what a vacation, i haven’t rested a single day yet, you can rest at work, alexandra ivanovna, can you, oh, yes, yes, uh, excuse me,
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we should somehow schedule a visit . i have advantages, and this is some kind of evidence, corpses, she loves it, the ex-wife started a scandal, screamed that she would kill them both, do you smell it, gentlemen? yes, it is present, but how did the new forensic expert of the most prominent opera operator record it, well, it seems like everyone was taught that if it’s not murder, it means kidnapping or the kidnapping was staged, the killer’s genetic fingerprints were not found and the victim was also pregnant in the sense of a new series box, watch the time after the program,
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you bear too much responsibility. for others, my shoulders told you this, the body can tell a lot about a person, here is our potolaganat, he thinks so, mood, class, mood, mine, mariupol, like a seagull with a broken wing, here is their uniform, that is, basically they came to the surface out of shape, the guys will work in green positions.
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before the wedding, the oldest woman in the family performed a purification ritual by fumigating the bride with smoke. here on the arctic circle in the tundra we will shout our friendly game of wedding. on sunday on the first. it's going to be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games? on sunday on the first. against the backdrop of our offensive in the north of the kharkov region , undeservedly little attention is paid to the avdeevsky direction, and
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fighting continues there. information is received that our assault troops have gone on the offensive to the west of. in the country - troops continue to advance to in the avdeevsky direction, a cleanup is underway, as you already noted, in the west of semenovka in the fields there are battles, forest belts are being cleared, the clashes are the most severe, but the cleanup is underway, and as you know, this is one of the last moments - liberation, they are advancing
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to the west, and there is now a struggle for heights between the perch line. semyonovka orlovka and novoselovka first umanskaya. soldiers of the russian armed forces are pushing them towards the ukrainian armed forces and driving them into an artillery bag, which will help our troops shoot through. the enemy not only with artillery, but with all with the available weapons that are available, speed drones and in general even small arms can go hunting, and they are also trying hard to measure our progress, but they are not doing very well, as you have already noticed, there is an attack on the road from semyonovka to novoselovka, to vasilovka first , north of arkhangelsk and ocheretin, battles continue on the approaches. kalinovo and novoalleksandrovka, the entire road is covered by our artillery, for example, the american abrams was hit there by our red field, you can also use our red one the square was decorated, in addition, it
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was noteworthy that the otomelamot 56 howitzer of 105 mm caliber was hit. i will now explain why this is remarkable; it was destroyed in the avdievsky direction, but until that moment it was on the combat line. we have not seen any contact between such weapons, it is absolutely rare, i will remind you that it was created by italian developers back in the fifties of the last century, the presence of such a rarity 105 mm on the line of combat contact indicates that modern weapons, modern 155 mm ammunition is currently unavailable, all this movement can provide. equipment in general and western artillery, thank you very much, natalya gritsenko, special correspondent for the union tv channel, was in direct contact with us, andrei frantsivich, recently we were there, as i understand it, on the line of almost combat
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contact with artyom grigorievich, by the way, yes, that what is happening there now, because indeed the kharkov direction has shifted our attention a little, but events there are developing actively, what are your data, you really need to understand that on each section of the front it’s a little different everywhere, but how does it look from the trench with your eyes? 15 km to the line of combat contact on combat maps is directly indicated by color, where you dismount, you always have the chance of getting an fpv drone car, something else, and rap becomes outdated very quickly, today it is protected, tomorrow they changed the frequency and you are no longer protected, on our side there are drones, powerful, long-range, which fly up to 100 km, well, actually like hunters, looking for a target, competition sometimes it comes, that's okay, civilian villages, but there are akops. but you don’t see any personnel there, so there is a hunt going on, and as soon as the enemy is pulled out by us for a counterattack, they begin to climb out of their norms, tanks come from somewhere from stables or from some sheds, that’s when the target then
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falls on them all the forces of the means that exist, so it is very difficult to go forward, because you must first reveal the strength of the means, because drones are flying out of the basements, the antennas are camouflaged, it would seem on the map or in the picture of a drone this time... there is nothing in the village, but as soon as you approach it, they start shooting from every corner, a drone flies out from every hole, it’s very difficult and the fact that the guys are moving forward is actually very serious success is our skill, then the news comes first, this is the news. on the first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. the new composition of the government, the security bloc and other ministers will be held at an extraordinary meeting in the federation council and approved in the state duma. already
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this week state.


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