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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  May 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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like tobacco, which should serve shere khan, they are clear that the people are against this, of course, you can bring out a crowd of those who receive these grants, but the georgian people, i am sure, they will choose their own fate, our cause is right, the marriage will be broken, victory will be behind us, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. consultations in the federation council and approval of candidates in the state duma. the two houses of parliament today were busy forming a new composition government, and also announced changes in the presidential administration. destroyed. after the ukrainian strike
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, it was decided to restore a high-rise building in belgorod, for this purpose the damaged structures will first be completely dismantled, and today the number of deaths has increased. our units are gradually advancing in the kharkov region, western media suddenly began reporting problems with the armed forces of ukraine. the us secretary of state came to kiev to reassure zelensky and again promised weapons. accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. moscow garrison court arrested yuri kuznetsov, head of the main personnel department.
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the situation related to the use of new technologies changes literally weekly, we here need not just learn to research, we need to preempt the enemy, and here, together with the general staff, well , actually this work has been established, but it also requires daily inclusion, we need to generalize the experience of using new ones.. technologies
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and, accordingly, to develop new forms of warfare, new methods of conducting combat operations. the third question, we are talking about recruiting the armed forces, i specifically i want to emphasize to journalists that we are not talking about mobilization, about some kind of emergency measures, we are talking about planned measures, but nevertheless this process has already been launched as a call.
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i am fully aware of my responsibility to the country, to the russian people, to the president of the russian federation, in accordance with the planned appointment, i undertake to use all my strength, health, if life is required for...
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we must not go to the other extreme, we must not allow the growth of xenophobia and unjustified application of measures of influence to these citizens, what do our strategic opponents, who sleep and see, expect from us in order to shake up the situation within our country between different segments of the population and then rub their hands with a smile to see what happened to them. alexander bortnikov retains his position as head of the fsb. the senators asked what measures were being taken to prevent extremism, neo-nazism, and ukrainian nationalism from spreading there. this issue is given significant attention, since we understand that it is very important from the point of view ensuring the country's security. taking into account the processes that took place in the territory, i mean
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the mainland, and in the new territories, issues of interethnic, interfaith, so to speak, issues are also given a lot of attention, we are working within the framework.
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very worthy candidates have been presented who have devoted their entire lives to serving the fatherland, experienced, professional, reliable, proven personnel capable of solving the most complex problems, which they have repeatedly confirmed in practice. we continue consultations and, based on the results, we will send the president information in full.
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and the ministry of agriculture will be headed by oksana lut, who previously held the post of first deputy head of this department. anna kurbatova followed the progress of the discussion in the duma. hello. how are you? are we working? while the speaker of the state duma was walking up one staircase into the hall, along the other - together, 16 candidates for the positions of federal ministers were ascending. among the newcomers, four are governors. one of the youngest regional leaders, head of the kaliningrad region, thirty-seven-year-old anton alikhanov, will head the ministry of industry and trade. no one was against it during the voting. previously, this post was held by denis manturov, who was approved by parliamentarians yesterday for the post of first deputy prime minister. special attention will certainly be paid to supporting the rhythmic work of sectors of the defense-industrial complex, while matching
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the tasks of fully meeting the needs of our army, aviation, navy, and the interests of the civilian sectors, which include many defense enterprises. governor of the kursk region roman starovoyd will take over as minister of transport. this direction is not new for him; as the head of the region , he headed the relevant commission of the state council, and previously held the position of deputy in the ministry of transport, for another period.
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these are the main priorities, another new person in the government is oksana lut in the ministry of agriculture, she has been since
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2018, first as a deputy minister, and then as first deputy minister. we place special emphasis on personnel training, here we, together with the menobor of science and education, are building a full cycle system from the agricultural class, but we have everything in order now 1,800 agricultural classes already exist, they need to be increased, then this is secondary vocational education, higher education, agricultural personnel and, of course, scientific personnel for the agro-industrial complex. which we now really lack, the new composition of the government is also being formed in a new way, for the first time in the history of russia the state duma is participating in the formation of the cabinet of ministers, approving the candidacies of everyone except representatives of the security bloc and the ministry of foreign affairs. parliament received such powers 4 years ago after amendments were made to the constitution. well, that's all for today's meeting. the lower house of parliament is devoted to the approval of candidates for the positions of federal ministers. as a result of today's vote, the cabinet of ministers was updated by almost a third.
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sanctions has entered the top five in the world, and now the plan to rise one more place in the next 6 years does not seem fantastic at all. minister of economic development maxim reshetnikov remains in his place and knows what to do to achieve his goals. i want to work, i see big, big tasks that the ministry team has.
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this is not an answer, these are slogans, look, the pandemic has passed, these digital means of communication that were used during the pandemic were justified then, but once again, we have an important problem, which is when we adopted laws at the federal level, adopted regulatory documents, but they did not reach every school , all those decisions, including those on informatization, colleagues,
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let’s answer the question frankly: the ban on mobile phones, we supported it. the bill is very important, it is in effect or being implemented in all schools, there is vasilyevich, this is a question for whom, we initiated this and adopted this law, that’s what is in all or not in all, it is your task to implement the norms of the law, you are law enforcers, the discussion of candidates in the state duma lasted more than 8 hours today, without changes, in the end ministry of health, it will continue to be headed by mikhail murashka; he remains the head of the ministry of construction.
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in accordance with it , the head of the administration, anton vaina, and his two first deputies, alexei gromov and sergei kiriyenko, retain their posts. the number of deputies has been increased, they are joined by maxim oreshkin, who was previously an assistant to the president. also among the deputies is still dmitry peskov, who also remains the press secretary of the head of state. vladimir putin appointed alexei dyumin as his assistant, releasing him from his post as governor of the tula region. from now on he will work in the rank of assistant to the president. former secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev. elena yampolskaya, who previously headed the state duma committee on culture, became vladimir putin’s new advisor. by the same decree presidential envoys in federal districts have been reappointed. now belgorod, a few minutes ago a missile warning was announced again. during the day, the siren sounded 11 times and
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during the alarm several explosions were heard in the city. meanwhile, the death toll from the collapse of an entrance in belgorod after the ukrainian strike. the ministry of emergency situations reported this, and the regional governor, vyacheslav glodkov , said that a decision had been made to restore the house in the same place, but first the damaged structures, which are two entrances, need to be completely dismantled. sergey ponomarev talked with the residents. at that moment, i, our daughter, was in the apartment. we heard, as always, the sounds of an alarm from a siren. i jumped out into the corridor, locked the dog in the bathroom and...
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my daughter screamed the same way, who had to be dragged away from danger. today, the death toll from the house attack has risen to 17. rescuers found the bodies of a man and a woman under the rubble. residents of belgorod continue to bring flowers and children's toys to the spontaneous memorial; governor vyacheslav glotkov also paid tribute to the memory of the victims. he also talked with the residents of the house and told them about further actions on the eve of the building. experts followed, the first results of the examination are available, part of the house is to be demolished. workers must begin dismantling the remaining part of the third entrance, tomorrow, together with it they will dismantle the neighboring one, the second one, which is not visible from the outside, but according to the inspection, its load-bearing structures were seriously damaged, then essentially the same section of this house will be built in the same place. construction could take up to a year, with exact
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dates to be determined soon. residents of the surviving entrances will be allowed to return to their apartments. on friday, by this day, the damaged heating main should be restored, windows will begin to be replaced, this week all victims should receive compensation for the entire house at 10,000, and for those who have lost their entire property, we will draw up acts of 100,000 per person, 50,000 for partial loss of property, if we will see that the income does not allow us to restore the property and after the construction of apartments additional assistance will be needed, we will see how we always do this based on income, peaceful areas of belgorod continue to be shelled, just last night 25 czech vampire missiles were shot down over the city and region, in the morning one of the shells fell in the yard lived
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in the kharkov region, a unit of the north group of troops, as a result of active actions, managed to move deeper enemy defense. in this direction , the czech-made rszzo vampire combat vehicle was destroyed, from which it regularly fires at the belgorod region, as well as many self-propelled guns and howubs, including including western ones, in the ssu, only here they lost 135 people, in just 24 hours 1,360 militants were killed. the strike production workshop was liquidated by operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery. drones, ammunition and aircraft fuel depots at military airfields were also hit.
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western media reports that the situation in the ssu in the kharkov region is close to catastrophic. for example, on the british television channel skynews it says that russian troops are capable of advancing far. even kharkov may be released with us, all due to the fact that the armed forces of ukraine do not have enough weapons and personnel . and although in kiev they calm down, they say there is no reason for concern, but in london. they admit that ukraine may not cope. against this background , us secretary of state antony blinken urgently arrived in kiev, apparently to encourage zelensky, they discussed american military assistance and economic support. just the day before, the head of the ukrainian regime asked western sponsors for new patriot complexes. in moscow they know about blinkin’s visit, said our press secretary president dmitry peskov, emphasizing that it is taking place against the backdrop of nervousness in kiev, europe and the united states due to the special operation and russia will not give up its goals. and a new portion of revelations about the direct involvement of american ukrainian intelligence services in organizing terrorist attacks on russian territory. former deputy of the verkhovna rada, andrei derkach,
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who was forced to leave his country with whom, as he himself says, he demanded to sort things out, just today’s kiev visitor antony blinken, gave an interview to the belarusian news agency belta. the politician is no longer for the first time, he exposes the crime of the kiev regime, and now derkach accuses partners of the us president’s family of sponsoring terrorism. valentina solovyu. i listened carefully, the biden family, partners of the biden family, these are participants, proven participants in the financing of terrorist activities. the name of former deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine andrei derkach is actually known from the case of the american company burisma, where biden’s son hunter worked. it was derkach who published audio recordings on which biden demands from poroshenko, then the ukrainian president, to fire the country's prosecutor general shokin, who opened against burisma.
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ukrainian special services, malyuk, budanov, they don’t hide, if you open an interview, that they carry out events for extra-budgetary cash. this chain includes attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant and the financing of terrorists who carry out sabotage in our country. 6 million dollars is only the part that was transferred in the form of cash ; in fact, the amount, according to the director’s data, is about 18 million dollars. we tracked almost all movements of funds through the burizma company and transfers of funds through morgan stanley to... to the rosemon seneca company, this is a company that is affiliated and owned by biden's son, where he received money, we showed all the transactions, all these
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transactions are available congress in addition, derkach released data about the cover operation that was carried out during the explosion of the northern streams, all the names of its participants were established, according to derkach, they were prepared in the zhytomyr region, then in romania next to the nato base, then in poland. the group acted as cover during attacks on the stream. under the cover of nato exercises in the baltic, and they were helped by partners from norway, but the western press persistently looked for another trace, in fact it found it, we are not taking away the cia’s experience or experience.
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mi-6 preparing a cover operation, they have quite a lot of experience in using proxies, using legends to form a certain position, to deflect responsibility, and in fact, this is what happened. in addition, derkach said that has information about the work of the ukrainian intelligence services to create a dirty bomb with specific names and companies that are involved in it. all information will also be passed on to the investigation.
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the main building of the young city was the station, which has already undergone four reconstructions, but has retained the original art nouveau style in accordance with the fashion of that time. harbin grew around the railway, fantastically quickly there was an old city on one side of it, a new one began to form on the other, the two areas were connected by a rickety wooden bridge in its place in... almost 100 years have passed, and it still serves as the main city crossing. nowadays there are flags everywhere in the city; on may 17 , a russian-chinese expo opens, where manufacturers from the two countries are going to present their goods. it is held annually, alternately, in yekaterinburg, then in harbin, this time against the backdrop of rapidly increasing trade turnover, there
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is great interest in the event. in china, they know and love, for example, russian products; they have long become synonymous with quality; it is even more curious when historical flavor, like ice cream in the shape of the symbol of the city, st. sophia cathedral, or they sell an original russian drink, different from the russian class, but nevertheless delicious, in the khorbin dialect it is gvosy. the way of life of the two peoples is so closely intertwined in harbin that the inscriptions on city signs are still sometimes duplicated in two languages. many chinese keep warm memories of the russians with whom they lived next to. you can often hear that we had russian neighbors, that they were very well-mannered, very were kind to us. look at the label, this was all produced.


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