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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:55pm MSK

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there is great interest in the event; there are stands of sixteen russian regions and more than 100 russian companies, and even more delegations will come. in china, they know and love, for example, russian products; they have long become synonymous with quality. it’s even more interesting when a historical flavor is added to this, like ice cream in the shape of a symbol of the city, st. sophia cathedral, or they sell an original russian drink, different from russian kvass, but nevertheless delicious. habit, the way of life of the two peoples is so closely intertwined in harbin that the inscriptions on city ​​signs are still sometimes duplicated in two languages, many chinese keep warm memories of the russians with whom they lived next to, you can often hear that we had russian neighbors, that they were very well-mannered, they were very kind to us, look at the label, all this was produced by russian factories here in harbin at the beginning of the 20th century. vessels, kitchen utensils, many
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photographs and documents of that bygone era are carefully preserved today by the indigenous khorbin residents. mr. ide shows a wedding photo parents 1946. they postponed the celebration, waiting for soviet troops to be sent to nazi germany to help liberate the city from the japanese. during the occupation, fear and chaos reigned here. local residents disappeared, died, and japanese militarists performed medical experiments on them. the soviet army was defeated. peace has finally come to the japanese in harbin, people have been waiting for liberation, the chinese people will never forget this, so on the central square of harbin there is a monument to the red army soldiers and the words of eternal memory to the dead are engraved in granite in two languages. natalya lyublinskaya, sergey shilina, anastasia slobodenyuk and nika vishnyakova, channel one, harbin, china. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, well, right now on the first, watch the program, time will tell.
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hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, and these are interesting days we are going through now, an interesting agenda, we have a new, old or old, new, but, admittedly, 30% renewed government. .. there are a lot of people who, so to speak, stayed on their posts, many people who changed their jobs, in fact, all this together is the most important process, well, that’s how i define it for myself, and i hope so, the most important process of optimizing the work of the state machine, the public administration system, for all of us we understand what the tasks are, and by the tasks of the fact that military operations are taking place, they are very difficult and our enemy, as we have said more than once, is the entire collective american... centric west and by
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the task of the internal, internal economic, socio-economic, political development and so on, that is , roughly speaking, this is a process that i think is absolutely normal, and at the same time absolutely necessary before adjustment, and we really use the word optimization, so some time ago we used it somehow, like the word democracy at one time , also the word optimization is somewhat overused here, but nevertheless the process is that everything should go more efficiently, for this there must be new people, for this there must be new ideas, for this new approaches are important, well, i think , what now this process has almost ended, i assume that the state duma and the federation council, according to their, so to speak, competencies and prerogatives, approved everything, talked with them, asked them questions, set tasks for them, i assume that the president, but judging by the fact that most of these people were proposed, most of these people were proposed by the president himself.
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everything will be fine, and it seems to me that this is the refrain of our common work, which should become more effective, both combat work, and economic, and social, by the way speaking, information work, and it seems to me that a very important phrase was said today, speaking in the federation council, just the new one, well, formally he is still a candidate, but in essence i think the new minister of defense of the russian federation, andrei remich belousov , this phrase, it seems
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to me, in fact, when i heard it and saw it in the news feed, i also internally applauded, just like our senators wrote to those with whom i am connected. at the front, knowing he wrote this in his telega, that many at the front also applauded this or they will applaud when they hear and recognize, and this phrase, which i hope will be a guide to action for the new, so to speak, entire composition of our government and further, in approaches to military, to civil affairs, it is very important for all of us now, and ... as i wrote in my own place, i’ll still say it on the air, it’s just a matter of small things, this wonderful wonderful principle, to bring to life, which is always more difficult, and there is one more nuance, which i also discussed today, with those with whom i had contact today from my friends,
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acquaintances at the front, because this phrase concerns not only the authorities, this phrase concerns each of us at our own level, because we all... we know, comrade officers, that a situation in which we believe that there are ours, and there are not ours, or vice versa, we believe that ours are not there, but they are there, this is also someone reporting, and this is someone reporting not from moscow, this is someone reporting there, this is the story, what a mistake you can’t lie, it seems to me that this principle must go through the entire chain, first everything, here is the military, the frontline, and become that...
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there is no more brother, he was the first who swore allegiance to the democratic party, he formed the ukrainian oligarchy, he is a manipulator, kuchma’s henchmen are starting a massive purge, the cabinet of ministers will change, chechatov jumped out of the window , his next successor, valentina semenyuk, shot herself with
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a hunting rifle. this story is included in one chain along with eermak, kuchma, pinchuk and zabor. once again i stated that there can be no negotiations with russia. shows the west what it is.
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call me, listen, you are somehow strange today , nothing happened to you, i declare you husband and wife, anxiety, excuse me, i’ll be here for an hour, maximum an hour and a half, well, what happened, an intruder plane crossed the border, shoot it down , whatever whatever it is, francis, i know you are not a coward. you should know the whole truth, they can still get you, the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone, you realize the moment, of course, the ring has fallen, it’s a bad omen, seryozha, fourth, answer third, something happened,
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i’m very sorry, maine, harry's aborted flight powers, on saturday at the first, how was the mood, class, mood, oh, mariupol, like a seagull with a broken wing.
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study all sorts of wisdom, otherwise you will hit your wedding face in the snow. nenets clothing,
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called malisa, is warm inside. unlike me, you don't freeze. ice table, imagine, there is not just ice here, here is a northern polar berry, a cranberry, it is in the shape of a pattern, deer antlers. he's going to pick up the bride. before the wedding, the oldest woman in the family performed a purification ritual by fumigating the bride. here on the arctic circle in the tundra let's shout our let's have a friendly wedding, on sunday on the first, time will tell the program, we continue to work live, i started the program today with a word... from defense minister andrei belousov that about the principle that he was guided by in his previous
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work and is going to be guided by in the future, that you can make mistakes, you cannot lie, and we began, we begin this conversation, remembering this phrase, which really means that it is always better to present and state the real state of affairs to the commander, manager, and minister, and to whom whatever, because in general this is the key to successfully solving any problems, today i had a very amazing feeling when i listened, well, so to speak, in the federation council, when the new minister of defense spoke and listed the tasks that were facing, i had i have a feeling that here he is, he’s talking about what i was thinking about and what i saw , what i encountered in the previous 2 weeks that i was there, well, having traveled along the entire front, and...
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you need to preempt the enemy, and here together with the general staff, well, actually this work is established, but it also requires daily inclusion.
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in part, well, let's say, in terms of problematization, because, for example, andrei belousov says that we have the most modern military special equipment, yes, we have it, i talked about the lancet yesterday, i really am in on this trip i had the opportunity to get acquainted with how it works, communicated with people who use it, in some sense of the word saw how it is used, and in general, in a sense, this is our breakthrough story, it is well developed, excellent it works and... there are no questions here, this is an example of how it works, but, for example, there is another story about ammunition, which is available in some areas, in other areas, but somehow, and this, of course, depends on , that we all understand, both military and non-military people, that there are areas that are more important and more fundamental, and there are areas that are less
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hot now, but in fact in a war during combat operations there are no important areas... there are no areas, everyone who performs tasks that are assigned to them, in order to complete these tasks they must have the required amount of ammunition, let any arrows and stones fly at me now, but i am responsible for my words, that not on every sector of the front where i have been, but i have been on each, so i will not give away any military secrets now, without indicating which sector i’m talking about, not every sector of the front has ammunition to carry out assigned tasks...
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this is very clearly visible in combat areas , when you drive and you see everywhere, even at some point, you first see everything you start taking pictures, take pictures, take pictures, and then your eyes start to blur, because everything around you is, well, not exactly strewn, but in general very densely saturated, but with broken, burnt equipment, and these are not always brds, or here you go, please , a civilian gazelle, many other civilian vehicles, and this is a vehicle that... is burned in many sectors of the front on a daily basis, on a daily basis, because to ensure this quantity, yes, it was natural to arrive here, i don’t know, a fevishka or projectile, but that's what i i showed you before, these are cars that no one drives in military vehicles for a long time , everyone drives civilian ones, but even civilian cars are hunted by fpv, and
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everyone installs this rap for themselves, a lot of this is called the kulibin-knee, which -it works, some kind of non... words and i think that hundreds of officers who are now in front of the tv, or who will later hear and know, they will confirm this, from nails, printer paint, to rap and amplifiers for our copters, so that they can, this is about the issue of new technologies for because the enemy is improving, as
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has been said, and we must comply with this, in some sectors of the front the enemy flies into our territory. up to 8 dash 10 km, which we cannot say to ourselves everywhere, why? because we need signal amplifiers for these copters, and then we return to this very phrase, which i have heard too many times: they chipped in , bought it themselves, they have it, they fly, or another front-line phrase: good people brought it, good people who they bring what they used to bring, well, i don’t know, donuts, candy, socks, underpants and now i was talking about it yesterday, without question the problems have been solved, so the signal amplifiers are bought and delivered by kind people or the military personnel themselves chip in, answering: for every word they say, well, what is called the nth number of these amplifiers and the amplifiers were now involved, at the output it all looks
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something like this in the kherson region, my comrades and i were driving in the direction of the village of krynka, this is the situation of the road, now there was a car on the left, now on the right along the side of the road, this is me i also turned off the text, well, i turned off the sound, well, because there were continuous beeps, now our companion will be on the right side of the road. says: here stood the sun, that’s all that ’s left of the sun, now we’ll get to this place, you know, the sun, that’s all that’s left of the sun, it’s not a cheap system, apparently some kind of reb was missing, some protection, we immediately switch to the left side, and there is another dead pickup truck, and then we drive forward, and there is another dead pickup truck, and then there will be another on the right side one dead pickup truck, and that’s exactly why for the first time in my life, to be honest, i experienced this happiness in a four-wheeler lada driving at a speed of 120 km/h. 120 km per hour, because this is at least some kind of guarantee, given that the guys
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have some kind of something there, it’s stuck out there, i ask, so what, how does it work, they say, not yet we know, but this is all clearly so homemade, self-made, another story from the same trip, now i’ll turn on a small, small piece with sound, you’ll understand what i’m talking about. i say oh first one thing, dji, this is a story called a drone detector, and it’s not like they’re giving away a soldier, it’s like my fellow soldier gave it to me, but... but it’s also a story that is not systematized, the whole front is hunting for them , before leaving , many people wrote to me that they need it, need it, need it, need it, need it,
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i won’t say the name, because i don’t know whether this is a commercial brand or a non-commercial brand, but those who deal with it understand, there are questions for that, how effective this thing is a lot, it is effective in certain situations, in others situations, she only interferes with these squeaks, because you, as if she reacts to any copter, and you seem to run and don’t understand, should you fall already or should you crawl away to where? necessary or what? there is no systematization, because whoever was able to buy this device uses this device. below is another example of what we are talking about, honestly speaking, remembering that we have these same gliding bombs and this is an excellent development of our military-industrial complex, that we have lancets, that we have krasnopol, that we have a lot of things there are, but people who are well, on the ground, closer to the ground, they see, of course, how it works, well, here’s another one for you, for example -
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what do we see when we look at these frames? we
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observe that if there were no mavik, the mine would not fly anywhere. where did mavik come from? again to the question of what needs to be optimized, intensified, and so on. i was asked a million times at the front. citing various examples of how something seems to be happening somewhere, i won’t go into details, they say, it was impossible to spend money on this, this, this, this about the military, but about the civilian, it’s impossible for us to buy maviks there, so that we can have them, considering that maviks are consumables, well, i answer as best i can, i don’t know why it’s not possible to buy them in in such quantities, yes somewhere they are, they are brought somewhere, but even where they are brought in large quantities before... people, they still run out, everyone is hunting for them, for 2 years there will almost soon be a war, of which 2 years have passed since we even entered into this topic with drones, all this is the first thing
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you need, mavik, mavik. all these structures are welded onto the tank, which limits the rotation of the turret, for a moment, well, to the weight of the eighty, that’s plus 4 tons, well, that’s a lot in general, it’s certainly not critical, but nevertheless, this is also not a good life , because well , to saturate this matter with such a reb, so that this reb is working and effective, well, i’ll put it mildly, apparently it doesn’t work out everywhere and not
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everyone has... in two areas of responsibility, donetsk and i know what’s going on back in district of kherson region, not only that, but after all, i am the moscow representative of the union of kuban cossacks, and these are usually people who fight on the front line, i even talked at the front line, i just don’t want to name anyone right now, because it’s clear why i don’t want, in my opinion, everything that is happening at the front requires a systematic understanding, in our list of things that have been listed are also not very good,
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to put it mildly, with the cbb, counter-battery warfare, with medicines, i know cases when operations were carried out without anesthesia, in military field conditions , to be honest, we have big special units have problems even with electric bikes, or what do you think of the situation, now i ’m telling myself about mines, i ’m talking with guys, saboteurs from a related unit, one of the very best, of course i won’t name it, well, somewhere in the area the central part of the arc, so they tell me, but you know what? there is no power supply, what kind of btkm are there, i am holding back my emotions, what kind of jumping, so to speak, mines are there, and so on, there are no batteries, and i am going, for example, to an enterprise in the donetsk region, the space industry of saturn, and there are batteries lying there in bulk, they are ready to produce right there behind the tape, and i, i personally, a private person, actually connect people who will build mines with explosive devices on their own, despite the fact that these are
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professional units responsible for themselves.
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will tell you where, how, why, this, this, this , of course, is not just a disgrace, the question arises, what next with the organization of everything, or when they show you, excuse me, a tank that receives two hits from pivedrones continues to move, and i have it right in yours style, the question arises: where is the rap? ok, the curtain worked, but where is the heavy rap? do we even have rap as such? the tank holds up great, thanks to the urals, they did it conscientiously, it continues to move even after two hits, but that’s not the point? well , look, you and i are asking, you and i are asking these questions, yes, so you say, it’s a systemic problem, and we are basically saying about the same thing that andrei belousov is talking about, that apparently, somewhere some connections are not working even within the military department, at the intersection of the military department with the economy, with production, with the military-industrial complex, i don’t know, with society, that is, here somewhere something is being lost, in this sense the main question is, these are the
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changes that have now taken place. let andrei romovich be in the civil service, i think they will definitely bring him in, because the first problem, which in my opinion, i don’t advise anyone, because we have had a country of soviets for a very long time, but i’m just saying from what i know, the first - this is the responsibility of the unit commander, because , thank gentlemen, you are related to the elite unit with which you are, well, friends and from which you come from, but very often the commanders, well, are so in discord, who fly away for firewood, being responsible for the personnel, from, excuse me.
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are dying in large numbers, well, you say, let's check their decision, who will be the people who will check the decision of the command - field courts of senior-ranking officers, in case of discrepancy , the pursuit must be disrupted, and these field courts will consist of people who have combat experience, who can appreciate the actions of the unit commander, and what we will have to transfer the number of front-line officers with experience to these courts, there is no need to transfer, it was at the front during the second world war, we had this great patriotic case. in the event of any controversial decisions, there are any number of them, in the case of high casualties, the seniors at the division level must sort it out in any way, and naturally, the commander must be called and the validity of his actions checked, because i say again, people are dying , this is a very serious
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problem, i know how, i know why, naturally i won’t name it, like you, it indeed, i was asked to talk about this by people who sit in the okupahs from lesichanskaya to, and to put it mildly, it’s hard for them, because this is unreasonable... the truth of the decisions of some commanders, it is impossible to complain, as you yourself understand, at the front, and no one there will be, therefore , checking consumables, yes, the fight against corruption, we know what just happened, just today i was on the air, i heard, as you, i understand, know, so to speak, about the next investigation that began in the glorious walls, that's all understandable, but i’ll remind you of one practice, i’ll end here, because how can you talk about this topic for hours, i live by it, i don’t understand why, if something happens , not tear off the stars and send them straight there. what the person was responsible for, and let him look into the eyes of those people who, as a result of his actions, his behavior, suffer, up to 200, you are saying, if i understand you correctly, that in your opinion, the connection
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between those, who is at the front and those who are not at the front, but on whom the adoption of certain decisions, that if some of those who make decisions were more often or closer to the front, then the decisions would be better. somehow, i don’t know, the course is changing, the approach is changing, the approaches are changing, or in my opinion, what you were talking about, again, in this case i can only theorize, yes, but repeatedly, we can read
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memoirs of our illustrious generals of the great patriotic war, everyone said that war is a clash of economies, it is a battle of the rear, assembly shops. another thing is that objectively this reverse a connection that is certainly already functioning, and artyomich, i’m in the same studio, this is also very important, i heard this feedback, constructive, not criticism from your lips,
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from the lips of other people who, so now we don’t have criticism, if if they started criticizing, then all of them would immediately go out again, and this suggests that everyone is concentrated on one thing. make sure that a machine that, of course, drives, but which has a problem, i mean a systemic military machine with a bureaucratic apparatus, with technological potential, naturally with fighters, acted as efficiently as possible. god forbid, i don’t want to discredit my i don’t have, this is again a value judgment, army, because i, just like all of us , helped there to varying degrees and i also have personal stories where my close comrade and friend in i’m in the most elite unit...
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the fourth year and not about 2025, what needs to be established and what needs to be a technological breakthrough, yes, otherwise we will be crushed, as one very smart comrade said, in my opinion, this is about a decade, if this breakthrough is not made now, administration is not established, feedback is not established not just with the military-industrial complex, with those who are ready to introduce innovations, alexandrovich, for example, and many other colleagues, for example, say about...
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and so on and so forth, this does not concern,
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this concerns everyone, and again, summarizing belousov’s speech, of course, first of all we will look at the practical implementation of those stated goals, but what else i really liked, besides the story with shortage, let’s say, or the insufficient efficiency of ammunition there, the work of the military-industrial complex, logistics, and so on, he began his conversation with the senators with... life stories, with the history of payments to soldiers, with hospitals, with the fact that very often people have huge problems , who are simply transferred to one hospital, for example, the papers do not keep up with them, some cannot obtain the status of a combat veteran for a long time, i also know this firsthand, my comrades received it, but i know that it cost them, in in this sense these two directions are people, their aspirations, their needs , i...
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well, the president entrusted this high honor in the conditions of a special military operation, i will say so, a military conflict, again turning to our great history. a person who , god forbid, i don’t want to think about it, but in such a scenario, hypothetically, yes, we still have to discuss not coping, well, let’s say frankly, yes, even internally, how he will feel, if at all he will be able to do this, so we don’t just watch, but wish him every success, this feedback, artyom grigorievich, which you actually constantly, constantly say, and society hears it, and ordinary people hear it, it seems to me also very important. history, you know, is not about openness, the ministry of defense should not
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be open under any circumstances, this is my deep conviction, this is not an open government, yes, excuse me, it’s a state secret, this is our security, this is our defense, but history when interests the security states of specific fighters must be higher than some kind of emotional reaction, well for criticism, or maybe some other advice, it seems to me, well, this is what i heard from belous and this is honest. but i forgive you for the anglicism, as far as work is concerned, nikita sergeevich. yes, but by the way, in fact, this is a very important story about feedback, about feedback from those who are here and, as it were, from practitioners, so today i had the opportunity to discuss this in absentia with the topic, and i, for example, wrote that well, look, this is what we discussed,
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that we are there with you, with you, with you, with discussed with you, look, he understands about this, he understands about this, and he understands about this, for example, about the issue with... with medical care for svo participants in civilian medical institutions, about which andrei belov said yesterday, well, i want to say about feedback, many commanders of units at the regimental and divisional level also raise some questions, like an idea, because well, war is such a complex story, where a person who is above a certain level, getting into a civilian institution, well, there is... . i just to put it mildly, there are opportunities to fix some problems for yourself, to continue to receive a salary, i say this again, this is the opinion of people, practitioners, so this feedback is not criticism or anything, this is feedback, which we critically need, because we all think about the same thing, we all want a result, and we all
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sometimes ask ourselves questions more than once over these two-plus years, exactly why the result is not what we would like, and let’s be honest, it’s not the way we... imagined before the beginning of the twenty-second year, thinking that well, if we get started now, then there’s egey, you wanted to add something briefly and we’ll go, i ’ll say it very briefly, i don’t naturally enjoy this, but let’s not repeat ourselves, we have a big problem also regarding mobilized ones, because we have 3,000 soldiers who have been mobilized, who have been at the front for more than a year without leave, without prospects for leave, well, as for without leave - it’s still a lot of articulation, it’s just needed.
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configuration was also mentioned today, after all, from what i know, well, firstly, many mobilized are already switching to contracts, in principle, as far as i know, this work is going on quite systematically progressively, many mobilized have already switched to contracts, that is, we can no longer talk about 300,000 mobilized, who are all mobilized, many of them on a contract, with vacations, yes, in some places it’s better, in others it’s worse, this is another story, well , as if calculating some actions, because the idea with... two weeks, twice a year, it’s very good , but from the point of view its practical implementation, well, let's put it mildly, certain practical nuances have arisen, moreover, and this, by the way, is about the junction, well, like the army and the economy, well, in fact, as i understand it, the new minister of defense, he is one of his main
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functions, the fact that he came, so to speak, a man who largely managed the economy, even when the prime minister was sick with covid, he instead... was the prime minister and now he came to this, performed his duties, came to this area, well, for example, many people told me that people go on vacation at their own expense, but you understand so well that it’s like going on vacation at your own expense to komchatka, for example, or flying to kemerovo at your own expense on vacation, in general, there’s a lot to work on, and well , since we agreed with andrei remich’s light hand not to lie. well, let’s say everything as it is, without condensing anything, because there is a lot to condense, if there was a desire, there is no desire to condense, yes, come on, i’m not lying, without flattery, since i already told you that your program is the only one of a kind on our television, since all this may
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not be so emotional and not so condensed, but we said all this on almost every one of your programs, and since we have a tendency to sin, that when another boss is removed, it turns out that now it turns out you can talk about the shortcomings, it was like that before, it will be like that later, and what always captivated me artyom in your program was that there wasn’t this one-time component, that we, both your guests and you yourself, always talked about the problems first of all, naturally, when it is necessary in soft language, when it is necessary in politically correct language, but the topic is not right... i had the feeling that this phrase was flashing on the internet, that now it’s like in may of forty
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-five, yes, that people are happy about the event that is happening is very really great, well , there is no event, there is a process in which certain adjustments take place, and here, so i wouldn’t discuss it here as some kind of event, as some kind of milestone,
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it also seems to be not entirely healthy, but you know, that's all, here it is, moreover, i, for example, am sure that this one is just history, they are dispersing it, perhaps out of sincere feelings, but in this case, involuntarily, they are also playing along with our enemies, you know, that’s why all these polls there, how do you feel, well, yes, well, in the poll there were 92 in favor, but just i am a historian, my task as a historian is to remember and i...
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it is necessary for everyone, because someone does it, someone suffers from it, we are all part of this process, and the very last one is also short, because as a historian of administrative including things, right? schools and changes in combat regulations at all levels, without this even the most brilliant economist will not do anything, that’s right, well, we
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will complete this part of the program in which we were so... so to speak, within the framework of the paradigm declared by the new minister of defense, i just opened telegram to see the news here, i got it from the guys who are now directly on the front line, in the zone of a special military operation, those with whom i saw about a week ago, i’ll just read it to you, not in terms of self-pr, in terms of understanding how what we are saying and what we are discussing is relevant, that this is no hype, no... nothing, artyom grigorievich, we are now watching your broadcast with the guys, this is just a balm for the soul from the fact that that what everyone here is talking about has finally been voiced, that either at their own expense or good people help, we think that this is the most courageous statement, it includes the cry of the soul of all the guys who are on the front line, we hope you will not have consequences from -for this, thank you for
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the truth, we keep our fingers crossed for you, i hope. not there will be, guys, we all have no turning back , we all have a bright future ahead of us, but first advertising, sports - it works wonders, stress goes away, anxiety, well, i recommend you a series of beauty injections, yes, you have a tension here, yes, there is a tension, let’s count three, one, what passions, let’s discuss this in a cafe. is this some kind of new thing? new guy? have you started looking at strangers ? it seems to me that with my lifestyle and my character, a man does not suit me at all. we announce the interception plan. colleagues, how do you think? shouldn't i become a blonde? your honor is not damaged. you don’t love me, that’s all, for your sake i’m ready to do
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all this, even in the rain. hello, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, you have hypertension, your joints hurt, what pain pills do you need, because most pain pills will only increase your blood pressure and ruin your life. the “live with” program dealt with this and many other serious issues in detail.
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you go down in history as the first to fly over advice from south to north, the air defense system is powerless against some spy, learn to shoot down immediately, flights must be suspended, the situation must not be escalated, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible, ramming at such a height is certain death if you were on if you were a doctor, what would you do? i... fifty two. thoranu is ready. harry powers' aborted flight on saturday. on the first. studying the history of my country, i understand
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how multifaceted and vast russia is. and i’m from vologda pronishka. and from there. hello to you, all the best to you, health, happiness, a lot of laughter for many years to come, the city of gorodets is famous for gorodets gingerbread, gold embroidery, gorodets painting, greetings to the republic of udmurtia and greetings to the kostroma region, i am glad that the fields are being sown and harvested, i am glad that something new is being built, in this year i was in altai and it’s just a planet within a planet, only russia can be the best russia. who conquered space, we can do anything, russia, we love you, how is the mood, class, mood, mine, mariopol, like a seagull with a shot down, here is their uniform thrown, then basically, they came to the surface out of shape, the guys will work in the positions of
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the militants. premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first, three chords, new season, on
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sunday on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, the summer series of games, on sunday on the first, time will tell the program, we continue to work live, live we discuss, in fact, the main context, as has already been said more than once today, the main context, in in which all administrative events take place...
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everything we worry about and want to improve - this is to make it easier for them to solve problems and so that they solve these problems successfully, i must say that there are areas in which now, now... our grouping - the north - is showing quite good results, the ministry of defense reports about this, i always, when it comes to certain, so to speak, advances, about the occupation of populated areas, i always try to rely on the populated areas on official data, so every day we hear the names of populated areas that we have not heard before, but now we hear them in context , that they are now under the control of our troops, moreover... as far as i know, from my sources, regarding the progress in this sector, these are very restrained, that is, all, all official statements, they are very restrained, that is well, that’s it, that’s it
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, let’s say, no one is making a fanfare, rather, on the contrary, it’s dampening it down, moreover, the adversary understands that something like this is happening there, but does not fully understand that we are listening to one of the mouthpieces of the adversaries. ukrainian commanders watch the advance of russian troops in the kharkov region areas. on monday morning, the ukrainian armed forces lost several more border villages. but what is it? a feint designed to distract ukrainian reserves from the battle within hours? or is this a real attack on the second largest city of ukraine, kharkov. the next few weeks will be decisive for ukraine. ukrainian generals will have to decide whether they should now send the military into battle on the russian border, or, instead, they will send their people to...
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however, the people there are not stupid either, let me remind you that it was discussed in the late fall of last year that the offensive of the russian army will most likely begin from the kharkov direction, but i see that we are not only from kharkov, we are much smarter, indeed, our people have learned to fight superbly, that there is simultaneous pressure on the entire front, why are there redeployments of people from kherson region or from chasoy yar, the exposure of some... kherson, maybe a little less than hours, the central arc of the front, that is, this is a general offensive, but
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it is clear why, on the other hand, this is happening in the kharkov region, because belgorod, because we know, and here it is not a secret, because this is information from the opposite country, that antonio aguta, this cannibal, as i call him, specifically put the civilian population to death. i know anthony agut, well, just so that everyone understands that he is a cannibal, but also an american general, an american general in the past, the commander of the first american army, a man who trained an insane number of terrorists from the islamic state. the organization is banned in russia to other places where they had an application, what is its rate expressed on the death of the local population, his bet on the death of the world of the local population, i think, from some misunderstanding of some of our continental specifics, he is a complete stranger here, even from another continent, when there was a meeting before the first unforgettable blow on the children’s christmas tree in belgorod , some of the ukrainian generals, not because they are kind, there are no good ones there, but simply because they effectively somehow also in their own way understood what would happen...
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and this is a line that, until a certain time, was not characteristic of the americans, it causes horror even in such, well, let's say, the antichrist as budanov, because budanov, who recently gave birth to his next, so to speak, statements, who declares the possibility of defeat of the ukrainian army, by the way, i wanted to ask you about this, today i i also wrote in my cart that in general it’s something like this, kiryukha is stopping by, well, like he has more people left, there are no reserves left, nothing, what is this, this is another misconception. or is it
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really some kind of, no, he has a line, artyom grikovich, he even expressed it through the anglo-sassonian press, back at the time when his accomplice, then the head of zaluzhnaya , until february 10, if you remember, gave birth to one interview, and budanov urgently gave birth to another, bugdanov then warned, well, he warned, we don’t need our people in this, about that, then that for the spring-summer campaign of the russian army there will be enough missiles and ammunition for all ukrainians, that everything is fine with russia, and so is he.
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for the simple reason that we have very little time, as you often say, i completely agree with this, the enemy cannot be underestimated, to put it mildly - this is a truism, and the way they are now organizing, well, let’s say, their new actions, not only at the technical level, but at a number of levels, now is not the time for broadcasting, they do not allow us to say everything naturally, they prove to us, that we must move quickly, especially in order not only to create a zone, we will create a zone when we reach our borders along the dpr, lpr, we have not yet reached kharkov, i agree, it is strictly necessary,
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so let’s say this , that in any case it’s a sanitary zone, and if it also turns into offensive, it’s even better, by the way, by the way, kharkov is kharkov, but here i am talking with the marines on my trip. we even made a bet with them, they say: no, no, no, there will be odessa, odessa , like, well, it seems to me that they are in a bit of a hurry, but you know, people who have been at war for more than two years and who have seen a lot of things, and well, not just anything simple, and yet they are determined to fight another war with odessa, understanding perfectly well, as military people, what it’s worth, by the way, a high indicator, well, this new thing, this feeling that it’s impossible to go back, just forward, let's move on about what has been said, that we don't have much... time, which means blinken galloped up
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against the background of what we're talking about, or not against the background of what we're talking about, but simply galloped up, galloped to kiev, well , kissed someone there, once again this same kuleba of all ukraine distinguished himself, who remember him at mcdonald's last time, took him and talked about his hangover memories, this time he decided to take him, brought him him to the pizzeria, i don’t know, my guys are very... i'm very glad that my friend took me on this culinary tour of kiev, which i expect will continue in the coming months and years, you know, it's like that, well, like, yes, but other than that he said that the west understands, that he cannot waste time in ukraine, in the coming days, he will deliver
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much more military assistance to the battlefield than now, he called the current stage critical for kiev, he admitted that the coming months will demand from ukraine, i am reading directly from the page, therefore. the style is a little bit clothy, in your opinion blinkin did he really come to inspire them or somehow prepare them for the inevitable? always the arrival of such western emissaries is always a definite ultimatum, in my opinion , the press that exists, again in the west, which says that the front may crumble everywhere and that kiev should almost now be preparing for negotiations, this was said by the way the american publication is a fairly authoritative publication, well, zelensky should now consider it in the case of the kharkov tragedy.
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kharkov why is the excitement being built up in western press, yes, it is always preparation, potential preparation of public opinion for a scenario of failure, and blinken comes, but, but potential preparation for failure is not because they foresee failure, but it is possible, it is not what they are, it is always
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a story about that society should be in a state of, well, such uncertainty, but just in case there is a failure, we prepared you for this, we wrote you,
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the story about the peace conference in switzerland will change in favor of what is not necessary on the whole world is again trumpeting about this peace plan of zelensky, so-called, by the way, against the backdrop of the offensive in the kharkov region and the liberation of some huge number of kilometers, of course, that is, they need to look like such idiots, this is not the first time for them, but no less it’s very important here that the main patron looks like an idiot, and the main patron really doesn’t like to look like an idiot and...
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the united states of america, in this sense, what we are seeing now, what our guys are doing, just handsome guys, is influences on an international track is unrealistic, because indeed, in the context of assistance, they really wanted to hold these peace conferences in switzerland in the summer, to bring the global south, india, china there. so that everyone would agree at least a little with this peace formula of zelensky and so on, against the backdrop of what is happening now, by the way, i do not rule out that it will be postponed, that it will not take place, or it will be so castrated.
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they wrote that china did not expect that russia would not be able to, yes, in a couple of weeks, let
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not in 3 days, but in a couple of weeks to complete your tasks, yeah, and after that china behaved very carefully, then the americans are idiots, yes, when you have two enemies, with one you are waging a real military conflict, leave the other alone at least for a while, they abandoned, as some experts write, they threw us into each other’s arms, yes, they threw us into each other’s arms. they brought pilosi to taiwan, and china realized that he would really be next after us, no matter what happened. and after that, objectively, china began to move towards, let’s say, gently, a greater understanding of the russian position, it is clear that they do not want to completely tear everything apart from the west, as we did, they are also afraid of sanctions, we have seen that they sometimes vibrate.
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getting closer, but we won’t get ahead of ourselves, time will tell, advertising. former president
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of ukraine, leonid kuchma. i always say that the biggest crime will be if we create a quarrel between the ukrainian and russian people. 30 pieces of silver, for which he auctioned off his native land. the united states and the west, together with ukraine, will go through a difficult path of reform. so they came in and started downloading the anti-russia project. u ukraine no longer has a brother. he was the first who swore allegiance to the democratic party, he formed the ukrainian oligarchy, he is a manipulator, kuchma’s henchmen are starting a massive purge, the cabinet of ministers will change, chechetov jumped out of the window, his next successor, valentina semenyuk, shot herself with a hunting rifle. this story is included in one chain together with eermak, with kuchma, with pinchuk and the west. kuchma once again stated that there can be no negotiations with russia. it shows the west that the ukrainian establishment is about to rise up.
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rom kastro product of stellar group vodka. veda productlar group, get up, the vacation is over, lord, what a vacation, i haven’t rested a day yet, you can rest at work, alexandra ivanovna, can you, oh, excuse me, we should somehow schedule a visit, i have an advantage , this is some evidence of corpses, she loves it, the ex-wife started
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a scandal, shouted that she would kill them both. do you smell it, gentlemen? yes, there are notes, as you like the new forensic expert of the most prominent opera recorded, well, sort of everyone was taught that if it’s not a murder, it means a kidnapping or a staged kidnapping, an assault group, readiness number one, that is, it’s not safe to be here with you, it’s not safe to be with me at all, no, i won’t take you like this, go back and get treatment, okay? can you explain to me what's going on? don’t worry, this is a formality within the framework of the investigation, no genetic fingerprints of the killer were found, and the victim was also pregnant. in terms of? bloodhound, new series. watch the time after the program. you carry too much responsibility for others. about this for you said my shoulders. the body can say a lot about a person. hm. our potolagan
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thinks so. well, hello. did it happen? samoletnikich, american reconnaissance officer over our territory. congratulations, valen. great photos, very valuable information. you understand that it is a shame on such a day as may 1st and admit your own helplessness. i even envy you a little, guy, will you go down in history as the first to fly over the soviets from south to north, the air defense system is powerless against some spy? learn to shoot down immediately. flying it is necessary to pause, the situation cannot be escalated. the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible. a ram at such a height is certain death. if you were a pilot, what would you do? i'm fifty two.
7:51 pm
taranu is ready. harry powers' aborted flight on saturday. at the first, how is the mood, class, mood, my mariupol, here is their uniform thrown, that is, mostly to the surface, they went out of shape, the guys will work on the positions of the militants,
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well, at the end of the program, what we have already talked about more than once talked while discussing events at the front, and mentioned what an important role our guys play, how much is on their shoulders now, and i know that they are watching, and what we are talking about here, i know we... we are saying this because, well, we cannot lie to them and greetings, and many that i brought from them, today i begin to fulfill their promises, i visited these guys, the paratroopers at the beginning of may, we recorded it, they recorded it for their relatives, greetings, their faces are covered, but i think that the relatives
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will find out , let's go, hello, mommy, hello, beloved wife. son, artyom, ian, daughter, ramelushka, huge, huge to everyone hello, i’m fine, daddy is nearby, hello, my dear girls. look after the children, the sons, and nothing, everything is fine, we are working, we are trying, i think everything will be fine, hello, dear, my beloved wife, i say hello to you, i say hello to the children, i say hello to my dear son-in-law, to everyone who has me knows, remembers, loves and waits, hello everyone, i’m with you, hello, mother and sister, i love you very much, hello, altai republic, laganskaya. district, balt village, yul, hello to everyone, family, friends, i want to say hello to everyone to my loved ones, i’m fine, i’m alive and well, my daughters, hello, emilia, my
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beloved, i’ll be home soon, i want to say hello to everyone, my family, parents, son, i’m fine, i say hello to my beloved wife, my to my loved ones, parents, brother, to all the people who know me, don’t worry about me, everything is fine, everything will be just as fine, calling kuban, happy upcoming holiday of the great victory to everyone, that’s it, that’s actually such a russian, in in the broad sense of the word russian soldier, he and there is someone who does what we talk about in our...
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you and i should all pray, wish them success, good luck, and do everything, including telling the truth, so that they have everything they should have for victory, then they will get it for us, guys, a doll of the heir to the cloud on the first channel.


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