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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  May 14, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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you play great, but to be honest, i’m not much of an expert in this, believe me, the experts also said so, it’s better on the course, you have a great future, what’s the result? regional philharmonic society, corporate events, restaurants, it always seemed to me that talent would break through, no matter what, i was also so naive, but in modern show business money, that’s your talent, you need it.
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i haven’t paid for the last month yet, i missed the payments, and then, as if cursed, i lost all my part-time jobs. okay, the reason for the theft is clear to me, that’s why it was necessary to kill nina, yes, i didn’t want to, and she wasn’t in the room, but i just took the ring from the sleeping black man, then i saw her standing in the doorway when she started yelling and threatening, well, i also threatened, the ring is stolen, i need to report it to the police , took out the phone, she, yes, i understand, she could not allow her husband... to be imprisoned, yes,
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she began to snatch the ring, grabbed the knife, somehow it all happened, i don’t really know, they say that evening you played like never before, yeah, that was my requin. you'll see, she loved you, tried to protect you so that you wouldn't be imprisoned again, if it weren't for this theft, she if she were still alive, well, go home, go home, my sophia has already called. alexander ivanovna,
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can i give you a ride? thank you, i can handle it. thanks guys, good night, see you tomorrow. well, he’s normal, man. listen, as long as alexandra ivanovna is happy. that's for sure. there is a big game on the air, in moscow the federation council and the state duma continue to discuss candidates for leading positions in the russian government, but they also talk, of course, about people who are appointed to the presidential administration. but the president himself
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already, as they say, preparing for a serious journey to a very important meeting. vladimir vladimirovich putin is leaving as his first trip abroad, after re-entering the century, he is heading to beijing for negotiations with chinese leaders, negotiations that, in general, i think, will be very, very important for both countries, and ... now, of course, we will be very interested in hearing your opinion, andrey ivanovich denisov, senator and ambassador to china for 10 years. uh, the main feature of the upcoming visit, and maybe perhaps its main, its main political significance is the timeliness, the timeliness of the visit, the relevance of the dialogue between the top leaders of russia and china. from
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the point of view of protocol practice, the first visit of the head of state to a particular country after appointment or election to office is.
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or in this case, in addition to the capital, another city, it gives a kind of completeness and usefulness, in china they love completeness, they proceed from such, you know, confucian ideas about integrity, if there is a visit, it should be an overnight stay, it should be a visit to the capital and another
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city, harbin was chosen as such, and this is of course very significant, harbin is as close as possible to the russian federation in the far east, harbin has. more than a century ago, for the training of technical personnel for the chinese eastern railway, the chinese eastern railway, so here, in general, there is deep symbolism, and of course, of course, which is very important, there are at least two memorials in harbin
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to our soldiers, warriors who fell at liberation of northeastern china from japanese militarists in 1945, there is a cemetery and an obelisk in the center. why is the president traveling now and what could be the main result of this visit? well , the main result of the visit will, of course , be conversations and what follows from these conversations. following the visit , a political statement will be signed, we will read it,
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it is expected that about ten treaty documents of an intergovernmental nature will be signed, but the most important thing, of course, will be in the conversations, in the conversations of our leaders, because china too. our country is in a difficult history in terms of the global environment, and we are not allies, as is known, but we need a high degree. and who are we? we are strategic partners who cooperate on the basis of comprehensive, let’s say, cooperation, to this formula, at the suggestion of china , such a short formula was added, entering a new era, and so this new era, it determines the nature of the conversations and agreements that results will be achieved. i i call this foreign policy coordination. coordination, that’s what we need, that’s what china and we need equally. are there
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any difficulties in the relationship that the leaders will try to overcome. you know, there are always difficulties. i usually repeat that if you don’t want to have difficulties, then don’t get into a relationship, you won’t have difficulties, but you won’t have a relationship either. there are, the point is not whether there are difficulties or not, they always exist, well, look at the united states and allies, there are no difficulties there. in april, yeah, actually, there's nothing to it unexpected, given the american sanctions,
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a new round of these sanctions, and i don’t want to dramatize this, but this is definitely a problem, i will be surprised if they don’t talk about this problem and don’t try to look for solutions, what do you think? well, you know that i wouldn’t, this is of course an unpleasant fact in itself, but at least because the numbers are still quite... high, but there is probably no reason to dramatize it yet, that, in fact, our leaders , and the chinese leaders don’t even do it, we have difficulties in making payments, there are difficulties in conducting banking operations due to the extremely tough policies of the american financial and monetary authorities, everyone knows this, everyone knows this, as it is also known that, as they say, the old proverb, water will find a hole, and so or else, mechanisms will still be found that... will make it possible to level out this problem, so here the decrease should probably be attributed to a greater extent
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to, let's say, restrictions by the chinese side on the supply of certain goods that the american side considers one way or another influencing, well, let’s say, increasing our defense capability, but this is also a question, a solvable question. after all, china has repeatedly made a statement that, in principle, it will not tolerate, firstly, outside interference in its relations, in this case with the russian federation, and even more so dictation of what is possible and what is not. yes, we have to take into account the position of the americans, yes, indeed the american objectively has to, of course, and not only the americans, but also the europeans, because europe, as you know, follows in the lead of the americans and...
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time china, the americans agreed to china's accession to the wto, the world trade
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organization, as the refusal of the status of a country with a non-market economy makes it possible for partners, in case of dissatisfaction with the trade policy of this country, to conduct various types of investigations based on this so-called surrogate goods from third countries, i somehow find it somewhat difficult to explain, but in one word, it infringes on the rights of the country that was not recognized as a market one; at the same time, the fact that the chinese economy is a market economy is it is quite obvious, and it has always been like this, even in the most distant years, there has always been some kind of such thing in the multi-layered chinese economy, there was space for... uh, well, let 's say, market relations, maybe at the level of such small businesses . there is also such a concept as collective economy and collective property, which also cannot be called state property. so, the point is not that the state, say, there, is weak and cannot tell commercial structures how to behave. not in that's the matter. uh, chinese commercial structures trading with the united states
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of america and europe are powerful economic organizations, of course. follows state policy, but the same state obliges them to focus on profit, they cannot lose the market, it ’s like, you know, between exile and charybdis or between a hammer and anvil, if you want , the situation, so the whole question is how to find acceptable formulas that would allow us to somehow get rid of pressure and at the same time preserve us as a trade partner, because let's not forget trade.
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interact with our financial institutions and replace the financial calculations of american influence quite actively between russian and chinese companies, that is, this problem is still finding a solution, well, plus various digital forms of interaction, including in the financial sector, are now being found, well, more and more application, we are known
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to have passed a law according to which digital financial assets can be used to pay for foreign trade. already have the first ones experiments, and how this will help those difficulties that we talked about, but it is not clear how the calculations are going, because these digital financial assets are used in the non-banking sphere, and accordingly they are less visible, including the united states of america, and it is less possible to influence these processes, and accordingly we are simply encouraged to have digital financial assets, i admit that we will have cryptocurrencies in the near future. we will legitimize and determine how they can be used in international payments, that’s all it will be occur, and this coincides, in principle, with technological development. sooner or later , digital assets as a form of mutual settlement will be replaced. do you agree, there is such a good saying: whoever seeks will always find, is it correct to say that both moscow and
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beijing are looking for ways to deal with these difficulties so that they do not interfere with trade. well, it is obvious that many chinese business representatives are interested in interacting with us, supplying goods here, i would like to say that quite serious negotiations are underway, and there are agreements on organizing a business with the participation of chinese investments in our economy, if there are no difficulties in supplying goods here, they will be produced on russian territory, that is, any forms to overcome these sanctions decisions will be used... and are being used. business is such a, well, mobile thing, nimble, uh, capable, even, by the way, european business is finding an option for cooperation with russian companies, american business is finding options for interacting with our organizations, despite the most severe sanctions against our country. thank you. i ask you to. we talked about
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difficulties, but as i understand it, it ’s mostly about relationships. positive, here you are, as a person who has been an ambassador to china for many years, you have a feeling that there is forward movement in our relations, well, you know, of course, there is certainly such a feeling, but there is also another feeling, in general what -i wouldn’t expect sensations, we objectively don’t need them, neither our side nor the chinese, it’s important for us to consolidate what we have achieved, it’s important for us to be stable, to develop confidently, creating, first of all... stable conditions for cooperation in practical areas, that’s what we need, this is the attitude we can expect from the visit, well, further strengthening . this coordinate system, i would add literally two more words, there is also a humanitarian component, we have announced 2 years, a two-year period of exchanges in the field
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of culture, we have already started these exchanges right in january, but have not officially opened yet, uh, it is expected that our leaders will open these very years of culture, this will to a certain extent facilitate, including exchanges at the human level, and various kinds of humanitarian contacts. we also objectively need this, and humanitarian contacts will also help interaction in the economic sphere, rapprochement, let's move from peace to war, let 's talk to general evgeniy petrovich buzhinsky, now a professor at the higher school of economics, in the recent past a lieutenant general, right now it's a rare situation when i can... say that the western press is even more optimistic than the russian media assess the successes of russian troops in
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the kharkov direction, let's listen, for example, to what american newspapers say about this, in particular, let's see what the new york times quotes, according to general abudanov, the attacks in the kharkov region will continue. 3-4 days, after which russian troops will begin to advance towards the city of sumy, located approximately 90 km northwest of kharkov. previously, ukrainian officials said that russia had concentrated troops in this direction. let's get a look, what else does general budanov say about this ? all our troops are now either here or in the chapel. i used everything we have. unfortunately, we don't have anyone left in reserve. and i looked.
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they made a gur, just like ours , not to be like the damned muscovites, they are the main intelligence directorate, they have part of the special forces, it’s not just mechanized or infantry brigades, armored, it really is.
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this is already happening, you know, there’s a slow pushing through the line of combat contact and pushing ukrainian troops away from, or rather ours approaching kharkov in the donbass, pushing ukrainian troops out of the donetsk people's republic, this operation of our north group has already been going on for 4 days. what these 4 days showed: firstly, ukraine does not have prepared defense lines, what they supposedly allocated either 800 or 80 million
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hryvnia there turned out to be, so to speak, or they sawed it up, excuse the expression , or plundered, but apart from the trenches, here and there they were reinforced with logs, there were ramparts and there, but there was no concrete there. there are no three-story dugouts in the ground, there is none of this, first, secondly, these are reserves, they really have no reserves left, in fact, in 4 days our troops almost immediately liberated 12 villages and imposed military operations - in four such large, fairly large settlements, including volchan. volchansk is already, well, not completely, but already on the eve of the encirclement of this group that is defending this city, in
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terms of reserves.
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ukrainian, or we need to take it from the border of ukraine and belarus, they have a fairly large group there, but then they open the way for us to kiev from the side belarus, i think the ukrainian leadership will not agree to this, the second is to remove what, by the way, they are doing, this is to remove forces from the donbass direction, there from under yar’s watch from other directions, well... this is patching up the holes that , you see, they are also fraught with the fact that they will be transferred here, we will begin, so to speak, our offensive in the donetsk direction, moreover, the transfer of such an amount of force without air cover, without superiority in cannon artillery and missile forces, this is pointless, they are simply there they will grind and nothing...
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and you know, if you look from the other side, there is such a slow creep of western countries into the territory of ukraine, all this talk about what to do there, free up some forces in order to send them to the front, organizing the rear, there, repairs, maintenance, all this is not out of nowhere, macron is there every day, there is a new statement
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that he still, if they break through the front, then he... will send troops, so, you know , it seems that they are creating a line of either curzon or otil, there are many such lines in history of military art, which they will occupy, will declare a no-fly zone somewhere in western ukraine, and will not allow russian troops there, that is, the situation is developing for the armed forces of ukraine, today, from my point of view, very unfavorable, as you know,
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mobilization, they have already begun to implement it, they are already grabbing wherever possible, and sixty-year-olds, fifty-year-olds and twenty-year-olds, but firstly, well... objectively, the ministry of defense gives it, shows it very much already, well, it’s still like that to say, not only in parts, but in units , they are already surrendering, surrendering, people who, so to speak, were captured, were not trained, were simply thrown, so to speak, onto the line of combat contact, who simply do not want to die, people are the most important thing, so all these deliveries, and, you know, to say
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that these are some kind of... deliveries, they need air defense systems, they themselves say so, scholz said today that they are adding one more battery, there will be three batteries in total , germany has allocated and will send to...
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a ground component, it’s unlikely, because, well, let’s say, at the present time, they are planning to announce at the summit in washington that the contingent of 3,000 people, which was decided in warsaw, confirmed in madrid, has finally been formed, 3,000, these are the so-called forces rapid deployment, which is now unharnessed.
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the opponent that would present would pose a really very serious danger to us, this is the air force, and even if the united states intervenes in this matter, without the united states, and this was shown in its own time libya, the europeans are not even capable of posing a threat to anyone with their air force, not to mention the russian federation, right now they are conducting an exercise, there is a ghostly knight, but there they are mainly...
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bloodhound, new series, you carry too much responsibility for others, my shoulders told you this, the body can say a lot about a person, here is our potolaganat, he thinks so, tomorrow after the program it’s time
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for the premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first. of course, it's very cool that you have russian armed forces. strength, such successes in ukraine, and that these successes, in general, are correctly assessed by western countries. what is less great is what conclusions are drawn on this basis and how washington, brussels, london and paris are going to build their policy towards russia. let's listen to what the head just said about this.
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there are good reasons to believe that this can really happen if the so
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-called western bloc considers this, firstly, beneficial for itself, and secondly, in sufficiently safe, by the way, this was said by you, in the federation council, yes, at the plenary meeting of the federation council, from which i came straight here to the studio, what was your reaction? your colleagues' reaction? you know, this was heard not only in sergei evgenievich’s speech on ryshkin, but in the answers to questions. oh, by the way , when the head of the service spoke, they showed sergei ivanovich kislyak, former ambassador of the russian federation to the united states, and long-term curator in the ministry of foreign affairs, how relations with the united states in the states, there are so many questions.
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had just run for president, he made his first speech on foreign policy at the center of national interests, which i then headed, and we invited several ambassadors, including sergei ivanovich kislyak, and naturally according to protocol, since they were important guests of honor, we all the ambassadors who... came were seated in the front row, after which
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it was stated that i organized the meeting between trump and kislyak, yes, i organized it at the reception, they shook hands for 30 seconds, but then they began to investigate whether ambassador kislyak had a secret meeting with trump, it turned out that he did not, because everyone saw trump leave and kislyak left. then they switched from trump to senator jeff sessions, who was then a senator, republican from alabama, and then became attorney general, and they began interviewing people, including from my organization, from the mayflower hotel, where all this took place, and whether there was there on the second floor of a secret room where they would meet...
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how is this possible, but when i look at what is happening now, what happened in 2016, this is some kind of baby talk, where are we going? quite rightly, about 20 years ago, while on a short business trip, i stayed at the mayflower hotel, there was no secret room there, but for some reason my stay in this hotel did not attract anyone’s attention, but there were other times in
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the relationship, as they say, vegetarian, absolutely right, or greenhouse, and this is simply beyond good and evil, what you are talking about,
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dmitry, you are absolutely right, moreover, i’m listening to this shaps, schnaps, shaps, and you might think that they still forbade the ukrainians to strike with their stormshadow on targets in the crimea, they allowed them to be allowed,
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we learned how to intercept these missiles, other the point, of course, is that there is no such air defense system, despite the fact that in crimea we have a very decent group and ours in general.
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everything that goes into neutral waters, they should be declared a no-fly zone, especially since there is such a precedent, during the bombing of yugoslavia, the water area, the adriatic sea was actually declared a no-fly zone by nato, we need to shoot down these target designators, these planes, drones, we need to start with drones, let us be accused of escalation, well, i think,
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and more broadly in russian relations with nato, when we have to proceed from the fact that the conversations, warnings about...
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me, the most peaceful person, it is clear that the west is not acting according to the law and not according to international law, it is absolutely violating it, well, our international assets are blocked, we cannot use them, this is contrary to any law that exists in a nation state in international law, especially. therefore, we naturally must act adequately, but at the same time keeping in mind all the time that the authorities,
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including in the west and in europe, will change, and here this fine line still needs to be felt, this is very important, really, well without any doubt, of course, as i am also a very peaceful person, i would say the following in a very short time. historical period of time, we are increasingly observing some kind of blatant, massive escalation, and only from that side. let's remember about a year and a half ago, but it was quite recently, it can be said the day before yesterday, they said that no, no, only helmets, only bulletproof vests, only warm underwear for winter company, tanks, but never, missiles, yes god forbid, and what we see now, that is, there is an escalation that has already reached...
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it was misunderstood not within, not not in the next month, within a few months they will appear, it will, of course,
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i say again, this there will be a moment of truth because that where they will be based is very interesting, all this talk that they are building some kind of underground airfields there, from my point of view this is a bluff, they are not building anything, they have prepared an airfield in starokonstantinovka, which we regularly disable, this where, this is near... in western ukraine in the lvov region, now there is talk that they will still be based on airfields in romania and poland , use ukrainian airfields as jump airfields, that is, they took off from poland, landed there for 5 minutes in ukrainian airfield and from there they already went on to carry out a combat mission, i think that all the statements on this matter were made, not only that... the country of strange things generally stated that we will consider the f-16 as carriers of nuclear weapons, this is indeed so, because those
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aircraft that will be transferred, for example... by the netherlands and denmark, they are, in principle, dual-purpose aircraft, they can well be considered as carriers of nuclear weapons, but i am absolutely convinced that the words of the president, that if we see, that these planes take off from romanian airfields or from polish airfields, these airfields will be attacked. thank you, on this one again - not very optimistic, but from my point of view.
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congratulations, valen, great photos, very valuable information, you understand that it’s a shame such a day is may 1st and admit your own helplessness, i even envy you a little, guy, you will go down in history as the first to fly over the soviets from south to north, an air defense system powerless against some spy, teach them to shoot down immediately, flights must be suspended, it is impossible. pump up situation, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible, a ram at such a height is certain death, if you were in the pilot’s place, what would you do? i'm half a hundred and two, ready to ram, interrupted flight of harry powers, on saturday on the first, because.
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it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine; the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, and it sounds nice, like it’s not fascism, but the most striking thing about ukrainian fascism is - misunderstanding that for europe, even latin hit german, as well as for all the world's anglo-saxons, ukrainians,
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on the big game, we talked yesterday a lot about new, important appointments in the field of national security of russia, a new minister of defense, a new secretary of the security council , but now there are also new appointments in the field of diplomacy, or rather they are not new, but this is the renewal, extension of the service of those people who have already...
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and secondly, these are very effective executors of the foreign policy that is in in any country, in ours it is primarily determined by the head of state. vladimir vladimirovich worked well with them, and to be honest, i had no doubt that sergei velikovich lavrov would remain in his position. ushakov, apparently, is the same weight category, the same proximity.
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as it was not now, but even before the conflict over yugoslavia he began to give, i would say, a civilized rebuff to american attempts
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to completely dominate the security council and was not afraid to show that russia has its own perspective, and russia will be this to defend the prospect, as for ushakov, he came to... saw a large number of senators, members of congress, but as it was natural, i lived in washington for so many years, i had to introduce the ambassador to some of them, but he actually there were great opportunities to help me
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meet someone, these were, of course , completely different times, completely different morals, but - they both showed that they could be very effective diplomats,
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developing the country, but also doing everything in general is not easy to maintain high rates social obligations to maintain in general wherever possible, if you want a normal life. sometimes the question even arises: if there were no sanctions, then they would have to be invented, here are about 20 thousand sanctions against our country, while the economy is growing quite... fast, one might say, unprecedented compared to the past thirty years, in last year 3.6% gdp growth, in the first...


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