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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 15, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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even charlie chaplin, who also worked on the scripts of his films, he rented a hotel room, asked that all the sofas and beds be taken out, there was only one desk and chair, where he locked himself in this room until he came up with the plot of his film or as for the penna and the tailers, until they come up with a new trick, they did not leave this hotel room and continued to work until the last, with us , as i understand it, either i have the same principle, but this is the real most effective principle, well fine. you avoided the question, but nevertheless, how much does our sawn illusion device cost, looking at it, it’s an ordinary metal structure, plywood, the filling itself, this is the most expensive, this is the main thing, how many millions - the device - this is not the most important thing at all , the most important thing is precisely that core, that mechanism that is that magic, that magic that brings everything, magic is the most expensive, a high-quality illusionary device costs approximately several million.
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what it should be, what it should be like , patience, fruitfulness, this is it honing, manipulation, so as for the large illusion, i like this, he waved his hand, because of you, everything was done by technology, magic and of course the team, i wanted to rehearse it all for a long time, we must not forget that choosing a competent professional team , which, i call them invisible gnomes, which for the audience they do not exist, but they perform this huge chain, a sequence of actions that... takes place behind the scenes somewhere in space, and the result is real magic on the stage , here you go you see, on the contrary, since childhood i loved some complex tricks, the more difficult it was, the more interesting it was, i remember, i honed some tricks, well, actually , it took several months for me to succeed, there is a whole genre, the so-called manipulators are people who, not just for several months, they have been perfecting the same trick for years, these are the same athletes who are preparing for the olympics, that is , a person is ready to spend... he has 5, 10
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years, because he knows that in such and such a year there will be fism or some other competition, and he will definitely go there, she will definitely take gold, and these people, they are just fans, if we have about 300 illusions in our arsenal, yes, then these people may have one, two, but maximum three numbers in their entire lives, so what? it’s more difficult to work with manipulation or a major illusion, the everyday opinion of the average viewer is that there is an illusion, it’s just that he rolled out the device, pressed the button and did everything. of course not, a little later i’ll teach our viewers, and a little later, let’s start now, since you’ve already talked about what you painstaking since childhood, you like to do something with your hands, manipulation is your strong point, and i know, let’s tell everyone that you have millions of views, you even recently posted a trick that was viewed by 25 million people, well, from words to the point, this will be a simple but very effective trick, look, i have two glasses, in one there are white beads, in the other red, we mix these beads with
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each other, you see, they are all mixed up, now in one second i will separate the red beads from the white ones , 1, 2, 3, fantastic, everything is brilliant and simple, i have red beads tied to a glass like this, then we do this, we add white beads, the white... mixes with the red ones, and behind your back you just turn it over like that and everything works automatically, i specially select tricks that are effective in at the same time, any person without preparation, at least roughly speaking, can surprise his friends tonight. listen, well, i know that you have a huge number of subscribers, but you have some kind of reverse reaction - a reverse reaction from your viewers, they get the same the tricks you teach them and do they have the patience? rehearse,
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perfect everything like this and it’s easy to show how you do it, but it’s not a difficult trick, so whoever has the desire, everyone can repeat it, if someone doesn’t repeat the fox, but just watches out of curiosity how it’s done, eh. .. there are those that, of course, repeat, post, well, that is, this trick is easy to learn, this is the prop itself, it’s sold somewhere or you can make it yourself, so you take a fishing line and you can buy beads, this section crazy hands, here this is where the same patience is needed to create this prop. so, friends, our school of tricks continues, the school of magic, let's call it that, and for the next trick andrey will need a very ordinary red paper bag. yes, look, there’s nothing in this bag, you see, it’s completely empty, but as soon as i click, a glass of delicious apple juice appears in this bag, oh well, you ’re just killing us on the spot, how do you like it,
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tell me how you did it , i’m telling you, in fact, look, i have packages behind me, there’s a slot like this, we do it this way, we put the bag, we put the glass in the bag like this, everyone can see, yes, we turn it over, shake it, it creates a complete illusion that there is nothing in the bag, you see, then we turn it back over, and then we take out the glass , you see, that’s it, you can get from there anything, anything, whatever your imagination works for, you can surprise even a girl on a date with some trick, which yes, by the way, you can get from there. for example, candy, there will be a ring inside for a girl, cool, give it to me this package, in general anything you want, is possible, well , andrey says he used it for his own purposes, you talked about candies with a wedding ring, this is probably from life experience, this is from life experience, and in general, when i first started, i did it this
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way i met girls, constantly surprised them, that is, this was my strong point. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. so this is a magic tricks podcast. we return to our studio again, where we discuss the most fascinating genre of illusion. listen, well, it looks like...
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magic and so on, this is a fundamental difference, that is, it turns out that we deceive the audience with their consent, with their grateful consent, grateful consent, well, you know how the audience is surprised sometimes, i remember, a year ago we were in what - the city was giving a small closed performance, and after the performance we found ourselves in a small room that separated andrei and me from the audience, there was such a small thin partition, we heard every word of these people. that is, the audience, when they were surprised or shocked, they since they retell what they saw they always exaggerate, but you saw it, and one tells it to a friend, the second didn’t see what was happening in the scene, and he just came up, he tells him, and there was this kind of
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trick, and then this, and then you imagine, he took it up, took off like this, like 20 cm, you have to understand that there was a series of spectacular numbers, but the levitation number is not at all... egyptian papyrus, which means it dates back to approximately the second millennium bc, but it generally talks about the third millennium bc ad, there is a mention of a certain a magician, a certain magician, then there was no word magician, it was a certain magician. a wizard, maybe a fakir, a certain djedi, who showed the pharaoh his skills, and a trick is described there, that is, the pharaoh invited him to his place, knowing him, having heard about his incredible abilities, he invites him to his
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place and says, that we heard that you can , like, cut off a head, cut off a person's head and attach it back, and he says, show me this trick, the jew says, i... this head, we know that this trick really exists and he, moreover, from ancient times he went through the entire middle ages, worked in the squares with gestrions, fokirs and others, even with komorokhi and so on, and has survived to this day, and the famous chris angel still relatively recently demonstrated this trick on street with a pigeon and the secret of the trick is that the magician hides his head in advance, tucks the bird's head under the wing. holds it there in this way, that is, the goose has such a flexible neck that it can pull it up, moreover, even with
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pigeons you can demonstrate this trick, in her second hand there is a dummy hidden, in ancient times the role of a dummy, in ancient times the real severed head of another bird acted as a real dummy, and today they actually make such dummys that you simply can’t tell the difference, and so, having torn off that very head, in during this trick , not a single bird was harmed, then the bird is covered, for example, with a box, then its neck is freed, in general the trick took place, but in the papyrus it is indicated, it is said that in addition to this trick with the goose, he also did the same thing with a bull, that is you can you imagine that as far as i can’t even imagine, we are my illusionists, we understand that at that time, at that time, without using any illusionary apparatus, well, hide your head. impossible for a bull, that is, this suggests that the narrator who entered
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this data into this papyrus, he himself fantasized, in his head this picture turned into some simply enormous scale, that is, in addition to the goose, he also made a bull’s head there , i could weave something else, come up with something, that’s how the head works spectators, when he sees something, copperfield, sometimes all the magic happens not on stage, in the heads of the spectators, that is, that is why we only give a certain... shock to the imagination of our spectators who see the trick, already in their heads they fantasize that what is really happening there and what could happen, but there are still debates about what is the main thing in an illusionist’s act, that the main thing is either a trick, that’s what the technos say, i’m so convinced that the main thing is still a trick, who - more creative individuals say that the main thing is the personality, which demonstrates, well, most likely the most successful will be both, then yes, absolutely true, the golden mean, when... the trick works, and the personality is presented, the staging of the act itself, by the way,
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is the same one, the same garatius goldin, who made the second version of a more advanced sawing of a person, his performance began like this, that is , as they say, and the theater begins with a hanger, his performance began on the street in front of the theater, the audience came to the theater, and in front of the theater there was already a medical carriage help, on which it was written that the carriage... here a case of death of the illusionist or his assistant was established, that is, the viewer already understood that something was about to happen, they entered the hall, in the hall - here in the rows between in the aisles between the rows there were nurses who had a sign hanging, and where it was written that in the event of some kind of shock or some kind of fainting, you can always take it:
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nothing had started yet, and already people were thinking, yes, it ’s all going to work out according to - for real, yes, this, this is very cool, friends, you see, you see, here ilya not only comes up with all our illusions, but also knows so many interesting stories from the illusion genre, so we take care of his head, he always wears a cap and even. sleeps in a cap, even sleeps in a cap, you told about the goose, such a rather bloodthirsty trick, and in general there are many such bloodthirsty people in history, i think that lately there has really been a trend towards, let's say, more shocking tricks, they want more realism , that's right, the same pennetailer we are today, the same pennetailer, oh which we recalled today, they did sawing, added blood and guts, we do burning in our shows, remember i... i burned seven times in 9 days, this is one of the most dangerous stunt tricks that
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are used in cinema, and we we do the scene in front of a live audience, that is, if in a movie you can do a double, you can draw computer graphics and so on, here everything happens in real time on stage without a double without editing, you see my whole body is engulfed in fire, and this realism, this entertainment , she captivates and captivates today's sophisticated viewer even more. i’ll show you the trick now, and then i’ll tell you how it ’s done, it’s agreed, great, come on, where did i disappear, otherwise there’s a table with a cylinder on our stage and the audience asks why it ’s standing here, i’ll move it a little closer to ... to myself, so i’ll work on this camera, no, i don’t need help, everything will happen right before your eyes, the trick is called the disappearance of the red handkerchief, so, i have a red handkerchief in my hands, now it will disappear, but we all need to say the magic words together, what magic spells we know, abrokadabradabra, well done guys, what would i do without you, oh, the handkerchief has disappeared, and what
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have we got, a chicken egg, attention, where is the handkerchief, oh, oh he is already in the top hat, we have those, our young spectators, who did not understand how i did it, who have not yet found the copian lighthouse, yes, so now i will tell you how i did it, in fact, i have two identical ones red handkerchiefs, i put the first handkerchief in the cylinder in advance, here is the second i have a handkerchief hidden in this testicle, you see, it’s an empty plastic one, bought in a joke shop, when you go on stage, you need to discreetly hold the testicle in your palms, you can see it like that, yeah, then we start hiding the handkerchief right in the hole, hide, hide, hide , we hide it, this is the first scarf, where is the second one? here in the top hat, everything is correct, in the top hat, here the most important thing is, when you hid the handkerchief in the testicle, you can’t show this hole, you need to quickly turn it around to hide it from the viewer, but there will always be in the hall attentive spectators who will say: yes, we know the handkerchief in the egg, in this case,
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what do we do, we tear off a hole, throw it away, oops, what’s wrong with the egg? what are you saying, it’s real here, comments are already coming from the audience, from the auditorium: are you going to expose this? of course, we just did this, and we still have cards on the table, probably we also want to show something with them, right? by the way, the video with these cards got 25 million views, i don’t know, in about two weeks, and today you i’m ready to expose him, but there’s nothing to expose, look, i can just show you this. the only room in andrey’s arsenal that doesn’t have it, it works purely from magic. so, you see, there are five different cards in front of you, choose any one, remember it, this is a trick for our viewers, remember, great, think about your card, and i’ll find it now, i think, so, so, so, so, so , so, yeah, here’s your card,
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i’ll put it aside now. so, look, among the remaining cards your card is not there, yes, my card is not there, great, this fox typed 25 million, you see, everyone understood how it was done, but 25 million didn’t understand, they admired it, i can hear the audience now shouting through the screen, reveal the secret, and by the way, you can watch it again and maybe then you’ll understand, today the viewer is very sophisticated,
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dopamine and all social networks give the viewer the opportunity to extract this, that is, all the most spectacular, quickly from all over the globe, in and there is a fall and some super tricks, and some super technologies, all this quickly - you quickly scroll through and get, you’re surprised, you’re happy there , no one will watch sawing a wooden box today, so we need dynamics, we need action, we need drama. that is, all these special effects are one of the tools to influence the audience, absolutely true, but i am still convinced that the main thing in the evolutionary genre, of course, is mr. trick, the trick comes first, then the special effect, this is all secondary, this needs to be done and we are doing everything right, but in the first place it is a trick, there will be no trick, just watch special effects, of course it’s interesting, but this
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is a different genre, yes, well, now you ’re talking about tricks, i understand that today... flying through the air or teleporting and a huge number of viewers chose teleportation, there is spectators who like it, for example , comic, so he came to laugh, comic magic, we have comic tricks, there are spectators who came, they really like romance, melodrama, we have beautiful romantic tricks with... in your heart, you strive to your dream, then you will definitely achieve it, and even if it
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won’t be in real life, on stage, we will show the audience our new inventions, a teleportation machine, you look, so we will be happy to meet you after some time in this studio, and i promise you , we will continue stories and stories about new tricks, about new technologies, about new achievements. now i will reach my hands through this fabric and you will see me until the very end of the trick. from this moment on, everything will be shot in one shot,
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without editing. look carefully! please pay please note, there are no secrets around the table, neither below nor above, so i won’t be able to run away unnoticed. so, it's time to be surprised. five, four. 3 2 1 come on, look there, great, everything is filmed, yes, we can’t do that yet. hello, this is the schrödinger's cat podcast, and i am its host, grigory tarasevich, editor-in-chief of the magazine, which is also called
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schrödinger's cat. and we are talking about important things from a scientific point of view. today’s topic is very, very important, modestly so, the meaning of life. and we invited dmitry lentyev, professor, the doctors. of psychological sciences, head of the international laboratory of positive psychology of personality and motivation at the higher school of economics, dmitry has many more regalia, but the main thing is that he is a psychologist who deals with issues of meaning, issues of human existence, hello, well, let’s try to talk about the meaning of life, i’m a little i’m worried because the topic is somehow downright frightening: what is the meaning of life? well, you know, there’s this... simple joke, father, tell me, i’m living right, right, my son, but in vain, that is the question of meaning is the question of whether we
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live in vain or not in vain, that’s what it ’s all for, there’s just life, yes, our everyday life, we get up, brush our teeth, have breakfast, get dressed, go to work, and then there’s there are also some other dimensions that require us, well, sometimes it requires us, we can do just fine without it, to understand why we do all this in the first place, that is, that what we do is in itself, so to speak, not self-sufficient , it is possible, necessary, important for something else, for something more important, connected with something globally in our life, why we live at all, that is, a conversation about meaning is always a conversation about the connection of something smaller with something larger, in some individual elements of our life with something - then global, and what would happen if this did not happen in our lives, that
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a schoolchild, student, doctor would wake up in the morning, look at the news on his smartphone, brush his teeth, drink coffee, tea, go to
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study, to work. .. at what point does he need this meaning? you know, let's start even earlier, let's start from early childhood, because a small child, he is in any specific situation, he enjoys life, he plays, he has fun, he rejoices, he laughs or something is wrong, he cries, but he has every separate fragment of life, he is not connected with others fragments of life, and what a small child is doing now is in no way connected with what he did an hour ago and what or what he will do. half an hour later, these are all separate episodes, they are in no way connected with each other, at one moment he feels only some needs, only internal impulses, some desires, at another moment others, so, but somewhere around the age of four or five years, the process begins that is described as the formation of personality, as the formation of personality, as something unified whole, our life ceases to be just divided into some separate episodes,
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these episodes, they all begin to pull together into a single whole and different desires, different needs also begin to pull together into a single whole, the question arises of what is more important, what is less important, what can be sacrificed for what something else that is possible put off until later for the sake of something more important, what to give up altogether for the sake of something more important, the question arises, what is more important, what is less important, the question of priorities gradually arises, what is more important in this life and what for what, because life . gradually form into a single puzzle. 4-5 years, when this usually happens, life takes on some kind of unified direction, but then the child grows up, becomes a teenager, what is his sense of life? adolescence is the most difficult age, because we begin to become aware of ourselves, we begin to suffer
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these questions. that is, this problem becomes not only a problem of our objective life, but it becomes a problem for us, and i begin to wonder why i live, but again this does not happen to everyone, because here quite strong individual differences in the extent to which people, well, different people tend to reflect on their lives to varying degrees, many get along just fine without it , continue to live according to some ready-made tasks, according to some ready-made style... the lines are not asking questions in vain or not in vain, everyone does this, so if i want to correspond to this image, then i do this, so the question does not arise about the specifics of my personal concrete life, the problem of the meaning of life is a problem that not everyone faces, which you can do without, this is not a mandatory problem, this is an optional problem, i, as a school teacher, am very afraid of a question from a student, why, because he has
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ready-made answers, why do you go to school? to get grades and make mom and dad happy, why do you need to study well, so that pass the unified state exam well, why do you need to pass the unified state exam to enter a university, why do you need to go to a university, well, it’s necessary, the question is why, somehow it gives ready-made answers, and these ready-made answers, in general , any culture gives ready-made answers, first of all this is connected with that part of the culture that contains a certain concept of values, in particular religion and...
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at 100, where tolstoy describes how, in the middle of his life, in the prime of his life, he suddenly encountered a situation where everything in his life in general, it’s wonderful, books are being written, published, the family is blowing away specks of dust, the world glory, weeks don’t go by without some kind of wanderers coming to touch the wisdom to communicate, everything seems fine, everything is in chocolate, but for some reason from time to time you want
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to shoot yourself. the meaning has disappeared, it is unclear why all this is for, what all this is for, well, this is a situation in which the problem of meaning can arise very acutely, when in general everything is fine, there is everything except meaning, that is. the main question of the meaning of life is the question: why? the question is why? what for? this is a question that requires indicating a connection, yes, here is a connection with something else. a life that is meaningless which has no meaning, is a life that is not connected to anything. a person lives one day at a time, what will happen tomorrow is completely independent of what will happen today, his life does not affect anything, does not affect the lives of other people in any way, then a person will disappear from the face of the earth, no one... of this they won’t notice, this is a life that has no meaning, it is not connected with anything, but a life that has meaning is a life that is connected with other people, my actions, my actions today are connected with my life, with that , what
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i will do tomorrow because today i am doing something so that tomorrow i will feel better, my life is aimed at the future, my life is connected with the lives of other people, i think, i care that what i do, somehow positively... affected the lives of other people, the life of humanity as a whole, in general, ultimately, our common future, if we have one, that is, we, if we pose such questions, then this is actually something to think about about the meaning of life. one of the deepest thinkers who wrote on the issues the meaning of life, antoine desenteri, he used such a wonderful metaphor: meaning, in essence, is this...
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i feel that i am doing something for a reason, for life is already filled with meaning if i ask these questions, because if i don’t need any philosophical reasoning, but i just feel that what i’m doing makes sense, someone actually needs it for something, it’s not just like that, in this case i don’t need to wonder about this, this immediate sensation is enough for me, but in general how that you’re a tolstoy... that’s who tolstoy went to at the end of his search for meaning in a confession book, and he described the process of how he was looking for the meaning of life, he first tried to find, and what should life be directed towards, what kind of life should it have? be the point? read wise books, communicated with enlightened
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people, uh, found one answer, tried on monday to start life in such a way that it corresponded to this meaning, something didn’t work out for him, which means it’s probably the wrong answer, he searched, that means he was looking for another answer, found another answer, but
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his guest is psychologist dmitry leontiev, and we are talking about the meaning of life, according to modern research, the latest empirical psychological research has come to the conclusion that there are three dimensions of meaning, the first dimension of meaning is actually the answer to what the meaning of life is, some words verbal concept definition of meaning, meaning yes i answer meaning there in struggle, in love there in something else in relationships, yes that is, in which there is some specific concept, intellectual. this is the first dimension, the second dimension is this what i was just talking about is that the feeling that my life is meaningful means a feeling of fullness, the fullness of life, this is such an emotional experience, i don’t know what the meaning of life is, but i know that my life
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is now meaningful, or i i feel that my life has no meaning, that is, the first is the intellectual component of the meaning, the second is the emotional component of the meaning, and the third component is, i... again, i don’t think about the meaning of life, but this is the question of what are my actions aimed at, that is, what is my life about? it, what it is aimed at, what it is connected to, this is exactly what we are talking about... we can say, this is the third dimension, what i really do, this effective dimension of meaning, what i invest my resources into, what i invest my strength into, what do i invest my energy in, what do i generally invest my life in? but isn’t there a factor of inertia here? once upon a time my goal was to pass the same unified state exam, or get approval from mom and dad, or earn a reputation as an employee there. then i already received it, but life still continues
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to roll along these meanings, of course, a factor no one has canceled inertia, it is always easiest to continue to live the way we have lived until now, because making some changes in our lives always requires much more effort, much more energy, much more creative efforts than continuing to move as before, the wonderful american psychologist, the recently deceased salvatori muddi, built... and the consequences, because by choosing the future,
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by choosing something that has not yet happened, i thereby find myself in a field where i find myself doomed to a feeling of anxiety, because what anxiety is just the feeling that always accompanies the feeling of the unpredictability of the future, if i move to a place where i have not been yet, i cannot help but feel anxiety, this is a natural normal feeling, anxiety is a signal of the unpredictability of the future, in order to get rid of the feeling of anxiety, i must get rid from the future, that is, to surrender to this very inertia and follow the path of preserving what is, but in this case i get rid of anxiety, but i have a feeling of guilt for unrealized opportunities, because i refuse to realize some new possibilities, i always remain with what is there, this is the choice that we have to make all the time in significant situations, naum korzhavin has a wonderful poem with the refrain himself. the worst thing is the inertia of style, yeah, until what point
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does a person retain this choice of the future, he is not lost there at 30 years old, no, at every new point there is always something new, new choices, because none of the choices is completely final, new and new choices appear in our lives all the time, another thing is that the same inertia of style is at work here, which you and korzhavin have now quite accurately formulated.
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so, uh, what to do, how to live with this time, on this topic, there are a number of well-known studies that have been published, just about the fact that, say, the experience of clinical death, into which a person finds himself and from which he is brought out, uh, which leads to an awareness of the finitude of life, some kind of sharp, yes, it leads to an increase, so to speak, in the psychological quality of life, a person, a person suddenly realizes responsibility for his life, responsibility for how he will spend the remaining time he begins
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to take his life seriously, life is a very serious activity, as the outstanding psychotherapist jim bugintal said, and few people take it seriously enough. it may be a question, why is it worth doing before there is a fatal diagnosis or something else similar? well, of course, because it is natural that it is absolutely not necessary to wait for this, but this is the question, the question a lot. are we able to treat our life somehow consciously or are we just going with the flow? going with the flow is the easiest way , the most.
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development of managing one’s own life, one’s own behavior, responsibility for one’s life, searching for and finding meaning, this is all some kind of investment of effort, personal development, processes that involve the investment of energy, and here we cannot escape from this choice, from this challenge, we necessary in order to develop, in order to become more complex, we need to invest effort in what we do, not just every day...
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the field of choice, the sphere of what is in our hands, what we choose, it is much larger than it seems at first glance, in fact much more turns out to be in in our hands, if we shake ourselves up, wake up, realize that there are different possibilities in the world, let’s think about what i need, why, what i really want, this is actually the most difficult question, what do i want, but still my ...
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what percentage are the capabilities of the human brain used by 3%, 10%, and so on? further, i meet many people who have 3% a lot, well, this is a metaphor, neurophysiologists usually start to wince when they are told in prose and wince, yes, but nevertheless there is a very, very wide spread here, there are people
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who need these powers they are needed for something, they use them with current, but there are people for whom this is completely redundant, and this one again. formulated such an important concept as the social situation of development, behind this concept is that in every culture society offers children a certain set requirements that these children must meet as they reach adulthood, but now we have reached adulthood, received diplomas, and what next? is there life after the unified state exam? and this really turns out to be a matter of taste, it turns out to be a matter of personal choice, because by this moment, when, after we have reached adulthood, the social situations of development end, society ceases to present uniform normative requirements to us all, what is needed from us, then we all
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we go our own way and we all...


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