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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 15, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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they use electric current, but there are people for whom it is completely unnecessary, and this again is a matter of choice, you see, in many ways it is a matter of choice. at one time, an outstanding russian psychologist, lev semyonovich vygotsky, formulated such an important concept as the social situation of development. behind this concept is that in every culture , society offers children a certain set of requirements that these children must meet as if they have achieved perfection.
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whether or not we set individual development goals for ourselves, because in adulthood life, in the modern world there are a huge number of different niches that allow us to develop to, in general, without limitlessness, and there are a lot of niches that allow us not to develop, after all, here is this adult person, to whom society no longer presents any clear demands that he feels are nothing to anyone. i shouldn’t, yes, i woke up with the question: why, are there any recipes, methods, how to look for the answer, how to look for the meaning? well, you know, there’s just no general recipe here, here’s what you need work, you need to work here, but you can’t, i can’t say that take such and such a pill or read such and such a book from page 60 to 75, and you will get the answer to this question, here you need to understand what is wrong in life , why uh, well, sometimes it manifests itself in such things. like, for example,
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the fear of death, yes, the fear of death is one of those symptoms that are associated with precisely a lack of meaning in life, because if life is empty, paradoxically, it seems, if life is empty, if there is no content in life no, and there is nothing to remember in life, then it would seem that there is nothing to be afraid of death, because there is nothing special to lose, but it turns out, on the contrary, paradoxically, a person whose life is empty and... has no content, they have the fear of death is much greater, and a person whose life is rich and rich in content, they experience less such traumatic experiences about the prospect of death, which we all have ahead of us somewhere someday, well, probably, with happiness, the meaning of life is somehow... then correlates with it certainly correlates with happiness; there are many recent studies that are trying to develop them.
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helps us cope with this adversity, which helps us endure it and withstand even the dominance of negative emotions there, grief, there are often situations when people who have suffered some kind of bereavement, they find their meaning in helping other people who face with similar situations. there is an absolutely wonderful phrase on this topic that i found in one of kurt vonagut’s books, with reference to his son mark, the doctor is here.
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situations that different people face, they are often similar to each other, the meanings that they find, they also often have a lot in common with each other, and he identified three groups of meanings, but he called these generalized meanings values, the first - these are the values ​​of creativity, that is, what we create, what we bring into the world, something new, something new that we create, work, yes, we are building something, right? we create some ideas, that is, what we bring into the world, we generate, this includes raising children, this is also always a creation, the generation of something new, the first, most natural way for a person to generate meaning, the second,
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through what we, on the contrary, take from the world, through experiences, pleasure, no, no, no, no, experiences, experiences of love , experiences there, let's say, some... mystical experiences of faith, some cognitive experiences there, yes, some feelings that i experience when communicating with art there, this is always a feeling of something that i am in i discover the world, i admire this world, i find something of this kind experiences, because pleasure is just a secondary thing, yes, here pleasure cannot be the meaning of life, because pleasure is an internal... state, it is about me, it is not about the world, my internal state cannot be the meaning of life , my internal state can only be a by-product of finding the meaning of life, meaning is always in the world, but pleasure is not in the world, pleasure is in me, it cannot be meaning. frankl has a wonderful metaphor about a boomerang. what is a boomerang?
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is it a toy that when you throw it away, it comes back to your hands? no, actually the boomerang is a hunting weapon. aboriginal hunting weapon. in australia, with which they simply hit their prey. the hunter throws a boomerang, and the boomerang should not return anywhere, it should hit, that is, in the head of the prey, and remain in its skull. and after that the hunter comes up, accordingly, takes out the boomerang, uh, puts the prey on his shoulder and moves on, only the boomerang that missed the target comes back. so here we are, frank also says, we come back to ourselves when we have missed our purpose in the world. here. on our goals, our meaning, they are there in the world, when we miss, do not hit it, we return to ourselves, we begin to delve into ourselves, in fact, our goals, meaning, they are there in the world, but still the first group of meanings is associated with creativity, creating something new, the second is experiencing,
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and the third is when we cannot do anything to bring something into the world, nor extract something from the world, the most tragic a situation where we are not able to do anything at all... our capabilities are limited, the last resource is that we can change our attitude towards this situation. frankol just illustrated this with the example of his four-year stay in a nazi concentration camp, and he recalled a situation when, in the evening after the end of the working day, a column of prisoners there under escort returned from their place of work to their barracks in the concentration camp, barely shuffling their feet.
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who knows why to live, can withstand any how, yes, meaning is a very important resource, i can’t stick to the delicate question, like you do with the meaning of life, well, i, like i have a feeling that my life is meaningful, that my life is quite complete, it is connected to a lot of things, so uh, well , frankol himself is when he was asked a question in response to the meaning of his life, he said that the meaning of my life is to help other people find the meaning of life, in another version of the answer he agreed that the meaning of life is to look for the meaning of life, because it is very dangerous to find the final meaning of life to stop here, here... find, write it just on the wall, that the meaning of life is this, because the point is not that there should be a lot of
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meaning in life, the meaning should be dynamic, and it should move along with life, because that if you think about it, the strongest meaning in life, the toughest meaning of life, is found in fundamentalist terrorists who are ready not only to kill, die, but to kill for their meaning, and there are bad meanings of life, this is the meaning of life.
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there is one more anecdote on this topic that we can probably conclude with, yes, guys,
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what is the meaning of life, what a good question, boy, do you really want to ruin it with an answer. i think it's a wonderful ending. thank you very much, thank you to those who watched and listened to us, may the power of meaning be with you. hello everyone, this is tatyana gevarkyana and she’s not a lymshita. today we have turned our studio into a blooming laboratory, we will study the art of alphabet. what it is? let's figure it out together with perfumers kirill khaikin and polina kazakova. what kind of profession is perfumery and where is it studied and is it necessary to study it or is it a talent? of course there must be talent. or at least some kind of inclination or love for perfumery and interest, but is some kind of
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heightened sense of smell necessary? the sense of smell is trained, it’s like a big muscle, alfactorial memory is trained and the sense of smell is trained, if an ordinary person can listen to three or four notes and his if the nose gets tired, then the perfumer can listen well 8-10 hours a day and his nose is trained, and of course you need to learn this, i studied myself, i studied for a long time, it’s definitely a long process, and i’m still learning, i think every perfumer learns on throughout life, by the way, i wanted to add that it’s never too late to start making perfumes, because in essence our olfactory bulb is the center of the brain that analyzes aromas, it develops throughout life, that is, you can improve your sense of smell at 20 at 60 . how did you even realize that this was interesting to you, how did it start? in 2018, i wanted to create my own perfume brand, before that i was a marketer, i worked for 10 years. in marketing and looking at the shelves i realized that
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there are no russian perfume brands in the stores that could compete with foreign ones, i looked all over russia for perfumers, realized that there were none, and decided to become a perfumer myself, i studied at the graz institute of perfumery, this is a course that allows you to learn the basics, then, as i said, this is in france, yes, but as kirill said, it’s true that a perfumer must constantly improve his knowledge, study, study, it’s like... an architect, for example, if you graduated from an architectural institute, you first need to build something small, bigger, bigger, bigger, narrower at the end, probably, a career only you can do some global things, well, i went into perfumery. that is, i researched the compositions of fragrances, i saw a lot of these compositions and learned how to make them myself, that is , this is what i like about perfumery because you invent your own science, you develop your own thinking, and no one can instill it in you, only it is yours , from 2024, together with the mendeleev russian chemical technology university, and we are developing a program that will
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produce perfumers, technologists, perfumery and cosmetics production, it will be a two-year master’s program, then there is... there will be a master's degree that will train a chemist, a technologist who can create formulas for perfume, candles, home fragrance and any other products, adapt it, this will be a full-fledged specialist, but they are very angry that she is involved in this, because our school of profimerism was completely destroyed after the soviet union, now it is gradually developing again, i recently talked with a chemist who, back in soviet times, turns out to have made musk in russia. decanalit they transferred him to france this formula, this is a very expensive musk, it turns out that it was invented in russia, in general, in principle, we had an institute for the synthesis of chemical substances, fragrant substances, and how the process of creating fragrances occurs, it is similar to a chemical laboratory where you sit, mix aromas, or you
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have some kind of inspiration when you walk through the market with spices, these aromas mix with the aroma of flowers, and you think, well, this is the very aroma that i want to recreate, or is it pure chemistry, no, the aroma begins from the idea, that's after an idea also appears, inspiration, even from the oriental spice market or travel or the sea, a salty sea wave can just give some kind of inspiration, inner strength, you want, i want to make this fragrance, you go to the laboratory, select it for each one. the aroma that you have in the perfume composition that you want to hear, a certain component, you create this formula, you catch the balance when you hear that i came to this particular sea wave, these are these stones heated in the sun, here they are so they smell, that’s when the idea was realized, that is, perfume begins with an idea, sometimes the idea can change, that’s okay,
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there’s nothing wrong with that, it can come during the creation of perfume, another idea, that’s it, but they come from some different places and completely... in random order, well , really, as a perfumer, this is art, this is not science and in no case science, well, as an ordinary person it’s very difficult for me to understand, for example, as polina said, i want to recreate the aroma of salt water of sun-heated stones, this is what, here, for example, from what you brought, what you use, well, for example, we take mineral notes, we can take adoxal, we can take aldehydes, or we can listen. yes, let’s say, for example, this just smells like salty sand, yes, the heated sun, this aroma alone will not, of course, convey the full picture, that is, here you need to add, add citruses, but in order to feel this explosion of a wave , it looks like a sea breeze, like that, yes, yes, indeed,
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but if you add it, for example, the same ambraxane or citrus notes, then... in together, they will give the feeling of this breeze or stones heated by the sun, this is ambraxane, in fact, it adds a feeling of air to the sea, a feeling of salt, together, ambraxane is what is used in perfumery as an addition, yes, to reveal, well it can also serve as an addition, that is, as a functional note, and it can clearly be heard, for example, very familiar ones, yes, yes, yes, it is in almost all perfumes, here and take this. clementine essential oil, this is how a perfumer works, we take several blotters, we connect, we understand how it sounds in that direction , are we going in that direction or not, if not, then we need to replace the component, it might seem like
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there’s something so superfluous here right now, as if the aroma is so... as if someone died at sea , that is, let's reanimate some dead animal, add the feeling of a thunderstorm, this is a colony of florals, no, dopecal, dopecal, uh-huh, this is floral, yes here it is yes this is yes, this can be put here and maybe we don’t know , we can’t spare, wait, this is some kind of dead meat, and doxali is used in microconcentrations. not the main ones, they are all together, that is
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, maybe a fragrance can be created, take flowers, amproxan is the same, some leather notes, but if you want to add a little saltiness or minerality, a microdose, there is 1/4% aroma, some kind is added then this is either an aldehyde, or some other aromas that permeate this one. perfume and it becomes special, but what is the difference between niche fragrances and mass market ones? well, the sound of course is the sound, since the mass market is, well, perfume for the large masses, as the name implies, they are the main function of the masmarket - it smells and everyone likes it, because of this, the masmarket has no character, that is, when you sniff, you smell either a freshener or something abstract, incomprehensible, but selective niche perfumes are not very good to say. wrong, because any fragrance can be selective, the one i choose will become selective, i can choose mosmarket, but in a niche spirit, they are notable for the fact that they have a more obvious character, and because of this they
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lose a lot in the audience , that is, to someone not they like flowers, some people don’t like skin, yeah, we immediately cut off this part of people, and the essence of niche perfumes is that they are most often unisex, in order to attract a little more audience, we cut off a very large part and unite them a little, and if you look at from a commercial point of view, and niche perfumes have practically no budget restrictions, a mass market should cost a concentrate per kilogram, for example, 50 dollars, from a kilogram of concentrate you can make a huge barrel of perfume, when we make low-end perfumes, we can use those rare oils, even expensive ones, these are the most expensive, the cheapest, tell me what the most expensive ones are, expensive rose, expensive absolutes, i have an absolute - and this is madagascar vanilla extract - 13,000 euros per kilogram, here in cakes in
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this quantity you add, out is 40,000 euros per kilogram, that’s what agarwood is made of, essentially it’s a tree that was eaten by a fungus and subjected to it, how many thousand dollars am i inhaling now, and that’s 13,000, 13. 10 g yeah that's what it smells like uh 13.000 dollars smoked sweet for yes leather a little bit like vanilla if it’s not vanillin and what is added to baked goods vanilla is real like a perfume it’s not sweet it’s like leather smoked very deep yes it’s probably important to note if there is an oud note or a vanilla note in the perfume and the note of rose does not mean that there are these natural materials there. cheap perfumes definitely don’t add expensive ingredients, but what are the cheapest ingredients? the cheapest ones, well, these are the ones that are used everywhere
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in household chemicals in powders, it can be - inexpensive pieces, it can be aldehydes, so we showed how fresh they can kill your aldehyde, of course, there are a lot of aldehydes you have, some ts10, and i have ts12, let's compare now. we didn’t agree in advance, these are the same class of compounds, but they have slightly different structures, this is such a pure powder, i think i’ve stopped feeling it, but just drink some water, come on, i ’ve lost my sense of smell, ts-12 - this is the aldehyte that gives coconutness, minerality in perfume, oh, i’ve earned it about coffee, we should probably tell you, yes, by the way, yes very often.
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here is now an air freshener, because many air fresheners contain a lot of aldehyde, they are cheap and but in perfume compositions they are an integral part, here are any beautiful, expensive components, if you mix and do not add something that will invigorate them, like the bubbles in champagne, then they won't sound right. beautiful, by the way, about champagne there is perfumery in which this aroma of champagne is added, this is an accord, yes, that is, with champagne does not produce any extracts
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or natural materials, i really like the alcoholic notes. and what is the difference between an accord and an absolute, an accord is a combination of several elements, several ingredients, that is, to make a rose accord, you don’t have to use rose oil at all . in massmarket, of course, they don’t use it, there are rose oxides, citranilols, geraniols. rodinol, which can be mixed and get the aroma of rose or geranium; under the guise of bulgarian rose, the oil is often sold as geranium oil, well, by the way, this is not mazhevelnik, but here juniper berries, but there’s a lot of stuff here, this perfume is called rashan soll, there’s cognac, it’s such a chocolate smoky cognac, it’s nice, we’re talking about alcohol, in fact there are no restrictions in perfumery
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... they often ask what’s possible there mix, whether these notes are combined, combined, at least it will be socks, maybe how many notes can be in one perfume, well, yes, you need to separate the concept of a note and a component, one and the same note can be several components, usually in perfume well, in an average perfume there are 30 -50 components, the component can be much more, yes, but in general you can hear a lot of notes, different noses hear differently. you and i will listen, for example, to galaxolite musk or some other musk, you will hear apple notes there, i am banana, someone will hear it, and i understand that on the skin of each person they reveal differently, and in different ways , and in men and women they open up equally, well, it’s just different for different people, actually, i don’t think it depends much on gender, but it depends the type of skin depends rather, that is, oily , dry, fermentation still reveals itself more courageously, of course, as
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it is mixed with hormones and with anstinone. fashionable verdict, new season, i’m with you, lilia rakh, on the first weekdays. three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. we return to our perfume laboratory. today we are unraveling the secret language of fragrances, perfumers kirill khaikin and polina kazakova are helping me with this. is there any seasonality in perfumery? let’s say in winter it’s appropriate to use only aromas, now we have spring-summer everyone tries to choose some light spring scents, there is such a thing and seasonality was invented by us, people, simply and marketers, which, they are still associated with something summer or winter , for example, the smell of vanilla is associated, why is it popular so in winter, because we want to be warm, cozy, we want such warm hugs, the smell of vanilla for example, such
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warm... spices, leather, yes, a burning fire, it warms, if we want it to be the wind in the hair of the dress into a chamomile, then this here are some bright and fresh aromas of purity, here are explosive citruses, and what do you recommend for - spring summer 2024, for example, i brought a perfume called colononle, it’s a green perfume, purity, white shirt, i love it very wearable in the spring, in the summer, when you want to cool down, there are herbs, well, that is, it ’s just so light, long-lasting enough, yes, it’s not a role, it’s green, but it might smell like it to someone, really, we discussed it here, really it can smell like a white shirt, well, that’s the scent of cleanliness, yes, yes, yes, then i can also show and recommend this perfume, it’s called narcissus grove, it’s actually a similar profile, because i
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wanted narcissus grove - what’s there besides narcissus? and freesia, there’s pepper, there’s greenery, a lot of greenery, that is, this is grass, this is purity, these are these yellow flowers, a narcissus bouquet, i tried to make it less complicated, because you like things that are just light and floral, well, this is for spring, that is, the first scent we heard about cognac, it’s already so heavier in winter, let me let you smell the aroma too. is called cherrylezo, that is, cherry and leather, cherry and leather, it is quite aquatic, transparent, elegant, but it emphasizes such a playful character due to the cherry, and the leather here is more likely not leather like a bag or a glove, it is more like warm human skin, very pleasant, and i remember that tomuford has a cherry, which i didn’t like, your cherry is just a real cherry, they outdid you there, yes,
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tamfort, you were outdone. by the way, why don’t we make a fragrance today that will correspond to the trends of spring, summer 24 , in general, trends now in perfumery can probably be identified. four or five directions, but indeed perfumery is simplifying its sound, if a few years ago everyone associated niche perfumery with a dark liquid in a bottle and this languid trail that is impossible to be near, but now niche perfumery makes it much more transparent and understandable the fragrances are comfortable in terms of use, so let’s think about what goes with what is spring associated with flowers and greenery? i thought about how singing birds smell, smell now, singing birds, it seems to me that they are like that, with the scent of some kind of rose, they don’t smell,
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they smell, i now, well, i don’t know, maybe i was deceived, i was just now just in yerevan, i bought it on the street, the small flowers smelled incredible, they said they were snowdrops, white and pinkish, maybe it was some kind of variety, it was a hybrid, most likely they didn’t smell like forest flowers, because i put them there. you don't have snowdrops, no, no, no, we don’t have snowdrops, this is an accord, they also don’t get anything from them, and then there is the aroma of melted snow, melted snow, the earth that appears from under the snow, this is wet, also with greenery, it’s called hyasmine , it is removed by bacteria in the earth after the rain , in the spring, it smells like this... leafy camphor aroma too, and probably there is also the aroma of fresh buds, and there is also the aroma of currant buds, by the way, this is such a marker for the russian consumer, it is very familiar to us, currants are simply hardwired into our dna
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yes, by the way, if you want to listen, i have this component, you know, it’s very risky because there are some brands whose currant aroma sounds like cat urine, yes it is. if they use, most likely a natural component, and there is a cas base, a wonderful french base, which is already so much more perfumey, i’ll let you listen to it now, depending on how you play it too, you can add honey to it, it will also smell like business, yes, that’s it already without cats, and what ’s good about this base is that it can be given both the character of berries and green leaves? here listen, this is called pi, it just smells like any pink flowers, but what can we add so that it is not so pronounced, floral, but so that there is something so niche in it, let’s
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add, maybe cedar , just texas will convey the smell of this land, it’s probably very beautiful, it can emphasize flowers, listen to it, it’s not very - oh yes pleasant, it’s even a little vanilla, but it’s tobacco-vanilla, yes, it’s in there's a smokiness to it, it's like vanilla, oh, i like it, the smokiness in it is also still pleasant, and let’s add citruses to give life to the aroma, but we’re mixing all these, but what we have, well, let me also add a few something functional, for example, musk.
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understands, you need to smell them 10-20 or 30 times to create a new neural connection, then the brain will be created, listen, are you sensitive to musk? by the way, i was recently at a wine tasting, i noticed that when you smell, say, a certain type of wine, when you taste it, you are different you feel the notes completely, for example, you smell and feel the aroma of pineapple, and then you taste and feel vanilla, well, in different ways. here you also have, by the way, you taste it, i taste it, yes, i, as a researcher, taste everything, in fact, the same components, they can be used in floristry, this is an area that deals with adding flavorings to food, that is mango, for example, is the same, it can
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be made in perfumery, and in a fragrance for cottage cheese in an ornomatizer, this can be done make the same muskalite, oh i feel it, it’s a bad powdery floral, but pleasant. it reminds me of mimosa, by the way, i have mimosa, and we can use it in our scent for spring, absolutely mimosa looks like this, but we won’t make it very well. there are so few types of new fragrances that this
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is how he laid down some kind of archetype of fragrance, as for example at the end of the 19th century, this is how it is used now, for example, wine glasses, fragrances, we all know them as men’s perfumes, well, that’s the smell locker rooms, razor smell, this guy, he invested in wine glasses and chypres at the end of the 19th century, too. they were also born around this period, a little later in the 20th century, this is not like soviet chypre, these are usually heavy fragrances with patchouli, with rose, and these fragrances are now evolving, of course, the mistakes that were made popular, once upon a time here in the 20th century, they are no longer relevant now, well, for example, there is poison dior, it’s a chypre, that’s right, now they have evolved and, for example, mies dior is also this modern chic. ready-made chypre, and the chypre has changed, but essentially the structure
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remains, do we want to add pepper to our spring scent, oh, i really love pepper, pink or black, let’s have pink, probably yes, well, let’s have pink, since it’s spring, come on, it’s a pity i don’t write down the formula , suddenly some kind of brilliant aroma will come out, but nothing, you and i remember the ingredients that were there, we can forget the proportions, this is tatyana gevarkyan and there is no one. sewn together with me in the studio by young perfumers, kirill khaikin and polina kazakova. let's analyze the scents note by note and find out about the main trends of this season. but as how to apply perfume correctly? that's right, usually in the usual zone this is the neck, this is where the pulse is, well, the pulse zone, as it is believed, this is all bullshit, where we really want, well , where are the open areas that will smell, if we want, and the wrist here they say more. can they just - it’s a question of what else
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, just the wrists, they can be warm and the perfume can be less persistent, and therefore you can apply it here on the back of the hand, yeah, and it will be cold here, the aroma will be more persistent, and it will be more convenient show it to your interlocutor, that is, not just like that and toss and turn, like this, yeah, it’s applied to the hair, to the hair too, yes, it’s like on clothes, the aroma on the hair is more persistent, but maybe less intense. how to choose the right scent? i always advise, of course, not to buy right away, never buy right away, because if you really like it now, it’s not a fact that in 2 days you ’ll take it, smell it and say that you like it, so you need to ideally ask a consultant for a sample or at first try it on a blotter, yes, well, on a blotter, of course, first we’ll try on a blotter, always yes, if you liked it, ask for a sample to wear it for a few days, if they don’t give you a sample, they applied it very rarely and let’s go for a walk. we need to apply it somewhere on the wrist or wherever we want, where we usually
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use it, where it’s convenient for the ambassador later, well , because yes, if we apply it on the neck, then we won’t hear it, well, we can let someone else smell it, and for me , for example, i think that this is not the most appropriate gift giving perfume to someone, because it is very individual, well, if, for example, you know that a person uses the same perfume and you give him everything, yes, but yes, of course, it’s a matter of taste, you just have to, you just have to , take a person to the store and choose, while we get a very gentle with light feathers 700, i have 700-800, this is a large
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organ called such a step, and you should ideally know these components, guess them, any you were taken, you know him. okay, let's say i want to achieve some kind of uniqueness of the aroma, is it enough for me to buy, like you have, these are the bubbles for your home, depending on your mood , it’s quite possible to stir on your skin, that is, i can use these solutions, you need to understand that these will not be perfumes already, because perfume is a product that has... handy, it’s not a fact that it will smell there after at least an hour, that is, by the way, i bought it as perfume once... it was aromatic oils that were already mixed, they had some kind of unique aromas, not similar no matter what, they lasted very well , the sillage was very light, i really liked it, to the light florality we added notes of leather, amber and a little tobacco, very light, but they already give character,
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it turned out to be a very interesting aroma, cool, yes, i think , that here is the scent, the trends of the twenty-fourth year we have ready. kirill, and i propose, by the way, since this is the case, to mix a perfume, which we will call not a bastard, i propose some kind of audacity, we will also add, of course, absolutely, a fragrance that will mix in the future and the past, well, like fashion, yes, this is a fragrance that depicts freesia, it’s called etillino, despite the fact that it is a classic floral, but there is something about it , such a slightly rubbery aspect. and we will add a lot of it, we will have perfume, there will be perfume about purity, i do it without scales, of course, we don’t work like that, but we pour it on the eye, then let’s add bergamot here, absolutely right, bergamot, well, everyone is familiar with it , everyone drank tea with bergamot, by the way, there is often no bergamot itself, it’s synthetic, that’s
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just the work of the plevorist, let’s move on let's add this, since i'm already talking about cleanliness. showed, in fact, this is dupecal, uh, this is the aroma of lily of the valley, in fact, such a lily of the valley is very fresh, rainy and spring, oh, interesting, it has such a sparkle, uh, floral tenderness, therefore, we will have a few flowers , now, let’s add some insolence, hot, burning rubber or something, you can, you can do this, because fashion is still about a challenge, you can add ashes. and it will be oak moss, since it’s modocyclic, let her be like a phoenix all the time is being revived, and oak flies, by the way, was very often popular in exactly these old perfumes, it’s also salty, it’s woody, it’s just like that, we also add it, and we make it unisex , yes, yes, we make it unisex, of course, there
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is there is also a component that is also called floral animalistic, that is, now it will give us severity to our flowers, naturalness, animalistic - these are cats again, this is not cats, it’s more like a cake in a cow, this is indole, it smells of lily of the valley, fermented green tea, roughly rough so straight and with colors, a little bit too let's add feces and a painted fence, we'll polish it all with aldehydes and flowers, without embellishment, i would really like to add a note of mimosa, oh what is this, it's actually not only mimosa, it's also... it's so culinary a little bit and very much geleotropin, and this is a component that if you look at the natural components, it’s just that the smell of babytonka is very strong , and babytonka is very strong - this is quite a valuable
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component, beautiful, deep, and geleotropin is one small part of it, so we have iris methylano is also always in trend. uh-huh, here it is, it’s not necessary that this perfume smells like it, but uh-huh, by the way, we also have iris in the spring scent, so we have ian beta, well, yes, pauline, you studied the art of perfumery, and is there any differences by region, you mean, is there a preference, depending on, of course, there is a preference. let's divide the market into two huge categories: the european market and the arab market. what the arabs use in their perfumes sometimes in our latitudes it’s impossible to listen, in their forty-degree heat , having applied a scent that will suffocate us here, there it sounds...


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