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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 15, 2024 3:05am-3:55am MSK

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i never planned and didn’t want to connect my life with astronautics, with aviation, i didn’t think about it, i’ll explain why i didn’t want to say, because my dad has worked in the aviation field all his life, and my grandfather, he was a pilot , so i can say that i can probably say that i come from such an aviation dynasty, and naturally, when i graduated from school, the first thing my parents did was ask if i wanted to try to enroll in mine, but there was something in me. moscow aviation institute, yes, but there was something in me, apparently different, it seemed to me that i was a more humanitarian person, that i was a more creative person, and i decided to go to the faculty of journalism of the russian state university for the humanities, which i graduated from, probably eight years after that. when i graduated from university, i miraculously ended up in the cosmonautics museum, but before we talk about the cosmonautics museum, i will take a step back and talk about what happened to me when i was 10. 11 years old, because
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my first contact with space, if we talk about it, it happened precisely at this age. at that time i lived in hanoi, in vietnam, my dad worked there, on duty he was just meeting all the important guests who flew into the city of hanoi, and one day valentina vladimirovna tereshkova flew to hanoi, my dad told me that here the cosmonaut arrives, the first woman, i already knew this, i naturally really wanted...
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dasha, listen to dad, mine always has dishes, and i was upset, but here there was some very warm, some, some very human relationship, this was my first contact with space, then we very quickly move to 2014, when i was invited to the position of head of the press service.
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which charges me so much that i can talk about it endlessly, and thanks to what the museum gave me, thanks to that experience, thanks to those acquaintances, thanks to those meetings that i had in the museum, i really, it seems to me, have succeeded in in many ways as a person and in many ways as a professional in this field. we continue conversation about the moscow museum of cosmonautics with darya chudny, and i'm anton shkablerov. daria, was it possible to see off the crews and meet them? first before departure, but we understand that very soon they will be leaving for the international space station, yes, yes, yes, and the tradition is that before... before they leave moscow,
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they definitely had to come to the territory memorial house of the sergei pavlovich korolev museum, visit the house of sergei pavlovich korolev, sit on a bench that is located in the garden next to this house and the most the main thing above this bench on the tree hangs that same legendary horseshoe for good luck, which sergei pavlovich korolev found in the yard back in the day and attached it there himself, so i remember very well when you and the etage... came to us more than once, i remember, well, maybe of course i’ll take on such a mission myself, but in my opinion, from our, in my opinion, from the very third flight, it was we who resumed this tradition of drinking tea, this is in the house, because indeed sergei pavlovich korolev just the day before gagarin's start came to the house where he was next door was in a neighboring house, but came to visit gagarin and titov. they drank tea, it
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really went down in history, and i am very glad that the museum will support this tradition, we are happy to come, we were with the film crew, this was yet another one. i was at the return of the crew from the international space station, together with the search and rescue team, i went to the kazakh steppe, it was a long road, and we spent the night in the steppe, and i remember, this is the morning, it was summer, and dawn, we give
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a summary when a return occurs crew, i can even say, by the way, what kind of crew it was, yes, it’s no secret, then the commander of the ship was oleg kononenko, he flew. with a sanjak with en makley. and we met this crew. amazing, just something incredible. that is, it seems to me that the moment a rocket takes off is something that changes human perception. and here you no longer just see off the astronauts, here you meet them, it seems to me that meeting them is always more pleasant and i remember, it seems to me, literally minute by minute this morning when we we understand that when it happens. a few minutes before the moment when this black dot should appear in the absolutely transparent blue-blue sky, a descent module that is returning from space, when i tell this story, i
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always tell everyone what i allowed myself when i saw this dot , i allowed myself an unforgivable thought for a person who works in this industry, as i see it, the sky was transparent. there was nothing, at that moment i see this dot and say: listen, space really exists, that is, they are returning, and this is amazing, this dot is getting bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, at this moment there is an absolute, very professional bustle on earth, because everyone is going, going, going, all services are working, everything is very harmonious, there blue birds, these cars, and they are lined up on the horizon, all this is incredibly beautiful, it is clear that the people who are working at this moment do not pay attention to it. i still went there as a representative of, let’s say, a press team, a team of journalists, i had the opportunity another thing to reflect on this topic, there is a landing, special people approach the descent vehicle, there is a radiation check, one second, that is, everything
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is very clear, i am surprised at how huge a number of services are working at the same time, and i say, well-coordinated - this is the most , is probably the right word to describe the process. and they open the descent module, the cosmonauts appear, at that moment it seems that some kind of miracle is happening, and then, i’m telling you this as if you had never had anything to do with it, well, i i haven’t met anyone, at least not yet, but i think that from the inside, of course , everything is perceived in an even more amazing way, but from the country it looks like this. what are you doing here? don’t believe me, i passed by purely by chance, i looked at our bus, i thought i’d come in and say hello, otherwise it’s somehow not intelligent, i know that i’m not guilty, and you need to prove it, you have 24 hours for this, it’s time to discuss plan to storm the cathedral, first we need to distract him, you are here unofficially and
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are not a hostage specialist, bloodhound, a new series tomorrow after the program time, so the petals grew. don’t forget on the bed, they were on the bed too, with a heart, alexander ivanov, with an ordinary heart, i’m aware, ilya, thank you, usually with a heart, understood here, yes, call me, i know that uh, you already wrote a book uh, about space animals, can you briefly tell us about it, how the idea came about and what readers who haven’t read it yet can read there, yes, this book is called animal cosmonauts, the first space explorers, i’m not talking about everyone there animals, i talk there primarily about dogs that flew into space, the idea for this book was born from two moments: first, i began to notice that people who come to the museum, regardless of their age, they only know three dogs who flew into space, this is laika, the first dog that went into space, and squirrel and strelka, the first living creatures that not
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only flew into space, but also returned safely to earth, but there were much more of these dogs, and that’s me by the way, i found out everything thanks to the institute of medical and biological problems, because i had... the opportunity to work with archival documents, with the memories of people who directly prepared these dogs for flight into space, at some point during this communication i began to write down: stories , just for myself. and at some point, one of the publishing houses with which we interacted came to our museum and said: you know, we want to make some good book with the museum, from you the content, from us - the opportunity for the museum to appear in all bookstores in russia. and i i say: there is such a topic, they say: amazing, no one has ever written about this before, i wrote this book, and it has already gone through four editions, that is, such popularization, and there i... talk about all the animals, starting from the very first ones, which back in the fifty-first year the dogs
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flew into space, that is, like 10 years, and before the first manned flight into space, already ending with those experiments that took place after the flight and the dog flew into space, don’t you remember, don’t i remember, because there are such a huge number of them, about 50 dogs flew in space, and some flew twice, several dogs flew three times and one dog flew four times, real astronauts and... i always tell you that if people think that they just took dogs and sent them into space, this is not so, they , in fact, there was a real dog squad, they also underwent training, and they were medically selected, necessarily, medically selected, we remember that a certain height, weight, age, color, necessarily girls, if we are talking about orbital flights, because in geophysical the dogs also flew, boys, dogs, girls, in orbital only girls, always mongrels, and... and the training was very strict, that is, the same centrifuge, then the dogs were necessarily
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trained, because it was not clear how they would behave in flight conditions, they they were taught to eat in shaking conditions, in conditions of loud sounds, this is real training, real, absolutely, real, tell us about your new job, after 7.5 years at the cosmonautics museum, i was offered to study not only history, but with modernity, but let’s say , right there, right here, right here, right here, what is happening now and what will be interesting in the future, and i moved from the museum of cosmonautics to a private russian space company, russian, mind you, this is very important, because now i am absolutely convinced of this, cosmonautics in general is experiencing some kind of renaissance and some kind of revival , and private cosmonautics in russia is now gaining momentum and it seems to me that it’s about to take off. at the forefront of everything. most importantly , i wish your company to develop, to
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prove that there are private companies in russia, namely space, because here we are a little behind our foreign colleagues, i mean, especially from the american ones, therefore, i hope that we will be proud of your company, like you who are involved in space. thank you very much, because honestly, this is what we lack, we lack support and faith, we are often very... naturally, we interact with roscosmos, roscosmos supports all private initiatives at one level or another, of course, that oh, we’re about to get into such a complex topic, it’s clear that we haven’t yet... the country tools for interaction in many respects between private companies and the regulator of their
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legislative framework, and this too, although a lot has changed a few years ago for private owners, it has become easier for participants to breathe, it has become easier for private owners to work, so we interact with roscosmos, we understand perfectly well that these are our regulators, we are nowhere without roscosmos, of course there are still some issues that need to be resolved, because we quite often talk about how good it would be if roscosmos and private space companies. gave me the opportunity to use my testing base, sometimes private owners really lack this, because private owners have to build something of their own, or look for some other options, but i have a very positive attitude towards this, and let’s hope that with over time, yes, i’m sure that everything will work out for you, giving, let’s imagine what you think a person will do in 50 years in space, i’m absolutely convinced that, of course, there will be more flights... we’ll pilot them into space, it’s clear that satellites on
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there will be a huge amount in orbit, and at some point we will come to the point that this will need to be regulated somehow, i think that people on earth will become even more involved in astronautics and will understand what astronautics gives them after all , and this will be some kind of two-way interaction between people who live on earth and space technologies, perhaps we will gradually begin to become some kind of space technology... great, my guest was darya chudnaya, deputy general director of a private russian space company, journalist, i'm anton shkaplerov, this is a space stories podcast.
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because i’m a real sorceress, now i ’ll tell you the secret of how tomorrow morning you can become a millionaire without having to work another day, very good, and that i go to sea, it turns out it ’s simple, how did you find out that she was sleeping with your husband and came to me a friend with a child, and we were getting ready for a holiday, and at that time the child was poking at the computer and a file came out saying that they were corresponding on social networks, i read it and realized that this was correspondence of an intimate nature and decided to write from his page: to her, come to me, oleska is leaving now. she replied: i’m at home, i think it’s great, she’s at home, we need to go figure it out. i grabbed her hair. this is such a life hack, you know, i took it right under the root and screwed her up, that’s it, she’s not going anywhere, i pulled out all the hairs, and my husband didn’t stand up for her? no, it was probably more funny to him, or something, all this. and in the end i
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realized that i had to put an end to it, the next morning i was no longer there. meet the second bride. hello, hello, maybe we're on the show now, but exactly at this second you and i are the only two here, kakam and eva, oh how, yes, and i'm very happy about this, and i, this is for you, thank you, my name is ivan, i'm tonya, you'll all get to know each other, antonina is 28 years old, a photographer from moscow, loves to go to the sea, go to stand-up shows and wash clothes. is proud of her appetizing curves and warns that she has a hot temperament. antonina endured her lover’s disrespectful attitude towards her for 6 years only because she was afraid of never meeting such a passionate lover again, hopes that ivan will prove her wrong.
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hello, hello, i brought you a herring, i also brought food, look, but because... in fact, i just realized that we and the fish, yes, before that you understood, but he has a marine theme, i just realized that, that is, he was 10 points in this regard, now talk about disrespectful relationships, you know, it wasn’t so much a disrespectful attitude as i wanted to be women and men after all, they were like bros or something like that, over time i started. understand what i strive for in the future, that is, i want a family, i want mutual respect like this anton bro, but not exactly, but also some kind of woman who would be idolized, who would inspire, this was given at least once in exactly 6 years, and why then he didn’t give, which he said, as if he didn’t give at all, he said that it was
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a waste of money, it would wither, it was all unnecessary, the greedy person was also a plus to everything that... yes, well, the girl is beautiful, young, 208 years old she, she’s just like that, yes, she’s still a girl, we rented an apartment, yes, we rented it in half, and with over time, i also realized that this is not what i need, little one, look, today everything is for me, as for a person of a different generation, in general everything is different, everything is new, but i’m still closer to the asian style of life, when a man gives in coat, opens the door when... because of you in a restaurant, when i’m ready for a wonderful dinner, i keep the house clean, i treat you with respect, well, that is, i understand this, but today you yourself told the men, and i didn’t say anything to anyone it shouldn’t, this is my territory, we cook in half, we do everything, and what if you’re tired from work, so am i i’m tired, and i don’t owe you anything,
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today you yourself proposed these rules for men to live together, you yourself came up with... equal, you understand, then you are bros, you yourself have ceased to be women, you understand, girls, no offense, okay , i’m also from your trade union more than that one with blue eyes who’s crying, but this is wrong, well, if a man is strong, powerful, financially worthy, i have a husband, he’s adjusted to me, it’s like i’m giving in to him, but more he is inferior to men anyway somewhere you really have to bend over backwards. i completely agree with you in everything you said, and before, when i entered into this relationship, i was actually 19, i couldn’t even imagine that something could be different, and that’s how i grew, developed, and understood , that...
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which will never happen again, in general, that there will be no connection, because even i was afraid that this is my experience, an intimate connection, it doesn’t just happen, it’s understanding, it’s tactile, and in everything , it’s all the same to you that he called you scum, and this was such a situation on the very last day in general, when we saw him, he was working... at home on his computer remotely, he had some kind of call, and i came up next to him, there were soft toys there, i just decided to cheer him up a little and
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started something to do a little bit, somehow play with these soft toys, and why did he say: what a scum, he looked at me like that and said this, i didn’t understand the joke at all, but wait a minute, at that time he couldn’t decide something monetary there, for example, this is an operation or something very, because i hate it. when i'm talking on the phone, uh i talk only in exceptional cases, the rest of the time, by text message, when something is related to work or a very important family, and if someone is paralleling and distracting me, listen, i close the phone and i can say something else terrible, not varis, it wasn’t like that, if i’m not mistaken, he actually had lunch, as it were, but they still called each other with colleagues, i generally don’t accept such relationships in the family, when people can call you names, put your hand on you, insult , under no circumstances is it possible, and you understood that... and i realized that these toys, they were very significant, iconic both for him and for me, i just took them, looked at them, these were the ultimate rose-colored glasses, left the house, got there to the trash, threw them out, came and started packing
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my suitcases to move out, look, antonina, a beautiful name, what a rare thank you, larisa, what a wonderful, rare you have, look, in front of you is ivan, a man-man, uh-huh, i understand everything, here he is a man , he goes sailing to earn money, it’s a man’s profession, what are you waiting for? i think ivan very mature, wealthy, he understands who a man is, he understands what needs to be given to a woman so that she will wait for him and love him all this time, answer the question, are you ready to wait for him, yes, 6-7 months are you ready to wait, i have something get busy, i’m a very self-sufficient person, by the way, and you’re ready to give up your next statements, for example, you love order, but it’s better to let someone else put it in place, you hate it.
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shirt, i didn’t even know that this part of the body comes as a dowry, but did you insure it, or what? well, we're like the kardashians sashenka and i go to the gym, train her there and insure her, who is agata antoninova, nagata antoninovna - this is my daughter, this is my lizard, but i wanted to say, why is the child not declared? what are you doing with her, calling her your daughter? yes, well, that’s cool, like cats, i don’t have dogs, i do. what's running around the house, or what? no, she lives in a terrarium, everything is very comfortable there, she has a dry chamber, a wet chamber, she has calcium and water separately, i let her have lights in there,
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but you want children, right? ripe for children, and you i have some request for mendelssohn, please take advantage of the opportunityson, hello, as you know, i am a photographer, and i would be very interested to know how i could take a photo of you, in general you can only take a screenshot of me, but for your sake, antonina, i am ready to generate any image of myself, here are several types, choose which one you like best, a sexy macho, for example, oh, we have a charismatic intellectual in our assortment, or, for example, a shirt guy, which one do you prefer, i would marry the second one married, i would be friends with this, maris, i probably won’t say anything more, i ’m married, but you want to change your habits, because the child also needs to be fattened,
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well, the child is already quite a child. well, let's continue our test with the classic sea game with which we already started today, antonina, ivan, enter the stage, let me remind you of our rules, i give a countdown and you freeze in the form of the figure that i say, are you ready?
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a canary, a quail, she has a lizard, but it is very difficult to provide for such an animal, but the fact that she loves the animal is very a big plus, it means she’s good-natured and can sort of put everyone who said that women on a ship are in trouble, what nonsense, look, we have such a ship, let’s go on a trip, let’s go, oh, it doesn’t burn trouble... it's already, it's already starting to fall apart. the sea has returned, with the talk of tea, songs of the surf, awakening the dawn, the heart as a friend, the sea greets. the heart, like a song, flies out of
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the chest, about the sea-sea, it became fast and you give the device for a while, look, she’s already pregnant, they just appeared on the waves rocked on the waves. the groom wasn’t ready for anything like that right away, well, who said that a woman on a ship is a sign of trouble, that’s just how the classic phrase fits in nowhere , jumped, jumped, and jumped together, oh i can’t, somehow everything worked out quickly, but that’s it so, thank you, thank you, that was cool, antonina, a woman on a ship is not a bad thing, for everyone in any situation, including
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on a ship. well guys, what do you say? maybe all girls are like this, again i don’t want to cook, i’m not interested. there is a lizard, she takes care of it perfectly, for is courting a man, and you live with glasses somewhere in some parallel world? no, well , there are girls, guys, yes, i already, for example, so as not to look like a grump, some kind of backwards, yes, i think maybe this is such a norm, not only do i not condemn, i don’t say, i’m not surprised, i just accepted it, i think so. who everyone says, there is delivery, i think, well, probably yes, that’s right, well , there are such girls, not that all of them are definitely not with a deep neckline, and not with a thin ankle, not with red lips, that’s absolutely true, you you set the bar yourself, you are looking for this level, these are the ones with the lips, with the lips, this, and this doesn’t fit with one another, why, because the image is good for the girl, it looks different, because she looks at herself in the mirror and thinks, yes
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should i go straight to the kitchen now? noticed that he said something like, i also actually know how to cook, yes, yes, he somehow already felt me ​​and understood that not everything is so black. as if she wasn’t raised like mowgle at all, how can you treat pregnancy so lightly, i’d be a little ashamed this, and she has never been pregnant, she doesn’t know what it is, and what she did , so what, what’s good, or something, she fell somewhere and came out already pregnant, well, that’s what it’s called. another funny moment, that's it, i understand that the idea was that they left the flight and came back with a stomach, yes, i thought so too, you touched his hand, how i was holding his hand all the time, i forgot a lot ,
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meet the third bride. hello ivan, my name is anastasia and i know how to paint life with the brightest colors. thanks a lot. anastasia is 32 years old, formerly a personnel training specialist at a bank, now an artist, lives in ryazan. restores furniture and paints walls, dreams of becoming a mother of many children, warns that she has unusual tattoos on her body, admits that she is a bad housewife, anastasia’s marriage to morik crashed after her husband sent
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her a video of his socks from a flight, you hope that ivan will not offend her, girls, we are glad to see you, hello, hello, larisa, hello! it is a great honor for me to be with you today and before to start our communication, i would like to give you these baskets of fruit, oh, thank you very much, i painted your portrait in oil, allow me to give it to you, she’s not pretty here, otherwise she always draws something strange, she’s beautiful, but then usually i’m such a freak, well , here i’m about 7 years old, thank you, thank you very much, she said here i’m about 7 years old. it’s beautiful, look, look, turned it over so you can’t see it, tell me about the sock, yes, my husband was a sailor, ex, and accordingly he went on long flights, i know perfectly well what it is
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such, when i was packing him for a flight recently, he left for 4 months, and when he first arrived there, he wrote to me that if the question ever arises, why are you a bad housewife, then here... he filmed the confirmation how he turns out his sock, and garbage spills out, what about the message that i can’t even wash my socks in the washing machine, but they didn’t take out the garbage, i was sure that when a person puts his things in the washing machine, he prepares them, he checks for his stash, i think his stash fell apart in worn in the trash and turned into trash, maybe i didn't check my stash.
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you say that you are a bad housewife, you don’t cook, you don’t know how, you cook and you don’t like it, so you say it yourself, this is from your words, this is from the words of my husband, rather, no, please, this is from your words, which is not necessary force the whole family to suffer with their cooking, if you can just order, yes you can, now the services all contribute to this, it doesn’t matter who washed the plate, for her it’s nonsense, now i ’ll have fighting dishes... i’m from a full family, my parents lived together for many years, they schools together, where where in ryazan, you are from ryazan,
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she is from a family of doctors, and you had a worker at home, no, but my mother didn’t say, daughter, i ’ll come home from work so that all the dishes are washed, the floors are vacuumed. yes, in this regard, yes, because i tell my daughter to come, the house should be clean, although she is simply schizophrenic, she folds not only evenly, but also in texture, color and meaning.
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should you have done this somehow? they froze the cutlets and your husband came. how long did he come from the flight? well for a couple of months then for a couple months, well, that is, well, somehow you can go to a restaurant someday, you can sometimes order food, and your mother can bring something, but somehow you look like you’re 32 years old, nastya, well, really not 19 , but larisa, she walks around the house, beautiful in heels, always wearing makeup, that’s how she is now, like that, at least she walked around,
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took off her gloves, and it’s you who choose either to eat or look at the beauty, i also agree, but i would like to explain a little what i was raised in a very simple family of doctors, it was customary for us to cook pasta, eat it 3 day, with sausages, with cutlets, everything is as simple as possible, listen, they also left food in a thermos for me, it seems to me that this is not a problem at all, she is exaggerating that she is a bad housewife. in fact, i see something completely different in her appearance, i just caught a boring guy, here is a man who has specific requirements for his future wife, you can learn anything, you can teach a hare to play the drum, the main thing would be the desire, that’s right, as they said in my childhood , we can’t teach you, we don’t want to force you, so if you go with an open mind heart and want to be in a couple, so that you have peace and happiness, well, you will make concessions, because... i really want you to be happy, you are a beauty, you will learn, well, mom,
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no, mom, judging by the pasta, the one who taught you, but today the internet will help you, my god, today everything is possible, vanya, look, these are the red lips, this is the whole look that speaks, i like it, and this image, and video, tell me, what exactly are these red lips, this it’s just such a fetish of sexuality for men, actually, yes. there was a big study where men we looked through photographs of women with red, pink, burgundy lipstick and many others, it was red lipstick that men paid the most attention to, which means like bulls, i feel very sorry for her, i feel very sorry for her, she has these puppyish, sad eyes, just yes, i i thought they weren’t burning, i thought they were without passion, she’s so depressed, she’s very tired, but you and your husband didn’t break up because of socks? did you not wait for him
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or did he somehow tell you that it was time to end this relationship? it turned out that he went on a flight, well, accordingly, after this video with socks, i decided for the first time in my life to play like a girl and just shut up, because well, usually we had such a thing that he comes on a flight and there for the first few days we don’t communicate, he turns on into work, takes over things, and he needs some time to get out of the habit of me, that is, i... i also began to take this for granted, and these few days passed, and then i had a very unpleasant event in the family, i needed his family support very much, but he ignored this fact and didn’t support me in any way, and after that i decided that the person put his own principles higher than our family, than some kind of family support, then there was a new year. our wedding anniversary is march 8th,
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while he was on the flight for 4 months, he didn’t write to me, did n’t call, didn’t tell me anything about himself at all, and so did i, that is , the principle of who will keep silence from whom has already begun, then he was jealous of you , it’s scary, you had to count for every step you took, yes, that they even stopped inviting you to some companies, because you were all on the phone and making excuses, yes, there was a situation when a friend called me to celebrate her birthday, there were only... and her friend, and one was with her daughter, that is, also with a girl, we had a 100% female company, and it was fun, but my husband had just left on a flight, and it was natural that i didn’t make it out the door, you’re with... right at the party, although this, well, i’m not very i often leave the house, i basically have all my hobbies, i don’t need to hang out all the time and we separated by mutual consent, it turns out that way, so he wasn’t particularly against it, the initiative was mine, i filed for divorce without waiting for him, and when he arrived, well, yes,
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there were no attempts to dissuade me, to fix anything, it’s impossible to be such a tyrant for her. this is abuse, this is an abusive man who simply exalts himself, his ego, at the expense of such a girl who is very modest, because he saw that she was spectacular, beautiful and decided to suppress her, but thank god, that she gained courage, they divorced, the marriage you had with a sailor will help you now in your relationship, also with a sailor, with a new potential groom, or you ’ll never get there, to be honest, i’d like to try for my husband to work five days a week, come home in the evening, and spent the evenings with me, because waiting for your spouse to return from a flight is very difficult, not so much to feel guilty as to always fear for his life, because of course i saw
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these videos that he showed me, what was happening there, and he showed me what it was possible to show it so as not to traumatize my delicate psyche, so... i wouldn’t show it yes - yes, i really don’t even want to try, i’m always very worried about it , i don’t know, i’ll try, of course you can, i just want to , but as a life coach, get out such feminine advice tell vanya, leave him, go take a creative walk with nastenka, first of all, such a good profession, you are a business coach to combat laris money laundering in a bank.
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should go to the wrong man, she should find her gold, i wanted to ask, and they didn’t let me ask why i should come closer, i can’t, why she became an artist, she has been drawing since childhood, this is generally her favorite thing, but her parents always bring in a serious profession, yes she, yes she started selling paintings, yes she sells paintings, she conducts a master class. i literally finished it yesterday, i finished it, and in general she’s a good housewife, no, well , listen, i can’t make it up out of my head, look, girls, here’s a man, i think, too, you know, he makes a woman a good housewife or a bad housewife, no , mother does, the parents are preparing a boy, raising
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him to be a man, a future husband, and the girl’s family is preparing a future wife, a good housewife, a good mother, and so on, she has... here’s a friend, as if her sister is a twin, but no, well, actually too a sad look, yes, a sad face too, so they have a team of sad people, we understand, now they are sitting in their little room crying, you know why, why here in our tatars the parents of the bride play a wedding, no matter how much suede she goes out, because we we haven’t been raising our daughter for so long, and my husband is with her lives all his life.
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bride to us, you say, well, there are exceptions, but only so far one exception comes, lately even i don’t have enough patience to see that you do it for your own people, because well, well, no, well, no, well , not good, i seem to be raising the status of the bride, tatar women, they are the same, we won’t cook this, we won’t wash anything, we won’t, in general, let the husband do all this, as when it was in general, comes after five divorces, yes, with children from different marriages, and like you give me more here... my legs are singing from the basin, otherwise she tells her husband, it’s a nightmare! i think if rose and i had chatted a little longer, we would also have found a common language, she would have accepted your position and understood you.
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make sure she sits comfortably, maybe the fence will throw you out, but i see they have nothing, they have nothing at all, you can sing, i’m a sailor, come on, faster, let’s fight, they want to make us laugh, it’s a sore subject, the sock is not turned inside out , they also put you in his mouth, and he
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hasn’t saved her yet, it’s definitely not the groom , she won’t even come out to him if he doesn’t go to her, well, what are we going to do with them, maybe they’ll go overboard throw to the sharks? anyway, there’s nothing
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to take from them, and they don’t have any money, they seem to have amused us a little, we’ll let them go as soon as they’re released or what, they have to suffer, it’s him, it’s you who have to save him, larisa. do you think we have a match? no, well, if anastasia came up with this surprise, it seems to me that he had to save her, what did he have to do, save her, save her, how, i don’t know, come up with something, spit out a sock or something, let’s do it, let’s do it let’s do it, even anastasia’s energy comes through this expression faces, oh, he sang along, and that’s good, otherwise they would have been killed right away, well, the tsuryu club at the flour-milling technical school, this is laisa test,
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a good bride, just tender, i have a very good, very modest girl, who is worthy, it seems that she’s average the boy who was sitting in a very modest suit fits her, yes, yes, something is just right here - sailors are unlucky, somehow i don’t know the stories of happy ones... well, alprus, so there just the beginning, you know, then he wasn’t a sailor, but who was he? he was the richest man, the captain of a ship, well, the captain ship, he was a rich man, he meant that the salt would come later, and he would either carry it with him, you know, or land, finally, according to the fairy tale, they are harmful in some way, they just met there, kissed, then their life would not shows, but doesn’t tell, they also died on the same day, ivan, but what?


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