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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 15, 2024 3:55am-4:58am MSK

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this is laisa test, a good bride, just a gentle, very nice, modest girl, who, like the average boy who was sitting in the middle, very modest, suits her exactly, yes, yes, we have something just somehow here - sailors are unlucky, somehow i don’t know stories - happy ones, well, alusa, so that’s just the beginning, you know, then he wasn’t a sailor, but who was he? he was the richest man, the captain of a ship, well, the captain of a ship, he was a rich man, he meant that the salt would later, yes, or he would carry it with him, you know, or already land, finally, the hints are somehow harmful, it’s just starting there, they met, kissed, then everyday life doesn’t show them, doesn’t tell them, no, and they also died on the same day, and why didn’t you somehow twitched, didn’t kick your legs, actually
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took your friends with you for this, what have you been doing all this time, yes, you know, according to the maritime code, we are absolutely prohibited from opposing pirates, because if you even just start waving your arms, they immediately open fire every sailor knows about that if pirates suddenly get in, don’t do anything, it will cost you more, they could have killed her and not me, for example, we didn’t know about this, thank you for telling us, we did everything right, he’s happy that it ended with him face, wait. in general, larisa’s face, the temporary loading has started, well, look, ivan, today three girls came, pretty, young, but they are the same as they came yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, according to one pattern, no one wants to wait, endure, look after, maybe maybe forget about those women you see, that are with you...
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for my wife, i’m not sad, i’m talking about how he treated me like a dad, becoming a dad with some great annoyance and sadness, a good man, attractive, but it’s difficult to judge a person by one look, i don’t know who to recommend to you , because i didn’t see any shine.
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well, one secondary property, in general, is, well, everyone was married, well, some don’t have children, and so on, so don’t be offended, this, as they say, figuratively speaking from this series, this is the kind of real estate there is, such we take it even if you would like something another thing, i recommend anastasia, there, as they say, the property has not been used for a long time, so there are no children, but you can do something of your own, i think, any girl you have your eye on , you can try, well so as not to leave alone, well, why not, well, suddenly a miracle happens, it can happen, because everyone said, if she falls in love, she will do everything, if she falls in love, and if she falls in love, she will be so good and beautiful , so choose who you go to didn’t go, in any case, we will support you, but mendelssohn boy, who are you, well, judging by...
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you’re welcome, i didn’t like the taste of the socks, you’re just so bright, cheerful, you literally made me lazy with your openness, your energy , with your energy, well done, i think we definitely won’t be bored, thank you, i think so too, we have a couple, ivan and antonina, are you single, or did you like one of the participants in today’s program, write to the first one’s website channel. and i larisa guzeeva wish that
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your loved one will definitely tell you, come on let's get married. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the legislative interest proposed by vladimir putin to government candidates passed through a plenary session of the senate. reinforced concrete principle, you can make mistakes, you can’t take it. new status: alexey dyumin and nikolai patrushev, now assistants to the president. who else is in the decrees
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about the kremlin administration? the composition of the duma ministerial candidates has been updated by almost a third. it was difficult for some people, but in the end they approved it. everyone. dear colleagues, let's let's thank our colleagues who have been confirmed in their positions and wish them good luck. much depends on this in the lives of our citizens. zelenskaya shortage blinkin in kiev, podpitsu, talk about support on the news, opismism at the front about theft. fight for the feeder. the law on foreign agents in georgia has been finally adopted, but this is not the end. the west needs maidan on our borders. and 2 days in china, vladimir putin’s first state visit since taking office. what will be in the program. the soviet army defeated
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the japanese. peace has finally come to harbin. people were so looking forward to liberation. the chinese people will never forget this. today. in essence , the new composition of the russian government has been determined. the senators, as required by the constitution, notified vladimir putin of the completion of consultations on the candidates that the president proposed for the positions of heads of law enforcement agencies and the foreign ministry. andrei belousov outlined how he sees the task of the ministry of defense , the principles with which he will approach the work. other applicants did the same. report by olga knyazeva. candidate for the post of head of the ministry of defense andrei belousov arrived in the federation council is one of... the enemy learns quickly, the situation related to the use of new technologies changes literally
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weekly, we here need not just learn to research, we need to preempt the enemy, and here, together with the general staff, well, this is actually work. has been established, but it also requires daily inclusion; it is necessary to generalize the experience of using new technologies and, accordingly, to develop new forms of warfare, new methods of conducting combat operations. the third question, we are talking about recruiting the armed forces, i specifically i want to emphasize to journalists that we are not talking about mobilization about some kind of emergency measures, we are talking about planned measures, but...
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i want to specifically emphasize this with minimal human losses. i am fully aware of my responsibility to the country, to the russian people, to the president of the russian federation. in accordance with the planned purpose, i undertake to use all my strength, health, if life is required, to solve the assigned tasks, and you know, i have always been guided by the principle, this is what i want to name it, i try to be guided and will continue to be guided by the reinforced concrete principle, you can make mistakes, you can’t make mistakes, the continuity of the country’s independent foreign policy line, this is how the introduction of a candidacy for consultation, who has been in place for 20 years, was characterized.
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who directly in the presence of the chinese guests said that china produces too much of everything, they should produce less, we will introduce sanctions, so here it is not only russia that everyone who wants to show independence is punished for. candidacy the president also submitted vladimir kolokoltsev to the federation council for consultation. he will continue his work at the ministry of internal affairs. kolokoltsev has headed the ministry of internal affairs for 12 years. none of his predecessors in modern russian history managed to preserve it for so long.
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shadows of this category of citizens to exercise stricter control over them, we must not go to the other extreme , we will try to bring as many as possible to the other extreme, we must not allow the growth of xenophobia and the unreasonable use of enforcement measures. to these citizens, what from our strategic opponents are waiting for us, who are asleep and see in order to shake up the situation within our country between different segments of the population, then rub their hands with a smile to see what happened to them. alexander bortnikov retains his position as head of the fsb. one of the priorities for the department, including work with new regions. the senators asked what measures were being taken to prevent extremism, neo-nazism, and ukrainian nationalism from spreading there. this issue receives significant attention because we we understand that it is very important from the point of view
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of ensuring the security of the country. taking into account the processes that took place, is happening in the territory, both i mean the mainland and in new territories, issues of interethnic, interfaith, so to speak, issues are also given great attention, we are working within the framework of creating created, or rather, new territorial security agencies, so... we carry out the work, as i already said, on a planned basis, in the process of operational investigative activities. candidate for the position of head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov told the senators about new requirements for civil defense in connection with attacks by the ukrainian armed forces in our regions. the main activities in the field of civil defense that require close attention are the first - evacuation and temporary resettlement of citizens to safe areas. the second is the creation of shelters for citizens working in production with a continuous cycle. well, the production cycle. and thirdly, the supply and distribution of food, water and medicine.
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consultations on the candidate for the post of head of the ministry of justice konstantin are ending today chuychenko. he, like the senators, advocates for the further humanization of the country’s penal legislation. further humanization should be associated with the improvement and expansion of the practice of applying punishments that are not associated with isolation from society. we have currently prepared a bill that introduces... the use of the latest breakthrough technologies in intelligence work, and this is
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the development of the service's personnel potential. viktor zolotov, candidate for the position of director of the federal service of national troops guard, told senators about the department’s priorities. directly in our area of ​​attention, of course, is the territory and lines of combat contact; we formed 116, specially 116 special forces detachment, which included three. operational appointment, one of them also spoke before the senators. is now in the belgorod region, carrying out tasks together with the ministry of defense to protect state borders and advance in the kharkov direction. dmitry kochnev arrived at the federation council today and is a candidate for the post of head of the accounts chamber is boris kovalchuk, the senators even allocated him a separate part of the meeting, the number of questions is not limited, the fact is that the accounts chamber is an audit body accountable to parliament, the federation council itself proposes candidates for this post. the accounts
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chamber also monitors the implementation of state programs; kovalchuk listed the tasks to be worked on. special attention.
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a set of documents, that is, in fact, recommendations for each candidate will be sent to vladimir putin immediately, this is precisely the pace of formation of the new government that the president set. olga knyazeva, artyom tikhonov, andrey lesnykh, dmitry kuchuryavets, anna zayakina and ilya zhuravlev. first channel. today, vladimir putin’s decrees on appointments in the presidential administration were published. its head, anton vaino, retained his post, as did both of his first deputies, alexei gromov and sergei kiriyenko. the deputy head has been promoted. dmitry peskov, previously assistant to the head of state, deputy and press secretary of the president, remains. alexey goes into administration dyumin, from the post of governor of the tula region, these duties will be performed by dmitry milyaev. like dyumin, nikolai patrushev, formerly secretary of the russian security council, became an assistant to the head of state. there are 10 assistants in the administration. these are
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duties with a very wide and flexible scope of issues, depending on the instructions of vladimir putin. appointed today. and authorized representatives of the president in the federal districts, the kremlin said. the state duma today approved the candidacies of sixteen ministers proposed by mikhail mishusin, five in list of new names. anna kurbatova followed the questions and answers. hello. how are you? are we working? while the speaker of the state duma walked into the hall along one staircase, together along the other. there were 16 candidates running for federal positions. ministers, among the newcomers are four governors, one of the youngest regional leaders, the head of the kaliningrad region, thirty-seven-year-old anton alekhanov will head the ministry of industry and trade. no one was against it during the voting. previously, this post was held by denis manturov, whom parliamentarians yesterday approved for the post of first deputy prime minister. myself this is how alikhanov emphasized
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his work in the new place today. at the same time, i will make every effort to fulfill the capacious tasks of technological sovereignty. there will certainly be special attention. to support the rhythmic work of the branches of the defense-industrial complex, while matching the tasks of fully meeting the needs of our army, aviation, navy, and the interests of the civilian sectors, for which many defense enterprises also work. governor of the kursk region roman starovoyt will take the post of minister of transport. direction this is not new to him. as the head of the region, he also headed the relevant commission of the state council, and previously served as deputy minister of transport for another 6 years. headed rosavtodor, deputies supported starovoit’s candidacy unanimously. i understand that for russia, reliable transport links are a vital necessity. i am convinced that with your support, including my knowledge and experience, i will cope. dear colleagues, i ask you to support my candidacy. thank you.
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dear colleagues, based on this productions, is there a need for questions? no no. a professional came from the region, let's thank him, and the governor of one of the largest coal-mining regions in the country , the kemerovo region, sergei tsivilev will become the new head of the ministry of energy. i believe that the fuel and energy complex of the russian federation is the basis of the entire economy of the russian federation. tech must be cost-effective, reliable, and safe to successfully compete internationally. governor of the khabarovsk territory mikhail dekterev, by the way, is a master of sports in fencing, approved for the post of minister of sports. previously, as a deputy of the seventh convocation, he headed the sports committee in the state duma.
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new, for the first time in history, the state duma participates in the formation of the cabinet of ministers, approving the candidacies of everyone except representatives of the power bloc and the mit. well, today’s entire
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meeting of the lower house of parliament is entirely devoted to discussing candidates for the positions of federal ministers. as a result of today's vote, the cabinet of ministers was updated by almost a third, while in eleven departments without personnel changes. the head of the ministry of education and science, valery falkov, and the minister of education remain in office. distance learning, as soon as the forced measure of transferring children to restrictions will go away, schoolchildren will return to
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their desks, information technology is only an addition, if desired, this is not the answer, these are slogans, look, the pandemic has passed, these are the digital means of communication that were used during the pandemic, then it was justified, they have not been canceled, but... once again, we have an important problem that exists when we at the federal level, laws were passed, regulations were adopted, but they did not reach every school, all those decisions, including on informatization, colleagues, let's frankly answer the question: a ban on mobile phones, we supported this bill, it is very important, it in all schools.
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out of business, give less for support, there are no simple solutions, but we need to look for such solutions. the country’s economy survived the pandemic, grew stronger under the yoke of 19 thousand sanctions, entered the top five in the world, and now the plan for the next 6 years is to rise further for one line it doesn’t seem fantastic at all. minister of economic development maxim reshetnikov remains in his place and knows what to do next.
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the minimum value of overall mortality and the historical minimum of infant mortality were recorded. the ministry of culture will continue to be headed by olga lyubimova. by the end of the year
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, more than 300 cultural objects will be built and renovated.
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anna kurbatova, alexey labushkin, mikhail boborev, veronica elvutchenko, vaguram razilov, ekaterina yarovenko, sergey deev, channel one. now about the special operation in the ministry of defense announced the liberation of the village of bugravatka in the kharkov region. and our unit of the north group goes further, revealing the enemy’s defenses. more videos from different parts of the front. our intelligence officers discovered a tunguska anti-aircraft installation in the sumy region, 20 km from the border, ready for transportation. a precise blow
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has been struck. on the right bank of the dnieper, cluster munitions cover the location of kaze drone launchers. ukrainian militants did not have time to disguise them. but the destruction of the leopard west of donetsk high-precision laser-guided krasnopol ammunition, which was provided by the orland 30 aerial reconnaissance aircraft. the news about our nuclear weapon , the bulava intercontinental ballistic missile, has been put into service. its developer reported this. general designer of the moscow institute of thermal engineering, hero of labor, yuri solomonov. today there are already seven submarines carrying mace, each of them has 16 missiles equipped with several warheads at once, there can be up to ten of them, the range of use is more than 9.00 km, which is important, each such unit maneuvers and is guided individually, and this is an insurmountable problem for missile defense. let me add that the development of bolova began in the late nineties, during the most difficult period for the russian economy.
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produced during testing. details of ukrainian american participation in terrorist attacks against russian citizens on infrastructure facilities have been revealed. former verkhovna rada deputy andrei derkach made revelations in an interview with the belarusian news agency belta. the politician is so disliked by both kiev and washington that it was already dangerous for him to remain in his homeland. life. valentina solovyova, more details.
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they did not transfer 6 million dollars in cash, a closed court decision, a secret court decision that we provided, this money was transferred to the disposal of the gur military unit for carrying out terrorist activities. and here the further movement of this money is interesting, as zerkach reports, it was after the funds for secret court decisions were transferred to ukrainian intelligence that a series of terrorist attacks and political assassinations began. after that he was stuck - dugin’s terrorist attack, the leaders ukrainian special services, malyuk, budanov, they don’t hide, if you open an interview, that they carry out events for extra-budgetary cash. this chain includes attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant and the financing of terrorists who carry out sabotage in russia. in fact , neither the head of the sbu malyuk nor the head of ukrainian intelligence budanov hide their involvement in sabotage and attempts on the lives of russian politicians and public figures; both are included in the register of terrorists and arrested in absentia in our country. 6 million dollars is only a part that
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was transferred in the form of cash; in fact, the amount, according to derkach, is about $18 million. we tracked almost all the movement of funds through the burizma company and the transfer of funds through morgan stanley to the company. this is a company that is affiliated and owned by biden’s son, where he received money, we showed all the postings, all these postings are at the disposal of congress. in addition, derkach released data about the cover operation that was carried out during the explosion in the northern streams, all the names of its participants, according to the mirror, they were trained in the zhitomir region, then in romania near the nato base, then in poland. the group served as cover during attacks on the stream, performing a dive. a fake installation of initialization tools, derkach said. the name of the curator of this operation has also been established. all this happened under the supervision of christopher smith, the second person in the embassy of the united states in ukraine at that time. such
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a famous tserushnik. today he serves as assistant secretary of state for europe and asia. let me remind you that the white house is behind the terrorist attack on nord streams, said investigative journalist seymour hirsch. the charges were planted on hirsch by undercover american military divers. the use of proxies and the use of legends to form a certain position of deflection from responsibility, this is, in fact, what happened. that has information about the work of the ukrainian special services to create a dirty bomb with specific names and companies that are involved in it. all information will also be provided to the competent authorities. valentina solavyova, alina abdyukhanova, sergey shatila, channel one. a military court in moscow
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arrested the chief personnel officer of the ministry of defense. lieutenant general yuri kuznetsov is accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. according to the investigative committee, at the time before his transition to cadres, he headed the eighth directorate of the general staff. those responsible for protecting state secrets in the ministry. during the searches , more than 100 million rubles, gold coins, collectible watches and luxury items were seized. kuznetsov faces 15 years in prison. in pre-trial detention center the second defendant was sent, a certain martirosyan, with whom the general was familiar from the service, from whom he received money, as stated in court, for patronage. belgorod just before the broadcast, for the thirteenth time today , a missile danger signal sounded in the city. a guided bomb was shot down over the area.
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i locked the dog in the bathroom and pulled dasha by the hand from the bed. at that moment, in one second , all the windows, all the frames from the kitchen, the bedrooms of the living room fell, i don’t know what saved us. larisa is still waiting for the opportunity to pick up things from the apartment, along with her daughter on the eighth floor, they were lowered onto a fire truck; they only managed to take their documents with them. she went out into the corridor, and we had a common corridor. near the elevator, and here, well , the floor was completely collapsed, there, there was emptiness, the woman was blocked, the door did not open, the apartment next door, she screamed for help, but i couldn’t help her, my daughter screamed right there, who needed to be dragged
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away from danger, today the death toll as a result of the attack on the house increased to 17 people, a rescuer discovered the bodies of a man and a woman under the rubble, to a spontaneous belgorod residents continue... to wear flowers and children's toys to the memorial, and governor vyacheslav glodkov also paid tribute to the memory of the victims. he also talked to the residents of the house and told them about further actions. the buildings were inspected the day before. he is still worried that it is from the neighboring entrances,
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the safety of the nearest houses must be ensured here, the residents of the surviving entrances will be allowed to return to their apartments on friday, by this day the damaged heating main must be restored, windows will begin to be replaced, this week all victims must receive compensation for the entire house, 10,000 - and for those who have lost all their property, we will draw up certificates of 100,000 per person, 50,000 for partial loss. property, if we see that income does not allow us to restore the property and after the construction of apartments additional assistance will be needed, we will look, as we always do, according to the income of each owner, and if there is a need, we will provide individual assistance, such an opportunity exists, peaceful neighborhoods belgorod continues to be shelled, just last night over 25 czech vampire missiles were shot down in the city and region; in the morning one of the shells landed in the yard.
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the air defense systems were shot down on approach to the city and destroyed during the day; in the evening several of our air targets were destroyed. sergey panmarev, natalya sidorova, maria mortanova, stanislav opletin, yuri shatokhin and sergey suvorov, channel one. news lightning. vladimir. putin , by his decrees, approved the composition of the government; in addition to prime minister mishustin, the cabinet includes his first deputy, nine deputy prime ministers and 21 ministers. five of them report to the president directly, these are the heads of the ministry of defense, the ministry of defense, the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of justice and the ministry of emergency situations. the work of the rest is led by the chairman of the government. the kiev regime, responding to negative news from the fronts , is asking the west for more help. what is the answer? the head of the us state department brought something to ukraine. as well as the conversation about possible personnel changes, as if in ukrainian realities
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transplants themselves will save the day. report by mikhail kinchenko. we spontaneously organized a group of meeting participants here. yes, absolutely. indeed, what a surprise. kuleba took blinkin to the first pizzeria he came across, and there they were already waiting with cameras and cameras. on the other hand, the kiev authorities, when welcoming dear western guests, do not spoil them with a variety of cultural programs. they take blinkin to fast food places. during his last september visit, he tasted french fries at mcdonald's, so pizza, one might say, is a royal treat, but this, apparently, is the best way to digest regular complaints about the lack of money and a generally difficult life. we know that it is difficult now, but we also know that help will be delivered soon, part by the way, it has already arrived, there will be more soon. the decision on the military aid package is very important to us, so we need to deliver it as soon as possible.
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the city of kharkov has not left the pages of the western press in recent days. russian military planning has proven its ability to quickly adapt on the battlefield, using glide bombs and other weapons to attrition.
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cheerfully reported that they had spent a billion dollars on the construction of fortifications in the country since the beginning of this year. zelensky in april in person inspected the progress of work, no comments were made, but independent auditors from... the russian army did not find anything similar to this picture in the kharkov region, however, like the ukrainians, who were abandoned to plug the breakthrough. the first line of fortification and mines simply did not exist; the enemy freely entered the gray zone along the entire line of the cordon, which in principle should not have been gray. in 2 years , there should have been
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concrete fortifications of minus three floors on the ukrainian border, but there wasn’t even a min. we come to the conclusion that this or insane theft or deliberate sabotage. people are starting to realize that zelensky and the ukrainians received literally billions of dollars in cash that were intended to build fortifications, create minefields near kharkov near the border with russia, and nothing was built, there is nothing there, the russians just went in at several points and now in anger is raging in certain ukrainian circles about what happened to this money, billions of dollars that were allocated for the construction of fortifications around kharkov just.
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we will support ongoing reforms that integrate ukraine into the alliance, and ukraine's bridge to nato will be strengthened by a series of complementary bilateral security agreements. the american secretary of state added that ukrainians will need to do a lot in the coming weeks and months. according to the same informed sources , the american foreign ministry calls reshuffles in the ukrainian government one of the priority steps and has even allegedly already prepared a whole list of ministers and leaders who are needed replace. whether this is due to their
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corruption or incompetence is unknown. the only question is where in ukraine they will find others. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipovya. channel one usa. news of the hour from georgia. president zarubeshvili will veto the law on foreign agents, adopted today in final reading. the white house expressed confidence in this. the american state debt, represented by blinkin’s assistant in tbilisi, threatened to revise the aid package worth almost a billion dollars, part of which, by the way, is allocated for the construction of democratic institutions and civil society. the same diplomat, apparently, promised to continue close relations as a carrot. the partnership between america and georgia, that is, as a law taken from us practice, by the way, softened, is fraught with a blow to the budget for georgia, but there will be no blow if the georgians do everything as it should, but as it should, to whom and how? kirill braidin figured it out. in
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the georgian parliament , deputies fight in a row for half an hour on live television. outside, the building is besieged by a crowd. paints the walls and provokes clashes with the police, passions under the law on foreign agents, which are almost unabated the month seems to be approaching its climax. the law was adopted today in the final third reading, but this is not the end: president zarubishvili promised to veto it, and the ruling party promised to override the veto, so observers will still have many reasons to experience a feeling of déjà vu, if suddenly someone forgot the young lady from the ukrainian maidan with dream of lace underwear and the eu, then here is the georgian version of the opposition. the russian stamp on the adopted document was put by the opposition with the full support of the western allies, and the deputies sending the georgian dreams even try to reject this obvious
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geographical stretch. branding or trying to label this law as russian will not lead to constructive interaction, since this document has nothing to do with russian legislation. but it has a lot in common with the american one, in fact it is a tracing paper, but only a light version: there is no criminal liability, as in the states, a fine. per violation is 25 times less, the document applies only to legal entities and the media. everything you need to register with the ministry of justice, if foreign funding exceeds 20% of income, it would seem that there is no such thing, because similar rules apply, except for the united states, say, in britain or in israel, but there it is all in order to stop outside interference, in georgia it turns out on the contrary, a complete violation of human rights. the logic is clearly very strange, but it is persistently promoted in the state department and the european commission. ultimately, this decision must be made by the georgian government, but we say that these types of laws not only do not correspond
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to their own aspirations, but actually consistent with the repressive laws that we have seen coming from other regimes, be it the kremlin or anyone else. we hope and we call on the authorities to return to the european path to fulfill all the obligations that they voluntarily assumed when they applied for the benefits. the georgian authorities, precisely those who are now being showered with partner big shots, actually for the sake of this very european path, changed the constitution, cementing there aspirations to the eu and nato, finally acquired the coveted status of a candidate country, it would seem, why spoil relations, and then the authorities realized that europe and america and the west in general needed georgia only as a bargaining chip in a big game against russia, when they realized this. in general , it was belatedly, we realized, then we finally decided to block these channels of financing for all these, this whole mass
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of non-governmental organizations that exist in georgia and which, at a click , literally from abroad, are ready to pour out into the streets and demand everything, right up to revolution, up to a change of power and so on and so forth. there are 35,000 different types of registered non-governmental organizations, well, of them... several dozen large, very active and aggressive organizations that have been sitting on solid foreign grants for many years. considering that many people in georgia have been eating this non-commercial foreign bread for years, the scale of the protest is easy to explain. one can only guess where the fingers were snapped, but a british sky news correspondent goes live from behind the protesters. the western press generally covers georgian events in extremely detail, presenting them exclusively as an existential choice between good and evil, and it is noteworthy that the former minister of defense of the kingdom appears in the channel’s studio as an expert. i think
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the west needs to present a united front, the united states, the european union, the united kingdom, to speak with one voice and make it clear that we cannot stand by and watch the destiny of the georgian people be stolen. we should also, if necessary, look at whether there are measures that we may have to take. the word of sanctions is already heard. so far a hypothetical response to georgian stubbornness. a landing party of representatives of the european union from the american state department is landing in tbilisi. and the very appearance of james o-brien, whom the state debt entrusted with coordinating sanctions on a global scale, already looks like a threat. at a meeting with the prime minister of the country, of course, there are smiles on duty, but if this is not interference in other people’s affairs, then what then? this is direct, open, blatant forceful interference in the internal affairs of georgia. this is being done. not the first time, but it always always happened, in principle, but now the georgian authorities have realized that if they make a concession here on this issue,
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they will simply be overthrown, here the idea expressed more than once by the ukrainian authorities to open against russia, as they call it, a second front in transcaucasia, plays with new colors, it is clear that this was not invented in kiev, this is the price of resistance, although the protesters, of course, do not notice the sad experience of ukraine, which clearly demonstrates... the true purpose of western grants. kirillo brainin, irina bliznyuk, natalya mashtakova and maxim kulifeev, channel one. in neighboring armenia, there are new arrests of protesters against prime minister nikol pashinyan. 63 people have already been released from the police, who , as the day before, acted at a rally in the center of yerevan. today it is reported that one of the participants of the special forces broke his leg. for almost a week there have been large protests in the armenian capital, headed by archbishop bagrad galstanen. people are demanding to stop delimitation. on the fair
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building of relations between states and neighbors, including those who are not so have long been one country, they said today in ufa at the conference of the international discussion club in alaida. svetlana kostina will continue. these days ufa is hosting experts from russia, india, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, and uzbekistan. russia as a multinational country shows that east and west can speak the same language and cooperate fruitfully. in the museum we visited. guests in aldai are presented with costumes of the peoples of bashkiria, there are about a dozen of them, all of them have been living on the same land in a world of harmony for hundreds of years. i can say i am i’m a muslim, but, to be honest, last easter , many more people congratulated me on easter than i was congratulated on eid al-adha. russia has close ties with asian countries, not only cultural and economic, we have a great common history and a common victory. in the great
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patriotic war, fighters of different nationalities fought side by side, for example, almost 2 million in these countries remember and honor their heroes. when preparations were underway for the participation of our head of state in the may events , the visit to the russian federation itself, from different sources, from different, as they say, sides , there were urgent recommendations that our head of state should not conduct this visit, but our president is... he is such a principled man, he said, i will go, and he did it, if he has even a grain of intelligence with territorial neighbors, we need to maintain partnerships, the west is trying to create a quarrel between russia and kazakhstan, russia and the countries of central asia, because it is beneficial for them, but we must live by our own minds, we must understand the feasibility of developing
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relations with russia. today it is clear that attempts to quarrel between russia and the countries of central asia. there will be many more, the west is not abandoning attempts to reformat the region for itself, to stake out access to its natural resources, to bring under control the transport corridors running through it, to turn central asia into a springboard for threats to russia’s security, to impose western pseudo-values ​​on traditional central asian society. the world elites have changed , including the countries of central asia. they are not against anyone, in general, they are rather for themselves, they are interested in preserving self-identity, and self-identity, their own logic, their will, their peoples, their customs. an example of a country's clear understanding of its own interests is shown by china. the first visit of the head of the people's republic of china, sidinping, after his re-election was to russia; this week vladimir putin will visit china, this will be his first trip abroad after taking
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office. this emphasizes. the very special nature of the relationship, they are very actively trying to interfere with this relationship, in particular, we have seen a whole series of visits to beijing by american distinguished guests, naturally, they are all working or trying to work in the same direction, so that, if not destroy the relations between russia and china, i think this is unrealistic, they understand this, but limit them, but , given the very deep relationship. both between countries and between leaders, i think that the issue of forms of bypassing this policy will be seriously discussed, relations with other countries of the continent are strengthening, trade turnover between russia and the states of central asia is growing with every year, and russian regions are also involved in cooperation. our trade turnover in central asia approaches a quarter of the total trade turnover of the republic of bashkartstan.
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last year, we increased trade turnover with the central asian republics by 13. another topic that was discussed in the club was ecology, climate in central eurasia, one of the main issues of preserving the aral sea. several countries are working on ecosystem restoration at once; this is the only way to achieve success together. russia performs in expert roles. svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin, natalya labanova, kirill danilov and anatoly mineev. first channel ufa. russia -china - we will continue this theme of the plot. tian wan nuclear power plant. according to our newest project. today, the reactor vessel and two steam generators were shipped; everything was manufactured in volgodonsk, rostov region at the atommash plant. it is part of the machine-building division of rosatom. 3 years ago, the start of work in tianwan was given by vladimir putin via video link . the leaders will talk about cooperation in energy and other areas at this week personally. as already mentioned, the russian president will be in china on thursday and friday.
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the first visit after taking office is a state one, that is, a higher one. our delegation in beijing will include five deputy prime ministers, heads of economic departments, and business representatives. the heads of the foreign ministry, the ministry of defense and the secretaries of the security councils of russia and china will join in the informal negotiations between vladimir putin and sizempina on may 16. in addition to the chinese capital, vladimir putin will visit harbin, where a russian-chinese exhibition and forum on interregional cooperation. harbin is the north of china, absolutely. close to the border, but not only geographically this region is close to us. natalya lyublinskaya will confirm from the spot. on the shelves, an unusual product for china is russian bread, or as the people of harbin call it, leba. this is
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our local. very fresh, try it. the weight of the loaf is 2 kg, they bake it themselves according to an old recipe. harbin was founded by the russians in 1898 at the junction of the chinese eastern railway, the main building of the young city. got the station that i've already experienced four reconstructions, but retained the original art nouveau style according to the fashion of the time. harbin grew around the railway, fantastically quickly there was an old city on one side of it, and a new one began to form on the other. a rickety wooden bridge connected the two areas. in its place, in 1926, russian engineer pyotr sergeevich sviridov built a new large airduct. almost 100 years have passed, and it still serves as the main city crossing. now there are flags everywhere in the city, the russian-chinese expo opens on may 17, an exhibition at which manufacturers from both countries go to present their goods, it takes place annually, alternately, either in yekaterinburg or
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harbin, this time against the backdrop of rapidly increasing trade turnover , there is great interest in the event. the stands of sixteen russian regions and over 100 russian companies are presented here, and even more delegations will come. from state corporations like rosatom to... large local manufacturers , new technologies are presented; on the basis of the russian-chinese university of moscow state university popi, scientists have developed a robot that reads motor skills, breathing, and other parameters, and with the help of artificial intelligence, they analyze the risks of developmental disorders in children. an adult can already assess his condition using more accurate therapeutic methods, and he himself will go to the doctor, yes, but somewhere a child does not realize, somewhere it is simply difficult to hold him, to sit him down. russian food products will also be presented.
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and the chinese keep warm memories of those russians with whom they lived next to, you can often hear that we had russian neighbors, that they were very well-mannered, very were kind to us. look at the label, all this was produced by russian factories here in harbin, at the beginning of the 20th century. furniture, dishes, kitchen utensils, many photographs and documents from that bygone era are carefully preserved today by the indigenous khorbins. mr. idze shows a wedding photo of the parents. 1900 they performed medical experiments on local residents, brutally tortured
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thousands of people. the soviet army defeated the japanese, peace finally came in harbin, people were waiting for liberation, the chinese people will never forget this. therefore on in the central square of khorbin there is a monument to the red army soldiers of the word. ational procedure with consultations on the power bloc in the federation council on candidates from the president and approval in the state duma on other personnel. and today vladimir putin is expected to meet with the new
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cabinet, said press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov. news on the first. now it's movie time. bloodhound, new series.


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