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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 15, 2024 5:00am-8:59am MSK

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“hello, lenochka, this is alexandra, good morning, i’m not interrupting you, no, alexandra ivanovna, i ’m going to work, i have consultations for the families of former convicts, did something happen to you, no, no, everything is fine with me, here i am i’m sitting on sick leave, i don’t know, i don’t know where to go, where to apply myself, oh, vacationer’s syndrome, noticed, listen, well, today i’m here all day, let’s meet tomorrow, chat, tomorrow, okay, let’s, of course , tomorrow, great, but in the meantime, some express advice for you, the best way to relax is to take care about yourself, go for a massage, it helps a lot, for a massage, an unexpected offer, “i’ll try,
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take care of yourself, this is important, who booked room 209? the luxury room is registered on draft ab, i might not have specified, i remember him, that he was he somehow different from other guests? well, when a simple person books an expensive room, they ask him to decorate it with fruits and champagne.” i booked a table at a restaurant, you’ll remember this, some kind of celebration was planned, i said ten years of marriage, i wanted to surprise my wife, yes, the surprise was a success, comrade colonel, pay attention to the wrist, you see a bruise, well, apparently someone grabbed him, but no, rather they pushed him onto a table with fruit, the fruit scattered and hello, alexander ivanovna, greetings, colleagues, you noticed the pineapple, it was cut very crookedly , clearly not in the know.
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did you find a knife for cutting fruit? but for now, no, and you , alexandromna, i’m sorry, what should i do here? i'm sorry that you don't believe me, i just happened to pass by, i look at our bus, it's operational, i think i'll come in and say hello, otherwise it's somehow not intelligent, also a colonel, let’s think about it for a second, yes, of course, comrade colonel, well, excuse me, i mean, excuse me,
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i’ll report, igor vasilyevich found out that the murdered woman lived in a room with her husband, named, booked and paid for the hotel, well, where is this husband, no one saw him with yesterday evening, but there is a camera at the entrance, yes, do you have any other question, no, i’m leaving, no questions, absolutely none, sorry. oh, you scared me, but did you record today? stop, here he is, it’s chernov, exactly, yes, exactly, exactly, i say, he’s 5 in the morning. squeezed
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a twig, pierced my husband, interesting fate the man turned out to have been in jail for petty theft, released six months ago, and was characterized, among other things, as explosive. so, you need to go home to him, call alkhovsky, let him give the go-ahead, thank you, personally conduct it, i have nothing, but i have no other choice, if you sit quietly, then that’s it. okay, but if not, if you twitch, well, you understand, really, you’re ready.
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don't move, police, i'm upstairs, the kitchen is clean, the bathroom is clean, i don't have anyone either, try not to trample on the tracks, it looks like there's blood, i'll check, i'll look downstairs, come on, it seems, there's something interesting there. here, look , yeah, it’s so shiny, it’s washed out, of course, 100%, yes, nothing, we’ll give directions to the area, it doesn’t run for a long time, that’s what it is, it looks
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like a case from a nail gun, i can’t see it here , and why did he need him on the run, he decided to enlist in the new brigade, that you also think that i killed nina, but i did everything as you told me, a luxury room with petals grew, a candlelit dinner, i gave her a ring gave. i couldn't kill her, and you know that i wanted to keep her family, that i wanted to start all over again, but i don’t remember anything, i don’t remember anything, i don’t remember anything, and if it’s me, you’re also to blame,
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because you asked me to arrange all this, did you? i arranged it, so what? tell me, you don’t only work with former prisoners, right? you also spend your time with the cops, but get me out of this shit. either you prove that i’m not guilty, or you and i are taken out of here, i have nothing to lose, who
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is sasha, she’s from the police, you have a strong tightness in your shoulders. you're carrying too much the burden of responsibility for others, they told you about this, yes, it’s true, the body can say a lot about a person, our pathologist thinks so, sorry, this is professional, i advise you not to answer, now you have time for yourself, time for yourself. sorry, i’ll still answer, but for one second, i’ll just say that they call me back, now, wait, what happened, they told me that you’re the best,
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who are you, you’ll find out what you need, i want you to work, i was diligent, there is a situation, i... wait, wait, excuse me, excuse me, the massage is over, excuse me, excuse me, ilya, please look who is calling, alexandra ivanovna, the vacationer is not sitting quietly, shut up. comrade colonel, say, you are on speakerphone, marat is nearby, hello, marat,
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bad news, what happened, lena was taken hostage, what kind of hostages, i don’t know anything yet, i know that they are there, in her consultation, i’m on my way there, tell the authorities, tell the guys that i’m waiting for them there, wait, sasha, you talked to lenna, with lenna, she’s fine, she’s just very scared, but develop, don’t worry, everything will be fine, what from there, i will do everything possible, i promise you, i think i know who it is, what kind of life it is, just get out of the shit ... there again, god, and most importantly, how? why
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don't i remember anything? could this be a state of effect? what? affect is an emotional process of an explosive nature that can cause short-term amnesia? call what? short-term memory loss, affect - this is a mitigating circumstance for the court. what kind of judgment, are you a fool, or what, what kind of judgment, i couldn’t kill her, because i survived in the zone for her sake, i was ready for anything for her, that’s it, i i understand, i understand, you don’t understand a damn thing, psychologist, what kind of psychologist you are, probably not a very good one. “i really hope that your friend can handle it, really, she
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can handle it, she can handle it, she can handle it, she can handle it, she can handle it, she can handle it, she can handle it, otherwise i’ll shoot your stupid head off, arkadivich, they open the roof of the building for us, on the contrary, from there the review is better, go ahead, that's crazy, his wife isn't enough for him, how did he end up with lenna, maybe he went to her for consultations and knew that she works in the police, what does he want, money, no, not money, he believes that he is not guilty, he wants us to find the killer, only while the evidence is all against him, hello over the sniper. is called a sniper, and if he manages to pull the trigger, this device, it breaks through concrete walls, and you propose to wait until
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he shoots himself, no, we cannot wait, first we need to distract him, alexander ivanovna, i can remind you, that you are here unofficially and are not hostage specialists. there is news, there is no news yet, but soon, when there is news, then call, you know the conditions, there will be no negotiations, understand, i can’t do my job until i ’m sure that the hostage is okay, he lowered his hand, let lena say that she’s okay. “tell me that everything is fine, everything
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is fine, len, how are you, he didn’t do anything to you, listen to me carefully, at least one hair will fall from her head, you know what i ’ll do to you, it’s very scary, but let me go you me, it’s that there’s a bias, you forgot who sets the conditions here, you can shoot me in the leg, listen, let’s all let's calm down"? i promise you to conduct an investigation, but i have conditions. if you do end up being involved in the murder of your wife, then i didn’t do it. i didn’t kill her, but nevertheless. you will have to let lena go, you do it do your job, and i’m responsible for my words, i’m sorry, i lost my temper,
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i understand, i understand, but that’s it, gentlemen, there’s no time, we have to get together, let’s list what we have for him, quickly, according to the facts. questions from neighbors, things weren’t going well for the chernovs after serving time, he couldn’t find a job, his wife promised file for divorce, so he started the right way, talking to a psychologist, but it seems that it didn’t help him much, and he slapped his wife with the household goods, they are driving this bullshit to waste time, but we won’t delay, it’s time to discuss the stormmos plan. if he wanted to kill lena, he would have already done it, he is waiting for help from us, and we must provide him with proof of either guilt or inevitability. okay, let's split up. alexander ivanovna beryukov, you have a hotel, a survey of witnesses, a camera, markov, are you working with messengers and calls from the dead? eat. oleg dmirovich, and we we are discussing the assault plan with you. well, wait,
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the assault, well, this, well, this is an extreme measure. of course, mara travilevich, just in the future , please control yourself. that's it, let's work. marot, everything will be fine, everything will be fine with her, i promise you. maybe you can give it to me, i’m thirsty, maybe you can untie your hands, i’m your hands, thank you.
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okay, if you are my hands, i can try to become your head, enough already, you understand that amnesia is not total, your subconscious stores all the information, you just need to pull it out, we can try, never mind, well, at least the most important thing. this is what you want, let’s leave the stove on your and nina’s wedding anniversary, you had a romantic evening, so yes, you rented a suite and booked a table in a restaurant, here they
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sat, made an order, champagne, light snacks, well nothing special. next, what happened next? then he gave me a sign, he and i had an agreement that i would bring out a special dish, a special dish, this is very tasty, yes, cluck what you need, something else, we won’t burst, lord, lyoshka, what is this , ring? the ring, yes, beautiful, i even thought it was antique, but he was not an esthete in appearance, he thought wow, appearances are deceiving, rings are something on nena, i don’t remember, at first everything was even great, she liked the ring so much, she smiled, and i told her that now
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everything will be different for us, like normal people. and nina, and nina’s phone rang, oh, how inopportune, what is this, i tell her, answer, she’s so flustered, she starts hiding it in her bag, why are you cleaning up, answer, later, what’s wrong, i’m in the way, please don’t start stop it, who's there? vadik? this is for work. i understand that i saw this. he gave me a ride one more time, he's a slick little guy, and i
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felt so uncomfortable, but i pushed away these thoughts, listen, well, she couldn't exchange me for this fool, but she couldn't, where is he? at 9:00 in the evening he calls at work, please, everyone is already looking at us, but i don’t care, then, these beluxes, the ring, that’s all, and you have a vadik as a backup option, but look at me, where are you going, where you? you will never change, lesh, never. well, when the woman left, he finished his drink
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champagne, then ordered vodka, 200, then another 200, yes, he came up, that’s it, he shoved money, demanded a chanson, tell me, he was leaving the restaurant somewhere, but no, he sat, drank vodka, he felt bad, yes i... . loved her, you know? i understand, it’s very painful when a loved one lies to you, i was ready to do anything, anything for her sake, she, that’s what you’re doing with your conversations, destroying? what is happening there? the window is broken, he loses control. we must prepare for the assault.
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believe me, maratrovich, i want to pull out elena nikolaevna, no less than you, but i don’t see any other way out. how long was chernov in the restaurant? somewhere now. then he drank too much, the guards had to get in the way, so they took him to his room.
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everyone is ready, that’s right, everyone is in position, we are waiting for the go-ahead, here is alexan, he slept at home, you can explain what is happening here, why they brought me here, a familiar place, yes vladimir sergeevich, you were here yesterday. was, why is it forbidden? no, no, of course, under no circumstances, but imagine for yourself, you are here in chernova nina petrovna, your husband is nearby, right here in the restaurant, such a delicate
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situation, don’t you think, tell me, you and nina had a relationship, you knew that she was married, yes, i knew, it didn’t bother you, it embarrassed you, but you couldn’t do anything, you proposed to her did you propose to get a divorce? she immediately dismissed this option, says how i will look my husband in the eye when he leaves the zone , say, you met with nina after her husband left the zone, yes, i kept hoping he would understand that it was better with me, apparently, she didn’t understand what was wrong with him, but no, on the contrary, this one didn’t work for her, he drank, then he started making friends to quench, but her heart ached... i heard her talking on the phone in the office,
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i held on all day, i thought, do your business, whatever you want, but in the evening you didn’t go to magata, in the evening you didn’t go to magata, you came here, you wanted talk to her, called her, she didn’t answer, you entered the territory and yes, nina cried here, cried, you know, i don’t understand, if you feel bad, yes, why live out of a feeling of long guilt, why, why suffer, for what that's all, and you didn't think that she could just... loved him, so she answered the same thing to me, she answered same thing for you, you got angry, followed her into the room and stabbed her with a knife, i with a knife, god, what happened to nina? nina chernova was stabbed to death in her room yesterday between 10 and 11 o'clock in the evening, and where were you at that time? i called my ex-girlfriend, i
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spent the whole night with her, i... i didn’t kill, i knocked him out like a wedge, second, what’s the matter, what’s going on, why the hitch, there’s movement at the entrance, the sniper is leading the object, we are waiting for the command, this is my husband, can we talk, please, maybe he has news, he too... is from the police, chemnov, marat, what the hell, chemnov, do you hear me, let’s trade, lena for me, i’m without a weapon, but wait, marat, are you a man or
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not, open up! you just call him out, what are you doing? do you want to check if i'm a man or not? it was a warning shot, and now every hour i will shoot one part of her body, if there is no result, time has passed, quietly, quietly, quietly, yes... “ if i were you, i would also use all the options, but i checked , vadim zykov really was with the woman until the morning, so when he left hotel, half an hour later, 130 pm, that is , he could well have had time to kill chernov, then go to this friend of his, no, he couldn’t, 22:05, nina was still alive, so she ended up in one of the photographs in the background, what time the security guards took away the drunken man of the restaurant, right?"
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so, judging by the check, he paid at 21:50, that is, it turns out that he was in the room 15 minutes earlier than his wife, he was leading us by the nose all this time, well, we made our promise done, now it’s up to him, let’s go, that’s it, we can’t wait any longer, we need... for him to move away from her, elena nikolaevna, dear, help us, you really can shoot, you doubt it, and if it’s really you, you
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don’t remember anything at all? you ’re going to cripple me now, are you sure it’s worth taking sin on your soul? are you sure you are not guilty? shut up, and if you were covered in the room, you just couldn’t stand it, grabbed a knife and couldn’t cope with your emotions, i’ll shoot now, shoot, shoot, if this makes you feel better, let’s shoot. that's it, he moved away from her, assault group, ready number one, stop, stop, say that you have a reason, there is.
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did you find anything? we have established that your wife returned to the room after 10 pm. at this time there was a person in the room. who is alexey viktorovich, you promised to let lena go, even if you don’t like the truth, tell me, 15 minutes before nina arrived, the guards brought you to your room, and you were there until 5 in the morning, you understand what this means, i couldn’t. i couldn’t explain, i couldn’t explain, that’s it,
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he’s open, a minute, give him a minute, i ask you one minute. this is a hostage, everyone lie down, a special worker is working for us, he lay down and attacked, don’t twitch, i didn’t kill, i didn’t kill, he’s sleeping. she is strong, you too, you know, today for the first time in my life i understood what it means to feel
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when nothing depends on you, as if someone is sitting up there and deciding whether to ruin your life or not, i don’t know how... . you, sasha, maratorvich and i need to support the nervous system, or you can just marat, come on, marat, what is this, it’s already creeping in, my signature recipe, for emergencies, a sedative tincture,
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well, i think that’s the evidence base for it. the prosecutor is enough, we can take the case to court, that’s for sure. alexander ivanovna, is something bothering you? yes, i don’t understand, this is some kind of nonsense. what's the point of killing your wife, taking lena hostage, demanding the truth if you yourself know that you are guilty. he doesn't remember anything. len, why did you come? elena nikolaevna, actually, vacation is due. yes, i can’t sit at home, this chernov doesn’t give me peace, i spent so much time with him, he really doesn’t remember the moment of the murder. how can this be, his consciousness blocked the tragedy. "dissociative amnesia against the background stress, let's go, well, you can somehow restore his memory, maybe another strong shock, so i think that this should
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make you dance, as you look at it, gentlemen, if you conduct an investigative experiment with chernov, then... " window, was the window open? yes, it was open, the window is open.
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we are ready, well, everything seems to have been taught, understood here, yes, call! come in, we can begin.
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do you remember how the guard brought you in, it’s vague that you did in the room, remember, fell on the bed, lie down. what do you feel , this smell of barbecue from the window, then ? some noise. this is a white ass, what's white, what's the ceiling? no, no, this is very close,
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nina shouts, what else do you remember, remember, her failure, remove her, please remove her. what to remove in more detail? this is the music, it, it hits me on the head very hard, please take the music away? this pianist played very emotionally before closing, the villagers even staged an avalanche. igor vasilyevich, ask the pianist to play the music he played before the restaurant closed. yes, right now. this. no, no,
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i was holding a knife in my hand, i didn’t kill it. ivanovna, this can’t be, nina , wait, you were holding a knife at the moment when this music was playing, are you sure, sure, what time it was, about 12 at night, alexander was dead by the time, wait, again, we we’re missing something, once again, you went into the room , lay down on the bed, something white, nina’s scream, something, something, what... it’s white next to it,
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tell me where the ring you gave wife? i put it in my jacket pocket, but when we took it, there was no ring, what kind of ring was it? i beg you, tell me where this is from ring? you had no job, no money, did you start stealing again? “i ask you, please help me, if you don’t tell the truth, i won’t be able to help you, you won’t know for the rest of your life whether you killed your wife or not, help me, chernov. gave his wife a ring, the estimated value of which is 1, 5 million rubles.
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a report about his disappearance was received a week ago from citizen lebedeva, but how did she get to chernov the night of theft, when chernov gave the ring to his wife, any visitor or employee of the restaurant could see it? any. chernov was drunk, are you saying that anyone could have taken the ring out of his pocket? exactly, that’s who the people were there, someone in white, wait a minute. ilya, let's look again at the footage taken in the restaurant. here's the waiter. the waiter cannot be absent during his shift when for. half a crowd, well , there’s also a security guard in a white shirt, but he constantly flashes in all the photographs, there’s no one here in white, you’re filming, yeah, in short, let’s drink to us, how long have we known each other, probably 100 years, please ,
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rewind, shoot, yeah, in short, let's drink to us. how long have we known, this is probably not a live piano, this is a recording, for a second, and a pianist in a white tailcoat, look, why does he need a ring, wait, where are the protocols? interviews with witnesses, here, here they are, and what about the name of the pionist, vidnikov, this is on the list of everyone who worked with lebedeva, whom she fired immediately after the theft of the ring, down,
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look, at the very bottom, yeah, vinikov, grigory markovich, teacher vocals.
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“we found this ring at your house, nina chernova’s blood is on it, because of this ring you were kicked out from work, you recognized him when he was drafting it for his wife, but no, when he got drunk, he walked away, ordered a chanson, at that moment the ring came out of his pocket and fell right on the key, i sweated, imagine, it became offensive, that it was unfair fired, but that ’s not even the point. have you heard me play? yes, you play beautifully, but to be honest, i ’m not much of an expert in this, believe me, the experts also said so, it’s better on the course, you have a great future, that in the end, the regional philharmonic society, corporate events, a restaurant,
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it always seemed to me that talent will break through no matter what, i was also so naive, but in a modern show. there’s money in business, that’s your talent, did you need money for promotion? well, of course, i took out a loan from a bank secured by an apartment, hired a health and safety inspector, arranged a studio, recorded a song, do you know how much it costs to shoot a video, i spent all my money there, at this very moment lebedeva throws me out, i haven’t paid for the last month yet , i missed a payment at the bank, and then... as if cursed, all my part-time jobs disappeared. volya, back at the restaurant. okay, the reason for the theft is clear to me. but why was it necessary? kill nina? yes, i didn’t want to, and she wasn’t in the room. but i just took the ring from
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the sleeping black. then i looked, she was standing in the doorway, she started yelling, threatening, well, i also threatened, the ring was stolen, i need to report it to the police, i took out the phone, she. yes, i understand, she couldn’t allow her husband to be imprisoned again, yes, she began to snatch the ring, grabbed the knife, somehow it all happened, i don’t really know, they say that evening you played like never before, yes, this was my requiem. you'll see. "she loved you, tried to protect
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you so that you wouldn’t be imprisoned again, if not for this theft, she would still be alive, well, go home, go home, my sophia has already called, alexander ivanovna, i’ll let you down, thank you, i can handle it, thank you guys, good night, see you tomorrow!” well, is he normal? man, listen, as long as alexandra ivanovna is happy, that’s for sure. good cheerful morning to everyone who is with us early in the morning, together with channel one. i’m with you in the studio today, ekaterina, may it be wednesday. may she be cheerful, cheerful, bright and unique, most importantly, she will be the way we make her ourselves,
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the main thing is to tune in for the best from the very morning, this is what we will do now, choose the most delicious and sweet tomatoes, test nail polish, learn everything about the pros and cons of a car loan, look for the answer to the eternal question: to spoil or not to spoil children? well, to start this day vigorously, we will do strength exercises under the guidance of the russian bodybuilding champion, evgeniy rytsarev. good morning, when lifting weights while standing, the load on the spine is enormous, i know how to reduce it. let's do an exercise that is suitable even for beginners with weak muscles. we take a dumbbell in our left hand, a half-liter bottle of water will also do, we bend over and lean with our right hand on a bench
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or stable chair. please note, we do not round the back, we maintain a natural deflection in the lower back, the feet are parallel to each other, the knees are slightly bent for convenience, we pull the projectile to the chest, we move the elbow up behind the back, stay in this position for a second, and return to the starting position. and now we take the dumbbell in our right hand, continue to exercise, when the movement seems easy, we select the apparatus a little heavier. the exercise will help relieve the lower back, as well as the hips, and at the same time shift
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the emphasis to the latissimus dorsi muscles; you will also strengthen your shoulders and arms; the movement is not traumatic, so it is suitable even for beginners. we continue: two eternal questions: where does the money go and where does the dust come from? well, we'll talk about money. a little later, about dust right now, where it comes from, what lies behind this short word dust, how much of it is in the air, and most importantly, how to deal with it, not only maria nikolaeva talks about this. year-round dust levels in controls the city using stations of automatic monitoring systems. now our concentration is at the level of 20 micrograms, 15 times lower than acceptable. standard. on the day of shooting after heavy rain , we were lucky with the indicators, but on dry and windy days the concentration of dust in the air
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can reach maximum values. this is due specifically to weather conditions. dust is observed from under the spreading surface. there are also processes such as long-range atmospheric transport, when suspended particles come along with the air mass from let's say in the southern regions, yes, where arable work has already begun or, on the contrary, is being celebrated. dusty boris, in addition to this, also add dust, spring road work, dust from roads, construction sites, soil particles, ash, pollen, clothing fibers, lint, hair, all these microparticles form a field cloud, but for a healthy person it is not dangerous. our body is created in such a way as to protect itself from environmental factors. if there are problems with the respiratory tract, for example, lung diseases, allergies, bronchial. slime current slows down, and what gets into this mucus can stagnate and cause an exacerbation.
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on windy days, doctors recommend masks and rinsing your nose after walking. but in the spring, due to low air humidity, the field cloud rises up and enters the apartments and with the windows closed, even high-quality new double-glazed windows do not guarantee one hundred percent tightness. this is the kind of dust that has accumulated on the window, and even if cleaning is regular, there is always dust, up to 50 kg accumulates in the apartment per year. if you consider house dust under microscope, then we will always find a domestic mite there. it has been proven that the more a person comes into contact with this very dust, the more likely he is to develop these diseases, i mean bronchial asthma and allergic diseases in general. the main polycollector is, of course, textiles; ideally, replace blankets and carpets with short-pile options; it is better to wash and vacuum them more often during this period, especially if there are children and animals at home. breaking and banal advice, daily wet cleaning really
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works for a better washing effect. together with antistatic, well, it’s time to check the supply and exhaust ventilation, you ’ve been looking there for a long time, this is one of the indicators that allows us to say how clean the air in the room is, few people know, but it’s better to clean it at least twice a year, but if there is a road or construction site nearby, another option is an air humidifier, which works on the principle of rain and brings in dust. maria nikolaeva, denis ponomarev, khyzhnyakov, channel one. they say the internet never sleeps, our main ruler of the world wide web, egor uspensky, apparently, is also not sleeping. in any case, at this early hour he already has another selection of fresh funny videos ready. our little video parade opens with a cat named cupcake. the little housewife decided
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to teach him how to draw, but the cupcake behaves like any student who has been given a bored assignment. the lesson doesn’t seem to mind, but with all its appearance it seems to ask, when will it finally change? we haven’t had raccoons for a long time, now we will, 7 million views were earned by this raccoon, which snuck onto the kitchen of one of the happy houses, and he didn’t steal anything there, he took and washed the dishes. in general, if you have dirty dishes, you know who to turn to. the bears also often stop by. on the world wide web, these two clubfoots came to a picnic, although no one invited them, while one was trying to cope with the soda, the other ate all the cutlets, leaving the vacationers without hamburgers, after which the clubfoots and thieves went on about their bearish business. swiss students have invented a rocking chair that can knit. operating principle of the unit
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simple: a person sits in a rocking chair. sways, and at this time the mechanism slowly knits, for example, a hat, as in this video, 15 million users have already appreciated this invention. happiness! this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am recharged, it’s definitely great, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says, oh, twins, take care of your kids, educate them with dignity, honesty, nobility, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are talking we must tell each other the truth, always listen
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to each other, always understand, we were raised that way. so that we always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you, it often happens like this: the illness has passed, the person is formally healthy, discharged from sick leave and even goes to work, the cough remains, and this residual cough can last for a long, long time, more than one week, bathhouse attendant viktor zakomaldin. suggests hitting the cough with birch brooms and honey with mustard. mustard is an irreplaceable thing in a bathhouse, especially if you need to drive away the remnants of a cold or cough. pour a teaspoon of the dry substance into half a liter of hot water, pour it into a basin with steamed birch brooms, spray the heater with the solution and breathe in
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the warming mustard steam to... enhance the effect, lower your legs into the basin, steam your feet. during the second approach we soar with brooms. the whole body, and then we take them like ski poles, well and apply them to the lower back on the sides on both sides, move them with stroking movements towards each other friend, in this way we work out the back along the spine, warm up the lungs and drive away the remaining inflammation, the next procedure is: mix mustard powder and honey in equal parts... in parts, sit on the bottom shelf, away from the heater, apply the mixture to the upper back on the sides, if
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there is inflammation on the skin, we go around these areas, rest for 10 minutes, the product will increase sweating and drive out the remaining infection, so we will not give the cold a single chance with a light steam, do you like onions, as cook pavel savchenko loves them, if no, well then now he promises so much, you will definitely love it, catch the recipe for a healthy, tasty, original, and most importantly very budget-friendly dish, usually onions are used as a seasoning. i will stuff it, peel the onion, cut off the base of the lid, press on the top of the onion, you see, the core
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comes out easily, i don’t throw it away, it’s useful for stuffing, i use the hollow onion as a baking dish, although it doesn’t have a bottom, but this easy to fix, roll out a layer of dough, cover it with a plate, circle it with a knife, cut out a circle, place an empty onion on it, i wrap the dough around the walls, tuck the edges inward and pinch them, for the filling i fry the onion pulp with minced meat, salt and pepper, fill the onion with the filling to make the dish juicy, make the filling, and whisk. i season with sour cream and spices, pour in the meat filling, sprinkle it with grated cheese, bake for 20 minutes at 180°, the onion in
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a baked dough wrapper with a juicy meat filling is simply delicious, take note of the recipe, you won’t regret it, well, now i ’m passing it on word to my colleagues from the information channel one services. let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news. this is the news on the first, in the studio of maria vasilyeva. hello. vladimir putin held his first meeting with the updated staff in the kremlin late last night. government, the president outlined in detail the goals of the task that the cabinet of ministers faces in the coming years. the head of state also emphasized the need to determine financial support for plans and mechanisms to support
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russian families, citizens and businesses in the near future, and called on ministers to close cooperation with state duma deputies and regions of the russian federation. the government has been updated, we have new ones, six ministers have appeared, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people. well known to us with good experience, some of them with experience working in the federal federal government earlier, now having worked in the territory, they have acquired even more experience, knowledge, a sense of this territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really hope that they will use all their the best uh skills, all their experience in the regions of the russian federation, in order to solve the problems facing them at the federal level... government with maximum effect, we have many tasks, and you and i have worked out almost everything that we need to do in the next 3 years, but not
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only, we also agreed that we will build our work over a six-year period, and i ask you not to forget about this, in a short time we need to make the necessary personnel decisions at the level of the ministry and department, with so that the team would...
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in the previous composition of the cabinet of ministers, they will be awarded state awards, well known to us, and tomorrow, may 16 , vladimir putin’s two-day state visit to china begins, this will be the first foreign trip of the russian president after officially taking office, in on the eve of vladimir putin gave a long interview to the xinhua news agency, the president noted the unprecedentedly high level of strategic partnership between our countries in a variety of areas, trade, energy, investments. the head of state emphasized the coincidence. positions of russia and china on key issues on the international agenda, primarily the supremacy of international law and comprehensive sustainable security at the global and regional levels with the coordinating role of the un. particular attention to beijing's initiatives on the situation in ukraine. we positively assess china's approaches to resolving the ukrainian crisis. beijing is well aware of its root causes and global geopolitical significance, which is reflected in the twelve-point plan position. china on a political
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settlement of the ukrainian crisis, published in february 2023. the ideas and proposals recorded in the document testify to the sincere desire of our chinese friends to help stabilize the situation. unfortunately, these initiatives do not find support either in ukraine or its western patrons. they are not ready for an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. they don’t want to discuss the root causes and origins today. today's crisis on planet, one of the dramatic manifestations of which was the situation around ukraine. why? because it was their policies in previous years and decades that led to the current global turmoil. to the news of the special operation, russian aircraft-25, groupings of troops of the center destroyed the equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. after completing the task, we released heat traps and returned to the airfield. and this is the work of hurricane calculations. they hit enemy strongholds on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. with great
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precision they eliminated the fortification of the building and equipment of ukrainian militants. the popular front supports russian inventors and those currently developing drones for the front line. a project called kulibin club is doing everything to ensure that innovative technologies go into production as quickly as possible. now the next batch of 5,000 squarets drones is ready for shipment. small copters fly up to 20 km and lift up to 3.5 kg. manufacturers are going to go strong.
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may weather surprises will come to several russian regions today frosts to -5° the temperature will drop in the kurgan chelyabinsk regions to -3 in the perm territory of the sverdlovsk orenbur samara and nizhny novgorod regions and so it will be there until the end of the working week, in the capital region even the night temperature on friday night will begin to rise to +12, during the day +16, on sunday even up to +20. that's all, now the floor goes to ekaterina strizhenova. paint remote is a very convenient gadget, sellers assure that it can significantly speed up painting work, but of course, you need to know how to use it correctly, and you need to use it correctly choose. a spray gun is the same spray gun for spraying paint only with pressure applied, it can be pneumatic, it is professional for large volumes. this is not only for domestic home use, the most common thing is to paint cars with it, but there is a small nuance here in order... you need a compressor, that is, plus
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about 20 thousand rubles. additional expenses. again, you need to choose the compressor correctly, if the power is 600 w, then the spray gun should be 20% more powerful, plus it should have a receiver for the spray gun less than 50 l tank. there is also one with a built-in compressor, but it’s still expensive, since a five-year period of painting the interior of the dacha can be done with an electric device, it can be air-powered, it works on the principle of a vacuum cleaner, the power is from 350 watts in 5 minutes. watt, respectively, and the productivity is less up to 8 squares in the same time, but is it possible to paint with such a device better than with a brush or roller? professional painter sergey gabchenko will help you compare. so, if we work on wood, then essentially a brush is an indispensable hand tool
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tool, because it allows us to pierce the entire texture of the wood, coat it well with paint, and at the same time this is the longest and most difficult method of marking. yes, it takes less time with a roller, but it can’t handle joints and corners; you still need a brush to touch up cracks, uneven spots, and another minus. greater paint consumption, which must be taken into account, because when we work with a brush, we can save paint and stretch it. on the roller we will have a consumption of 2 s and three times more. spray gun output. sergey warns, for thick imala a piston sprayer is better suited for paint; we have the more powerful one, an air sprayer, so we dilute it with a solvent so that the nozzle does not clog. the work went faster, but the consumption was too much. large coverage is uneven. the spray gun still can’t fill in some things well for us, that is, we have a shelina, some on the fence and our own texture on the tree. and the paint doesn't flow there. now we will have to retouch some moments somewhere with a brush, somewhere we will have
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to roll them with a roller, so we take into account the material we are going to work with. the sprayer will ideally paint a textured surface, for example, wood, with a second coat; metal will be dealt with the first time. swan in anton remenny vladimir popov, channel one. who said that bananas, mangoes and apples don’t grow in the krasnodar region, they still do, nothing is impossible for a real gardener. the heroes of our next report were able to tame a wide variety of plants that were exotic for our climate. as they say, they bloom and smell. this papaya has been taking root for me for a long time, there are already roots, it needs to be cut down. plant lyudmila arkadyevna retired and thought about what to do and decided to plant a tropical garden. my passion resulted in the fact that i have 16 varieties of bananas, 14 of which are fruit-bearing bananas, very tasty, good, and
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46 varieties of papaya. there are jackfruits that bear fruit, mango bears fruit for me. both her husband and children are grandchildren lyudmila arkadyevna. now they only eat homemade fruits, there will be approximately 350-400 bananas here, what is exotic for others is commonplace for this family. in lyudmila’s greenhouses, pineapples are ripening, carambola and even coffee beans. and papaya has long been included in the daily diet. there is no dish where i would not add papaya. lyudmila arkadievna does not like chemical fertilizers. leaves from the trunks of the same exotic plants are used as top dressing. irina podchelimova also believes that exotic plants should not be treated too much. on her plot near kursk she grew 10 magnolia bushes. if i plant it, it survives, that means it’s a tenant, and if it doesn’t survive without shelter, then there’s no need to have one. that is, i just
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such a policy. magnolias and urina grow like in sochi, blooming in the second or third year after planting. both the garden and the love for exotic plants were passed on to irina by her grandfather. he was famous. to settle in crimea, only walnuts grew here , and it was abandoned, and the trees themselves required care, i take care of it and add new trees. a year later, alexander planted the first apple tree, and then he wanted to grow something more exotic. this is a medlar tree, and i
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planted it 3 years ago, now it is already bearing fruit, last winter i already ate these fruit. if a wild tree appears on the site, alexander grafts several fruit trees onto its trunk at once. cherry, sour cherry and sweet cherry. a garden is a way of life, alexander believes. he devotes all his time to his brainchild. marina glushenkova, anna gazhala, tatyana simonenkova, marina sidorova, channel one. good morning to everyone who woke up and turned on channel one. in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova, on the calendar wednesday may 15th. well, right now you and i are going on a trip, but not an ordinary one. to dumplings. truly, dumplings are not i’m afraid of this word, the pinnacle of culinary thought, an invention, brilliant in its simplicity, a filling in a dough shell, but how much? here are recipes, rather, look at the plot and travel, draw up a pedigree map
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of the country, start from the far east, instead of the classic meat, here, of course, there is an option with fish, salmon, coho salmon, whale, sockeye salmon are included, because the fish is fatty, it is more tender in dumplings, more juicy, and locally in siberia, in buryatia they prepare buza, inside there is beef and onions, but the main shape is reminiscent of a yurt and the number of tucks according to traditions 33. some siberian peoples also have pilbens, they are in the shape of a crescent, filled, in addition to meat, with pine nuts. we grind them a little in a mortar and then add them to the minced meat. plus wild garlic for juiciness and brightness of taste. the most important ingredient here is milk. we add milk to the water, and in this broth we cook pelgen. everything is classic in the urals. pork and beef are rolled twice, an egg is added and they believe that the dumplings came
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from here, but the residents of udmurtia are ready to bet, they cite as an argument a phrase from your language. now this is an ear, nyan - this is bread - bread similar to an ear, and in russian it turned out to be permen. here a secret ingredient is added to the meat filling - homemade nettles. in the southeast of the republic - radish, in the north - pistils, shoots of horsetail and lard. further on is the volga region and there are their own dumplings. everyone knows the manti in tatarstan; their shape is not simple, so hot water is used to make the dough elastic and strong. tatar monts differ from classic ones in that they are prepared with halal lamb meat, with potatoes, so that it was more filling, made from the same ingredients kiyao dumplings, which are the standard size. evaluate girls for marriage, you can definitely marry 15 things in a spoon, you will have to
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learn less. i can fit two or three dumplings on my spoon. a similar tradition in the south of russia in dagestan is that mothers-in-law check whether their daughters-in-law are deft at making kurze, dumplings with a complex braided tuck, a special filling, meat plus whey. also inside there is cottage cheese with eggs, greens, cheese and even pumpkin. anastasia kremeshnaya, nazirovna gumanov, channel one. you are hypertensive, you have pain joints, which pain pills you need, because most pain pills will increase your blood pressure and only ruin your life. this and many other serious issues are discussed in detail by the program to live healthy, today on the first.
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday, on the first, we began to buy cars on credit more often, last year banks issued car loans for 1.320 million rubles. twice as high as a year earlier and according to...
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you don’t need to confirm income for a car loan 1.0, but the down payment for a car loan he usually has one one, where we have a percentage that will be tastier and more profitable? in a car loan or in consumer loans, car lending conditions for interest rates are more favorable than for consumer loans, you need, say, a million, a car loan rate is 12%, a consumer loan is 10 higher, the monthly payment is 33. versus 38, the overpayment for a car loan is almost 2000 less, 2.1 plus, the maximum term is 8 years, with a consumer loan, 3.5 years, maximum, 3:1, immediately a bold minus, a car loan is mandatory.
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change of some details, all actions that you register with the traffic police, you must agree with the bank, even down to how many people are driving the vehicles. with a consumer loan, you can improve your car and even sell it in 3:30. but a car loan often means discounts on cars of domestic and chinese brands and a state support program of -20% for teachers, doctors, people with disabilities on a domestic car worth up to 2 million. 4:3 in favor of a car loan. and finally, how much money can you take? if you are missing just a little, a consumer loan will do, you need the entire cost cars, you can’t do without a car loan. a consumer loan is mainly limited to amounts such as 500, million, one and a half million. with a car loan, banks are ready to lend as much money as the client needs. 5:3. car loan - the amount is larger, it is easier to approve, the interest rate is lower, but you must have
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a helmet and a car as collateral with the bank. a consumer loan is suitable in cases where... you have already saved most of the amount. the title remains with you, you can dispose of the car freely. nadezhda pravdina, pavel. first channel. it seems everything at some point we were divided into drivers and pedestrians. and everything would be fine, but there is no mutual understanding between these categories of people on the road. and this sometimes leads to very dramatic consequences. our auto expert, denis sharavar, tried on two roles at once. hello everyone, my name is denis sharovar, today you will learn about the most dangerous place on the road, and no, this is not a highway, not tunnels, not even bridges, you will be surprised, this is a pedestrian crossing, here it is, yes, yes, you’ll see
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them in advance knocked down. people all over the country, and more often it’s all due to banal inattention, both of drivers and pedestrians themselves, here is the most common example, i’ll spend a little time walking pedestrians myself, this car lets me through, this one doesn’t, although in fact it should have, what conclusion do we draw from this, a pedestrian shouldn’t to completely rely on the magic of the zebra, you need to make sure that you are allowed to pass only after that, cross the road, another case, a pedestrian crossing with a traffic light. but even here it is not a guarantee of safety, it is not a fact that the red light was noticed by some reckless driver, you can’t go with your eyes down or with your head buried in your phone, a banal rule, look left, look right, freely, go boldly, like this, you can’t do this, you can’t run across pedestrian crossings, i’ll explain why, the driver’s reaction time to the appearance of a pedestrian is 0.6 seconds,
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by the way, this official data about her is used in court when analyzing such cases. and if a person runs, then this time is reduced to 0.3, so that you understand how long it is to blink once. now let's look at it from the other side, the automotive side, again a pedestrian crossing with a traffic light. the man entered the zevra when his green light was still blinking, so he completes the maneuver at his red light, and mine is already green. and here i not only need to give the pedestrian the opportunity to complete the crossing, but i also cannot push him, for example. horn signal, although i really want to, and, by the way, in such a situation they can be fined for honking, but what should you do if a pedestrian is standing in front of the crossing, looking at his phone and not going anywhere, should he be allowed to pass or not, well, in this case, when the pedestrian he’s standing and not going anywhere, there’s no need to let him through, but just in case i ’ll slow down anyway, i’ll understand that he’s not going anywhere
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only then i’ll go, because if he suddenly changes his mind , i’ll be responsible for what might happen. a complex rule: overtaking at a crossing is prohibited, as is being ahead. if you see that in the next lane someone has slowed down in front of a zebra crossing, you are obliged to reduce your speed in the same way until you stop. and all this is necessary for safety, in case the pedestrian is already at the crossing, and you don’t see him yet. agree, the requirements are reasonable and very, very simple. we were all taught as children that taking what belongs to others is wrong. and when we... grew up, we learned that this is still punishable from the point of view of the law, even if it is someone else’s, someone lost or forgot somewhere. have you ever found other people’s money on the street? the first thought is that the owner is not around, keep them for yourself. by the way, there are many such stories on the internet, here you go,
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one came into the view of cctv cameras, a man drops an envelope, in it, as it later turned out, 780 thousand rubles , a car stops right next to it, a witness her driver becomes the loser and decides to embezzle the money. according to the criminal code , such a find in quotes is theft, a criminal case was opened against the man. here’s another example: a girl drops her wallet while going down the escalator and is immediately picked up by the man walking behind her. it is unknown how this story ended, but in any case you need to know the appropriation of the things found. so there’s no point in being happy about the find, let’s take off the wallet,
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pick it up with the phone camera on, open it, show what’s inside, if any you need this video to help you prove that you did not embezzle anything, then you need to go to the nearest police station, submit an application to... describe in detail the item and the circumstances under which you found it. you need to register the application and get a copy, and if you don't want to do this, just don't pick up other people's things. like this, act correctly, and you will not have problems with the law. the closing ceremony of the continental hockey league season to award the winners took place in the moscow region. i have all the details colleague, sports journalist of channel one. bass. game music. this was the main topic at the closing ceremony of the sixteenth season of the continental hockey league. after all, in order to
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be at the top, each player must perfectly perform his part, like a musician in a symphony orchestra. and the conductor, that is, the head coach, must be able to competently manage his hockey players and be an excellent psychologist. the championship was a success, it was unpredictable, there were a lot of interesting and exciting things. games, moments, that's why happy end of the season everyone. the best in his field this year was, of course, andrei razin, the mentor of the magnitogorsk metallurgical industry, winner of the gagarin cup. family played an important role in this success. of course, the children and i watched and worried, so we’re glad that we finally took the cup. if there is a beloved woman, if there is a family, then there is always something to strive for and something to strive for. the excellent performance of metallurg goalkeeper ilyinabokov, for whom last season was his debut in the khl, was awarded the prize for the best newcomer, the most valuable player of the cup
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gagarin also mentioned his family from the stage, thanking his parents from the bottom of his heart. the emotions are just very cool, they were expected for me, i personally didn’t expect that this would happen, i’m very happy about it, one season, then the next, so i need to prove everything again. this year at... the best player in overtime, and this prize was also taken by a young hockey player, forward of the nizhny novgorod torpedo, vasily atanasov. there is no end to the work, and we will move in the direction in which we have been moving for these 2 years to reach our goal. our vertical works, school, mhl, vhl, khl, they get into the khl, they are ready for adult hockey and show such results. the growing love of the audience every year is the main prize of the last season. with such incredible support, victories become more memorable, and records are bigger, next season, we are sure, will be even brighter.
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on the first channel, the multi-part detective detective series continues, colonel alexandra kushnir has absolutely no time for her personal life, work, work and work again, a new case and a new employee awaits her, and how alexandra ivanovna is with him, or rather will work with her, it’s a mystery, after all, she ’s used to it. work exclusively in a male team, look at the time today immediately after the program, get up, come on, mom, please, can we just have a minute, we are speeding up like never before, we slept through everything, the morning and our cheeks are topsy-turvy again, the child is in the garden at the crime scene, no exercise, no styling alexandra ivanovna, can you, oh, excuse me, what is the secret of her success, colonel kushnir understands people, he even tries to understand criminals, you have arrived. gilenzhik to find his wife, regina, is cheating on you, yes, that is, every criminal has his own truth, which alexander is trying to understand, comprehend, as it were, what prompted a person to commit
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such a terrible crime, how it could happen, she she digs into this and sometimes puts forward the most crazy versions, she just sees what is hidden from the attention of others, i am haunted by the reaction of alina’s mother to the fact that her daughter is alive, she seemed to be somehow upset or tense, new... murder mystery, young woman, identity unknown, how did she end up in someone else's house? you feel the smell, gentlemen, yes, sharp, men's perfume, yes, present on... muzkusa senior lieutenant ilya markov, sudmet morozova, there is a new employee in the bloodhound team, a woman, but kushnir is already accustomed to male company, how do you like the new girl court a medical expert who seems smart , well, i see the opera has recorded the most prominent one, well, of course, you’ll set it up exclusively in a working way, set it up with alexandra ivanovna, everything will go like clockwork, alexander, alexander, what’s wrong with you? "just nothing
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anxiety seems to be too high. operative ilya markov is also new to the kushnir department, but is already fascinated by her. do you look great and does this hoop suit you? what hoop? well, hoop, oh, different men meet on her way, so they somehow all hit on her, apparently, she has this thirst for work, when a person is generally so whole, in fact, this attracts men, they..." they see that she is passionate about her work, they can’t seem to capture her, so they are all trying to do it, hunting for her. the essence of my method is this. that, excuse me, but this is my husband, ex, or rather, well, almost. kushner investigators find it easier to hunt for criminals than to arrange their personal lives. will the bloodhound find a solution? so, friends, i beg you, don’t worry about who our victim is. continuation
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of detective eshcheyk. today on channel one, if you want, although no, no, i forgot, you don’t eat anything harmful, who said that ice cream is harmful, svetlana neumanes, joseph kobrin, channel one, well, now i give the floor to my colleagues from the information service first channel, let's find out what events have occurred in the country in the world by this hour, news. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. vladimir putin gathered the previously approved government composition in the kremlin late the night before. the president congratulated the meeting participants, outlined in detail the goals of the task facing the cabinet of ministers for the next three years, as well as long-term prospects. the head of state noted that six new ministers have appeared, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, where they gained additional experience and knowledge that will allow you
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to work as efficiently as possible at the federal level. people informed us well, you went through the procedure for approving the state duma in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation, i want to draw your attention to the fact that during these discussions with the parliament, with members of the state duma, they probably didn’t just discuss candidates, they probably talked about the state of industries, about what and how, from the point of view of state duma deputies, needs to be done in order to implement everything. the plans we have, i ask you - take this seriously, and from what we have outlined, from how we have planned to do this, take into account in practical work and the proposals of state duma deputies, we have many tasks ahead, it is important for the long-term, sustainable, confident development of our country to act together , in a single formation, as they say, in military terms, together
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with state duma deputies, together with the regions of the russian federation. first of all, i want to thank you for your support; all the candidates for deputy prime ministers and ministers that we discussed with you were approved, today the final meeting was held by parliamentarians, for the first time in accordance with the constitution, as you said, all the relevant procedures went through, and here i want to say that this procedure increases the level of interaction between the executive and legislative authorities, it does this.
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thanked those who worked in the previous government, they will be awarded state awards, well, with those who left their places, the president will hold a meeting today to agree on where and how they could apply their knowledge and skills. and tomorrow vladimir putin's two-day state visit to china begins on may 16; this will be the russian president's first foreign trip after officially taking office. in anticipation, vladimir putin gave a long interview to the xinhua news agency. the president noted the unprecedentedly high level of strategy. with the active participation of russia and the prc , multilateral associations independent of the west were created, which are based on the principles of justice and respect for mutual consideration of interests. convincing examples
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such mutually beneficial cooperation is the shanghai cooperation organization and brix, which have firmly established themselves as key pillars of the emerging multipolar world order. they have become authoritative, dynamically developing international platforms, within which... their participants build constructive interaction in politics, security, economics, and also in the humanitarian sphere. this is evidenced by the growing interest of other states in the activities of these associations, the growth in the number their participants. our countries have similar or coinciding positions on key issues on the international agenda. we stand for the supremacy of international law, for equal, indivisible, comprehensive sustainable security at both the global and regional levels, with the central coordinating role of the un, and reject attempts. to impose an order on the west based on lies and hypocrisy, on mythical rules invented by someone unknown. the united states is increasing tariffs on goods from china, affecting $18 billion in imports, including including steel, aluminum, minerals,
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semiconductors and electric vehicles. us president joe biden called it all fair competition in his speech to representatives of american industry. there will be elections in the united states in november. those states where the largest production is located are called undecided. the owner of the white one. fights for their votes. beijing, in turn, announced that it would not leave america’s actions unanswered and accused biden of breaking his promises not to restrain china’s development. now to the topic of the special operation in the donetsk direction the southern group of troops is working successfully, crews of fpv strike drones hit firing points, shelter dugouts with enemy personnel, our rszzo grad hit a strong point and a concentration of enemy infantry, hit with fragmentation rockets from a distance of more than 12 km from the vehicles that carried out reconnaissance and adjusted fire . the popular front supports russian inventors and those who are now developing drones for the front line, a project called kulibin club is doing everything to ensure innovative
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technologies went into production as quickly as possible. now the next batch of 5,000 starling drones is ready for shipment; small copters fly at a distance of up to 20 km, lifting weight up to 3.5 kg. manufacturers are going to enter... that's all for now, now the word from ekaterina strishinova. good morning, when lifting weights while standing, the load on the spine is enormous, i know how to reduce it, we will perform an exercise that is suitable even for beginners with weak back muscles. let's take it to the left. hand a dumbbell, a half-liter bottle of water will also do, bend over, lean on a bench or a stable chair with your right hand, pay attention, do not round your back, maintain a natural deflection in the lower back, feet parallel to each other,
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knees for convenience, bend slightly, pull the projectile to your chest, move your elbow up behind your back, stay in this position for second, we return to the starting position, and now we take the dumbbell in our right hand, continue to exercise, when the movement seems easy, we select a slightly heavier apparatus. exercise will help relieve the lower back, as well as the hips, and at the same time transfer emphasis on the latissimus dorsi muscles, you will also strengthen your shoulders and arms, the movement is not
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traumatic, so it is suitable even for beginners. we continue: they say that the internet never sleeps, our main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky, apparently does not sleep either, in any case, at this early hour he already has another selection of fresh funny videos ready. our little video parade opens with a cat named cupcake. the little housewife decided to teach him how to draw, but the cupcake behaves like any student who has been given a boring lesson. like would not mind, but with all his appearance he seems to be asking. when will it finally change? it's been a long time since we had raccoons. they will now. 7 million views were earned by this raccoon, who snuck into the kitchen of one of the happy houses, and he didn’t steal anything there, but washed the dishes. basically, if you have dirty dishes, you know who to
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turn to. bears also often visit the world wide web. these two clubfooted people came to the picnic, although no one invited them. while one was trying to cope with soda, the other ate all the cutlets, leaving the vacationers without hamburgers, after which kosalapa and the thieves went on about their bearish business. swiss students. or a rocking chair that can knit. the principle of operation of the unit is simple: a person sits in a rocking chair, rocks, and at this time the mechanism slowly knits, for example, a hat, as in this video; 15 million users have already appreciated this invention. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new spring day with channel one. in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova, on the calendar may 15 is wednesday. on
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the all-russian wedding festival started at the international exhibition at the russia forum. about 200 couples from all over the country plan to get married there. an exhibition of wedding dresses also opened at the forum russia exhibition. fashion brands of russia evolution of russian style. it became a kind of continuation of the documentary project of channel one “we play”. all the details are in the report of channel one correspondent yulia anishchenko. a wedding with our national flavor at the russian exhibition, in pavilion 75 you can now see traditional wedding suits, kakoshniks, brocade dresses, caftans and partupees, but they are all in a new way. these sleeve pendants are handmade, in an exaggerated way, traditional elements of the ornament are translated into 3d volume. the basis is precisely the ornament that we saw in the ethnographic museum. the costumes were created
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by the authors of the channel one documentary project “playing wedding.” this series of tv shows is a real wedding guide, the old russian past. in our project we create traditional wedding fashion through the prism of modern trends. and here you can see how you can approach your traditional costume differently. and this is not only about clothes, of course, but about the wedding customs of our ancestors in various parts of the world.
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for national awards, dagestan, chechen, unique images, we allow brides to be anything, we have fluffy dresses, there are more traditional dresses, not only choose an outfit, and immediately go to moscow, this exhibition opened as part of the wedding festival, on the first day at the same time more than 150 couples got married. many couples arrived in their national costumes and... it’s just magic, we also hope that we will create a fashion for national beautiful costumes, because strength is in russia, it is strength in diversity, we are so different, but we are together, there is still a lot of time to get inspired, exhibition wedding dresses will last until july 8. yulia anishchenko, kirill loginov, channel one. good morning to everyone who wakes up with channel one. on the calendar may 15, wednesday in the studio today. i’m with you, ekaterina strizhenova, and right early in the morning, an important question, one might
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say, from the category of eternal ones: pampering a child or not? parents, mother and father, and grandparents have very different opinions on this matter. heated debates are raging on social networks and parent chats. but we won’t argue with you, we’ll just ask those who shouldn’t be cheered? or should i still be pampered? to pamper or not to pamper, sofia? grandma buys everything, sticks to the phone, she allows it, mom is against it. grandma says: make a video, you will be popular. egor's dad gets sick, if mom forbids him, he drinks cola, dad never refuses. once a week, no big deal, nothing will happen. one the parent is concerned about health, the other thinks about pleasure, the best balance. if you completely prohibit something, this forbidden fruit may become a temptation in the future. but there is a second fear of many parents: if you hurt them, the child will become an arrogant consumer, they...
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no, why? well, in the family there are always those who are ready to love and forbid, and those who forbid everything, we will arrange a provisional court for them, judges and children, a defense psychologist, the first of egor’s father’s mother, forbids going to spend the night with friends if he is guilty, dad is against it, i'm as if i am punishing with this, because a person, as they say, does not understand in any other way, if you don’t punish him, you also need to encourage the child, he not only did bad things, he also did good things, he...
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didn’t lie, but mom he also sits on the phone, an example for a child is the most powerful argument, the grandmother appeals with this, this is correct vision, but the child must also be given freedom when she is filming her own video, in this case, yes, the mother thinks about safety and the future of the child, the grandmother says that it would be good here now, although psychologists have long they revealed the motive of all grandmothers, only the grandmother herself has any benefit, she is happy inside, this is her resource to live on.
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yourself and don’t be afraid that the child will grow up spoiled and arrogant, if there is no such example in the family, he will have no one to learn this from, because children are always a reflection of the family. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia novokhatnyaya, dmitry roshkov, channel one. there is a real baby boom in zoos and nature parks across the country; in some places they even opened nurseries. the babies are fed hourly, exclusively healthy baby food, hay, greens, carrots, and of course, milk. let's. let's admire them and say good morning to them! the inspector of the natural park in the yakutsk city, peaceful alexander mikhailov, has an unusual pet; in his hut a little baby fish with the spring name marta settled, the baby is just over a month old, her mother did not have milk, so alexander took care of her. like any child, martha
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loves to be stroked on the back, sleeps for hours and plays mischief, chews her breadwinner’s clothes, licks and butts, and also literally follows... she comes up to us well, gives herself, strokes, well, of course, not all of them, but the little ones are given milk every 2 hours, for dessert, apples, pumpkin, carrots, greens, a favorite treat, hay, they sleep in the playpen, and in their free
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time the kids play with snooks on the shoes of their foster children. three puppies were thrown at the gates of the zoo, now they are under collective care, they are fed by their young mother, casa frossya, the puppies suck her milk with appetite, while feeding frossya lies calmly, as if he is afraid of harming the babies with careless movements. well-fed and satisfied kids are handed over for their new mother's sake, the malamute takes them into the kennel with pleasure. and warms her adopted children, when we brought the puppies into the zoo, our little one started to behave very strangely, that is, she ran around the enclosure, and thus we realized that her maternal instincts began to awaken, the puppies were still very tiny, just the other day they opened their eyes; when they grow up, the zoo staff will find loving
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families for them. natalya kravchenko, elena savina, channel one, how’s the mood, class, mood, oh, mariupol! returning home, on saturday at the first, he forbade me to swim, but i didn’t listen, well,
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thank you, today is may 15, and if you believe the old signs, nightingales begin to sing on this day, so in the evening we have the opportunity to check, listen, well, about... the astrologers' forecast is already ready, and let's listen to it right in the morning. may 15, the turning point of the seventh and eighth lunar days. twenty- seventh day of the sun, good-natured, honest, direct, sometimes even too straightforward, besides, he does not always know how to hide his emotions, and he doesn’t try very hard, here he needs to be controlled, but he has a lot of energy, his head works great, he has artistic abilities and in general he is a creative person, excellent. an assistant to everyone who dreams of showing off their talents and loudly expressing themselves, and if you need to win someone over or impress someone - this is your
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day, the other side of this coin, he likes to show off and show off, sometimes he behaves self-confidently , on such days we are greedy for flattery, all sorts of schemers take advantage of this, aries, keep this in mind, don’t let them bother you and don’t rush, you ’re not late for anything, in a hurry it’s easy to make mistakes, the rest of the day is great, even ordinary routine things bring pleasure. feel free to make a date for the evening. taurus has a very busy day, when there is a lot of everything, everything must be kept under control, nothing should be missed or confused. but you can do a bunch of things and make good money. and the evening clearly has something entertaining in store for you. some profit is shining for the twins, perhaps your debt will be returned or some delayed money will arrive. this day will also help you settle something or make peace with someone, and be careful. with sharp instruments. cancers are just having a good day when everything goes well both at work and at home. there will be an opportunity to put something in order,
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clear away some rubble. let us tell you, this is not a bad day to visit a hairdresser or cosmetologist. leos will be great at negotiations, interviews and other business meetings. you can try to get a new job, although the stars do not advise rushing into this. similar to current job there are some positive changes planned in less sports with family. virgos have good money, only slightly uneven, when everything starts with little things and can end in an unpleasant showdown. in general, don’t get excited, everything will be fine, and the evening will make you happy. a romantic day for libra. the stars give transparent hints to libra men. today is a great time to propose marriage, well, the ladies will probably hear a lot of compliments, just be careful while driving. scorpios have to figure out something, get to the truth.
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let in the fog and intrigue under its veil. after lunch, some unexpected news may come. don’t rush to believe them right away, or check. aquarius may have to achieve something from some pompous stubborn people who consider themselves smarter than everyone else. the luminaries say: calm, only calm, and don’t forget about your natural frenzy, and be careful, there is a risk of losing or forgetting something. the stars strongly advise pisces to call old friends, or even better, to see them. perhaps one of them needs help or just lonely, and this day can also test whether you know how to forgive. good luck to you.
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manicure lover. today is may 15th, you can celebrate gourmet day. the holiday, of course, is unofficial, but karina makaryan decided to devote an entire study to this topic. the history of the appearance of varnish and modern production. this is such a serious approach. what do the car and this bottle have in common? at the beginning of the last century, chemists took car paint as a basis, slightly changed the formula, and the result was nail polish. today. candidate of chemical sciences to make nail polish, andrei dorokhov needs only 10 minutes and four components, one of them is a solvent. the solvents commonly used are ethyl citate, butyl citate and isopropyl alcohol. ethyl citate and butyl citate are used in the food industry as flavoring agents, so they are completely harmless to human health. we mix it with polymer, this is
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the powder. polymers are used either... resin is used through the skin or through the elbow, they are not absorbed into the human body, and there is also no danger, therefore don't imagine. the task of the polymer is to adhere the varnish to the nail plate. another component is responsible for durability and strength - a plasticizer, by the way, the most harmful of the chemical compounds in varnish. plasticizers are used in very small quantities, from half a percent to 2%. well, except. for example, it is used in mosquito sprays, in which case there is a much greater danger of receiving a dose of this substance through the lungs in the form of an aerosol than through the nail. the varnish is ready, all that remains is to add the pigment, the color depends on it, how many of them are in the palette, until pink 168 shades. most varnishes have this composition, but they are found without these
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chemical elements, marked 3, 5, 7, 9, frim, the higher the numbers, the more environmentally friendly it is considered, if we take seven frims, there are no aggressive components here, but we need understand that varnish is still a chemical compound that is bonded to the nail plate, and the more environmentally friendly the composition is, the worse it adheres to the nail plate, here it is important to maintain a happy medium so that the varnish holds well before applying the nails must be degreased with liquid without acetone, it dries and spoils the nail plate, be careful with the cuticle, any impact... under the cuticle, it can lead to inflammation and damage to the nail growth area. the polish dries in about 10 minutes and finally adheres to the nail plate within an hour. tip for the summer: apply cream with spf to your nails to protect against ultraviolet rays that destroy polymers. the polish will last a little longer. karina makaryan,
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konstantin struchkov, vasily yurov, channel one. large-scale road works are underway throughout russia to make driving comfortable and safely, new bridges are being built, highways are being laid, sidewalks are being updated, the plans for this year are grandiose, we can safely say that we are building roads to the future. lyubimovka village, sevastopol, the shortest way to school or the city center is along the bridge over the belbeg river. otherwise there is a 5 km detour, which means it is of great importance. well, 10, even since january, the repairs on the bridge have not been completely blocked, they have allowed reverse traffic, locals have been waiting for repairs for a long time, holes in the railings, adults, children go to school, holes on the sidewalks, pedestrians on the updated sidewalks it will be more comfortable, the pedestrian passage has been increased, it was a meter long, now it’s 20 meters, new fences will also be installed on the pedestrian
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area, the bridge is already 80% ready, ready for completion? should be in june, now guides are being installed, a tucking layer is being installed, and they are doing the same thing with putty on the bridge, all that remains is to apply waterproofing to the last stop on the fourth, then drainage devices are being laid, asphalt is being applied, everything is according to the national project, safe and high-quality roads, in sevastopol this year the plans repair about 56 km of roads, on the street safronova has been working since april,
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during the winter period, when the snow periodically melted and snow began to fall, and it was necessary to cancel the transportation of schoolchildren to classes due to the fact that it was unsafe. all work on the road should be completed in october. twelve stopping pavilions are provided. external lighting complex with t-7 traffic lights, designed for pedestrian safety. penza is a new interchange on the m5 highway. knits the microdistricts of zarya and dalnee arbekova directly. an overpass with lifts for people with limited mobility has been built for pedestrians. residents. the object is 95% ready. we begin work on the project in mid-may. landscaping, slopes, strips, allotments, we begin landscaping and begin installing road markings. the new road construction season has started across the country. in total, this year , according to the national project, safe and high-quality
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roads will be repaired and more than 5,000 road facilities will be built, with a length of about 15.00 km. evgeny pelkov, channel one. well, now i give the floor to my colleagues from... the information service of channel one, let's find out what events happened in the country in world by this time. news: this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello! vladimir putin, late the night before , held his first meeting in the kremlin with the updated government, the president outlined in detail the goals of the task that... are facing the cabinet of ministers in the coming years. the head of state also emphasized the need to determine financial support for plans and mechanisms to support russian families, citizens and businesses in the near future, and called on ministers to closely cooperate with
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state duma deputies and regions of the russian federation. federation. the government has been updated, we have six new ministers, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation. these are people well known to us with good experience, some of them. with experience working in the federal federal government earlier, now having worked in the territory, they have acquired even more experience, knowledge, a sense of this territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really hope that they will use all their best uh skills, all their developments in the regions of the russian federation in order to solve the problems facing them at the federal government level with maximum effect. we have many tasks and you and i have worked out almost everything that we need to do in the next 3 years, but not only, we also agreed that we will
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organize our work over a six-year period, and i ask you not to forget about this, in the short term deadlines, it is necessary to make the necessary personnel decisions at the level of the ministry and department so that the team is fully formed with confidence. and would work effectively, dear evich, dear colleagues, well, first of all, vich, i want to thank you for your support, the main task for our government is to implement, first of all, the decree on national goals, the new decree, and of course, all the tasks that you set in your message to the federal assembly, the government of the russian federation is your team, and we are ready to begin solving all the tasks set by the state duma deputies, as regards those who left their seats. in government. today the president will hold a meeting with them to agree on where and how they could apply their knowledge skills. vladimir putin thanked everyone who worked in the previous cabinet of ministers; they will be awarded state awards. and
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tomorrow, may 16 , vladimir putin’s two-day state visit to china begins. this will be the first foreign trip of the russian president after officially taking office. in anticipation, vladimir putin gave a long interview to the xinhua news agency. the president noted the unprecedentedly high level of strategic. partnerships between our countries in various fields, trade, energy, investments. the head of state emphasized the coincidence of the positions of russia and china on key issues on the international agenda, primarily the supremacy of international law and comprehensive sustainable security at the global and regional levels with the coordinating role of the un. particular attention to beijing's initiatives on the situation in ukraine. we positively assess china's approaches to resolving the ukrainian crisis. beijing is well aware of its root causes and global geopolitical significance, which is reflected in the plan of twelve points, china's position on a political settlement of the ukrainian crisis, published in february 2023.
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the ideas and proposals recorded in the document testify to the sincere desire of our chinese friends to help stabilize the situation. unfortunately, these initiatives do not find support either in ukraine or its western patrons. they are not ready for equal rights. traps and returned to the airfield, and this is the work of the hurricane crews. they hit enemy strongholds on the right bank of the dnieper in in the kherson region , fortifications, buildings and equipment were eliminated with great precision. evasion from mobilization in ukraine
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has reached record proportions, russia’s post-president announced this to the un security council. vasily nebenze reported that from may 18, all ukrainian men of military age will actually become powerless. according to the new mobilization rules , they find themselves outside the law; they cannot dispose of property or update documents. 11 ukrainians fled to romania alone. vasily nebenzya recalled those residents of ukraine whom the kiev regime... to understand that their interests in this war, which ordinary ukrainians are increasingly beginning to understand , which the united states and its satellites have been preparing the country for at least since 2014, simply do not exist. moreover, when they receive news about how life is getting better, territories liberated from the kiev regime, where former ukrainian citizens finally acquire their seized rights, including the right to speak their native language, russian. and finally, about the new weather
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surprises of may: today several russian regions will experience frosts down to -5°, the temperature will drop in the kurgan and chelyabinsk regions to minus three in the peremsky territory, sverdlovsk, orenburg, samara, nizhny novgorod regions, and it will remain so there until the end of the working week, in the capital region even the night temperature will begin to rise, on friday night already up to +12, during the day +16, on sunday and even up to +20. that's all, now the floor goes to ekaterina strizhenova. good morning to everyone.
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tomatoes are long-lived and can remain fresh for up to 40 days, such a wonderful tomato with an amber color, sergey fedorovich gavrish, is the author, will soon be in production. tomato varieties with a long shelf life are called production tomatoes; they have thick skin and pulp, making them easy to transport; these are the ones usually found in supermarkets. most often , thin-skinned specimens live in markets, these are salad varieties, with which they are more and more difficult - they are placed in boxes, put in paper so that they do not deteriorate during transportation, so that each fruit lies separately, this is labor-intensive, which is why their price is higher, which we see in the markets, the cost is also influenced by the place where the fruits are brought from, the further, the more expensive, plus how the variety was obtained naturally or with the help of humans, a hybrid is a variety obtained by crossing, hybridization, that is, there are parental... lines are maternal and
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paternal line, the process is not fast, it can take up to 10 years, so the price of hybrids is always higher, but even they can turn out to be tasteless if the harvest is harvested ahead of time, and this applies to any varieties, salad to production, at our enterprise the fruits of tomatoes are going in full ripeness, we don’t collect brown ones, why do we do this, because our products are sold out very quickly only in... the krasnodar region, the taste qualities, naturally, of ripe fruits are completely different from unripe ones, so it’s better to choose those that are grown nearby, what else should we focus on, the color should be bright, rich in smell, so that it shows up better, the skin needs to be rubbed, delicious ripe tomatoes smell aromatic, we definitely check by touch, we press, you see, they are not hard, we get dented. well, yes, a small one, you can see
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we don’t take too hard ones and remember that ripe ones are not equally sweet, the amount of sugars and tomatoes again depends on the variety, the most delicious tomatoes are, of course, cherry tomatoes, they are the sweetest, well, in second place are pink-fruited tomatoes, which also differ greatly sugar content, like all yellow ones and the most average in taste, these are already red-fruited tomatoes of various shapes and colors, the acidity is already reduced, for this reason fruits with a neutral taste are recommended for small children and those with stomach problems. evgenia popova, konstantin struchkov, maxim tkachev, liliya lobkova, channel one. it often happens like this: the illness has passed, the person is formally healthy, discharged from sick leave, and even goes to work, but the cough remains. and such a residual cough can last for a long, long time, more than one week. bathhouse attendant viktor zakomaldin suggests.
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hit the cough with birch brooms and honey and mustard. mustard is an irreplaceable thing in a bathhouse, especially if you need to drive away the remnants of a cold and cough. pour a teaspoon of dry matter into half a liter of hot water, pour it into a basin with steamed birch brooms, spray the heater with the solution and breathe in the warming mustard steam, to enhance the effect, lower your legs into the basin, steam your feet, and during the second pass , steam your entire body with brooms. and then we take them like ski poles, okay, and apply them to the lower back on the sides on both sides, move them with stroking movements towards each other, in this way we work the back
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along the spine, warm up the lungs and drive away the remaining inflammation, the following procedure is next: mix equal parts. mustard powder and honey, sit on the bottom shelf, away from the heater, apply the mixture to the sides of the upper back, if there is inflammation on the skin, go around these areas, rest for 10 minutes, the product will increase sweating and drive out any remaining infection, so we will not leave a cold not a single chance with light steam. paint remote is a very convenient gadget; sellers assure that it can significantly speed up painting work. but,
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of course, you need to be able to use it correctly, and you need to choose it correctly. spray gun - the same spray gun for spraying paint, only with pressure supply, sometimes pneumatic. professional for large volumes, this is not only for domestic home use, the most common thing is to paint cars, but there is a small nuance here, in order to paint you need a compressor, that is, plus about 20 thousand rubles additional expenses, you again need to choose a compressor that's right, if the power is 600 w, then the spray gun should be 20% more powerful, plus it should have a receiver for the spray gun with a tank of at least 50 liters, there is also with built-in.
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this device is better than a brush or roller, professional painter sergey gabchenko will help you compare. so, if we work on wood, then, in fact, from a hand tool, a brush is an indispensable tool, because it allows us to penetrate the entire texture of the wood, coat it well with paint, and at the same time this is the longest and most difficult method of application. yes, it takes less time with a roller, but it can’t handle joints and corners; you still need a brush to touch up the cracks and uneven areas. and further one minus: more paint consumption, this must be taken into account, because when we work with a brush, we can save paint and stretch it. for rollers we will have to spend 2 times more. spray gun output. sergey warns that a piston sprayer is better suited for thick imal paint; we have the more powerful one, an air sprayer, so
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we dilute it with a solvent so that the nozzle does not clog. the work went faster, but the consumption was too high and the coverage was uneven. coroscopul still cannot fill out some things well for us. that is, we have there is some kind of crack on the fence, there is a texture on the wood, the paint does not flow there, now we will have to retouch some moments with a brush, somewhere we will have to roll it with a roller, so we take into account the material we are going to work with, the texture the sprayer will ideally paint a surface, for example, wood, with a second coat; metal will be handled the first time. ruslan yunyaev, yuri lebedev, anton remenny vladimir popov, channel one. do you love onions, as cook pavel loves them? savchenko, if not, well, now he promises so much, you will definitely love it, catch the recipe for a healthy, tasty, original, and most importantly, very budget-friendly dish. usually onions are used as a seasoning, i will stuff it, peel the onion
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, cut off the base of the lid, press on the top of the onion, you see, the core comes out easily. outside, i don’t throw it away, it’s useful for stuffing, i use the hollow onion as a baking dish, although it doesn’t have a bottom, but that’s easy to fix. i roll out a layer of dough, cover it with a plate, circle it with a knife, i cut out a circle, put an empty onion on it, wrap the dough around the walls, tuck the edges inward and pinch them, for the filling i fry the onion pulp with minced meat, salt, pepper, fill the onion with the filling to make the dish juicy, make... the filling, beat the egg with sour cream , season
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with spices, pour in the meat filling, sprinkle it with grated cheese, bake for 20 minutes at 180°. onions wrapped in baked dough with a juicy meat filling are simply delicious, take note of the recipe, you won’t regret it! it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series games, on sunday on the first. veda vodka, a stellar group product, old barrel cognac,
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a stellar group product, stirsman bourbon, a stellar group product, visky mancacher, a stellar group product, сnop gin, a stellar group product, two eternal questions: where does the money go and where does the dust come from? well , we’ll talk about money a little later, about dust right now, where it comes from, what lies behind this short word dust, how much of it is in the air, and most importantly, how to deal with it, not only maria nikolaeva talks about this. all year round, dust levels in the city controls using stations of automatic monitoring systems. now our concentration is at the level of 20 micrograms, 15 times lower than the permissible standard. on the day of shooting after heavy rain, we
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were lucky with the indicators, but on dry and windy days, the concentration of dust in the air can reach maximum values. this is due specifically to weather conditions. dust is observed from under the spreading surface. there are also processes such as long-range atmospheric transport, when suspended particles come along with an air mass from, say, the southern regions, yes, where arable farming has already begun. work or vice versa, dusty boris are observed. in addition to this, they also add dust, spring road work, dust from roads, construction sites, soil particles, ash, pollen, clothing fibers, lint, hair; all these microparticles form a field cloud, but for a healthy person it is not dangerous. our body is created in such a way as to protect itself from environmental factors. if there are problems with the respiratory tract, for example, illness. allergic bronchial asthma, the flow of mucus slows down, and what gets into this drain can
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stagnate and cause exacerbation; on windy days, doctors recommend masks and rinsing the nose after walks, but in spring, due to low air humidity, a dust cloud rises up and enters apartments closed windows, even high-quality new double-glazed windows do not guarantee 100% tightness, this is the kind of dust on the window, and even if cleaning is regular, there is always dust, up to 50 kg accumulates in the apartment per year. if you look at house dust under a microscope, then we will always find house ticks there. it has been proven that the more a person comes into contact with this very dust, the more likely he is to develop these diseases, i mean bronchial asthma and allergic diseases in general. the main collection area is, of course, textiles; ideally , replace blankets and carpets with options. short pile, it is better to wash and vacuum them more often during this period, especially if there are children and
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animals at home. breaking down and banal advice, daily wet cleaning really works, for the best effect, wash surfaces with antistatic. well, it’s time to check the supply and exhaust ventilation, have you looked there lately? this is one of the indicators that allows us to say how clean our indoor air is. few people know. but it’s better to clean it at least twice a year, but if there is a road or construction site nearby more often, another option is that the air humidifier works on the principle of rain, attracts dust, ma good morning, when lifting weights while standing, the load on the spine is enormous, i know how to do it reduce, let's do an exercise that suitable even for beginners with weak
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back muscles, take a dumbbell in your left hand, a half-liter bottle of water will also do, and bend over. with your right hand a bench or stable chair. please note, we do not round the back, we maintain a natural deflection in the lower back, the feet are parallel to each other, the knees are slightly bent for convenience, we pull the projectile to the chest, we move the elbow up behind the back, stay in this position for a second, and return to the starting position. now we take the dumbbell in our right hand and continue to exercise when the movement seems easy, select a slightly heavier projectile, exercise. it will help relieve
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the lower back, as well as the hips, and at the same time shift the emphasis to the latissimus dorsi muscles, you will also strengthen your shoulders and arms, the movement is not traumatic, so it is suitable even for beginners. we continue: they say that the internet never sleeps, our main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky, apparently does not sleep either, in any case, he already has another one ready at this early hour. a selection of fresh funny videos, our little video parade opens with a cat named cupcake, the little housewife decided to teach him to draw, but the cupcake behaves like any student who has been given a boring lesson, he doesn’t seem to mind, but with all his appearance he seems to be asking when it’s finally time to change, we haven’t had raccoons for a long time, now
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they will, 7 million views were earned by this raccoon, which... snuck into the kitchen of one of the happy houses, and he didn’t steal anything there, he took it and washed the dishes. basically, if you have dirty dishes, you know who to turn to. bears also often visit the world wide web, these two club-footed ones came to a picnic, although no one invited them. while one was trying to cope with the soda, the other ate all the cutlets, leaving the vacationers without hamburgers. after which the club-footed thieves went on about their bearish business. swiss students have invented a rocking chair that can knit. the principle of operation of the unit is simple: a person sits in a rocking chair, rocks, and at the same time the mechanism slowly knits, for example, a hat, as in this video. 15 million users have already appreciated
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this invention. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new spring day with the first channel. in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova, on the calendar may 15 is wednesday. an all-russian wedding festival started at the international exhibition at the russia forum. about 200 couples from all over the country plan to get married there. and at the forum russia exhibition , an exhibition of wedding dresses, fashion brands of russia, russian evolution, opened. style, it became a kind of continuation of the documentary project of channel one “we're playing a wedding.” all the details are in the report of channel one correspondent yulia anishchenko. wedding with our national flavor on exhibition in russia, in the seventy-fifth pavilion you can now easily see traditional
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wedding costumes, kokoshniks, brocade dresses, caftans and partupeis, but all of them in a new way. these sleeve pendants - the work is exaggerated - are translated into 3d volume, the traditional elements of the ornament are taken as a basis, namely the ornament that we saw in the ethnographic museum. the costumes were created by the authors of the documentary project of the first channel, let's play wedding, this series of tv shows is a real wedding guide, the old russian past. in our project we we create traditional wedding fashion through the prism of modern trends. and here you can see how you can approach your traditional costume differently, and this is not only about clothes, of course, but about the wedding customs of your ancestors in various parts of the country. chuvazh republic, lipetsk region, stavropol region. but we, because we always try. to find some modern response, we took the material, denim, this is unusual for cossack costumes, and we thought, such people, free on horses,
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an association arose with cowboys, and we styled with cowboy boots, jeans to give such a modern look. also presented here are modern models from russian designers, lace, rhinestones, embroidery, a lot of handmade work, everything for a wedding. for absolutely everything, because there are trends for national awards, dagestan, chechen, unique images, we allow brides to be anyone, we have fluffy dresses, there are more traditional dresses, not only choose an outfit, and immediately go down the aisle, this exhibition opened in as part of the wedding festival, on the first day more than 150 couples got married at the same time. many couples came in their national costumes, and it’s just magic, we also hope that we will create fashion. for the national beautiful costumes, because strength in russia is strength in diversity, we are so different, but we are together, there is still a lot of time to get inspired, the exhibition of wedding
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dresses will last until july 8. yulia anishchenko, kirill loginov, channel one. who said that bananas, mangoes and pineapples don’t grow in the krasnodar territory; nothing is impossible for a real gardener. heroes our next report was able to tame. a wide variety of plants, exotic for our climate; as they say, they bloom and smell. this papaya has been taking root for a long time now, there are already roots, it needs to be cut down and planted. lyudmila arkadyevna retired and thought about what to do and decided to plant a tropical garden. my hobby stems from the fact that i have 16 varieties of bananas, of which i have 14. bearing bananas, very tasty, good and 46 varieties of papaya, there are jackfruits that bear fruit, mango bears fruit for me, and my husband, and children, grandchildren
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lyudmila arkadyevna now eats only home-grown fruits, there will be approximately 350-400 bananas here, what is exotic for others is commonplace for this family; in lyudmila’s greenhouses pineapples, pitahaya, star fruit and even coffee beans ripen. and popaya has long been included in the daily diet. there is no dish where i would not add papaya. lyudmila arkadyevna does not like chemical fertilizers. leaves from the trunks of the same exotic plants are used as top dressing. irina podchelimova also believes that exotic plants should not be treated too much. at home on a plot near kursk she grew 10 magnolia bushes. if i plant it, it survives, that means it’s a tenant, and if it doesn’t survive without shelter, then it’s not needed. start, that is, that’s just my policy. magnolias and urina grow like in sochi, blooming in the second or third year after planting. both the garden and the love for exotic
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plants were passed on to ilina by her grandfather. he was a famous amateur gardener and even identified a unique variety of kursk lemon. irina accepted the main rule of friendship with exotic plants. just to buy it and plant it as a tribute to fashion. do not do it this way you don’t need to buy it, don’t waste your money. buy them, love them right away, right away, they will repay you with this, literally right away, they will repay you, because they, they are beautiful. alexander was also driven by love for nature when 6 years ago he decided to settle in crimea. only walnuts grew here, and they were abandoned, and the trees themselves required care. i take care of it and add new trees. a year later, alexander planted the first apple tree, and then he wanted to grow something more exotic. this is a tree. medlars and i planted it for 3 years ago, now it is already bearing fruit, in the winter of last year i already ate these fruits. if a wild tree appears on the site, alexander grafts
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several fruit branches onto its trunk at once. cherry cherry, cherry and sweet cherry. a garden is a way of life, alexander believes. he devotes all his time to his brainchild. marina glushenkova, anna gazhala, tatyana simonenkova, marina sidorova, channel one. well now, let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news on channel one. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. vladimir putin gathered the previously approved government composition in the kremlin late the night before. the president congratulated the meeting participants and outlined in detail the goals of the task. before the cabinet of ministers for the next 3 years, as well as long-term prospects, the head of state noted that six new ministers have appeared, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, where they acquired additional experience
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and knowledge that... the duma in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation, i want pay attention to the fact that during these discussions with parliament, with members of the state duma, they probably didn’t just discuss candidates, they probably talked about the state of industries, about what and how from the point of view of state duma deputies. need to be done in order to implement all the plans we have, i ask you to take this seriously, and from what we have outlined, and from how we have planned to do it, take into account in the practical work and proposals of the state duma deputies, ahead we have many tasks, it is important for the long-term, sustainable, confident development of our country to act together in
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in a unified system, as they say,
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vladimir putin's two-day state visit to china begins in may, this will be the first foreign trip of the russian president after officially taking office , on the eve of vladimir putin gave a long interview to the xinhua news agency, the president.
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mutually beneficial cooperation is the shanghai cooperation organization and brix, which have firmly established themselves as key pillars of the emerging multipolar world order. they have become authoritative, dynamically developing international platforms within which their participants build constructive interaction in politics, security, economics, and also in the humanitarian sphere. this is evidenced by the growing interest of other states in the activities of these associations and the growth in the number of their participants. our countries have similar or identical ones. positions on key issues on the international agenda. we stand for the supremacy of international law, for equal, indivisible, comprehensive sustainable security both at the global and regional levels, with central the coordinating role of the un. and we reject the west’s attempts to impose order based on lies and hypocrisy, but who knows who invented mythical rules. the united states is increasing tariffs on goods from china. this will affect imports of $18 billion,
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including junk aluminum minerals. semiconductors and electric vehicles. us president joe biden called it all fair competition in his speech to representatives of american industry. in november, elections will be held in the united states; those states where the largest production facilities are located are called undecided, the owner of the white house fights for their votes. beijing, in turn , announced that it would not leave america’s actions unanswered and accused biden of breaking his promises not to restrain china’s development. now, on the topic of special operations in the donetsk direction, the southern group of troops is successfully working. fpv strike drones hit firing points, shelter dugouts with enemy personnel, our rszzo grad hit a strong point and a concentration of enemy infantry, hit with fragmentation rockets from a distance of more than 12 km. the artillerymen were assisted by unmanned aerial vehicle operators who carried out reconnaissance and adjusted fire. the popular front supports russian inventors and those who are currently developing drones for the front line, a project called the kulin club is doing everything to ensure that innovative technologies
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come to market as quickly as possible... and that’s all for now. good morning to everyone who woke up and turned on channel one. in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova, on the calendar wednesday, may 15th. well right now we're with we are going on a trip with you, but not the usual one, to pilmennoe. truly, dumplings are, i am not afraid of this word, the pinnacle of culinary thought. an invention, brilliant in its simplicity, filling in a dough shell, and how many recipes are there? rather, we watch the story and travel. we are drawing up a map of the country, starting with the far east. instead of
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the classic meat, there is, of course, an option with fish; salmon, coho salmon, whale, and sockeye salmon are used. because fatty fish is more tender in dumplings, more juicy. people in siberia in buryat prepare buza, inside there is beef and onions, but the main shape resembles a yurt and the number of tucks according to tradition is 33. some siberian peoples also have pilbens, they are in the shape of a crescent, filled, in addition to meat, with pine nuts, we chop them a little first and then add them to the minced meat. plus wild garlic for juiciness and brightness of taste. the most important ingredient here is milk, we add milk to the water in this. everything is according to the classics in the urals, pork and beef are rolled twice, an egg is added and they believe that the dumplings came from here, but the residents of udmurtia are ready
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i bet they use phrases from their own language as an argument. pel is an ear, nyan is bread that looks like an ear, and in russian it is called permen. here a secret ingredient is added to the meat filling - homemade nettles. in the southeast of the republic - radish. in the north there are pistils, shoots of horsetail and tallow. further on is the volga region and there are their own dumplings. everyone knows the manti in tatarstan; their shape is not simple, so hot water is used to make the dough elastic and strong. tatar manti differ from classic ones in that they are prepared on halal lamb meat. with potatoes, to make it more satisfying, from the same ingredients kiyao pilmene, by the size of which it is customary to evaluate girls of marriageable age, 15 pieces can definitely be married, you will have to learn less. i can fit two or three dumplings on my spoon; there is a similar tradition in the south
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of russia in dagestan: mothers-in-law check whether their daughters-in-law are deft at making kurze, dumplings with a complex pinch in the form of a pigtail, with a special filling - meat plus whey. there is also cottage cheese with eggs and greens inside. cheese and even pumpkin. anastasia kremeshnaya, nazir nagumanov. first channel. we began to buy cars on credit more often. last year, banks issued car loans worth rub 1.320 million. and twice as high as a year earlier. and according to experts, the trend will continue. but inquisitive buyers have a question: maybe? is a consumer loan more profitable than a car loan, and how do these loans generally differ? which is easier to get, of course, a car loan, the car is pledged, the bank does not risk anything, if due to some
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life circumstances you cannot repay the loan, the bank is just with you picks up the car, with a consumer loan the bank has no guarantees, there is no collateral, so unfortunately, clients are increasingly being refused. you will need a 2ndfl certificate and often a copy of your electronic work report. the bank, of course, will look at your credit history, but how respectable a borrower are you if a person has a loan, but they can give him a loan at all? you don’t need to confirm income for a car loan, one is 0, but the down payment for a car loan is usually 1:1, where our percentage will be better, more profitable in car loan or consumer loans, car loans have more favorable interest rates than... a consumer loan, you need, say, a million, a car loan rate is 12%, a consumer loan is 10 higher, the monthly payment is 33 versus 38, the overpayment for a car loan is almost 2000 less, 2.1 plus , the maximum term is 8 years, with a consumer loan
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3-5 years, a maximum of 3: 1 there is an immediate big minus: a car loan is compulsory insurance, we are also loaded with a hard hat and life insurance, and if you have a consumer loan then... yes, accordingly, this is your voluntary desire, and you won’t be able to dispose of the car as you wish with a car loan. changing any details, all actions that you register with the traffic police, you must coordinate with the bank. for how many people are driving the vehicle. with a consumer loan , you can improve your car and even sell it 3:3. but a car loan often means discounts on cars from domestic and chinese brands and a state support program - minus 20% for teachers, doctors, people with disabilities for domestic car worth up to 2 million. 4:3 in favor of a car loan. and finally, how much money can you take? if you lack just a little, a consumer loan will do. you need the entire cost of the car,
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you can’t do it without a car loan. a consumer loan is mainly limited to such amounts as 500, million, 1.5 million. with a car loan, banks are ready to give as much money as the client needs. 5:3. car loan - the amount is larger, it is easier to approve, the interest rate is lower, but you must have a helmet and a car as collateral with the bank. a consumer loan is suitable in cases where you have already saved up most of the amount. the title remains with you and you can dispose of the car. it seems that at some point we were all divided into drivers and pedestrians, everything would be fine, but there is no mutual understanding between these categories of people on the road, and this sometimes leads to very dramatic consequences. our auto expert denis sharovar tried on two roles at once: driver and pedestrian. hello everyone, my name is denis sharovar and today you
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will learn about the most dangerous place on the road, and no, this is not a highway, not tunnels, not even bridges, you will be surprised, this is a pedestrian crossing, here it is, yes, yes, up to 500 people across the country are knocked down on them every year, and most often, it’s all due to banal inattention, and how drivers, and... pedestrians themselves, here is the most common example, i’ll spend a little time with pedestrians myself, this car lets me through, this one doesn’t, although it should really, what conclusion do we draw from this, a pedestrian should not completely rely on magic zebras, you need to make sure that they let you through only after this crossing the road, another case, a pedestrian crossing with a traffic light, but even here it is not a guarantee of safety, it is not a fact that the red light was noticed by some dashing person. you can’t walk with your eyes downcast or with your head buried in your phone,
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a banal rule, look left, look right, walk freely, feel free, like this, you can’t do this, you can’t run across pedestrian crossings, i’ll explain why, the driver’s reaction time to the appearance of a pedestrian is 0.6 seconds , by the way, this is an official data, it is used in court during analysis similar cases, and if a person is running, then this time is reduced to 0.3, so you understand, again a pedestrian crossing with a traffic light: the person stepped onto the ground when his green light was still blinking, so he completes the maneuver at his red light, and i’m already green, here i need to not only give the pedestrian the opportunity to complete the crossing, but i also can’t urge him on, for example, with a horn signal, although i really want to, and, by the way, in such a situation they can pay for the signal... but what to do , if the pedestrian is standing in front of the crossing,
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looks at his phone and doesn’t go anywhere, should i let him pass or not, but in this case, when a pedestrian is standing and not going anywhere, there is no need to let him pass, but just in case i’ll slow down anyway, i’ll understand that he won’t go anywhere only later i’ll go, because if he suddenly changes his mind , i’ll be responsible for what might happen, it’s not an applied rule, overtaking at the crossing is prohibited, as well as getting ahead if... you see that in the next lane someone has slowed down in front of a zebra crossing, you are obliged to reduce speed in the same way, right down to to the stop, and all this is necessary for safety, suddenly the pedestrian is already at the crossing, and you don’t see him yet, you must agree, the requirement is reasonable and very, very simple. we were all taught in childhood that taking someone else's property is not good, when we grew up, we learned that this is still punishable from the point of view of the law, even if... someone else lost it or forgot it somewhere? have you ever
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found someone else's money on the street? the first thought is that since the owner is not around, keep them for yourself. by the way, there are many such stories on the internet. here you go, one got into the field vision of cctv cameras. the man drops the envelope, which, as it later turned out, contained 780 thousand rubles. and then a car stops nearby. her driver witnesses the loss and decides to pocket the money. according to the criminal code, this is a find in quotes. with theft, a criminal case was opened against the man. here is another example: a girl drops her wallet while going down the escalator and is immediately picked up by the man following her. it is unknown how this story ended, but in any case you need to know, appropriation
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found items threatens with a criminal case under the article of theft, so be happy. there is no point in finding anything, let's take off the wallet, pick it up with the phone camera on, open it, show what's inside, if necessary, this video will help you prove that you didn't embezzle anything. next , you need to go to the nearest police station, submit a statement, describing in detail the item and the circumstances under which you found it. an application is required. register and get a copy, and if you don't want to do this, just don’t lift other people’s things, like this, act correctly, and you won’t have problems with the law, you have hypertension, your joints hurt, what pain pills do you need, because most pain pills will
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only increase your blood pressure and ruin your life, in this and many other serious things. the program to live healthy has sorted out the issues in detail, today on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. the closing ceremony of the continental hockey league season took place in the moscow region. laureates. my colleague, a sports journalist from channel one, has all the details. bass. game music. this was the main topic at the closing ceremony of the sixteenth season of the continental hockey league. after all , in order to be at the top, each player must perfectly perform his part, like a musician in a symphony orchestra. and the conductor, that is, the head coach, must be able to competently manage his hockey players and be
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an excellent psychologist. the championship was a success, it was unpredictable, there were a lot of interesting exciting. games moments, that's why everyone with the end of the season. the best in his field this year was, of course, andrei razin, the mentor of the magnitogorsk metallurgist, winner of the gagarin cup. family played an important role in this success. of course, the children and i watched and worried, so we’re glad that we finally took the cup. if there is a beloved woman, if there is a family, then there is always something to strive for and something to strive for. the performance of metaluga goalkeeper ilya nabokov, who spent the last season in the khl, is excellent. became a debut and was awarded the prize for best newcomer. the most valuable player of the gagarin cup also mentioned his family from the stage, thanking his parents from the bottom of his heart. the emotions are just very cool, i was expected, i personally didn’t expect
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it to turn out this way, i’m very happy about it, one season, then the next, so i need to prove everything again. this year. which we have been moving for these 2 years in order to reach the edge and we will move in the direction, in our goal. our vertical works, school, mhl, vhl, khl, they get into the khl, they are already ready for adult hockey, they show such results. the growing love of the audience every year is the main prize of the past season . with such incredible support, victories become more memorable, and records are larger; the next season, we are sure, will be even brighter. good morning to everyone who wakes up with channel one. on the calendar, may 15, wednesday, in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova. and right in the morning
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, early, an important question, one might say, from the category of eternal ones. to pamper a child or not. parents, mom and dad, and grandparents have this to say. very different opinions on social networks and there are heated debates in parental chats, but we won’t argue with you, we’ll just ask those who shouldn’t be pampered, or should they be pampered, whether to pamper or not to pamper sophie, grandma buys everything, sticks to the phone and allows it, mom is against it. grandma says: make a video, you will be popular. egor's dad gets sick, if mom forbids him, he drinks cola, dad never refuses. a week nothing terrible, nothing will happen, one parent is on guard of health, the other is thinking about pleasure and a better balance if completely something prohibit, this forbidden fruit may become a temptation in the future, but there is a second fear on... many parents, if you pamper, the child will become an arrogant consumer, and did you ask their opinion? well, every day, well , you can’t pamper, maybe this
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will somehow affect the worse in the future, in which direction, will the child depend on the parents, and you want to depend on or completely, no, why, but in the family there are always those those who are ready to love and give away, and those who forbid everything, we will arrange an impromptu court, judges and children, defense psychologist, the first one is egor’s mother,
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some kind of linden, in this case, yes. the mother thinks about the safety and future of the child. grandmother, about how it would be good here now, although psychologists long ago revealed the motive of all grandmothers. only the grandmother herself has any benefit, she is happy inside, this is her resource to live on, try further, yes, see what you can choose for your grandson, that is, in fact , this is an internal resource that allows the grandmother to remain more cheerful and afloat in this life, wants to be needed and good for... grandchildren, like grandfathers, uncles, aunts who, against the backdrop of the prohibitions of one of the parents, are trying to seem good, so the verdict, well, they try, spoil the grandmother,
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the grandmother, that’s all, the bottom line is that you can and even need to spoil, only by agreeing with each other, and don’t be afraid that the child will grow up spoiled and arrogant , if there is no such example in the family, he will have no one to learn this from, because children are always a reflection of the family. sergey abramov, centurion, anastasia, channel one. there is a real baby boom in zoos and nature parks across the country; in some places they even opened nurseries. kids they are fed hourly, exclusively healthy baby food, hay, greens, carrots, and of course, milk. let's admire them and say good morning to them. the inspector of the natural park in the yakut city of mirny, alexander mikhailov, has an unusual pet. a little yak settled in his hut.
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in the playpen, in their free time the kids play with the shoelaces of their foster mothers and get to know the guests with curiosity. we
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will give them to the common flock with our relatives, with our mothers. but in the zoo of the village of listvyanka, irkutsk region no replenishment was expected. three puppies were dropped off at the gates of the zoo. now they are under collective guardianship. they are fed by their young mother, the goat frosya. the puppies suck her milk with appetite. during feeding, frossie lies calmly, as if he is afraid of harming the babies with a careless movement. well-fed and satisfied babies are handed over to their new mother for the sake of malomutu. she carries them to the booth herself. he takes pleasure in licking and warming his fosterlings. when we brought the puppies into the zoo territory, our little one started to behave very strangely, that is, it ran around enclosure, and thus we realized that her maternal instincts and puppies began to awaken. just tiny little ones, they just opened their eyes the other day; when they grow up, the zoo staff will find loving families for them. natalya kravchenko, elena savina,
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channel one. on the first channel continues. a new job and a new employee await her, and how alexandra ivanovna will work with him, or rather with her, is a mystery, after all, she is used to working exclusively in a male team. watch today immediately after the program time. get up, come on. mom, please, can we just have a minute, we're speeding up like never before. yes, we slept through everything. morning and cheeks again head over heels, the child is in the garden at the scene of the crime, no exercises, no packing. alexandra ivanovna, may i? oh sorry. what is the secret of her success? colonel kushnir understands people, even tries to understand criminals. you came to gelendzhik to find your wife, regina. is he cheating on you? yes. each criminal has his own truth, which alexandra tries to understand,
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comprehend, as it were, what prompted a person to do this. lieutenant markov ilya, forensic expert , feel notes of musk, musk, senior morozov, in the bloodhound team, a new employee, a woman, but kushnir is already accustomed to male company, how do you like the new forensic expert? seems smart, well, i see, the opera has recorded the most prominent one, well, of course, you’ll set it up exclusively in a working way, set it up with alexander ivanovna, everything will go like clockwork,
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alexander, alexander, what? operative ilya markov is also new to the kushnir department, but is already fascinated by her. you look great and this the hoop suits you. what hoop? well, hoop, oh, different men meet on her way, so they somehow all hit on her, apparently, she has this thirst for work, when a person is generally so whole, in fact, this attracts men, they... for criminals, how to arrange their personal lives, will the bloodhound find a solution, so friends, i beg
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you, do not languish about who our victim is, a continuation of the detective story. well, now i give the floor to my colleagues from the information service of channel one. let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. vladimir putin held his first meeting with the renewed government in the kremlin late last night. the president outlined in detail the goals of the task that the governor faces in the coming years. the head of state also emphasized the need to soon determine financial support for plans and mechanisms to support russian families,
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citizens and businesses, and called on ministers to closely cooperate with state duma deputies. they will use all their best skills, all their developments in the regions of the russian federation in order to solve the problems facing them at the federal government level with maximum effect. we have many tasks, and you and i have worked out almost everything that we need to do in the next 3 years, but not
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only that, we also agreed that we will build our work, our styles. and i ask you not to forget about this either; in a short time, you need to make the necessary personnel decisions at the level of the ministry and department so that the team is complete. formed would work confidently and effectively. dear mirovich, dear colleagues, well , first of all, i want to thank you for your support. the main task for our government is to implement, first of all, the decree on national goals, the new decree and, of course, all the tasks that you set in your message to the federal assembly. vladinovich, the government of the russian federation is your team, and we are ready to begin solving all the assigned tasks. together with the deputies. as for those who left their places in the government, today the president will hold a meeting with them to agree on where and how they could apply their knowledge and skills. vladimir putin thanked everyone who worked in the previous cabinet of ministers; they will be
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awarded state awards. and tomorrow, may 16 , vladimir putin’s two-day state visit to china begins; this will be the first foreign trip of the russian president after officially taking office . on the eve of vladimir putin gave a long interview to the xinhua news agency. china's position on a political settlement of the ukrainian crisis, published in february
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2023. the ideas and proposals recorded in the document indicate the sincere desire of our chinese friends to help stabilize the situation. unfortunately, these initiatives do not find support either in ukraine or its western patrons. they are not ready for an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests, they do not want to discuss the root causes and origins of the current crisis on the planet, one one of the dramatic manifestations of which was the situation around ukraine, why? because it was their policies in previous years and decades that led to the current global turmoil. in addition to the news of the special operation, russian su-25 aircraft and groupings of troops of the center destroyed equipment. after completing the mission, the ukrainian armed forces released heat traps and returned to the airfield. and this is the work of the hurricane calculations. they hit enemy strongholds on the right bank of the dnieper, khevson region. fortifications, buildings and equipment were destroyed with great precision
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ukrainian militants. evasion from mobilization in ukraine has reached record proportions, russia’s post-president announced this to the un security council. vasily nebenze reported that from may 18, all ukrainian men of military age will actually become. simply not, especially when they receive news about how life is improving in the territory liberated from the kiev regime, where former ukrainian citizens finally gain their violated rights, including the right to speak their native language,
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russian. in the tyumen region, where due to a state of emergency is in effect due to the flood, the level of the irtysh has increased. in the vagai region, water increased by 19 cm in one day. the river level there is already over 12 m. such a flood has not happened since 2016 . itabul arrives. in the village of ievlevo , yarkovsky district, the river rose by 10 cm; in the omsk region , the only road to the regional center of ust and shim, where about 5.00 people live, is being saved from flooding ; earthen embankments are being erected there, but the situation is complicated by heavy rains. today is may 15th, and according to ancient superstitions, nightingales begin to sing on this day, so in the evening we we have an opportunity with you. check, listen, well, the astrologers’ forecast is already ready, and let’s listen to it right in the morning. may 15, the turning point of the seventh and eighth lunar days,
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the twenty-seventh day of the sun, good-natured and honest, straightforward, sometimes even too straightforward, besides, he does not always know how to hide his emotions, and does not try very hard, here he needs to be controlled, but he has full of energy, head works great, artistic. and in general he is a creative person, an excellent assistant to everyone who dreams of showing their talents and loudly express yourself, and if you need to win someone over or impress someone, this is your day. the other side of this coin is that he likes to show off and put on airs, sometimes he behaves self-confidently, on such days we have a lot of treacly behavior, all sorts of schemers take advantage of this. aries, keep this in mind, don’t let them bother you and don’t rush, you’re not late for anything, it’s easy to make mistakes in a hurry. otherwise, the day is great, when even ordinary routine activities bring pleasure. feel free for the evening make an appointment. a very busy day for taurus, when they need a lot of everything. keep it
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under control, don’t miss anything or mix it up, but you can redo a bunch of things and make good money, and the evening is clearly preparing something entertaining for you, some profit is shining for the twins, perhaps you will be repaid the debt or some delayed money will arrive, this is still the day will help you settle something or make peace with someone, and be careful with sharp instruments. cancers are just having a good day, when everything goes well at work and at home, it will be an opportunity to put something in order, to clean up some things... yes, we’ll tell you, it’s not a bad day to visit a hairdresser or cosmetologist. leos will be great at negotiations, interviews and other business meetings. you can try to get a new job, although the stars do not advise rushing into this. it looks like there are some positive changes planned at my current job, less sports with my family. and the girls are having a good day, just a little uneven, when everything starts with little things and can end in an unpleasant showdown. in general, don't get started all will be. well, the evening
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will please you completely. a romantic day for libra. the stars give transparent hints to libra men. today is a great time to propose marriage. well, the ladies will probably hear a lot of compliments. just be careful while driving. scorpios have to figure out something, get to the truth, and solve some problem. the stars would like to remind you that the answer that lies on the surface is not always the most correct, and take care of your wallet and documents. sagittarius. a very creative day when success brings non-standard solutions, just don’t overdo it, no one has canceled proven methods either, about a personal single sagittarius this evening you have a chance. the stars advise capricorns to be careful in making new acquaintances. there are dark personalities looming on your horizon, the kind of people who like to cast fog and intrigue under its veil. after lunch , some unexpected news may come. don’t rush to believe them right away, double-check. aquarius you.
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you may have to achieve something from some pompous stubborn people who consider themselves smarter than everyone else. the luminaries say calmness, only calmness and don’t forget about your natural frenzy, and be careful, there is a risk of losing or forgetting something. pisces, the stars are strongly advised to call old friends, or even better , to see them, perhaps some of them need help or are simply lonely, and this day can also test whether you know how to forgive. good luck to you. may you can celebrate lakomaniac day, the holiday is of course not official, but karina mokaryana decided to devote a whole study to this topic, the history of the appearance of varnish modern production, this is such a serious approach. what does this bottle's machine have in common? at the beginning of the last century, chemists took car paint as a basis, slightly changed the formula and got it.
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either cellulose derivatives are used as polymers, or tazilamide -formaldehyde resin is used through the skin or through the nail; they are not absorbed into the human body and also do not pose any danger. the task of the polymer is to adhere the varnish to the nail plate. another is responsible for durability and strength component - plasticizer, by the way, the most harmful of the chemical compounds in varnish. the plasticizer is used in very small quantities. from half a percent to
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2%, well, in addition, deputil vtolat, say, it is used in mosquito sprays, in this case there is a much greater danger of receiving a dose of this substance through the lungs in the form of an aerosol than through the nail. the varnish is ready, all that remains is to add the pigment, the color depends on it, how many of them there are in the palette, and only 168 shades of pink. most varnishes have this composition, but they are found without these chemical elements, with markings. which is attached to the nail plate, and the more environmentally friendly the composition is, the worse it adheres to the nail plate, here it is important to maintain a happy medium. in order for the varnish to stick well, before applying the nail it is necessary to degrease it with a liquid without acetone, it dries and spoils the nail plate, be careful with the cuticle.
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any intense impact on the cuticle, whether we cut it off or apply a compound under the cuticle, can lead to inflammation and damage. nail growth zones, the varnish dries for about 10 minutes, completely adheres to the nail plate for an hour, advice for the summer: apply cream with spf to your nails, it will protect against ultraviolet rays that destroy polymers, the polish will last a little longer. karina makaryan, konstantin struchkov, vasily yurov, channel one. large-scale road work is underway throughout russia to make driving comfortable and safe. new bridges are being built, highways are being laid. the sidewalks are being updated, the plans for this year are grandiose, we can safely say that we are building roads to the future. lyubimovka village, sevastopol, the shortest way to school or the city center is along the bridge over the belbek river, otherwise there is a 5 km detour, that is, it
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is of great importance, not 5, but 10, well, even 10, yes, since january the repairs on the bridge have not been completely blocked, they have started a reverse the locals have been waiting for movement and repairs for a long time. holes in the railings, adults, children go to school, holes in the sidewalks, pedestrians will be more comfortable on the updated sidewalks, the pedestrian passage has been increased, it was a meter, now it’s 20 meters, new fences will also be installed on the pedestrian area, the bridge is already 80% ready, must be submitted to in june, guides for the underlay layer are now being installed and the bridge is being puttyed in the same way. everything is according to the national project, safe and high-quality roads, in sevastopol this year there are plans to repair about 56 km of roads, work has been done on safronova street since april. the road is 875 m in
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the private sector, before this it was a primer, now there will be a hard surface made of two layers of special asphalt concrete. samara region highway. kinel bogatoye borskoe, a 36 km long section has been under repair since last year. load of 9.00 cars per day. here there are also school routes. a third of the students at the pechidensky school are transported by bus from neighboring villages. the road was in poor condition. there was a big rut. in winter, when the snow periodically melted, a layer of snow appeared. we had to cancel the transportation of schoolchildren to classes from. because it was unsafe, all work on the road should be completed in october; twelve stopping pavilions are planned. external lighting complex with t-7 traffic lights, designed for pedestrian safety.
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penza is a new interchange on the m5 highway, will connect the microdistricts of zarya and dalnee arbekova directly for pedestrians , an overpass with lifts for people with limited mobility has been built, 95% of the facility is built. ready, from mid-may we will begin work on landscaping, slopes, right-of-way, we will begin landscaping and we will begin installing road markings. the new road construction season has started across the country; in total, this year , according to the national project, safe, high-quality roads will be repaired and more than 5,00 road projects will be built, with a length of about 15,000 km. evgeny plekov, channel one.
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russia is the enemy, we confront the enemy to prevent his advance. gentlemen, you and i will not fight with machine guns in the trenches, so we are starting training on the use of tactical nuclear weapons. david cameron, darling. liar. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. konya. monte chococa a product of the stellar group rom castro a product
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of the stellar group, veta vodka, a product of the stellar group, oldbar cognac, a product of the stellar group. three chords, new season, on sunday, on the first. two eternal questions: where do they go? money and where does it come from? dust, well , we’ll talk about money a little later, about dust right now, where it comes from, what lies behind this short word dust, how much of it is in the air, and most importantly, how to deal with it, not only maria nikolaev, all year round, the dust level in the city is monitored using stations of automatic monitoring systems; now our concentration is at the level of 20 micrograms. 15 times below the permissible standard. on the day of shooting after heavy rain with indicators we
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lucky, but on dry and windy days, the concentration of dust in the air can reach maximum values. this is due specifically to weather conditions. dust is observed from under the spreading surface. there are also processes such as long-distance atmospheric transport, when suspended particles come along with the air mass from, say, southern regions, yes, where already... our body is created in such a way as to protect itself from environmental factors , if there is a problem with respiratory ways, for example. lung diseases, allergic, bronchial asthma, the flow of mucus slows down, and what gets on this mucus
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can stagnate and cause exacerbation, on windy days doctors recommend masks and rinsing with sms after walks, but in the spring , due to low air humidity, a dust cloud rises up and enters apartments and with the windows closed, even high-quality new double-glazed windows do not guarantee one hundred percent tightness, it’s like this... dust has accumulated on the window. and even if cleaning is regular, there is always dust. up to 50 kg accumulates in an apartment per year. if if we look at house dust under a microscope, we will always find house mites there. it has been proven that the more a person comes into contact with this very dust, the more likely he is to develop these diseases, i mean bronchial asthma and allergic diseases in general. the main polycollector is, of course, textiles. ideally , replace blankets and carpets. for short-pile options, wash and vacuum them more often during this period, especially if
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there are children and animals at home. breakdown and banal advice, daily wet cleaning is real work, for better effect wash surfaces with antistatic agent. well, it’s time to check the supply and exhaust ventilation, have you looked there lately? this is one of the indicators that allows us to say how clean our indoor air is? few people know, but it is better to clean it at least twice a year, but more often if there is a road or construction site nearby. another option is an air humidifier, which works on the principle of rain and removes dust. maria nikolaeva, denis panmarev, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one. who said that in the krasnodar region there is no bananas, mangoes and apples grow just like they grow for a real gardener, nothing is impossible. the heroes of our next report were able to tame the most. different, exotic plants for our climate, they, as they say, bloom, smell, this
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papaya has been taking root for me for a long time, there are already roots, it needs to be cut down and planted. lyudmila arkadyevna retired and thought about what to do and decided to plant a tropical garden. my passion resulted in the fact that i have 16 varieties of bananas, 14 of which bear fruit. bananas are very tasty, good and 46 varieties of papaya, there are jackfruits that bear fruit, mango bears fruit for me, my husband and children, lyudmila arkadyevna’s grandchildren now eat only homemade fruits, there will be approximately 350-400 bananas here, what is exotic for others is for this families are commonplace, in lyudmila’s greenhouses pineapples, pitahaya, star fruit and even coffee beans ripen, but...
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irina podchelimova also believes that exotic plants should not be treated too much. she grew 10 magnolia bushes on her plot near kursk. i'll put him in jail, he'll survive, that means he's a tenant, and if he doesn't survive without shelter, which means there’s no need to start one, that is, that’s just my policy. urina magnolias grow like in sochi, blooming in the second or third year after planting. both the garden and the love for exotic plants were passed on to irina by her grandfather. was a famous amateur gardener and even developed a unique variety of kurt lemon. irina accepted the main rule of friendship with exotic plants. it’s just that if you want to buy it and plant it as a tribute to fashion, you don’t have to buy it like that and don’t, don’t waste money, just buy it and love it right away, here it is right away they will repay you with this, literally, directly,
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they will repay you, because they, they are beautiful. alexander was also driven by a love of nature when he was 6 years old. it often happens like this: the illness has passed, the person is formally healthy, discharged from sick leave and
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even goes to work, the cough remains, and such a residual cough can last for a long time until... he suggests hitting the cough with birch brooms and honey and mustard. mustard in the bath is an irreplaceable thing, especially if you need to drive away the remnants of a cold and cough. pour a teaspoon of dry matter into half a liter hot water, pour into a basin with steamed birch brooms, sprinkle the heater with the solution. and breathe in the warming mustard steam, to enhance the effect we lower our legs into the basin, steam our feet, during the second pass we steam the whole body with brooms, and then take them
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like ski poles, well and apply them to the lower back, on the sides on both sides, move stroking movements towards each other. in this way we work the back along the spine, warm up the lungs and drive away any remaining inflammation. next up the following procedure: mix mustard powder and honey in equal parts, sit on the lower shelf, away from the heater, apply the mixture to the upper back. on the sides, if there is inflammation on the skin, we go around these areas, rest for 10 minutes, the product will increase sweating and drive out the remaining infection, so
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we will not give the cold any chance, with a light steam, it seems, we all at some point divided into drivers and pedestrians, everything would be fine, but there is no mutual understanding between these categories of people on the road, and this is sometimes leads to very dramatic consequences. our auto expert denis sherovar tried on two roles at once: driver and pedestrian. hello everyone, my name is denis sharovar, today you will learn about the most dangerous place. on the road, and no, this is not a highway, not tunnels, not even bridges, you will be surprised, this is a pedestrian crossing, here it is, yes, yes, up to 5,000 people across the country are hit by them every year, and most often, it’s all to blame banal inattention, both from drivers and
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pedestrians themselves, here is the most common example, i myself will be a pedestrian for a little while. this the car lets me through, this one doesn’t, although it really should have, what conclusion do we draw from this, the pedestrian should not completely rely on the magic of the zebra, you need to make sure that you... are let down only after that cross the road, another case, a pedestrian crossing with a traffic light, but even here it is not a guarantee of safety, it is not a fact that the red light was noticed by some reckless driver, you cannot walk with your eyes downcast or with your head buried in your phone, a banal rule, look left, look right, freely, feel free to walk, like this, like this you can’t do that, you can’t run across pedestrian crossings, i’ll explain why, the driver’s reaction time to the appearance of a pedestrian but... 6 seconds, by the way, this is an official data, but they are not used in court when examining such cases, and if a person is running, then this time is reduced to 0.3, so that you understand
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how much it takes to blink once, now let’s take a look from the other side of the car, again a pedestrian crossing with a traffic light, a man entered zevra when his green light was still blinking, so he completes the maneuver at his red light, and mine is already green, here i need not only to give the opportunity pedestrian to finish the crossing, but i also can’t urge him on, for example, with a horn signal, although i really want to, and, by the way, in such a situation they can be fined for signaling, but what to do if the pedestrian is standing in front of the crossing, looking at his phone and going nowhere? doesn’t go, should i let him pass or not, well, in this case, when the pedestrian is standing and not going anywhere, there is no need to let him pass, but just in case , i’ll slow down anyway, i’ll understand that he won’t go anywhere only... then i’ll go, because if he suddenly changes his mind, he will be responsible for what maybe it will be me. an immutable rule is that overtaking at a crossing is prohibited, as well as
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getting ahead. if you see that in the next lane someone has slowed down in front of a zebra crossing, you are obliged to reduce your speed in the same way, even to a stop. and all this is necessary for safety, in case the pedestrian is already at the crossing, and you don’t see him yet. agree, the requirement is reasonable and very, very simple. well, now i give the floor to my colleagues from the information service of channel one. let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news. this is the news on first studio maria vasilyeva. hello. vladimir putin gathered an approved meeting in the kremlin late the night before. composition of the government, the president congratulated the meeting participants, outlined in detail the goals of the task facing the cabinet for the next 3 years, as well as long-term prospects. the head of state noted that six
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new ministers have appeared, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, where they acquired additional experience and knowledge, which will allow them to work as efficiently as possible at the federal level. successfully. you've been through procedure for approval of the state duma in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that during these discussions with parliament, with members of the state duma, they probably didn’t just discuss candidates, they probably talked about the state of industries, about what and how, from the point of view of state duma deputies, needs to be done in order to implement all the plans we have, i ask you to take this seriously, and from what we have outlined and from how... we have planned to do it, take into account in practical work and proposals of state duma deputies. we have many tasks ahead, it is important for the long-term, sustainable,
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confident development of our country to act together, in a single formation, as they say, in military terms, together with state duma deputies, together with the regions of the russian federation. first of all, i want to thank you for your support, all the candidates for deputy prime ministers and...
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the president noted the unprecedentedly high level of strategic partnership between our countries, modern russian-chinese ties are independent of ideology of the political situation, trade and cooperation in the energy sector are developing, initiatives are being implemented in the investment and production spheres, with the active participation of russia and the prc , multilateral
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associations independent from the west have been successfully created, based on... the principles of justice, respect for mutual consideration of interests . convincing examples of such mutually beneficial cooperation are the shanghai cooperation organization and brix, which are firmly established as key pillars the emerging multipolar world order. they have become authoritative, dynamically developing international platforms, within which their participants build constructive interaction in politics, security, economics, and also in the humanitarian sphere. this is evidenced by the ever-increasing number. the interest of other states in the activities of these associations, the growth in the number of their participants. our countries have similar or coinciding positions on key issues on the international agenda. we stand for the supremacy of international law, for equal, indivisible, comprehensive sustainable security, both at the global and regional levels, with the central coordinating role of the un, and we reject the west’s attempts to impose an order based on lies and hypocrisy, but who knows who invented the mythical rules. united states.
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increase tariffs on goods from china, this will affect imports worth $18 billion, including steel, aluminum, minerals, semiconductors, electric vehicles, us president joe biden called all this fair competition in his speech before representatives of american industry, elections will be held in the united states in november, those states where the largest industries are located are called undecided, the owner of the white house is fighting for their votes. beijing, in turn , announced that it would not leave america’s actions unanswered and accused biden of breaking his promises. does not hold back china's development. now, on the topic of special operations in the donetsk direction, the southern group of troops is successfully working; the crews of attack ftv drones hit firing points, shelter dugouts with enemy personnel, our rszzo-grad hit a stronghold and a concentration of enemy infantry, fired fragmentation rockets from a distance of more than 12 km, the artillerymen were helped by unmanned aerial vehicle operators who carried out reconnaissance and
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adjusted fire. the popular front supports russian inventors, those who are currently developing drones for the front line, a project called the kulibin club is doing everything to ensure that innovative technologies go into production as quickly as possible. now the next batch of 500 drones with covares is ready for shipment, small copters fly at a distance of up to 20 km, lift weight up to 3.5 kg, borisov, as well as young mark edelstein. the maestro, who turned 85 in april, will show his new one in caen.
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caught by the tide and iranian ali abassi with the film the apprentice about the business rise of donald trump. a new film by kirill serebrennikov will also be shown in the main competition. co-production of italy, france and spain limonov. and also in the main competition is a melodrama by independent american director sean. well, bye kansky the festival is just getting going, a festival is in full swing in st. petersburg, an open festival of russian cinema. vivat cinema of russia. there are eight films in competition, including a large-scale war film. teachers and others. the competition jury is headed by theater director grigory kozlov. special film screening programs are dedicated to our great actors and directors. meanwhile, one of the main industrial media, the american deadline , named the worst failures of 2023, although one can say the best failures or the loudest failures. fifth place comedy horror, haunted mansion,
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$117 million in damages. not scary and not funny, you are not scary, not a little bit, the fourth position among the most deafening failures of hollywood was taken again by disney again with animation , a cherished wish, it did not come true, but it cost 131 million dollars. yesterday i wished on a star? honorable third place, indiana jones, wheel of fate, disney again, losses of the fifth part of the franchise - $143 million, old harrison ford let us down, don't come close, in second place for... $7 million, failure of failures, so it seems they will now call disney ceo bob iger. with this, dear friends, today i say goodbye to you, until friday, see you on friday morning in the “this movie” section on channel one. good morning, when
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lifting weights while standing, the load on the spine is enormous, i know how to reduce it, let’s do the exercise that... suitable even for beginners with weak back muscles, take a dumbbell in your left hand, a half-liter bottle of water will also do, bend over and lean on a bench or stable chair with your right hand. please note that we do not round the back, we save natural deflection towards the lower back, feet parallel to each other, slightly bend the knees for convenience, pull the projectile to the chest, move the elbow up behind the back, hold in this position for a second, return. to the starting position.
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now we take the dumbbell in our right hand and continue to exercise. when the movement seems easy, select a projectile that is a little heavier. the exercise will help relieve the lower back, as well as the hips, and at the same time shift the emphasis to the latissimus dorsi muscles, and you will also strengthen your shoulders and arms. the movement is not dangerous, so even for beginners. let's continue. good morning to everyone who is welcoming a new spring day. along with the first channel. in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova, on the calendar may 15 is wednesday. the all-russian wedding festival started at the international exhibition at the russia forum. about 200
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couples from all over the country plan to get married there. an exhibition of wedding dresses also opened at the forum russia exhibition. fashion brands in russia the evolution of russian style. it became a kind of continuation of the documentary project of the first. wedding with with our national flavor at the russian exhibition, in pavilion 75 you can now easily see traditional wedding suits, kokoshniks, brocade dresses, caftans and partupeis, but all of them in a new way. these armbands are handmade, hypertrophied, and so they are translated into 3d volume. a real wedding guide, old russian past. in our project we
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create traditional wedding fashion through the prism of modern trends, and here you can see how you can approach your traditional suit differently. and that's not only about clothes, of course, and about weddings. there are also modern models from russian designers, lace, rhinestones, embroidery, a lot of handmade work, everything for a wedding, absolutely everything, because there are trends for national awards, dagestan, chechen, unique images, we allow brides to be anything, we have there are fluffy
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dresses, there are more traditional dresses, not only choose an outfit and immediately go down the aisle, this exposition opened as part of a wedding festival, on the first day more than 150 couples got married at the same time. many couples came in their... national costumes, and it's just magical. we also hope that we will create a fashion for beautiful national costumes, because strength in russia is strength in diversity, we are so different, but we are together. there is still plenty of time to get inspired; the exhibition of wedding dresses will last until july 8. yulia anishchenko, kirill loginov, channel one. my colleagues in the mobile studio, svetlana zeynalova and nikita pimenov, talked. with the lead actress anna banshchikova in the serial detective story elshhika. let's let's see this meeting. and our guest is
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the leading actress anna banchikova. anna, good morning, thank you for joining us, good morning, good morning, listen, seven seasons, ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, this is a super success that all artists dream of, the entire tv channel is always, well, by the way, everyone the season collects very high numbers, what is the secret of success, well, the fact that the heroine is recognizable, the fact that she charges with optimism, and the worse she is, the more positive, more energetic she is, on the contrary, she gets ready, yes, she goes through life laughing. all sorts of investigations become more unusual, more complex, she overcomes some ups and downs in her life even more, when i look at you, it seems to me that i’m running there, i don’t know, but here we are, how can we say, in recognition, this is also a big deal , yes, when women recognize themselves in our heroine, we, as a creative producer, generally work on this, because there is a lot of humor, because there is a lot of beauty, we have incredible nature, mountains, sea. gelinzhik, i say, gilenzhik, so now
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the weather is like this, now it’s just getting better, summer ahead, so look how it is, when it’s summer, when, when the sea, everyone will look at the sea now, they’ll want to go to the sea again , you already want to, you’re saying now, we have shots from the film there, i already want to, gelinzhi is a city of contrasts, so you have your favorite place there, oh, you know, we are still filming the eighth season and there is no place where you don’t come to gelendzhak, i think, my god, it’s so beautiful, really. a spoiler just sounded, did you hear there will be an eighth season, yes, there will be an eighth season, everything is great, well, i’ve been to gelendzhik twice and i can say that this is one of the most beautiful places in general in our country, no, the embankment is the largest embankment in europe, we will now lure everyone to gilendzhik, there will be no place there at all, it’s not good, it that means i went, worked, worked, took up my favorite job, and then boom and swim in the sea, i generally love the sea very much, but the sea saves me, and even if i plunge into the sea in the evening after a hard day. i hit the nail on the head, because i can live in gelendzhuk,
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i just don’t need anything, no money, no me everywhere they’ll feed me, give me something to drink, they’ll leave me in every house, and i can just live there, without having to work, a new season, of course, and new plot twists, new characters, who was in the dream, come on, who joined, who joined the cast, with whom are you working now? we have a huge number of wonderful actors, loved by everyone, i won’t reveal them all now, watch, get to know them, be glad that we have them with us, and all the old heroes, beloved ones, whom the audience is waiting for, the whole team of alexandra ivanovna is assembled, here she is let's start, cool a duet with your boss, with the boss, yes, a cool duet, a cool duet with maxim lagashkin, who is the boss, and how they, how they interact with each other, how they are there, it’s not just a duet, it’s a love triangle, that’s what you’re talking about everyone would like it too. i would also like to go to the sea in gelendzhak love three, that everyone is fighting for your
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heart, who do you like best, i won’t say, i won’t say, light, look, tonight, you’ll understand everything, in the most interesting place we ’ll break, we’ll continue right after the commercial, wait because deny presence is bright expressed nationalism is impossible in ukraine, the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called: integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, and it sounds nice, like it’s not fascism, but the most striking thing in ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, even latin, although german, as well as for all the world's anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always been and will be second class, ukrainians live on other people's myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is true
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the path to failure. premiere, ordinary fascism 2, on monday, on the first. and now, as we promised, we continue our interview with the wonderful guest actress anna banchikova. anna, good morning, once again. good morning. a little bit about the plot of the seventh season, we know that there is a love triangle, right away. break up, in general, and we will watch how
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she steers out of all this, in fact, well , tell me, who, between you girls, between us, while no one hears us. it’s literally just us all here, people really liked it maxim lagashkin, yes, who is so funny, and how did you like working with him, how wonderful, cheerful and cheerful, and you have a new hero, this is your friend, she is played by polina kutepova, yes, nikita tarasov appears, a huge number of actors like that beautiful ones, whom the audience all love, they will all appear in different episodes, i will not reveal all the secrets, that is , the bloodhound team is growing, growing, the bloodhound team is not, because the bloodhound team is growing.
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no with this, please, anya, we won’t survive this, but people just react like that, seriously, people are just crying, they come up to the street and say that please, just don’t do this, bring back so and so, make sure that she doesn’t worry so much, in fact, we even wanted to do such a campaign so that the audience would write , wrote their letters, stories and we will somehow include them , maybe in future seasons, we will do this, because it is very interesting, there are a lot of huge number of proposals, people say, let’s do this so that she let's do this like this let's reshoot. yes, here, maybe we ’ll do such a flash mob, it’s cute, maybe because the audience is very actively involved in ours, and this is because they love it very much, yes, it’s true, it’s true, the love of the audience really it just feels so incredible, they just loved the heroine so much that they say, they come up to you, can we support you, please, you are so positive, alexander ivanov, she is so positive, can we hold your hand,
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here and cheer ourselves up, so here we go we congratulate you, congratulate you on this great, wonderful nation-wide love , thank you, so this morning we lift your spirits. anya, thank you very much for this meeting of all the most wonderful things. good morning to everyone who woke up and turned on channel one. in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova, on the calendar wednesday, may 15th. well, right now you and i are going on a trip, but not an ordinary one, a dumplings trip. truly, dumplings are, i’m not afraid of this word, the pinnacle of culinary thought, an invention, brilliant in its simplicity, filling in dough shell, and how much. there are so many recipes here, let’s rather watch the plot and travel, draw up a pedigree map of the country, start from the far east, instead of the classic meat, here, of course, there is an option with fish, salmon, coho salmon, whale, sockeye salmon are used, because fatty fish are more
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tender in dumplings, more juicy, and with meat in siberia, in buryat they prepare buzas, inside there is beef and onions, but the main shape is reminiscent of a yurt and the number of tucks according to tradition is 33. some siberian peoples also have pilbens, they are in the shape of a crescent, in the filling except meat pine nuts. we grind them a little in a mortar and then add them to the minced meat. plus wild garlic for juiciness and brightness of taste. the most important ingredient here is milk. we add milk to the water, and in this broth we cook pelgen. everything is classic in the urals. the pork and beef are rolled twice, an egg is added and they believe that the dumplings came from here. but residents of udmurtia are ready to argue; they cite phrases from their language as an argument. pel is an ear, nyan is bread, bread
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looks like an ear, in russian it turns out to be permen. here a secret ingredient is added to the meat filling - homemade nettles. in the southeast of the republic - radish, in the north - pistils, shoots of horsetail and lard. further on is the volga region, and there are their own dumplings. everyone knows the manti in tatarstan; their shape is not simple, so hot water is used to make the dough elastic and strong. tatar monts differ from the classic ones in that they are prepared with halal lamb meat, with potatoes to make it more satisfying, from the same ingredients kiyao pelmene, in size, which he accepted. evaluate girls of marriageable age in a spoon of 15 pieces you can definitely get married, you’ll have to learn less. i can fit two or three dumplings on my spoon. a similar tradition in the south of russia in dagestan is that mothers-in-law check whether their daughters-in-law are deft at making kurze, dumplings with a complex braided tuck, a special filling,
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meat plus whey. also inside there is cottage cheese with eggs, greens, cheese and even pumpkin. anastasia kremeshnaya, nazir nagumanov, channel one. the multi-part detective detective series continues on channel one, colonel alexandra kushnir has absolutely no time for her personal life, work, work and work again, a new case and a new employee awaits her. and how alexandra ivanovna will work with him, or rather with her, is a mystery, after all, she is used to working exclusively in a male team. watch today immediately after the program time. get up, come on. mom, please, can i have one more minute? we are accelerating like never before, we slept through everything. morning and cheeks again head over heels, the child is in the garden at the scene of the crime, no exercises, no packing. alexandra ivanovna, may i? uh, sorry. what is the secret of her success? colonel kushnir understands people, even criminals trying to understand. have you come to gelendzhik to find your wife, regina, cheating on you?
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yes. each criminal has his own truth, which alexander tries to understand, comprehend, as it were, what prompted a person to commit such a terrible crime, how could this happen? she digs into it and explores it. and sometimes he puts forward the most extravagant versions. she just sees what is hidden from the attention of others. i’m haunted by the mother’s reaction to the fact that her daughter is alive, she seemed somehow upset or tense, a new mysterious murder, young woman, identity unknown, how did she end up in someone else's house? you smell it, gentlemen, yes, sharp, men's perfume, yes, there are notes of musk, senior lieutenant markov, filya, sudmet morozova, there is a new employee on the team, a woman, but the cook is already used to it.
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after criminals, how to arrange their personal lives, will the bloodhound find a solution? so, friends, i beg you, don’t be tormented by who our victim is, the continuation of the detective story and the cheek today on channel one, if you want, although no, no, i forgot, you don’t eat anything harmful, who said that ice cream is harmful, svetlana neimani sosif kobrin, channel one. our program has come to an end, i am ekaterina sterizhenova, i wish you good morning and a good day. see you on channel one. this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev’s studio, in this issue. start without
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delay, there is a lot of work, the return must be maximum. i have just signed decrees on the formation of a new government, i congratulate you on this. tasks for ministers, the president's message to the federal assembly and the may decree on national development goals. we have to determine. financial support for our plans, mechanisms for supporting russian families, citizens, and businesses. mutual respect, not political considerations. on the eve of the visit to china, an interview with the russian leader of the agency. cosmic level trade turnover, big politics, beijing's proposals for ukraine, could contribute to the adoption of long-term peace. why are you running around, 24/7 duty to prevent... enemy drones from flying over, on the right bank of the dnieper our fighters destroyed the control headquarters drones, the destination where our
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post-pre-trion sent the kiev regime, zelensky and his gang, and the entire maidan power, to where they deserve the dustbin of history, vasily not bendy that...


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