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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  May 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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china really produces more than 80% of all industrial products in the world, and if it does not go to the united states, then what exactly will happen in the united states of america, but nothing will happen there, and china is one of the largest holders of american debt obligations if china dumps them , in america things will be very bad. america is clearly overestimating its strength. this is true. but our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we give the floor to the news, big one. will return at 23:00. hello, there are evenings on channel one news, andrey ukharev is with you. three bullets. slovak prime minister robert fica is seriously wounded in an assassination attempt. the attacker has been detained and the motive is being investigated. fitza himself is famous.
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criticism of the west and nato for their position on ukraine. resources must be managed wisely and efficiently. vladimir putin introduced the new minister of defense to the military command and explained the appointment of andrei belousov by the increase in military spending. rabotina in zaporozhye and two settlements in the kharkov region were liberated by our troops. news from ministry of defense and air defense work, repelled a massive attack by american missiles on crimea. there is no time to build up, the first meeting will immediately talk about helping the regions affected by the floods, the government has met today with a renewed composition, positions are close on many issues, and relations have reached the highest level in history, details in vladimir putin’s interview with xinhua and we will show how the people's republic of china is preparing for a meeting with our president. we start with breaking news coming out of slovakia. an attempt was made on
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robert fitz, a criminal waylaid the prime minister in the city of gandlovo, after a government retreat, eyewitnesses counted up to six shots, three bullets reached the target. doctors assess robert fitz's condition as serious. the attacker was detained, the motives are still unclear, but the bold position of the slovak prime minister himself is well known, who is not afraid to criticize the west for supplying weapons to kiev and supporting ukrainian nationalists, because of whose actions, according to fitz, the conflict broke out. valentin is following the news from slovakia. this the first seconds after the assassination attempt on robert fitz, the wounded prime minister of slovakia is brought into the car, he is conscious, it is reported that fitz received several wounds in the chest and abdomen, his condition is assessed as serious, after the assassination attempt, fitz was transported by helicopter to a hospital in the city of banska bystrica for treatment urgent surgery. these images show the moment the attacker was apprehended, as the words say. this man
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was hiding in the crowd near the building where fitz was speaking and opened fire when the prime minister of the republic came out to the people. eyewitnesses heard several shots were fired, the attacker tried to escape, but was pinned down. i heard three shots, it was quick, one after the other, as if you threw a firecracker on the ground. everything happened after a visiting meeting of the country’s government in the city of gandlovo, in the western part of the republic. shortly before the assassination attempt, fitz spoke at a press conference. here are the shots. there is little information yet about the identity of the attacker. local publications. it is reported that he is a citizen of slovakia, a native of the city of levitsa. law enforcement officials are investigating the motive for the attack. who did robert interfere with? fitz, whose rhetoric was so strikingly different from the western stream. fitz is known for criticizing nato's western policy on ukraine. this is what he said about the reasons for the special operation. this war began back in 2014 with rampant ukrainian neo-nazis. they tried to mislead russia that nato would not continue its expansion to the east. and today it is already coming to statements that members...
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and ukrainians will kill each other. the question is who wants what. it seems to me that the west is extremely supportive of this war. this the message arose in 2022, when some western countries dissuaded ukraine from signing a peace agreement with russia. they say we are using the war in ukraine to weaken russia. we will provide military and economic assistance to ukraine. we will introduce sanctions against russia and weaken russia. this does not work. he opposed arms supplies to kiev. we will
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supply ukraine with no weapons, and i will not vote for any sanctions against russia until an analysis of their impact on slovakia is on the table. please treat seriously to what i am saying here, i simply cannot imagine that there will be soldiers from nato member countries on the territory of ukraine. a message appeared on fitz's page that he was, quote, in a life-threatening condition, the next few hours would be decisive. it was previously reported that there was no threat to his life. leaders of several countries condemned the assassination attempt. hungarian prime minister viktor orban said he was shocked by the horrific attack. quote for a friend. serbian president aleksandar vucic said he was praying for health great friend of serbia. valentina slavyova, alina abdyukhanova, evgeny leonov, channel one. vladimir putin today met with the commanders of the russian military districts. the president introduced them to the new
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minister of defense, emphasizing that andrei belousov perfectly understands how the economy of the security bloc can be integrated into the overall economy of the country, and this is extremely important in the context of growing costs for defense and security. at the same time , no changes are planned in the general staff itself, especially since combat work is going according to plan, all set tasks are being accomplished, as the president noted, our vsks are constantly improving their position in all areas. kirill brainin listened attentively. a meeting with the participation of the commanders of all military districts at once for the president, an opportunity to assess the situation with those details that the daily reports of the general staff lack, and for the generals also a personal acquaintance with the new minister of defense andrei. his predecessor sergei shaigu, who was appointed secretary of the security council, also takes part in the meeting. i would like to thank sergei kuzhgevichaiga for what he has done over the previous years to build the armed forces, to give it a new look, i think that no one
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has any doubts that this look is being consistently created, including in relation to the requirements of today, to the requirements. modern methods of warfare. yes, we all understand that much still needs to be done, many things were not clear before the outbreak of hostilities, neither to us nor to all those who in one way or another in the world deal with the construction of their armed forces, this obvious, but how quickly we respond to the demands of the time gives us confidence that we will certainly solve all problems of this kind. this, according to the president, requires serious expenses, and although the country now spends 8.7% of its income on defense compared to 13 in the mid -eighties, this is still a very sensitive budget item.
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the president is confident that andrei belousov has enough experience to effectively manage resources, from working in the ministry of economic development to leading the economic bloc. government. and of course, yes. he understands perfectly well what needs to be done in order for the economy of the entire power bloc and the ministry of defense, as a key link in this bloc, to fit into the overall economy of the country; this is an extremely important thing, bearing in mind that this is associated with the innovative development of industry and accounting opportunities of the economy, the budget, while we are increasing spending, we still proceed from the fact that by increasing spending on defense and security, we proceed from the fact that all social obligations must be fulfilled to citizens, there must be our national development goals have been achieved and must be achieved in all areas,
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including social ones, while the increased load on defense enterprises is directly related to the civilian industry, a powerful impetus in the development of a variety of industries and, of course, a record low unemployment rate. it is important, according to the president, to maintain the right balance. this is the relationship between guns, the so -called guns and butter, it should be organically integrated into the overall development strategy of the russian state. hope, that andrei ramevich will cope with this task in the best possible way. among other things, andrei aranovich has recently been working on some things on my instructions.
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organizing the work of the federal service for cooperation with foreign countries, i think that more than anyone else understands the need to ensure. our obligations to our partners in the field of supplying military equipment to the foreign market, taking into account the fact that first of all we must meet the needs of our armed forces. actually, those from whom, as i have said more than once the head of state ultimately depends on everything else. the entire country works for the needs of the army, which this army defends every day on the front line. as for the general staff itself, the entire structure that provides. combat work, there are no changes here, and there are no plans, i want
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this to be clear to everyone, so this block of combat work, it has settled down, it functions rhythmically, it operates successfully, and no changes are expected here. reports on the progress of our troops in the special operation zone, supreme commander receive daily, as well as a message about the actions of the enemy, long ago... but the more effectively you work on the line of combat contact, the more
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chances we have to resolve this issue peacefully, we have always strived for this, i have always said this, as well and that any negotiations must take into account the situation on the battlefield, which, despite all attempts by ukraine’s western friends to improve its negotiating position, is turning in exactly the opposite direction. first channel. and a little later, today vladimir putin held meeting on the development of the defense industry, the first after the renewal of the government, the president emphasized that it is now important to concentrate all resources and experience to solve the problems of the special operation. but this must be done wisely, so that the increase in military production does not affect the pace of economic development in the civilian sphere. and we all need to meet our needs together. the russian armed forces
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have done a lot to effectively work in the zone of combat contact as part of a special military operation, even more needs to be done to develop the defense industries, despite the fact that these enterprises continue to work on diversification, without any involvement we must be ready at any time for these enterprises to be ready to switch to even greater volumes of civilian production . production, we have many tasks, including in the social sphere, now i will say a very important thing: we must do all this while unconditionally observing the principles of a healthy economy and adhering to macroeconomic principles. this is an extremely important thing. we must under no circumstances allow any distortions in the economy and industry. to solve these problems , well-known... personnel changes have been made, the president has set the defense complex the task of intensifying efforts
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to acquire the most advanced technologies, it is necessary to produce even more of the latest weapons, since they provide an advantage to our army, to organize such systematic work to introduce innovations for the military needs, vladimir putin instructed the new head of the ministry of defense. we need to open a ministry defense, as far as possible, bearing in mind the specifics of the ministry of defense, in order to... absorb all the best, all the most modern, all that can and should be used for successful work on the battlefield by our guys, our fighters, we know that the more effective the weapons, the more accurate they are, the more powerful they are, the fewer losses we have, and this is a key issue when conducting armed struggle, we must be one step ahead, we have everything for this, i'm very...
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it happens every day, but we have to to do everything that depends on us to ensure that they have everything they need to further solve the problems they face. the russian army liberated rabotin in the zaporozhye region. the name of this very small settlement became known to the whole world last year when it was captured by ukrainian militants during their... a highly publicized and completely failed counter-offensive. now this result of the armed forces of ukraine has been completely reset by our fighters. in addition, russian units liberated the settlements of glubokoye and lukyans in the kharkov region. ours are gradually moving deeper into the enemy’s defense. in this direction alone , 125 militants were killed, and the total losses in the ssu along the entire front line were 1,165 people, and this was in
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one day. air defense forces shot down a ukrainian mig-29 in the sky and intercepted it. ukrainian terrorists tried to attack objects in crimea in sevastopol, they were all intercepted, fragments of one of the missiles fell in the private sector, there were no casualties, our pvu forces repelled a massive enemy attack in the bryansk, kursk, and belgorod regions, 17 drones were destroyed. by the way, the enemy also hit belgorod with french hamer bombs and american harm missiles, all of which were intercepted. an rszzo shell hit a private house. alexey besprozvannykh, who previously worked in the ministry of front trade with the rank of deputy minister, became the head of the kaliningrad region. the kemerovo region was temporarily headed by ilya
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seredyuk, who had been the chairman of the regional government for the last 2 years. alexey smirnov was appointed in the riocurs region. first deputy governor. dmitry will temporarily lead the khabarovsk territory demeshin, former deputy prosecutor general of russia. and dmitry milyaev, who held the post of first deputy governor, was appointed head of the ptul region. all five officials will lead the regions until the elections, which will take place on a single voting day, september 8. and the new cabinet of ministers, which includes four of the five governors, has already been assigned large-scale tasks. vladimir putin spoke about them at a meeting with the government immediately after. approval of its composition. to achieve the national goals set out in presidential decree, it is important to ensure the country’s confident and long-term development. the head of state called for starting right now and working with maximum efficiency. dmitry kochitkov with details. the formation of the cabinet has been completed. members of the renewed government came to the kremlin after approval in the duma; these are civilian deputy prime ministers and ministers. and consultations in
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the federation council, heads. i have just signed decrees. on the formation of a new government, i congratulate you on this, parliament participated in forming a government for the first time in modern political history, they probably didn’t just discuss candidates, they probably talked about the state of industries, about what and how, from the point of view of state duma deputies, needs to be done in order to implement all our plans, i ask you to take this into account seriously, should we take into account both what we have outlined and how... how we have planned to do this in practical work and in the proposals of state duma deputies? first of all, i want to thank you for your support, all candidates the deputy prime ministers and ministers that we discussed were approved by parliamentarians, this procedure increases the level of interaction between the executive and legislative authorities, this is achieved by openness when we
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see, including from parliamentarians, the feedback from people that you always talk about speak. there are many new tasks, it is worth solving together with the federal assembly and regional authorities, that the government has been updated, we have six new ministers, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these people are good for us known with good experience, some of them from experience working in the federal government earlier, now having worked in the territory, they acquired even more experience, knowledge, a sense of this territory where they worked and the territory in general is very calculated. that they would use all their best skills, all their achievements in the regions of the russian federation, in order to solve the problems facing them at the level of the federal government with maximum effect, former governors, head the ministry of industry and trade anton alikhanov previously headed
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the koleningrad region, the minister of transport roman starovoyt, the kursk region, the head of the ministry of energy sergei. financial support for our plans,
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mechanisms for supporting russian families, citizens, businesses, well, in general, you all understand what i’m talking about, we worked with you on this for almost the entire previous year, well, at least 6-8 months, and maybe a year, in general everything is clear, but nevertheless, if... there is a need to fine-tune something in terms of determining the source of financing, it must be done as fast as possible. putin congratulated everyone present on the start of the new government. the president also noted the successes of the previous cabinet. on behalf of the chairman of the government of the russian federation. i have also now signed a decree on awarding state awards to colleagues who served in the previous government.
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to the previous composition of the cabinet of ministers, they will be awarded state awards for special services. another meeting with victoria abramchenko, she held the position of deputy chairman government and supervised in this status the sphere of ecology and the agro-industrial complex. i want to thank you for your work in protest. they did a lot, i know that they worked actively, always, as they say, with soul, they loved the subject they were doing and devoted it to it. due attention, i want to thank you and suggest we talk about your future work, there are options, you probably already know about this, if you would like something, yes, and
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of course i want to congratulate you on your state award, vladimovich, first of all, let me thank you, you really paid great attention to environmental issues, protection, nature and rational use of natural resources, i would like to convey special words of gratitude to the meteorologist. foresters and inspectors, you decided to increase wages for these categories of workers, a modest increase, but they were really looking forward to this decision; they were very happy when they heard such warm words from you as an assessment of their work, because these are really people who work on the ground. well, the updated composition of the government today i gathered for the first meeting and it was immediately busy... additional funds will be allocated for payments to residents who have lost
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their property. anastasia kobuzeva has all the details. after setting up a meeting with the president , the first meeting of the new cabinet of ministers, from which innovative approaches to solving the most important problems, is immediately at work in the government house. landmark, the new may presidential decree on national development goals. this is the case when you don’t need to introduce anyone to anyone. everything in the updated composition they know each other well. the so-called newcomers from the governor’s corps are not newcomers at all. their work in their previous posts was highly appreciated by deputies, the prime minister and the president. first of all, i would like to sincerely congratulate all of you on your appointment. this is a very serious responsibility; we have to justify the trust of the head of state, and of course, the citizens of russia.
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our task is to fully implement, on time , the instructions of the president, to do everything possible to improve the quality of life of people in every region, including in the near future. it is time to determine financial support for plans to support families, citizens and businesses. well, right now floods are on the agenda. the situation was difficult in the orenburg and kurgan regions, entire villages and settlements went under water, people lost their homes and... on instructions from the head of state , we will allocate 4 billion rubles to the kurgan region to eliminate the damage, primarily for payments to residents, including one-time payments and in connection with
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the loss of property . well as for repairing damaged housing or purchasing a new one, if the previous housing was destroyed. in addition, the reconstruction of flooded healthcare, education and social facilities will be financed . the big water has gone, people are returning to their homes. we turned on the lights, turned on the heating, gas, everything, we are now back to normal life. the orenburg region has already received about. half a billion rubles to help people, now another 5 billion. these funds will be used to restore housing and communal services. entrepreneurs also suffer losses. andrey from ortsk has a small wood processing enterprise, the business now has to start practically from scratch. we lost, suffered great losses in material, this is about 7 tons of wood of various types, larch, birch, pine. small medium-sized businesses will support one of the decisions on a number of taxes - a deferment for a year, and
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as the prime minister explained. strengthening control over the expenditure of funds allocated for the implementation of national projects, as well as for defense, this reporting chamber is expected in the federation council, its speaker valentina matvienko today introduced a new leader to the team of the supervisory body, who, let me remind you, is boris kovalchuk. his the senators unanimously supported the candidacy the day before. at the meeting there will be a substantive conversation about priority areas of work. we live under conditions of strict sanctions, we live under conditions of conducting a special military operation, where we will definitely win, there is no doubt, and so on. and of course, all government bodies , including the accounts chamber, they must reboot, they must allocate.
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fulfillment of government orders and price control, these are the main tasks, yesterday as part of the discussion at the plenary session, in among other things , senators asked questions in the field of information technology, and i said that this would also be one of the priority issues, so of course we will sit down and discuss it, since about a trillion rubles will be allocated for these purposes. relations between russia and china
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have reached. highest level in history. the dialogue between our countries is not subject to political conditions; cooperation is developing successfully, despite the difficult situation in the world. vladimir putin stated this in an interview with a chinese agency xinhua. tomorrow the russian leader is expected in beijing on a state visit, his first since taking office as president. and the choice of country is not accidental. in addition to common views on external challenges, we are connected with china by ambitious plans, and new multi-billion dollar contracts are ready to be signed. report from beijing. the chinese press today writes about the upcoming state visit of vladimir putin, the first foreign trip after re-election to the prc, just like sidinpin to russia a year ago, and then exactly 10 days after taking office. the day before state visit to our country, the president of the people's republic of china wrote an article for readers of the russian newspaper, but now a year later, the president of russia gave an interview to china's largest news agency xinhua and already in answer to the first question, the warmest memories of the moscow negotiations with chairman xi. we
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spent almost five years together. hours, talking one-on-one, the next day we took part in a rich and meaningful official program; it was the unprecedentedly high level of strategic partnership between our countries that determined my choice china as the first state that i will visit after officially taking office as president of the russian federation. in many ways, it was putin’s personal friendship with russia that brought relations between russia and the people’s republic of china to the highest level of all time. over the past 5 years, the countries have managed to double mutual trade turnover to almost 230 miles. dollars, while more than 90% of settlements between our companies are in national currencies, so it would be more correct to say that bilateral trade is now about 20 trillion rubles, or almost 1.600 billion yuan. china has been our main business partner for 13 years, and russia in 2023 immediately rose to fourth place in the ranking.


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