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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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chairman mc we spent almost 5 hours together talking one-on-one, and the next day we took part in a rich and meaningful official program. it was the unprecedentedly high level of strategic partnership between our countries that determined my choice of china as the first state that i would visit after officially taking office as president of the russian federation. in many ways, it was the personal friendship of putin and xi that brought relations between russia and the prc to the highest level of all time. behind over the past 5 years, countries have managed to double mutual goods. turnover is up to almost 230 billion dollars, while more than 90% of settlements between our companies are in national currencies, so it would be more correct to say that bilateral trade now amounts to about 20 trillion rubles or almost 1.600 billion yuan. china has been our main business partner for 13 years, and russia in 2023 immediately rose to fourth place in the ranking of china’s commercial counterparties. in 2023, records were set for... sales of russian gas and lng in china
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and coal, in addition, the products of farmers, but in beijing, on the sidelines of the upcoming state visit , the signing of new multi-billion dollar investment agreements and transactions has already begun, this is , accordingly, a port for transshipment of liquefied hydrocarbon gases in the khabarovsk territory, which will be extremely important for energy cooperation between russia and china, this cooperation with the largest technology park in china to develop a network of technology parks to promote russian companies on the chinese market, of course based on... successful with the satellite, we will to introduce russian pharmaceutical products to the chinese market, we have concluded a corresponding agreement, and also to localize some of the best chinese pharmaceutical products to the russian market, so this is a very serious, broad interaction. the russian direct investment fund and its partners in china have invested in 60% of russian-chinese projects over the past 12 years, the total investment amount is 780 billion rubles and continues to grow. how did your chinese partners perceive the changes in russia? government and you
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you know, well, firstly, everyone sees that the government is working extremely effectively and will continue to work extremely effectively, in principle they see that there is absolute consistency in the previous success of the government, it will be continued, and accordingly, china always looks at the horizon of 5 years, 6 years ahead, and sees that russia’s very successful work in overcoming the sanctions that were in place to ensure the economic growth that exists is really great... an achievement that will continue in the future, that is, on pause nothing has stood still, everything on the contrary is only intensifying, along with the president , most of the updated cabinet of ministers will arrive in beijing, naturally, we will not only talk about the economy, all the main regional and global crises of our time are on the agenda, a separate topic is ukraine, yesterday at a briefing for journalists , presidential aide yuri ushakov said that russia appreciates, quote, the wise, balanced position of its chinese partners. it was about beijing's refusal to participate in the so-called peace conference, which will take place in switzerland. participants will be invited to discuss. a set of
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zelensky’s ultimatums divorced from reality. we positively assess china's approaches to resolving the ukrainian crisis. beijing is well aware of its root causes and global geopolitical significance, which is reflected in the twelve- point plan. china's position on a political settlement of the ukrainian crisis, published in february 2023. the ideas and proposals recorded in the document testify to the sincere desire of our chinese friends to help stabilize the situation. especially for chinese readers, in an interview with xinhua, vladimir putin once again explained moscow’s position on the ukrainian settlement. we want a comprehensive, sustainable , fair settlement of this conflict through peaceful means and are open to dialogue on ukraine, but these must be negotiations that take into account the interests of all countries involved in this conflict, including our interests. coupled with a serious conversation about global stability, about security guarantees both for the opposing country and, of course, for russia. the conversation with chinese journalists did not
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ignore the upcoming seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. on october 2, 1949, the ussr was the first in the world to recognize the people's republic of china literally the day after the formation of the republic. the anniversary is marked by the decision of the leaders to declare a cross year of cultures in our countries; the zero event of the gigantic cycle of events took place today at the russian embassy in beijing. a monument was unveiled here, a dialogue between maxim gorky and lusin, in memory of two outstanding writers, who the prc is considered sister cities. well, the official start of the crossover. year of cultures tomorrow there will be a grand concert, which will be attended by delegations led by top officials. speaking about my personal attitude towards chinese culture, i would like to note that i always discover with great interest something new about the unique and original traditions of china, especially during visits to the prc. i know a lot about your martial arts, including wushu, which is very popular in our country, having respect for chinese philosophy. my family members are also into china, and some of them are learning chinese. read this excerpt from an interview with vladimir putin. it must have been especially pleasant.
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konstantin, pavel alkhaletov, victor golovin, grigory emelyanov, alexander gornostaev. first channel beijing. and now we return to the first topic of our issue. footage has emerged showing... as the slovak media write, they blame the assassination attempt on the liberal opposition; according to these data, the shooter was a seventy-one-year-old writer who was an activist of the liberal party. i'll add, the bold position of the slovak prime minister himself is well known, who is not afraid to criticize the west and nato for supplying weapons to kiev and supporting ukrainian nationalists.
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that's all for now, we will monitor developments, well, the first program is on air right now, time will tell. hello, live on channel one, the program “time will tell.” i am artyom shenin, sometimes i make mistakes, i try not to lie, but when talking about the problems that we have in our confrontation with our geopolitical opponents, and we are now on... we are in conflict precisely with our global geopolitical opponents, rivals, all our conversations about our problems, about what we lack and what we need to improve, this is all within the framework of necessity, to do everything possible
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to to bring this victory closer, but besides this, it is important to understand on the way to this victory the context in which this difficult work is happening, which is being done by our... guys on the battlefield, which is being done by our military-industrial complex here in the rear, all the concerned citizens who help the front. this context is very is important, because understanding the scale and complexity of this conflict, it sometimes affects me, and i know that it’s not just me, i know this is a communication , including with many people at the front, but understanding the scale and depth of this context, it, i apologize for my french existentiality for destinies. our homeland, it helps when you get tired, when there is irritation, when there is some kind of loss of strength, when you understand what kind of colossus you are up against, well , i don’t know, it seems to me that, on the contrary, it mobilizes a normal fighter and warrior, so today we will talk about exactly the same
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global context in which military operations are taking place on the territory of the former ukraine, and a context that practically knows no borders. who was shot after he came out after a visiting meeting of the slovak government in the village of gandlova, a man shot at him, well, i won’t say anything about the security, i’m not an expert, but you can even see on video that, in general, of course, this seventy-year-old, judging apparently, severely
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frostbitten on the head by liberal ideas comrade, in general he had no chance of not getting in, so, but you see, this is... a conversation about what, this is a conversation about what, why am i saying this within the context, after all, this is not just some european politician , although, by the way, i was trying to remember the last time a european politician was shot at, well, i remembered wulof in 1986, this again comes to the question of what times are returning and what times are coming, and i don’t know the reasons for this , why did the person who shot robert fitz shoot him... did, but over the last few years of this of our conflict and global confrontation , our anglo-saxon, in quotes, partners, they very actively use this, you know, highley method, just imagine that
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if some local nevmenko shot at one of the politicians taking a sharply aggressive anti-russian position, whatever the talk... would start in the british, american and many european media, this message is that life is in danger while life is still in danger.
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chest, hand he got, anyway we hope that everything will be fine with his life,
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although as it is written in the official statement , the coming hours will be decisive, but as an active politician, as a decision-maker, they have knocked him out of political work for quite a long time, here’s a conversation about how tough this context has become, and this is the prime minister of a small slovakia a... on which , by and large, not much depends, well, in general, there is something to think about, and there is why to be interested in what is happening now in this global context where is he going? or where he is driven by certain forces, on which depends what will happen next to the homeland, to us, to our world, we will talk about this right after a short, as always very interesting advertisement on channel one. british foreign secretary david cameron announced
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the right of ukraine to strike with british weapons on russian territory, and then after a short time they say: everything was wrong, he really said it, the accents have changed, these are some endlessly behind-the-scenes agreements between themselves - very dirty games. david cameron, speaking with trump, changed tactics and brought up arguments in which trump could say that he was diplomatic.
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in my own helplessness, i even envy you a little, guy, you will go down in history as the first to fly over the soviets from south to north, the air defense system is powerless against some spy, learn to shoot down immediately, flights must be suspended, you cannot escalate the situation, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible, a ram at such a height is certain death if you were at if you were a pilot, what would you do?
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alive, at this place we began to negotiate with representatives of azalstal, what did it feel like when you then entered your house, mariupol, returning home, on saturday at
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the first, he forbade me to swim, but i didn’t listen, so what? since it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine, the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, and it sounds nice, like it’s not fascism, but the most striking thing about ukrainian fascism. failure to understand that for europe, be it latin or german, as well as for all the world's anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always been and will be second class, ukrainians live on other people's myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is the right
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path to losing. premiere, ordinary. fascism 2 on monday on the first. happiness is home, it is loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony. oh, this communication with children, their energy, i am recharged. it's great. we are often confused if someone sees us. everyone says: oh, twins, take care of your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobly, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, be sure to always listen to each other and always understand, we were raised so that we would always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder.
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we want to confess our love to our native country. country, we love you. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, i said at the beginning of the program that today let's talk about the complex and diverse context in which our confrontation with the american-centric west takes place and develops, in which the whole world is involved in one way or another, some think that as observers, but... but in general, by and large , the process , which is happening now, will largely determine what the situation in the world will be like for the next, i don’t know how long, but i think quite a lot of years, and how our country will show itself, how it positions itself within the framework of this confrontation, is very important
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precisely for what place we will occupy in this order, therefore precisely...
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the general staff of the entire structure that ensures combat work, there are no changes here, and there are no plans, i want this to be clear to everyone, that’s why this block is combat work, it has taken shape, it functions rhythmically, it operates successfully, and no changes are expected here, and this seems to me to be the answer to... many discussions about what is civil, not civil, and what, and how, that’s all it is said what and how, rhythmic work will be continue, moreover, a very important emphasis is that today, despite the fact that... and practically vladimir putin, and sergei shaigu, and andrei belousov, and sergei lavrov flew off on a state visit to china,
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nevertheless, after this meeting with the military, vladimir putin also held a meeting on the development of the defense-industrial complex, and this is all, in addition to very important internal political work, organizational, these are all parts of the very confrontation that i am talking about, these are signals, our signals. opponents that we are going what we managed to do, develop and strengthen, and in fact, what is happening on the battlefield now and primarily in the kharkov direction, these are the results of the work that was done before, and these results are becoming noticeable not only to us, well, according to some such interesting signs, well, for example, one of these signs, please, cnn. vladimir zelensky canceled his trip to the perenei peninsula due to the serious internal situation in ukraine at the moment. those around zelensky realized that the difficult situation on several sectors
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of the front, in particular in kharkov, does not accompany trips abroad at the moment. in fact, russia is beginning to put increasing pressure on ukraine's second largest city, having already captured nine neighboring territories. here's the new york times. for the same reason, it is very important to understand the tone with which we are against. ukraine is now more vulnerable than ever, russia is making geographically widespread gains along the entire eastern front, and what started out as a modest offensive. near avdiivka in recent weeks has turned into an expansion of approximately 39 km. it’s very interesting how the new york times, which from the very beginning, naturally,
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supports ukroreich with all its hooves and tails, this is this sudden offensive of russia through the ukrainian, there are no sudden attacks in the third year of the war, any sudden offensive and some kind of large-scale advance, this is the result of work, a lot of work in the rear at the front in... but politics shows quite clearly, well, actually their mood now, please, the russian attack on kharkov marks the beginning of a decisive battle
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that could determine the outcome of the war, at stake is not only control of one of the largest population centers in ukraine, but the country's potential ability to continue fighting, if kharkov falls, its resolve may soon fall west. an interesting way to pose the question, well, we have a tradition of not really trusting.
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we went, we worked, we worked very well, as if we had put together plans, with the full support of everything that was needed according to our regulations, because, well, almost everyone has probably seen, when our people there dismantle a powerful company stronghold there in half an hour, and in fact every shell hits the target, and absolutely nothing remains of it, then you immediately remember that in soviet regulations it is not in vain they taught how to use shells for a company support.
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highmars, but they don’t spare them either, so far for us in general it’s very good that for now they are only given this in cassette form, we must understand that high-explosive fragmentation is not long left, that is, america is trying to do everything she can do, but the tanks didn’t go, the infantry fighting vehicles didn’t go, because there was simply
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nowhere to get them. in general there are too few of them, that is , their appearance in this case at the front cannot solve anything, they are simply trying to compensate for the losses that were suffered, we must give them what they owe, they will very quickly and in general in these 2 years we will pay them back , they they know how to transfer force very quickly, that is, this trishkin, and this one, learned how to patch up their trishkin kavtan front, they learned very well, here of course equipment provided. from one sector of the front to another, this is of course their strong point, it is there, but there are also very big weaknesses, they practically stopped fighting, well, what are called operational formations, last year they reached the corps level, this was a very serious, well, their achievement, we
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discussed it here when we said that they had... shock assault corps, today in fact only a scattering of brigades remained in the reserves, and those that were allocated for replenishment, these combat the groups with which they are now fighting, what they are transferring on the plug, they are assembled from everything that is possible, and from special forces, the same guru that, in fact , mom’s little pie budanov was crying about, and just from the guys who just- they just recruited them straight from training in kharkov, some spent a week, some two, and immediately sent them to shut up the front. that is, having, as it were, a patch itself, this patch is not a full-fledged connection, there is no normal interaction, it is not capable of acting as a single organism, it is simply here is the infantry, which sits in the trenches and which , according to the slavic habit of sitting tightly, fights and dies, this is, as it were, its strength , this is its weakness, returning to the well-known surname budanov, from my point of view, it is necessary to have an absolutely objective lens, that is, it is absolutely clear why he suddenly he started giving such an interview, very soon it will be necessary to find out there
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on... i was the first to click the cap, that i warned you, i told you, everything was taken from me, i gave everything to my homeland, well, god bless them, whatever these rats will then bite each other, this is the tenth thing i have clarifying two questions about what you kind of described, the first question, after all , about the fact that, well, almost every day for the last, well, i don’t know, i... returned on the eleventh, well, that means three days already , four, almost every day our ministry of defense reports about new captured settlements, i mean the kharkov direction, after all, this is the speed of advance, i understand that either or doesn’t work very well here, but nevertheless, it’s always a lot factors, but still, in your opinion, first of all, quality preparation of our assaults, this new quality that you mentioned, i
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was on a trip just now, not so long ago i wrote very interestingly about the fact that now, more than ever before, we see the beginning of the work of macro factors, when you do not have the normal opportunity to cook troops, when you don’t have the normal amount of reserves, when you fight under the knife of what
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they give you and they still don’t give you as much as you need, when you don’t have enough time and resources, well, you know, how in in chess, when you start to fall behind, when you have tsietnot, we see tsietnot from the ukrainian side. there are no normal reserves, no normal training, no normal amount of weapons, on the other hand there is a really superbly prepared enemy, i’m talking about the russians, in this case you were absolutely right to come from the front, now they are starting to fight like fire brigades, i didn’t have time to say, they now don’t even rely so much on the infantry that sits in the trenches, because the infantry in the trenches are simply mixed with the ground, they move on, they are like the nazis there were once tank battalions of tigers, such fire brigades, yeah.
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this is not just like that, this is a really serious problem, just because of the impending political crisis, that’s what lad and i started talking about about the extent to which the united states provides assistance or does not provide assistance, this is also important the question is: do they give as much as they can, or maybe a little, or do they give as much as they can because for some reason they don’t consider it necessary to give more, or do they still have any ideas? this is also a very interesting question, which arises, among other things , against the background of the next visit to kiev, as he calls it, on a gastronomic tour of tony blinken, the us secretary of state, but this time the fool kuleba did not take him to mcdonald's, but
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took him to a pizzeria, but true , he was still saying something about some ukrainian pizza, well, it’s already clear, the guys here seem to be incurable, which means tony also played the guitar there, in general, the program of the visit was very eventful. but at the exit, at the exit, we hear quite interesting accents in that says in a sad tone, please. we have not encouraged or supported strikes outside of ukraine, but ultimately ukraine must make its own decisions about how it fights this war. as for the patriot batteries, as i said, we are paying close attention to patriot and other air defense systems, and we are doing everything possible to find them. and deliver to ukraine, as for negotiations, then again these decisions should be made by ukraine, and not by the united states or any other country, so if putin showed interest to serious negotiations, i am sure that the ukrainians would respond to this, but putin
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demonstrates the exact opposite every day, but the point is that these issues should be decided by ukraine itself, we have clearly stated that we will support ukraine in its decisions. and this is where it’s interesting, that is, i understand. when he said all this, i was looking into this matter on my telegram channel, that is, i understand that i have no illusions that the us secretary of state is a person, duplicity and hypocrisy, which is his professional skill, roughly speaking. warns of something, in general, this is it,
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these are the meanings of phrases wrapped around each other, in your opinion, what is this about, based on what the united states is really planning now in relation to this project? blinken always says that cities are independent people who can do anything, absolutely anything, but only after our call, yeah, this is all a clear, understandable american position. now is a very important moment, now it is necessary for a democratic party convention to be held in the united states of america. on in which it will be clearly clear who will still represent the democratic party, then we must hold on until november at any cost, yeah, including not only ukraine, we must also hold on with those forces that can be attracted from the outside. look how certain statements that are prepared within european states always coincide with what the press begins to write: listen, you still need to think about the fact that, of course, we will be the next to be attacked, we must, of course, form certain military units, which should go to ukraine. do you understand what's going on? the concept that america has built is very good: we are your money,
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you are cannon fodder for us, we are money, cannon fodder. you asked the right question, are they giving them enough? the americans have completed their task, at least they stand on it very clearly. they have loaded their military-industrial complex, they are now holding an election platform. now they don’t need to increase the budget at all. and the principle of sufficiency for them means that you have blinkin coming here, as well. a whip that needs to be carefully look, are you sending the money back correctly, because there’s another fact that for some reason we don’t talk about, because blinken comes for a reason, just as soon as the aid packages went out, and those people who track the flows of digital money, there are a lot of why then deals began to be concluded from the territory of ukraine, that is, i translate into russian, the money that the americans are now withdrawing is transferring it, including in real terms , not only weapons to ukraine.
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the owners are different, but again, what is
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the criterion for victory, we always talk to you, after all, blinken in the second part of his speech said a complete unconditional victory for ukraine, he insists on this, on the one hand they tell him: do not go deep into the territory, on the other hand, complete victory immediately contradicts itself, but a complete victory, on the third he says that we we don’t tell them to sit down at the negotiating table or not, but like we will support them in any case, that is, he says not even two, but several three, three absolutely mutually exclusive things. and this means that the united states of america is now still preparing to hand over the cabinet, to handing over the white house, they understand perfectly well that they now have no chance of going through very smoothly and getting another biden presidency is extremely problematic for them, his task now is to maintain the situation, yeah, his task is to persuade the french, the swedes, to persuade anyone , poles, so that they become more actively involved, his priority task is now. to say that we can give you weapons, there are a lot of weapons there, and
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really a lot, and even when they were yelling, the ukrainians told us there was nothing to fight with, they had something to fight with, they definitely had it, this everything is a lie, but they have weapons now, according to all estimates, they will have enough until january, until january of the twenty-fifth year, yeah, then, then another administration must accept a new tranche, we know that on october 1 the new financial year will begin and on october 1, this is not far off, the question will become, who will accept this budget, who will take over themselves? but in fact, this is where we are moving now, this is what we have also talked about many times in this studio in different contexts, that in the united states foreign policy is always a continuation internal, so it’s very interesting to understand, as it were, the foreign policy movements, statements and steps of the united states, from what in their
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domestic policy they stem, accordingly, i want to ask about another alignment, by the way, you said about the fact that... here they always say that ukraine is independent in all its decisions, but independence begins after the call, by the way, in the same conversation kuleba clearly demonstrated this, well, no longer, it’s not even interesting to say again, that kuleba is an idiot, but nevertheless this is a very vivid illustration of what we talk about all the time, that well, in general, listen, we literally need seven batteries, we urgently need seven batteries. of these, two batteries were needed yesterday to protect kharkov. the city of kharkov , the entire kharkov region, is now the point of our efforts to maintain our positions under pressure from the russians. there are opportunities to transfer these patriot air defense systems to us. we are all working hard on this to make it happen as quickly as possible. i'm glad that we are gradually
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approaching this goal, but it must be done even faster. when the ukrainian military has everything they need, we win. when it happens. and from america they are once again beginning to extract in an interesting way such, let ’s say, messages or messages, as in the new york times. let's listen. the biden administration is increasingly concerned that president vladimir putin is gaining enough momentum to change the trajectory of the conflict. temporary or not, russia's new impulse
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is most evident in kharkov. some experts warn that russia's real strategic goal is to force ukrainian troops to move to the fortification. cities, weakening the front lines elsewhere. this could create the opportunity for another russian offensive in june in the donbass. some veterans of the confrontation with putin are not surprised by this turn of events. russia often starts wars bad and ends strong, said president george w. bush's national security adviser, stephen headley. there is a growing feeling within the biden administration that the next few months could prove decisive because at some point both the parties can finally move on to what is agreed upon. a ceasefire, an armistice like the one that ended active hostilities in korea in 1953, or simply a frozen conflict. and this wording, yes, well, it’s clear that this is the new york times newspaper, but it’s clear that publications don’t just appear in the new york times newspaper, all these former advisers just
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don’t say anything, this wording, the next few months may turn out to be decisive, because at some point both the parties can finally move towards agreement.
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what we looked at, if as soon as you start to advance and show your teeth, it’s very good for you to stop, you need to understand one simple thing, as the americans say about today’s conflict, society is very tired.
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the conflict in ukraine will end either in the defeat of one of the parties, or in exhaustion and the realization that no one will be able to fully achieve their goals. moreover, when
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i say: i said, i give only one quote, i could give a dozen of them here, over the last two, three, four months there, that is, with him he doesn’t look like a schizophrenic, it means he’s either him or him, but they’ve placed him in some other paradigm, understanding of the very context we’re talking about, prospects . when they asked if they would push for this, they do not exclude this scenario, this is a stalemate korean scenario, freezing the conflict
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, maintaining the conflict as such, well , north korea, south korea, it’s hard to imagine that this can somehow be connected, but today, no one understands how, this year everything is more complicated, yet legitimate is north korea, and south korea is a dominion created by the united states, there is some kind of historical continuity there, but that’s why. and fertile lands and here is the supply, if you take the brestlite agreement , the customs annex, then supplies from ukraine,
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lard, milk, bread, corn to germany, for which ukraine was needed, that is, in principle, you know, there is such a book, in my opinion , organically, it is called either military accounting, it can be translated in different ways, or war accounting, here they are kugler yak in my opinion, in the eightieth year, they proved that... the lng gas market, i spoke and wrote a lot about the fact that guys, they will break the existing market, they will, because
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there is a change in the energy leader, if before the gas market . was local, closed in a pipe, that is, europe is connected with russia, then they need to create a global market on which derivatives, financial instruments, trading instruments, futures and other contracts can be created, everything, for this it needs to be driven out to sea, and for this it is necessary to cut the connection between the pipe about europe and russia, ukraine - what is this, this breaks the connection, the northern flows - what is this, this is the same thing, when i said this, the head of our gazprom, alexey miller, said that there is no place for gas in europe, everything is contracted.
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connect, yes, this is a nightmare for europe, so the issue is not being resolved about ukraine, the issue is not being resolved about a truce, the issue is being resolved about remaining the financial dominant in this world, the dominant second nation that is replacing, this is understandable, this is china, to question of the visit, let us talk, and for me, for example, there is no question that the war will be there with taiwan, because the americans are already doing everything to ensure that this war happens, they are transferring ... semiconductor production to themselves, they are launching new mines, if earlier, as in the old logic , this design was arranged taiwan china, china mines rare earth, in taiwan they produce semiconductors all over the world, they break these ties, they start investing expensively, we value everything at a high price, but it’s expensive, losses, no, this is an investment in the future, they treat it differently, they are building a new structure
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of this electronic... economy, yes, the raw materials are now in africa, yes, anew, expensive, yes, yes, yes, yes, and they are building semiconductor production, what does this mean, this means that they are for themselves they put risks on taiwanese history, that this development option is no longer possible, as i talked about lng, it was clear that there would be war and there would be devastation, and here it is obvious to me, i have a good friend, he at one time calculated the beginning of operation storm in the desert, he calculated how long the tanker with the aviation fuel. from japan, he calculated how long it would take him to reach the persian gulf, to the american bases, and that this was fuel for airplanes, a war would begin, and he accurately predicted, because the accounting of war is, this is not, no, not military operations, this the possibility of concentrating all the forces of the nation, consolidating everyone, you know, that’s who wins the war, now, now let’s move on to talking about china, can you briefly explain to me that you laughed so hard when
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you listened to peter paul about the fact that now they need us urgently. try it on, well, i just already i know from some of my insider sources that he was very carefully looking for projectiles, that is, he wanted to make some money, but he was able to collect less than a third, despite the fact that he collected money for almost everything, that is , somehow the topic went somewhere, and the topic went, firstly, the topic went away, and secondly, it suddenly began to dawn on him that when you look at everything from the inside, like a small czech, where there is production a little bit for yourself, to someone, it’s one thing when you suddenly get in. into macroeconomics, again, macroeconomics war, and it turns out that there really are no shells, and they can’t be given out of nowhere, that is, in other words, you laugh because petor pavel changed his shoes, it’s clear that he just hit his head on reality as it is, and not the way he wanted, absolutely, and the last point, for me, is this korean script, it is also very important on the other hand, it speaks of that huge wild ossification of the american establishment, they don’t have, as
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it were, a plan b, a plan in and so on, the only thing they have is -
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is now acting as a battering ram to further incite the conflict. russia is the enemy. we confront the enemy to prevent his advance. gentlemen, you and i will not fight with machine guns in the trenches. that's why we're starting tactical nuclear weapons exercises. david cameron is a dear liar. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. yes, bor, of course, i will sign the divorce document and hand it over to you. no, i can do it, stress, go away, what's wrong with you, don't rush, sorry, sorry, for god's sake, please contact me, alexander,
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you won’t get bored on your team, although sometimes i would like, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, you can have three of these, yeah, thanks. a revolutionary breakthrough in the treatment of this disease, revolutionary medicines that are already available in russia, a healthy life in the program, a new project, tomorrow is the first one, we gathered our thoughts about the film by sergei lin, passion for matveev, i just look like a dead man here, nothing, let him know right away what you look like in the post, they’re already sending you hearts, the most unexpected thing was that i really liked the movie. was there some kind of prejudice? i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish. i believe that if you sincerely do not believe, then it is better than believing somehow falsely. according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox. excuse me,
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please, but it’s not sunday yet, you know, it was such a discovery for me that on easter anyone can ring the bell. did you really go to learn how to make calls? it’s absolutely true what you think you are, but there is a duty, a family of tradition. for the bride, we prepared a frog from deer fur, we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears, go to the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom, otherwise
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you will hit your wedding face in the snow, nenets clothes are called malitsa, it’s warm inside, unlike me you don’t freeze, ice table, imagine , here is not just ice, here is a northern polar berry, a cranberry, it is in the shape of a pattern, deer antlers, for the bride. perhaps the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, but it sounds beautiful, like not fascism, but the most
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a striking lack of understanding in ukrainian fascism is that for europe, be it latin or german, as well as for all the world's anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always been and will be second class, ukrainians live... in myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copy the recipes of someone else success, the right path to failure, premiere, ordinary fascism 2, on monday, on the first, the program time will tell, we continue to work. live, as i said at the beginning of the program, we will talk about the global context when you you say the words global context, it is clear that this is russia, it is clear that this is the usa, it is clear that this is china, a large representative delegation
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of the russian federation headed by the president flew to china today, this is the first state visit after the inauguration, this is always a very important signal in international relations, where the first state visit is being made, i think that no one is surprised that... in the sense that the financial times writes that china and russia are an economic friendship that can shake the world. in this sense everyone, everyone everywhere understands what the rapprochement between russia and china means for the hegemon, which is still not completely clear to me, sometimes i can’t fully believe it, that the americans with their own hands have abandoned and continue to push us, well, in a sense rapprochement, i can’t understand this foreign policy trick.
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because we will not allow china to flood our market, making it impossible for american automakers to compete fairly. we are also imposing a twenty-five percent tariff on electric vehicle batteries from china and a twenty-five percent tariff on the critical minerals from which these batteries are made. next, we are going to increase tariffs on chinese solar panels from 25 to 50%. again, because the chinese government.
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they use dishonest methods, for example, massively subsidize industries. president biden believes that everything we do should be about solving our problems, not about broad goals. i hope we don't see a serious reaction from the people's republic of china, but it's a possibility always exists. well, that is, we will choke you, but don’t be offended, it’s like, well, i looked at them, listened to biden and this grandmother, this grandmother next to my grandfather, for so many years, so many years together. remember,
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there was such a song, the cuckoo group sang it, yes, but she says that well, we hope our chinese partners will not be offended, the chinese partners understand everything perfectly and react quite clearly. wang yi: the united states has been imposing unilateral sanctions on china for some time, abused customs duties and almost reached the point of insanity, putting pressure on the normal trade, economic , scientific and technological activities of china. this is the most typical form of bullying in the modern world, this shows that some people in the united states have gone crazy in order to maintain their unipolar hegemony, rhetoric, in the united states this rhetoric is internal political, because they need to look like something in front of biden, so to speak also such tough guys with the chinese, or what is it, why are they doing this, why are they, well, roughly speaking, they force you to get closer. by far the most important issue, which we have also raised more than once.
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any person who has been to america has no chance of buying something american, so that the entire production chain is absolutely made in america, everyone understands this perfectly well, the rapprochement that now exists between russia and china, and this is a very serious rapprochement, because now all those who flew there with our president will not return empty-handed, they will sign very important government agreements, this will also apply to the financial industry, because they are heading there, including key bankers who... will be involved
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in transactions, yes, the americans seem to be creating an additional successful background for this rapprochement to happen, they need this , i don’t understand, you have to understand, they would like to go softer somehow now, or they don’t have options, they don’t have options now, the fact is that they would like to win back now, because one of the criteria for negotiations, including ukraine is to separate russia and china, that’s what all political scientists say that we now need to come up with some kind of system so that we can sell something to russia. so profitable, for example, lifting sanctions, for example, reintegrating russian fuels into the european market again, we must sell something so desirable to russia that they would immediately betray china, but they forgot. one simple thing is that today these are the criteria, when there was a word, when there was a criterion of justice, everything has changed, except, except for russia and china, look, we have a certain list of neutrals states, remember, once there was a list of seven countries, this was switzerland, this is austria, malta, san marina are included there,
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turkmenistan is also included, the vatican is also there and, of course, cambodia, look how easily switzerland got out of there in 2 seconds, guys, now i’m not a neutral country, but throughout... all that time from 1918 to this day, everything that china does and what russia does, we remain within the framework of international law, you don’t find an obvious violation of international law, and this is a very big the problem, the problem is that the legitimacy of actions remains with us, and some semblance of legality remains with the western world, you know what’s the matter, they decided to play this fork of legality and legitimacy, they want to destroy us for only one reason: we are ready from the point from the point of view of the right to give you some kind of bait, but you must betray, either betrayal or the law, but they forgot one simple thing, we are for legality, for legitimacy, and the russians do not give it, it’s clear, well, i still agree with you, what do they have
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there is simply no choice, based on the logic of war accounting, i mean america, yes, because we are trying to assess the situation in the logic of the old model,
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because well, the turning point, in my opinion, happened under obama, when at the last ats summit this and the pacific partnership should have been accepted and china, under the terms of joining the wto, had to privatize its central bank, but china said no, it will remain state-owned and our central bank will carry out state tasks, this was the first blow to the understanding that china will not become a common space of a common norm for the west.
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for the western world, and the fact that they do not want to enter the financial system of the west is obvious, for them this is a threat, because a huge economy is brewing with material resources, obvious, not financial, but material assets, capital, which can be capitalized in its financial system, that’s when they talk about the brix system, if an alternative financial system of lending, investing, that is, is created looking into the future, then a new world will begin, therefore from the old logic. there is no need to expect from them that they will act based on immediate profit, they look at whether they will maintain their dominance or not, because only dominance is such a concept, economic power, which is not determined by the amount of profit produced , the ability to control the key points of production, they are fighting for this,
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this is very interesting, it is very important to remember when we discuss what is happening, what is needed there is still a lot to keep in mind, yes, i think that the imposed sanctions, of course, first of all, are still a very serious attempt to try to influence the internal situation in china, the americans are quite aware of the processes, i’m not talking about the economy, but processes.
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the sedzenpin group on the pda will be very large, it is clear that they will cope, there is no doubt about it, but the fact that this will cause such processes, that more dissatisfied people will appear, that, as it were, the program that is being laid, it will not laid down for a month, it is laid down for years in advance, which in 3-4 years will probably give the desired effect, it is this group that will be squeezed out of power, yeah, interesting, there is a fifth column in china, and not only that, china, this is for only they all look the same to us, as in that film mimino, remember
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these russians look alike, there, and there the difference between southern china and northern china, between the provinces is colossal, even in language, they don’t understand each other, that is, there the national card can also be played, so the empire of china is like actually, for the soviet union, as for russia, empire was always superior, because it united not on the national principle, but on scale.
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countries in india and how many they have contracted for several years in advance, so i believe that in many ways they have learned from the americans to punish themselves. well, my friends, this is what we have just talked about, this is the very context within which the conflict in the territory of the former ukraine does not go away, but we all understand what a multi-stage and multi- level structure is set up above it, this it is always important to remember, when evaluating certain actions, inactions, statements, visits, words, and so on and so forth, everything is much more complicated than it sometimes seems to us, who want simple solutions; floors up and 100 floors down, and there is also advertising in the middle, everything rests on it, who are you? anastasia morozova, court medical expert.
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product of steller group. cognac monte shock. product of stellar group. rom. castro. product of steller group. vodka veda. product of steller group. old barrel cognac. product steller group. we gathered our thoughts about sergei ilyin’s film the madveev passion. i just look like a dead man here. that let him immediately know what you look like in lent, they’re already sending you hearts, the most unexpected thing was that i really liked the film,
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probably, but there was some kind of prejudice, i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish, i think what if it's sincere...
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what would you do? i'm half a hundred and two, ready to ram, harry powers's interrupted flight on saturday on the first, how's the mood, great mood, oh, mariupol, like a seagull with
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with a damaged wing, their uniform has been abandoned, that is , they mostly came to the surface not...
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the version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, but it sounds beautiful, it seems like it’s not fascism, but the most amazing thing about ukrainian fascism - a lack of understanding that for europe, be it latin or german, as well as for all the world's anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always been and will be second class, ukrainians live by other people's myths, propaganda has copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is the right path to a loss. premiere, ordinary fascism two. on monday, on the first. well, the end
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of the program, as always, follows tradition. my trips to the front, we, having talked about all these multi-stage structures, all sorts of global contradictions, we return to where now on the shoulders of the russian soldier, this whole structure is supported and so much depends on his success, the best, the brightest that i i bring from the front - these are greetings that the guys convey to their relatives, now another portion from my friends, let's go, greetings to my family, mother and my sister, her daughter, i love everyone, i’m waiting for everyone, i’m sure to visit, if anyone decides to come, victory will be ours, glory, i want to say hello to my girlfriend, sasha anastasia, dear sister, uh, svetlania zaripova, and of course my beloved mother , uh,
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i love you all very much, i miss you, i hug you tightly. beloved wife julia, hello to you, i say hello to all my relatives, my little daughter, as well as to all the people from my hometown. and of course to his wife lyudmila aleksandrovna sinovo and to his children. egor, artyom simonov, veronica simonov, i thank you all very much i love you, i miss you very much, i say hello
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to my family, my beloved jelly bean, mom, dad, sister, victory will be ours, come with us, these are the guys, i say, it’s just me every time... when they’re there, that is, there is some kind of fatigue, crazy, and irritation, all this, but people, they glow from the inside, yes, here they are, well, as they say, not all ciceros, but it’s all so sincere that you come from there charged up this kind of human warmth, i can’t tell you what these guys, well, for some reason they’re just standing there to his wife lyudmila aleksanna there - hello says all this, i can’t tell you, someday the time will come... what did these guys see, what did these guys do, what did these guys , what these guys continue to do, what problems they continue to solve, this, well, this
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evokes great respect, but the most important thing, i repeat once again, is that these guys remain people, bright, sincere, real, so, well, i don’t see any other options , besides how we will all win together, guys, heir doll. british politicians know how to cut coupons on literally everything. baron, david memeron, now head of the uk, and formerly prime minister. who lost his post due to a corruption scandal, is not going to stop, making money from literally everything. an enslaving loan to ukraine called aid.


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