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tv   Ishcheika  1TV  May 15, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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the final tournament of the russian championship took place, somewhere between high school students and college students. in the final game , 75 teams from 43 regions met, the champions were teams from tatarstan, gifts, travel certificates and educational programs for the winners and prize-winners. words of gratitude to their mentors. presented
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here what their team is proud of and our whole country is proud of, and the fact that you are the best is also rightful, because to get to the finals and show yourself worthy, this , of course, is the knowledge and will of each of you, this teamwork, but this is of course the work of teachers and mentors. i looked, but the competition is very tough, they already correctly said that everyone who came here became the best out of 100,000, and a new stage in the development of the moscow metro: the start of passage on the rublevo-arkhangelskaya line under construction, they went in two counts at once, according to established tradition they have female names: natalie and victoria. it is, of course, inconvenient to approach such people without a gift, especially on the day of the moscow metro. exactly 89 years ago the sokolniki branch opened.
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however, the main thing is safety precautions, anna kurbatova's physical appearance has even more impressive shots. there we have the first lobby, and there we have an underground pedestrian crossing, there we have a transfer to the bkl station of the same name, there we will have entrance number three, number four, number five. in the north-west of moscow , on the site of this construction in the future there will be a people's militia station. there is already a metro with the same name in this area on the large ring line. the new station will become a transfer station to the new line. trains will run directly below us. let's go down. 22 m. depth. work underground does not stop even at night. the rublevo arkhangelsk metro line , almost 19 km long, is being laid here. this line of the capital's subway is being built in stages, starting in 2012. it will stretch from the business center of moscow city to rublev arkhangelsky itself, where now...
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going out onto novorizhskoye highway, they will relieve some of the load from this very, very intense and congested direction. well, friends, let's get old, let's go, let's go. and now two tunnels of the tunneling complex, or as they are called here, began to work at once called? natalie, the complex that starts on the next track is called victoria, and the men's team works on the tunnels. during
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construction, so it’s nice to use female names. the length of each such complex is almost 100 m. that is, it is a small, let’s say , machine-building plant underground. at the helm of one of them, or rather, at the control panel, is operator alexander tsykhanovich, who took part in many historical construction projects in our country. i was in krasnoyarsk, i was at the construction of tunnels in front of sochi olympics, was in bama, north, north baikal. and now it’s moscow, the car under his control is literally digging the ground, moving slowly at only 25 mm per minute, and here it is important to clearly keep the course. the facility, engineers say, is extremely complex, and not only because it is being built under busy, densely built-up areas. you know, the city of moscow is unique precisely from the point of view of geology, the category of soils from rocks to karst voids to quicksand, but from the point of view, let’s say, precisely... complexity
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this type of work is category number one. moscow was not built right away, and continues to be built. since 2011 , the capital’s metro network has grown by more than one and a half times. they plan for 2025, and there are about 3 years left until the completion of the construction of the entire ruble arkhangelsk branch. anna kurbatova, andrey sachuk, nikolay sesoev, anastasia slobodyanyuk, igor agafonov, channel one. that's all, well, right now bloodhound, a new
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series. “sasha, i read again until the morning, oh, mommy, because people who read books always defeat those who watch tv, i mean i already heard, get up, come on, m, mom, please, can i have just a minute more, no minutes, you know, this never
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worked, not in kindergarten, not at school, not even at college, get up, vacation is over, oh, lord, what a vacation, mom, i haven’t rested a day yet, can you rest at work? what’s on your head, this, what is this? mom, this, this is how boris and i once went on a romantic trip, he bought this is a gift for me, lord, you have a completely different life, sasha, that’s it, for god’s sake, well, get up, i’m going to the doctor, and masha has left to meet with the publisher, bear, on you, everything, rise, everything, rise, rise, sasha, get up, i'm gone, well, please, oh, turn off this, lord, this alarm clock, remember, fighting is not always aggression, you can be wiser than you enemy, and most importantly, you should not want war, but peace, a ban for you is such a daisy, but if you get into a jug, it’s a completely different
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type of fight, but here you need to avoid violence as much as possible, yeah, like a heart-to-heart talk, the main thing avoid a fight, but if... you hit me straight in the head, okay? you see, no one was hurt, and while you are rising, or not? stand up, when i was young i thought that you had time to think, attacking again with a left hook solves all problems, and then i went to work in the police and i realized what it means to be responsible for people’s lives and to value this very life, so we stood up in pairs and practiced this exercise , it’s clear, we’re leaving the line of attack,
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we’ve got a tight grip, let’s continue to work, it’s clear, let’s do three, let’s go, we’re working, we’re all working, you’re shadowboxing, we’re working, guys, we’re working, hello, singing, hello, what, got a toothy group , okay, already making contact, myself you know, with such guys you need more patience than all these exercises, i agree, i wouldn’t have signed up for such a thing without you, i watched how you work with them , i was inspired, oh well, why not in training, yes, i started, but here from drug clinics in the south called, alina ran away, polyakova, this is the one who recently broke down, or something, she, her house, on my site, i’m going to check, i’m going with you, now i’ll just take a shower, 5 minutes of work and we ’re done, guys , okay, come on, i'm waiting for you, come on, you've already called her family, listen, no,
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i wanted to check everything myself first, they were already tormented with her, they were tormented, they transferred her from clinic to clinic, well... it feels like they were looking for a treasure here, or a dose, alin, are you here, this is oleg dmitrievich, a trainer from the center iris, and pyotr ivanovich, i 'll look in the room, uh-huh, alina, alina, oleg, come here, wow, don't touch anything,
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hello, duty officer, oh, bear, we're speeding up like never before, we slept through everything, good morning, ilya, thank you so much for coming, i wanted at least once in my life, like a white man, to get up early and go to work on time, but overslept. it's okay, i'll take you. misha, do you like to ride in a car? yes, with the breeze? yes, but you can do it without the breeze, i didn’t have time to do the styling anyway. you look great and this hoop suits you. what hoop? well, a hoop. oh, my god, forgive me. so, to the garden, and then, and then to... 16 zhirkov called, we have pipes, move,
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please. maradrag, greetings, what do you say?
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i will say that this is a firearm, the shot was fired in the back of the head from a 9 mm pistol. who are you? anastasia morozova, court medical expert, is heavily attached to your department. sash, moraj, on vacation. oh, right, sorry, for god's sake, i forgot. continue, court expert morozova. the bullet passed through the back of the head, shattering the bones of the face. it will be difficult to identify, but... judging by the condition of the teeth and frontal bone tissue, the victim is approximately 25 years old, alina is 19. perhaps you did not take a medical history, anastasia, alina was a drug addict, and this, as a rule, wears out the body quite a lot. alina was in a state of drug intoxication, well, it’s impossible to determine by her pupils because of the wound, all the details will be after toxicological examination. time of death? somewhere between 10 midnight, i’ll tell you exactly after the autopsy. this is strange, oleg mich. the hospital
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called only in the morning. i already clarified that during the evening rounds alina was there, and then, apparently, she picked the lock on the door and escaped. we only noticed this morning and immediately called. somehow he doesn’t treat his patients lightly. alina, an experienced patient, had her own tricks. bag, phone, personal belongings, found? the phone has not yet been found. like a murder weapon. by the way, there is no sleeve either. yes. she was under the influence of drugs. i agree, as soon as the results of the toxicological
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examination are available, notify me immediately. yes ok. what happens? it turns out that the killer was then looking for something here after he shot her. ilya, come here, we need to inspect everything here. what's interesting? empty, can you smell it, gentlemen? yes, sharp, masculine perfume, yes, there are notes of musk, senior lieutenant markov, filya, judge-expert morozov, expert morozov, please take your place of work, yes, certainly.
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good morning, alexander ivanovna, greetings , arkady yakolevich, glad to see you in the ranks again. what do you have today? a girl who escaped from a drug clinic the night before was killed. clear. how do you like the new forensic scientist? seems smart? well, i see, the opera has recorded the most prominent one, well, of course, set your mind exclusively on working armor, you won’t get bored in your team, although sometimes i would like to, we gathered our thoughts
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about the film by sergei ilyin, passion for matveev, i’m just here on a dead man. looks like nothing, let him immediately know what you look like in lent, they’re already sending you hearts, the most unexpected thing was that i really liked the film, but there was a prejudice, but how did i suddenly realize that orthodoxy is stylish, i think that if you if you don’t sincerely believe, then it’s better than believing somehow falsely, according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox, excuse me, please, but i haven’t risen yet, you don’t know, such a discovery for me was that on easter anyone can ring the bell , did you really go to learn how to make special calls? absolutely true what do you think you are, but there is duty, family and traditions, there is love, and there are rules, but they contradict each other, depending on what kind of love, depending on what kind of rules, well, in my situation it contradicts, but in your situation, you have apparently life or yes, but this is my problem, as if i think that this should not happen, podcast lab on friday on the first, i have been writing poetry all my life, starting from
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childhood, a lot of relatives live with me, there is no creative zone, this is both a living room and your bedroom, and it is also desirable that it is also an office, here we need something so lyrical, romantic, light, some kind of accent wallpaper, we need a throne, a chair with flowers, admiration, very beautiful with gray and gold, have you ever seen a bed that has? about the comfort of the premiere in please, saturday on the first, we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle, between the north pole and the equator, friends, we are in stavropol, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, kick , indian,
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natural homemade, i have the most delicious one. duck with garlic baked in the oven, very tasty , i have a full discount, according to statistics , girls jump more than boys, but in boys, the instinct of self-preservation has to be challenged more, oh , your head just starts to spin, the longer you stand, the worse it is, you have to jump , i’m very scared, let’s go, the premiere is on saturday at the first, because it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine... it is impossible, the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, and it sounds beautiful, like it’s not fascism, but the most striking thing about ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe , be it latin or german, as well as for all the world’s anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always
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been and will be second class, ukrainians live... by other people's myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success, a sure way to lose, premiere, ordinary fascism 2 on monday, on the first, and where can i stay in the morgue, well i mean for... examination, and so, please, you can take any table, i’m right, gentlemen, for example, mine, but would you like coffee, but i have some pies, my wife baked them, huh? thank you, i need to urgently conduct an examination. allow me, alexandra ivanovna. yes, please, take your place at your workplace. so, gentlemen, let's get down to business.
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i told everything i knew about the victim. brilliantly. polikova escaped from the clinic and decided to find a dose. apparently i got into trouble with the dealer. it is necessary to check all cameras from the clinic to the home. maybe we'll find something. and we will. and you will also need to visit this clinic. may i, alexander ivanov. please, oleg dmitrievich, what's wrong with the phone? so nothing... found, found, where, he was no longer at the crime scene, i checked, in general, it doesn’t matter, polikova’s phone, it just turned on in the area of ​​​​the cell phone salon on the kursaalnaya, great, oleg dmitrievich, igor vasilyevich, urgently there, well, that’s it, but we’re there, ilya, show me where the device is, vasilich. behind me, aha, aha,
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oh, the object is fixed, i am behind her, and you go around, around there. stop, anastasia. what did you find? on the bullet, the end line of the secondary marks, the rifling fields, has a slight bend towards the head, which means it was fired
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from a homemade weapon. that's all, and also, after all, i was right, i wonder what the victim is, and 25 to 27 years old, she was not a drug addict, so, so what? isn't this alena polikova? this is alina polyakova, she’s alive, let her eat, call an ambulance. yeah, i'm calling. talina, hold on. hang in there, honey.
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the relatives of the murdered woman arrived, well, that is, in general, the police family is here, i didn’t tell them yet that she was alive, you’re right i did it myself, oleg mich, come with me, you know them, good afternoon, colonel kushnir, lieutenant colonel zhirkov, do you know? oleg dmitrievich, how was she killed? greetings , yuri. the fact is that alina is alive, even in the hospital, but she is alive, she was hit by a car. wait, i don’t understand, i don’t understand,
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how is this? ekaterina sergeevna, there was a misunderstanding. ekaterina sergegievna, the fact is that in the house where your daughter lives, we found the body of a girl, at first we naturally thought it was alina, what girl? her identity has not yet been established. the most the main thing is that alina is alive with her. everything will be fine, she is now in the city hospital, forgive us for this misunderstanding, yes, it doesn’t matter anymore, - sorry, but we are still needed, i don’t feel very well, we can go, yes, yes, yes , of course, i'm sorry, it's just all this is hard for us now, we didn't even tell our father anything, because he recently had a heart attack after he found out that alina was back in the clinic, her mother is holding on, but of course the news is... . creepy, yes, i understand, yuri, one more question, tell me. in your house or in alina’s house, maybe there was some kind of weapon, a pistol, but no, well, we definitely don’t, well, if you want, you can
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check. but i follow alina eye to eye, after all, a sister, a drug addict, you know, between us, only me, when she was not at home, i came and did an examination for, well , you know, yes, yuri, i understand, thank you, we will definitely contact you, i will accompany you, thank you, oleg dmitrievich, if anything happens, call immediately if you need us. okay, okay, alina respects you very much, she is very spoke with inspiration about the center, thank you, so, gentlemen, we have an unknown corpse in polikova’s house, already known, nastya tried, i discovered a retrograde pin
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in the victim’s thigh. only two clinics in moscow install such pins. we have submitted a request. so, friends, i beg you, don’t languish. who is our victim? regina kareva, 27 years old, worked as an administrator at a samara hotel. it was registered there. i checked the data for the last six months, she often came to our city for 1-2 days. and today at midnight i had to leave back to samara. we need to find out what she was doing when she arrived? she was a dealer. well, she could have just had personal meetings. i agree, nothing can be ruled out. the only question is why: regina ended up in alina’s house, which one of them did they want to kill? if alina, then the killer must have known that she escaped from the hospital. i agree, but there is another option that alina could have killed regina, if we still assume that regina was a dealer. in general, you need to look for a connection, a connection between girls. what about the fingerprints? eat coincidence? well, there are many prints of palyakova herself, the rest are still unknown. okay, as soon as you have any information, please let me know immediately. and igor vasilyevich,
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please. run yourself. please find out something about the original's relatives. san, ilya, please, go through everything by girls, billing, transactions. let's do it, oleg mitoch, we still have to go to this non-narcology clinic, talk to the staff, maybe there was some reason why alina ran away. let's change clothes and go together. okay, i do i understand this.
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“she is first of all your patient, sit down, thank you, we wanted to ask you a few questions, why do you think alina ran away, maybe there was some kind of conflict, someone came to see her, no, nothing, nothing like that, i think , everything is much simpler, what do you mean, the reason for such escapes is always the same, a new dose, she wanted to get rid of addiction, and you promised to help, or are you here only to make money from people like her, what are you if you allow yourself, polikova completed a course of treatment, speaker"? was positive and it’s to your advantage that they break down, so, calm down, please, tell me who came to kolya before the escape, brother, the parents didn’t come, well, of course, such children are a burden, they are, first of all, people, they need help , oleg dmitrievich, when her brother came, 10 days ago, alina at first didn’t want to see anyone, she was ashamed that she had lost control, that is, she realized what she had done, why did she run away then, i’m telling you,
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there are no former drug addicts, you. that's it, i have to work, yes, we have everything, thank you, let's go, you just attacked, because i know that in such private clinics they are really in no hurry to help them, and they treat them like a line and a statement, and not like people, i freaked out, sorry, but don’t apologize, everything is clear. well, shall i take you home? yes, thank you, one more thing, i’m haunted by alina’s mother’s reaction to the fact that her daughter is alive, she seemed to be upset or tense somehow, do you think ekaterina knows something? i don't know, but i would like to talk to her outside of my son's presence, you can find out where she will be tomorrow, okay? of course i'll give it to you information. hello, what happened?
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airplane nikot sergeevich, american reconnaissance aircraft over our territory. congratulations, valin. great photos. “very valuable information, you understand that it’s a shame on such a day as may 1st and admit your own helplessness, i even envy you a little, guy, you will go down in history as the first to fly over the soviets from south to north, the air defense system is powerless against some spy, learn to shoot down immediately, flights must be suspended, the situation must not be escalated, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down. insignificantly small, a ram at such a height is certain death, if you were in the pilot’s place, what would you do, i’m fifty-two, ready for a ram, the interrupted flight of harry powers
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on saturday on the first, eternal mirzlata, snow, we are in salihard , my name is... my name is masni, i am also from the yamal region, for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur, we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears. drive into the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom, otherwise you’ll hit your wedding face in the snow. nenets clothing is called malitsa, it’s warm inside, unlike me you don’t freeze, there’s an ice table, can you imagine, there ’s not just ice here, yes. here is the northern polar berry, cranberry, it is in the shape of a pattern, deer antlers, it goes for the bride, before the wedding , the oldest woman in the family performed a ritual of purification of the plague by fumigating the bride with smoke, here
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on the arctic circle in the tundra we will shout out our friendly wedding, on sunday on the first. there is no way you can miss this, television is from the inside, the premiere is on sunday on the first, the weather today is invigorating. looked good, but it’s not hot, damn it, listen, i broke my leg, and as far as i can see, they are a sports family, but the daughter doesn’t fit into the company, yeah, i’ll go buy some water, hold on, yes,
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please, distract him while i talk to mother, good, oh, so, girl, how... lucky, yes, so, tell me, hello, ekaterina sergeevna, you know, to be honest , i thought i’d find you at the hospital with my daughter, but they told me that today you wasn’t even there, we’ll be there later today, at some point we went out to the park with our son, it was only thanks to him that i held on, what happened this murdered girl, alina, is somehow connected with her, no, unfortunately, i can’t tell you the details of the investigation, okay, please tell me... drugs, i guess in high school
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i don’t know how my daughter started using for a long time, you don’t know, i don’t know, she was a very difficult teenager, and my husband and i chalked it all up to puberty, adolescence, all this aggression. anger, irritation, when they found out, it was already too late, they found out when she was taken to the hospital for the first time before the oz, the doctor said that everything was already very bad, very neglected, then our life turned into some kind of nightmare, i sympathize with you, and then she started stealing, first she stole things from us, then money, and then imagine, a gang from...
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"it seemed like something was changing it became that she began a new life, then you know, we thought that if we put her in comfortable , favorable conditions, the genetic predisposition may not manifest itself, yeah, as you can see, it manifested itself, her mother was a drug addict, i mean, alina, that an adopted daughter, yes, we adopted her when she was one year old, raised like your own, why did you adopt alina? because my husband really wanted a girl, but i couldn’t give birth, i had complications after giving birth. you adopted her, you had a two-year-old child who requires,
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who requires a lot of attention, i know myself, i have a son, here you are suddenly adopting a child, hello, what happened, what do you want from your mother, nothing, i just asked a few questions for your mother, i told you that all the questions are for me, yes, i remember everything, excuse me, that’s it, yes, that’s it, goodbye, thank you, god, what’s in our past, then most of all, his mother is very worried about him, you can understand him, his father after a heart attack, his sister almost died, you managed to find out something, yes, alina is an adopted daughter, ekaterina is trying to look like a loving mother, but i feel something is insincere in in her words, please, check all the information about the establishment, okay, just first, ilya, take me... please, the rehabilitation center, oleg
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dmitrovich, there is a training session there now, i want to talk to those who communicated with alina, come on, kill her, oh, you know, completely under we approach him, we catch his movement, we make a throw at his movement, we control him completely, it’s clear, yes, no, i don’t hear, yes, yes. well, everything is great, thank you for the training, guys, come on, thank you, hello guys , well done, greetings, alexander ivanovna, greetings, oleg dmitrievich, i was just amazed at how you work with young people, sports, wise advice, just like that manly without edification, how did you manage to find such a correct approach, by trial and error, you know, at first i felt sorry for them, and it didn’t work, because it was the wrong feeling, and what feeling worked, honesty? they committed a crime, they were punished, they
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should not be pitied, they should be guided, i agree, to say it as it is, to call things by their proper names, so that they do not have the desire to commit a crime again, really, oleg dmitrievich, absolutely right, yes, then sports, sports , it works wonders, a certain type of hormones are produced, stress goes away, anxiety, oh, well, i don’t do sports, when should i, you catch criminals all the time, and you me, what am i, okay, tell me, alina, which group you were in, she’s at peter’s, he has a girl’s group, let’s go, let’s go, alina was not very sociable, after training she went straight home, she didn’t have any friends, she mostly talked with her brother, she said, he understands her better than anyone, yes, her brother was handsome, alina said that compared to him she felt miserable, and she was actually planning to get out. i don't understand why she broke down. alexander ivanovna, how
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did you manage to find out something from my girl? only that alina was lonely, loved her brother, wanted to be like him, but she had nothing it turned out, a difficult story, some interesting perfume you have, yes, someone gave it to you a hundred years ago, excuse me, i have to go, tell oleg that i went to work, yes, yes, of course, goodbye. nastya, please, take it out of the eternal documents into the pillow, i want to check something, but no, look, please, greetings, gentlemen, what news, we rang karyo for a connection with the sale of drugs. regina’s purely friend said that she went to gelendzhik, let’s
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say, for personal reasons, to see her lover, perhaps the fish were fed a long time ago, yesterday, poorly, we also found out that regina kareeva lives with her husband viktor kareev, has a quick temper, has a bad temper, works as a truck driver, he is not on social networks, neither is his wife, his phone number is not available, he is not currently at his place of residence, yes, but we found his name in the passenger lists who arrived in gelendzhik the day before yesterday. well, it turns out that we may have a new suspect, san ilya, we need to check the hotel. let's do it, san. a revolutionary breakthrough in the treatment of this disease, revolutionary medicines that are already available in russia, in the program to live healthy, new project, tomorrow at the first, how’s the mood, great mood, my mariopol, like a seagull
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with a shot down, here’s their uniform thrown, that is , mainly on
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the first, so this is the guy from the luxury, he just arrived, drinks all the time, without drying out, here is this number, open it, check it. oh, yes, the smell alone can get you drunk here, citizen karev.
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you need to come with us to the department. tell me, why did you come to gelendzhik? swim in the sea. and what? i know for sure that this is not so. you came to gelendzhik to find your wife, regina. how did you know that she here? the friend let it slip. this rubbish told me that she went to her mother in ryazan. but i rushed to look for her. i have long suspected that she was stirring things up behind my back. cheats on you, yes, i make money, a truck driver, everything goes to the house, everything to the family, well, i drink sometimes, and that you came, found your wife, tried, but there are people here, the sea, she didn’t answer the phone, the whole evening was disconnected, tell me, and where were you
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the night before yesterday, from 100 to midnight, you were sitting in the monkey bar, the asshole alone in the bar got to the bottom of it, well, i ... civilly explained to him that this is not necessary behave, that is, you were detained for a fight, i understood correctly, but what kind of fight was there, there was no fight, i gave him a diamond once, he passed out, but what happened? the fact is that your wife was found dead this morning, he was shot in the head, that you will have to go to the identification procedure, but for now you are detained until all the circumstances are clarified. it is he? most likely no. he has alubi. i'm sure it will be confirmed. hello. and it doesn’t look like murder by a sick husband. i agree, such jealous people don’t kill in their sleep. i the only thing i don’t understand is how this girl ended up in this house. found a connection between women? it feels like there is no connection between them at all. it was no coincidence that she
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ended up there. although there was one thing, one lady settled her lover with a neighbor. when she went on vacation, and she returned earlier, she comes into the apartment, there is a strange man there, but she uses frying pans to him, it’s good that she didn’t nail him, arka vekovic, and have i already told you that i’m a genius? what is it? i’ve already sent you the report on the pillow by email, sorry anastasia, how fresh it is this smell can be determined, well, judging by the density of the perfume and the oily substances that are there...
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yes, let's go, ilya, she needs to be found urgently, oleg mimitocha, urgently, let's go, i, hello, something happened, sing, you don’t want to tell me anything, or it’s better that i tell you that you didn’t play for me, there was a fresh aroma of men’s perfume left on the pillow, that’s what i use.
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regina, she was my mistress, but i didn’t kill her, let’s go to alexandra ivanna, we’ll sort it out, just be honest, i’ve already messed things up, let’s go, regina came to me in gelendzhik, when my wife and daughter were leaving for their mother, and where you met, in a rented apartment. what happened this time? yes, this time everything turned out somehow stupidly. regina had already left, and my wife
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canceled the trip at the last moment, the pipe in her rented apartment burst, i was afraid of the hotel, her husband is jealous. and you settled her in polyakova’s house. just for a couple of days. lina was at the clinic. regina was supposed to leave at midnight, i didn’t see her off, you understand, when i went to check on alina at the house, i was completely certainty that regina is not there. “excuse me , yes, nastya, uh-huh, i understand, thank you, no traces of gunpowder were found on your hands and clothes, but i still can’t let you go, i understand, i wanted to tell you, but i was afraid that my wife would find out, i understand.
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i understand, alina has come to her senses, should i go to her? yes, of course, go, she will trust you more, as soon as you talk to her, tell me right away. thank you, alina, hello, i’ll give you some apples. i brought it, thank you,
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how do you feel, like in space, they filled me with painkillers, and what happened? you ran away from the clinic and got hit by a car. and why are you here, you’re from the police, did i manage to do something? alina, you must remember everything you did after your escape, tell me, do you know this girl? first time i see who it is? i'll tell you, but first you have to remember everything you did after you ran away? i... broke down the door, walked around the post, left the clinic, i didn’t go home, because i understood that first of all they would be waiting for me there, then
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i didn’t have any money at all. the phone was dead we are forbidden to have phones at the clinic, so i hid it, i went into a cafe with some guys, asked for a phone, recorded my brother’s voice, what did you tell him, remember? yes, i said that i ran away, asked for money, said that i would contact him later, you trusted him so much, well, he always helped me out, and didn’t tell my parents. helped, you say, and the girl, that she was found murdered in your house, at first we all thought that it was you who died, so perhaps you are still in danger, we will put you on duty there is a policeman at your door, don’t worry, i won’t hurt you. yes, bor, of course,
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i’ll sign the divorce papers and hand them over to you, yes , of course, we’ve already delayed everything too much, yes, thank you, bye. no, i can do it, as they say, sport works
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wonders, so what. let's check, stress, go away, anxious, go away, alexander, alexander, what's wrong with you, nothing, just anxiety, apparently too high, excuse me, or am i just me...
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"yes, oleg dmitrievich, your sport seems to have worked wonders , well, her brother didn’t tell us that alina called him, okay, wait, that’s it got it, thanks, wait, where are my shoes? oh, ugh, zany, sorry, "sorry, sorry, for god's sake, please contact alexandrova, who called the polikovs, san, you, me, and my brother said what you told him, but asked him to come to the department, nothing more, exactly, nothing, absolutely nothing, clearly, i need details of all his calls, find yuri himself, bring him here, urgently, we have collected
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our thoughts about sergei ilyin’s film passion for matveev, i just look like a dead man here, nothing, let it go right away. knows what you look like in the post, here you are already they are sending hearts, the most unexpected thing was that i really liked the film, probably, but there was a prejudice, of some kind, i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish, i think that if you sincerely don’t believe, then it’s better than believing like -that’s false, according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox, excuse me, please, but it’s not sunday yet, you know, such a discovery for me was that on easter... anyone can ring a bell, but you really went to learn how to ring it specifically yes, absolutely true, who do you think you are, huh there is duty, family tradition, there is love, and there are rules, yes they contradict each other, depending on what kind of love, depending on what rules, depending on what rules, well, in my situation it contradicts, but this is in your situation, do you mean life or yes , but this is my problem, as if i think that this should not happen, podcast lab on friday on the first.
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it will be hot. what where when? summer series of games. on sunday on the first. since it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine, the ukrainian version of nationalism is accepted call it integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, but it sounds nice, like it’s not fascism. but the most amazing thing about ukrainian...
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fascism 2 on monday on the first, i am happy when i develop every day, when i wake up and know that something new is waiting for me during the day, when we get together with the whole family and make dumplings with potatoes, cooking, this is for me... guy, you could say my hobbies are traveling, my favorite is ice hockey, i have a dacha that has turned into paradise, a flower garden, i’m proud of it,
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i started going to drawing classes, and i put my paintings at an exhibition, do music, do art, it’s very cool, i love you all, i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybensk, find good in every second of your life, oleg dmitrievich, uh-huh, good afternoon, hello, what happened, they told me, alina came to her senses, and i wanted to visit her, later, now i’ll ask you to come with me to the department, wait, why, serious circumstances have arisen, the deer is possibly threatening danger, we need to talk, come on, let me i’ll come in and spend at least a minute, yuri, i’m running out of time, please, let’s go, after you,
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please, yuri, come, sit down, why did you call? well, you said that with all questions they should contact you, so they called you. we found out who tried to kill your sister, so who? you, me, yeah, your sister sent you a voice message from another number, so you found out that she had escaped from the hospital, that’s where you were when you tried to call her, sadovaya 16, yes, pay attention, the caller is temporarily unavailable, you easily entered the house, so how you had the keys, in the dark you were perfectly
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oriented in this house, because you had been there many times.


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