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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 16, 2024 3:55am-4:58am MSK

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i ran to work, i love you, have a nice day, dear, good evening, i came home from work, you are in the shower, well, i’ll cook my own dinner, you take a soak, if anything, come, i ’ll read a book for now, dear, good morning , you’re in the shower, don’t worry, i ’ll take lyoshenka to the garden myself, and you rest, i’ll be back soon, have a good day, darling, good evening, i have a surprise for you, our alyoshenka got married, well, we’re at the restaurant, come come to us if you come out of the shower, i love you. she
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looks good in the bathroom, in the frame in the frame, yeah darling, you’re in the bathroom, god, how you ’ve survived, we’re having a golden wedding today, and i came up with how we’re going to celebrate it, in short, he decided it right away. won’t choose, but i’ll at least roll around in the bathtub with her, look at how beautiful she is in a swimsuit, she’s freaking out, oh, now i have to get her out of there, she’s very good in this regard, she acted very artistically, although of course she had it’s not a great role, but she’s great.
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well, alena, aren’t you afraid of spending your whole life in the foam? eh, yes, i understood the joke of this scene, in fact, but i probably don’t spend that much time in the bathroom, i manage to do a lot of things, i wouldn’t work at several jobs if every day, in your words, you spend 5 hours in the bath, how do you like it? , groom, how are you, vitaly, interesting, i think that in principle, for example, a question for my daughter. it doesn’t bother me too much, but i think he won’t understand my language very well, because kringe all the other words, well, it’s complete trash, you got wet, a little, it was behind the scenes, but you just didn’t pay any attention, i her took it out of the bath, carried it to the locker room, yes, yes, in her arms, she walked on foot, didn’t walk with her legs, oh, let me shake hands, a real man, that’s it, your victory is guaranteed, go to vitaly,
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no cruz, because he’s the same , how are you your friend who is sitting next to you, well, with vyacheslav you - the distance, as they say, will separate you, in fact, you know, no matter what she chooses, it will still remain hers, well, her choice, and i his i respect you, because you think like this, that’s why she will choose you, iron man, please tell me, it’s interesting, well, if i learned anything. while i’m working with you here, it ’s that there is a big difference between the groom who really suits the bride and the one she irrationally wants, so i don’t know if it’s a joke or not, but i recommend vyacheslav, and you think with your own head, decide yourself, no matter who you go to today, in any case we will support you, because we want you to be happy, come on in. i invite everyone to come out and
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support alena, hello, again, hello, take a seat, i’m so i thought, i’m not afraid, no, he’s a worthy man, and i decided to choose myself, because you were right about what you said about the massage, it’s simple, i’m the one to die for this channel, this is what i really need, then our distance , i'm by car, distance is not a problem for me, yeah, so i think i would try with you, if you chose me, we have a couple, alena and vyacheslav, if you are single or did you like it? one of
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the participants in today's program, write to the website of the first channel, and i'm larisa guzeeva, i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you. let's get married. hello to the program.
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with a course towards quality of life, the new government has begun work, what priorities did the head of state outline in his parting words at the start? moving into the future, the canon of the president's state visit to china, common approaches to global challenges and mega-contracts that are not an obstacle to sanctions. landing from the west, georgia, the law on foreign agents, how many interests are tied to street protests and how that same external pressure is growing. and the metro is not right away was being built. on the birthday of the capital's subway, the start of tunneling work on the promising ruble-arkhangelsk league. at
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the beginning of slovakia, where today prime minister robert fica was seriously wounded as a result of a political assassination attempt. as television in bratislava stated, vladimir putin wrote a monstrous crime that has no justification in a telegram addressed to the president of slovakia. the russian leader knows robert fitz as a courageous, strong-willed man, wishes him a speedy and complete recovery, valentin solovyov, about the first in two decades years of attack on a european politician of this level. footage of the assassination attempt on robert fitz, five shots are heard. and in the first seconds after the prime minister of slovakia is moved into the car, he is conscious at that moment. fitz received three wounds, initially two in the abdominal area and one in the shoulder. after the assassination attempt, fitz was transported by helicopter to a hospital in the city of banska bystrica for
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an emergency operation, which has been going on for several hours due to damage to several internal organs at once, and local tv channels reported that the dissemination of information about the health status of the wounded officer. a ban was introduced, mobile phones were confiscated from hospital employees. in these frames , the moment the attacker was detained; everything happened after a retreat of the country’s government in the city of gandlovo, in the western part of the republic; as eyewitnesses report, this man was hiding in the crowd near the building where fitza was speaking. when the prime minister of the republic came out to the people, he called out to him and opened fire. i'm really sorry the police didn't check everyone us, standing there since 10 am. i saw scratches. on fitz’s head, then he fell next to the barrier, this is some kind of nightmare, i thought that this was impossible in slovakia, what is known about the identity of the attacker, the slovak media write that this is a certain juraj cintula, he is 71 years old, a citizen of slovakia, a native of the city of levitsa , a writer, owned a weapon legally, law enforcement officers
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are investigating the motives for the assassination attempt, the local press writes that tsintula was a supporter of the opposition and criticized fitz’s policies on social networks, here is his response after the arrest. i don't agree with government policy. police have arrested the perpetrator and will provide further information when possible. please do not make hasty conclusions, but think about the most important thing, and this is the only thing at the moment, so that robert fitz gets better as quickly as possible. who was bothered by robert fitz, whose rhetoric was so strikingly different from the western stream. the slovak prime minister is known for criticizing nato's western policy on ukraine. this is what he said about the reasons for the special operation. that's why the war began.
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who wants what, it seems to me that the west is extremely supportive of this war, this message arose in 2022, when some western countries dissuaded ukraine from signing a peace agreement with russia, they say we will use the war in ukraine to weaken russia, we will provide military and economic assistance to ukraine , we will introduce sanctions against russia and weaken russia, this does not work, he opposed the supply of weapons to kiev, we will not supply any weapons to ukraine. i will vote for no sanctions against russia until an analysis of them is on the table influence on slovakia. if there are sanctions
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that will harm us, as was the case before, then i see no reason to support them. and against sending military personnel to ukraine. please take what i say here seriously. i simply cannot imagine that there will be soldiers from nato member countries on the territory of ukraine. there have not been such shocking attempts on the lives of european leaders since 2003, when they were shot dead in the lobby of the government building. in the back, when he was walking with his wife to the cinema, palma died on the spot. on robert fitz's page appeared message from supporters that he is, quote: in a life-threatening condition, the next few hours will be decisive. in the republic, fitza and his party enjoyed great support from the people. so far, all the elections, all the major elections.
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the head of the ministry of internal affairs of slovakia said that the crime would be thoroughly investigated, and the leaders of a number of countries condemned the attempt. hungarian prime minister viktor orban said he was shocked by the horrific attack, quote. robert fitza is already communicating with doctors after a successful operation, his condition is stable, several bratislava media reports at once, at the same time the head of the country's ministry of defense says that fitz and... are undergoing an operation, and his condition is serious. in russia, the assassination attempt on the slovak prime minister was received with indignation as
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an unjustifiable crime. vladimir putin sent his kindest words about robert fitz and wishes for recovery in a telegram to bratislava. the russian president’s schedule today includes work on how to integrate the security bloc into the overall economy of the country in conditions when defense and security costs are growing. how build relationships between the defense sector and civilian industries and how to evaluate. situation on the fronts of the special operation. the head of state spoke about all this at a meeting of the pvpk, and earlier with the military. kirill brainin for more details. a meeting with the participation of the commanders of all military districts at once is an opportunity for the president to assess the situation with the details that the daily reports of the general staff lack. and for the generals there is also a personal acquaintance with the new minister of defense andrei belousov. his predecessor sergei shaigu also took part in the meeting, who has been appointed secretary of the security council. i want to thank sergei kuzhgevich shaiga for what he has done over the previous years to build
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the armed forces, to give it a new look, i think that no one has any doubts that this look is being consistently created, including in relation to to the requirements of today, to the requirements of modern methods of warfare. yes, we all understand that much still needs to be done. many things were not clear before the start of hostilities, neither to us nor to all those who in one way or another in the world deal with the construction of their armed forces, this is obvious, but how quickly we respond to the demands of the time, this gives us confidence that we will certainly solve all problems of this kind, this is according to the president...
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integrating the links of this bloc into the overall economy of the country is an extremely important thing, bearing in mind that innovative development is also connected with this. we proceed from the fact that all social obligations must be fulfilled to citizens, must be achieved and our goals must be achieved
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national development in all areas, including social ones. at the same time, the increased load on defense enterprises is directly related to the civilian industry, a powerful impetus in the development of a wide variety of industries, and of course, a record low unemployment rate. it is important, according to the president, to maintain the right balance. this relationship between guns, the so-called guns and butter, must be organically integrated into the overall development strategy of the russian state. i hope that. andrey remevich will cope with this task in the best possible way thus, among other things, andrei ramovich has recently, on my instructions, been engaged in some dual-use things, in particular the development of unmanned or other free devices. sergei kuzhegedovich did the same thing through
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the ministry of defense. the minister of defense, who left this post, will be except. the duties of the secretary of the security council will be carried out and the military-industrial complex commission, which functions under the president, will organize the work of the federal service for cooperation with foreign countries, i think that sergei kozhgeyadovich, like no one else, understands the need to ensure our obligations to our partners in the field of supply of military equipment. to the foreign market, taking into account the fact that first of all we must meet the needs of our armed forces, in fact those on whom, as the head of state has repeatedly said, everything else ultimately depends. the entire country works for the needs of the army, which this army defends every day on the front line. as for the general staff of the entire structure, which
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provides combat work, there are no changes here and are not planned, i want this to be clear to everyone. in the border zone, this is what they have been doing for all the years, starting from 2014, when we tried to resolve this conflict by peaceful means, unfortunately, nothing worked out, and we were forced to start protecting our people in these territories with
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the help of armed forces , but the more effectively you work on the line of combat contact... the more chances we have to resolve this issue peacefully, we are about this always strived, i always talked about it. as well as the fact that any negotiations must take into account the situation on the battlefield, and despite all the attempts of ukraine’s western friends to improve its negotiating position, it turns exactly in the opposite direction, but if kiev is satisfied with the formula of war to the last ukrainian, then the task russia - to protect the lives of soldiers, technological superiority is a game here.
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in the structure and composition of the government this is precisely what is aimed at. the status of the first deputy prime minister, in which denis manturov will be to oversee the defense industry, according to vladimir putin , emphasizes the importance of the direction. the work will be carried out in close contact with the new head of the ministry of industry and trade anton alikhanov and presidential assistant alexei dyumin. both have extensive experience working in the regions and beyond. you worked anton andreevich at the ministry of industry before, now bearing in mind your developments in the territory. understands what and how is being done in the territories and what is needed to make the work even more successful, i hope you will use all these skills and knowledge of yours in order to act successfully, the same applies... and alexey gennadievich dyumin, he was appointed assistant to the president, one of the most important areas that he will deal with will be precisely providing government assistance to our
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companies, including the rostec company, in solving those problems that are facing them in terms of providing the necessary means for our armed forces. the guys are fighting, fighting well, successfully, all the way. the front lines are improving their situation, this happens every day, but we must do everything we can to it depends on us to ensure that they have everything they need to further solve the problems facing them. the president emphasizes that all new appointments should in no case be formal; on the contrary, the head of state expects a visible result in achieving the goal: to meet the needs of the armed forces, while maintaining. developing a healthy economy. kirillo brainin, anna zayakina and alexander kovalev, channel one. it's important to me. and in continuation of vladimir putin’s words about the effectiveness of
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the military’s actions in the special operation zone, he was released rabotino in zaporozhye region. this is the same work that the kiev regime expected to go through in the summer of twenty-three during its promoted contour offensive right up to the sea of ​​azov. but it was there that he broke his teeth, leaving dozens of armored vehicles in the surrounding fields. easier to pass. the barrage of fire is so powerful that it puts the enemy to flight. as a result of active actions , the settlements of glubokaya and lukyantsy were liberated. we advanced into
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the depths of the enemy's defense. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to 125 military personnel, three tanks, three infantry fighting vehicles, five cars, an alha multiple launch rocket system combat vehicle, a vampire, two 122-mm d-30 howitzers, a 100-millimeter anti-tank howitzer. surrendered, was taken prisoner in volchansk, which confirms that this is not the first day of battle they have been marching within the city, this prisoner was also from there, one of those same machine gunners who shot at
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their own people, from which unit are you, for the parent detachment of the mountain, they shot at their own people, yes , what would you like to convey to your comrades, to your comrades i would like to apologize in front of them, boys, publish, in general, we are really going to commit a crime, the fact that mobilization is either a crime or... death in ukraine is understood more and more clearly, they are trying to fight off the men forcibly captured by military commissars, but it doesn’t always work out that way, to leave from the country it is even more difficult in the tisa river bordering romania, in just two weeks of may, 29 bodies of men were discovered, officially drowned, unofficially shot by the military while trying to escape at the front, no better, prisoners confirm, like this native of the lviv region, guys, this everything is slow.
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the village of rabotina in the zaporozhye region, which the vzo attacked for several months, regardless of losses, is today again under the control of russian forces. units of the group. the dnieper settlement has been completely liberated; work in the zaporozhye region has damaged manpower and equipment of the 65th mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, the 121st territorial defense brigade, the twenty- third brigade of the national guard of ukraine in the areas of the settlements malaya takmachka of the zaporozhye region, nikopol of the dnepropetrovsk region and zolotaya balka kherson region. our army is crushing the enemy along the entire front, and crews of powerful rszzo hurricane are crushing ukrainian oporniks on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. in the yuzhno-donetsk direction, the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the village of starmayorskoye are being dismantled by the crew of a large-caliber mortar called a tulip. improved
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the situation in the forward unit of the western group of forces at the junction of the kharkov region and the lugansk people's republic, hence the footage of the work of the crew of the fagod anti-tank missile system. on avdeevsky direction, according to the ministry of defense report , six enemy counterattacks were repelled. the crews of the t-72 tanks worked brilliantly here. a special role in the north military district zone is played by the unmanned aerial units.
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17 drones hit over the bryansk, kursk and belgorod regions, and in front of belgorod itself, french amer glide bombs and american harm missiles were intercepted. a shell from an enemy rszz hit a residential building in the village of dubovoy, a fire started, two were injured, a massive attack on sevastopol was repelled, the ministry of defense reported ten missiles shot down from taknis. this is from american supplies to the zelensky regime. the wreckage of one of them with a cluster warhead fell in the private sector. there were no casualties, but there were some in the area. these metal balls were dropped, these are unexploded ordnance, they cannot be touched, an explosion is possible, if detected, it is necessary to report to the operational services. from the personnel news of the day: vladimir putin appointed acting governors of five regions. their former leaders joined the government and presidential administration. in the kaliningrad region, alexey besprozvannykh, previously deputy minister of industry and trade of russia in
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kusbas. ilya seredyuk, previously the chairman of the government of the kemerovo region, in the kursk region alexey smirnov, in recent years dmitry demeshin has been appointed the first deputy head of this region in the khabarovsk territory, before that the deputy prosecutor general of the country and the tula region dmitry milyaev, previously the first deputy governor. everyone appointed by the president will serve until the elections. regions. i will add, without being named, seredyuk, smirnov and demeshin, participants in the school of governors, the program has been created. on behalf of the head of state to train top-level managers and solve the most complex problems of national importance. now about the priorities that vladimir putin outlined for the new cabinet of ministers. the meeting took place late the night before, with details provided by dmitry kochitkov. the formation of the cabinet has been completed, members of the renewed government arrived in the kremlin after approval in the duma, these are civilian deputy prime ministers and ministers, and consultations in the federation council.
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i have just signed decrees on the formation of a new government, i congratulate you on this, parliament participated in the formation of a government for the first time in recent political history, they probably didn’t just discuss candidates, they probably talked about the state of industries, what and how from the point of view of deputies the state duma needs to be done in order to implement all the plans we have, i ask you to take this seriously. and the ministers that we discussed were approved by parliamentarians, this procedure increases the level of interaction between the executive legislative authorities, this is achieved by openness when we see, including from parliamentarians,
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feedback from people in the regions of the russian federation in order to solve the problems facing them at the level of the federal government with maximum effect. former governors came from the regions to mishustin’s cabinet; the head of the ministry of industry and trade , anton alikhanov, previously headed the kaliningrad region. minister of transport
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novel. decree on national development goals until 2030 and for the future until 2036. among those goals are the preservation of the population, strengthening health and increasing the well-being of people, family support, a sustainable and dynamic economy, and technological leadership. the main task for our government is to implement, first of all, the decree on national goals, the new decree and, of course, all the tasks that you set in your message to the federal assembly. vladinovich, the government of the russian federation is your team, and we are ready to begin solving all assigned tasks. in the near future , we will have to determine the financial support for our plans, mechanisms for supporting russian families, citizens, businesses,
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well, in general, you all understand what i ’m talking about, we worked with you on this for almost the entire previous year, well, at least 6-8 months, or maybe a year. in general, everything is clear, but nevertheless, if there is a need to adjust something in terms of determining the source of financing, this must be done as quickly as possible. putin congratulated everyone present on the start the work of the new government, the president also noted the successes of the previous cabinet. as proposed by the chairman of the government of the russian federation, i have also now signed a decree on awarding state awards. colleagues who worked in the previous government, did a decent job, i think this is the right decision, work will soon begin on the draft federal budget for next year, we will work on this together with parliamentarians, there will be a new composition of the government.
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dmitry kochatkov, ilya zhuravlev and anna zayakina, channel one. and today vladimir putin met with ministers who were not included in the new cabinet. the head of state highly appreciated the results of the work. there are options, you probably already know about this, if you would like something, yes, and of course, i want to congratulate you on the state grapes, first of all , let me thank you, you really paid great attention to environmental issues
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, nature conservation and rational use of natural resources, i would like to convey special words of gratitude from meteorologists, foresters and inspectors composition, you have decided to increase wages for these categories of workers. another meeting with the head of the ministry of energy in the previous government, nikolai shulginov, the president thanked him for his effective work, you have worked successfully in the energy sector all your life and... in large companies in administrative work at the highest, highest level as a minister, i wanted to meet with you not only to thank you for everything you have done, but to talk about how we
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can work together, i think that we need to continue it, but in a different capacity, i wanted to let you know that at one time you entrusted me with this post, it was interesting to work, although... the times were not very simple for the country, for the industry, so, but i i think that we have managed to cope with the energy industry, in general, yes, elite energy, further new tasks are being set, without energy , the economy, you know, will not be able to work, so i think that there are many tasks ahead, well, i hope that you will support the newly appointed minister, at the first stage you will help him, support him in this work, indeed, without energy , the country’s existence is impossible. during a meeting with former minister of sports oleg matytsin, vladimir putin noted that his experience would be in demand in another position. these are difficult times,
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especially for russian sports as well. but you managed to structure your work in such a way that nothing would fade for us, as they say, on the contrary, it would develop. and it was actively developing, thank you very much and i hope that we will continue this work, i have some ideas, suggestions, thank you great, vladinovich, first of all, for your trust in working with yours. team as part of the previous cabinet of ministers, my colleagues and i tried to do everything possible so that, as you correctly noted, to maintain the positive trend in the development of sports in the russian federation, despite all the difficulties, very bright sporting events were held, but of course the main task was to create a strategy, prepare a strategy and make sure that sport becomes the norm of our life, the basis of cultural uh. development, we will need to do a lot in the field of development of mass
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sports, physical education, sports, there is something to work on here, the movement is obvious , we will continue to move forward about the work of the current composition of the cabinet of ministers. mikhail mishustin held the first meeting in the new composition. anastasia kobuzeva about both long-term and operational tasks. after scheduling a meeting with... i want to sincerely congratulate you all on
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your appointment, this is a very serious responsibility, we have to justify the trust of the head of state, and of course, citizens russia needs to work clearly and effectively, as the president emphasized, in the current difficult conditions it is necessary to act in a single formation and organize all the work without any pauses. for the first time, the government was approved according to the new rules, and senators participated in the process. each of you received parting words and instructions; i would say, you felt the most important feedback from the people that the deputies represent. yesterday the president asked to seriously take into account all the proposals made in the duma, and we will definitely do this. still important actively interact with parliamentarians, naturally, be as open as possible when preparing new laws and new regulations. there is a lot of work to be done, specific goals and objectives.
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floods are the order of the day. the orenburg and kurgan regions were the most affected. entire cities and towns went under water. many people lost their housing and property. on behalf of the head of state, we will send 4 billion rubles to the kurgan region. to eliminate damage, primarily for payments to residents, including one-time payments and in connection with loss property. well, also for repairing damaged housing or purchasing a new one, if the previous housing was destroyed. in addition,
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the reconstruction of flooded healthcare, education and social facilities will be financed . the high water in the kurgan region has gone, people are returning to their homes. we turned on the lights, turned on the heating, gas, everything, we are now back to normal life. the water in our basements has been pumped out, meaning disinfection treatment is underway. the orenburg region has already received about half a billion rubles to help. deferment for a year, it is very important to support
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companies, and more importantly, help them retain staff. to do this, we will provide them with a 12-month deferment for the payment of a number of taxes, advance payments, and insurance premiums, the payment deadline for which is april 1 of this year. as the prime minister explained, benefits will be available to enterprises and organizations of the orenburg region, whose incomes during the emergency decreased by more than ...
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clearly not afraid, i present to the accounts chamber a new leader, chairman of the council federation, valentina matvienko emphasized several times, and today’s urgent national projects and economic restructuring require strong leaders who can set up work in difficult realities. we live under conditions of strict sanctions, we live under conditions of conducting a special military operation, where we will definitely win, there is no doubt. all government bodies, including the accounts chamber, they must reboot, they must... highlight the main priorities, use new tools, engage in serious analytical work and what concerns also within the competence of the accounts chamber, it was no coincidence that vladimir vladimirovich made such a choice as boris yuryevich kovalchuk, because a person who has already gone through a serious school,
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despite his fairly young age. boris kovalchuk has decent experience in the field of business and public administration, he was deputy director for development of rosatom in...
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my hair stands up like smoke, i want to remind you that there was a moratorium on inspections, including it companies, it recently ended, so the authorities can one way or another, start checking them. boris kovalchuk stated that today it is important to more actively combat the misuse of funds in direct violation of the law. this direction in numerical tasks needs to be spelled out in detail in the strategy of the accounts chamber. there will be responsibility for the results of inspections, including personal responsibility. employees listened to his speech in the hall. in the accounts chamber, which has been accumulated over the years, we must appreciate the employees who created this experience, debugged the system of state control, but there will be changes, under the leadership of
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the acting head of the accounts chamber galina izototova, in 2023 the department made the largest return of funds to the federal budget in the last 10 years, increasing more than 26 billion, this is what boris kovalchuk will do. olga knyazeva, ilya marin, expenses are growing, which means control is needed vyacheslav manikhin, anna zayakina and sergey nashchokin, channel one. the ministers of defense of russia and belarus andrei belousov and viktor
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khrenin discussed military and military-technical cooperation between our countries by telephone today. the conversation took place on the initiative of minsk. parliamentarians in st. petersburg demanded an investigation into terrorist attacks and war crimes against the union state of russia and belarus. dear colleagues, today, having no success due to the failures of ukraine on the battlefield, the collective west, led by the united states of america, is increasingly using it in its war against the russian federation. terrorist methods, it becomes obvious that the collective west does not care about establishing the truth in this matter, and it does its best to cover up... its accomplices. china. a new day has already begun there. and may 16 vladimir
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putin's first state visit after taking office as president will begin. the highest level of relations in history, record trade turnover, common approaches to external challenges. this is the main thing, but not everything that characterizes russian-chinese relations now. from beijing konstantin panyushkin. the chinese press today writes about vladimir putin's upcoming state visit, his first trip abroad after his re-election to... just like sizenpina to russia a year ago, and then exactly 10 days after taking office. the day before state visit to our country, the president of the people's republic of china wrote an article for readers of the russian newspaper. now, a year later, the russian president gave an interview to china’s largest news agency, xinhua, already in response to the first question: his warmest memories of the moscow negotiations with chairman xi. we spent almost 5 hours together talking one-on -one, and the next day we took part in a rich and meaningful official program. it's unprecedented. my choice of china also determined the high level of strategic partnership between our countries as the first state that i will visit after officially
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taking office as the president of the russian federation. in many ways, it was the personal friendship of putin and xi that brought relations between russia and the prc to the highest level of all time. over the past 5 years, the countries have managed to double mutual trade turnover to almost $230 billion. at the same time, more than 90% of payments between our companies are made in national currencies, so it would be more correct to say. that bilateral trade now amounts to about 20 trillion rubles or almost 1,600 billion yuan. china has been our main business partner for 13 years, and russia in 2023 immediately rose to fourth place in the ranking of china’s commercial counterparties. in 2023, records were set for sales of russian gas, lng and coal in china. in addition, the products of farmers. but in beijing, on the sidelines of the upcoming state visit , the signing of new multi-billion dollar investment agreements has already begun. transactions, this is accordingly a port for transshipment of liquid hydrocarbon gases in the khabarovsk territory, which will be extremely important for
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energy cooperation between russia and china, this is cooperation with the largest technology park in china to develop a network of technology parks to promote russian companies on the chinese market, and of course, based on the experience of the successful satellite, we will bring russian pharmaceutical products to the chinese market, we have concluded a corresponding agreement and also localize part... of the best thai pharmaceutical products on the russian market, so there is such a serious, broad interaction. 780 billion rubles of investments of the russian direct fund investments together with partners are 60% of all investments in russian-chinese projects over the past 12 years, to this huge figure we can add the 3 billion rubles agreed today in beijing. creation of an enterprise for the production of innovative medicines, plus 7 billion rubles for the construction of a sea terminal in the khabarovsk territory. in partnership with the owners of one of the world's largest networks...
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in the meantime, the captains of chinese business are on the agenda to get acquainted with the updated composition of the delegation from russia. how did your chinese partners perceive the changes in the russian government? firstly, everyone sees that the government is working extremely effectively and will continue to work extremely effectively, in principle they see that the absolute consistency of the previous success of the government will be continued, and accordingly, china always looks at the horizon of five years, 6 years ahead, and sees that russia’s very successful work in overcoming the sanctions that were in place to ensure the economic growth that exists is truly a great achievement, and it will continue in the future. in harbin, the second city to be visited by putin as part of his state visit, will host the long- planned russian-chinese expo. as i understand it, this forum was prepared by belousov,
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and mantorov will report. listen, what difference does it make, it’s still one team, i think that there was a process of constant interaction and coordination, so there’s one today, another tomorrow, and there’s a gap between them, this definitely can’t be, tomorrow we’ll go to beijing together a significant part of the new cabinet of ministers will fly with the president, only... a separate topic is ukraine. yesterday at a briefing for journalists, presidential aide yuri ushakov said that russia appreciates the quote “the wise
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, balanced position of its chinese partners.” it was about beijing's refusal to participate in the so -called. peace conference to be held in switzerland, where participants will be invited to discuss a set of zelensky’s out-of-touch ultimatums. we positively assess china’s approaches to resolving the ukrainian crisis; beijing is well aware of its root causes and global geopolitical significance, which reflected in the twelve- point plan. china's position on a political settlement of the ukrainian crisis, published in february 2023. the ideas and proposals recorded in the document testify. in the sincere desire of our chinese friends to help stabilize the situation. especially for chinese readers, in an interview with xinhua, vladimir putin once again explained moscow’s position on the ukrainian settlement. we want a comprehensive, sustainable, just settlement of this conflict through peaceful means and are open to dialogue on ukraine. but these must be negotiations that take into account the interests of all countries involved in this conflict, including our interests.
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coupled with a serious conversation about global stability and a guarantee. security for both the opposing country and, of course, for russia. the conversation with chinese journalists did not ignore the upcoming seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. on october 2, 1949, the ussr was the first in the world to recognize the people's republic of china, literally the next day after the formation of the republic. timed to coincide with the anniversary, the leaders’ decision to announce in our countries, the cross year of cultures, the zero event of a gigantic cycle of events, took place today at the russian embassy in beijing, a monument and a dialogue between maxim gorky and lusin were unveiled here. in memory. two outstanding writers, who are considered sworn brothers in the prc, and the official start of the cross year of cultures is tomorrow with a grand concert, which will be attended by delegations led by top officials. speaking about my personal attitude towards chinese culture, i would like to note that i always discover something new with great interest, about unique and original traditions of china, especially during visits to the prc. i know a lot about your martial arts, including wushu, which is very popular in our country, i have
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respect for chinese philosophy, members of my family are also interested in china and some of them are studying chinese. the chinese must have been especially pleased to read this fragment of vladimir putin’s interview. konstantin, pavel alkhalettov, viktor golovin, grigory emelyanov, alexander gornostaev, channel one beijing. in harbin , the russian delegation will honor the memory red army soldiers who gave their lives for the liberation of northeast china from the japanese imperialists in august '45. our country celebrated the anniversary of the victory over nazism quite recently. and today words of gratitude to the soviet soldiers were heard in...
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may 9 will always be a victory day, which i will celebrate with pride, nazi independence. in tbilisi, just over an hour ago, heroes square, one of the main transport hubs, was again blocked. opponents of the law on foreign agents are again rallying in the georgian capital; it was adopted by parliament in final reading, but for the west and president zarubeshvili, loyal to him, this means little, what does it mean? although foreign support is sometimes offensive in nature. ivan blagoy with details. belisi is the real capital of europe, and we are proud of you. the protesters in belisi are being encouraged by none other than the chairman of the bundestag foreign affairs committee. a politician from the party of german chancellor olaf scholz, michael rod ,
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is actively promoting protests in tbelisi in the company of european colleagues. how are you going to build a brighter future without? he knows very well that the overwhelming majority of the population of georgia go to the orthodox church, and this man comes to georgia and brazenly ridicules orthodoxy. in accordance with democratic procedures, the georgian parliament adopted the law on transparency of foreign influence in three readings. it is noteworthy that the european commission is also developing its own law on bynogents, but in the case of georgia it is demanding it. we call on the georgian authorities to abandon the law, renew their commitment to the eu accession path and push through necessary reforms. bright the pro-western president of georgia zorubeshvili gave a joint press conference with the heads of the ministry of iceland and the baltic countries, demanding the same withdrawal of the law. the adoption of the law on foreign agents, as well as the ongoing repression of georgian civil society , will stop georgia's further progress in the eu and
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nato. if this happens, responsibility. i am using a veto and it will be a symbolic veto, just as this russian law is symbolic, although it was created based on the legislation in force in the united states . russian, at the same time. the united states continues to threaten to impose sanctions against georgia. earlier, the us assistant secretary of state for european and eurasian affairs, who is in tbilisi, said: i have already warned that there will be consequences if the law comes into force
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in its current form. o'brien directly mentioned the $390 million the us allocated to georgia in military aid for economic development projects. i believe that the opposition, the supposed opposition, is preparing a regime change that will bind georgians more closely. to the so-called western alliance, however, i think the time for such experiments has passed, not only ukraine, but events in arab countries show that the wind in the world has changed, the so -called west, primarily the usa, is no longer so attractive. earlier, georgian president zorubishvili asked to delay the entry into force of the law until november 1. the fact is that there are parliamentary elections in georgia on october 26, and if the law on foreign agents comes into force before them, it may well have an impact on the course of the election campaign, ultimately . to the final result. western countries have been using non-profit organizations to influence political processes around the world for decades. according to the head of the georgian parliamentary committee on european integration. more than 25 are registered in the country. most of them are financed
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from abroad. the density, taking into account the population of the republic, is crazy: one npo for every 148 people. experts talk about the strategic importance for the west of controlling what is happening in georgia. georgia is geostrategically, geopolitically important. ossetia, through abkhazia, to armenia, to azerbaijan. the georgian version of forbes magazine today reports a sharp depreciation in the value of shares of the country's banks on the london stock exchange, in just one day. the price of bank of georgia shares fell by 20%. the publication states that this is one of the sharpest declines that have ever been recorded and coincides with the protests in the country. after the adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence, the french newspaper figaro describes
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possible methods of brussels pressure on the georgian government. among other things the complication in obtaining visas for citizens of the country is mentioned. the president of georgia has 2 weeks to veto the new law, but according to experts, the ruling party is able to overcome it. irina bliznyuk, dalia serzhedinova, dmitry zaparin, channel one. back to the events here. the final tournament of the russian championship took place at vdnkh among high school students and college students. in
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the final game, 75 teams from 43 regions met. the champions are teams from tatarstan. gifts, certificates for travel and educational programs for winners and runners-up. words of gratitude to their mentors. knowledge society competitions are held as part of the russia exhibition. every region, every industry, every corporation presented here what their team is proud of, and our whole country is proud of, and the fact that you are the best is also by right, because to get to the finals and show yourself with dignity is, of course, knowledge and the will of each of you, this is teamwork, but this is of course the work of teachers and mentors, i looked, well very tough competition. they have already said that everyone who came here became the best out of 100 thousand. and a new stage in the development of the moscow metro. the start of tunneling on the rublevo-arkhangelskaya line under construction, we went at once
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in two counts. according to established tradition, they have female names: natalie and victoria. it is, of course, inconvenient to approach such people without a gift, especially on the day of the moscow metro. exactly 89 years ago the sokolniki branch opened. however, the main thing is safety.


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