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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 16, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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you know, the city of moscow is unique precisely from the point of view of geology: the category of soils from rocks to karst voids to quicksand, but from the point of view, let’s say , precisely the qualification of the complexity of this type of work is category number one. moscow was not built at once, and continues to be built to this day. since 2011, the capital's metro network has grown by more than one and a half times. 114 new stations have been built, with about more planned. a new line that will appear on the map of the already extensive metropolitan subway is one more step into the future of the city, the metro is our future, a sense of pride that we will build such serious facilities, we will definitely tell our grandchildren that they plan to complete the excavation of these tunnels by 2025, and before the end.
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sashka, get up, sash. i read again until the morning, oh,
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mommy, because people who read books always defeat those who watch tv, i’ve already heard that, get up, come on, um, mom, please, can i just have a minute, no more minutes, you know , this never worked, neither in kindergarten, nor at school, nor even at college, get up, vacation it’s over, oh my god, what a vacation, mom, i haven’t rested a day yet, you’ll rest at work, and what’s on your head, this is something like that, mom, this, this is how boris and i went on a romantic trip , he bought me this gift, lord, you have a completely different life, sasha, that’s it, well, for god’s sake, well , get up, i’m going to the doctor and masha left to meet with the publisher, bear, it’s on you, everything, rise, everything, rise, rise , sasha, get up, i'm gone, please, oh, turn off this, lord, this alarm clock, remember, a fight is not always
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aggression, you can be wiser than your opponent, and most importantly, you should not want war, but peace, you’re in a jug, it’s such a daisy, but if in a jug, it’s a completely different type of fight, but here you need to avoid violence as much as possible, yeah, what do you want to have a heart-to-heart talk, the main thing is to avoid a fight, but if a fight breaks out, don’t get confused. defense and self-defense with stupid waving of fists, i don’t see the difference at all, come here, hit me straight in the head, it’s clear, you see, no one got hurt, and while you’re getting up, you have time to think, attack again or not, stand up, when
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i was young i thought that a left hook solved my problems, and then i went to work in the police , i realized what it means to be responsible for people’s lives and to value this very life, so we stood up in pairs and practiced this exercise, understandable , we leave the line of attack, a strong grip, let's continue to work, it's clear, let's go three, four, let's go, we're working, we're all working, you're shadowboxing, so we're working, guys, we're working, hello, sing! hello! what, did you get caught by a toothy group? it’s normal, they are already making contact. you know, with these guys need more patience than all these exercises. i agree, i would n’t have signed up for such a thing without you, i watched how you work with them, i was inspired. come on, why aren’t you in training yourself? yes, i started, but then they called from the drug clinic in the south. alina ran away. polikova? this is the one that recently fell apart, or what? she, her house is on my property. i'm going to check. i'm going with you. now
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i’ll just take a shower, work for 5 minutes, we ’re finishing, guys, okay, come on, i’m waiting for you, come on! have you called her family yet? listen, no, i wanted to check everything myself first, they already suffered with her, they suffered, they transferred her from clinic to clinic, well, it’s hard to blame them, drug addicts suck the whole soul out of loved ones, you know, please, it feels like... they were looking for treasure here or dose? alin, are you there? this is oleg dmitrievich, coach from the iris center, and pyotr ivanovich, i ’ll look in the room. alina, alina.
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oleg! come here, wow, don’t touch anything, hello, duty officer, oh, bear, we’re speeding up like never before, we slept through everything, good morning, oh, be careful, ilya, thank you so much for...
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move on, good morning, alexander ivanovna, good oleg dmitrievich, what?
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narodich, i greet you, what do you say? i will say that this is a firearm, the shot was fired in the back of the head from a 9 mm pistol. who are you? anastasia morozova, forensic expert, is temporarily assigned to your department. sash, moraj, on vacation. oh, right, forgive me, for god's sake, i forgot. carry on, forensic expert morozova. the bullet passed through the back of the head, crushing the bones of the face, it will be difficult to identify, but judging by the condition of the teeth... and the frontal bone tissue of the victim is approximately 25 years old, alina is 19. perhaps did you not take into account the medical history, anastasia? alina was a drug addict, and this, as a rule, wears out the body quite badly. alina was in a state of drug intoxication. well,
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it’s impossible to tell by the pupils because of the wound. all details after toxicological examination. yes. time of death? somewhere between 10 midnight exactly. i’ll say after the autopsy, it’s strange, oleg mmitovich, the hospital called only in the morning, i already clarified, during the evening rounds alina was there, then apparently she picked the lock on the door and ran away, they only noticed it right away in the morning they called, they treat their patients somehow frivolously, alina, an experienced patient, she had her own tricks, a bag, a phone, personal belongings were found, the phone has not yet been discovered as a murder weapon, by the way, there are no cartridges either, yes, there might not have been a bag with her, since she ran away from the clinic. it’s logical, they took the prints, yes, i’ll go and interview the neighbors, maybe someone saw something, i think everything is upside down here, because alina tried to fight off the killer, it’s unlikely, she was wrapped in an idea, yes, that’s right, anastasia , yes, there are no signs of violence, rather
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in all, she was just sleeping, which means he just came in and killed her, or it was one of his own, or she was under the influence of drugs. i agree, as soon as the results of the toxicological examination are available, notify me immediately. yes ok. what happens? it turns out that the killer was then looking for something here after he shot her? ilya! come here, we need to inspect everything here, what ’s interesting, it’s empty, can you smell it, gentlemen? yes, sharp, a masculine perfume, yes, there are notes of musk,
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musk, senior lieutenant markov or me, court expert morozov, ship expert morozov, please take your place of work, yes, of course. good morning, alexandra ivanovna, i greet you, arcadia call, i’m glad to see you again in the country, what do we have today, a murdered girl who escaped from a drug clinic the night before, clearly, how do you like the new medical examiner? seems smart, well, i see, the opera has recorded the most prominent one, well, of course,
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set it up exclusively for the worker, you won’t get sick on your team, although sometimes i would like to, so where can i stay in the morgue, well i mean for conducting an examination, right? please, you can take any table, i say correctly, gentlemen, for example, mine, but would you like coffee, but i have some pies, my wife baked them, thank you, i urgently need to carry out an examination, allow me alexandra ivanovna, yes, please, please take, my workplace, so, gentlemen, let's get to the point, i told everything i knew about the victim, brilliantly, polikova escaped from the clinic, decided to find a dose, apparently ramsan with dilli. it is necessary to check all cameras from the clinic to at home, maybe we’ll find something, we’ll do something,
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and we’ll also need to visit this clinic, can i, alexander ivanovich, please, oleg dmitrievich, what about the phone, they didn’t find anything, found it, where, it was no longer there crimes, i checked, in general, it doesn’t matter, palikova’s phone just turned on in the area of ​​the cellular phone salon on kurzalnaya, great, oleg dmitrievich, igor vasilyevich, go there urgently. well, that's it, well, we're there, ilya, lead me where the device is, vasilyevich, follow me, yeah, yeah. oh, the object is fixed, vasilivich, i’m behind her,
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and you go around, around there, stop! anastasia, what did you find? on the bullet, the end line of the secondary marks, the rifling fields, has a slight bend towards the head part. this means it was fired from a homemade weapon. yeah, that's all, and also, it's still me. i’m right, i’m wondering what the victim
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is from 25 to 27 years old, she was not a drug addict, so it’s not alena polikova, it’s alena polyakova, she’s alive, let her eat, call an ambulance, yeah, i’m calling, alina, alina, alina , hold on,
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the relatives of the murdered woman have arrived, well, that is, in general, the police family is here, i haven’t become one yet to say that she is alive, you did everything right, i myself, oleg dmi, come with me, you know them, good afternoon, colonel, lieutenant colonel, you know how... she was killed, greetings, yuri, the point is that alina is alive, even in the hospital, but alive, she was hit by a car, wait, i don’t understand, i don’t understand, how, ekaterina sergeevna, there was a misunderstanding, ekaterina sergeevna, the fact is that in the house where yours lives daughter, we found the body of a girl, at first we naturally thought it was alina, what kind of
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girl, her identity has not yet been established, the most important thing is that alina is alive, everything will be fine with her. now in the city hospital, forgive us for this misunderstanding, yes, it doesn’t matter anymore, sorry, but we are still needed, i don’t feel very well, we can be, yes, yes, yes, of course, sorry, it’s just this is all hard for us now, we didn’t even tell our father anything, because he recently had a heart attack, after he found out that alina was back in the clinic, her mother was holding on, but the news is, of course, terrible. yes, i understand, yur, one more question, tell me, in your house or in alina’s house, maybe there was some kind of weapon, a pistol, but no, well , we definitely don’t have one, well, if you want, you can check, but i follow alina eye to eye, after all, a sister, a drug addict, you know, between us, just me, when she was not at home, i came and did an inspection for, well
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, you know, yes, yuri, i understand, thank you, we will definitely contact you, i will accompany you. thank you, oleg dmitrievich, if anything happens, call me right away, if you need us, okay, good, alina respects you very much, she spoke very inspiredly about the center, thank you. so, gentlemen, we have an unknown corpse in polikova’s house, already known, nastya tried, i discovered a retrograde pin. only two clinics in moscow install such pins. we have submitted a request. i beg you, do not languish, who is our victim? regina kareva, 27 years old, worked as an administrator at a
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samara hotel. it was registered there too. 2 days to our city, and today at midnight she had to leave back to samara, we need to find out what she was doing when she arrived, she was a dealer, well , she could have just had a personal meeting, i agree, nothing can be ruled out, the only question is why, regina ended up in alina’s house, which of them still wanted to kill, if alina, then the killer should have known that she escaped from the hospital, i agree, but there is another option that alina could to kill regina, if we still assume that regina was a dealer, in general, you need to look for a connection, a connection between the girls in order to make an imprint? is there a coincidence? well, there are a lot of prints of palyakova herself, the rest are still unknown. clearly, as soon as you have any information, let me know immediately. igor vasilievich, be kind. contact samara and please find out something about regina’s relatives. san, ilya, please. go through everything by girls, billing, transactions. let's do it. oleg dmitrovich, we still have to go to this drug treatment clinic, talk to
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the staff, maybe there was some reason why alina ran away. let's change clothes and go together. fine. as i understand it, this is a private clinic, yes, dear, not everyone can afford it, they have their own treatment method, you’re right, why are you like when you come here, you immediately instinctively want to escape, because it’s a prison, yes, but on the other hand there’s a chance for salvation, i agree, i ’m glad that alina is still alive, she’ll have this chance. it seems to us here, hello, colonel kushnir, lieutenant colonel, our refugees. she is first and foremost your patient. have a seat. thank you. we wanted to ask you a few questions. why do you think alina ran away? maybe there was some kind of
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conflict, someone came to her? no, nothing, nothing like that. i think it's much simpler. what do you have in mind? the reason for such escapes always one, new dose. she wanted to get rid of her addiction, and you promised to help? or are you here just to make money from people like her. what do you allow yourself? polikova completed a course of treatment, the dynamics were positive. they don’t happen, you have everything, i have to work, yes, we have everything, thank you, let’s go,
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olegnitovich, you just attacked him, olegich, well, because i know that in such private clinics they really are in no hurry to help them and treat like lines and statements, and not like people, psychic, sorry, but not i'm sorry, everything is clear, so should we go home? i ’ll take you, yes, thank you, one more thing, i ’m haunted by alina’s mother’s reaction to the fact that her daughter is alive, she seemed somehow upset or tense, do you think ekaterina knows something, i don’t know, but i would like to talk to her not in the presence of your son, you can find out where she will be tomorrow, okay, of course, i’ll give you the information, we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle between the north pole and the equator, friends, we are in stavropolis, you squat a little, yeah, as in boxing, from
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the shoulder, from the shoulder, so guys, kick, natural homemade, please, i have the most delicious, this is duck with garlic baked in the oven, very tasty, and i have a full discount, according to statistics , girls jump more than boys, but boys... are dizzy than you stand longer, the worse it gets, you have to jump, i’m very scared, let’s go, the premiere is on saturday on the first, the weather today is invigorating, we entered well, it’s not hot, damn it, listen, i broke a nail, and not how i look at the sports. ..
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it wasn’t even there, we’ll be there later today, in some centuries got out with my son to the park, it’s only thanks to him that i’m holding on, what’s up with this murdered girl, alina, is it somehow connected with her, no, unfortunately, i can’t tell you the details of the investigation, i understand, please tell me , do you know this girl, no, how long has your daughter been using drugs, sometimes you have gas. i don’t know how long my daughter has been using drugs, i guess she started in high school, you don’t know, i don’t know,
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she was a very difficult teenager, and my husband and i chalked it all up to puberty, adolescence, all this aggression, anger, irritation, when they found out, it was too late, they found out when she was caught with an overdose for the first time. to the hospital, the doctor said that everything was already very bad, very neglected, then our life turned into some kind of nightmare, i sympathize with you, and then she started stealing, first she stole things from us, then money, and then imagine, a gang from what frosts - she set it on our apartment, they literally took everything out, when my husband found out that you were with her supply. nothing helped, she
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leaves the clinic after 2 days with a new dose, until we found this center, and oleg dmitrievich, it seemed that something began to change, that she had begun a new life, then you know, we thought that if we placed her in comfortable , favorable conditions, then the genetic predisposition might not manifest itself, yeah, as you can see, it showed up. her mother was a drug addict, i mean, alina, that she was an adopted daughter, yes, they adopted her when she was one year old, raised her like her own, and why did you adopt alina, because my husband really wanted a girl, but i couldn’t give birth, i have were after childbirth complications, you adopted her, you had a two-year-old child who demands, who requires a lot of attention, i know it myself, i
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suddenly have a son. child, hello, what happened, what do you want from your mother? nothing, i just asked your mom a few questions, i told you that all the questions were for me, yes, i remember everything, excuse me, that’s it, yes, that’s it, goodbye, thank you, god, for what happened with us, that’s all same thing. his mother is already really nagging him, you can understand him, his father after a heart attack, his sister almost died, you managed to do something to figure out? yes, alina is an adopted daughter, ekaterina is trying to look like a loving mother, but i feel something insincere in her words, please, check all the information about the rehabilitation, okay, but first please take me to the rehabilitation center, oleg is training there now, i want talk to those who communicated with alina. well, come on, hit
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me, oh, you know, we get completely under him, we catch his movement, we make a throw at his movement, we have complete control here, it’s clear, yes, no, i don’t hear, yes, yes, well, that’s it, great, thanks for the training, guys, come on, thank you, hi guys, well done, greetings, alexander ivanovna. greetings, oleg dmitrievich, i was just amazed at how you work with young people, sports, wise advice, just like a man, without edification, how did you manage to find such a correct approach, by trial and error, you know, at first i felt sorry for them, and this is not worked because it was the wrong feeling, and what feeling worked, honesty, they committed a crime , they were punished, you shouldn’t feel sorry for them, they you need to guide, i agree, tell it like
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it is. let's go, let's go. alena was not very sociable; after training she went straight home. she didn’t have any friends, she mostly talked with her brother, saying that he understood her better than anyone. yes, her brother would be handsome. alina said that compared to him, she feels miserable. yes, she was actually going to get out. i don't understand why she snapped. alexander ivanovna, how
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did you manage to find out something from my girls? only that alina was lonely, loved her brother, wanted to be like him, but she had nothing it turned out, a difficult story, some interesting perfume you have, yes, someone gave it to you a hundred years ago, excuse me, i have to go, tell oleg that i went to work, yes, yes, of course, goodbye. nastya, please, take the pillow out of the vechdok, i want to check something, but no, look, please, greetings, gentlemen, what's the news, they rang karyo for a connection with the sale of drugs, clean, friend regina said that she went to gelendzhik, let’s say, for personal reasons, to a lover, perhaps
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the fish were fed a long time ago, yesterday. bad, we also found out that regina kareeva lives with her husband viktor kareev, is hot-tempered, jealous, works as a truck driver, he is not on social networks, neither is his wife, his phone number. unavailable, not at his place of residence at the moment, yes, but we found his name on the list of passengers who flew to gelendzhik the day before yesterday, well it turns out we may have a new suspect, san ilya, we need to check the hotel, we’ll do it, san, this is the guy from the suite, as soon as he arrived, he drinks all the time, without drying out. here's this number, open it
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check, oh yeah. here you can get intoxicated just from the smell, citizen karev, you need to go with us to the department, tell me, why did you come to galinzhik?
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what happened? the thing is, your wife was found dead this morning, shot in the head, what? you will have to go to the identification procedure, but for now you are detained until all the circumstances are clarified.
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it is he? most likely no. he has alubi, i'm sure it will be confirmed. hello, this doesn’t look like murder by a sick husband. i just don’t understand how this girl ended up in in this house, a connection was found between women, such jealous people don’t kill in a dream, i just have the feeling that there is no connection between them at all, well, it was by chance that she ended up there, although there was one thing, one lady put her lover up with a neighbor when she went on vacation, and she returned earlier, comes into the apartment, there is a strange man there, but she uses frying pans on him, it’s good that she didn’t kill him, arkakovich, but i already told you, or what? what is this, and i have already sent
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you a report on the pillow by email, and excuse me anastasia, how much it’s possible to determine how fresh this smell is, well , judging by the density of the perfume and... yes, let’s go, ilya, we need to find it urgently, oleg dmitrovcha, urgently, let’s go,
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i, hello, something happened, sing, you don’t want to tell me anything , or it’s better if i don’t let you play for me, a fresh masculine aroma remains on the pillow. your prints were also found at the crime scene. because i was there before, when i visited the clinic, but they were found in the latest issue of the magazine, polikova was in the hospital at that time, you understand, you knew the murdered woman, or what? yes, regina, she was my mistress, but i didn’t kill her, let’s go to alexandra ivanna, we’ll sort it out, drink, just be honest. and so the matter has already been messed up, let's go, regina came
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to me in gelendzhik when my wife and daughter were leaving for their mother, and where did you meet, in the apartment, and what happened this time? yes, this time everything turned out somehow stupidly, regina had already left, and my wife canceled the trip at the last moment, a pipe in the rented apartment burst. i was afraid of the hotel, her husband is jealous, and you put her in polyakova’s house, just for a couple of days, alina was in the clinic, regina had to leave at midnight, i didn’t see her off, you know, when i went to check on alina at the house, i was completely sure that regina wasn’t there, sorry, yes, nastya , uh-huh, clear, i understand, thank you, no gunpowder was found on your clothes,
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but i still can’t let you go, i understand, meslan romanovna, i wanted to tell you, but he was afraid that his wife would find out, okay, guy -he’s generally good, he’s just confused, scared, yes, he’s a good guy, but we wasted my time, now we have two versions, either alina, on her way home, killed regina, well... no traces of gunpowder were found on her hands, or alina herself was a criminal, i am more inclined to this second version, why? the fact that regina was in the city, only her friend, her husband and rodionov knew about it, her friend alibi, her husband too, and rodionov himself took you to look for alina in the house, this is from the hospital, i’m listening, i understand, alina came to her senses, should i go to her, yes, of course, go, she will trust you more, as soon as you talk to her, let me know, yes, thank you, aletovich,
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alina, hello, i brought you apples, thank you. how do you feel? as if in space, they filled me with painkillers. what happened? you ran away from the clinic and got hit by a car. and why did you manage to do something here, you’re from the police? alina, you must remember everything you did after your escape.
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tell me, do you know this girl? first time i see who it is? i'll tell you, but first you have to remember everything you did after you ran away, yeah, i broke the door, bypassed the post, left the clinic, i didn't go home i went because i understood that first of all they would wait for me, then i had money. i didn’t have one at all, the phone was dead, we are not allowed to have phones in clinics, so i hid it, i went to some guys’ cafe, asked for the phone, recorded my brother’s voice, what did you tell him, remember? yes, i said that i ran away, asked for money, said that i would contact him later, you trusted him so much, well, he always helped me out, and my parents. helped,
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you say, and the girl, that she was found murdered in your house, we all thought at first that it was you died, so perhaps you are still in danger, we will put a policeman on duty at your door, don’t worry, i won’t hurt you. yes, fight, of course, i’ll sign the divorce document and hand it over to you, yes, definitely, we ’ve already delayed everything too, too much. yes, thanks, bye.
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no, i can do it, as i said there, sport works wonders, well, let’s check it out. stress, go away, anxious, go away, alexander, alexander, what's wrong with you, nothing, just anxiety, apparently too much, sorry, or me, i just wanted to try to do something
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sports, on the advice of olegich, apparently nothing came of it, you can’t do it right away, you need a technique, sit down, sit down, carefully, calmly. oh, breathe, calmly, oh, so, yes, you have a clamp here, yes, a clamp, come on, but three more, once, that's it, that's it, now it will become easier, it will become easier, where is mine, let me tell you, maybe, yes , oleg dmitrievich, your sport seems to have worked wonders, her brother didn’t tell us that alina called him, okay, wait, you understand everything, thank you, wait, where are my shoes? oh, here they are, sorry, take your time,
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sorry, excuse me, for god's sake, please contact alexander, make sense, who called polyakov? san, is that you? i talked to my brother. what did you say to him? oh, he asked me to come to the department. nothing more, for sure. nothing, absolutely nothing. clearly, i need details of all his calls. and find yuri himself, bring him here, urgently. oleg dmitrievich, yeah. good afternoon. hello. and what happened? i was told that alina came to her senses. i wanted to visit you later, now i’ll ask you to come with me to the department, wait, why? serious circumstances, alena may be in danger, we need to talk, well, let me come in and spend at least a minute, yuri, time is running out, please, let’s pass, after you.
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please, yuri, come and sit down. why did you call? you said that all questions should be addressed to you. so they called. we found out who tried to kill your sister. so, who? you, me? yes. your sister sent you a voicemail from another number. so you found out that... she escaped from the hospital, that's where you were when you tried to reach her, sadovaya 16, yes, now pay attention, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, you easily entered the house,
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since you had the keys, in the dark you were perfectly oriented in this house, because you had been there several times, in the house you saw your sleeping sister, covered with a blanket, then you arranged pogrom in the house, they took the bag, went outside with it and most likely immediately threw it away, without even looking at what was inside. because if you looked at what was inside, you would immediately realize that the woman you killed was not your sister, where did you get the gun from, did you buy it? homemade, on a site on the darknet, alina had an acute phase, dangerous friends, as you guessed,
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remember, when you came with your mother, you were sitting here in this same place, the first question you asked was how my sister was killed, you couldn’t have known about this before coming here, no one told you that she was dead, tell me why you wanted to kill alina, i wanted... my family from this monster, to protect my family by killing their daughter, my father almost didn’t die, my mother is constantly on medication, but alina, alina was loved and adored from childhood, well of course, she’s a girl, a younger sister, adopted after all, alina shouldn’t need anything, but she took advantage of it, and now this monster will bring my father to the grave, no one is on me, no one here, you’re wrong. alina, your half-sister on your father’s side, your parents didn’t let you in on this secret. the fact is that
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your father took his daughter from his mistress. and your mother accepted it. so, yuri, you wanted to kill your own sister? i just wanted to relieve my parents of this burden. certainly. "get rid of time much easier than carrying it, goodbye, alexandra ivanovna, goodbye, who would have thought, brother, yes.
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oleg, i’ll go, i’ll take you home, i thought you wouldn’t shake hands with me again, you made a mistake, but you’re my friend, i’ll be by your side so that you don’t stumble again, let’s go, yes, my dear son, i’m already i’m going home, do you want to buy you... two ice creams, okay, and grandmas, okay, you won’t burst, okay, you can have
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three of these, that’s it, yes, i’ll be there now, yeah, thank you, thank you, alexander ivanovna, ilya, good evening , why are you here, and i’m here i'm taking a walk after training, uh-huh, well, i'm here too, so... who said that ice cream is bad for you, thank you, uh-huh, by the way, how's your back, you know, amazing, apparently you've clicked on some right point, you want , i will help you with sports, but i have a good method, i developed it myself, no, no, i can’t waste your precious time, i saw that you have an expert in morozovo in your court, nothing, no, in general this will surprise you. but since i joined your team, i'm only interested in work, really, well, welcome to club of anonymous workaholics, it means it’s decided,
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let’s do it, it’s decided, we’ll do it, and that all problems will go away, no, but your attitude towards them will change, switching to physical action gives relief, the most unexpected solution comes to mind, i’m just after such a workout, uh-huh, i wonder what unusual solutions came to your mind now, to eat another ice cream? good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, in arina sharapova’s studio on the calendar may 16, it’s thursday, wake up, wash, delicious we’re having breakfast, we’re not going anywhere without me, today, as always, we’ve prepared a lot of interesting and useful things, we’ll congratulate the children’s magazine murzilka on its centenary, we’ll choose the most delicious new potatoes, we’ll continue to prepare for... we’ll gather grandparents at the dacha, we’ll definitely cook something cool, and that’s not all that awaits us this morning, let’s start according to tradition,
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of course, with gymnastics, now together with fitness. we will work on posture with coach andronik mikaelyan. to walk through the air, as if on an invisible wall, you need strong back and abdominal muscles, they also help us maintain ideal posture. this means they protect against spinal diseases. let's. to train muscles together, let's take a simpler exercise: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, palms facing each other, raise your upper body and head, hold in this position for a second, bend your elbows so that your hands are under your shoulders, go into plank position elbows, stay in this position for a second,
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do not raise the pelvis, do not lower the stomach, the body elongated. in one straight line, lie down on the floor again, continue to perform the mini-complex; for those who find the exercise easy, it can increase the load; let’s linger at the top points, not at the bottom, but for five. the exercise will help strengthen the muscles around the spine; for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, such gymnastics will be especially useful, don’t be lazy, today’s children’s magazine is
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murzik. celebrates its 100th anniversary, a respectable age, murzilka even got into the guinness book of records, as i quote the magazine for children with the longest period of publication. in over the years, agnia barto, samuil marshak, korney chyukovsky, sergei mikhalkov, and many other famous writers and poets collaborated with murzilka. years have passed, generations have changed, but murzilka is always as old as his readers. in the editorial office of the murdilka magazine, yulia shuvalova is for the second time, now at our invitation, and 30 years ago, because she won a children's story competition, the editor-in-chief's office, files of all issues, that same ninety-third year, that same fifth issue and yulina's fairy tale "the sleepy little one" ". to appear on the pages of a magazine, which you read as a child, but it was, i don’t know, it was luck, happiness, and as they said, this is
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not yet a feat, but there is something heroic in it . many people dreamed of being published in murzilka, this would bring glory to the entire union, but what ’s more, he was read abroad, in eastern europe, latin and south america, cuba, everyone wanted to know who he was, this murzilka, a puppy, a teddy bear, or maybe to be a raccoon, this creature, magical, fluffy, yellow in a red beret, sometimes with a camera, sometimes without, and he is always where the children are, and... a complete personal comrade, it seems that’s how he is was always there, in fact, murzilka was born as a puppy, managed to be a pioneer of the same name, but in the fifties he finally became a yellow fluffy, next to whom we all grew up, four generations of children grew up reading our magazine, if we used to say that our grandparents read us, now we are already talking about grandfathers, great-grandmothers, these are the same
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four generations, maria gavrilovna is 92, in her youth she did not miss a single issue of murzilka, i was a postman and carried murzilkas, they wrote out, count every house, because the children, so they wrote out, i bring, they they rejoice, they rejoice, and she brought magazines to her daughter ira, her daughter grew up, became irina vladimirovna’s teacher, and murzilka always helped her in working with children, even those that i had in childhood have been preserved, i remember that this section was called a bunch of small things. in general, everything was dumped there, but it was very useful: compare pictures, find differences, solve crossfort, it’s priceless. a few years ago , a club of murzilka’s friends appeared in this cultural center, murzilka himself, soft, smiling, almost real. when we went outside, the residents of our area they ran up to the freezer, the children greeted him, the grandmothers hugged him, and said: “my god, you’re still alive.” well, you have to understand that this is
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the only magazine in our country that is still 100 years old and still being published. 100 years from month to month, no matter what happens, the magazine is a record holder, a magazine with a century-old history, the editors of generations of artists and writers have changed, but murzilka is still the same, they always tell him how old he is: how old are his readers. ksenia ionkina, ksenia maklyak, stepan erofeev and mikhail volkov. first channel. may 16 at calendar, summer is two weeks away and that means it’s time to go to the dacha. dacha is waiting to welcome you with open arms, she especially misses the older generation. i have already prepared for our grandparents fresh air, sound sleep, walks, everything fresh straight from the garden. to everyone who is going to transport the older generation to the country this coming weekend. mark what you have already done and what you have forgotten. when there is a stable plus outside the window, tatyana nikolaevna begins to prepare for
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moving to the dacha. this is where i have cucumbers, this is where my giranka will be planted, this tomatoes, small ones, but there are already tomatoes there, there’s a whole mini-vegetable garden on the balcony, everything will need to be translated, the granddaughters are helping, and daughter oksana is collecting. warm clothes for mom, rubber boots, insect repellent and of course a first aid kit, disinfectants, hydrogen peroxide, food, plasteri bandage for the stomach, i can put glycerin, well , for a cough, if we say she gets sick, a thermometer, tatyana nikolaevna has a lot of worries at the dacha, preparing the soil, planting plants, caring for them, it’s easy to recycle, so be sure to also take medications for blood pressure and heart with you and painkillers, i would also advise... undergo some kind of dispenserization or check-up, the saturation of the check-up depends on your personal medical history, and on what concomitant diseases you have, you definitely
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need to do a cardiogram, look carefully at what is happening with your blood pressure, oh doctors also remind about vaccinations, it will be calmer, especially if there is a forest nearby, like our heroes, first of all we are talking about vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis. also, the situation with the bark has now worsened. the third point, which is very relevant for older people, is vaccination against pneumococcal infection. all people over 55 years of age, especially those with lung diseases, should be vaccinated against pneumococcus. well, preparing the dacha itself, tatyana nikolaevna first of all does general cleaning and checks the operation of electrical appliances. a security expert shows your family what else to look out for? if only there was porozhek. above this is a danger so that a person does not trip and fall, so it is possible to somehow either smooth them out, make a slope, or cut, remove. leaves, debris and heavy stones are removed from the granddaughter's yard so that the grandmother does not carry anything herself, all that remains is
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to figure out the lighting and covering of the paths. look here, these things are really very dangerous, please remove them from here and it would be nice to put some kind of handrails here. plus, add emergency numbers to your grandmother’s phone book, just in case. marina vakharsheva mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, yulia bykova, channel one. wednesday morning the news will continue on the first channel. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello. vladimir putin arrived in china, a two-day state visit, the first foreign trip of the russian leader after taking office... the post begins in beijing, a handshake at the airport, a red carpet, a company of honor guard, the president sat in a domestic aurus limousine, a motorcade, accompanied by motorcyclists. in about
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half an hour, the business program will begin, a meeting with the president of the people's republic of china, negotiations with the participation of a delegation in a narrow and wide composition. the president is accompanied by five deputy prime ministers, the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of defense, the secretary of the security council, heads of economic departments, and business representatives. the focus is on expanding trade and economic interaction, discussing the most pressing political and regional issues, a number of intergovernmental documents will be signed, i will add, according to the diplomatic protocol, the status of state is the highest in the gradation of foreign visits, this is a response to a similar gesture of friendship made by the chinese leader xijen ping v last year. after the assassination attempt, doctors put slovakia's prime minister robert fitz into condition for a day.
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on the street to talk to voters, a certain juraj tsintula shot at him. at first they said that it belongs to the largest opposition party, progressive slovakia, where this is denied. centula stated after his arrest. that the motives for the assassination attempt are political, let me remind you that robert fitz consistently opposed the supply of weapons to ukraine and its participation in nato. latest data, the k-52m attack helicopter flew into a raid in the zone responsibility of the group of forces, the center successfully hit the fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces. the airspace is controlled by tori m2. the complexes show high efficiency in defeating cruise missiles, drones, and enemy aircraft. in the donetsk direction , drone operators discovered. our developers took it,
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came up with firmware, yes, to flash drones that remove all positioning, shift coordinates, well, it turns out the operator, and the drone itself, well, that is, it is not tracked, we work from the remote control, yes there, the remote control is remote it’s standing, the takeout is somewhere, well, relatively speaking, yes , there’s 50 meters from us, we’re sitting in a dugout, that is... the guardhouse is fortified, that is, even if they signal, well, that is, they won’t immediately cover us, and there’s artillery and more from those who courageously and professionally fight on the front line of the guard, private rutfalt aminov was carrying ammunition to our units when his car came under mortar fire, skillfully maneuvering, brought the car to a safe place and delivered the cargo to the soldiers. guard, junior sergeant sergei solovyov the assault group made its way into an enemy stronghold under artillery fire and destroyed some of the militants. the enemy, having suffered
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losses, retreated. pacific fleet exercises took place in the vladivostok area. the corvette is a perfect, loud, sharp, large anti-submarine ship. admiral pantileev and others, a total of 15 combat units, went out into peter the great bay to practice fighting unmanned boats and unmanned aerial vehicles of a mock enemy. during the maneuvers , a number of detection exercises were performed, identifying and hitting targets as camouflage. we worked on setting up smoke screens. the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, and the head of the ministry of construction, irek faizulin, arrived in the tyumen region to supervise the flood control work. at the meeting they were told what was being done to help the population, near the city of ishim near the tyumen-omsk federal highway, dams were being strengthened, where the water had receded, restoration work was continuing, the flooding was going away, the water level in the ishim river in the tyumen region continued to decline . prime minister of romania
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again provokes moldova with his statements at the debate, he said that moldova , the moldovan language does not exist. marcel celaku advocates a process that he calls the unification of countries. after previous similar speeches, the opposition prime minister in parliament summoned the head of meade to a conversation, but the ruling party did not allow the proceedings. let me remind you that last year in moldova, despite protests from the opposition, the state language was renamed romanian. at the parliament of georgia in connection with the adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence supported the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, estonia, and iceland. now they are on a visit to georgia and they personally came to rustavel avenue, where they spoke to the protesters. opponents of the project, which was submitted to parliament by the ruling georgian dream party, call it.
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for pedestrians and motorists, everything was generally clear, pedestrians should walk on sidewalks, crossings, motorists should drive along the roadway, suddenly, as if overnight , they appeared, these strange people who move by means of individual mobility, it happened somehow suddenly, we can’t get used to them, well , never at all, pedestrians have long been accustomed to motorists and vice versa, that’s what to expect from scooters is still sometimes a mystery.
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imagine yourself in the driver’s seat, you could expect that the scooter would turn right at you, even on the sidewalk you can’t relax, as we love pedestrians, reading messages on the go, listening to music on headphones, or even changing the trajectory as necessary. yes, reckless is wrong here: firstly, there are two people traveling, and the speed almost 40 km/h, but if pedestrians had looked back, the tragedy could have been avoided. now there are high-speed limits for scooters. the limit is a maximum of 25 km/h, but even this is about five times higher than the average walking speed, so we noticed the scooter, don’t get distracted by gadgets and let the rider pass, even though we are in charge. by the way, if the flow is dense, a competent scooter driver should reduce the speed and not create interference, but not on bicycle paths, here it’s true for those on wheels, and you know that i beat the pedestrian path on the right a little, just walk you can’t walk along them, now to the road, even
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motorists can get hurt by scooters, one of the most dangerous areas is the pedestrian crossing, almost a third of all accidents involving two wheels are here, yes, scooters are wrong here. they have to dismount to cross the road, like this. by the way, this also applies to cyclists. ideally, in life it is much safer to assume that a two-wheeler will try to pass. the algorithm of actions for the car owner is simple. we noticed a scooter in the distance, we slow down in front of pedestrian crossing. here's the thing, the smaller the object, the worse the driver estimates its speed. such a reckless crossing will pop up, it’s better to slow down from 30 - than from 60, especially if you don’t fly with a flashing green light, it’s not just a scooter, in a hurry you might not notice the same car, these situations are almost a classic, scooters are rare between lanes you will meet, bicycles and motorcycles are often guests, and the truth is that they are behind
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them, the driver of the car must make sure that when he goes out on the road he does not interfere with anyone, first we look in the mirror, then we go out, the rules are not tricky, but they help like... potatoes for lunch or dinner are always a good idea, there are already early varieties in the south, but the long-lasting varieties still have time to grow and grow. in the middle zone they begin to harvest in august, in september already before zamonski, during this period there is a large accumulation of dry
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matter and microelements, young potatoes contain more water and less dry matter, and less starch, depending on the variety in young potatoes, it may be up to twice... than usual, so young potatoes are considered to be a more dietary version of young potatoes; they contain more vitamin c, b3, potassium, and fiber; old potatoes lose some of their nutrients during storage. it is certainly usable, but it contains acrylomide, which is a potentially carcinogenic substance. visually, young potatoes cannot be confused with anything, they look like they’ve just come from the garden, make sure there are no spots or a greenish tint. this means there is already a high content of solanine in it, salanine is the substance which gives bitterness poisoning to the body. we also evaluate the peel; it should be intact and translucent. in young potatoes, the peel has not yet formed; it is clear that the peel here is denser in old potatoes; in young potatoes
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, it is visible that it is so weak. washed and ready. thanks to their watery consistency, new potatoes cook in half the time. but you need to understand that from a culinary point of view these are two different products. i would mainly use old potatoes for mashed potatoes, because they have a high starch content, excellent from you can use it to prepare potato pancakes straight away. i would use new potatoes for frying or baking. and it holds its shape perfectly for cooking, but what do you like? in young people it is more watery, in ordinary ones it is richer. this is not for everybody. as for storage, due to the thin skin, young potatoes are, of course, more capricious than old ones, so it is better to store them in refrigerators. maria nikolaeva, pavel dis, vladimir repin, evgeny marinkov, channel one. yes, smoked chicken is delicious, the most delicious chicken is
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the one you cook yourself handles. maria surova will now share one interesting recipe, and at the same time tell you how to make a smokehouse in an ordinary kitchen. is it possible to smoke directly in the kitchen using available materials? my culinary experiment: smoked chicken in a cauldron. i start with meat; if the legs are large, they need to be chopped. for the marinade, i mix salt, black pepper, paprika and coriander and rub the chicken. attention, do not make a wet marinade, otherwise the chicken will not smoke and cook. bye meat. soaked, i’m building a smokehouse. you will need a cauldron with a lid of any size, wood chips for smoking, it is easy to find in hardware stores in large supermarkets. suitable for chicken. oak cherry. i decided not to soak it, but to use it dry. it is important to cover the wood chips
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with foil, pressing the edges against the walls of the cauldron. fat will drip from the meat, and this can cause bitterness, and the cauldron will be difficult to wash. now you need to make a shelf so that there is a distance between the foil and the meat. you can use a hotplate, but it's too big for me. i'll try this sieve. a little low, but foilish. the main rule of smoking is tightness. i twist the foil like this and seal the edges of the cauldron. if you have an unusual lid, like mine, with silicone sides, you do n't have to do this. you also need to close all the holes on the lid. the less aroma that comes out, the better. the home smokehouse is ready. place the chicken on a sieve and cover tightly with a lid. lifting the sides of the foil, i cook for an hour over medium
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heat, i don’t know if it will work on an induction stove, in all the recipes that i read, they cooked on gas, suddenly there will be a lot of smoke, or the chicken will remain raw when i put it on such experiments, i don’t go far, an hour is not enough, the cauldron has just warmed up during this time, i’ll leave it for another hour, you can’t open the lid during cooking, otherwise all the smoke will come out. i can already feel a rather strong aroma of smoking, an hour has passed, but i’m afraid that the chicken inside will be damp, the pieces are quite thick, i’ll leave it for another half an hour, turn off the heat and leave it until it cools completely, what did i get, it looks delicious, it smells smoky, it tastes, it turned out to be real smoked chicken, soft and much tastier, than from the store.
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an exhibition project, science and art, ways of knowledge, dedicated to the tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences, has opened at the zurboratelli art gallery. the exhibits include unique examples of how science and art intertwine. all the details right now. he floated on the bow of the ship in the icy arctic sea of ​​buffen like a latrine figure. the arctic and antarctic for research and performances, it was these travels that inspired the creation of an ice cave in zaryadye park and... our own expeditions. today alexander is one of the participants exhibitions science and art paths of knowledge, as
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did the rector of the surikov institute anatoly lyubavin. here are his works. here is a phrase from leonard dovich, what does an artist need? he is the first thing called mathematics, which means science. the host itself is organized from a square shape. and against this background there is a round center of gravity. this is the roman emperor. the idea was to draw the viewer into a conversation about art, so that... someone suddenly wants to know, here’s an immersion in history: bright spots are already psychology, a magnet for attracting attention, it’s like a tool for a musician, a violin in his hands, paint in his hands, so you throw it on the canvas, and how it should live there, sound, it sounded here, the paintings of pilot-cosmonaut vladimir dzhannibekovo sound, photographs of pilot-cosmonaut fyodor yurchikhin themselves are like paintings, for example like this :
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it helps, the exhibition is for those who like to think, among the guests there are many academicians, like cardiac surgeon leo bakeria, firstly, i read a lot, and secondly, my wife is also such an active person, we try not to miss, of course, the exhibition science and art - these are eight halls with photographs, paintings, sculptures, clematis, just the head and his coat, that is, everyone can be a little clematis, absolutely right, we chose. one of the main quotes for the project the words of mikhail vasilyevich everywhere explore
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in detail what is great and beautiful. you can immerse yourself in the world of science and art until july 7th. first channel. i have been writing poetry all my life, starting from childhood. a lot of relatives live with me. there is no creative zone. this is both the living room and your bedroom, and it is also desirable that it be and an office. here we need something lyrical, romantic, light-hearted. some accent wallpaper. need a throne, a chair with flowers, admiration, very beautiful with gray combined with gold, plume, have you ever seen a bed that has a crown, about comfort, premiere on saturday, on the first, well , hello, everything happened, samoyotnikich,
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american scout over our territory, congratulations. magnificent photographs, very valuable information, you understand that it is a shame, such a day is may 1st and sign your own helplessness, i even envy you a little, guy, you will go down in history as the first one to fly over the soviets from south to north, the air defense system is powerless against some spy , learn to shoot down immediately, flights must be suspended, the situation cannot be escalated. the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible. a ram at such a height is certain death. if you were in the pilot's place. what would you do? i was there two today, ready for the ram. harry powers's aborted flight on saturday on the first. well, right now things
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are business. in the next couple of minutes home master alexey. he will teach us how to wind a fumlenta correctly, at the same time we will learn what it is, and he will also tell us what to do if there is no fumlenta at all, otherwise the pipes need to be connected. the problem is, we need, as plumbers say, to place a faucet or hose on a fume tape, but let’s say the connection is in a hard-to-reach place, how to wind a fume tape here, this cannot be done directly from a reel. it will work out in this case, take a pencil, pen, felt-tip pen or whatever is at hand and rewind 10-15 centimeters of tape onto a thin rod, now look, i’m rewinding tape on the thread, this is very convenient, just don’t forget that you need to do this while screwing the nut, a thin pencil easily fits into the gap between the wall with a tap, creating
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the required tension on the fum tape is also not difficult, everything is ready, you can screw on the hose. excellent connection, what else do i want to say about the fumlenta? some craftsmen believe that sealing with its help is an outdated story, supposedly fumigation is much more reliable, i would argue with this, but on the other hand, it’s the owner’s business, if you like thread, and only tape is at hand, know that it is very easy to make a thread from it. let's roll it up. we already have a thread in front of us, we put it into the thread, carefully, turn by turn, there is, you can fix the hose on top, now i will show you an emergency way to connect pipes when you don’t have any fumlenta at all, i’ll say right away that it is only suitable for cold water supply,
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in apartments you can’t use it, but at dachas it’s fine, we cut it thin. we use hair from a black garbage bag in the same way as fulenta. polyethylene will help the pipes withstand water pressure, but i repeat again, it does not have heat resistance, so it cannot be used to connect pipes with hot water. we wind the polyethylene tightly, turn by turn, and hold it when we fix the hose. for a country water supply, the connection is quite suitable, use it. now about money, or rather about debts that you don’t have, but the bank is sure that you do. he believes that you borrowed money from him and now demands it back. the situation is, of course, sad, but unfortunately, this happens. fraudsters manage to take out loans in someone else's name, which we'll tell you what to do in this situation. at 13 pm i receive an sms from the bank saying that
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my account has been seized, uh-huh, due to a judicial penalty, right away it’s like, wow! that i have never applied for any microloans in my life, no one is insured against such a surprise, so is my colleague, and seratkevich became a victim of scammers, requested a credit history through government services, this... anyone can do for free twice a year and here it’s very a lot of loans in my name, yeah, a lot of applications, a lot of applications, for example, even for one ruble there is a car loan, interesting, yes, i started to act according to the algorithm, wrote a statement to the police, then they looked up my credit history, sent claims to microfinance organizations, you see, here i ask you to recognize the agreement as not concluded, clear my credit history, my credit rating is almost was at zero, after a couple of days they answered that they had no complaints. and the fact of fraud is confirmed, if they do not answer, you can complain to the union of microfinance organizations or the central bank, they know clearly that if a complaint comes to us
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massoro or the central bank, then there will be a check, so they quickly built a process to check whether this person really took a loan or did not take it. also , the organization is obliged to inform the credit history bureau to delete information about these loans; it is better to write a statement to the bureau in parallel. 40 days. we are given the opportunity to request the creditor, contact him, so that the creditor does not satisfy our requests, then the creditor makes an application to correct your credit history, yeah, only the creditor, the final step, we change the passport, the data of the old one probably went into the hands of scammers, asya got off easy, the bank withdrew only 90 rubles, since there was no money on the card, and if he withdrew the entire amount, he would need a lawyer, this is already more difficult, although the first steps are standard, go to the police, write a statement, check your credit history there, contact the bailiff directly so that he suspends the enforcement proceedings, for 10 days there you can reapply every 10 days
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if there are objective reasons, and this objective reasons, he freezes the funds, then the court cancels the court order, on the basis of this the bailiffs will return the money, but if the collectors directly contact the bank, the money will be returned only through the debt court, but you can demand compensation from each contract, even if there is 5,000 rubles . we can earn about 30,000 rubles. from only one defendant, that is, from one microfinance organization, which was ignored. and the main rule is, if you didn’t take this money, don’t even think about paying for scammers, even if in your opinion the amount is not is great, by doing so you only create impunity. as a rule, everything is resolved before the trial, and this is an example of this, although i also had thoughts of paying someone else’s debt. sergey abramov sotnik, vasily valetov, channel one. channel one continues a unique project with the whole world 7375. this is ours with you.
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you can find out all the details about the project all over the world on its page, on the website of the first channel. now the wards of the lighthouse charitable foundation are really looking forward to our help. we can give them a full life. mira, mirusya, come hug me, come hug me, it’s more interesting there, you can hug later. the first steps hand in hand with mom. a little over a year old, she gets tired, but is almost never capricious, and if it weren’t for the long tube from this device, we would never have realized that this smiling girl has serious health problems,
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mira’s body refuses to accept regular food due to short bowel syndrome, when mira was born, she practically had no intestines, on the very first day of her life they performed surgery and started parenteral nutrition, this is fozamate volumetric, through it the world receives all nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, vitamins. 18 hours a day, every day, without breaks on weekends and holidays. mom dina learned to do everything herself. connecting and disconnecting an iv is like a mini-operation, it involves parenteral nutrition, which is very expensive, you can’t do without it, the charity foundation helps with a smack. nutrition for one patient with short bowel syndrome costs about 3 million rubles. in year. in addition, you need to purchase more expensive ones. medical consumables materials, infusion pumps, perfusors. now there are 22 patients with this disease under the care of the lighthouse house, you and i can help. to
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do this, just send an sms to the short number 7375 with any amount of numbers or phrases to the whole world, then 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing is to confirm the payment if asked to do so in a response message. or your smartphone camera can scan the qr code that you see on your tv screen right now. go. suck this food, that is, such children can recover, go to school, just some part of the food there during the day, for example, they will eat, but at night they will receive it inside the veins, we are ready to sell our souls for milk, yes ksyusha, you love milk, yeah, ksyusha is three, the hooligan almost doesn’t sit still when the girl was 10 days old, most of her intestines were removed, initially we driped 24 hours a day, now we drip 12 hours a day.
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during the day, ksyusha lives the life of an ordinary child, eats like an ordinary child, drinks like an ordinary child, she does not have any global restrictions, but for now it is impossible to completely abandon parenteral nutrition, due to it ksyusha is growing, if ksyusha does not drink daily, then she will simply begin to lose weight, that is, it’s the same as if i tell an ordinary person, from tomorrow you won’t eat, it’s just that this food doesn’t cost a thousand rubles in the supermarket, but several million per year. ksyusha also needs our help. just one sms to number 7375 with any amount of numbers or phrase to the whole world, and you can also read the qr code that you see on the screen right now. on the page of the unique promotion of the first channel, you can leave any donation and thus help mira ksyusha to the rest of the beneficiaries of the house with mayak charitable foundation. let me remind you, to help the beneficiaries of the lighthouse house charity foundation, please send an sms to the short number 7375. it can be any number. amounts
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in numbers, the main thing is to confirm the transfer in response messages, or send two words to the same number 7375, with the whole world, then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. you can find out all the details about our project all the world on its page, on the first channel website, right now the news is on first channel. this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, vladimir putin’s two-day state visit to china has started, late in the evening moscow time, the president’s plane landed in beijing. this is the russian leader's first trip abroad since taking office. the head of state walked along the red carpet along the honor guard company and got into the domestic presidential limousine auruus. vladimir putin's motorcade
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was accompanied by motorcyclists. the business program, the meeting with chairman of the people's republic of china sidinping, negotiations with the participation of a delegation in a narrow and wide composition. the president is accompanied by five deputy prime ministers, the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of defense, the secretary of the security council, the heads of economic departments, and business representatives. the focus will be on expanding trade and economic cooperation, discussing the most pressing political and regional issues, and a number of intergovernmental documents will be signed. i will add, according to diplomatic protocol. from the state is the highest in the gradation of foreign visits - this is a response to a similar gesture of friendship made by chinese leader xizinping last year. after the assassination attempt, doctors put slovak prime minister robert fitz into a state of medicated sleep for a day. the operation lasted about 4 hours, there were five shots, the most serious wound was in the abdominal cavity. deputy fitz reported that the life of the head of government was not in danger, the operation
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was successful, although...
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put three shells there, as soon as they enter the affected area, we remove the camouflage and fire until it is destroyed, as as a rule, they don’t have time to get there, but if they get there, we know where their dugout is. d30 howitzers of the center group help motorized rifles advance in the avdeevsky direction from 15 km, fragmentation shells destroyed the ukrainian armed forces stronghold. shoot! meanwhile, in ukraine... there is a growing wave of confrontation between representatives of the so-called territorial centers in the army recruitment and ordinary citizens. the actions of military commissars are described as lawlessness. so they caught another victim. it's gotten to the point where...
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structures to tallinn for such serious reputational risks and outright violation of international law have not yet been addressed in europe. according to the european commission, in total , about 200 billion euros of assets of the central bank of russia and about 24 billion euros of private funds are blocked in the eu. in our mid, such actions were called theft. in the center of yerevan , there is a mass protest near the building of the opera and ballet theater, where he is scheduled to perform at the international economic forum. the government of armenia is being rallied by opponents of nikol pashinyan, cars and buses with forum guests are nikol is seen off with shouts, a traitor, a disgrace, the cause of dissatisfaction with the transfer of a number of border territories to the azerbaijani side in the process of delimiting the border with
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azerbaijan. today is the anniversary of sergei petrikov, director of the sklefasovsky ambulance, 50. he came to the legendary sklif as a student, worked as an orderly in intensive care, and then. petrikov developed his own method of caring for patients in critical condition, in which there are fewer complications and more effective recovery. there are countless of those who were brought back to life. when did it start pandemic, sklif was one of the first to accept patients; a successful method of plasma transfusion with antibodies was first performed there. the most important thing is that we as a whole institute have learned to quickly respond to various changing challenges, this is a very difficult story, almost the entire institute managed to very quickly restructure itself, quickly start working in a completely different way, and well,
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as if this habit did not leave us. petrikov knows each of his 3 thousand employees by sight, constantly attracts talented and young people, and is convinced. the main thing is a professional team, because that's what it is. may, it’s getting closer and closer, the unified state exam, the first day of passing the unified state exam is in a week on may 23, of course, everyone, both children and parents, is worried, the main thing here is to remain calm, draw up a clear schedule, a week is enough to train the ability to calm down, work on mistakes. everyone is worried, children, parents, teachers. for every exam from
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the twenty-third, i will begin to worry especially actively, because this is the first day of passing the unified state exam. learn everything in a week i put it off for 11 years, unfortunately it won’t work out, but it turns out that during this time you can train the ability to calm down in a stressful situation. you and i will inhale, hold our breath, then exhale and hold our breath again. each action counts for four counts. it became much calmer, the anxious thoughts went away, so i liked it, i will try to try it just before the exam itself. and immediately a technique for concentration. we will first fully tense the whole body, everything from the face, from the top of the head to the very heels, fists, arms, back, chest, stomach, everything, everything, everything. keep the tension as long as you have enough strength, this is about 10 counts, and then sharply relax the whole body, freeing the mind; i just understand that stress situations will really help. it is believed that 5 minutes a day is enough for such a workout, the rest of the time?
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teachers do not advise learning a topic from scratch at the last moment; how to waste time on something that is already jumping off your teeth. now it’s better to focus on material that you seem to know, but sometimes there are mistakes. yarosla. there is a chance to do more. we need to plan the week correctly, we need to arrange our main tasks that we cannot move, well, we definitely have them, for example, this will be yours. at least an hour a day, i will show this to my mother, only
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after that determine the time to repeat the material, with one condition: phone in airplane mode and full concentration, 25 minutes of work, 10 rest, yes, right on the timer, photograph the schedule or transfer to the application, and paper in a visible place, together with the list of what is required for the exam, it is believed that a clear schedule is the key to calm systematic preparation. to walk through the air as if on an invisible wall, we need strong back and abdominal muscles, they also help us maintain ideal posture. this means they protect against spinal diseases. let's strengthen
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our muscles together. let’s take a simpler exercise: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, palms facing each other. raise the upper part of the body and head. we stay in this position for a second. bend your elbows so that your hands are under your shoulders. we go into a plank position on our elbows. we linger in this position for a second, do not raise the pelvis, do not lower the stomach, the body is extended in one straight line, lie down on the floor again, continue to perform the mini-complex, for whom the exercise is easy, it can increase the load, we linger at the highest points
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for more than one , for 5 seconds, the exercise will help strengthen the muscles around the spine; for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, such gymnastics will be especially useful. don't be lazy. funny shots posted employees of the moscow zoo on their website. the orangutan saw how the workers were cleaning his enclosure, and decided to follow their example. he took a cloth in his hands and began to wipe the glass with it. cleanliness, you know, is the key to health. even arangutans know this. well, we move on and present the astrological forecast for today. on may 16, may 16, the eighth lunar day
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passes the baton to the ninth 28th day of the sun, like yesterday’s energetic creative one, while keeping emotions under control, he has acute analytical mind, has the ability to do scientific work, he does excellent math, skillfully manages financial affairs, loves order very much, when everything is according to plan, just don’t think that he is some kind of insensitive calculator, he knows how to feel and worry about... worry, just does not show off her feelings and does not open her soul to anyone. on the downsides: he is a little unhurried, can be stingy, sometimes gets hung up on all sorts of little things, and often on such days there is confusion due to the fact that someone did not understand or did not hear something. aries, have it in mind and don’t be lazy to clarify or explain something, even if you have to do it for the tenth time. overall, it’s a good day, although work will try to eat up all your time, but still try to free up the evening. he's clearly preparing something interesting. today taurus is not averse to arguing
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and out-arguing, it’s unlikely that anyone will succeed. only at this point is stubbornness half a step away from stubbornness; it is difficult to do business with stubborn people. in general, take a closer look at your driving. attention caution will not hurt the twins. this applies not only to driving, but also to money. any suspicious sites. and in general , do without any adventures, and you will have a great day and a pleasant evening. it's a good day for crayfish. just dear ladies, it’s better not to take your men with you, as for work, don’t let all sorts of gossip and other little things spoil your mood, everything will be fine. leos are very noticeable today, and lionesses are simply irresistible, it is not surprising that people pay attention to them, however, business contacts will also go well, and in the evening you may be invited to some cultural event, like an exhibition. virgos can encounter someone's slackness, laziness or banal unprofessionalism. because of this, there may be delays in business, but don’t
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worry, everything should be straightened out by lunchtime, and the evening will be absolutely lovely. for libra , the cards may be slightly mixed up by a certain set of circumstances, which will force you to change plans on the fly, minor breakdowns and equipment failures are also possible, so pay closer attention, otherwise it’s a good day and money loves you. something like a date is shining in scorpio, but it’s closer to the evening, and the day will be entirely busy with business, there will be a lot of them, but you will cope and you will help others, for which you will be grateful to be careful with fire. a wonderful day for sagittarius, work, career, home, family, good luck with you in everything, the main thing to remember is that the straight path is not always the shortest, but it is. dishonest and check the expiration dates of food and medicines. if anyone needs a tomada or a party organizer, call capricorn. capricorns today are charming, witty, know how to create a good mood, in a word, the soul of the party. just make sure that your jokes don’t offend anyone. okay, and don't get carried away with alcohol. for aquarius, a lot
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will revolve around money, with a high probability of some family expenses. some forgotten obligations or promises may come to light, it will have to. carry out, and if you are already planning a vacation, audit your finances. the fish are just having a good day, of course, nothing will fall into your hands, but if you show persistence and perseverance, you will achieve your goal. and today you can learn something new, interesting, something that will expand your horizons. good luck to you! cheerful we are moving forward at a pace and presenting the most interesting sports news. the word to my colleagues is sporting. in ski jumping there is a special type of competition called flying; giant springboards, such as in the norwegian vikersund, allow athletes to make extremely long jumps. in 2017, it was in ikersund that a world record was set, the austrian stefan kraft flew
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253.5 m. 2 years later, ryoyu kabayashi was close to surpassing this achievement in the slavic planica, but fell short by some one and a half. since then, together with his team , the japanese had been developing a daring plan, according to which he hoped not only to take the record away from the craft, but to exchange the three-hundred-meter mark. the power of the existing ski jumps in the world excludes such a maximum acceleration mountain of 130 m, so kabayasi’s associates, led by the finnish specialist yani vatainin, had to look for a solution. they found it in iceland, where a suitable 160-meter slope was selected, which was slightly repurposed using 120 thousand cubic meters. landing zone underneath expanded as much as possible, the matter remained small, or rather, troublesome. on the first day, a strong tailwind did not allow him to make a single high-quality attempt, but on the second, when the conditions became more acceptable, the beijing olympic champion flew first to 259 m, then to 282, and finally
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to 291. the plan turned out to be half realized, the record was set, but the grandmaster milestone has not been reached. kabayashi promised to improve next season. two best friends, marco fürst and marco, have been flying all their lives. waltonspiel. between them, the austrian teskies made more than 20 thousand parachute jumps in winxuity. the wing suit allows you to perform gliding flights, and in the most unexpected places. so a few years ago , fürst and waltonspiel discovered an active volcano in indonesia. further more, for the last 2 years they were preparing a crazy stunt, which they eventually performed in london, flying through the famous tower bridge. having jumped from a helicopter over the thames from almost a kilometer in height, the extreme sports enthusiasts rushed down and after 45 seconds successfully flew through the so-called window measuring 32x65 m. at the same time, the pilots reached a speed of 246 km/h. in order to land safely, fürst and waltonspiel had to perform a spectacular maneuver called
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a flare, as the parachute opens at an altitude of at least 80 m from the surface, soaring upward, they soon made a safe landing on the pontoon. we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle, between the north pole and the equator, friends, we are in stavropolis, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, kick, natural homemade, please, i have the most delicious one, this is garlic duck baked in the oven.
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my name is masni, i am also from the yamal region, for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur, we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears. go to the tundra, study all sorts of wisdom, otherwise you will hit your wedding face in the snow. nenets clothes, called malitsa, it’s warm inside, unlike me, you don’t freeze, ice table, imagine, there ’s not just ice here, here is a northern polar berry, cranberry, it is in the shape of a pattern, a deer and antlers, it is coming for the bride; before the wedding, the oldest woman in the family performed a purification ceremony.
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a cat named goodwin, as you can see, he takes off the curtains so that the owner can wash them, goodwin does this carefully, and the video with the homely cat has already been watched by 6 million users. australian melbourne resident steve garrett assembled a dog house from a children's construction set. admire, it turned out to be a cozy house, 2 meters long and one and a half meters wide. this creation took steve almost 2 weeks and 50,000 construction parts. judging according to the video, dogs, her new home. i liked it, yes, something was included in the world wide web of a parrot and this one’s name is sylvester and he is a supporter of a healthy
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lifestyle. in this video, the owners captured him doing a bench press with a small barbell. even parrots understand that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. well, finally, about the panda katyusha from the moscow zoo. she opened the swimming season with her mother din-din. the baby happily splashed in the outdoor pool. compared to the small drinking bowl where the panda began his bathing, this for katyusha there is already a whole sea. may 16 is on the calendar, two weeks until summer and that means it’s time to go to the dacha. dacha is waiting to welcome you with open arms, she especially misses the older generation. i have already prepared for our grandparents fresh air, sound sleep, walks, everything fresh straight from the garden. to everyone who mark what you have already
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done and what you have forgotten. when there is a stable plus outside the window, tatyana nikolaevna begins to prepare for moving to the dacha. here i have cucumbers, here i will plant geraniums, these are tomatoes, small, but there there are already tomatoes. there is a whole mini-vegetable garden on the balcony, all of it will need to be transferred, the granddaughters are helping, and daughter oksana is collecting warm clothes for her mother, rubber boots, insect repellent and of course, a first aid kit, disinfectants, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, plaster, bandage from stomach, i can put glycerin, well, cough, if let’s say she gets sick, a thermometer, tatyana nikolaevna has a lot of worries at the dacha, preparing the soil, planting plants, caring for them, it’s easy to process, so you also need to take blood pressure medications with you. heart pain reliever, i would also advise you to undergo some kind of dispensary or check-up, the saturation of the check-up
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depends on your personal medical history, yes, on what concomitant diseases you have, you definitely need to do a cardiogram, look carefully at what is happening with your blood pressure, doctors also remind you about vaccinations, it will be calmer this way, especially if there is a forest nearby, like our heroes. first of all, we are talking about vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis, and the situation with bark has also worsened now. the third point, which is very relevant for older people people, this is vaccination against pneumonia . all people over 55 years of age, especially those with lung diseases, should be vaccinated against pneumococcus. well, preparing the dacha itself, tatyana nikolaevna first of all does general cleaning and checks the operation of electrical appliances. security expert shows. what else should my family pay attention to? if the threshold were higher, there is a danger that a person would trip and fall, so it is possible
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to somehow either smooth them out, make a slope, or cut them off and remove them. granddaughters cleaning the yard leaves, garbage and heavy stones so that the grandmother does not carry anything herself, all that remains is to figure out the lighting and covering of the paths. look here, these things are really very dangerous, please take them away from here, and it would be nice to put some kind of handrails here. plus in grandma's phone book. but not everyone succeeds in this in practice, makeup artist safi kovalenko will now share with us the secrets of lifting makeup, with which you will look much younger, we all want to look young, today i will show you how to quickly erase five, or even 10 years from your face. the secret is simple: lifting strips, these are invisible stickers on the skin that instantly
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rejuvenate, now i’ll show you how they work: and model lyudmila will help me. the strips need to be attached to clean, dry skin, otherwise they may come off at the most inopportune moment. we select areas that require correction. let's say we want to hide the sagging of the upper eyelid. carefully separate one sticker from the base, cover the eye and apply the strip here, in the very fold. we press fingers, look at the result. voila, look how the eyelid has lifted. attention, it is better to remove lifting strips using an oil cleanser. you can also correct the lower third of the face, for this we take tapes, slightly tighten the skin near the corner of the lower jaw, glue it as convenient for you, you can carefully remove the protective film slightly diagonally with tweezers. now
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let's do the same on the other side. done, we have tightened the oval of the face and corrected the drooping eyelid. now we apply moisturizer to the skin foundation. we pay special attention to the areas where tapes are attached. we mask the stickers, next is a light concealer, apply it under the eyes, under the highest points of the eyebrows on the cheekbones. a little in the middle of the forehead, in the center of the chin and of course above the upper lip, carefully shade it, for the eyes we will use false eyelashes, i prefer to work with short ribbons, now we need a lip pencil, lipstick, then,
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compare before and after. in my opinion, the result is obvious. lyudmila, do you like it? i told you, losing 10 years is absolutely possible. not miss today on channel one the continuation of the multi-part detective story bloodhound. colonel alexandra kushnir has a new office, a new job. there are several suspects, well, everyone has their own motive, well , that’s it, let’s move on to water procedures, put away the sweets, from today colonel kushnir doesn’t eat stress, early in the morning to the simulators, and what is senior lieutenant markov doing here, and don’t worry, vaudel about no one will know about this, but about what, well, i
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personally... i have no doubt at all that colonel alkhovsky is waiting for a bloodhound for an evening run. for your sake, i’m ready to do all this, even in the rain, he looks after alexandra and hits him, he’s such an inventive hero with us, their relationship will develop differently, they will somehow get closer and he will think somehow that everything will be fine with them, then everything will actually not be as good as it seems to him. this season , the bloodhound team has a new office, one that faces the sea in every scene, you know, the sea. but as if a participant in all our investigations, because if some situation is very difficult, in fact it is it turned out that in the frame the sea was raging, you could just see such waves from the window, if there was some kind of good situation there, or some kind of positive, joyful situation, then the sea was glowing, it was just so calm, today the sea is restless, in a sunny city it’s gloomy incident, a young athlete died, masha was the best, beautiful and talented, but why did she
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throw herself off the roof? this is what colonel kushnir is trying to find out. eighteen-year-old maria had a secret. at the very dawn of her career, she decided to become a mother. did your ex-lover know about the child? athletes ivan, they saw each other a few minutes before the tragedy. and he came to congratulate. well , find out if there is any chance that we will be together again. what is the coach, the deceased anton, hiding? once upon a time, it was he who distracted masha from bad company and brought her into sports. what an interesting technique you have. i didn't force anyone. masha had a conflict with another athlete. ira is used to being second, but now nothing will stop her from becoming a leader. i was looking through it here. video from the training , look at the rising stars falling painfully, i understand, samat went, there are several suspects, but everyone has their own motive, it seems that our
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bloodhound is stressed again, and chocolates, as if out of spite, go into our hands, excuse me, when i ’m nervous, i immediately crave chocolate, what are you really, yes, you know, i have the same bad bloodhound, a new episode tonight on channel one. vladimir putin arrived at the great hall of the people in beijing, where negotiations with chinese president xidinping begin as part of the russian president's state visit to china. tuples. more than a dozen cars accompanied by an escort of motorcyclists , he drove up to the steps, vladimir putin was met by the chairman of the people's republic of china, they walked around the formation, the orchestra played the anthems of the two countries, moscow evenings, and a gun
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salute sounded. the military personnel marched solemnly. next is a joint photographing ceremony, and then negotiations in a narrow format, then in an expanded format with the participation of delegations from the two countries. the meeting attracted a lot of attention. expanding trade and economic interaction, discussing the most pressing issues political and regional issues, including the situation in ukraine. the president will be accompanied by five deputy prime ministers, the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of defense, the secretary of the security council, heads of economic departments, and business representatives; a number of intergovernmental documents will be signed. prime minister of slovakia robert fitz after the assassination attempt by doctors. day in a state of medicated sleep, the operation lasted about 4 hours, there were five shots, the most serious wound was in the abdominal cavity. deputy fitz reported that the life of the head governments are not in danger. the operation was
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successful, although the wounds were severe, one of the bullets went through the stomach. slovak tv channels reported that he had lost a lot of blood, and the next 24 hours would be decisive. the assassination attempt took place in the city of gandlovo. fitza went out into the street after the government meeting. after his arrest, centula stated that the motives for the assassination were political; let me remind you that robert fitz consistently opposed the supply of weapons to ukraine and its participation in nato. latest ied data, attack helicopter the k-52m flew into a raid in the zone of responsibility of the group of troops, the center, and successfully hit the fortification. area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine, the airspace is controlled by tor m2, the complexes show high efficiency in defeating cruise missiles and drones of enemy aircraft. in the donetsk direction, drone operators discovered a camouflaged dugout, which
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was destroyed by artillerymen. the fighters talked about a way to complement the design of the beskolotniki. our developers took it, came up with firmware, and flashed drones that remove all positioning, shift coordinates, well operator turns out. took the car to a safe place and delivered the cargo to the fighters, guard junior sergeant sergei soloviev, as part of an assault group, under artillery fire, made his way into an enemy stronghold, destroyed part of the militants, the enemy, having suffered losses, retreated. in the area
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of ​​vladivostok, exercises of the pacific ocean fleet took place, the corvettes were absolutely loud and sharp, the large anti-submarine ship admiral pantileyev and others, a total of 15 combat units, went out into the peter the great gulf, where they practiced actions to combat unmanned crew. exercise on detection of target damage, as well as visual camouflage using smoke screens. in the tyumen region , the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, and the head of the ministry of construction, irek fayzulin, arrived to supervise the flood control work. at the meeting, they were told what was being done to help the population of the city of ishim, along the tyumen-omsk federal highway , they were strengthening dams where there was water. has retreated, restoration work continues, the flooding is on its way, the water level in the ishim river in the timno region continues to decline, prime minister of romania.
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again provokes moldova with his statements; at the debate he said that the moldovan language does not exist in moldova. marcel chalaku advocates a process that he calls the unification of countries. after previous similar speeches by the prime minister of romania, the opposition in the moldovan parliament summoned the head of the ministry of foreign affairs to a conversation to find out the official reaction of the state, but the ruling party did not allow the proceedings. let me remind you that last year in moldova, despite protests from the opposition, the state language was renamed romanian, according to polls in... estonia and iceland, they are now on a visit to georgia, so they personally came to trostavelli avenue, where they spoke to the protesters. opponents of the project, which was introduced to parliament by the ruling georgian dream party, call it pro-russian, although the law on registration of foreign agents has been in force for many years in the united states and a number of countries.
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that's all for now, now the floor goes to arina sharapova. today the children's magazine murzilka celebrates its 100th anniversary, a respectable age. murzilka even got into the guinness book of records, as i quote from a magazine for children with the most long period of publication. in different...
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there is no editor-in-chief, no filing of all issues, that same ninety-third year, that same fifth issue and yulina’s fairy tale is a mess. to find yourself on the pages of a magazine that you read as a child, but it was, i don’t know, it was luck, happiness, and as they said, this is not yet a feat, but there is something heroic in it. many people dreamed of being published in murzilka. this is glory for the entire union, and what’s more, it was read abroad, in eastern europe, in latin and south america, in cuba. and...
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in tens of tens he finally became a yellow fluffy, which we all grew up next to. four generations of children grew up reading our magazine. if we used to say that grandfathers and grandmothers read us, now we are talking about grandfathers and grandmothers. these are the same four generations. maria gavrilovna is 92. in her youth she did not miss a single episode of murzilka. i was a postal worker and wore murzilkas; they wrote to almost every house. because the children ordered, i bring them, they are happy, happy, and iri brought magazines to her daughter iri, her daughter grew up, became a teacher irina vladimirovna, and murzilka always helped her in her work with children, even those that i had in childhood were preserved, i remember that this section was called a small pile, in general everything was dumped there, but it is very useful, compare the pictures, find the differences, solve crossfort, this priceless, several years ago in this cultural center. a club of
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murzilka’s friends appeared, murzilka himself, soft, smiling, almost real. when we went out into the street, the residents of our area ran up to the murzilka, the children greeted him, the grandmothers hugged him, saying: “my god, are you still alive?” well, you have to understand that this is the only magazine in our country that is still 100 years old and still being published. 100 years from month to month, no matter what happens. record holder magazine. the magazine has a centuries-old history, generations of artists and writers have changed its editors, but murzilka is still the same. they always say he is as old as his readers. ksenia ionkina, ksenia maklyak, stepan erofeev and mikhail volkov. first channel. yes, smoked chicken is delicious. and the most delicious chicken is the one you cook with your own hands. maria surova now will share one interesting recipe, and at the same time tell you how to make a smokehouse in a regular kitchen. is it possible to smoke directly in the kitchen using a handy one? remedy: my culinary
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experiment: smoked chicken in a cauldron. i start with meat. if the legs are large, they need to be chopped. for the marinade. i mix salt, black pepper, paprika and coriander and rub the chicken. attention, do not make a wet marinade, otherwise the chicken will not smoke and cook. while the meat is soaking, i build a smokehouse. you will need a cauldron with a lid of any size, wood chips for smoking, it is easy to find in hardware stores in large supermarkets. cherry oak is suitable for chicken. i decided not to soak it, but... to use it dry, it is important to cover the wood chips with foil, pressing the edges against the walls of the cauldron, fat will drip from the meat, and this can cause bitterness, and the cauldron will be difficult to wash. now you need to make a shelf so that there is a distance between the foil and the meat. you can use a
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hot tray, but it’s too big for me, i’ll try this sieve. it's a bit low, but it doesn't touch the foil. the main rule of smoking is this. tightness. i twist the foil like this and seal the edges of the cauldron. if you have an unusual lid, like mine, with silicone sides, you don't have to do this. you also need to close all the holes on the lid. the less aroma that comes out, the better. the home smokehouse is ready. place the chicken on a sieve and cover tightly with a lid, lifting the sides of the foil. i cook for an hour on medium heat, i don’t know if it will work on an induction stove, in all the recipes that i read, they cooked on gas, suddenly there will be a lot of smoke or the chicken will remain at all raw? when i do such experiments, i don’t go far, an hour is not enough, the cauldron
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has just warmed up during this time, i’ll leave it for another hour, you can’t open the lid during cooking, otherwise all the smoke will come out, you can already feel a rather strong aroma. an hour has passed, but i’m afraid that the chicken inside will be damp, the pieces are quite thick, i’ll leave it for another half an hour, turn off the heat and leave until it cools completely, what did i get, it looks delicious, it smells smoked, it tastes, mm, it turned out to be real smoked chicken , soft. much tastier than from the shop. dear men, you can go about your business, and we, our dear tv viewers, will learn how to sew a zipper into a cover for a decorative pillow, how difficult it is, watch the hands of the clothing designer, maria amachaeva. you have decided
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to sew a cover for a decorative pillow and use a zipper as a fastener. i will show you how to sew it beautifully and discreetly. pillowcase details, warehouses. face to face, i step back 1.5 cm from the edge, machine stitch, bend the seam allowances in different directions, attach a zipper at the seam line, like this with the runner down, pin it, sew the braid to the seam allowances on all sides. i rip the seam above the zipper, sew the remaining edges of the pillowcase, turn the cover right side out and put it on the pillow, ready, look,
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we hid the zipper inside the seam, so it’s not visible at all from the front side, the cover looks neat and aesthetically pleasing, and the slider won’t cling to all. we gathered our thoughts about sergei len's film the passion according to matveev. i just look like a dead man. it’s okay, let him know right away how you’re doing post you look. they are already sending you hearts. the most unexpected thing was that i really liked the film. was there any prejudice? i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish. i believe that if you sincerely do not believe, then this is better than believing somehow falsely. according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox. sorry. please, but he hasn’t risen yet, you don’t know, it was such a discovery for me that on easter, anyone can ring the bell, and you really went to learn how to ring it specifically, absolutely true, what do you think you are, but there is duty, family and traditions, there is love, and there are rules, but they contradict each other, depending on what kind of love,
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depending on what rules, what rules, well, in my situation it contradicts, but this is in your situation, you do you mean life or yes, but this is my problem, as if i think that this should not happen, podcast lab for... on the first cognac old barrel is a product of the stellar group. product of the stellar group cognac monte shoca, product of the stellar group. listen, you are kind of strange today, you have nothing happened, i declare you husband. and my wife, anxiety, excuse me, i’m only an hour, maximum
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an hour and a half, well, what happened, an intruder plane crossed the border, shoot it down at all costs, francis, i know you’re not a coward, but you must know the whole truth, they can still get you, the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone, do you realize? of course, the ring fell, bad omen, fourth, answer, something happened, i’m very sorry, harry powers’s interrupted flight on saturday on the first,
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unique examples of how the russian academy of sciences are intertwined. among the exhibits science and art. all the details right now. he was floating on the bow of a ship in the icy arctic sea. baffen as a naked figure. alexander ponomarev, a former sailor, is now an academician of the russian academy of arts. they tied you up, how are you doing? this whole operation is complex, that is , safety must be observed, of course, they welded a special stand there, behind the boatswain and the senior sailor lay on the deck, the artist’s favorite places are the arctic and antarctic for research and performances, it was these travels that inspired the creation of the ice caves in zaryadye park and to organize their own expeditions. today alexander, one of the participants in the exhibition science and art ways of knowledge, like the rector of surikovsky...
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what an artist needs, he is the first thing he calls mathematics, which means science, the host itself is organized from a square shape, against this background there is a round center of gravity, the head gatamelata, this is the roman emperor, the idea was to draw the viewer into a conversation about art, so that he suddenly wants to know something, here is an immersion in history, bright spots are already psychology, a magnet for attraction. attention, it’s like an instrument for a musician, a violin in his hands, paint in his hands, so you throw it on the canvas, and how it should live there, sound, it sounded here, and the paintings of the cosmonaut vladimir dzhenibekov also sound. the photographs of pilot cosmonaut fyodor yurchikhin are like paintings themselves. for example, this is what mount bronberg in namibia looks like. address of the exhibition at the zurab tsaritelli art gallery. mator is sure that the love of knowledge lies in creativity. or science - it’s always from childhood, from parents, they even showed nature through art,
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look at the sun, how it changes when you so small and through art he talks to you, he plays a very big role, you are already becoming kind, art helps, an exhibition for those who like to think, among the guests there are many academicians, like heart surgeon leo bakeria: firstly, i read a lot, secondly , my wife is also such an active person, we try not to miss, of course, the exhibition of science and art is eight halls with photographs, paintings, sculptures, clematis just the head and his coat, that is, everyone can be a little bit clematis, absolutely true , we chose one of the main quotes for the project : the words of mikhail vasilyevich, everywhere , explore in detail what is great and beautiful. you can immerse yourself in the world of science and art until july 7th. yulia molotseva, dmitry
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parfenov and ilya sayatzh, channel one. now about money, or rather about debts that you don’t have, but the bank is sure that you do. he believes that you borrowed money from him and now demands it back. the situation is, of course, sad, but unfortunately, this happens. swindlers manage to take out loans in someone else’s name; we’ll tell you what to do in this situation. 13 in the evening i receive a text message from... about the fact that my account was seized, uh-huh, due to a judicial penalty, i was immediately like, wow, what is this, i ’ve never applied for any microloans in my life. no one is insured against such a surprise, so my colleague, and sirodevich became a victim of scammers, requested a credit history through government services, anyone can do this for free twice a year and there are just a lot of loans in my name, yeah, there are a lot of applications, a lot of applications, for example , even for one ruble there is a car loan, interesting, i began to act according to the algorithm, wrote a statement to the police, then became
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a credit history and sent claims to microfinance organizations, you see here i am asking you to recognize the agreement not... to clear my credit history, my credit rating was almost zero, they responded a couple of days later, that they have no complaints, and the fact of fraud is confirmed, if they do not answer, you can complain to the union of microfinance organizations or the central bank, they know clearly that if a complaint comes to us at the sro or the central bank, then there will be verification, so they quickly built a process for checking whether this person actually took a loan or did not take it, and the organization is also obliged to report. in order for credit history bureaus to delete information about these loans, it is better to simultaneously write an application to the bureau yourself. we are given 40 days to request the creditor, contact him, so that the creditor does not satisfy all our requests, then the creditor makes an application to correct your credit history, yeah, only the creditor. final step, change
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passport, the data of the old one probably passed into the hands of scammers. asya got off easy, the bank withdrew only 90 rubles, since there was no money on the card, and if they withdrew the entire amount, you need a lawyer, this is more difficult, although the first steps are standard, quickly go to the police, write a statement, check your credit history there, contact the bailiff directly so that he suspends the enforcement proceedings, for 10 days there you can apply every 10 days again, if there are objective reasons, and these are objective reasons, he will receive funds freezes, then the court cancels the court order, on the basis of this the bailiffs will return the money, but if the collectors directly contacted... the money will be returned only through the court, it takes a long time, but you can demand compensation, from each contract, even if there is 500 rubles, we can earn about 30,000 rub. from only one defendant, that is, from one microfinance organization, which was ignored. and the main rule is, if you haven’t chosen this money, don’t even think about paying for scammers, even if in your opinion the amount is not large, by doing this you are only creating impunity, as a rule, everything is decided before
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the trial, and this is an example of this, although there were also thoughts of paying someone else’s debt. at the same time, we’ll find out what it is, and he’ll also tell you what to do if there’s no other fum tape at all, you need to connect the pipes. problem: we need, as plumbers say, to place a faucet or hose on a fume tape, but let’s say the connection is in... a hard-to-reach place, how to wind the fume tape here? you won’t be able to do this directly from the reel; in this case, take a pencil, pen, felt-tip pen, or whatever you have at hand and rewind 10-15 centimeters of tape onto a thin rod, now look, i wind the tape onto the thread, it’s very convenient, just don’t forget that you need to do this
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while screwing the nut, a thin pencil easily fits into the gap between the wall with the tap. it’s also not difficult to create the required tension on the fum tape. everything is ready, you can screw on the hose. great connection. what else do i want to say about fumlenta? some craftsmen believe that sealing with its help is an outdated story. supposedly it is much more reliable to fumigate. i would argue with this. but in other way, business of the owner. if. you like the thread better, but you only have tape at hand, you know, it’s very easy to make a thread from it, roll up the fum cloth and please, we already have a thread in front of us, put it into the thread, carefully, turn by turn, there is, you can fix the hose on top, now i’ll show you an emergency
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way to connect pipes when you don’t have a fume tape at all, i’ll say right away that it’s only suitable for... you can’t use it in apartments, but in dachas it’s fine. we cut thin strips from a black garbage bag and use it in the same way like fumlentu. polyethylene will help the pipes withstand water pressure, but i repeat once again, it does not have heat resistance, so it cannot be used to connect pipes with hot water. we wind the polyethylene tightly, turn by turn, and hold it when we fix the hose. the connection is quite suitable for a country water supply system, use it. channel one continues a unique project with the whole world 7375. this is our common project, it is designed to unite all caring people so that there are more good deeds. you and i can to help charitable foundations and their
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wards who really need this help. it’s so easy to do this: send any amount feasible for you in numbers to the short number 7375, the main thing is to confirm the transfer in response messages or send two words to the same number 7375. by the way, then it will be debited from your account. fixed amounts 75 rub. you can find out all the details about the project all over the world on its page, on the website of the first channel. now the wards of the charitable foundation house with you are really looking forward to our help. a beacon in our power to give them a full life. mira, mirusya, come hug me. go for a hug? no, it’s more interesting there, tell me, we can hug later. with her mother, the world is a little over a year old, she gets tired, but is almost never capricious, and if it weren’t for the long tube from this device, we would never have realized that this smiling girl has serious health problems,
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mira’s body refuses to accept regular food due to short bowel syndrome, when mira was born, she practically had no intestines, on the very first day of life they did operation and connected parenteral nutrition, this is volumetric fozamate, through which the world receives everything - nutrients, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins. 18 hours a day every day, without breaks on weekends and holidays. mom dina learned to do everything herself. connecting and disconnecting an iv is like a mini-operation. it provides parenteral nutrition, which is very expensive, and you can’t live without it; the charitable foundation “house with mayak” helps. nutrition for one patient with short bowel syndrome costs about 3 million rubles. in year. besides, need to buy more. expensive medical consumables, infusion pumps, perfusers. now there are 22 patients with this disease under the care of the lighthouse house, you and i can help.
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to do this, just send an sms to the short number 7375 with any amount of numbers or phrases to the whole world, then 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing is to confirm the payment if asked to do so in a response message. or your smartphone camera can scan the qr code that you see on your tv screen right now. go to unique page channel one shares leave any donation. now there are new innovative drugs that cause the growth of villi, yes, and the villi are in the small intestine, the most important thing is that they allow this food to be absorbed, that is, such children can recover, go to school, just some part of the food there during the day , for example, they will eat, but at night they will receive it inside the veins, we are ready to sell our souls for milk, yes ksyusha, do you like milk? ksyusha is three years old, a hooligan who hardly sits still when the girl was 10 days, most of her intestines were removed. initially we dripped 24 hours, now we
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dribble 12 hours a day. during the day, ksyusha lives the life of an ordinary child, eats like an ordinary child, drinks like an ordinary child, she does not have any global restrictions, but for now it is impossible to completely give up parenteral nutrition, because of it, ksyusha is growing. if ksyusha does not drip daily, then she will simply begin to lose money. weight, that is, it’s like it doesn’t matter what i tell an ordinary person, from tomorrow you won’t eat, just this food it costs not like a thousand rubles in a supermarket, but several million for a year. ksyusha also needs our help, just one sms to number 7375, with any amount, numbers or phrase, the whole world. you can also read the qr code that you see on the screen right now. you can leave any donation on the page of the unique promotion of the first channel. so, help the world ksyu. to the rest of the beneficiaries of the house smayak charitable foundation. let me remind you, to help the wards of the smayak house charitable foundation, please send an sms to a short number
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7375. this can be any amount in numbers, the main thing is to confirm the transfer in response messages, or send 73752 words to the same number, with the whole world, then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. all the details about our project with you the whole world. you can find out on his page, on the website of channel one, right now the news is on channel one, this is news on channel one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, negotiations have begun in beijing between vladimir putin, who is making a state visit to china with chairman of the people's republic of china xidzenping, the meeting takes place at the great hall of the people in front of. they
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walked around the line, the orchestra played the anthems of the two countries, the melody of the song moscow evenings, and a gun salute sounded. the military personnel marched solemnly, followed by a joint photographing ceremony. the meeting attracted increased attention all over the world, including the expansion of trade and economic cooperation, and the discussion of the most pressing political and regional issues, including the situation in ukraine. a big one came with the president delegation, five deputy prime ministers, heads of the ministry of foreign affairs. ministry of defense, secretary of the security council, heads of economic departments, business representatives; as a result, a joint statement and a number of intergovernmental documents will be signed. after the assassination attempt, doctors put slovak prime minister robert fitz into a state of medicated sleep for a day. the operation lasted about 4 hours, there were five shots. the most serious injury was to the abdominal cavity. deputy fitz said that the life of the head of government was not in danger. the operation
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was completed. that robert fitz consistently opposed the supply of weapons to ukraine and its participation in nato. in addition to the news of the special operation in the northern direction, the crews of the rapier guns destroyed an ammunition depot in the area of ​​vesely and razdolovka. tula paratroopers received data with coordinates and 2 minutes later they struck rapier with 100 mm shells, hitting all targets. she's incredibly accurate. you can throw
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a 5 by 5 square, put three shells there, as soon as they enter the affected area, remove the disguise and fire until destroyed, as a rule they don’t have time to get there, and if they get there, we know where their dugout is. gaobitsa d30 of the center group helps motorized rifles advance in the vdeevsky direction from 15 km. precipitation shells destroyed a strong point of the ukrainian armed forces. shot! meanwhile, in ukraine there is a growing wave of confrontation between representatives of the so-called territorial centers for recruiting the army of ordinary citizens. the actions of the military commissars are described as lawlessness, so they caught another victim. it has gotten to the point where in a number of ukrainian cities many men they prefer not to go home from work and spend the night right there, since military commissars are literally committing atrocities on the street. they also try to avoid conscription in more exotic ways. this young man, who fled
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abroad, stated that... the estonian parliament has authorized the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine, the money supposedly should be used to restore the infrastructure destroyed in the war. dotlin , no one in europe has yet dared to take such serious reputational risks and outright violation of international law. according to the european commission, only the eu has blocked about 200 billion euros of central bank assets. russia has about 24 billion euros of private funds; our foreign ministry called such actions theft. in the center of yerevan , there is a mass protest near the building of the opera and ballet theater, where the head of the armenian government is scheduled to speak at the international economic forum, opponents of nikol pashinyan are rallying. they see off cars and buses carrying forum guests with shouts. nikol, a traitor, a disgrace, the reason for the dissatisfaction with the transfer
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of a number to the azerbaijani side. border areas in the process of delimiting the border with azerbaijan. today is the anniversary of the director of the sklifosovsky research institute of emergency care, sergei petrikov, 50. he came to the legendary sklif as a student, worked as an orderly in intensive care, then there were all the steps of the medical career ladder, from a nurse to the head of a multidisciplinary institute, which he headed in 2017. petrikov developed his own way of caring for patients. in a critical condition, in which there are fewer complications and more effective recovery, those who were brought back to life were extinguished when the pandemic began, sklif was one of the first to receive patients, the successful method of transfusion of plasma with antibodies was first performed there. most importantly, we as a whole institute have learned to quickly respond to various changing challenges. this is a very difficult story,
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he managed to rebuild almost the entire institute very quickly. constantly attracts talented and young people, i am convinced that the main thing is a professional team, because it is a powerful organism called sklif. good, cheerful morning everyone, arina sharapova is with you on the calendar thursday - may 16th. well, it seems like just recently we were divided into pedestrians and motorists, everything was generally clear, pedestrians should walk on sidewalks, crosswalks, motorists should drive on roads. parts suddenly, as if overnight they appeared, these strange people who move by means of individual mobility, it happened somehow suddenly, we can’t get used to them, well, never at all, pedestrians have long been accustomed to
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motorists and vice versa, that’s what what to expect from scooters is still sometimes a mystery, imagine yourself in the driver’s seat, you could expecting the scooter to turn right at you, you won’t be able to relax even on the sidewalk. how we love pedestrians, reading messages on the go, listening to music on headphones, or even changing the trajectory as necessary. yes, reckless is wrong here: firstly, there are two people driving, and the speed is almost 40 km/h. but if the pedestrians had looked back, the tragedy could have been avoided. nowadays there are speed limits for scooters, a maximum of 25 km per hour, but even this is about five times higher than the average walking speed, so the scooter was not noticed distracting. on gadgets and let the rider pass, even though we are the head of the traffic rules on the sidewalk. by the way, if the traffic is dense, a competent scooter driver should reduce the speed and not create interference, but not on bike paths, the truth is up to those on wheels. and you know that
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i beat up the pedestrian on the paths on the right a little. you can't just walk on them. now on to the road, even motorists can get hurt by scooters. one of the most dangerous areas is the pedestrian crossing. almost a third of all road accidents involving. in wheeled ones here, yes, scooters they are wrong here, they are required to dismount in order to cross the road, this is how, by the way, this also applies to cyclists, ideally, in life it is much safer to assume that a two-wheeler will try to pass. the algorithm of action for the car owner is simple: we notice a scooter in the distance, reduce the speed before the pedestrian crossing. here's the thing, the smaller the object, the worse the driver evaluates it. its speed, such a reckless driver will jump out to cross, it’s better to brake from 30-35 km/h than from 60, especially not worth flying at flashing green, it’s not just a scooter, in a hurry you might not notice the same car, these situations are almost a classic,
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you rarely see scooters in the interstate, but bicycles and motorcycles are frequent guests, and the truth is that they are behind them, the driver of the car must make sure that when he goes out onto the road he doesn’t interfere with anyone, first we look in the mirror. then we go out. these are simple rules, but they help save nerves, time, and money. ksenia loginova, konstantin strychkov, channel one. we continue, our potatoes are everything. and if she it’s also young, and with butter, dill, and herring, you’ll lick your fingers. now the new harvest of southern potatoes has just appeared on the shelves. it's time to figure out how to understand that it is really young, what the skin should be like, and where to store young potatoes. and what does the diet have to do with it, young potatoes for lunch or dinner are always a good idea, there are already early varieties in the south, but long-lasting varieties still have time to grow and grow. in the middle zone they begin to harvest in august, in
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september already before the frosts, during this period a large accumulation of dry substances, microelements. new potatoes contain more water and less dry matter and less starch. depending on the variety, there can be up to two times less of it in young potatoes than in regular ones, so young ones are considered to be a more dietary option. young potatoes have more vitamin c, b3, potassium, fiber; old potatoes lose some of their nutrients during storage. it is certainly usable, but it contains acrylomide, which is a potentially carcinogenic substance. visually young you can’t confuse the potatoes with anything, they look like they just came from... the garden bed, make sure there are no spots or a greenish tint. this means there is already a high content of solanine in it. solanine is a substance that gives bitterness and poisoning to the body. we also evaluate the peel; it should be intact
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and translucent. in young potatoes, the skin has not yet formed, it is clear that the skin here is denser in old potatoes, in young potatoes, it can be seen that it is so weak. washed and done. thanks to. denty consistency of new potatoes is cooked in half faster, but you need to understand that from a culinary point of view these are two different products. i would mainly use old potatoes for... used for frying or baking, and for boiling they keep their shape perfectly, but as for the taste, young ones are more watery, regular ones are richer, this is not for everyone. as for storage, young potatoes made from thin skins are, of course, more capricious than old ones, so it is better to store them in the refrigerator.
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the first channel, in order to walk through the air, as if on an invisible wall, we need strong back and abdominal muscles, they also help us maintain perfect posture. this means they protect against spinal diseases. let's strengthen our muscles together. let’s take a simpler exercise: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, palms facing each other. raise the upper part of the body and head. we stay in this position for a second. bend your elbows so that your hands are under your shoulders. we go into a plank position on our elbows. we stay in this position for a second,
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do not raise the pelvis, do not lower the stomach, the body is extended in one straight line, lie down on the floor again, continue to perform the mini-complex, who finds the exercise easy? can increase the load, we linger at the upper points for more than one, for 5 seconds, the exercise will help strengthen the muscles around the spine, for people leading a sedentary lifestyle such gymnastics will be especially useful. don’t be lazy, but i’ve been writing
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poetry all my life, starting from childhood, a lot of relatives live with me, there is no creative zone, this is the living room, your bedroom, and it would also be desirable for it to be an office, here we need something so lyrical, romantic, light-hearted, some accents? we need a throne, a chair with flowers, and admiration, very beautiful, with gray combined with gold, plume, have you ever seen a bed that has a crown, about comfort, the premiere on saturday on the first, permafrost, snow, we are in salikharde, my name is nyadma. i’m from the yamal region, my name is
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masni, i’m also from the yamal region, for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur, we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears, go to the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom, or even for the wedding face in the snow hit, the nenets clothes are called malitsa, it’s warm inside, unlike me, you don’t freeze, the ice table, imagine, it’s not just ice here, it’s northern ice. before the wedding , the oldest woman in the family performed a ritual of cleansing the plague by fumigating the bride with smoke, here in the arctic circle in the tundra let’s shout out our friendly wedding, on sunday at the first funny shots were posted on... pages on the internet by the staff of the moscow zoo. the arangutan spied how the workers
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were cleaning his enclosure, so he decided following their example, he took a cloth in his hands and began to wipe the glass with it. cleanliness, you know, is the key to health, even arangutans know this. well, we move on and present the astrological forecast for today on may 16th. may 16, the eighth lunar day passes the baton to the ninth. the 28th day of the sun, like yesterday, is energetic and creative, while keeping emotions under control. he has a sharp analytical mind, has the ability for scientific work, he does excellent math, and leads skillfully. financial affairs, really likes order when everything is in order plan, just don’t think that he’s some sort of insensitive calculator, he knows how to feel and worry and empathize, he just doesn’t put his feelings on display and doesn’t open his soul to just anyone. on the downsides, he is a little unhurried, can be stingy, sometimes gets hung up on all sorts of little things, and often on such days there is
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confusion due to the fact that someone did not understand or did not hear something. aries, keep this in mind and don’t be lazy to clarify or explain something, even if... you have to do it for the tenth time, overall it’s a good day, true, work will try to eat up all your time, but still try to free up the evening, he is clearly preparing something interesting. today taurus is not averse to arguing and out-arguing, it’s unlikely that anyone will succeed, but stubbornness is only half a step away from stubbornness; it’s difficult to do business with stubborn people. in general, take a closer look at your driving. attention and caution will not hurt the twins. this applies not only to driving, but also to '. any suspicious sites and generally do without incident and have a great day and a pleasant evening. in crayfish not a bad day for shopping, but dear ladies, it’s better not to take your men with you. as for work, don’t let all sorts of gossip and other little things spoil your mood, everything will be fine. lions
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are very noticeable today, and lionesses are simply irresistible, it is not surprising that attention is paid to them. however, business contacts will also go well, and in the evening you... will be invited to some cultural event, like an exhibition, virgos may encounter someone’s laxity, laziness or banal unprofessionalism, because of this there may be there are delays in business, but don’t worry, everything should be fine by lunchtime, and the evening will be absolutely lovely. for libra, the cards may be slightly mixed up by a certain confluence of circumstances, due to which you will have to change plans on the fly, minor breakdowns and equipment failures are also possible, so pay closer attention, otherwise it’s a good day and money loves you. something. it seems that the date is shining with scorpio, but it will be closer to the evening, the day will be entirely occupied with business, there will be a lot of them, but you will cope, you will also help others, for which you will be grateful to be careful with fire. a wonderful day for sagittarius, work, career, home, family, good luck with you in everything, most importantly, remember, the direct path is not always the shortest, but the most honest, and
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check the expiration dates of foods and medicines. if anyone needs a toastmaster or a party organizer, call capricorn. capricorns today are charming, witty, know how to create a good mood, in a word, the life of the party, just make sure that your jokes don’t offend anyone, okay, and don’t get carried away with alcohol. for aquarius, a lot will revolve around money with a large share chances of some family expenses, some forgotten obligations or promises may come up, you will have to fulfill them, and if you are already planning a vacation, audit your finances. pisces are just having a good day, of course, nothing will fall into your hands, but if you show persistence and perseverance, you will achieve your goal, and today you can learn something new, interesting, something that will broaden your horizons. good luck to you! we are moving forward at a brisk pace and presenting the most interesting sports news. word
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to my colleagues, sports journalists of channel one. in ski jumping , there is a special type of competition called. flights, giant springboards, such as in the norwegian vickersund, allow athletes to make extremely long jumps. in 2017, it was in ikersund that a world record was set, the austrian stefan kraft flew 253.5 m. 2 years later, ryoyu kabayashi was close to surpassing this achievement in the slavic planica, but fell short by some one and a half meters. since then, together with his as a team, the japanese developed a daring plan, according to which he hoped not only to take away the record from the craft, but to exchange it. hundred-meter mark, the power of the jumps existing in the world excludes a similar maximum acceleration mountain of 130 m, so kaboyasi’s associates, led by the finnish specialist yana batainin, had to look for a solution, they found it in iceland, where a suitable 160-meter slope was selected, which was slightly repurposed using 120 thousand cubic meters of snow, the landing zone
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underneath was expanded as much as perhaps it was just a matter of little things, or rather , a lot of trouble, on the first day there was a strong tailwind... in indonesia, then more, for the last 2 years they were preparing a crazy stunt, which they eventually performed in london, flying through the famous tower bridge. having jumped from
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a helicopter over the thames from almost a kilometer high, the extreme sports enthusiasts rushed down and after 45 seconds successfully flew through the so -called window measuring 32x65 m. at the same time , the pilots reached a speed of 246 km/h. in order to land safely, fürst and waltonspiel had to perform a spectacular a maneuver called well , since we are talking about food, right now we will prepare a fish roll with herbs, cream cheese, which will appeal to everyone, adults and children. i picked spinach and dill from the garden, as well as useful decorative plants and nettle leaves. dandelion for fish roll you will need a lot of greens. i’ll put the dill aside for now, it will be needed for the filling, and
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i’ll add the decorossa with spinach to the dough. i dip the leaves in salted boiling water for 2 minutes. thanks to this technique, the dandelion will no longer taste bitter or sting. i transfer the leaves to ice water so that the greens retain their color. i'll mix green. mixture with yolks, beat, add a little flour, cream cheese for a delicate taste, chopped garlic for piquancy, mix again, add whipped whites, place the dough on oiled parchment paper, form a 1.5 cm thick cake, bake for 15 minutes. at a temperature of 190°. for the filling, finely chop the dill, mix with cream cheese, spread
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the mixture on a warm crust, pieces of lightly salted fish from top to middle, wrap the crust in a roll, cool in the refrigerator, cut into pieces. we have a very tasty and nutritious snack, perfect for breakfast, help yourself, the right makeup can work wonders, all women know this, but not everyone succeeds in it in practice, makeup artist safi kovalenko will now share with us the secrets of lifting makeup with which you you will look much younger. we all want to look young, today i’ll show you how to quickly erase five, or even 10 years from your face . the secret is simple: lifting strips, these are invisible
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stickers on the skin that instantly rejuvenate, now i’ll show you how they work. and model lyudmila will help me. the strips need to be attached to clean, dry skin, otherwise they may come off at the most inopportune moment. we select areas that require correction, for example, we want to hide an overhang. upper eyelid, carefully separate one sticker from the base, cover your eye and apply the strip here, the very crease, press it with your fingers, look at the result, voila, look how the eyelid has risen, attention, it is better to remove lifting strips using an oil cleanser, also you can correct the lower third of the face, for this let's take the tapes, tighten them a little, near the corner of the lower jaw, glue them as you like, you can gently remove the protective film a little diagonally with tweezers, now
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we'll do the same on the other side, ready, we 've tightened the oval of the face, corrected the drooping eyelid, now we moisturize the skin and apply foundation. we pay special attention to the areas where the tapes are attached, mask the stickers, light concealer is next, apply it under the eyes, under the highest points of the eyebrows on the cheekbones, a little in the middle of the forehead, on the center of the chin and of course above the upper lip, gently blend, for the eyes we will use false eyelashes, i prefer... to work with short ribbons. now we need a lip pencil and lipstick.
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ta-dam. compare before and after. in my opinion, the result is obvious. lyudmila, do you like it? i told you, losing 10 years is absolutely possible. don't miss, today on channel one the continuation of the multi-part detective story bloodhound. at the colonel's. several, well, each has its own motive. well, that's all. let's move on to water procedures. remove sweets. from today , colonel kushnir does not eat stress. with early in the morning to the gym. what is senior lieutenant markov doing here? and don't
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worry, no one will know about this. about what? well, i personally don’t doubt you at all, colonel alkhovsky is waiting for a bloodhound for an evening run, for your sake i’m ready to do all this, even in the rain, he looks after alexandra and hits her, he’s such an inventive hero with us, their relationship will be different develop differently, then they will somehow get closer and he will somehow think that everything will be fine with them, then it means everything will actually not be as good as for him it seems that this season the bloodhound team has a new office, the windows look out to the sea, in every scene, you know, the sea is like a participant in all our investigations, because if some situation is very difficult, it just so happens that in the frame the sea was raging, you could just see such waves from the window, and if there was some kind of good situation there, something positive, joyful, then the sea was glowing just like that, it was calm, today the sea is restless, there was a dark incident in a sunny city, she died a young athlete,
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masha is the best, a beauty and... why is she with the roof rushed, don’t you know? this is what colonel kushnir is trying to find out. eighteen-year-old maria had a secret. at the very dawn of her career she decided to become a mother. did the athlete’s former lover ivan know about the child? they saw each other a few minutes before the tragedy. i came to congratulate you, to find out if there was any chance that we would be together again. and what is the coach, the deceased anton, hiding? once upon a time it was he who distracted masha from bad company and brought her. sport, what an interesting technique you have, i didn’t force anyone, masha had a conflict with another athlete, ira is used to being second, but now nothing will stop her from becoming a leader, i was watching a video from a training session, fall in love, rising stars fall painfully, i got it, go, you went yourself, several suspects, everyone has their own motive, it
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seems our bloodhound is stressed again. and chocolates, as luck would have it, go into my hands, excuse me, when i’m nervous, i immediately crave chocolate, but what are you really saying, yes, you know, i have the same bad habit, bloodhound, a new episode tonight on channel one, maria bronzova, ivan belchenko, channel one. this is the news on the first, in the studio of maria vasilyeva. hello. at these moments , negotiations are taking place in beijing between vladimir putin, who is making a state visit to china with the chairman of the people's republic of china, sidinping. in his opening speech, the president of russia noted the meeting place of the house people's assemblies: there has been a good tradition of making first visits to each other, and this is a clear confirmation of the importance that
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moscow and beijing attach to the course of consistent development of bilateral relationships. comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction. moscow and beijing have accumulated a truly substantial amount of practical cooperation. in 2023 , bilateral trade turnover increased by almost a quarter. and it achieved good results: $227 billion. china is our main partner in the trade and economic sphere. russia based on the results of last year. took fourth place in the list of china's trading partner countries. the statement following your visit to moscow in march of the twenty-third plan, a plan for the development of key areas of russian-chinese economic cooperation until 2030. our priorities include energy, industry,
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agriculture; we have just started talking about this along the way. cooperation in the field of high technology, innovation, infrastructure construction, transport, humanitarian contacts are expanding, in accordance with our agreement with you in 2020. communicated, as they say, on their feet. vladimir putin arrived in an aurus limousine in accompanied by a motorcade, more than a dozen cars, and an escort of motorcyclists. after shizenping shook hands, they walked around the line. the orchestra performed the anthems of the two countries and the melody of
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the song moscow evenings. a gun salute sounded. the military personnel marched solemnly, followed by a joint photographing ceremony. the meeting attracted increased attention all over the world, with many topics including the expansion of trade and economic interaction and... discussion of the most pressing political and regional issues, including the situation in ukraine. a large delegation arrived with the president, five deputy prime ministers, the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of defense, the secretary of the security council, heads of economic departments, business representatives; as a result, a joint statement and a number of intergovernmental documents will be signed. after the assassination attempt, doctors put slovak prime minister robert fitz into a state of medicated sleep for a day. the operation lasted approx.
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2 complexes show high efficiency in defeating cruise missiles and drones of enemy aircraft. in the donetsk direction drone operators discovered a camouflaged dugout and it was destroyed by artillery.
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chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin is now in his constituency in the saratov region. he met with military families in the village of sokolova. vyacheslav volodin regularly communicates with its residents, they talk about problems and together discuss how to solve them. an overpass, a clinic and a school stadium have already been built, the school is being transformed, you can play football on the new playground, soon hockey lessons will be added to physical education classes, swimming can be done for anyone, a swimming pool, there is already, a clinic, we are settling in, an overpass, it will be a completely different village, but it has already been transformed, of course, of course, it has the name falcon, people here live heroically. dynasties, yes, all those who work for the country and protect it. in the tyumen region , the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the head of the ministry of construction, irek fayzulin, arrived to supervise the flood control work. at
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the meeting they were told what was being done to help the population; dams were being strengthened near the city of ishim near the tyumen-omsk federal highway. where the water has receded, restoration work continues, and the flooding is subsiding. the water level in the ishim river in the tyumen region continues to rise. decline, good, cheerful morning to everyone who joined us, in arina sharapova’s studio, today is thursday, it’s may 16, it’s getting closer and closer, the unified state exam, the first day of passing the unified state exam is in a week on may 23, of course, everyone and the children are worried , and parents, the main thing here is to remain calm, draw up a clear schedule, a week is enough to train...
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i’ll try to try this already immediately before the exam itself, immediately a technique for concentration, we will first completely tense the whole body, everything from the face, from the top of the head to the very heels, fists, arms, back, chest, stomach, everything, everything, everything, keep the tension as long as you have enough strength, that’s approximately 10 counts, and then sharply relax the whole body, freeing the mind, i just understand that in a stressful situation this will really help, it is believed that for such training 5 minutes a day is enough, the rest of the time...
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teachers do not teach topics from scratch at the last moment they advise how to spend time on something that already bounces off your teeth; now it’s better to focus on material that you seem to know, but sometimes there are mistakes. yaroslava kuzmina is going for the gold medal and will not part with her textbooks. honestly, it takes a lot of energy, but still our goals are napoleonic. time manager dabrovskaya is sure that by setting a clear schedule for this week, there is a chance to get more done. we need to plan the week correctly, we need to set out our main tasks that we cannot move, well, this we definitely have them, for example, it will be your school, it will be some kind of clubs, classes with a tutor, plus household chores, for yaroslava it’s cleaning the room and an hour’s walk with the dog, free slots are a mandatory planned rest, at least an hour a day, i will show this to my mother.
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only after this determine the time to repeat the material with one condition: the phone is in airplane mode and full concentration. 25 minutes of work, 10 rest, yes, right on the timer. take a photo of the schedule or transfer it to the app, and put the paper schedule in a visible place place, along with a list of what is required for the exam. it is believed that a clear schedule is the key to peace of mind in systemic preparation. anna soldatova, mikhail karasev, andrey aksenov, anna ryabova, first! channel, dear men, you can go about your business, and we , our dear tv viewers, will learn how to sew a zipper into a cover for a decorative pillow, how difficult it is, watch the hands of the clothing designer, maria amachaeva. you have decided to sew a cover for a decorative pillow and use a zipper as a fastener, i will show you how to sew it beautifully and discreetly: i fold the pillowcase pieces face to face.
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i step back one and a half centimeters from the edge, machine stitch it, bend the seam allowances in different directions, apply a zipper at the seam line, like this with the slider down, pin it, sew the braid to the seam allowances on all sides, and rip it out. above the zipper, i sew the remaining edges of the pillowcase, turn the cover right side out, put it on the pillow, it’s done, look, we hid the zipper inside the seam, so it’s not visible at all from the front side, the cover looks neat and aesthetically pleasing, and the slider won’t cling to all. yes, smoked chicken is delicious,
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the most delicious chicken is the one you cook with your own hands. maria surova will now share one interesting recipe, and at the same time tell you how to make a smokehouse in an ordinary kitchen. is it possible to smoke directly in the kitchen using available materials? my culinary experiment, smoked chicken in a cauldron. i start with meat if the legs are large. they need to be chopped. for the marinade , i mix salt, black pepper, paprika and coriander. i rub the chicken. attention, do not make a wet marinade, otherwise the chicken will not smoked, cooked. while the meat is soaking, i build a smokehouse. you will need a cauldron with a lid of any size, a pinch for smoking, it is easy to find in hardware stores in large supermarkets. for chicken under. there is oak
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cherry, i decided not to soak it, use it dry, it is important to cover the wood chips with foil, pressing the edges against the walls of the cauldron, fat will drip from the meat, and this can give bitterness, and the cauldron will be difficult to wash, now you need to make a shelf so that between there was a distance between foil and meat, you can use a hot mat, but it it’s too big for me, i’ll try this sieve, it’s a little low, but... it doesn’t matter, the main rule of smoking is tightness, i twist the foil like this and seal the edges of the cauldron, if you have an unusual lid, like mine, and... with silicone sides you don’t have to do this, you also need to close all the holes on the lid, the less aroma that comes out, the better. the home smokehouse is ready, i put the chicken on a sieve , cover it tightly with a lid, raising the sides of the foil,
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cook for an hour on medium heat, i don’t know if it will work on an induction stove, in all recipes, which i read were cooked on gas. what if there will be a lot of smoke or the chicken will remain raw? when i do such experiments, i don’t go far, an hour is not enough, the cauldron has just warmed up during this time, i’ll leave it for another hour, you can’t open the lid during cooking, otherwise all the smoke will come out, you can already feel a rather strong aroma of smoking, an hour has passed, but i’m afraid, that the chicken inside will be damp, the pieces are quite thick, i’ll leave it for another half an hour, leave the fire until it cools completely, what did i get, it looks delicious, it smells smoky, it tastes,
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mm, it turned out to be real smoked chicken, soft and much tastier than from the store, we are in a unique place, exactly in the middle between the north pole and the equator, friends, we are in stavropol, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, kick, indian, natural homemade, please, i have the most delicious one, this is garlic duck baked in the oven, very tasty, and i have a full discount, according to statistics , girls jump more than boys, that’s what boys have more of a self-preservation instinct have to face more. oh, my head just starts to spin, the longer you stand, the worse it gets, i have to jump, i’m very scared, let’s go, premiere, on saturday, on the first, rom, castro, stellar group product,
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veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac , a product of the stellar group. borbon stersman is a product of the stellor group. famous and beloved artists gathered at our table to tell funny stories and oddities that happened to them. forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase. don't worry, yes, not like that, it’s new, it’s only 200 years old. i invite you to the program, you need to play the womb. i think, but it will be some kind.
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how was this cry produced? german, bending over, with a fork in his hands, approaches nina ruslanova at that very moment... he sticks this fork into her butt, she does it and it sounds: stop, it’s removed, ruslan just rubbing it, says, i didn’t know that was so directors work with actors, and as far as zapashny told me, a long time ago the soviet circus, the tiger grabbed his father, he quietly says to them: “askol, take a stick now,” and with all his strength he head, and now a tiger, on saturday on... first. an exhibition project, science-art, ways of knowledge, dedicated to the tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences, has opened in the zurabatelli art gallery. among the exhibits
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are unique examples of how science and art intertwine. all the details right now. he hovered on the bow of the ship in the icy sea of ​​the arctic, baffen. like a giant figure, alexander panmarev, a former sailor, now an academician of the russian academy of arts. they tied you up, how are you hanging there? this whole operation is complicated, that is, it must be to maintain safety, of course, they welded a special stand there, behind which the bosun and the senior sailor were lying on the deck. the artist's favorite places are the arctic and antarctic for research and performance. it was these travels that inspired the creation of the ice cave in the park. zaryadye and to organize their own expeditions. today alexander, one of the participants in the exhibition science and art ways of knowledge, as well as the rector of the surikov institute anatoly lyubavin, here are his works. there's
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a hole in your hands, there's paint in your hands, you're throwing it away on the canvas and how it should live there, sound, it sounded here, the paintings of pilot-cosmonaut vladimir dzhenibekov, photographs of pilot-cosmonaut fyodor yurchikhin sound like paintings themselves. for example, this is what mount bronberg in namibia looks like. exhibition address zurab tsaritelli art gallery. mator is sure that the love of knowledge in creativity or science always comes from childhood, from parents.
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knowing such an active person, we try not to miss, of course, the exhibition of science and art is eight halls with photographs, paintings, sculptures. lmonosov is just a head and his coat, that is, everyone can be a little bit lmonosov, absolutely right, we chose one of the main quotes for the project. the words of michal vasilyevich everywhere explore in detail what is great and beautiful. you can immerse yourself in the world of science and art until the seventh. first channel. now about money, or rather about debts
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that you don’t have, but the bank is sure that you do. he believes that you borrowed money from him and now demands it back. the situation is, of course, sad, but unfortunately, this happens. swindlers manage to take out loans in someone else’s name; we’ll tell you what to do in this situation. in the evening i receive a text message from the bank saying that my account has been... seized, uh-huh, for a judicial penalty, i’m immediately like, wow, what is this, i’ve never taken out any microloans in my life, no one is insured against such a surprise, so and my colleague, and seratkevich became a victim of scammers, requested a credit history through government services, anyone can do this for free, twice a year, and there are just a lot of loans in my name, yeah, there are a lot of applications, there are a lot of applications, for example, there is even a car loan for one ruble, it’s interesting, i started to act on... i wrote a statement to the police, then i became aware of my credit history and sent claims to microfinance
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organizations: you see, here i am asking you to recognize the agreement as not concluded, clear my credit history , my credit rating was almost zero, after a couple of days they answered that they had no complaints and confirmed the fact of fraud, if they didn’t answer, you can complain to the union of microfinance organizations or the central bank, they know clearly, what if a complaint comes to us or to the central bank. then there will be a check, so they quickly built a process to check whether this person really took a loan or did not take it. also , the organization is required to inform the credit history bureau to delete information about these loans; it is better to simultaneously write an application to the bureau yourself. we are given 40 days to request the creditor, contact him, so that the creditor does not satisfy all our requests, then the creditor makes an application to correct your credit history, yeah. only the creditor. the final step is to change your passport. the old data probably ended up in the hands of scammers. asya got off easy, the bank
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withdrew only 90 rubles. because there was no money on the card. but if you withdrew the entire amount, you would need a lawyer, that would be more difficult. although the first steps are standard. quickly go to the police, write a statement, check your credit history, contact the bailiff directly so that he suspends the enforcement proceedings. for 10 days there you can apply again every 10 days if there are objective reasons, and this objective reasons. he freezes the funds, then goes to court to cancel the court order, on the basis of this the bailiffs will return the money, but if the collectors directly contact the bank, the money will be returned only through the court, it will take a long time, but you can demand compensation from each contract, even if there is 5,000 rubles, we can earn about 3,000 rubles from only one defendant, that is, from one microfinance organization that ignored, and the main rule is, if you didn’t take this money, don’t even think about paying for the scammers, even if in your opinion the amounts and no... by doing this you only give rise to impunity, as a rule, everything is decided before the trial, asya is an example of this, although i also had thoughts
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of paying off someone else’s debt. sergey abramov, sotnik, vasily valetov, channel one, right now. economic matters. in the next couple of minutes, home master alexey bayadzhiy will teach us how to properly wind fum tape. at the same time , we’ll find out what it is, and he’ll also tell you what to do if there’s no fum tape at all, you need to connect the pipes. task: we need, as plumbers say, to install a faucet or hose to fulente. but let’s say the connection is in a hard-to-reach place, how to wind it here? tape, it won’t be possible to do this directly from a reel, in this case we take a pencil, pen, felt-tip pen or whatever is at hand, and rewind 10-15 centimeters of tape onto a thin rod, now look, i wind the tape on the thread, it’s very convenient, not we just forget that you need to do this while screwing the nut, a thin pencil
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easily passes into the gap between the wall with a tap, create the necessary tension on the fum tape too. not difficult, everything is ready, you can screw it on hose, excellent connection, what else do i want to say about the fume tape? some craftsmen believe that sealing with its help is an outdated story, supposedly fumming is much more reliable, i would argue with this, but on the other hand, it’s a matter of business, if you like thread more, and only tape is at hand, you should know that it is very just make a thread. let's roll up the fabric, please, there is already a thread in front of us. we put it into the thread, carefully, turn by turn. eat. you can fix the hose on top. and now i'll show you the emergency a way to connect pipes when you
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don’t have a fume tape at all. i’ll say right away that it is only suitable for cold water supply. use in apartments. it’s not possible, but at the dachas it’s fine. we cut thin strips from a black garbage bag and use it in the same way as fumlenta. polyethylene will help the pipes withstand water pressure, but i repeat once again, it does not have heat resistance, so it cannot be used to connect pipes with hot water. we wind the polyethylene tightly, turn by turn, and hold it when we fix the hose. the connection is fine for a country water supply system. channel one continues a unique project with the whole world 7375, this is our common project, it is designed to unite all caring people so that there are more good deeds, you and i can help charitable foundations and their wards who really need this help,
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it’s so simple to do it, send any amount feasible for you in numbers to the short number 7375. the main thing is to confirm the transfer in response messages or send two words to the same number 7375 with the whole world, then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. all you can find out more about the whole world project on its page on the channel one website. now the wards of the charitable foundation “house ” are really looking forward to our help. it is in our power to give them a full life. mira, mirusya, come hug me, come hug me, no, it’s more interesting there, tell me, you can hug later, the first steps hand in hand with your mother, the world is a little over a year old, tired, but almost not capricious, and if it weren’t for the long tube from this device, we would never have realized that this smiling girl had serious problems with health, mira’s body refuses to accept regular food due to
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short bowel syndrome; when mira was born, she had no intestines. on the same day of life , an operation was performed and parenteral nutrition was connected, this is a valiometric fozomat, through which the world receives all nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins. 18 hours a day every day, without breaks on weekends and holidays. mom dina learned to do everything herself: connecting and disconnecting an iv as a mini-operation, it includes parenteral nutrition, very expensive, you can’t live without it, the house’s charitable foundation helps. with the lighthouse, food for one patient with short bowel syndrome costs about 3 million rubles per year, in addition to this , you also need to purchase expensive medical consumables, infusion pumps, and perfusers. now there are 22 patients with this disease under the care of the house with the lighthouse, you and i can help. to do this, just send an sms to the short number 7375 with any amount, numbers
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or phrase, the whole world, then 75 rubles will be debited from your account. when the girl was 10 days old, she had her most of the intestines, initially we drip 24 hours, now we drip 12 hours a day, during the day ksyusha lives the life of an ordinary
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child, eats like an ordinary child, drinks like an ordinary child, she does not have any global restrictions, but for now she will completely give up parenteral nutrition is not allowed, due to it ksyusha is growing, if ksyusha does not drink daily, then she will simply start losing weight, that is , it’s like it doesn’t matter what i say to an ordinary person. from tomorrow you don’t eat, it’s just that this food costs not like a thousand rubles in the supermarket, but several million per year. ksyusha also needs our help, just one sms to number 7375 with any amount, numbers or phrase, the whole world. you can also read the qr code that you see on the screen right now. on the page of the unique campaign of channel one, you can leave any donation, and thus help mira ksyusha and the rest of the wards of the dom charitable foundation. with a lighthouse. let me remind you, to help the beneficiaries of the house with mayak charitable foundation, please send an sms to the short number 7375. this can be any amount in numbers,
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the main thing is to confirm the transfer with a reply message. well, or send words to the same number 7375.2 to the whole world. then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. you can find out all the details about our project the whole world on its page, on the website of the first channel. right now the news is on channel one, this is news on channel one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, negotiations are taking place at the great hall of the people in beijing between vladimir putin, who is making a state visit to china with chinese president sidzenping in his in his opening speech, the president of russia noted that a good tradition had developed.
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china is our main partner in the trade and economic sphere. based on the results of last year, russia took fourth place in the list of countries that are china’s trading partners. our priorities include energy, industry, agriculture, and we have just started talking about this along the way. cooperation in the field of high technology, innovation, infrastructure construction, transport. humanitarian contacts are expanding accordingly. cross years of culture russia and china. it is of fundamental importance
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that relations between russia and china are not opportunistic and are not directed against anyone. our cooperation in world affairs today is one of the main stabilizing factors in the international arena. russian-chinese relations have faltered. under difficult conditions, they withstood the tests of the changing international situation and became the standard of relations between major powers and neighboring countries, distinguished by mutual respect, trust, friendship and mutual benefit. the sustainable development of relations between china and russia not only meets the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also benefits the cause of peace and prosperity in the region and throughout the world. vladimir putin arrived for the negotiations in an auros limousine, accompanied by a motorcade of more than a dozen. cars escorted motorcyclists, after shaking hands with sidzenpin, they walked around the formation, the orchestra played the anthems of the two countries, the melody of the song moscow evenings,
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a gun salute sounded, military personnel marched in a solemn march, after which a ceremony took place joint photography. the meeting attracted increased attention all over the world, with many topics including the expansion of trade and economic cooperation and the discussion of the most pressing political and regional issues, including the situation in ukraine. a large delegation arrived with the president, five deputy prime ministers, the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of defense, the secretary of the security council, heads of economic departments, business representatives; as a result, a joint statement and intergovernmental documents will be signed. to the news of the special operation in seversky in the direction of the calculation of the krapira push, they destroyed a warehouse with ammunition in the area of ​​​​vesyoly and rozdolovka. tolsky paratroopers received data with coordinates and 2 minutes later they struck . the rapier hit all targets with 100 mm shells. she's incredibly accurate. you can throw a 5x5 square and put three shells there. as
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soon as. the so-called territorial centers for recruiting the army and ordinary citizens. the actions of the military commissars are described as lawlessness, so they caught another victim. it got to the point that in a number of ukrainian cities many men prefer not to go home from work and spend the night right there, since military commissars are literally committing atrocities on the street. they also try to avoid conscription in more exotic ways. this young man, who fled abroad, stated that he identified himself not as a man or a woman, but as both, and therefore
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could not serve. today is the anniversary of the director of the skrefosovsky research institute of emergency medicine sergei petrikov. he came to the legendary sklif as a student, worked as an orderly in intensive care, then there were all the steps of the medical career ladder, marking his brother to the head of a multidisciplinary institute, which he headed in 2017. petrikov developed his own method of caring for patients in critical condition, in which there are fewer complications and more effective recovery.
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well, as if this habit would not leave us. petrikov knows each of his 3 thousand employees by sight, constantly attracts talented and young people, and is convinced. the main thing is a professional team, because it is a powerful organism called sklif. today the children's magazine murzilka celebrates its 100th anniversary , a respectable age. murzilka even got into guinness book of records, as i quote the magazine for children with the longest period of publication. over the years with murzilka.
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files of all issues, that same ninety -third year, that same fifth issue and yulina’s fairy tale is a mess, but to be on the pages of a magazine that you read as a child, but it was, i don’t know, it’s luck, happiness, and as they said, this is not yet a feat, but there is something heroic in it, many dreamed of being published in murzilka, this is glory for the entire union, and what’s more, it was read abroad, in eastern europe, in latin and southern america, cuba, everyone wanted to know, is he this murzilka, a puppy, a bear cub, or maybe a raccoon? this creature, magical, fluffy, yellow, in a red beret, sometimes with a camera, sometimes without, and he is always where the children are, an excellent comrade, it seems that he has always been like this, in fact, murzilka was born as a puppy, managed to be a pioneer of the same name, but in the fifties
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, finally... it became a yellow fluffy, next to which we all grew up, four generations of children grew up on our magazine, if we used to say that grandfathers and grandmothers, now we are talking about grandfathers, about grandmothers, these are the same four generations, maria gavrilovna is 92, in her youth she did not miss a single issue of murzilka, i was a postman and wore murzilkas, they wrote out almost every house, because children... i ordered them, i bring them, they are happy, happy, and i brought magazines to my daughter iri, my daughter grew up, became irina vladimirovna’s teacher, and murzilka always helped her in working with children... even those that i had in childhood were preserved, i remember what was this section called? the pile is small, there was, in general, everything was dumped, but it’s very useful, compare pictures, find differences, solve crossfort, it’s priceless. a few years ago, in this house of culture
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a club of murzilka’s friends appeared, murzilka himself, soft, smiling, almost real. when we went out into the street, residents of our area ran up to the freezer, children greeted him, grandmothers hugged him and said: “my god, are you still alive?” well, you have to understand that this is the only magazine in our country that is still 100 years old and still released. 100 years from month to month, no matter what happens. the magazine is a record holder, a magazine with a century-old history, generations of artists and writers have changed its editors, but murzilka is still the same, they always say he is as old as his readers. ksenia ionkina, ksenia maklyak, stepan erofeev and mikhail volkov, channel one. may 16th on the calendar, two weeks until summer. and that means it’s time to go to the dacha. the dacha is waiting to welcome you with open arms, she especially misses the older generation, she has already prepared for our grandparents fresh air, good sleep, walks, everything fresh straight from the garden.
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we advise everyone who is going to transport the older generation to the dacha this coming weekend to stock up on paper and a pen and look at our next material, mark what you have already done and what you forgot about, when there is a steady plus outside the window, it gives you preparations for moving to the dacha, here here i have cucumbers, here i will have geraniums planted, these are tomatoes, small ones, but there are already tomatoes there, there is a whole mini-garden on the balcony, everything will need to be translated, granddaughters they help, and daughter oksana collects warm clothes for her mother, rubber boots, insect repellent and of course a first aid kit, disinfectants, hydrogen peroxide, food, a stomach patch, glycerin, i can put in, well , for a cough, if we say she gets sick, a thermometer. tatyana nikolaevna has a lot of worries at her dacha: preparing the soil, planting plants, caring for them, and it’s easy to overwork, so you also need to take blood pressure, heart and
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pain medications with you. i would also advise going through some kind of dispenserization or check-up. the saturation of the checkup depends on your personal medical history, yes, on what concomitant diseases you have, as well. you definitely need to get a cardiogram, look carefully at what’s happening with your blood pressure, and doctors also remind you to get vaccinated, it will be calmer, especially if there’s a forest nearby, like our heroes. first of all, we are talking about vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis, and the situation with measles has also worsened. the third point, which is very relevant for older people, is vaccination against pneumonia infections. all people over 55 years of age. especially those with lung diseases are subject to vaccination against pneumococcus, well, preparing the dacha itself, tatyana nikolaevna first of all does general cleaning and checks the operation of electrical appliances, a safety expert shows relatives what else
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to pay attention to, if the threshold were higher, this is a danger so that the person did not stumble or fall, so there is an opportunity to somehow smooth them out, make a slope or cut them off, clean them up, the granddaughters in the yard remove leaves, garbage and heavy stones so that... nothing i didn’t carry it, all that remains is to figure out the lighting and the surface of the paths, look here, these things are really very dangerous, please remove them from here and it would be nice to put some handrails here, plus emergency numbers in grandma’s phone book , let them be just in case. marina vakharsheva, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, yulia bykova, channel one. the staff of the moscow zoo posted funny footage on their internet page. arangutan under the ice. how the workers clean his place enclosure, well, i decided to follow their example, took a cloth in my hands and began to wipe the glass with it, you know, cleanliness is the key to health, even orangutans know this, well, we run on and present the astrological forecast for
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today on may 16, may 16 is the eighth lunar day transmits relay to the ninth, 28th day of the sun, like yesterday's energetic creative, at the same time... emotions are under control, he has a sharp analytical mind, has the ability to do scientific work, he does excellent math, skillfully manages financial affairs, loves order very much when everything is according to plan, just don’t think that he’s some sort of insensitive calculator, he knows how to feel, worry and empathize, he just doesn’t put his feelings on display and doesn’t open his soul to just anyone, about the downsides, he’s a little leisurely, he can be stingy, sometimes obsessing over all sorts of little things, often on such days there is confusion due to the fact that... someone did not understand or did not hear something. aries, keep this in mind and don’t be lazy to clarify or explain something, even if you have to do it for the tenth time. overall a good day true, the work will be fine. all your time, but still try
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to free up the evening, he is clearly preparing something interesting. today taurus is not averse to arguing and out-arguing, it’s unlikely that anyone will succeed. but from perseverance there is only half a step to obstinacy; it is difficult to do business with stubborn people. in general, look for yourself, take a closer look while driving. attention and caution will not interfere with the twins. this applies not only to driving, but also to money from any suspicious sites. and in general, do without any adventures, and you will get it. great day and nice evening cancer is a good day for shopping, only dear ladies, it’s better not to take your men with you, as for work, don’t let all sorts of gossip and other little things spoil your mood, everything will be fine. leos are very noticeable today, and lionesses are simply irresistible, it is not surprising that people pay attention to them, however, business contacts will also go well, in the evening you may be invited to some kind of cultural event, like an exhibition, the virgins may confront you with someone’s laxity, laziness or banal unprofessionalism,
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because of this, there may be delays in business, but don’t worry, everything should be straightened out by lunchtime, and the evening will be absolutely lovely. for libra , the cards may be slightly mixed up by a certain confluence of circumstances, due to which you will have to change plans on the fly, minor breakdowns and equipment failures are also possible, so pay closer attention, otherwise it’s a good day and money loves you. something like a date is shining with scorpio, but it will be closer to the evening, and the day will be entirely busy with business. there will be a lot of them, but you will cope, you will also help others, for which you will be grateful; be careful with fire. a wonderful day for sagittarius. work, career, home, family - good luck with you in everything. the main thing to remember is that the direct path is not always the shortest, but it is the most honest, and check the expiration dates of foods and medicines. if anyone needs a tomada or a party organizer, call capricorn. capricorns today are charming, witty, know how to create a good mood, in a word... about company, just make sure that your jokes
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don’t offend anyone, okay, and don’t get carried away with alcohol. for aquarius, a lot will revolve around money from large shares likelihood of some family expenses. some forgotten obligations or promises may come up, you will have to fulfill them, and if you are already planning a vacation, audit your finances. the fish are just having a good day. of course, nothing will fall into your hands, but if you show persistence and perseverance, you will achieve your goal. and also. today you can learn something new, interesting, something that will expand your horizons. good luck to you! we are moving forward at a brisk pace and presenting the most interesting sports news. word to my colleagues, sports journalists of channel one. in ski jumping , there is a special type of competition called flying. giant jumps, such as those in the norwegian viker sundi, allow athletes to perform. super long jumps. in 2017
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, a world record was set in ikersund. austrian stefan kraft flew to 253.5 m. 2 years later, ryoyu kabayashi was close to surpassing this achievement of the slavic plane, but fell short by some one and a half meters. since then, together with his as a team, the japanese developed a daring plan, according to which he hoped not only to take away the record from the craft, but to exchange the three-hundred-meter mark. the power of the springboards existing in the world excludes this. the maximum acceleration mountain is 130 m, so kaboyasi’s associates, led by the finnish specialist yana batainin, had to look for a solution, they found it in iceland, where a suitable 160-meter slope was selected, which was slightly repurposed with the help of 120 thousand cubic meters of snow, the landing zone under it was expanded so much how much perhaps it was just a small matter, or rather a little bit of trouble. on the first day, a strong tailwind did not allow him to make a single high-quality attempt, but on the second, when the conditions became more acceptable... the beijing olympic champion flew first to 259 m, then to 282, and finally
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to 291. the plan turned out to be half realized, the record was set, but the grandmaster milestone has not been reached. kaboyashi promised to improve next season. two bosom friends, marco fürst and marco valtonspiel, have been flying all their lives. austrian chokes for two have made more than 2,000 skydives with vinxcity. the wing suit allows you to perform. planning flights, and in the most unexpected places, so a few years ago fürst and waltonspiel became enlightened over an active volcano in indonesia, then more, for the last 2 years they were preparing a crazy stunt, which they eventually performed in london, flying through the famous tower bridge. having jumped out of a helicopter over the thames from almost a kilometer in height, the extreme sports enthusiasts rushed down and after 45 seconds successfully flew through the so-called window measuring 32x65 m. at the same time, the pilots reached a speed of 246. in order to land safely, fürst and
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waltonspiel had to perform a spectacular maneuver called a flare, since the parachute opens at an altitude of at least 80 m from the surface. soaring up, they soon made a safe landing on the pontoon rafts. a revolutionary breakthrough in the treatment of this disease, revolutionary medicines that are already available in russia. it's great to live in the program, a new project. today is the first one. because to deny the presence of a pronounced one. impossible in ukraine the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, and it sounds beautiful, like not fascism, but the most striking thing in ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, even
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latin, even german, as well as for all world anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always been and will be second class... ukrainians live by other people's myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is a sure way to failure. premiere, ordinary fascism. in monday, on the first. don't miss the continuation of the multi-part detective story snoop today on channel one. colonel alexander kushnir has a new office. a new case, there are several suspects, well, everyone has their own motive, well, that’s it, let’s move on to the water procedures, put away the sweets, today colonel kushnir is not stress-eating, early in the morning he will go to the simulators, and what is
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senior lieutenant markov doing here, and don’t worry, nobody will know about this, but about what, well... well, i personally don’t doubt you at all. the colonel is waiting for the bloodhound for an evening run. alkhovsky. for your sake, i am ready to do this , even in the rain. he cares for alexandra and hits her, he is such an ingenious hero for us. and their relationship will develop differently. either they will somehow get closer and he will somehow think that everything will be fine with them, then everything will actually not be as good as he thinks. this season the bloodhound team has a new office. windows that overlook the sea. in every scene, you know, the sea is like a participant in all our investigations, because if some situation was very difficult, it turned out that the sea was raging in the frame, you could just see such waves from the window, if there was some kind of good situation or some kind of positive, joyful situation, then the sea was glowing, it was just so calm . today the sea
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is rough, there is a dark incident in the sunny city, a young athlete died, masha is the best, beautiful and talented, and why?
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that’s how they go in my hands, excuse me, when i ’m nervous, i immediately crave chocolate, but what are you really saying, yes, you know, i have the same bad dog, a bloodhound, a new episode today in the evening on channel one, maria bronzova, ivan belchenko, channel one, good, cheerful morning everyone, arena sharapova is with you, on the calendar it’s thursday, it’s may 16, well, it seems that just recently we were divided into pedestrians and motorists. in general, it’s clear that pedestrians should walk on sidewalks, crosswalks, motorists should drive along the roadway, suddenly, as if overnight, they appeared, these strange people who move by means of individual mobility, it happened somehow suddenly, we can’t reach them in any way get used to it, well, never at all,
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pedestrians have long been accustomed to motorists and vice versa, so what to expect from scooters is still sometimes a mystery. we listen to music on headphones. or do we change the trajectory altogether, as necessary? yes, reckless is wrong here: firstly, there are two people traveling, and the speed is almost 40 km/h, but if the pedestrians had looked back, the tragedy could have been avoided. now there are speed limits for scooters, a maximum of 25 km/h, but even this is about five times higher than the average walking speed, so notice the scooter, don’t be distracted by gadgets and we let the rider pass, even though we are the boss on the sidewalk according to traffic rules. by the way, if the flow... is dense, a competent scooter rider should reduce the speed and not create interference, but not on bicycle paths, here the truth is in favor of those on wheels, and you know that
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i almost knocked over the pedestrian path on the right, i just you can’t walk along them, now to the road, even motorists can get hurt by scooters, one of the most dangerous areas is the pedestrian crossing, almost a third of all accidents involving two-wheelers are here, yes, scooters are wrong here, they have to dismount, to cross into... the road like this, by the way, this also applies to cyclists, this is ideal in life, where it is much safer to assume that a two-wheeler will try to pass. the algorithm of actions for the car owner is simple: we noticed a female in the distance, we reduce the speed before the pedestrian crossing. here’s the thing, the smaller the object, the worse the driver estimates its speed, such a reckless driver will jump out to cross the crossing, so it’s better to brake from 30-35 km/h than from 60. moreover, you shouldn’t fly on a flashing green light, there’s no scooter only in a hurry, you may not notice the same car,
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but these situations are almost a classic, you rarely see scooters in the interstate, but bicycles and motorcycles are often guests, and the truth is that they are behind them, the driver of the car must make sure that when he goes out on the road he does not interfere with anyone , first we look in the mirror, then we go out, the rules are not tricky, but they help save nerves, time, and money. ksenia loginova, konstantin stryuchkov, channel one. we continue, our potatoes are everything. and if she is also young, with butter, with dill, with herring, you'll lick your fingers. now the new harvest of southern potatoes has just appeared on the shelves. it's time to figure out how to understand that it is really young, what the skin should be like, and where to store young potatoes. and what does diet have to do with it? new potatoes for lunch or dinner. it’s always a good idea, there are already early varieties in the south, but long-lasting varieties still have time to grow. in the middle zone they begin to harvest in
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august, in september already before frost, during this period a large accumulation of dry substances and microelements occurs. in young potatoes contain more water and less dry matter and less starch , depending on the variety in young potatoes, it can be up to two times less than in regular ones, therefore... it is considered a more dietary option. young potatoes contain more vitamin c, b3, potassium, and fiber. when old, during storage, it loses some of its nutrients. it is certainly usable, but it contains acrylomide, which is a potentially carcinogenic substance. visually, young potatoes cannot be confused with anything, they look like they just came from the garden, make sure there are no spots or greenish tint. this means great content. solanine is a substance that gives bitterness and poisoning to the body. we also evaluate the peel; it should be intact and
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translucent. in young potatoes the peel has not yet formed, it is clear that here the peel is denser, in old potatoes, in young potatoes you can see that it is so weak. washed and done. due to their watery consistency , new potatoes cook in half the time, but you need to understand from a culinary point of view. i would mostly use old potatoes for mashed potatoes, because they have a high starch content, it’s great to make potato pancakes from it, potato zraza, i would use new potatoes for frying or baking, and for cooking they keep their shape perfectly, and as for taste, young ones are more elongated, it’s richer than usual, but it’s not for everybody. as for storage, due to the thin skin, young potatoes are, of course, more capricious than old ones, so it’s better to store them in the refrigerator. maria nikolaeva, pavel dis,
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vladimir repin, evgeny marinkov, first channel. well, our program has come to an end, i wish you a good working day, and, of course, only good news. stay with us, stay on channel one, see you soon. this is news first. hello, in the studio of valery koravlev. in this issue. super projects worth billions - big politics. russian leader in china. state visit. what is the main thing in the negotiations between vladimir putin and siidpin? putting a weapon in the wrong
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hand, instigators of the assassination attempt on robert fitz, the prime minister of slovakia himself. 1 2 3 4 4 resuscitation. the director of the legendary skleif, sergei petrikov, is 50; thanks to his unique methods, thousands of lives have been saved throughout the country. so, new horizons for big politics. vladimir putin in china. and this visit, the first since the russian leader took office, is being watched by the whole world. common approaches and partnerships in any global environment.


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