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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 16, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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but it is worth noting that the symbolism of this visit is enormous,
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the situation in the capital of china, how our president was greeted, i want details, we are now in the house of the people, this is actually the very place where today throughout the first half of the day, now we have it’s already past lunch time in beijing , negotiations are taking place in all formats, and we wanted to show you this building a little, but since the great hall of the people is the largest parliament building in the whole world, it’s certainly not easy like this, well, this is how you look back, a huge majestic space. and in some of them, in the most comfortable halls most suitable for negotiations, the negotiations actually took place today, today we have already completed negotiations in the so -called narrow format, in the so-called expanded, wide format, then the leaders went to the press, in in their presence , about ten agreements were signed, the leaders signed a joint statement and made statements for journalists, as they met, well, here we are... now we are in the building, but
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in fact it is located on that very famous chinese square, sacred to all chinese, tianan, at some point the traffic around this square on all roads stopped, it immediately became clear that at 0 at 0 - at 0:00 minutes, as planned at 11:00, vladimir putin’s cartage will arrive here, and from afar we saw his aurus approaching, by the way, i’ll immediately note, the first generation aurus, because the one we saw at the entrance ceremony in office throughout apparently, so far only in a single copy, it is in moscow, well, we watched as... the approach of vladimir putin’s motorcade was led by motorcyclists , accordingly, the local chinese, then a magnificent, very bright and solemn ceremony, well, because, accordingly , a state visit, this is exactly the format meeting means the president of the people's republic of china sidin pin personally met vladimir putin at the car, then a colossal delegation of delegations lined up on the steps of this house of the people, when we talk about negotiations in narrow composition in ordinary, in an ordinary case during some ordinary visit, also abroad, we mean that in them...
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it’s difficult to say, but we are talking about two or three expanded composition, i’ll be honest , about 15 people delegation with each on the other hand, in dozens, these are our members of the renewed cabinet of ministers and, naturally, the captain of russian business, here everything happens at the same time, and then there really was a former magnificent bright welcoming ceremony, as you already said, evenings near moscow were performed military orchestra, at the moment when the anthems of the two countries were being played, first the russian one, then... first the russian anthem, and then the chinese anthem, cannon shots thundered in tianyan menn square, artillery was stationed there, an artillery battery, such a counter salute in honor vladimir putin. konstantin, what are your expectations from the negotiations, and maybe there are some preliminary results and outcomes? well, here are the preliminary results, the results are exactly what i told you, signed a joint statement, it has... a very
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large and complex name, but in short, this statement is timed to coincide with the seventy-fifth anniversary of relations, the establishment of relations between russia and china, in this regard , the statement itself of the two leaders, it takes up more than 30 pages, has already been signed 10 intergovernmental agreements, but keeping in mind that a huge number of captains of russian business work here in the fields, from rdif to rosneft, everyone naturally has negotiations, everyone naturally has deals, and the most important thing is that these are negotiations are continuing, right now we are behind us, i have already told you how many rounds - negotiations in different compositions right now on the third floor here in the house of the people , up this majestic staircase, up there , a gala reception on behalf of sijinping is now ending, and there now the russian chinese delegation is here, then there will be a short break, vladimir putin and sidin pin will separate for a while so that vladimir putin will spend time right here , in the same building, right where he is now journalists gather, negotiations with the chairman of the state council of the people's republic of china, the person.
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another big event, a grandiose concert dedicated again to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, at some point the leaders will leave the hall and go to the so-called one-on-one negotiations, theta negotiations, and even on the eve of this state visit i am communicating with journalists, presidential assistant yuri ushakov said: this is the most important thing, this is the format in which vladimir putin and sidinpin traditionally communicate one-on-one, this was in moscow in beijing last year, this time they will drink tea, and they will also... walk through the park, which is located in the closed area of ​​​​the residence of shizenpin himself. the duration of this format of negotiations, the most important, at which the most critical issues will be discussed, including the ukrainian conflict, is not limited in duration; as a rule, it takes from one and a half to 2 hours to
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3-4, as it was in moscow. well, after this there will be another format of negotiations, it will be a dinner to which invitees, in addition to heads of state format. called 1+4, that is, four members of the delegation accompany each of the leaders, vladimir putin will be accompanied by sergei lavrov, yuri ushakov, the new minister of defense, andrei belousov and the new secretary of the security council sergei shaigov. konstantin, please tell us the secrets of the journalistic pool that is covering this story. i know that our journalists communicate very closely with the chinese in a friendly manner, but how many of the western press are showing interest in this. visit , how open they are to communication behind the scenes, let’s just say, it’s not an official introduction, it’s just like that between each other, how well you communicate, well , you know, with chinese journalists here , of course, everything is great with us, we talk with them, give interviews to each other,
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we already know many of them, well, let’s put it this way , not the first year, because they come to visit us and saw each other and got acquainted in the kremlin, and then we came here to visit in this very house of people’s assemblies, only last fall, when vladimir putin came here, we worked here. we are with them in wonderful relations, and as for the western press, well, naturally, enormous attention is focused on you there, even probably from moscow you can see how significant and vividly this attention is focused on the russian-chinese negotiations, but here in the house of the people there are no western journalists, there are only us here, russians and chinese, in general, in these gigantic spaces there is really no one else. thank you very much, konstantin panyushkin was in direct contact with us, it was not for nothing that he emphasized western journalists, so konstantin noted, that they weren’t there, they probably weren’t allowed in, or didn’t want to go, but this topic, vladimir putin’s visit to china, is now the number one topic in all the world media, the united states can’t
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calm down that the world is no longer unipolar, the press writes that the meeting putin and sizenpin will be shown by the growing power of the anti-american alliance. diplomats and analysts expect putin to push for continued xi support for russia's military economy, from machine-chemicals for the military industry to heavily discounted oil and gas purchases. putin's trip is likely will largely symbolize a general worldview focused on countering the us. china needs russia on its side to undermine the american-led world order in a long-term struggle for geopolitical supremacy. well, americans like... mom, we should study not only ohm’s law, but also the new law of resistance of people from countries who disagree with the united states. well, naturally, the west is afraid that someone will unite and be friends against it, but vladimir putin during his speech stated that relations between russia and china are not
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directed against anyone. it is of fundamental importance that relations between russia and china are not opportunistic. and is not directed against anyone. our cooperation in world affairs today is one of the main stabilizing factors in the international arena. together we defend the principles of justice and a democratic world order that reflects multipolar realities and a world order based on international law. russia and china successfully interact in the un, brix, sco, as well as in the group. we are committed to further harmonization of integration processes in the eurasian space, combining the potentials of the european union and yours, dear friend, initiatives, one belt, one road, well, in general, no matter what we do, it’s your own fault, this is the unshakable,
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eternal motto of the west even on the eve of our arrival vladimir putin, chinese foreign minister, said that the united states. went crazy trying to maintain their unipolar hegemony. during some time, the united states imposed unilateral sanctions against china and abused it. tariffs have almost reached the point of insanity, putting pressure on the normal trade, economic, scientific and technological activities of china. this is the most typical form of bullying in the modern world. this shows that some people in the united states have gone crazy to maintain their unipolar hegemony. there is no place for a closed military-political alliance in the asia-pacific region. this statement was made by vladimir putin during a meeting with sidinpin. our negotiations once again demonstrated that the approaches of russia and china to many
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international and regional problems are close or coincide. both countries pursue an independent and independent foreign policy. we are working together to form a more just and democratic multipolar world order, which should be based on the central role of the united nations and its council. security, international law, cultural and civilizational diversity, a balanced balance of interests of all participants world community. we consider it necessary to work towards building a reliable and adequate security architecture in the asia-pacific region, in which there is no place for closed military-political alliances. we believe that it is very harmful and counterproductive to create such alliances. we agreed with the chairman in detail. discuss the entire complex of foreign policy agenda at an informal, informal
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meeting this evening. of course, i, for my part, will inform the chairman of the people's republic of china about the situation, which is developing around the ukrainian crisis. we are grateful to our chinese friends and colleagues for the initiatives they are putting forward to resolve this problem. alexander davych, the whole world is watching this meeting, what are we waiting for and what is the west expecting? yes, our expectations were divided, that’s for sure, in general the fears of the west are very well illustrated by the words of sergei viktorovich viktorovich lavrov, which he said on the eve of his visit to the consultation, the famous phrase the duo of moscow and beijing plays the most important balancing role. beijing is not only about the relations between russia and china, the duet of connections and
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relations between russia and china is the whole world, and this is the cornerstone and basis of the west’s concern, because the rators agency, which you quoted today, is disingenuous when it says that this visit is directed against the west or the usa, of course not. we have never been friends against anyone, if against anyone, then against an outdated, collapsing unipolar world, against an unjust world that has already demonstrated its inconsistency, this is the main and main thing, so the visit of vladimir vladimirovich putin to china is a step in this direction, and we already know that all the conversations, negotiations themselves, they will be...
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not for anyone in the world, and we we will achieve this. alexander valerievich, well, it’s no secret that the united states is trying to put pressure on china, and sidinpin’s recent visit to europe once again emphasized this; the intention of ursula vonderlein and macron to influence china is obvious. this visit of vladimir putin to china, it’s clear that look, what attention, what a scope, yes, what a meeting, he must irritate the united states, what leverage? will be further applied to china, well , you know, in fact, every visit of vladimir
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vladimirovich to china, it is always held at such a high level, we always see how highly our president is received, this testifies to the personal friendship between the heads of our countries, of course this testifies also about the fact that the relationship between our countries is really a relationship not on paper, not in words, not for show, but this relationship truly universal... we say so, yes, well, in fact we say the west, we mean the united states of america, well , what are the actual measures, in particular , at the beginning of this year we had quite significant difficulties with payments between our countries, that is, it is clear that in the west they see that we have learned to bypass a number of sanctions, we generally interact successfully, but
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the banking system of china, the people's republic of china, it is of course very closely behind... in terms of trade turnover, but in april, in general, we are in some kind of... then the degree was played out, it will be in the future will the united states continue to try to slow down our economic cooperation, in particular, how far can they go? well, they can, the further, the more, introduce a large number of sanctions against the financial and economic sector of the prc, so our task is
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now to reach a fundamental understanding with china about what we must really do in this area breakthrough, deepen interaction. dmitry, what is in this meeting, what is more politics, security or economics? well, as we recently found out, the most important thing in this world is the economy. so, accordingly, judging by the personnel assignments, and as for what is happening in china, well, of course, now the most important thing here is the agreements, a significant number of which relate to fiscal control, this is primarily about the export of agricultural products, the agro-industrial complex . there two agreements were signed by the federal customs service, the main problem was passing customs control, the volume of supplies is estimated at 7.6 billion dollars, accordingly there is rapid growth, taking into account the fact that in the near future this may be one of the most promising areas, this agriculture is an important mainline
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solution, both seafood and, accordingly, following meat farming, this is a promising area, the second is very important. the point concerns the fact that, well , energy in a stalinist form, accordingly, rosne has its agreements, accordingly, nuclear power plants, which are built accordingly on blocks according to the design of rusatom, this question will be substantively to be discussed, coal is now a big problem associated with the chinese direction, there is , first of all, a problem with logistics, the expansion of the eastern corridor, the eastern test site, and accordingly it is reduced, with duties actually being canceled as if in order for you... to bring up the economy, by the way, these negotiations, including tsivilev’s, are especially relevant, taking into account the fact that he represents the kemerovo region itself, which, strictly speaking, specializes in coal, in addition, with regard to negotiations on financial transactions, i remind you that on december 22, biden’s order, biden’s decree, and accordingly there were seriously limited opportunities, the secondary market was
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introduced there, so they periodically put financial organizations at the core of the chinese banking sector, about five of the largest state-owned banks. which were partially privatized and passed the presidency, but control remains there, so they are, accordingly , very much tied to the external perimeter, now approximately 70% of all transactions go through small companies, small banks, financial organizations that do not actually have external perimeters, which is why they can easily integrate, now negotiations will be conducted regarding connection to the unified system for exchanging financial information, replacements for swift, negotiations will be conducted within the perimeter of the central bank, the question is how they will be completed taking into account some of the peculiarities of the matter. the fact is that china, as you know, seems to have banned crypt, that is, it is prohibited, accordingly, but at the same time digital is being implemented quite actively, i remind you that, for example, it is already used in applications by a number of chinese organizations, which is why the question of gateways, how we will now interact with each other, is a slightly open question, as for the interesting component, then of course the most interesting question will be related to fours 4.1 4+1, that’s because
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, firstly, we have continuity in the ministry of defense, and secondly, there is a corresponding situation there. on monday 20th in taiwan, i remind you that elections took place in january, on top of everything, another question is related with a number of tracks, starting from the middle east, negotiations there are quite serious, they are now intensifying, at the end of this week there will be negotiations, the salon has already flown, no, today is thursday, tomorrow it will fly, respectively, to saudi arabia and directly to israel, so there in general a very large complex, it is very quickly, as if very densely assembled, on average a... trade turnover is 240 billion, as you all know very well, it is grown on the third, although china thinks a little differently, but the essence is approximately plus or minus one steppe, here, but the most important thing is that now approximately 80 projects are worth approximately 200 billion, that is, approximately the volume of trade turnover. yeah, actually, these projects are the main promising direction, because the main task is not just to integrate into the silk road, but also to somehow accordingly strengthen
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the economic position of the russian federation, taking into account the fact that how if only we had good trade in china, which allows us to actually carry out operations correctly, unlike india, where it’s almost like one-sidedness is actually going on it’s more difficult for us to withdraw the national currency from there, the scope of work is huge, vlad, that’s where the closed meeting was and our new minister of defense. our understanding and vision of the situation in the northeast military district, in ukraine, because for china this is also very important, for china this direction, one might say, is to some extent a priority,
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because to a certain extent it forces it to bear the risks that it carries associated with our support, but in fact these are again very large volumes of trade, in this case, of course, china interested in continuing to receive certain military technologies from russia. this is also certainly a subject of discussion, the situation in the pacific region yes, because it is quite obvious that the problem in taiwan has not gone away, the problem in taiwan remains in the near future, it will only grow. china, of course , is behaving very carefully and cautiously in this area, in no way trying to aggravate the situation, realizing that strategically time is on its side, and yet, in general, i think that... there will be as if a general strengthening of our forces in this direction is being carried out, china, as far as i know, is now conducting a lot of negotiations on
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various, as it were, different territories on the organization of naval bases, because today the chinese fleet is actually locked by both taiwan and the american allies, respectively china needs bases, primarily naval ones, and china needs this kind of serious support, yeah. the menu for the gala reception that china organized in honor of the arrival of the russian delegation has already appeared online. delegations. so, dear guests will be offered peking duck, dumplings with shrimp, and of course, ice cream, all this will be accompanied by a performance by the orchestra, which will perform such compositions as lyuba brothers lyuba, the volga river flows and the blue handkerchief. well, the more i learn about such nuances, the more we look at how our delegation is received in china, so. the more often the phrase “goodby” america sounds in my head for some reason. a short advert and we'll be back. the essence of my technique is that this is my husband,
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former, or rather, well, almost. so, gentlemen, please, what do we have? i think my sister was killed. why did you decide so? because i saw the killer. take this brick for examination. why didn't you put the finishing touches on him? on a brick, they throw me off. do you have any doubts? yes, there are doubts. further in another way, i can help, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, vodka veda is a product of the lar group, we gathered our thoughts about sergei lin’s film passion according to matveev, i just look like a dead man here, nothing, let him immediately know what you look like in lent, they are already sending you hearts, the most unexpected thing was that... i really liked the film, but there was a prejudice, of some kind, i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish, i believe that if you sincerely do not believe, then it is better than believing somehow
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falsely. according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox, excuse me, please, but it’s not sunday yet, you know, such a discovery for me was that on easter anyone can ring the bell, but you really went they specifically called to study, it’s absolutely true, who do you think you are, but there is duty, family and... magnificent photographs, very valuable information, you understand that it’s a shame, on such a day as the first of may and to admit your own helplessness, i don’t even give you a little .
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base, don’t worry, it’s not like that, it ’s new, it’s only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, you have to play the uterus, i think, but it will be some kind of piece dedicated to honey, i come, that means the next day to the remains , full makeup suit, one of the women takes it out on me such a big velvet circle, it has two little things hanging from the sides, an ordinary uterus, these are the ovaries. she died, how was that cry produced? german, bending over, with a fork in his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment, sticks this fork in her ass, she does it and it sounds: stop, cut, ruslanova just rubbing it, says, i didn’t know that this is how directors work with actors . and as zapashny told me, a long time ago the soviet circus, the tiger grabbed his father, he quietly
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tells them, take it. now a stick and with all his might on the head, and now a tiger, in saturday on the first, rolling blackouts began throughout ukraine, after the attacks of our videoconferencing on the energy infrastructure of the kiev regime, the system cannot cope with the load, the russian one. are improving their positions in ukraine in all areas, vladimir putin announced this yesterday during a meeting with the commanders of military districts. the work is proceeding according to the plan approved and prepared by the group’s command, the general staff, and all assigned tasks are not only being carried out. according to the results
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of last year, i want to say this again, there were all enemy counterattacks have been repelled, but starting this year, our troops in all directions are constantly, every day, improving their position, and i will return to this again, fulfilling all the tasks set by the ministry of defense. and to the general staffs, this is what the whole country expects from us, from you, we see what the neo-nazi regime is doing in the border zone, this is what they have been doing for all the years since 2014, when we tried to resolve this conflict by peaceful means , unfortunately, nothing
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worked out. and we were forced to start protecting our people in these territories with the help of the armed forces, but the more effectively you work on the line. well, the situation remains tense, our troops are moving slowly but confidently, quite a large number of settlements have already been liberated, uh, we constantly hear about a panicky direction, a panicky mood on the enemy’s side, this is precisely due
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to the rapid offensive and the lack of any motivation already the citizens of ukraine, who are mobilized and sent to slaughter, resist this offensive, because people always understand what is really happening, so that ukrainian propaganda does not broadcast now, as i said, there are already quite a large number of settlements, the most important city that is now standing on the threshold of complete liberation is undoubtedly volchansk. next is the settlement of libtsy, our guys are already on the approaches, active work to liberate it begins, aviation is working, artillery is constantly not silent, the media have already admitted that such a number of strikes are being carried out on the positions of these ukranazis and all their accomplices, they haven’t seen so many of them lately, so i think everything will be fine with us, the main directions, now i repeat, are
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liptse, volchansk, then there will be movement closer to kupinsky territory, as we understand, we see the direction towards the white well, well, after the immediate liberation of the city of volchansk, photographs of these dragon teeth correctly installed are now being actively distributed on the internet, they are simply thrown into a heap, is this the case? and the photographs there, let’s say, are not quite the situation in other sectors of the front, why did it happen that the much-advertised line of defense of zelensky, for whom so much money was allocated, ended up in such a real state. well , you can see these dumped, so-called dragon teeth, not only near the village of libtsa, you can see quite a lot of such construction projects directly in the city of kharkov , where they were taken, most likely, they simply
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stole, as we all understand perfectly well, this is the line of defense , of course it was done, we we also admit that defensive structures around kharkov were built, but the funds that were invested there, as they should... well, in my opinion, the population of the kharkov region, which is now subject to forced evacuation, are, first of all , witnesses, witnesses to those actions of the ukranazis, who during the occupation , including starting from september twenty
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-two, when we were forced to leave the territory, people saw how these so-called liberators entered these villages, that they did and now what they continue to do... to create, well, i say again, for us these are simply witnesses, they understand this perfectly well, the required quantity is that how to use it as a human shield, now of course it will be used, we receive information directly from the city of kharkov itself that all the firing positions are being formed by the ugronazis again, just like in 1922, directly in living quarters directly in proximity to where people live, so i will say again, those people who... are on the territory, who is being released, these are witnesses for us, we have repeatedly said that criminal cases will be investigated for every crime, they also understand this very well, everyone will have to answer. now
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many people are saying that we are using new military tactics when attacking in the north of the kharkov region. how appropriate and possible is it to talk about what has changed, why is this tactic called new? well... you know, i probably can’t state any nuances, this is the task of the armed forces, the ministry of defense, first of all, for me from the outside looking in, simply looking... our
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armed forces have become very active, including the aerospace forces, regarding the delivery of attacks on positions and locations, including the assistance that is coming from different directions, as i also said earlier, the right-wing fascists are pulling up all their reserves from different directions towards volchansk, including these attacks by the aerospace forces , primarily against those. that president vladimir putin is gaining enough momentum to change the trajectory
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conflict. temporary or not, russia's new impulse is not even more evident in kharkov. some experts warn that russia's real strategic goal is to force ukrainian troops to move toward the city's fortifications, weakening the front lines elsewhere. this could create the opportunity for another russian offensive in june in the donbass. some veterans of the confrontation with putin are not surprised by this turn of events. russia often starts wars poorly. but ends strong - said the national security advisor under president george w. bush, stephen hadley. there is a growing feeling within the biden administration that the next few months could prove decisive because at some point the two sides may finally move to a negotiated ceasefire, an armistice like the one that ended active hostilities in korea in 1953, or simply frozen conflict. well, in general, as far as we know, the western scumbag is freezing. conflicts, as a rule, are not a hindrance, but for now in the united
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states they are worried that hostilities could end or freeze, in europe , on the contrary, they are calling for an early start of peace negotiations, and from whom do we hear these words? from czech president petr pavel. now he believes that everyone in the west needs to be realistic. should ukraine now begin negotiations with the russian federation to cease hostilities if both sides. we need to be realistic. it is naive to say that ukraine will be able to return the occupied territories in the foreseeable future. russia will not just give up the territory it currently controls. we need to stop war, and then begin to discuss future agreements. there could be some kind of compromise, but not without the consent of ukraine, russia and the countries that will be the guarantors of this agreement. now let’s rewind a little and go back to march of this year. the same peter pavel. it is impossible to imagine that ukraine and russia
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will agree to end the conflict; the conflict in ukraine will end either with the defeat of one of the parties, or with exhaustion and the realization that no one will be able to fully achieve their goals. peter pavel has changed, the same one for me it seems that peter paul is already a different person, but what caused such a sharp reversal? well, i ’ll still remind you here that he has a military education, however, he served in... in the czech people’s army, well, that was all later, in this case i mean that of course he considered understands the military as if he understands the basics, secondly, during these months, when he cheerfully collected money and shells , collected money, but didn’t find shells, it finally most likely began to dawn on him that in fact he should continue to fight with something that doesn’t exist, or by at least with something that cannot be sufficiently provided by the word at all, it is simply impossible, so he, in fact, changed his shoes in the air. i clearly understand that no matter how
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he collected his pennies, then in general we need to somehow get out of all this, because the actions of the russians are now obviously aggressive from his point of view, obviously russia is moving forward, we really have a rate of advancement that is the highest in the entire period of hostilities, if you don’t count the first weeks there, that is , there was no such pace of advancement, and accordingly, everything was excellent they understand that this is not even an offensive, that is, it is rather an active action. such pressure, if we speak in military language, does exist, arises at least from the most sober people who are not strongly included in american plans, in the sense that america is totally dependent on them and...
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an illustration of the truth of these words, something just happened in a few months that reminded steven jake, whom you already quoted, that russians historically, he remembered, often start a war poorly, but always end it successfully, this is another
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once scared them, and this again confirms that russia is on the right path, and russia is achieving success. that is, the language of force works, unfortunately, we did not choose it, it was imposed on us, but this axiom works, as for the need to think about another path, remember, this is ukraine, and the west once believed johnson that ukraine could win the conflict and resolve the conflict militarily, winning on the battlefield, it was a strategic mistake, then these words, this pressure...
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a position of strength, not from a position of pressure, taking into account realities, taking into account what has developed today, first of all, taking into account russian interests, which we do not forget about, which we regularly remind. yesterday in slovakia, an attempt was made on the life of the country's prime minister robert fitz, the criminal managed to shoot five times before the police pinned him down, fitz was wounded in the abdomen and arm, the prime minister was immediately taken to the hospital on the operating table, the slovak prime minister spent time.
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"the north west cannot. the west cannot admit that the strategy of the conflict in ukraine is destroying the russian federation does not work. soon after the conflict began, the ukrainians made it impossible to reach a peace agreement, although the parties were close. the west decided that massive support for ukraine, financial and military, combined with
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sanctions against russia, as well as the false demonization of russian president putin, would bring russia to its knees. none of this worked. russia is not political. not economically not on its knees, this war began back in 2014 after the atrocities of ukrainian neo-nazis, another argument russia is that nato should not expand to the east, and today the alliance goes so far that ukraine can become its member, i personally consider this the basis for the outbreak of the third world war. in general , our president vladimir putin was one of the first to send a telegram with words of support and sympathy. immediately after the attack. no one tried to hide that the main reason for this assassination attempt was his views on relations with russia, this is how the western press covered the assassination attempt. breaking news from
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slovak prime minister robert fitz shot. this footage was taken just seconds after several shots were fired, one of which hit robert fitz in the stomach. the security of the prime minister of slovakia picked him up in their arms and carried him to his car in a panic to take him to the hospital. eyewitnesses to the incident were in complete shock from what they saw, and a few minutes later the footage showed how the police detained the suspect. the shooting occurred near the cultural center in the town of gandlovo, where a visiting meeting of the slovak government was taking place. we heard three quick pops, one after another, like setting off fireworks. did you see any damage to the prime minister? yes, i noticed a scratch on his head and then he fell. was 3 weeks before the decisive elections to the european parliament. fitza was elected prime minister for the third time. his company is based on pro-russian and anti-american views.
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critics fear that slovakia under fizio will abandon its pro-western course and follow the example of hungary, led by viktor orban. thousands of people have repeatedly rallied across slovakia to protest against politics and fitsu. what do we know about the assassination suspect? the suspect is 71 years old, from a small town called levitsa, and according to media reports, he was a poet, something of a member of a literary circle, and a former security guard at a shopping center. we can only guess at the motives of the criminal, but there is no doubt that fico is a controversial figure in society. a person close to russia, when he came to power, he immediately declared: i don’t want us to supply weapons to ukraine anymore, i then thought, so he
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can certainly make enemies, people got very angry when the prime minister said those words. internationally , slovakia now stands with three or four countries in europe that are changing their attitude towards the war in ukraine and becoming more pro-russian. they accept putin's position on why there is a war. they say, well, we are people who advocate peace, because in their opinion, peace is when ukraine surrenders, and russia retains the territories it has conquered. dmitry, is it a political assassination attempt or household? why now and to whom is the signal? well, it should be noted that the slovakian police classified it as an attack on a protected person, this is already a political murder, plus everyone has confessions that are surrendered to...
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they will have several factions there, they will gather, that’s the share of the right , now they can become one of the largest forces in the entire recent existence of the european parliament, that is, on the contrary, it will give popularity, as a rule, after assassination attempts this leads to the mobilization of the electorate, with taking into account the fact that the bulk of the extreme right is located in neighboring regions, in fact, hungary is the same, respectively, austria is there, and well, in austria they win anyway, respectively austria, the netherlands, italy, as far as extreme right can be considered there , respectively, as if they were brothers of italy, but they are still considered extreme right, that is, in a number of countries, and larger ones.
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especially considering that we will have an intensified electoral cycle this year. alexander valerievich, then, that this assassination attempt occurred against the backdrop of our president’s visit to china, we are already seeing the immediate reaction of our president, and the chinese side is reacting like the west? how china will perceive this assassination attempt, this is a signal, obviously, yes, this is clearly a signal, this is certainly the case, the fact is that we saw the recent tour of chairman sizempin, respectively, it was ukraine, as a country in general, well, relatively speaking, but still relatively subjective in comparison with, say, germany, and accordingly, it was a visit to france, then there was a visit. belgrade and, accordingly, to hungary. china is trying to build relations with the countries
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of the european union, not with the european union, in general, because, well, there is an understanding...
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nikolai zlochevsky, with his oil and gas company burisma, how this laundering works, how money is funneled through burisma to organize terrorist attacks in russia. partners of the biden family sponsored terrorism while avoiding responsibility for corruption and money laundering in ukraine. the bribe amount was 50 million. these funds were directly sent to the special operations forces. the most important motive was to displace russian natural gas from the european pipeline, started out as small.
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the little ukrainian friend of the american hunter, the doll of the heir tutti, is on the first today. we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle, between the north pole and the equator, friends, we are in stavropolis, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, kick, straight. minachka, please, i have the most delicious, garlic, very tasty, and i have a full discount, according to statistics , girls jump more than boys, here boys have a greater instinct of self-preservation, you have to push more, your head is spinning, the longer you stand, the worse it gets, you have to jump, i’m very scared, let’s go, the premiere is on saturday on the first, listen, you’re
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kind of strange today. nothing happened to you, i declare you husband and wife, anxiety, excuse me, i’ll only be here for an hour, an hour and a half maximum, what happened, an intruder’s plane crossed the border, shoot it down at all costs, francis, i know you’re not a coward , but you must know the whole truth, they can still get you.
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permafrost, snow, we are in salikhard, my name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region, my name is masni, i am also from the yamal region, for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur, we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called ears chipmunk, go to the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom, otherwise you’ll hit your wedding face in the snow, denese clothes, called malis.
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let's play a wedding on sunday first, because deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine? impossible, the ukrainian version of nationalism is accepted call integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, but it sounds beautiful, it seems like it’s not fascism, but the most striking thing in ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, even latin, even german, as well as for all the world’s anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always been and will be second class. ukrainians.
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animated smolny which tells and conveys important historical information to the audience in an interesting and accessible form, this is a series of short videos about our outstanding personalities and significant cultural events. this year it’s 260 years since the founding of the institute of noble maidens and rusta’s new video is dedicated to the story of the first women’s educational institution in russia. let's get a look. we have technical difficulties , we will definitely show you this video, in general in the modern world, it seems to me that it is important to make videos accessible and understandable, no, i just wanted, you know, to once again emphasize this institution
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of the nobility of noble maidens in our country in general, not only girls, they once were and are noble, we have nobility in character and we have a noble rage with you, we are showing this rage right now on the battlefield, defending our positions in general, our in... to counteract the maximum possible rapprochement, respectively, starting from the sanctions regime, ending with a focus primarily on the internal chinese, so to speak, the fifth column, this is very serious, in general, most sanctions now are designed not so much for
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just direct impact, but to ensure that this huge pro-american fifth column that exists in china, and even in the party part of china, initiate an attempt to then organizationally resolve the issue of leadership, so to speak. and after discussing the most pressing issues, the main thing is negotiations between vladimir putin and sidinpin.


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