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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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not so much for just direct influence, but to arouse this huge pro-american fifth column that exists in china, and even in the party section of china, to then try to organizationally resolve the issue of leadership, so to speak, in a way that is beneficial for itself. more news on channel one. this is the news on the first, hello, in valery koravlev’s studio in this issue. economic cooperation is big politics. russian president in china, state visit, warm welcome. and after discussing the most pressing issues, the main thing negotiations between vladimir putin and sidinpin.
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the situation has stabilized, the prime minister of slovakia after the assassination attempt, the motive is political, but who are the instigators, who artificially escalated the tension around robert fitz? crimea, the detention of saboteurs was prevented by a terrorist attack on the railway, which was also recognized as being recruited by ukrainian intelligence, personnel and information from the fsb. all attention is now focused on beijing. vladimir putin's visit to china, the level of relations is the highest in history, one might even say a benchmark. warm reception, friendly communication between leaders, negotiations, discussion of key issues, signing of important documents, another confirmation that russia and china have common approaches and partnership in the face of any global challenges. report by natalia lyublinskaya. the first day of vladimir putin’s visit is a rich program: negotiations are planned in a narrow format, then in a wider format, time is also provided for personal communication with chairman xi,
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participation in a gala reception on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, as well as a concert opening of cross years of cultures of russia and china. the russian tricolor and red flag are flying on the main square of the chinese capital; the russian president will spend the whole day in the center of beijing paying enormous attention to the event. the visit has the highest state status; according to the protocol , foreign states host a foreign leader from above. honors only once during his presidential term, 10 days after vladimir putin took office in the prc. but the orchestra performs an obviously friendly gesture not provided for by the official protocol. well-known evenings near moscow in china.
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according to the results of last year, it took fourth place in the export-import balance of the people's republic of china. in 2023 , trade turnover increased by a quarter, setting a new record, according to chinese statistics , $240 billion. the deepening of trade and investment ties was significantly facilitated by timely , coordinated steps taken to transfer payments between our countries into national currencies.
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the share of the ruble and yuan in russian-chinese commercial transactions already exceeds 90%, and this figure continues to grow, which means we can say that... “mutual trade and investment are reliably protected from the influence of third countries and negative trends in global currency markets. one example, exactly 5 years ago, vladimir putin and sidzenpin launched the construction of the first chinese automobile plant in russia, the presentation of the project took place right on the pavement in the kremlin. the leaders signed the hood of a white suv, which representatives of the concern carefully transported back to the prc. here it stands on the central stand.” we welcome cooperation with chinese friends in the field of automobile production, where the chinese
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are achieving clear, completely obvious successes and advantages in the competitive struggle. the hint is obvious, the united states and the eu accuse china of creating dishonest ones. market mechanisms, they say, chinese cars are already taking over their markets, the price is lower and the quality is higher than that of europeans, the principle of fairness, this is the main thing that putin and xi jointly defend. it is of fundamental importance that relations between russia and china are not opportunistic and not directed against anyone. our cooperation in world affairs today is one of the main stabilizing factors in the international arena. together we defend the principles of justice and a democratic world order that reflects multipolar realities and a world order based on international law. russia and china successfully interact in the un, brix, sco, and also in the group of twenty.
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sino-russian relations, which have lasted three-quarters of a century , have simmered under difficult conditions and have withstood the tests of the changing international situation. and today they are the standard. relations between major powers are characterized by mutual respect, trust, friendship and mutual benefit. during these years, we meet at least forty times. the sustainable development of relations between china and russia not only meets the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also benefits the cause of peace and prosperity in the region and throughout the world. the leaders signed a statement on deepening comprehensive partnerships and strategic cooperation, as well as 10 intergovernmental agreements. formed a significant portfolio of 80 large...
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china and russia perceive a political settlement as the right way to resolve the ukrainian crisis, china's position on this issue is consistent and clear, namely compliance with the norms and principles of the un charter. china hopes for the early restoration of peace and stability on the european continent and is ready to promote a constructive resolution to the conflict.
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at these events and we hope that china will become its active supporter and will host one of the nearest, one of the nearest events within the framework of the games of the future. chinese athletes are also expected at the brix games planned in russia this year, the children of adia summer games and the world friendship games. natalya lyublinskaya, sergey shilin, ekaterina yarovenko, konstantin and boris kamenov, channel one. china. now slovakia, this morning news came from there about the condition of the survivors. assassination attempt on prime minister robert fitz was stabilized, the operation lasted 5 hours, then the politician was put into a state of artificial sleep, in which he will remain for the next 24 hours. it all happened the day before, a series of explosions, shots, sorry, the injuries are very serious, the suspect has been detained - this is the seventy- one-year-old writer juraj tsintula. the motive
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is probably political, but who is the instigator? fitz's associates believe that the tension around the prime minister was artificially heightened by the liberal opposition. he was accused of being pro-russian. as reported by the fsb, a man and a woman recruited by ukrainian intelligence planned. during interrogation, the suspect admitted that first he transmitted data about the location of our air defenses, which cover the crimean bridge. the man was supposed to hit them with a drone. the ukrainian curator was unable to hand over the drone, so he set another task - to pick up explosives from a cache in sevastopol. after which he began to demand that i blow up the railway near the city of kerch. he sent me several points of his location, i went to one, photographed his place, and he
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said that the place was suitable, he sent me a screenshot, and there was a rail drawn there, on the rail it was drawn where to plant the explosive device. as a result , the suspects tried to install an explosive device on the railway tracks, in the indicated place near the village near kerch, at that moment they were taken by fsb officers. our investigators are now looking for 660 foreign mercenaries from almost fifty countries, the investigative committee reported this. the head of the department, alexander bastrekin, held an operational meeting in the lugansk republic. the investigation into war crimes committed by ukrainian military personnel and foreigners continues, and irrefutable evidence has been collected. another important mission of the investigative committee is the delivery of humanitarian aid to the liberated areas. work continues on the delivery of humanitarian aid.
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for example, these artillerymen who deliver these attacks, but after a month, after two, after six months, after a year, they are captured, they are punished, retribution, it is inevitable, inevitable, as a result, more than a hundred sentences have already been passed on ukrainian military personnel, in cases are being investigated against another 200 militants, they have been charged with atrocities by radicals, says residents of liberated settlements, this was the case in artyomovsky solidar in mariupol. it was clearly visible that i’m a civilian, i shouldn’t have been allowed to, i wasn’t wearing anything at all, even remotely
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resembling a military uniform, but i was shot in the back, and if i hadn’t turned at that, well , at that moment of the shot, the bullet would have entered my back, who fired from where, it was the banderlogs who were shooting, because that part of the street was under the banderlogs, the military followed even on their professional holiday at the combat post, and some are studying right on the line of contact: important finds that were left behind by the armed forces during the retreat. these objects are amazed, sometimes they still it is possible to recover any data that is important for the investigation. in the donbass, investigators have another important mission; in avgeevka , a van with food arrived at one of the humanitarian centers, unloading it quickly, since enemy kamikaze drones often fly here. these bags contain flour, rice, pasta, sugar, and also boxes. everything in order to support
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the residents of the city, which our troops completely liberated on february 17 of this year. in our new territories, military investigators have been working since the very beginning of the special operation, 250 employees were awarded departmental medals of valor and courage. 15 people received state awards, six of them died. everything was there, assault troops, dnepr groups, precise strikes by fpv drone operators, a strong point was captured, enemy equipment was destroyed, here is the russian flag. the operation is completed. ukrainian units are losing positions in other sectors, with zero support from other units and poor coordination. confession of one of the captured commanders.


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