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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 16, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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investigators of the russian investigative committee bring to avneevka regularly, everything in order to support the residents of the city, which our troops completely liberated on february 17 of this year. military investigators have been working in our new territories from the very beginning of the special operation. 250 employees were awarded departmental medals of valor and bravery. 15 people received state awards, six of them posthumously: alexey ivanov, valentin stukanovok, alexander napalkov, ilya podkidezhev, irina chuchuy. first channel donbass. became famous details of the liberation of the village of rabotina in the zaporozhye region. that's how it was. assault detachments of the dnepr group are operating. precision strikes by fpv drone operators. a strong point was captured and enemy equipment was destroyed. and here is the russian flag. the operation is completed. ukrainian units are losing positions in other sectors, with zero support from other units and poor coordination. confession of one of the captured commanders.
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"afu soldier, give up if you want to live, we guarantee safety, when you see our drone, raise your hands and follow it, they decided to surrender themselves, well , in my opinion there were only up to 20 people there, they had already escaped by this time, they treated us very well, i honestly didn’t expect it, they fed us well, shaved, as they say, washed us, everything was humane, cooperation state and private business for managing assets that were ineffectively used is showing good results, the practice is worth continuing, prime minister mikhail mishustin said at a meeting with the head of ross. what
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is important for fulfilling all the state’s obligations, primarily in social sphere, in medicine, how are things going in the agencies? last year, the agency ensured that the federal budget received about 400 billion rubles, of course, most of it was dividends paid by state-owned companies. this is about 339 billion. of course, the digitalization of processes helps us a lot in our work; this helps us quickly and efficiently carry out our functions. for the current year, the agency has set itself a serious task to increase revenues to the federal budget by more than 100 billion rubles. what you just said is very important, here from an effective order to an appropriate one. wrong
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rental policy, selling what is expedient and what makes economic sense, these are all such elements, including the large state management system. the foreign ministers of iceland, lithuania and estonia are involved in an attempt to overthrow the government in georgia. this accusation was made against them by the speaker of the georgian parliament , shalva papuashvili. the day before, diplomats from europe arrived in tbilisi, supposedly to discuss resonant.
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out of the number of people wishing to do military service under a contract, a mobile point was deployed on the central square during the celebrations, information about the conditions for military service, monetary service, monetary allowance, social guarantees, benefits for soldiers and their loved ones, experts tell everything, look, there is in everyone in the municipality of the samara region , an operational headquarters has been created, everyone who wants to conclude a contract can apply not only to the selection point, but at their place of residence or registration, everywhere the application will be accepted and considered, father. lieutenant colonel, grandfather lieutenant colonel, decided that, probably, this was also mine, after all, i wanted to be a signalman, the military unit sent a selection point to offer me other specialties that perhaps i would like, but still decided for myself that i would become i will be a signalman and will continue to serve in my units. the sad news was the death of sergei andriyake, a famous painter, founder and rector of the academy of watercolor and fine arts, which bears his name. a recognizable style, in which there is both
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lightness and depth, the ability to convey the atmosphere on canvas is a special warmth, which it would seem you can only feel, the play with light and shadow, always great...
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there is a huge amount of speculation there, i don’t know about everything else, i wrote it yesterday, now i’ll quote myself, if you allow, it’s very nice to quote myself, here on the first channel, here, but it’s true, it’s just, well, it causes such, i don’t know, laughter and i don’t know some kind of touching just pity, suddenly yesterday, but when everyone started talking, robert fitz is most likely for his pro-russian so to say absolutely views that are basically perpendicular to yaesov’s narrative, so to speak , suffered in him, there was an attempt on him, they immediately came out, which means to guard him.
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the first thing he said, when they first arrested him, is that i don’t agree with his politics, what the hell kind of pathetic insignificant kind of moralizer is this. okay, so let’s talk today about this assassination attempt, let’s talk, of course, about where the attention of all western politicians, western, and not only western, and eastern, and southern, is directed, which is very important, for the visit, the meeting of vladimir putin and sidinpin, this is the first official visit after the election of vladimir putin as president of the russian federation , an official state visit, we will also talk about this. moreover, strange as it may seem to you, we are not trying to pull the wool over our eyes, but it’s all connected, naturally, it’s all, it’s all one big complex process. so, let's start, let's start with the assassination attempt, so, the entire world media has already gone around this video, where,
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therefore, five shots occurred in the example of slovakia, amazingly, i don’t know, i don’t a specialist there in personal security and so on, but what the security allowed was allowed to fire five shots. a security guard at a supermarket, a political activist, an absolute, how to say, pro -progressive, as he calls himself, absolute, in this sense, exclusively in this sense.
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europe is a collective image of, firstly, success, secondly, a good life, thirdly, absolute confidence in the future, this is europe, this is the nineties, and security and confidence, here it is, yes, look now to the current image of europe, how everything has magically
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changed, i think that europe is being covered by a completely new, well, like a completely new reality, a new feeling will be soon, but i don’t know how long you think, in how long, when it will already be like this. now large battalions - this does not apply to indigenous europeans, this applies to the so-called new europeans, migrants and people with migration backgrounds, who increasingly set the tone in european politics, not only creating parallel economic and cultural worlds, but are already storming big politics, recently the turkish party was formed in germany, it is accused of actually promoting ricep erdogan, but this is a dangerous precedent, accordingly, soon migrants from countries of mainly islamic civilization. they will already raise questions of their political participation in european
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life, but this is a process of one level, the second level is politics, this is the degradation of the political class of europe, where politicians are at the level of degol, the level of meteran, the level of at least helmut kole, look, if you take germany, then every new federal chancellor, he is, as in the famous american comedy, stupid and even dumber, accordingly scholz recently, this offended liverwurst , said that he intends to do the next one. term to remain chancellor, but excuse me, mr. olah scholz, you know the legislation, if your party miserably loses the elections, you will no longer be a chancellor, either he changes the legislation to the letter, or he already ends up in demenia just like grandfather biden, accordingly, in other european countries the situation is by no means better, the same macron, but this is some kind of political simulator, the same, for example, anna polena berbok, who said that it means there is genocide in china, genocide, went to beijing, accordingly, she is there, well... speaking, they said, know your place, they told her the same thing in saudi arabia in other countries, anna
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polenova they call her, anna polena, yes, well , in her style of thinking and most importantly in her style of work she is very much reminiscent, so finally, economics, european industry in the twenty-third year, for example, industrial production in ireland fell by more than 30%, in germany there, well, if you believe official german statistics, by about 6.5%, the chemical industry collapsed by 25, almost, accordingly, the unemployment rate. a decline in living standards and the vaunted european dream is gradually turning back into a pumpkin, accordingly, welfare is declining, confidence in the future is declining, or rather evaporating, but against the backdrop of this very dangerous tendency of european politicians to talk about a total war with russia, about the need to prepare to long-term confrontation, it seems to me that the situation here is also dangerous because they have taken a very good approach to...
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it seems to me that these are just, i don’t know, the heralds of a new europe, a new, new situation, a new european atmosphere, that’s what i think, maybe i, well, it seems to me that this is so, maybe i’m wrong, but here’s what i need just yesterday, please, this is real, that is, if you don’t agree now, don’t go to some kind of mainstream of this particular european policy, then they shoot you, so now it will work, but washington shouldn’t send a signal to all politicians in europe, like you remember, first orban, orban... one who said: “i do not agree with american foreign policy in relation to russia and ukraine.” yes, then he showed up. it has already started
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to become infected with this idea that we, we don’t have to agree with washington, we will be europeans on our own. and washington was very scared when he won the elections in slovakia, this must be stopped right there. and so my guess is that washington is behind the assassination attempt... you have no idea, i was a young imperialist, young american imperialist, i grew up in a family, dad worked for the federal government, and
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dad was always indignant, seventies, eighties, europeans, look how independent they act, independent of us, of america, but there is no order, we must establish control, i as a junior imperialist, yes dad, yes, we must establish control over the europeans, this has always been our dream, and this dream has really gone astray in recent years.
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why aren't you happy about this? europe has submitted to you, here it is in your hands, you should americans be happy about this? no, because we, our liberal ideology is ruining europe, but you know what ’s going on there, as with us, well, as we know, the biggest division in the world is between liberals and conservatives, in every country there are different liberals and conservatives, conservatives all over the world, we must unite, the canner is here . please, then let's talk now, our viewer, dear, called us, and his name, if i understand correctly, is the operator's signs alexey, yes, yes, yes, alexey, hello, uh, introduce yourself a little more broadly, please, where are you from, well, i’m from the moscow region, from korolev, great, your question, i don’t know, or comments, come on,
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let’s - both as a question and as uh, let’s call it so, uh, if necessary, then comments. putin in china and a meeting with si - this is the mainstream of all our, let's say foreign publications, but at the same time, suddenly unexpectedly and literally.
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know the international community, yes, because they will understand how and why they shot fitz. alexey, here you go, tell me, in queen, honestly, it’s important what the world community thinks, will it be aware of putin’s agreement or not? no, i want to say that of course, of course, yes, in korolev, in moscow, and somewhere there, on
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some fiji islands, yes, it is important that... what will happen between china and russia, because this change in the architecture of the world is underway, so will it be conveyed to - well, of course, yes, to the general public, but this is the question, will it overshadow it, but in my opinion, i personally think that of course yes, how would it events of different order. that is, and well , it’s clear, a fitsa is a fitsa, yes, this is a person who, let’s call it that, technically, technically, yes, defending his interests, yes, let’s say, if in russian, yes, he drowns for russia, and he says, that guys, if
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i understand him correctly, he’s not so much for russia, he just seems to have, he has a feeling, such a pan-european, not even just slovak, it seems to me that this is not only for russia, he speaks all the time , listen, are you fools, this is him, i’m practically quoting him directly, this is how we by stimulating the war, playing these games, we will reach the third world war, he just wants to live purely, that’s all, well, pragmatically, yes , look pragmatically, the comment is clear, the question too, now we’ll try to answer it, alexey, thank you very much , i tell you - well, what i want to say is that it seems to me, you see, alexey sees in this, tries to connect it into one kind of plot, well, that’s it, as it were. connected, it seems to me that this is my personal interpretation there, but it seems to me that there is a general tension, it manifests itself, well, it manifests itself, well, there is general tension, general changes, well, how do you know, how can you be sure?
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look, alexey asked if this is really a distraction, for example, there are europeans from putin’s visit to china, let’s talk directly with europe then, we have connections with the wonderful elena kondratyeva salgera, not just a journalist, editor-in-chief of words and meanings, a handsome man who is responsible for the meanings of words. elena, let me tell you, we tried to contact, yes, we contacted several, yes, with journalists from slovakia we we wanted them to give us a comment. you weren’t afraid,
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that’s what you think, did this event really distract the attention of the media, and they were afraid to go on air, of course they were afraid, the european from vladimir vladimirovich’s visit to china, no. in no case, i don’t think that any special courage is needed here to go on air to say what you think, not yet at that stage of the european nightmare that virtually all countries of the european union are currently experiencing. concerning here are journalistic ethics and honesty, let's immediately define one point, while there is no evidence to the contrary, yes, not a single superpower in the world, not tectonic plates, nor anything you want, is able to control, stimulate and...
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let me clarify, just understand, of course yes, i understand, but on one condition, if the attitude, what you said, would be fair, if the attitude is unambiguous, not that, well, i’m exaggerating, not about business, but god, what have we come to, that’s if so, then yes, so listen to what i say what i wanted to say is that even that lone fanatic, whoever they want to classify him as now, was the shortest of all the attempts? is commented on extremely sparingly for certain reasons, since the editorial pages of france are now occupied not even with putin or ukraine or gaza, but with completely different things,
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this is a civil war, now we can already talk about this in new caledonia, all that will probably very soon go all over france, this again brings us back to the kotsil turup, french soldiers, or to the new caledonia, either to russia or to ukraine, yeah. to five continents, as dominique de velpin said quite recently in a scandalous speech on the most politically correct french channel, so as for fitsou, it’s his pro-russian, so-called position, and most importantly his bright and good left-wing past, that now practically puts him at risk all this levada, rabid, totalitarian ideology, which is crushing under itself already in real mode and non-stop the whole...
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the attacker, obvious, is a former security guard, gardener, writer, all together in one bottle, an ardent defender of the rights and values ​​of lgbt communities, climate agendas and everything else, and the fact that fitza is an allegedly pro-russian politician who, by the way, a few days ago categorically refused, plus everything to sign the pandemic agreement, let’s not forget this too, that is, here you can, of course, take apart... the components and replay any interpretation - of this assassination attempt, the fact that it is not particularly advertised, this is precisely the fact that, you know, i find very curious, but
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reminds uh, you probably remember, once on a moscow radio there was an attack on a tv presenter, in the next 10 minutes it was said that again it was all staged, you know who, yes, just without evidence, without anything, so i i don’t want to be like us right now , before conducting the investigation, saying that this is all a ukrainian trace, or this is an anti-russian trace, this does not play into the hands of the european union in any case, but why did i... remember this incident with the radio presenter, because in the coming 10 minutes, first a criminal, and then it turned out that this was one of the same fanatics , then we immediately turned it all over and said that this is an atmosphere of hatred in the country, now this is exactly the same thing happening in relation to the terrorist attack in slovakia, look , this is just this , this was just this, this was such a liberal formula, so to speak, so universal, what won’t
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happen? like, this is an atmosphere of hatred, look, this is an atmosphere of hatred, well, it came to you, so to speak, like a boomerang, this is the same, well, some kind of the atmosphere in europe is also, i don’t know, hatred of hatred, but definitely tension, it seems to me, we will agree with you, no, tension is tension is not a word, the fact that even the meeting of president putin with the chinese authorities is so strikingly different from the restrained smiles of a very recent visit. which marked, in general, almost everyone unanimously agreed that comrade xi’s visit to france was a resounding failure for president macron, so, in general, the comments so far, at least at the moment, what has already been done regarding president putin’s visit to china is very restrained, basically they are trying to turn on the same
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old already well-worn...
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justice, for national sovereignty, for national identity, he is for europe of the fatherland, the austrian freedom party and, accordingly, the alternative for germany, the national movement in france, respectively orban and many others, also advocate the same. and political attacks, attempts at physical influence up to elimination, they apply to other european sovereignty-minded policies. last year there was an attempt on the life of alternative germany activist hruppolu, right at the demonstration, he was injected there somehow. this means that the substance, accordingly, is the persecution of slander against all national liberation movements; they can now absolutely justifiably be called national liberation movements in europe, which want to get out of this globalist swamp. accordingly, if some european politician declares that i i want germany to be a sovereign state, yes, we in no way oppress other nations, other peoples, other states, but we want our fatherland to decide for itself what direction
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we should move in, right there.
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pandora's box has been opened, in fact, europe is slipping into a state of civil war, persecution of european politicians, sovereignty-minded, assassinations, as we see now, attempts to physically eliminate or influence there, this all reminds, excuse me, of germany in the late twenties, when there were street massacres between left and right, yes john, but at the same time maybe it’s just america pushing slovakia towards some kind of civilian, wait, come on, well, how do we know america, okay, look, this one is crazy.
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to rejoice and, so to speak, i don’t know, keep my fingers crossed for the civil war, this is this, well , it’s like it’s great and bad manners and the most important thing is that this is the same thing, it’s really going to come to all of us, it would seem like it’s bad for the pendos , that means we feel good, but
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yes, well, kind of, but imagine when such a country will suddenly plunge into the abyss of such chaos, both political and military, and so on, you think it will be fun for us, it seems to me that we will not have fun at all, so of course. therefore, tension for us, please excuse me, john, so to speak, we like it here, showdowns, so to speak, including harsh ones, are very good for us , so continue, it seems to me that we don’t need a civil war. another thing is that i don’t know, so to speak, whether there is any option to prevent it in america at all, okay, there are more serious, so to speak, foundations, everything else, the foundation, in europe and everything is already moving towards this, i don’t know if anything can be done about it, in my opinion, sorry, unfortunately, to the greatest no longer, thank you for your attention, friends, sorry for this note, maybe a little not as optimistic as we wanted, maybe we’ll make up for it later in the next broadcasts, thank you very much, see you soon. meeting on the air, the essence of my technique is
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that this is my husband, ex, or rather, well, almost. so, gentlemen, please, what do we have? to me i think my sister was killed. why did you decide so? because i saw the killer. take this brick for examination. why didn't you put the finishing touches on him? on a brick, they throw me off. do you have any doubts? yes, there are doubts. problems need to be solved in a different way. i can help. bloodhound. new episodes, watch after the program time. oldbar cognac is a product of the stellar group. i have been writing poetry all my life, starting from childhood. a lot of relatives live with me. there is no creative zone. this is the living room, your bedroom, and it is also desirable that there be more. office, here we need something so lyrical,
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romantic, light, some kind of accent wallpaper, we need a throne, a chair with flowers, admiration, they combine very beautifully with gray and gold, have you ever seen a bed that has a crown, about comfort, premieres on saturday on the first. we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle, between the north pole and the equator. friends, we are in stavropol, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so guys, kick, indian, natural homemade, please, i have the most delicious one, this duck with garlic baked in the oven, very tasty, and i have a full discount , according to statistics they jump more. girls than boys, but boys have a greater instinct of self-preservation, you have
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to push more, oh, your head just starts to spin, the longer you stand, the worse it gets, you have to jump, i’m very scared, let’s go, the premiere is on saturday at the first, how’s the mood, great , mood, oh, mariupol, like a seagull with a broken wing, their uniforms were abandoned, that is, they mostly came to the surface out of shape.
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famous and beloved artists gathered at our table and they will tell funny stories and oddities that happened to them, you ’ll forgive me. i accidentally broke this new vase, don’t worry, it’s not like that, it’s already new, it’s only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i need to play the queen, i think it’ll be some kind of piece dedicated to honey, i’ll come, that means the next day in the remains of the entire makeup suit, one of the women brings me such a large velvet circle, it has two such things hanging from the sides, and letting the usual the uterus... these are the ovaries, she died, how
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was this cry produced? german, bending over, with a fork in his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment , sticks this fork in her ass, she does it and it sounds stop, filmed, ruslan just rubbing it, says, i didn’t know that this is how directors work with actors , and as far as zapashny told me, the soviet circus was a tiger a long time ago. grabbed his father, he quietly told them: skolt, now take a stick and hit the head with all your might, and now the tiger. on saturday on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series
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games, sunday on the first. the information channel on the first continues, time will tell the program, we are working live, but undoubtedly, the attention of all the world media is now focused on the visit of our president to china, this is the first official visit after president vladimir putin took office. beijing, it should be noted, undoubtedly uses protocol as a tool of diplomacy; the arrival of our president and our large delegation is accompanied. ceremonial guard, red carpet, while representatives of the west, such as the german chancellor, olaf scholz, were greeted much more quickly, let me remind you that scholz visited beijing in mid-april at chongqing airport instead of a representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, he was met by the deputy mayor of the city from the point of view of diplomatic protocol, but it
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can be called like this, well, an obvious humiliation, such a reception reflects china’s attitude towards germany, but in general beijing’s general position in relation to. between russia and china is increasing, growing at a good pace, formed a significant portfolio of eighty large
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joint investment projects in a wide variety of areas. the statements were made at a joint press conference. what the chinese leader sidinping said about the end of the conflict in ukraine. in today's world , the cold war mentality is still rampant: unilateral hegemony, bloc confrontation and power politics directly threaten world peace and the security of all countries. china and russia perceive a political settlement as the right way to resolve the ukrainian crisis. position china is consistent and clear on this issue, namely: china stands. for compliance with the norms and principles of the un charter, respect for state sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries of their rational security concerns. we advocate the formation of a new balanced, effective, sustainable security architecture. the chinese country hopes for the speedy restoration of peace and stability on the european continent and
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is ready to continue its constructive role. from beijing, vladimir putin will head to the city harbin, the president of the center is already there. already busy and a lot has already taken place in beijing, of course, what catches your eye is not only protocol, i would immediately note that this is the highest level of protocol, a state visit, naturally with all honors, so it’s better to still
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focus on the substantive side of this visit, and i can note that the leaders of the two states. demonstrated in fact with this meeting, this summit - as an example - of bilateral relations between russia and china in this complex world a world where responsible powers must certainly be very extremely responsible , unconditionally, to show how today it is possible to treat each other mutually, respectfully and thus advance this agenda - all over the world, and we are demonstrating.
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recalled how the soviet union helped in the formation of the people's republic of china, and it was also noted that humanitarian ties are developing, in the twenty-fourth year there will be cross years of culture between russia and china, and of course we expect here in harbin. their leaders of russia and china tomorrow, where they will take part in the opening of the eighth russian-chinese exporum
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of the fourth interregional russian-chinese, and president putin will participate in the events of the harbin university of technology, in the field of education, in the field of culture, in the development of tourism, this the entire humanitarian sphere as well. very highly celebrated these days at this very summit, uh-huh, thank you very much, sergey sanakoev, president of the center for the study of the asia-pacific region, was in direct contact with us. alexander ivanovich, the trip is significant, the trip is important, a lot will be discussed, we have already found out today that there are not very many western journalists there, although they actively write about it, at one time you, too, as i know, went to beijing with ... the president from this trip, what do you expect? and you know, they are expecting a lot, it seems, yes, china is like
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a technological giant and so on, at the same time we have a number of technologies that china does not have, first of all this is the nuclear sector, in delegation dmitry likhachev, that is, alexey likhachev, head of rosatom, i will tell you what interests the chinese? firstly, our power units are the best, we have built six, we are building four more, but our most important thing is the main one... igor alekseevich rogachev, i asked, i say, tell me what it is, well, i am a journalist, i was from the parliamentary newspaper , i say what kind of partners the chinese are, he says, very open people, friendly. at the same time, they are very tough negotiators, they defend their interests, but if you agree with them on something, they they certainly do. he says: during my
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time as ambassador to china, it never happened that there was any kind of agreement, and then the chinese said, you know, the political situation has changed economically, we won’t do this, this never happened, that is, this is very reliable people, but of course they are interested in cooperation in space, but they have their own, as it were, big program, they have already announced ... the implementation of the chinese, for example, we are interested in what we are again the undoubted leaders in, these are nuclear space engines, this a completely new generation, these are not chemical engines, when oxygen and kerosene are mixed there, it flies in orbit, such quantities of fuel cannot exist, this is what we will assume we implemented in our burevestnik rocket, this is about the same thing, that is, the engine is nuclear reactor, no one has this, china... understands that russia, and there are also a number of space technologies that we are very interested in, that is, we are not there as some kind of supplicants, guys, let's do something, no , we are a very
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interesting partner for china, you see, there are reliable people and partners, but there is a counterbalance, unreliable, unprincipled people who are ready to interfere with this reliable alliance in every possible way. andrei frantsevich, ruslan emphasized that there are no western journalists there, i immediately had the thought, what should you write there, and not just an idea? between the usa and china is currently developing on the topic of high-speed technologies associated with
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microprocessors, which, in principle , have already reached their peak in the three-meter range. now everyone will switch to quantum technologies, quantum computers, which can give this leap in computing power and the so-called artificial intelligence of the new generation, in principle russia, by the way, is also participating in this race, but another important thing is that the americans always build a world that is tailor-made for them, they always say: we are global leaders, our leadership has shaken, trying to drive a wedge between us and china, they say: look, russians, you are weak, china will swallow you up, they will... dominate you, but this is not so, russia and china, the sco brix in general, or eurasian economic union, in which we are part of and live in this union of five countries, these are equal conditions for relations between countries, regardless of their size, this new reality, which our president emphasized, is not confrontational, not against other countries, we are building our own convenient nationally oriented, relatively speaking , well,
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the world order is based on international legal acts. this, of course, seriously irritates the west. what are they doing? they are imposing an arms race on china, which, by the way, they are losing, and china now in the military sphere they are making large-scale investments, technologies, they are ahead in the navy, but the americans are trying to block the naval part so that in the future it is possible to conduct a trade blockade, therefore the land connection with europe through russia is of fundamental importance for china, therefore international trade, the so-called one way train, one track, which has now turned into a train track. is a key tool for our interaction and cooperation. ivan sergeevich, there were many statements on the topic of possible completion conflict. and here both we and china act very consistently. we initially said that all this would be decided at the negotiating table. and here sidin pin said that he is an adherent of the un charter, naturally, like us, and a supporter of the sovereignty of countries. here, there may
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be talk abroad. that's it, he's a supporter. constitution of the russian federation or before the constitution of the russian federation, the option is also ready to be considered. i understand that the topic is complex, but it seems to me that making a statement together with our president, who was sitting next to him and said: yes, i agree with what comrade xi says, the answer is obvious. or maybe you need to get the final statement that will follow the visit, or you are asking me how we would look at this issue. of course, naturally, this question is very relevant to you, as a person from donbass.
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house and housing, yes, unfortunately, we have come to a situation where, like the great patriotic war, everyone suffered from it, and each of us, leaving home in the morning for work, says goodbye at home, not only me, each of us, and arriving at work, he calls back, he whether she got there or not, and i am amazed at our strong people who, despite everything, do not give up, yes, they tell themselves why this is necessary, we could have left already, but they come home in the evening, cool down and understand that this is someone... something needs to be done, they go to work every day and make their homeland better, under fire, some people are even afraid to go, so to speak, to us, yes, someone lives and works there, so it’s like these people who, in principle, so much experienced in their lives and did not fold their arms, they understand that they are ready to endure more in order to reach
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their goal, how can they argue what... borders they should reach, of course, i personally believe that this should be before the constitution of the russian federation, borders that should end at the border with lvov region, kiev is an original russian city, and it should remain with us, we have the deepest respect for everyone who thinks where the border should be, but we are russian people, you see, well, with all due respect to world history, there was no in central ukraine states. they tried to tell us that we are ukrainians, listen, ukraine itself is a territory, a country, yes, the people used
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to be wonderful. the people were kind, it was wonderful cuisine, they were hospitable people, as we see now, sheer hatred of everything russian, although in principle this is true for each of us. every ukrainian has friends, relatives who live, starting from the western borders, ending with the eastern borders of russia, for us this is survival, and we started this in the fourteenth year, we cannot say to ourselves that we should it’s finished in this very place, we must proudly raise the flag over the russian city of kiev, we just have to finish it, a short advertisement. we'll be back. nikolai zlacheevsky, with his oil and gas production company burisma. how does this washing machine work? how is money funneled through burisma to organize terrorist attacks in russia? partners
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of the biden family sponsored terrorism while avoiding responsibility for corruption and money laundering in ukraine. the bribe amount was 50 million. these funds were directly sent to the special operations forces. the most important motive was to displace russian natural gas. from the european pipe, started out as a small kiev mafia of the nineties, and now has grown to the level of the world mafia. very specific deaths occurred next to him, because of zlochevsky , conversations leaked there with him, the name hunter biden appeared in general, tens of millions were pumped and laundered through the storm of smog, i don’t know, i don’t even know that he was a member of the board, he doesn’t care gets away with it and is obviously being saved for something, ukraine for america today the day is a testing ground, the more we do harm...
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the important and interesting thing in the program is to live healthy, tomorrow is the first, we gathered our thoughts on how not to live to a stroke and much more about the film by sergei lin passion according to matveev, i’m just looking at a dead man here looks like, nothing, let him immediately know what you look like in lent, they’re already sending you hearts, the most unexpected thing was that i really liked the film, i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish, i think that if you sincerely don’t believe, then it's better than believing somehow false, according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox, excuse me, please, but
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it’s not sunday yet, you know, such a discovery for me was that on easter anyone can ring the bells, and you really went to learn how to ring the bells specifically, absolutely true, than you imagine yourself, but there is a duty, a family of traditions, there is love, and there are rules, i have been writing poetry all my life, starting from childhood, a lot of relatives live with me, there is no creative zone, this is the living room, and your bedroom, and also desirable. there was also office, here we need something so lyrical, romantic, light, some kind of accent wallpaper, we need a throne, a chair with flowers, admiration, very beautiful, gray
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combined with gold, have you ever seen a bed that has crown, about comfort, premiere on saturday on the first. “listen, you’re kind of strange today, nothing happened to you, i declare you husband and wife, i’m sorry, for a maximum of one and a half, well, what happened, a trespassing plane crossed the border, shoot it down at all costs, i know you not a coward, but you should know." the whole truth, they can still get you, the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone, launch, you realize the moment, of course, the ring has fallen, a bad omen, seryozha,
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fourth, answer third, what- it happened, not very sad, the interrupted flight of harry powers. on saturday on the first, permafrost, snow, we are in salihard, my name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region. my name is masnya, i am also from the yamal region. we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears. drive into the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom, otherwise you’ll hit your wedding face in the snow. nenets clothing malitsa is called warm inside. unlike me, you don't freeze. ice table, imagine, there is not just ice here, here is a northern polar berry, cranberry. she is in the form of a pattern of deer antlers
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, she goes for the bride before the wedding, the oldest woman in the family performed a ritual of purification, the plague fumigates the bride with smoke, here in the arctic circle in the tundra we will shout out our friendly play at the wedding on sunday on the first three chord new season on sunday on the first. a tough struggle for power begins in europe, supporters of a pro-western course are already openly going on the attack. here the prime minister of romania once again declared publicly that there is no moldova or moldovans. romania will provide support to moldova.
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integration path, because all the people there are romanians and no one else. there are no moldovans or moldovan language, there is only the romanian language, spoken by the romanians. like this. and the romanian prime minister makes this statement against the backdrop of unfading political scandals in moldova itself. the head of the gagauz autonomy has already spoken more than once about the oppression of the population of gagauzia. in chisinau, the pro-western course of mai sandu meets with active resistance. ivan sergeevich, well , look, they are trying to convince the citizens of moldova that they are, after all, the descendants of these ancient dacians, yes, well, at one time in ukraine they tried to convince citizens, they believed that jesus christ was, you know, a hutsol and they are the same the ancient ukrs not only dug up the black sea, but also tamed dinosaurs, and this everything is really not even the world anymore , but a lot of things, don’t you think that history is repeating itself, but history is being told personally.
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a nation with which everyone in the world takes into account, everyone only takes into account the big seven with the golden billion, you know, everything else, with whom, with whom they can take into account what we are fighting with, it’s brix, you know, which will really stand, everything else , ukraine, moldova, georgia, which believes that it can live without the russian federation, which has protected it for centuries and centuries, i’m already saying, not even talking about armenia, which generally does not understand what is happening to armenia, do you understand? well
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, the armenians never had allies, neither the turks nor the azerbaijanis were their allies, there was always only humiliation, everyone who came to the rescue was only the russian federation, what happened to all these people, just when insight comes, there will be it’s very late, insight will come, and we will come, and maybe we will come, it’s also an interesting and important question, when we raise the issue of nikolaev, odessa and in general everything for odessa, a question that is not subject to any discussion at all. rusky, russians, just remember the feat of dalshansky, who in general and kharkov, you see, i just understand people, so you take the example of the avdeevka, and there are terrible crazy people coming.
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from gorlovka 2 km, two, she saw her window gorlovka like this on her phone, phoenix, everything, in order to get her out, we spent enormous efforts, we first took her to kirovograd, made her a passport, they cost over 80, so she could get this passport, then they took her to warsaw and
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took her through warsaw, already through sheremetyevo, she returned home, 2 km, and these people who are there now in these front-line cities, who are hosting...
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at this time, now there are nato exercises with the landing of american paratroopers on airfields that were still building the soviet union, and i, when i lived in moldova and my father was a paratrooper, he jumped on these airfields that we were building then, now there is militarization there, they work with the population and
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explain to them that you are more impoverished than ever, i will remind you that while i was still in the ministry of economy, i was responsible for interaction with moldova, they had a unique opportunity, they had a free trade area with the european union. and exactly the same free trade zone was with us and the cis, because they had observer status in the eurasian economic union, that is, in fact, they could become this unique transit country for goods, cargo, and they earned money from this, they had duty-free delivery vegetables and fruits to us, now they have leveled it all out, the country is impoverished, it is in a terrible state of subsidies, plus hydrocarbons, which were lower european prices, they were going there, now they are buying in romania, in others...
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on the rolling european route, then we will have exactly the same tragedy for the moldovan people as for the ukrainian people, what should happen, it is very difficult, because we see that how to drive the actual people to suicide, you just need to instill in them the suicidal idea of ​​your exclusivity, bring them to fascism, if the same situation develops in moldova, you know, i think this is not a lesson for them yet, because the media tells people the same thing, you are unique , you are exceptional, you everyone owes, as it was in ukraine, but russia owes you, you know, no, he says, you don’t exist at all, there are no moldavians, he tells them, this marcel, he says, they’re expelling everyone, you lived before this, you lived before this virtual life, now europe is a reality, but for this you need a little...
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information is spreading that the wife of this attacker is ukrainian.
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doctors assess robert fitz's condition as extremely serious. the operation lasted 3 and a half hours, the bullets hit him in the stomach, the bullet went through, as i understand it, the pelvic bone, the shoulder. the head of the ministry of internal affairs of slovakia stated that the assassination attempt on roberta fitz was committed for political reasons, confirms this even after the incident, according to the head of the ministry of internal affairs, the country is on the threshold. health care, he spoke out against funding the ukrainian army, he wanted
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peace, perhaps because of all these reasons, he became a victim of this assassination attempt, well, as i understand it, roberto fitzo very confidently stood his ground, and the united states looked at it they all wanted to stand on someone else's, they always want to stand on someone else's, but in general, andrei fransovich, you know, some random coincidences at first glance, right? and maybe not random, maybe not random, let's go over the facts: first, we see that the western-centric world, this world based on rules, has recently begun to leak, it is drowning, the population is not happy with the fact that happens, they organize riots, we saw the whole of europe went on strike and continues to do so, a politically engaged government restrains it, but it is very difficult to do, we are in a single information space, now, despite smith, he can receive... information from anywhere in the world, we see how georgia is in a fever now, we see how this is happening in other countries,
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it’s a pure coincidence that one of the politicians , who is not pro-russian, nationally oriented, who has always stated that my interests of my nation are above all, and i say quite objective things, for some reason suffers at the hands of a rather unbalanced person, here we see again, i don’t want to remind anyone, but social engineering, which is now in full bloom in ukraine... the so-called call centers, they have reached, well, probably the highest peak of their power now, we can’t call it anything else, they call people, including in russia, in european countries, has also become a problem, they lure millions of rubles out of them, then force them to supposedly get this money, they are simply misled, they commit crimes, throw molotov cocktails at everyone else, that is, without spending a penny, they in fact, they recruit agents who perform certain tasks for them. that is , people are in a zombie state, i do not rule out that this person received the same brainwashing impulse and went to shoot,
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which means a politician who is opposed to the west, but the most interesting thing is the reaction to this terrorist attack that took place, all european politicians practically justified , it means that he was attacked, but the worst thing is the ukrainian social networks, which simply boasted and relished. the stories shouted what it means to get ready for orbant and so on, that is, it looked like a public punishment of western politicians, it is indicative that if you do not follow our path, which we are sending down to you from above, you will be destroyed. come on, this is the ukrainization of europe, or europe has come closer to the standards of the european union, finally, no, well, there is no terrorism, nationality, this is absolutely, i’ll probably now say a very difficult thing, scary, yes, ah... but this opinion is not mine , this is the opinion of people, the shelling
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of gorlovka, donetsk, yes, now it’s crazy shelling of belgorod. in the shelling, our people are asking the question, when will we respond with dignity, that is, will we hit the bank, yes, but i understand that the russian person is a great, generous person, this is a question that is not subject to any discussion at all, but people say , we
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must be avenged, you see, unfortunately, this issue dominates now. when we see attacks on the energy system, we understand that at the moment this is the most humane thing in relation to the people living there on the other side, and the answer is, because we waited until the heating season will end, yes, yes, so as not to freeze, this is all humanism, but unfortunately, it no longer reaches the brains, yes, it begins to reach them there, when the tsk begins to row, relatives there.
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in life, a russian person, a russian person who lives in the middle of nowhere, will not support this position, of course, that we know our history very well, we honor and respect it, the ministry of culture of the russian federation, the russian state library and channel one launched a joint project called rustoria , which conveys important historical information to the audience in an interesting and accessible form, this is a series of short animated videos that talk about outstanding personalities and... significant events in our history and culture. this year marks 260 years since the founding of the smolny institute of noble maidens and a new video from rustoria is dedicated to the story of the first women's educational institution in russia. let's get a look.
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details. they admitted girls to the institute from funds for the development of smolny, delved into everything well-born, but not rich families. the training lasted 12 years, and parents or guardians could not take their child away under any pretext. life in smolny was carefully regulated; the rules were very strict. the pupils got up early, slept
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on hard beds and washed themselves with water from the icy neva. all this was not in vain. after graduating from the institute, girls joined the ruling elite of the state, some graduates became ladies-in-waiting of the imperial court, and of course, all of them were desired darlings for the highest nobility. following the example of the st. petersburg women's institute, women's institutes were established throughout russia, but it was the smolny institute for noble maidens that firmly entered into historical memory as a symbol of russian women's education. nobility is in our blood and our rage is noble. advertising on the first. the essence of my technique is that this is my husband, my ex, or rather, well, almost. so, gentlemen, please, what do we have? i think my sister was killed. why did you decide so? because i saw the killer. take this brick for
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examination. why didn't you put the finishing touches on him? on the brick shook me off. do you have any doubts? yes, there are doubts. problems? further in another way, i can help, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle, between the northern... more, oh, your head just starts to spin, the longer you stand, the worse it gets, you have to jump , i’m very scared, let’s go, the premiere is on saturday, at the first, what’s the mood, class,
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mood, oh, mariupol, like a seagull with a broken wing, here their uniform was thrown, that is, mostly to the surface, they came out out of shape, the guys will work according to...
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don’t worry, it’s not like that, it’s new, it’s only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, you need to play the uterus, i think, but it will be some kind of piece dedicated to honey , i come, so the next day, in the remains of the whole makeup suit, one of the women brings me such a large velvet circle, it has two things hanging from the sides, an ordinary uterus, these are ovaries. she died, how was that cry produced? german, bending over, with a fork in his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very
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moment, sticks this fork in her ass, she does it, but it sounds: stop, it’s filmed, ruslanova just rubbing it, says, i didn’t know that this is how directors work with actors, and as zapashny told me, a long time ago the soviet circus, the tiger grabbed his father, he quietly tells them how much to take? now a stick and with all my strength on the head, and now a tiger, on saturday on the first, permafrost, snow, we are in salikhard, my name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region, my name is masni, i am also from the yamal region, for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur, a dress we...
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before the wedding, the oldest woman in the family carried out a ritual of purification by fumigating the bride with smoke. here on the arctic circle in the tundra we will shout our friendly game of wedding. on sunday on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games. on sunday on the first. good afternoon,
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this project helps children in our country take their first steps towards their dreams. all the heroes of our program are purposeful and talented children. who believe in their dream with all their hearts, each of them becomes truly dear to us, none of them can be forgotten, but gleb from donetsk became a special child for us, he is 11 years old and... blind from birth, but despite this, gleb is a virtuoso pianist. my name is gleb, i’m 11 years old, i live in the city of donetsk, i have a dream, you know what, when i grow up and want to become a world-famous pianist, i will become. because music is my
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life. gleb’s life is not easy, he is a child of war and has never lived in peacetime. gleb has absolute pitch, which means he knows and distinguishes all the sounds of military operations well. i heard this war every day. war this is when adults get nervous, scream, run, and are afraid. the atmosphere, he will say, is not very pleasant. for me personally, the worst thing about the war is that i can’t go to music school. the roof there was bombed. lives on the outskirts of donetsk near avdeevka, where the situation is always turbulent, and the whole house rests on gleb’s beautiful mother irina. the family's only guard is the old and faithful dog rich. to me, oh, sit, sit, sit, protector, but really, modest, down here, the territory where we directly relax in the summer, we we put out sun loungers, put out a frame pool, and the children spend summer days with pleasure. this is my eldest son rastislav,
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thanks to rastislav gleb’s creative path began. i was repeating my homework, which was assigned to me at music school, look, and my younger brother lep began to repeat the piece after me. blind from birth, the child’s hearing was already 3 years old and was able to reproduce the same compositions that his brother had done in high school music school. nonsense, we couldn’t even imagine that this was even possible, mom, well, i like it, i just i like it, of course, we also like it, the fact that i don’t see anything doesn’t bother me at all in life, i’ve never seen it, i don’t know how to see it, well, i felt the keys with my fingers, i don’t need eyes , so that, in order to play the piano, from gleb’s family i felt real strength of spirit, harmony , positivity, to preserve these qualities, no matter
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what, for real... because in the life of the family , in addition to constant shelling , a terrible tragedy occurred 3 years ago : they lost their beloved dad, glebushka and rostislav’s dad, to unfortunately, he is not with us, he passed away in the twenty-first year, an incurable disease, oncology, very suddenly, literally in 3 months, no one could have predicted, the whole family is on me, but i have great support in the form of my children, you know , the fact that dad has been gone for 3 years already, dad is still my family and he... is next to me, when i grow up, i will take care of my mother, i want her to have everything, everything, everything, here i have awards for various competitions, and this is our monya, the famous crossol cat, eats a lot of mice, this is also my dad’s, he is very soft, i love sleeping with him, my most favorite dream is when i perform on the big stage, after 10 years i finished school, maybe i
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’ll go to the conservatory, i imagine... when the war will end, it will be a sunny day, my mother and i would go into town, go to a cafe, maybe there will be a piano there, i would play something for everyone, well, we would order ice cream, from the music school where gleb studies to his home is about an hour away, during which time anything can happen whatever, we were lucky to be there in rare moments of calm, gleb’s music teacher invited us to one of her classes, and she even went through for gleb’s sake. courses on working with blind children, our school is on the first floor, there was a hit in the roof, tears, just tears, victoria vladimirovna, hello, oh, greetings, how did you get there, everything is fine, let's come in, because it's unsafe, let's ,
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raise the cane up. the school is not heated, the instruments of course deteriorate, we study in clothes, we study very rarely, when it is quiet outside, it’s cold there in the bunks, you have to work out, well, the most important thing is to return your finger, but i ’m playing, i need to play, let’s play, gleb, yes, let’s go, now i, now i... you ’ll warm up, your hands are frozen, it’s a little bad , okay, now they will warm up. despite the fact that my hands were frozen, i was cold, so you worked hard, sometimes music plays in my head, maybe i’ll start writing it down on paper, then maybe i also got a composer, i don’t know, but i also want playing the piano with some famous musician together, a talented child,
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capable, we study a little, and remotely, and we prepare for competitions, for concerts, now there is war, of course, but i understand that it is difficult, i dream of recording from... a professional studio disc, well, maybe not a whole disc, maybe at least a few a song, at least one, without a dream, what kind of life is this, without a dream life would not be so fun, a dream, it warms, i agree with gleb, a dream really warms the soul and heart, and there is special happiness if a dream becomes a reality. unfortunately, at this moment we are not we can make gleb’s dream come true in donetsk, so we went with him to moscow, and i also met a real fairy, her name is polina, and she has the same last name. magical tsvetkova, you know, there are people who radiate warmth, she is the same, hello, hello, polina, and you really, of course, of course, just how did you find out about it so immediately, actually it was the main surprise, you know , where we
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came today, where, we came today to meet guide dogs, wow, they are very kind, very good, i am very i love dogs, you love them, very, yes, super, can i also go hand in hand with you, right? it was primarily his mother’s dream to introduce gleb to guide dogs. the dogs warmed the boy so much that the smile never left his face. what beautiful dogs. one dog is black, the second is almost white. friendly. let's go meet someone who is especially waiting for you today, so let's go straight with you, what is the dog's name, the dog's name is sirius, he's still our student, head,
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ears, ears, ears, what, yes, sirius, you're great, we today i met sirius, i touched him, he’s warm and soft. he smells like a dog, but he smells good like a dog, it’s nice, it’s his tail, it’s wagging happily, sirius seems to like our company, sit next to me, so he sat down, obedient, here are the keys, throw them in front of you, apport, tilt your boat below the handle, here, give it to me, sirius, well done, if, for example, we want the little girl to also have such a friend, what do we need to do for this? unfortunately, in donetsk there is no opportunity, there are no such cynological services where dogs are trained, you can leave it as an application, usually we have a waiting period of 2 years, perhaps this will be his gift for
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coming of age, in general i don’t understand why dogs are only given so many from the age of 18, well, these rules say that it’s a big responsibility, but it turns out my dog ​​wasn’t even born yet, mom, but will i really have one just like si? yes, but you need to grow up, you are definitely a fairy, now it is very important for gleb to learn, develop, move forward and, of course, follow the example of talented musicians, therefore, we decided to introduce him to the world famous pianist, jazz improviser, and singer oleg akuratov. ah... well done, great, oleg for me, this is the first famous musician i met, he is blind, just like me, i listened to him a lot, how can we do without a meeting,
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well done, somehow you are innate a little bit, this natural jazz thing is present in you, when i talked with oleg, i felt that my dream was coming true, i realized that even a blind person who is not blind can become a world-famous pianist, are you completely pitched, gleb? yes, i ’ll sing to you now, and you’ll tell me what notes, famir’s salt extra, class, or honey, honey, yes, absolute pitch, absolute, it’s very important for me to see people who pass on knowledge to me, because it makes me this is stronger, well , let's play four hands. yes, i dreamed about it, times two, three.
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you play correctly, as you like, it’s very cool, and of course, we played four hands together, and this was my dream, i was glad that it was easy, what should i do to get better, there’s a lot of things that work out well, a lot of things you need to work on, you know, your fingers should be straight up, right, yes, i ’ll just show you, here it is, the third little finger. fifth, fourth, it plays a big role, bread, you know how to read notes in bralno, yes, i have a gift for you, you can open it, what is written, russian zhazhe collection of notes, these are 100 works of our russian composers, including including my play, you will find it all useful, oleg, thank you very much for being with me met, i thank you with pleasure, thank you very much, the most important thing is that you are on the right path. but gleb’s main dream of making his recording in a professional
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recording studio was helped by a kind soul, singer, composer, pianist, people’s artist of russia, dmitry malikov. glebushka, while you were playing here, a man came here, with whom meeting will be an even greater impression for you than even you imagined. but you, i can’t play, well now your hands are warm, okay, well now your hands
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warm, you will probably love mozart, yes, you have never played him, yes, this is a piece, you just picked it up right away by ear, yes, yes, but is it your great talent? because it’s very difficult, you sit down at the piano all the time and play, well, it seems like yes, my parents forced me, i didn’t want to at all, and a teacher came to me, and we lived on the first floor, he just jumped off and ran away, only my grandmother was at home, and he said, your grandson will never be a musician, why did you run away, i wanted to play with the guys, when you liked it, that’s it i liked it when i was about your age, and i had already started performing in front of the public, i felt the taste of applause and i was drawn in. our gleb has one cherished dream, he
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really wanted to play his composition or favorite piece so that it would be recorded in a professional studio, can you help us make this dream come true? i suggest you choose some piece of your favorite, and now we’ll call specialists and record it; with the help of this recording, the circle of your fans will certainly expand, so i , too, will be happy to be among my admirers i will distribute this entry for... it is very important for me that dreams come true, i really want all our children to have their most secret, most cherished dreams come true, i really, really want to. dmitry promised gleb to share his composition on his social networks; he kept his promise, this is a great joy for all of us, and we thank dmitry for gleb’s help and support. i forgot my biggest dream, i recorded my favorite composition in the studio, it seemed to me that dmitry malikov liked the way i play, but i tried already, of course, let me do it. hugged, come on, come on, come on, well done, what a great guy,
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bunny, god grant that everything works out for our gleb, happiness always reigns in their beautiful family. we believe that gleb will become a famous pianist and thousands of people will go to his concerts. we, of course, will also be among them. i would also like to thank the most beloved team of step to the dream. there were so many surprises, pleasant all sorts of good days, i met very interesting people and played in the best country of royale. i'm the happiest boy mom will say that i'm lucky. good afternoon, the big game is live, and i, vyacheslav nikonov. today, the whole world's attention is focused on beijing, where the first day of our president's visit is taking place, moreover. i will emphasize the state visit to china, this is
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putin’s first foreign visit after he assumed the post of president of the russian federation and... immediately a state visit, i remind you that a state visit can only be carried out once during one presidential term, so that immediately the highest level of the visit, well, it should to emphasize that, of course, the highest level of reception, even from the heavens, when putin’s plane was landing, there was a russian flag in the sky, it’s really surprising, but it’s true, an honorary guard. an honorary cortege that brought the russian delegation to the building of the national people's congress of china, then, in my opinion, a very official, on the one hand, and on the other hand very touching meeting, in which not only the honorary
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carau took part, but also children, we can see how it all happened, here are our leaders walking along the line guard of honor, and here are the girls, we see all branches of the military are represented, delegations at this time are standing on the threshold of the building of the chinese people's congress, this building, which is located right on tianmen square, overlooks it, this is the main official building , where all the most important meetings take place. china, and the orchestra that played the evenings near moscow, in fact there is a lot of touching here, a lot of symbolism in what is happening now in our relations with china, these the very kids who happily
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greet the leaders of the two countries, but against this background, of course, very fruitful negotiations began. and sidzenping, opening them, said that there are now exemplary relations between russia and the people's republic of china. let's listen to the chinese leader. over the past 3/4 centuries , chinese-russian relations have been forged in difficult conditions, withstood the test of a changing international situation and have become the standard of relations between major powers and neighboring countries, which differ in mutual respect. trust and friendship for mutual benefit. over the years, we have met at least forty times. such paid connections allow us to outline strategic directions for maintaining the sustainable rapid growth dynamics of chinese-russian relations, which have not been easy at all, and therefore deserve the most careful treatment. the sustainable
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development of relations between china and russia not only meets the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also benefits the cause of peace and prosperity. consistently strengthen centuries-old friendship between the two peoples, together, strives for national development and revival through common efforts, upholding international equality and justice. well, yuri vadimirovich, you are our main specialist on sidzenpin, the author of his official biographies. china, after all, is in many ways a country of symbolic ceremonies, yes, this is a confucian tradition, confucius, as you know, almost at the heart of all the art of public administration is ceremony, here is the ceremonial official part of
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the meeting of the leaders of the two countries, how would you describe it appreciated? and i think that it was selected by specialists in russia, coordinated with our... specialists in china, it seems to me that this time everything is perfect, perfect , if we talk about the musical accompaniment of the hanging, which is also very important, in fact, to me it seems that it is best suited for this visit, the apple and pear trees were blooming, because right now in the spring these flowers really opened on the apple trees and...
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the year when it was decided that grandiose changes were taking place in the world, which had not happened in 100 years, and we, our two countries, are moving. these changes, well, then there was a meeting on the fields of the silk road, in beijing, but now the toy apple trees were really blooming, and this process, as we all know, how - summer residents, flower growers, cold winds, has a very bad effect on the flowering of apples , pears and others - trees, yes, especially this year, especially this year, and look what cold winds are blowing around russian-chinese relations, elen's visit,
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visit, blinkin's visit, on the eve of the visit, now literally just the day before arrival biden rolls out sanctions on chinese cars, and during sidinpin’s visit to paris there was also talk, probably about the fact that... there’s no need to get so close, but the apple and pear trees are blooming, here are the results of today, now it’s already 7:00 pm in beijing, it’s already is almost over, the working day is over, negotiations took place in a narrow circle, negotiations took place in an expanded circle, and a press conference,
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prospects, documents were signed, so i think that today is very important, we will analyze its content, its
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results - in the next few days, but i want to do it again to say that the chinese are now using the term “standard of relations between major powers” ​​in relation to our relations, for them these are major powers. francisco, now, when he went to france, he did not propose this form to macron or vonderleen, but he proposed,
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actually proposed to the leadership of serbia and the leadership of hungary, and they have almost already come to this formula, to develop relations in the world, oh which were said in the kremlin, but we will also talk about what song putin remembered.
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was enormous, that is, in preparing the visits, when a delegation travels, the materials are measured not even in hundreds, but in thousands of pages, because there are a lot of areas of cooperation, areas of mutual interests, interaction, and this volume has also increased, so the fact that key ministers and deputy prime ministers are represented in the delegation is evidence of this that
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there is clearly a conversation on...
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or the political world, cooperation is very important for us, it helps us solve problems more effectively, but the way we build cooperation and the way we solve issues of technology, perestroika financial system, how energy issues are resolved in a bilateral format, all this actually creates a new model of interstate relations, this chinese formula is not just lofty words, it is already... and with this model we can demonstrate, together with china, that in the modern world you can successfully follow the path to take advantage of others, that is, we are of sovereign development, that is, combining both sovereignty and development, so westerners are trying to prove that either you will use western globalization, then surrender your sovereignty and you will get rich,
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or if you want to be sovereign, then you will be. these are the most important principles: on the basis of mutual cooperation, firmly support each other on issues related to the fundamental interests of both sides, adhere to mutual benefits to form a new architecture of mutually beneficial cooperation, which ivan alexievich just spoke about, preserve centuries-old friendship and pass its torch from generation to generation, perspective, fourth is to promote the difference of global governance,
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defending a un-centric international system based on international... china and russia perceive a political settlement as the right way to resolve the ukrainian crisis. china's position on this issue is consistently clear, namely:
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compliance with the norms and principles of the un charter, respect for the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, their rational concerns for security, and the formation of a new balanced, effective sustainable security architecture. the chinese side hopes on... which we see are alliances, blocs of which the united states is dominant, which, at the expense of their own sovereignty, national security itself, ensure the security sovereignty of only one power
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called the united states of america. now such events are taking place in beijing when, after the west rejected this project of international security, the very contours of international security are now being laid in beijing, which... are defining and dominant, despite the fact that attempts will be made somehow destabilize the situation throughout the world, it is precisely this non-aligned non-alliance policy, building international security with respect for the sovereignty of each country, it is precisely that future system of architecture, that security system that any countries can join, while no one will be theirs force someone to do something to please. issues of national security against those economic development and also resolves
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forces that destabilize the situation throughout the world, because there are a lot of conflicts, the unipolar world is fading into history, but at the same time it is fading bloodily, bloodily trying to maintain hegemony at any cost, but despite all its efforts, it is losing what it consisted of. now in beijing, this is already inevitable, it will be included in all history books, as the beginning of a new architecture of international security that will survive centuries. well, i must say that the visit is not over yet, it will continue tomorrow, and today the official part ended with an evening concert, a concert dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary restoration of diplomatic relations between our countries and the opening of cross years of culture, russia and... china, this concert is happening right now, very important documents have already been signed, and we will talk about their content and what song putin remembered , speaking at the
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opening ceremony, after the commercial. nikolai zlocheevsky, with his oil and gas production company burisma, how does this laundering work, how is money funneled through burisma to organize terrorist attacks in russia?
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mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, we gathered my thoughts about the film by sergei lien, the passion of matve, i just look like a dead man here, it’s okay, let him immediately know what you look like in the post, they’re already sending you hearts, the most unexpected thing was that i really liked the film, but it was prejudice, yes, of some kind, i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish, i believe that if you sincerely do not believe, then this is... better than believing somehow falsely. according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox. excuse me, please, it’s not sunday yet, you know, it was such a discovery for me that anyone can do it on easter. ring the bell, did
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you really go to learn how to ring it specifically? it’s absolutely true what you think you are, but there is duty, family and tradition. there is love, and there are rules, yes, they contradict each other, depending on what kind of love, depending on what rules, what rules, well, in my situation it contradicts, but is it you mean life or yes, but that’s my problem, as i think , that this should not happen, podcast lab, tomorrow is on the first, we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle between... the north pole and the equator, friends, we are in stavropolis, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, kick, indian, natural homemade, please, i have the most delicious, this duck with garlic, baked in the oven, is very tasty, and i have a full discount, according to statistics, girls jump more than boys, but boys have a greater instinct of self-preservation. i have to push more,
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oh, my head is starting to spin, the longer you stand, the worse it gets, i need to jump, i very scary, let's go, the premiere is on saturday on the first, listen, you're kind of strange today, nothing happened to you, i declare you husband and wife, anxiety, sorry, i'm only an hour maximum. one and a half, well, what happened, an intruder plane crossed the border, shoot it down, and come what may, francis, i know you are not a coward, but you must know the whole truth, they can still get you, the target is captured, the target is in the zone launch, launch, you realize the moment, of course, the ring has fallen, it’s a bad omen, seryozha, fourth, answer! something happened? to me
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too bad, maine, harry powers' flight was interrupted on saturday, on the first. since it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine, the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is. this, but it sounds beautiful, it seems like it’s not fascism, but the most striking thing in ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, be it latin or german, as well as for all the world’s anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always been and will be second class, ukrainians live other people's myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copy the recipes of someone else...
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today ends the first day, ends with a concert dedicated to the cross years of culture and the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and our country, indeed 75 years ago china gained independence not without the help of the soviet union, frankly speaking, the very next day, china received diplomatic recognition first from our country, by the way, recognition from
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the united states of america, china had to wait until the early seventies; china also remembers this well. the leaders of the two countries spoke at the opening of this solemn event, and this is what president putin said. 75 years is a short period by the standards of the centuries-old history of russia and china, but... during this period of time we were able to achieve serious results, accumulate invaluable experience of close good-neighborly interaction, incorporating joint successes and achievements, as well as important historical lessons. in a famous song of that time, 75 years ago, she often fulfilled, in ours there is a phrase that has become a catchphrase: russians and chinese, brothers forever, sorry, it seems that i spoke for a long time,
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the translator did not provide, i just feel at home, so i decided that everything here is in russian. well, if anyone doesn't remember the song. and the chinese are brothers forever, where is this song called moscow beijing, this is how it sounds: brothers , the unity of peoples is forever strengthened and once, the evening was straightened out by a common man, a common man walks with a smile, friendship is in our hearts, in our hearts, in our hearts us.
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bilateral cooperation. so, countries agreed to ensure uninterrupted channels of payments between economic entities, ensure the creation of conditions for the unimpeded transportation of energy resources, strengthen cooperation in the military field, promote the development of air services, expand cooperation in the field of tourism, guarantee the protection of the rights and interests of investors, create equal fair conditions for investment capital and continue work on interaction between the eurasian economic union and the people's republic of china, all pain points methods of their treatment are outlined and indicated , and it is no coincidence that financial
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calculations come first, because although 90% of payments are already made in rubles and yuan, our business still has very big problems.
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something in yuan and rubles and so on and so forth, at a high level, representatives of the ministry of finance always said, no, this shouldn’t be done, it’s too early, but now there is a political decision, let’s hope that everything will be decided, now look, the unimpeded movement of export goods is one of the problems that should be solved, this is the power of siberia 2, but they can’t do it...
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there is already an eastern training ground where our new railways are being built in the far east, where the railways of russia, china and korea, the korean people’s democratic republic, are connected, it is possible to create a whole new economic cluster, that is, that’s all, that’s what the two presidents agreed on, it all needs to be cast in metal.
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america, the first is a statement that they will deploy medium-range missiles in the asia-pacific region, possibly the deployment area will be the philippines, or maybe japan, the second thing is that the united states refused to conclude an agreement with china on the non-first use of nuclear weapons, that is , a clear threat from the united states of america was identified by the administration of president biden, therefore military-technical. cooperation between our countries, it was completely justified; it is connected with the fact that
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we are building a joint missile attack warning system, helping the people's republic of china to make it modern, relevant, and which will most likely be to attack our system, so we are conducting joint exercises of strategic nuclear forces, these are issues related to the navy, china, of course , is ahead of the united states in...
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and here we initially take into account all our national interests and build a joint defense based on these interests. in the joint statement on deepening relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction, as the document is officially called, there is a section dedicated to our relations.
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places, all directions, main directions all the really problematic ones in this case of american policy, which is actually aimed at blowing up those same cold winds and
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the united states was presented with the whole list, as it were, this is indeed a very very serious step, but the main thing is that it indicates that the russian... federation and the people's republic of china are no longer trying with the americans, well, i won't say flirting, but they are trying to sort of... solve everything in an amicable way, call them to prudence, very clearly identified issues in which they must stop, i apologize for the expression, crap, earlier we said that the englishwoman crap, now it is the united states, they must stop their destructive activities in these areas, because in these matters their activities are not determined
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protecting even american interests or their vassals, and this is a purposeful activity for...
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in all these areas you are actually trying to harm both russia and china, and you will receive opposition and political, and in some cases perhaps also military-technical, in general, if they behave like this, then perhaps they will really wait for our common economic caravan to also grow into a common armored train, well, everything is heading towards this, although this is still necessary .
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which testifies to the further development of our relations, where, it would seem, a number of specific agreements were signed, in particular, i would note the agreement on the joint development of the island of bolshoy usuriysky, this was signed by reshetnikov, our minister of economics development, this signing ceremony, i will remind you that this island was, in general , a stumbling block in our relations in the sixties. one of the points of confrontation and now it is essentially becoming a point of development. and i also drew attention to the statement made there by yuri borisov, the general director of the roscosmos state corporation. let's listen to him. i would say that our cooperation with china is more comprehensive in nature, because work with the united states has practically been reduced only to work on
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international space station. the expansion of the moon by russia and china will begin after 2000, thirty-six. the development of a nuclear power plant for a joint scientific lunar station with china has already begun. according to the plan, the expansion of the moon is somewhere after 2036. the chinese even believe that somewhere in 2033. really important areas of cooperation. perhaps the most important ones, with whom else you can cooperate in the exploration of the moon. this is the tallest one. you know, i would still like to return. to the song, yes, that's it times when moscow beijing, moscow beijing drank, the chinese introduced the term elder brother and younger brother, this is a purely confucian division, because confucius in his teaching should have an elder and a younger, but there is no brother, a superior and a subordinate, yes, this is not
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it was our initiative, it was the initiative of the chinese, somehow it took root, since then... relations have changed, now, even if we sing the song moscow, beijing, moscow beijing again, these are two brothers, the same age or how, how to say, twins, yes, we have now actually become chinese twins, this song will be filled with completely new content, and as the deputy chairman of the russian-chinese friendship society, i want to say that this...
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and the soviet union too, that is, now the chinese have already launched space programs for space launches for an indicator of over 500 launches, they have already completed, and regarding
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the nuclear power plant, we have a good example, the fact is that the chinese lunar rover yuetu, whose heart was the russian one, walked on the far side of the moon nuclear power plant, so let's say we've already carried out the tests, and now we're moving on to something more global. things , the creation of that power plant that will ensure the existence of a base on the moon is a constructive movement in space technology, as they say, which is understandable, we are ahead of those very americans who think about space only from the point of view of militarism, why did the americans recently allocate the largest defense company money to build a railway on the moon, but for this you really need add more wooden sleepers there, then everything will go as it should. well, i’m calm about our space program. well, we will continue to continue to monitor what is happening in beijing, but not to release other
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events, following what is happening with the prime minister of slovakia robert fitze, what is happening on the fronts of the special military operation after advertising. family is love, first of all, it is support, it is support, these are the people who can support you at any time, our mothers, wives, daughters, these are the most beloved, every for a week we go with the whole family to some restaurant, cafe and just spend time together, being parents is great, it’s good, but in general it’s very, very exciting, it’s just an attraction. i wished my mothers that they would always win some games, mommy, we love you, yes, our homeland is our fatherland, you are my second mother, i
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am dear to you, i am ready to give my whole life, my family, my loved ones, my friends, this is my homeland, and i want it to smile every day along with its inhabitants, the essence of my technique is that this is my husband, ex, or rather, well almost. so, gentlemen, please, what do we have? i think my sister was killed. why did you decide so? because i saw the killer. take this brick for examination. why didn't you put the finishing touches on him? on the brick, he shook me off. do you have any doubts? yes, there are doubts. problems need to be solved in a different way. i can help. bloodhound. new episodes. watch the time after the program. i have been writing poetry all my life, starting from childhood. a lot of people live with me. relatives, there is no creative zone, this is the living room, and your bedroom, and also it is desirable that it should also be an office,
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here we need something lyrical, romantic, light-hearted, some kind of accent wallpaper, we need a throne, a chair with flowers, admiration, it goes very beautifully with gray and gold, did you see when -any bed?
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permafrost, snow, we are in salikhard, my name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region, my name is masni, i am also from the yamal region, for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur, we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called ears chipmunk, go to the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom, otherwise
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you will hit the wedding face first in the snow, you can’t miss this, television from inside the premiere on sunday. on the first,
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a big game live, now in the capital of slovakia bratislava there is a press conference, the ministry of internal affairs of this country, in connection with the assassination attempt on prime minister robert fitz, here's... what was said there: the police are working with the only version of the attack , the charge includes premeditated murder, according to our version, this is the action is politically motivated. the reason why they qualified this as a politically motivated targeted murder is that the suspect himself confessed to it, he closely followed political events, all this could lead to civil war. ivan alekseevich, how serious is all this and what is behind it in your opinion
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? this seems to be very serious, and i, uh , practically admire the courage that the slovak government is now showing, because really their leader is in the most difficult condition, they, you know, didn’t, didn’t follow the version that would be convenient for westerners, well, a loner, well, a psycho, well, someone did something. it is very clearly stated that this is an action that is apparently aimed at destabilizing the situation in the country, it is in fact, whatever we can call it, a coup, a color revolution, this is taken away again, people voted, people elected the leading party, that means , the leader became prime minister,
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the westerners again though... in belgrade, well, these are the bad old ones methods, like just a political murder, which, apparently, should have been, an attempt at a political murder, which should probably have decapitated the leading political force, sowed chaos, and that means that the westerners will again pick up this power that has been knocked out of its image, i want to know what to pay attention to, vyacheslav alekseevich, we
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talk about ukraine all the time, but...
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good afternoon, yes, the hour of viara remains one of the hottest spots on the map of a special military operation, there is progress on our side, progress on the other side all three directions, this is the northern direction, from the side of bogdanovka, we advanced quite well, towards the northern flank, from the side of chasovyar, we literally walked about a kilometer there, and well , for a long time, let’s say, we couldn’t get through, there was enemy defense. in addition to the fact that it was built well there, it also had a not very pleasant terrain for an offensive for us, below on the eastern side the fighting is taking place in the area of ​​the dachas, in the area of ​​the microdistrict there is a canal, there we also clear the dachas,
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we are moving forward and gaining a foothold, on the southern side we we are expanding the bridgehead along the seversky donetsk canal, we are also now hanging over kleshcheevka, let’s just say, just the same. thanks to the fact that they have advanced to the seversky danets canal, work is also being carried out throughout basically the entire territory of the watchhouse, both by aviation and artillery, uh, prisoners, who were recently taken, they say that they are being sent, well, these are their words, they are being sent to cannon fodder , the last words their commanders say to them, they say: move forward, no matter what trap you fall into, you will get out yourself, no evacuation, no there will be no cover for you, that is, connections are sent. accordingly, without communication , here are the prisoners who were captured in recent days in the chasovsky direction, this is the kind of information they convey to us, also the information that brigades are being transferred there from the chasvyarsky direction to other directions is partly
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true, yes, because there is, let's just say that the places where we are starting to push are precisely because some are leaving their positions, but this is not one of the reasons, the second reason is because... they are carrying quite large losses, last week - two brigades were practically withdrawn from the front line, because about 70%, each of them suffered a loss of its personnel, so progress is quite difficult, but we are moving forward towards the liberation of this settlement . thank you very much, vladimir razin, war correspondent of the popular front, take care of yourself, we are waiting for your victorious reports from chasovoy yar and more. indeed, our offensive is proceeding quite energetically now, but it is obvious that a new one has appeared western assistance, which was provided by the united states, first of all, we see
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long-range weapons that have been delivered, attacks on the territory of our country have intensified, especially now we have seen another attack on the crimea, that ’s how real it is. is capable of somehow helping the ukrainian armed forces now, and what is really happening, can we say that we have now launched some kind of strategic offensive, or what is it?
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that our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news, see you again at 17:00, don't miss it. this is news first. hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue. comprehensive partnership and...


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