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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  May 16, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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venus, let's also test your musical erudition, you have a beautiful smile, that's why you get the song, a smile will make everyone brighter, i start the line, and you continue, with a smile, a gloomy day will brighten, with a smile in the sky, a rainbow will wake up, share your smile hers, she will come back to you again... wonderful, wonderful, well, of course, venus is not for housework, so venus, i understand you, it would be strange if you knew how to do all this, wanted to do it, you grew old quickly, would lose their attractiveness, you need it, so live, bloom and delight, yes, of course, i need to prepare my own business. well, how
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can you bring such a doll into the house and force her to make cutlets and cook borscht, well , don’t you be ashamed, well, men, and wash socks, for example, well, no, of course, she needs to be put somewhere like this, she will smile , well , there’s also the problem of views, it seems that she simply has such views that her money is her money, and her husband’s money is the same. it’s as if they just went their separate ways, but do you have the same views? for me, well, yes, but for you, no, no, i don’t think that venus can’t cook or clean, well, everything has an explanation, the boys were born in moscow, everything is fine with them, so they can afford education, love, in general, understand, no one talks about love lately, everyone just says, no, you can’t, not a single word was said about love, yeah. yes, she
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doesn’t want love, she wants the life she dreamed of for herself, it has nothing to do with love, well, maybe she just didn’t have time to express it in the right way, she’s from a small town, her parents couldn’t provide for her education, she worked herself, worked part-time everywhere, and her cherished dream is to take her mother and younger sister to thailand, she has already taken them, she has already taken them, i’m taking mine. ago, i think that her father is most suitable for her, he can provide gifts and travel, and he looks at her with such appetite, for sure, the surprise is ready, let's see.
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thank you very much, what dramatic music, just dramatic to the point of tears, you are truly beautiful, figurine, tell me love is important for you, of course, for me the main love, so what for you girls, the most important thing is love, of course, i can only love if i don’t. please, you are so pretty, yes, yes, an oriental beauty, oh, the girls are funny, tanes is amazing, what is amazing about this, because she showed herself, she did it just very beautifully, i understand that the dance was choreographed for her by a professional choreographer, yes, no one is like that, it’s not dancing, that now everyone is confused, it’s -
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and not to work or do something, but to sincerely love, and in order to sincerely love a person, i i need this kind of care, and because as a child i fought a lot, i studied and achieved a lot since childhood, so in order to calmly love a person, i need this kind of care, guardianship over me, so that i can become and really love, that you tell me how you like the bride, well, of course yes... i thought that she was more suitable
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for my brother, that is, my brother loves asian women more, he even expressed this initially, but when she talked, i realized that it doesn't suit me, but now it's de gestive so that you still, there was some cooking, and the smile faded a little. asian women are very tough, very cunning, they know what they want - they go towards the intended goal, despite their fragility, subtlety and small stature, so it’s like venus is here and weir me - she will break anyone, and like you, and like you, and even like you, yes, i liked how they presented the mercantile you, although initially in the questionnaire they stated, we need a bride with a devotee, when... the last time they told us the words, love and space are important to you, but is this really theirs? doesn't concern them the first ones talked about living space, but i don’t need living space, i was just talking about living together, and people, people who first of all talk about 50/50, talk about
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loyalty, reproach themselves for commercialism, well, let’s put our lips together already, yes, yes, i agree, and let’s meet the next bride or... you have something to say, my hovering friend, my brooch, i don’t know, in my opinion, a wonderful dance, wonderful, really, you have good taste, meet the second place , come on in, i believe in fate, and you, you are the first woman who was told that you don’t want cohabitate before marriage, because i believe that cohabitation is humiliating for a woman in the first place.
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according to the investigation, the fox was not the only one who died, alexey timoshenko was there, and he will now enter this studio, let's talk to them. hello, a very high-profile case, in the tomsk region a man is accused of a double murder, our yesterday’s program was only enough to discuss the first murder, today we’ll talk about the second, especially since this can
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happen, he did not commit either the first or the second. today in our studio tatyana galiakbarova. hello tatiana. hello. discuss that your spouse is accused of a double murder, you think that he did not commit these crimes, in the last program we talked about the first murder, let's... remember, and then we will continue to talk about the second murder, tell us what you came to us with , my husband is accused of a crime that he did not commit, which is what my husband is accused of, murder, double murder, yes, yes, double murder, that is, according to the investigation, in the twenty-first year, who did he kill? gileva, do you know who killed your son? yes, i know, her husband, this, is it true that he is a bandit, no, somehow your husband’s weapon is tied to the crime? no, but
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respiratory gases on the hands were examined, but not examined. didn’t the investigation conduct a situational assessment? the testimony about how the flood fired shots was confirmed, then he told where he threw the pipes, and why did he change the testimony? they killed a crime boss and that they would kill him there in jail, so he was afraid. are you under investigation now? the case was suspended due to suspended in due to the fact that they cannot find alexey kotov, who died in 1923, what nonsense, damn it, why was he detained only after 3 weeks, and the investigation had a clear feeling that he was on the run, he was scared , kotov told you that he killed some thieves, yes, but this is the next day, when we had already drowned the car, you testified against oleg, there was pressure, you know, the first police testimony, as given, your brother personally admitted to you . "brother, i'm sorry, i killed a man and i'm going
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to turn myself in to the police now, there is a crime, i was killed human? tatyan, according to the investigation, your husband killed another person, please tell us who this person is, when he was killed, why, according to the investigation , your husband killed him, his last name is fox, in 2015, supposedly my husband, having met him and him friend maznev on the river, shot him in the head, in my opinion, for what? supposedly they had some misunderstandings, but what did he shoot him with? according to the investigation, according to the investigation, from a gun, from a gun, that is, your husband, when he goes to the river, always carries a gun, no, the investigation blames your husband on what grounds, if? neither the body nor the boat, why now, if there was a murder in the fifteenth year, according to maznev,
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this is a witness, yes, he said that oleg did it, when he came with a confession, that it was your husband who did it, before , how it was closed, about the murder or the post, it’s clear, one of your lawyers gave us a comment, let’s listen, i want to say about the fifteenth year, briefly, that this event did not happen at all, well, there was no this event, no boat there was no motor boat, no boat, the motor boat crimea did not tow, especially excuse me, a boat weighs one and a half tons, which was towed against the current by the motor boat crimea, which weighs 300 kg, discuss for yourself, the testimony of only one witness.
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why do i say victim, because well , it is unknown, the investigation has only one version that he was killed, but there can be many versions, maybe the person left, came ashore, there is a swampy area, something else, maybe he was sailing on a boat at night with its motor, somewhere a boat ran into something, turned over, and the water in the north of the river is cold.
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he was in the village of katalga, we live further, far from the village of katalga, he was at work on shift, on may 21 he called me in the evening. so he said that he won’t call for the next 2 days, because they’ll be going fishing, yeah, from the twenty-third, that is , it turns out that 2 days have already passed, he didn’t call, i was at work right now and i started, i in general, i dialed, but the connection there is bad in prison, tatyana knows this
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perfectly well, yeah, so i understood that it was like... he will be unavailable, but nevertheless, i still dialed, because in some places it’s all the same, but on the twenty-fifth he didn’t return from his shift, but it turns out that when did you contact the police? on may 26, before the program, you told us in detail what was happening then, let’s see, this is my husband, sergei, we lived with him for many years, 20 together, i agree in love. but in 2015 a misfortune happened, he was killed by gali akbarov oleg, the fact that we are waiting for him today on the twenty-sixth of may home, and they tell me that he is no longer there, and where is my husband, i came home from the hospital, it was so scary,
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i got down, i sat there, i don’t know how long i sat there, i didn’t know what to do, i understood that something very terrible, incomprehensible had happened, yes, because he didn’t want to go to work when i saw him off on may 10, you could see right from him how he didn’t want to go, he told me, i don’t want to go, i tell him, don’t go, how are we going to live? i was sitting under this cell, i didn’t know where to call, what to do, then i remembered about our deputy security chief, i i dialed him, he told me, natalya vasilyevna, go, write a statement, the next day my relatives, that is, on may 27, they already went out on their own
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to search, searched, searched for... several days, because on the twenty-seventh they found nothing, on the twenty-eighth they found nothing, although they traveled alone, in the same territory, and on the twenty -ninth they found an oar tank, a barrel from an 80-liter imaha engine, such a rectangular black one, by the way, it now stands cut in my fence, which i plant flowers every year because there is no grave, in the twenty-first year, when...
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the pole and the equator, friends, a place, clearly in the middle, between the northern one we are on stavropolis, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, kick, turkey, natural homemade, please, i have the most delicious, according to statistics, girls jump more than boys, but boys have more of a self-preservation instinct that has to be confronted more.
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third, and sergei dropped him off, there’s a lake there, like a swan, he supposedly dropped him off there, abandoned him there and left, uh-huh, down the river, that’s it what about the oar with the tank, can you be more detailed, they found it on may 29, 2015, the oar tank, my relatives found it, they were swimming there, it turns out at a turn, by the way, 2 years later... at that turn another person got lost, disappeared, he had a hut there, this is also olegub, we can pin him next,
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one witness, an alcoholic, we couldn’t get him, he comes after oleg was already locked up and says, the fifteenth, yes, but you can also remember the fourteenth year, well why then did maznev not appear on the catal for several years, where he did not appear appeared, he called, congratulated. him with the birth of his son, if he is afraid of him, why does he call him then, but why, when i came in july in the fifteenth year, he cried and said that he could not do anything, i don’t know why he cried, but you insist that all this time your husband, oleg, was communicating with maznev, well, not always, but yes, he called him, congratulated him on the birth of his son, sometimes he called to help him drag a boat somewhere, and ulyana lavrinenko - this is... as i understand it, oleg’s lawyer, tell me about this episode? the position of the witness maznya is that he was afraid all the time from the age of 15 to 21, he was so afraid of oleg, therefore he did not contact or
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tell the truth to law enforcement agencies. it turns out that after galiagbarov testifies that this witness maznik congratulated him on the birth of his son, turned to oleg golyakbarov for help in finding a boat on the same vasyugan river and called him repeatedly. here i am about...
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back in 2015, according to the testimony of one senile person, the event of 2015 was actually held for maznik when it was originally held verification, verification was carried out, of course, on the fact of the disappearance of a citizen of lesitsa. i can’t say that he was killed, i think that this event did not happen, and to say that it did, well, it would be absolutely illogical on my part, as far as i know, yes, that there was a court decision that he was missing, but then a criminal case was opened, which we are now defending were akbarova, maznev, a lot was said that maznev was afraid, and gali akbarova, and for 6 years, that means, she was silent about this when oleg was imprisoned, he... went and admitted it, that he saw gali akbarov fire a shot at the fox, of course, this is excluded, they asked, asked whether
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these calls were confirmed by subscriber connections, we stated. everything, and we gave an assessment already in the pre-trial session, the defense side, the prosecution side, then the question came from me, did you ask for help when your boat disappeared on the vasyugan river, go to akbarov, yes you did, in the end maznev says already during repeated interrogation in court, but i was not afraid of him at all, maznevo’s contradictory testimony, i will give for example, this is the vasyugan river at night, he describes the gun, says in his testimony, as it should.
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there was a conflict that resulted in the murder of, for some reason, one, why can’t you kill the other, what kind of current do you have on the river so that the boat with the corpse is washed away so that only the tank is left with an oar, wooden, mind you, or aluminum, it doesn’t matter 2.5 m per second, you understand that no boat
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can be washed away by such a flow... that it is impossible to carry out a polygraph in relation to maznev, so that it would be taken in connection with finances, as it sounds something like this, interesting wording, please tell me, amaznev participated in the search for your husband, that’s right, in the first days, along with the investigation , well, with law enforcement
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agencies, yes, last year it turned out. in the fifteenth year, when your husband disappeared, in the fifteenth year, yes, he drove for several days, well, did he show what? no, he drove on his own, looked, examined the surface of the river, and he searched on his own, without any investigative bodies yet, yes, of course, yeah, and they didn’t find anything, no, there are inconsistencies when they went out and looked and there was nothing, and then one day they found an oar and... a whole tank, and before that you also said that mazdev independently, not in the presence of the group, not in the presence of the investigation, went there for something, also investigated, that is, it may well be that he planted these eternal evidence there, because he was great knows where it all is, where this boat is and so on, please tell me, you personally, what you know, and the prolega, well, i saw him in the fifteenth year on the river, this time...
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a very cruel person, not good, i understand that you lost your husband, and i understand that you now represent the majority of our audience, who intuitively do not love bad people, i’m a very bad person, i’m cruel, i’m there, really, really, i’m just a beast, for this i should be given a life sentence now or something, you prove that i killed someone, prove it, then go to jail.
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another version was offered by this murder of lesitsa, it was seryogin’s neighbor, they had it there the balls stood nearby, uh-huh, and he proposed what version ulyan, and mikhaloch, he was no longer alive, he died, i don’t know when, but from the words
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of other people, they, mikhailych told them, not to them, but to one specific person, but told that maznev did this when he and maznev were drinking, maznev told mikhailovich. the essence of my technique is that this is my husband, my ex, or rather, well, almost. so, gentlemen, please, what do we have? i think my sister was killed. why did you decide so? because i saw the killer. take this brick for examination. why didn't you put the finishing touches on him? on a brick, they throw me off. do you have any doubts? yes, there are doubts. problems need to be solved in a different way. i can help. bloodhound, new series. look. time for the program, i have been writing poetry all my life, starting from childhood, a lot of deformed people live with me, there is no creative zone, this is the living room, your bedroom, and
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it would also be desirable for it to be an office, here we need something so lyrical, romantic, light-hearted, some accent wallpaper, we need a throne, a chair with flowers, admiration, they combine very beautifully with gray and gold, have you ever seen a bed that has a crown, about comfort, the premiere on saturday at the first, famous favorite artists gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and oddities that happened to them, you will forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase. don’t worry, it’s not like that, it’s new, it’s only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, you need to play the uterus, i think, but it will be some kind of a piece dedicated to honey, i come, it means the next day in the remains of the whole make-up suit, one of the women brings me such a large
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velvet circle, it has two things hanging from the sides, these are ovaries. she died, how was that cry produced? german, bending over, with a fork in his hands, approaches nina ruslanova, at that very moment he sticks this fork in her ass, she does it, and it sounds: stop, it’s removed, ruslanova just rubbing it, says, i didn’t know that the directors did this they work as actors. and how much zapashny told me a long time ago still a soviet circus. the tiger grabbed his father, he quietly said to them: how much, take a stick now. and with all my strength hit the head, and now a tiger, on saturday on the first, permafrost, snow, we are in salikhard, my name is nyadma, i am from
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the yamal region, my name is masni, i am also from the yamal region, we prepared a yagushka for our bride made of deer fur. before the wedding, the oldest woman in the family performed a ritual of purification by fumigating the bride with smoke. here on the arctic circle in the tundra let's shout out our friendship. we play a wedding, on sunday on the first, there was
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the story about the fact that your late husband abandoned maznevo on the shore and left on his own, left, well , yes, but left on a boat, and apparently, just saving oleg, there was... another person about whom you didn’t say who else i was in the boat with oleg, there was a second person, well, they killed your husband together, well, according to maznev’s testimony , no, before we move on to the witness, i still want to show the failed conversation with maznev, that you want to talk to him, can talk? he's sleeping drunk, you will, we're not going, you're drunk
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you will talk to a person, he’s still asleep, firstly, i won’t say anything myself, and i won’t allow him to speak, because you avoid the fact that i still want him to live, well, firstly, we receive all sorts of threats all sorts of things, well, tabarova, why are you so surprised, i just don’t know, this is scum, why are you surprised? oleg was in the boat that day, as we found out,
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when, according to the investigation, according to the statement of one witness, lisitsa died, he was not alone, alexey timoshenko was there, and he will now enter this studio, let's talk to him, alexey, hello, hello, you witnessed a murder. but no, he wasn’t, oleg killed someone in front of you, but no, he didn’t kill someone, but according to the investigation, according to the investigation, uh, in the fifteenth year, he killed a man in front of me and drowned the corpse in the river, yeah, in the end in general, you and he were on a boat in the fifteenth year, sometime on that day, in the eleventh year in may we were with him, i was there for work. in a pioneer village, a pioneer went there, and he suggested, i
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had a free evening there, he suggested taking a boat ride, we went along the river, we left, our engine broke down, well, we drove for about 30 minutes, probably 40 in one direction, uh, after the engine broke down - it was working, either it was running, or it was already moving somehow, we turned around and drove back and we probably got there somewhere... by nightfall, i don’t know, we probably arrived around two o’clock, and did you meet anyone along the way? no, there was no one on the river, someone helped you with a boat with a motor, no one helped, you were alone, we were alone, but no one else, no one, yeah, when the investigation got this version that oleg i bought a fox, they came to you for testimony or something, i was summoned to the investigative committee 2 years ago, probably the second year like that - they started interrogating me - about
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this, well, about this case, when i told them, yes, we went on a boat, the engine broke down , they arrived, they kept me there, firstly, i probably had four hours there, and they were trying to achieve this; they themselves told me the story that golyakbarov killed a man and that i was supposedly it. i have to admit it, but what did you say? i said that i will only say this and that, what was really there, that is, you, despite that pressure.
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well, it was like this, so in the end you told the researcher exactly what you told us now, yes, but actually, you are familiar with this scoundrel, i worked in security for a very long time in the village of katelga, and there is such a village, he lives there, there were probably five or six houses, well, that is... we had post security nearby, that is, we went to the store, that is, maybe, yes, yes, i know that there is such a person, but i have never communicated with him, did not sit at the same table, he was just such a person, and you the day when you went out with oleg to the narika, you didn’t see it and no, you didn’t see it, and you didn’t see the fox, you didn’t hear it, no, i see,
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please tell me, when did you and oleg go on this fishing trip when your engine broke down? , but you got there at 2:00, with you, no, we just went for a ride, we didn’t take any weapons, that is, he didn’t have any weapons with him, and did you and oleg often meet? - no, not often, we live in different cities, it just happens that i came, i happened to be near his house for work, we called him, he drove up, he suggested roll over, i didn’t refuse, yeah, sitting in front of us is an absolutely sane person, working, not drinking, and there is testimony from a witness who... unfortunately, the investigative authorities resort to this method in order to exert pressure, or to knock out the necessary necessary testimony from the right person, they take marginalized people, people who drink alcohol, drugs, which, you know, like in that joke, a group of witnesses will remember everything you need
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for your money, two terrible crimes, but what confuses me is that these are two crimes , who have nothing to do with each other, why is this... as a colleague said, she offered to take a polygraph, but for some reason they didn’t pass, because there were no financial means, strange wording, they didn’t pass, because they didn’t pass, because that an alcoholic does not work on a polygraph at all, nevertheless, nevertheless,
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they should have ordered a psychological-psychiatric examination, maybe he is not sane at all, maybe his testimony cannot be taken as a basis at all, right? feeling that law enforcement officers are as usual they are doing, trying to close the statistics box, but nevertheless, i believe that this verdict , but nothing was done, and this should be canceled, and i want to wish my colleague good luck, because i believe that this verdict will be canceled, because there there are a lot of procedural violations, but i would like to recommend not to seek a new trial, but to seek the return of the case for further investigation for investigation and to achieve a high-quality investigation of this case under control. central bodies, yes, yes, of course, of course, the leaders are right, of course, yes, to some extent, everyone is probably right, that without a body, accusing him of murder, well, this is quite difficult, however, for example, i draw attention to the following, that in the first case, when
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these spare parts were thrown from the bridge , that is, there was some kind of story there, it is necessary to cut it up, throw it away, get rid of the vehicle, here to some extent one can... assume that history repeats itself, that it is necessary to get rid of the boat and so on, something like- then, well, this can also happen, but you can’t blame if the body is not found, but with your own on the other hand, as i already said at the last program, now we will make the necessary requests to bastrykin, the investigative committee of russia and we will also put them under control, because the story is terrible in any case, people died, and we need to find those who committed this crime , actually, actually, yes. i want to once again offer my condolences to you, you lost your son, this is a great loss and great grief for the mother and for you, because i see that you are in pain. no matter how long ago your spouse disappeared, but nevertheless, it is clear that you are still very is it hard? thank you for finding the strength
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to come to this program? in general, we are here, when we examine cases like this, we are still for the quality of jurisprudence, for ensuring that the innocent do not suffer. oleg, well, for sure, absolutely for sure, yes, he is not, not gold, oleg, for sure, is a man with character, and he is stirring up something there and... yes, but whether he killed or not has not been proven by the investigation, but there is already a verdict, that’s why we have gathered here today. listen, you are kind of strange today, nothing happened to you, i declare you husband and wife, anxiety, sorry, i’m only an hour maximum. well what happened, an intruder's plane crossed the border, shoot it down at all costs,
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francis, i know you are not a coward, but you must know the whole truth, they can still get you, the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone, launch, you realize moment, of course, the ring fell, bad omen, seryozha, fourth, answer third. something happened, i’m very sorry, harry powers’s interrupted flight on saturday on the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, since it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine, ukrainian...
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propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is a sure way to failure. premiere, ordinary fascism two. on monday, on the first. and now there is a project to help children in russia, which we are doing together with the popular front.
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i love you, all my life i dreamed of a family, so i want to give my child everything better than what i had as a child, my parents abused me. anastasia chagereva and her sister svetlana turned to us for help. the fact is that they are orphans, but as expected, at the age of 14 they became
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there is a waiting list for their own housing, but they still can’t get it, so they have to rent. what's the problem there? let's find out from them. sveta, very nice. thank you for coming. i'm renting a room. hello, and why are you so happy? no, you are a pupil of an orphanage, yes, at the age of 7-8, somewhere i ended up nastya a year younger, we lived here until she was 7 years old, we were taken from this house to an orphanage, my heart is just pounding like that, this is childhood everything that didn’t exist, my mother sold my sister for a bottle, at that time vodka was 100 it cost a ruble, i cried, i really missed my sister when we were little, my father , i don’t know, didn’t want to work or something, and he
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sent our mother to the track to earn money. the money is there, i just want to forget it and live my life, my new family, and not remember at all what happened in this house, at the age of 14 you stood in line, 14 years, yes, then we were 18 years old, we called about turn to ask, now i’m 50 of some kind, i also called the guardianship, sixty-seventh, well, that is, you’re somewhere nearby, yes, i had a child, i went in guardianship, i can’t even register him from where, i say, and where should i live, she says, i... i can only call you home, who told you so, in guardianship, he is not registered anywhere, what’s this? we are not registered anywhere, be healthy, you are telling the truth, and where do you and your husband live now, renting in kamyshin, we also rent housing there, how much does your housing cost, well , it comes out to 20,000, my husband goes to work on weekends, that is, he is my son can’t see at all, i pay about seven for the room,
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i have to earn money for housing, i previously studied to be a teacher. which of you personally went to the construction committee, i personally went, wrote a statement, there was no call, let’s do it, we ’ll go to them in person today. let’s ask, well, having learned that we arrived in volgograd, other orphans who were also deprived of housing gathered here near the construction committee in order to communicate. hello, tell me that you are 31 years old, you still don’t have an apartment, and have you gone to court? yes, i already won the case
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last year, and in your case in the twenty-first year? i won several courts, two here in the committee construction, they say there were no purchases, wait, let's go ask them, we are actually coming to you with people who have big problems getting the housing they are entitled to, yes, indeed such a problem exists, today we have it on our list it costs 5,003 for an orphan, there were serious difficulties in purchasing housing, we have been waiting for 15 years now. if we can’t wait, we buy housing in the amount of funds that are allocated to us, but it’s not enough, so you don’t have any control over what you’re doing to in order to still buy these apartments, land is allocated, they begin to build, and houses are built, like in our large district, kamyshensky, for example, district, here we have a family, they earn from 15 to 20 thousand a month, of which eight they pay for rented housing, so it’s hard for her, she had to
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get an education, if she doesn’t work, she ’ll have to rent. it’s obvious that the person has just signed off on his own helplessness, so valeria will now deal with us from the prosecutor’s office, the governor, and counting control accounts chamber, when we receive a response from these three sides, it will be clear how to proceed further, of course, 2 months after filming they called me.


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