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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 16, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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it’s hard for her, she had to leave her education, if she doesn’t work, she has nothing to rent housing for, what should people do, how should people live, we didn’t give any specifics, funds are allocated, we are increasing the pace, well, there’s a different mechanism, to unfortunately, there is nothing here other than to provide according to the list, i’m telling you that you are flagrantly violating the law in relation to these people, the question then is why are you occupying all these chairs, as it is written in our program, that until the thirtieth year we must close the queue completely and we'll do it, let's see what will he answer? which ones will come, thank you for the reception, it is absolutely obvious that the person has just signed his own helplessness, so valeria will now deal with us from the prosecutor’s office, the governor and the accounts chamber, when we receive an answer from these three sides, it will be clear how to proceed , of course, 2 months after the filming , i went to... the construction committee, where i
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was immediately given the keys to a new apartment in a new house, i would like to say thank you to the popular front, if not for your help, i would not know when i received it i wish i had my own housing. i was in touch with lawyers, as is my sister now, unfortunately she hasn’t been given an apartment yet, the construction committee says that there are no new purchases, so we just have to wait. if you know someone who needs help or are ready to help, please contact us. lena is either drunk or tired, she has no time for the child, but do you have a child together? no, the child is not mine, it happened that she even used drugs, what is your disease? i won’t talk about it, well, don’t, why don’t you talk about it? did they tell him when they went to bed with him? i just lived with him, i didn’t sleep with him at all, he lived at my expense, at the expense of the child, i constantly bought groceries, made repairs in his apartment, and the fact that she has a disease that is sexually transmitted. what he
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said, i know, we are not sleeping yet, i actually slept on the floor, i rented an apartment, he started living with me, on the floor, yes, victor, who is he, this is nastya’s brother on his father’s side, why did he come to us , what do you think, i don’t know, let’s ask him now, victor, go to the studio. good evening, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. today the whole world is watching vladimir vladimirovich putin’s visit to beijing. this is indeed a truly historic meeting, for which even heaven favored from the very beginning. if we look at the sky at the moment when the plane was landing, it was the colors of russia.
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where is the building of the national people's congress of china, the main hall for receiving official delegations and guests, well, let's see what it looked like, because what was there
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, this is the main pillar of government, and in general, the symbolism of everything is very important, this is what we see in feng shui, there were also flowers, if we look at what was on our delegation, anthurium and krypton, when blinkin was there, so these flowers alone mean hospitality and abundance, and these flowers are kryptonian. poisonous problems for anthony blinken that people with a negative attitude can bring according to feng shui, that is , in fact, everything spoke for itself. in general, symbolism is really very important in fact, it is very symbolic how comrade sidzenpin defined the relations between russia and china, he defined them as standard. let's listen to the president of the people's republic of china. over
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the past 3/4 centuries, chinese-russian relations have been forged in difficult conditions, withstood the test of a changeable international situation and have become the standard of relations between them. powers neighboring countries, distinguished by mutual respect, trust and friendship for mutual benefit. over the years, we have met at least forty times. such paid connections allow us to outline strategic directions for maintaining the sustainable rapid growth dynamics of chinese-russian relations, which have not been easy at all, and therefore deserve the most careful treatment. the sustainable development of relations between china and russia not only responds to the indigenous ones.
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junan tea party, i would call it jonan, this is the chinese kremlin, well, an insert of shizenpin, here in junan there will be a walk in the garden, an informal conversation, also of a closed format, a very important meeting, that is, in fact, and tomorrow in harbin already regional issues, well
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, the leaders of the two countries talked for more than 2.5 hours, this is also really a lot, it is clear that all the issues were raised there, putin made many different... important statements today, but i noticed that , where he said that the negotiations demonstrated that the approaches to china and russia to international regional problems are close or coincide, that’s how he, our president, formulated it. both countries pursue an independent and independent foreign policy. we are working together on the formation of a more just and democratic multipolar. world order, which should be based on the central role of the united nations and its security council, international law, cultural and civilizational diversity, and a balanced balance of interests of all participants in the world community. from these
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positions, russia and china are interacting fruitfully in brix, where russia is chairing this year, and in the shanghai cooperation organization, the presidency of which will pass to china. in july we consider it necessary to work towards building a reliable and adequate security architecture in the asia-pacific region, in which there is no place for closed military-political alliances. we believe this is very harmful and counterproductive. of course, i, for my part, will inform the chairman of the people's republic of china about the situation that is developing around the ukrainian crisis. we are grateful to our chinese friends and colleagues for the initiatives they are putting forward to resolve this problem. you know, it struck me eyes that after an exchange of opinions, such a short public one.
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civilization, yes, of course, the chinese one is older, no one disputes this, but nevertheless, the original russian civilization is a very serious part of this global world history, and we are not just talking as people who have chosen the modern path of this equal cooperation, not interference on internal affairs, the denial of all these bloc structures, but we also speak on behalf of our stories, the history of our great powers, not every... state modernity is capable of this, therefore, when all sorts of, excuse me, ghouls come and try to
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bargain for something so small, that is, to bargain for themselves, then they behave accordingly, and they receive a worthy answer when such figures as vladimir vladimirovich come to china , are meeting with xi, in my opinion, these are, in fact, at the moment, two key powers of global significance, because in the same security council there are our two countries... and against them, so to speak, the usa and two ousted the usa. therefore, by and large, this is the relationship, it was also visible here, and we will look forward, of course, to additional information, additional information about what happened during these most important days for history in beijing. well, i think we will certainly not know what happened sooner or later, but the hints were quite serious, given from the russian side. from china too, for example, sizenpin, he outlined five principles of russian-chinese relations, in
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my opinion, very interesting principles, which really reflect a lot in the current situation, on the basis of mutual respect , firmly support each other on issues concerning the core interests of both sides, that is, absolute consideration of the interests of each side, second, adhere to win-win to form a new architecture of mutually beneficial cooperation, that is, a non-zero-sum game, with a positive sum, the third is to preserve centuries-old friendship, centuries-old friendship and pass its torch from generation to generation, that is, a look into the future, fourth - to promote the differences in global governance, that is, recognition of the diversity of the modern world, defending an onocentric international system, based on it international, on international law, world order, on international law.
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noted the urgency of resolving the palestinian-israeli conflict and the need to resolve the palestinian issue on the basis of a two-state formula in implementing the un resolution. china and russia perceive a political settlement as the right way to resolve the ukrainian crisis. china's position on this issue is consistently clear; compliance with the norms and principles of the un charter, respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries is their rational concern.
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he is a dentist, of course, by profession, but he understands better than anyone, so he told me on the sidelines: yes, china will collapse in 5 years, like all totalitarian monsters, i told him that...
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the west, the west, but for russia this is our eagle , the legacy of byzantium has two heads, one to the west, the other to the east, and stalypin said, you can’t cut off his eastern head, he will bleed, that’s what we heard now, these are very deep phrases, the chinese, you’re right, they started with symbolism, where every step, every flower, who was the first to step on the carpet, what kind of carpet, how located on the right to the left, i experienced this myself, being almost 20 years old, here in china, as a deputy ancestor.
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here in the same chariot, and it is no coincidence that our approaches coincide very much, this is that the first point there was that here are each other’s interests on key issues, they will be respected and taken into account in our relations, this means that we support china in the most pressing, including geopolitical and territorial problems
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of china, and they support us in what is most important for us today, that this is not named, this is again for everyone and so everything is clear, and in general, of course, china is impressive, almost 20 years ago, i was extremely impressed and the goodwill of its people towards us russians, wherever i went, to a small grocery store, to a pharmacy for some kind of pill, my god, how they treated me university canteen, this chinese food was brought to me by a former graduate - this is very serious, and of course, andrei arkadyevich said it correctly, these are the key pillars now, literally, around which it is strung, there must always be a frame for something more, this, and here this is our new aspiration and work followed in the new world order, it is no different from the previous ones, we are not talking about creating any
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new hostile blocs, there are no direct contractual obligations, this and ... international affairs in the first state i was in china for the first time as part of the parliamentary delegation of the duma committee, it was exactly 30 years ago, and i am 10 years later, since then i have been to china every year, i was there this year too, but you know, that’s 30
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years ago in beijing there were no... cars, and after 10 there were already a lot, and traffic jams, i encounter, now china is the world's first car manufacturer and the first economy in the world, in these 30 years an absolutely colossal leap has been made in the development of china, absolutely amazing, it’s impossible to even imagine, and of course in our relationship, well and in many ways i must say that we were helped here by the united states of america, which just before putin’s visit introduced a new package of sanctions against china. and customs tariffs, but this evening there was a gala concert and a gala evening dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations between our countries. and the cross years of culture, and there putin remembered one interesting song, which we will recognize after the advertisement. nikolay
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zlochevsky, with his oil and gas company burisma, how it works laundering, how money is funneled through burisma to organize terrorist attacks in russia, partners of the biden family sponsored terrorism, evading responsibility for corruption, money laundering in... on the territory of ukraine, the amount of the bribe was 50 million, these funds were directly sent to special operations forces , the most important motive was to displace russian natural gas from the european pipeline, it started as small kiev mafias of the nineties, now it has grown to the level of the world mafia, very specific events took place next to it death, because of zlochevsky’s leaked conversations with him, the name of hunter biden appeared in general, tens of millions were pumped and laundered through the smoke storm, i don’t know. the more we harm the russians, the better. nikolai
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zlochevsky, a little ukrainian friend of an american hunter. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. the essence of my technique is that this is my husband, ex, or rather. almost, so, gentlemen, i ask you, what do we have, it seems to me that my sister was killed, why did you decide that, because i saw killer, take this brick for examination, why didn’t you put pressure on it, they don’t shake it off, do you have any doubts, yes, you have doubts, problems need to be solved in a different way, i can help, bloodhound, new episodes, watch after the program time, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first. famous and beloved artists gathered at our table to tell funny stories and
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oddities that happened to them. forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase. don't worry, it's not like that, she's new, she only 200 years old. i invite you to the program, you need to play the womb. so he sticks this fork in, she does it and it sounds stop, it’s filmed, ruslanova just rubbing it, says, i didn’t know that this is how directors work with actors, and as far as zapashny
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told me, a long time ago the soviet circus, the tiger grabbed his father, he quietly tells them, and how much, now take a stick and hit the head with all your might, and now a tiger, on saturday on the first, “listen, you’re kind of strange today, nothing happened to you, i declare you husband and wife, anxiety, i’m sorry, i’m on an hour, an hour and a half maximum, so what? happened, an intruder’s plane crossed the border, shoot it down at all costs, i know you’re not a coward, but..."
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on saturday at the first, since it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine, the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, but it sounds beautiful, like it’s not fascism, but the most striking thing in ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, at least latin...
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on monday, on the first game live , we continue to discuss the state. visit of russian president vladimir putin to the people's republic of china, in the evening there was a solemn opening ceremony of the years of culture of russia and china and a concert in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries. it must be said that these relations were established on the very first day of chinese
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independence, which was achieved. results, accumulate invaluable experience of close good-neighborly interaction, incorporating joint successes and achievements, as well as important historical lessons, here in the well-known songs of that time, 75 years ago, it is often performed, in ours there is a phrase that has become a catchphrase, russian and chinese, brothers forever, please forgive me for speaking for a long time,
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the translator did not provide, i feel myself. the evening was straightened out by a simple man, a simple man walks in a mixture, friendship is forever, in our hearts, in our hearts, in our hearts, moskvatin, they go, they go, forward the peoples, they work for the light, like this, and i remember, i come
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from school, so... the girl was in third or fourth grade, and at that time, when i was eating, it means the radio started program, i remember this music, these call signs, it’s all moscow, beijing, moscow, there, so we reminded you of those who haven’t heard that it’s right here that i heard this wonderful song from my childhood on alekseevna, because in mine i already i didn’t hear this song as a child, i was in those days when nikita sergeevich managed to ruin this relationship, but it couldn’t be worse. deepening relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction, we also carefully studied the content of this statement, and it attracted attention, so look at the joint statement regarding western countries. what we these countries
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demanded from the united states: to stop military-biological activities, the negative impact of the us and nato strategy on the situation in general in the asia-pacific region, condemned initiatives to seize assets from the property of foreign states, greetings to washington and brussels, opposed attempts by individual countries to use outer space for the purpose of armed confrontation, opposed the he... us attempts to change the balance of power in northeast asia expressed serious concern about us attempts to upset the strategic balance, including the deployment of american medium -range missiles in the philippines, possibly in japan, opposed the us provocation of its allies in relations with the democratic people's republic of korea, i honestly don’t remember this, when was the last time we expressed such concern. called on the us and
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nato to take responsibility for the socio-economic difficulties of afghanistan, pay the price and not again trying to replace the military infrastructure there, opposed interference in... i honestly don’t remember the list of our joint claims to the united states. i think that the fact of the state visit of the president of the russian federation to the people's republic of china really emphasizes this. an important fact is that today our relations seem to be in a stage of evolution, and these relations are already becoming less bilateral, more oriented towards the outside world, one might even say the global dimension of these
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relations, china is interested in this, but russia is interested in this, i think that this point is also very important, because look at those systems, even those provisions that are put forward... china, those that, demands, with which the people's republic of china stands for, they coincide with what the russian federation wanted or sought over the previous 2 and a half years, especially when it launched a special military operation in february of twenty-two, so this parallelism, especially pay attention to these military biological laboratories, this is a fundamentally important point. in this regard, i want to say that two points can be highlighted, well, the first thing that may have been paid attention to, or is now being paid attention to, when talking about strategic aspects, and american observers
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or analysts are guessing that this state visit is taking place against the backdrop of the offensive of russian troops in ukraine, this question today, well, creates a kind of mystery, let’s call it. it's like that is it accidental, or is it far from accidental, that's the first thing. the second very important aspect, from the point of view, vyacheslav alekseevich, what can i say, the americans pushed with their sanctions, but the americans pushed with their sanctions the actions of the chinese people's republic itself. here are the data for the first quarter of 2024 about china’s transactions with american securities. in the first quarter, china lost 53 billion dollars, and if you look at the dynamics, you will see an amazing thing, in the fourteenth year, that is, 10 years ago, china was in first place, and its, or rather, its holdings or assets of american treasury securities amounted to 1.3
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trillion, now they are trending downwards, now they do not exceed 800 billion dollars, that is, in 10 years china has lost half a ... the united states of america can really free up its hands to a greater extent in order to play or at least declare its position on a global scale outside the asia-pacific region. we must also keep this point in mind. therefore this relationship really has a very big, serious prospect. well, we continue to read the joint statement that was signed today in beijing, this is what it says about the relations between our countries, to ensure uninterrupted payment channels
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between economic entities. we know that the problem with payments is one of the most acute. ensure the creation of conditions for the unimpeded transportation of energy resources. well, the experts will explain it to us now. what we are talking about, strengthening cooperation in the military field, here specialists, even if they know, i think, will not tell us much, or will not tell us anything except that we are conducting military exercises, to promote the development of air traffic, of course, in conditions when the west, on the contrary, has stopped air traffic with us, to expand cooperation in the field tourism, guarantee the protection of the rights and interests of investors, create equal fair conditions for capital investments, with capital investments we have not progressed very far, we will continue to work on developing interaction between the eurasian economic union and the people's republic of china, a very important bloc, absolutely right, and here
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, as it were , several key problems are concentrated in this part, well, of course, we all know very well that the chinese giant market is very profitable for... so to speak, the sale of russian energy resources throughout this line, and not only hydrocarbons, but nuclear projects, projects and others. plus, of course, these transport and logistics corridors, old and new, new ones created by nizhnelenskaya tunzian, the railway bridge, blagoveshchensk, heich and others, that is, yes, and of course, of course, unraveling, that’s what, what we have said more than once, we have just mentioned, unraveling bottlenecks in terms of interbank postings and various operations, that is, in fact, today 240 billion - this is only...
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local and, of course, trade and economic relations, that is, in principle, today, when we say that russia can take fourth place in the list of chinese foreign trades, more precisely, yes, well, yes, now we are already this we state, yes, that is, this means exactly the result here all of our powerful, well, mutual, of course, efforts on these tracks, economic, investment, transport, energy, well, plus, of course, but we must not forget about... about the scientific and technical
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channel, this is also very important, the collider under moscow, various rank projects, this is all there too, of course, we need to add more efforts in terms of increasing joint ventures in various industries, of course, we need more, maybe a certain localization, not only the import of the chinese automobile industry, but a certain localization, this also qualitatively improves many other options, that is, we are really at the beginning of a new stage, two big giants. of course, when two big giants interact, everything cannot be smooth, there are certain technological and inconsistencies that are resolved, there are certain problems, but this is all solvable, this is not a political contradiction, yes, this contradiction is rather technical, of course, there are difficulties, there is pressure from the united states, which also cannot be ignored, but we are moving forward, and we have a big positive agenda, it is also developing during the visit to beijing, but for example... an agreement was signed on the development of the infrastructure of the island of bolshoy
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usuriysky, and because of it, at one time in the sixties, it was some kind of... there was some kind of stumbling block, there were military actions, the agreement was signed, we will simply jointly develop the infrastructure on this border island, this is how the problems actually need to be solved, and i also, of course , drew attention to the statement that made by the general director of the state corporation roscosmos. borisov, let's listen. i would say that our cooperation with china is more comprehensive, because the work with the united states has practically been reduced to work on the international space station. the expansion of the moon by russia and china will begin after 2036. the development of a nuclear power plant for a joint scientific lunar station with china has already begun. according to the lunar expansion plan, this is somewhere after 2036.
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technical cooperation, and a joint lunar program, frankly speaking, is difficult to imagine; indeed, this program is a kind of symbol, because the space industry, like few others, it concentrates all the highest scientific and technical achievements of each country, and this was shown at one time by the space race of the usa and the ussr, and it is no coincidence, so to speak, that when we began to get ahead of the united states in this race, kennedy came to sharply reconsider his attitude towards his own education system.
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at the very beginning of the meeting about generational tasks, now these facts, they they reinforce these generational tasks with very specific programs designed for neither a year, nor two, nor three, nor 6 years, which in itself is important, and now compare what programs the anglo-saxons write in that part of the world. there, by the forty-first year, 2041 , it is planned to create an australian nuclear submarine fleet, but why, where are they going to sail on nuclear submarines? with the australians, and naturally, our topic is the topic of strengthening international cooperation and space exploration for peaceful purposes in the interests of all humanity, and before that there was a statement about the non- military use of space, on the other hand, where are high technologies used? well, obviously, completely in order to create new
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aggressive military blocs, of course, the focus and capture can be expanded, but i see that you are hinting at australia and so, and there... the states are losing their minds in an attempt to maintain their unipolar hegemony. such actions by the united states do not prove their strength; on the contrary, they indicate that washington has lost confidence in itself and is in a difficult situation. this will not solve the problems of the united states itself, but will cause even greater damage to the normal functioning of international production and supply chains.
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relevant us actions will not be able to hinder china's development. unilateral actions and protectionism are contrary to the trends of the times and will be crushed by the wheel of history this time.
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madness, this is an absolute revolution in chinese foreign policy, of course, we are monitoring the continuation of our president’s visits to china, it will continue tomorrow, but of course we are not releasing other events, now a lot of people are concerned, and probably everyone is concerned, about the health of prime minister fitz, and that on the fronts of a special military operation, yuri podalyakov will talk about this after the break, after the advertisement. we gathered our thoughts about sergei lena's film passion for matve, i just look like a dead man here, it's okay, let him immediately know what you look like in the post, i'm already sending you hearts, the most unexpected thing was that i really liked the film, and there was some kind of prejudice, i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish, i think that
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if you sincerely do not believe, then this is better than believing somehow falsely, according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox, excuse me, please, but not yet...
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at this point we began to negotiate with representatives. mariupol - returning home. on saturday at the first, he forbade me to swim, but i did not listen. the brioses that happened to them, you 'll forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase,
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don't worry, it's not like that, it's new, it's only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, you have to play the queen, i think, but it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come, it means that the next day in the remains of the whole make-up suit, one of the women brings me such a large velvet circle, it has two such things hanging from the sides. even if the uterus is unusual, these are the ovaries, she died, how was this cry produced? german, bending over, with a fork in his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment, sticks this fork in her ass, she does it and it sounds: stop, it’s removed, ruslanova just rubbing it, says, i didn’t know that this is how directors work with actors , and how much? to me i told him that a long time ago there was a soviet circus, a tiger grabbed his father, he quietly tells them: how much, now take a stick and
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hit him on the head with all your might, and now the tiger, on saturday on the first, permafrost, snow, we are in salikhard, my name is nyadma , i’m from the yamal region, my name is... masni, i’m also from the yamal region. for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur. we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears. drive into the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom, otherwise you’ll hit your wedding face in the snow. nenets clothes, called malisa, are warm inside. unlike me, you don't freeze. ice table, imagine, there is not just ice here, here is a northern polar berry, cranberry.
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you can’t miss this, television from the inside, premiere, on sunday on the first. the big game live, a monstrous assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia
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robert fitz. doctors and representatives of the top leadership of slovakia spoke about his condition today; here is the statement made by deputy prime minister and minister of defense of slovakia robert kalenyak, who is now really acts as prime minister, that's what he said. i would like to inform you that the prime minister's condition remains serious. doctors at the roosevelt hospital in banska bistrica are doing everything they can to stabilize him and begin the road to recovery. unfortunately, i can't talk about any good news yet. the damage from four shots is so significant that it will be extremely difficult for the body to cope with it in the coming days. however, we have no doubts about our medical team. nurses and surgeons monitor his condition every minute and correct him. course of treatment, due to the fact that the prime minister’s condition remains serious and that he cannot fully communicate, we are trying not to disturb him with anything other than
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medical procedures. well , the investigation into this assassination attempt is progressing, well, it turned out that the shooter was juraj tsintula, a seventy- one-year-old liberal writer, married to a ukrainian woman, who repeatedly participated in pro-ukrainian demonstrations, well...
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the story of the shooting in parliament, opposition representatives of the slovak republic began to boo me, they don’t have a drop of sympathy or compassion, they were already talking about civil war, you know, here are colleagues, the word liberal and writer or activist already sounds like a mockery, because those fighters for liberal freedoms of the 19th century , they would turn over in their graves, these people, this...
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the same logic lies in supporting the nazi position, this is monstrous, but in fact it is the regime in kiev, which is now receiving weapons, the further, the more, in in recent days, we have seen that strikes on our territory have intensified, strikes on crimea by long-range systems, self-propelled boats there that were supposed to attack today, i don’t know, sevastopol or
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the crimean bridge, but clearly this military assistance has arrived. but our armed forces are moving forward. yuri ivanovich podalyaka, as always , closely monitors what is happening on the fields of a special military operation. yuri ivanovich, good evening, over to you. good evening. yes, the main direction now is kharkov the main battles are taking place here, the battles for volchansk. our troops today are on another day of the assault, they are slowly finishing, well, i hope they are finishing, clearing the city center, that is, they have taken the high-rise buildings. a hospital, a clinic, in principle, the solid defense there has already disintegrated, because the patch that the enemy has left is literally minuscule, in principle, the enemy is already depicting this territory on his maps as abandoned, that is, there is focal resistance, which our troops are gradually suppressing , there is serious resistance here, it’s just that aviation or artillery is working, they’re just demolishing the house so as not to waste people on it, and so the garrison
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that still remains there, that is, focal resistance, i think it’s already... doomed, if not today, then tomorrow our guys will clear everything there, and thus the northern part of volchansk will already be behind us, what will happen next here, but most likely our troops will continue to try to liberate the southern part, and they will probably not go head-on, perhaps flanking maneuvers, because there are prospects from the east from the west to make bridgeheads in order to force the enemy with roundabout maneuvers to either abandon the southern part of volchansk, or they will be surrounded, thus gradually we will open the way for ourselves to move forward towards the settlement of bely-kolodisky, and then further on there is access to the rear of the enemy group in kupan, also in leptsy there are also assault operations today, we have caught on to the first houses of this settlement, here we are also working from the prevailing heights, that is, we have taken all those controlling this territory heights, accordingly, it is much easier for us than for the enemy to inflict artillery air strikes on him, today there was mainly
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fire preparation, as i understand it, for the future assault. today, in general, we have reached our starting positions and until today aviation and artillery have been working there all day, i also think that tomorrow we will closely monitor the events here, well, a few more not so important, but nevertheless directions, where we are going forward, this is the svatovsko-kupinsky direction, populated beristovo point, yesterday our troops entered this territory of the settlement, the enemy , yesterday evening, already began to say in his reports regarding this settlement that they left their positions in order to better this... this rhetoric is already becoming normal for them , i hope that in the future it will be constant for them, that is, i also really hope for a breakthrough here, and, accordingly, so that it will be easier for our troops in the volchansk area to break the enemy, and thus achieve a significant, important victory, and also less intense, but no less important, fighting is taking place in the donetsk region, in the ugledar region, in the zaporozhye sector, where yesterday our troops were officially reported by the ministry of defense about
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the cleanup, liberation of the populated area, or rather the work of the ruins of the populated area.
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here i must tell you, in this area, as they say, the head is off, or so to speak, thinking flies away very quickly, in this case , perhaps, this is the scenario that is talked about from time to time in the united states
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of america, that the united states is ready to use nato troops , or use or directly participate in the conflict, it is possible that today the united states of america is here, at least hot heads like blinken, who perhaps understand that their time is limited. precisely on the verge of a direct clash between nato and the russian federation. i wouldn't rule out such a scenario. well, we did not exclude such a scenario from the very beginning, and moreover, we have been balancing for quite a long time. at the same time, well, to have a hot head, you must at least have a head. here in this one. in my opinion, the situation is such that i would rather agree with with the lack of reason in some american heads, because yes, to come to kiev at this moment and sing a song there, in
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which, by the way, there were wonderful words in this song, i know it, about the red-blue-white flag that is developing , he meant, of course , american, but he forgot that our flag has the same color, so this could be a telling visit, but... in fact , this help no longer helps, because the front line is cracking and ukraine it just plugs the holes. well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be behind us. we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don't miss it. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. the standard of relations, russia and china.


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