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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 17, 2024 3:20am-4:11am MSK

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that is, you somehow lived very correctly, studied, made a career, now it’s time to get married, yes, and you and each other, how is there an age difference between you, 9 years, yes, everything is true, but despite the difference in age, my brother and i are best friends, probably the closest people, what happiness, my god, honey for the ears, it’s true, you have a good relationship with your sons, you speak russian, yes, of course, since they can’t go anywhere without their dad and trusted you , you see, it’s a choice, right? let's see how it is, who do you think your boys are like, on my wife or on you, but on my side, my mother’s brothers tell me that the boy’s son is very similar to me, and the eldest is something like me, but more like a mat, and your ex lives in moscow, yes, yes, yes, are you on good terms with her?
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when i studied here and what helped with the language and a lot of things there, but psychologically only you lived with her for years, well, 15 years somewhere and a lot of time, but we lived only in russia or colombia, too, we didn’t live first from russia when i studied and after graduating from university we went to colombia why not happened? live happily ever after, well, you see
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that colombia is a country itself, well, like a set of tropics, but it was quite difficult for it to accept this, the climate, the culture, it’s completely different, and the russian people, yes, they have one, they want to be their own motherland, in short , is very much literature.
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how old are you? i’m 59. well, you’re just a groom in the prime of your life, now millions of russian women are looking at you, as they say, this is the same, life is just beginning, it’s true, look, yes, yes, yes, alfreda, if there is an application for you from women, come to us, how's the groom? well, i had to see why not, but i want to tell you that grooms your age are more in demand than yours. chicks, it’s true, it’s true, and brides are more interesting for people like you, and not like boys, well, you need to get acquainted and see, their father is very interesting, an intelligent man, i really liked him, you liked him, i would like such a relative , yeah, tell me, guy, where did you study in russia with your mother or with your father, well, look, my situation is like this, i lived in colombia from the age of two to 6,
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accordingly, i went to colombia in first grade, and then my mother and i moved back to russia, to russia, yes, at that time i even spoke much better spanish than russian, and there were great difficulties at school, and literally 3 months without practicing spanish, i practically forgot it, even dad can confirm that when he returned in august, and dad arrived at the end of december, that’s how... when he returned, he tried to speak to me in spanish, and i no longer understood, doesn’t understand anything, yes, children are like that, no, when, of course, when you are inexperienced and illiterate in this area, yes, i think that he is stupid or something, well , that happened to me, yes, but it turned out that this is the same thing, then he talked, really , how he was a little man, well, after 7 years, yes, honor, honor. yes, at that time i was 6 years old. we
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gathered our thoughts about sergei lin's film passion by matveev. i just look like a dead man here. it's okay, let it be. he immediately knows what you look like in post, i’m already sending you hearts, the most unexpected thing was that i really liked the film, but there was some kind of prejudice, i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish, i think that if you sincerely don’t believe, then it’s better than believing somehow falsely, according to statistics, 65% russians consider themselves orthodox, excuse me, please, but it’s not sunday yet, you know, such a discovery for me was that on easter anyone can ring the bells, and you actually went to learn how to ring the bells specifically, absolutely true. what do you think you are, but there is duty, family tradition, there is love, and there are rules, yes they contradict each other, depending on what kind of love, look what rules, what rules, well in my situation it contradicts, you mean life, yes, but this is my problem, as it were, i think that this should not happen , podcast lab, tomorrow on
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the first one, a few years ago i came across a seven-string guitar from the 19th century, after a successful reconstruction we decided... to try to make our own, you make it all, yes, it’s homemade, from small to large, also bololaikas, almost everything our instruments are made by hand, each craftsman puts his soul into this tool, when we developed our coconut milk, we did more than 100 tests, you came into this field because your daughter was lactose intolerant, yes, it was very important for me to see the purest possible composition, your portrait is a portrait of yours collee with the founder, it turns out that you are responsible for your... for the quality of the product, the first reaction is often, wow, what a bright, what an unusual shape, a woman can see a bag and don’t say: i can’t sleep, i can’t eat, sell for any money, it's all written down manually, yes, yes, by our artists, our everything, the premiere is on saturday on the first, alejandra,
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and you, i am completely, so to speak, russified, that is, i was born in moscow, all my life. i lived here, i visited colombia for the first time in 2012, well, since then i’ve been trying to visit my second homeland whenever possible, and you know the language, i know it, but at a basic level, that is, tell me, do you feel blood? i have a son who is half georgian, as soon as he started to unravel, he kept saying, i am georgian, he is absolutely georgian mentally, and nothing can be done about it, georgia is his homeland, he lives in georgia, this is impossible, this is impossible to explain, the blood has stopped.
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i think that mom did a very good job, of course, yes, because indeed, because you didn’t live here in the nineties, and i know what the nineties were and how it was some kind of hell, raising children when there was nothing, i
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bought powdered baby milk from the metro, humanitarian aid from alcoholics to feed my child and didn’t understand why his cheeks were red, because i thought everything foreign is beautiful why. my child is already full of sores, i feed him imported food, and he’s allergic to me, you know, when our whole brain was upside down, well, you helped, yes, yes, yes, yes, a very difficult time, i remember, you were in the third year of law, i remember that when he left his mother and the clinic where he was born, he had.
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so off we go, i don’t know exactly, you need to look at the overall picture of the relationship, because if there was any uncertainty, then of course it’s better to stay in your homeland. “well , living in a foreign country for such a long time is also a bit difficult, it seems to me that it doesn’t matter, it ’s leaving for a few months, so for some long period of time it’s a bit difficult, tell me, no matter what kind of daughter-in-law you want, you have one and they tore it up them, this is the most important thing, that there were steam windows, and from what family will this woman be important or not, who are her parents? i don’t care, this is the most important thing, that they loved somehow, but
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no, i’d like to ask a second question? , i’ll explain now, what i mean is that to provide everything the wishlist about which they are there with outstretched fingers, you are not going to, and rightly so, you have the right, the dowry that you are talking about means that a good education, movable, immovable, well, what the parents gave, yes, that is in this regard, let her provide it herself, 50/50, as they say. and colombian emeralds from dad will be a wedding, it will be, that’s why
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he wants a self-sufficient girl, well, with her bells and whistles, there’s asian appearance, this is already asian personal, there’s something i like, but in general, in general, i like some individual ones, you know, unusual ones, but something like that is necessary, he has the right, alejandra is also great, she also wants a dowry. in the form of real estate, because he immediately said that he would not register it for himself, that’s right, this is your inheritance, let her have her own inheritance, and then the two of you will decide whether you will unite it, where you will live there, and so on, so that - our suitors didn’t worry about being divorced, taken away, and loved specifically by philip and alejandra, and not what mom and dad would give you. what is this
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the desire of the men of the world does not have a nationality territorial basis, which makes me very happy, in general, all men on the planet dream of good, self-sufficient brides with a dowry, we will look for such, the youngest alejandra says that he knows his worth, you know. his own worth, yes, he knows his own worth, but at the same time he doesn’t like girls who want to use him, but he himself is looking for what it means for him to use, well, yes, these are also subtleties, yes, but still - coins from two sides, you know, he says one thing, he does it himself the same thing that he doesn’t like, it seems to me, i’m sorry, i need to literally leave the studio for a minute. come on,
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okay, okay, yes, gorgeous, amazing, interesting, yes, in principle, always what is created is created in an interesting way, we are not destroying anything here, on the contrary, do you understand? yes, yes, yes, of course, well, very good, against the background of what is happening in the world, when any. i was in peru, argentina, brazil , cuba, in fact, yes, yes, yes, it’s very
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interesting, to say what year, in eighty-six, but how? "latin america, they touched you, well, then i was so young and wanted everything, well, of course, of course, i wanted to marry everyone at once, love everyone, drink all the coffee, eat all the lemons and limes in general, then i saw lime for the first time, yeah , we only had lemons, and they didn’t know what limes were, i didn’t know what a lime was, i didn’t know what an avocado was, when i realized that this was my love, when i arrived and brought avocados, i gave them as a gift. to her friend, she said, i’m so disgusting, i’m with honey, jam, whatever i’ve tried, ugh, what disgusting, i say, stupid, it needs lemon, salt, garlic, well, something like that, she says, and i with jam, honey and sugar, she says, not sweet, says fruit, then i i saw the ocean, it was the first time i saw women in thongs, then we didn’t
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have that yet, and i thought what a horror, they have such huge ugly butts, but the impression was of the sea. i have been writing poetry all my life, starting from childhood, a lot of relatives live with me, there is no creative zone, this is both the living room and your bedroom, and it would also be desirable for it to be an office, here we need something so lyrical, romantic, not burdensome, some accent wallpaper, a chair with flowers, admiration, it goes very beautifully with gray and gold, will you ever see a bed that has a crown, about comfort, premiere on saturday, at the first, the premiere, i love my country, on
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saturday, at the first, he is looking and... in the crowd, and until the last she thinks of running away. the cat tries not to interfere with the dog, you can buy her a house for a million rubles, but her favorite one will be a box for 0 rubles. i went home, took a closer look, and said: “oh, i’ve got everything here. i like it, i’m ready to live here, everyone calls him the caretaker, we love him very much, a broom, a bucket, an animal is a conductor of meaning, in principle, it changes a person’s view of the world. children, what are you doing here, dastanka, and does your mother know? staged years." was the video or not, i immediately said, i say, i will answer this question on the first channel, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere is on sunday on the first, 5 minutes ago i was feeding, oh, here it is, beautiful ladies , this is from our colombian family, colombian coffee,
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thank you, just real, colombian, real, real, yes, please, but we thought he ran away, thank you, well done, well done, tea or coffee, there are two types of people in this world, i am those who choose tea, i am coffee, people drink coffee, there are those who are straight fans of him, but this is not my case, no, look, we have artificial intelligence, his name is mindelson, yeah, he knows everything, knows all languages, all songs, he knows everything in the world, but he has there is some kind of... test for russianness, yes, it’s a simple musical test, because music is the language of love, especially today you, dear brothers, may have the last opportunity to sing the song “i’m free”, who knows how the show will turn out, come on, i’m the beginning of the line for you, and you’re the end for me, i’m free, sing along, bird in
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the sky, i’m free, i forgot, what does fear mean, so don’t be afraid of our brides, everything will be fine, listen, how cool you are, but i like your dad more and more, oh, i think he’ll get married earlier than you, right , my intuition never lets me down , let me suggest, well, which of you will go first now, you know, there’s such a game rock, paper, scissors, well, let's play among ourselves, which of you is it, but the conditions, if, for example, one of you likes the bride, and the other not so much, then he has her in mind, let's rock the knife, first fa , tsuefa, tsuefa, suefa. i don’t understand why they choose this for suifa, it doesn’t suit me, and why didn’t my father participate in suifa? well, it’s strange, let ’s do it now, let’s do it too, let’s chip in, let’s
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chip in, first, scissors, let’s do it again , last time, come on, tsuefa, you’re first, okay. hello, i'm venus, i hope we meet it will be as sweet as your treat, i hope alejandra will also be very pleased, i ’ll try it. of course, it’s very tasty, you cooked it yourself, but no, venus, 22 years old,
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korean by nationality, born in uzbekistan, lives in asuriysk, works as a chinese language teacher, is proud that she travels freely around the world and helps her parents financially, dreams of becoming a model , warns that with the future from... but she means she is very smart, that is, she has developed this and the skill of learning languages, have they come to take revenge on their ex? no, no, in front of you two suitors, you understand, yes, that
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both are looking at you, yes, i understand that both are looking at me, and the girls, your girlfriends, are you in a relationship, no, no, no, both are single, yes, that is, we have there are so many brides today, guys, yes, you have learned your way... to take revenge, i am not going to do anything, in general, everything seems calm here, it was 2 years ago, the place is very, very beautiful girl, she
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is absolutely gorgeous, i i love everything asian, i love asians, and i love asian girls too, but what didn’t work out for you, well , it was just a relationship at the university, it was comfortable in conditions. such an activity that i was busy studying, and he was busy with work, when i was already planning the future after university, it was something like that, that he says: well, you will go to china, and i will do something, i say, he is what i wanted to do it, but he has a business in china, great, are you also chinese? well , everything was fine with us, just with us. well, i didn’t want to get married, but at least to understand what will happen
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tomorrow, something like that, and what tomorrow will happen tomorrow, well, it doesn’t matter who you were looking for, a person who understands, what does he want from this woman, you know, everything is unclear with you, i read your profile, i didn’t understand anything, this, look, contradicts yourself.
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traditional then, yes, then money means everything else, and maybe even you and the cleaning lady will be there, and isn’t it possible to do everything at once in the sense that everything is at once and that the person pays for everything and what will you do, you will also work and develop and then you will be like whether to work, he will pay you for everything. i have my business. i’m always doing something, developing, well, by the way, so she doesn’t look like a purebred korean, it’s as if she’s already absorbed several of them in herself, but like a union in general between a colombian and a korean, it’s a good union, so we’ll see, yeah, who knows, but only god knows , but you want to get married, no, what are we here, interesting, interesting, but what
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do you want, just a relationship.
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how it will be with you, it means that you will wake up in the morning, there will be morning intimate sex, you will go to breakfast together for training, then you will go about your business, and she will swim in the pool or in the sea, in the evening you will have meeting with friends, but before going to bed , either talk or go to bed, yeah, that’s a good perspective, what a wonderful life, asians, they are strict, well, now, in fact, these
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traditions of strictness in azda are already... gradually fading into the background with the new generation , maybe it’s the same with her parents, no, of course there are those, she’s very beautiful, i think she’ll be 100% successful at being a model, well-known favorite artists have gathered at our table to tell funny stories and funny things that happened to them , forgive me, i i accidentally broke this new one. don’t worry, it’s not like that, she’s already new, she’s only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i need to play the uterus, i think, but it will be some kind of piece dedicated to honey, i come, it means the next day to the remains for all the makeup suit, one of the women brings me this big velvet circle, it has two little things hanging from the sides, these are testicles. she died, how
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was that cry produced? german, bending over, with a fork in his hands, approaches nina ruslanova at that very moment in her ass with this fork sticks it in, she does it, and it sounds: stop, it’s cut, ruslanova just rubbing it, says, i didn’t know that this is how directors work with actors, and as far as zapashny told me, it was a long time ago that the soviet circus was still in the soviet union, the tiger grabbed his father, he quietly tells them how much take it? a stick and with all his might on the head, and now a tiger, on saturday on the first. all this energy, the positivity that you infect us with, but it’s just some kind of ray of happiness, right? i think so, i ’ll come to this program, i’ll sit here and be
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the kindest. no, i'll be the angriest, everyone your number is a big holiday, i’m proud of you, my girl. venus has a lot in common, we fit each other perfectly, all we can do is carry on a conversation. venus, let’s also test your musical erudition, you have a beautiful smile, that’s why you get
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the song, a smile will make everyone brighter, i start the line, and you continue, with a smile, a gloomy day will brighten, with a smile in the sky, a rainbow will wake up. share your smile, it will come back to you more than once, wonderful, wonderful, of course, venus is not for housework, therefore, venerochka, i understand you, it would be strange if you knew how to do all this, wanted to do it, you would quickly grow old, lose your attractiveness, you need it, so live, shine and please, yes, your business, of course. i need to prepare, well, how can you bring such a doll into the house and force her to make cutlets and cook borscht, well
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, don’t you be ashamed, well, men, and wash socks, for example, well, no, of course, she needs to be put somewhere like this, she will be frowning from a smile for 10 years. the problem with the looks is that she apparently just has the same looks, that her money is her money, and her husband’s money is common, it’s as if it’s simple, but you have the same views, i have, well, yes, and you, yes, no, no, i don’t think that venus is not can cook or clean, well, everything has an explanation, the boys were born in moscow, everything is fine with them, so they can afford education, love, in general, understand, no one talks about love lately. everyone just says, no, you can’t, not a single word was said about love, yes, she doesn’t want love, she wants the life that she wants she had a dream, it has nothing to do with love, well, maybe she just didn’t
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have time to express it that way, she’s from a small town, her parents couldn’t even provide her with an education, she worked herself, worked part-time everywhere, and her cherished dream is... take my mother and younger sister to thailand, she has already taken them, has already taken them, i take my words back, i think that her father is best suited for her, he can provide gifts and travel, and he looks at her with such an appetite, exactly , the surprise is ready, let's go we'll see.
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thank you very much, what dramatic music,
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just dramatic to the point of tears, you are truly beautiful, figurine, tell me love is important for you in a relationship, for me the main thing is love, that’s why everyone thinks that love is not important for you. no, the most important thing is love, of course, i can love only if i don’t, save yourself, please, you are so pretty, yes, yes, an oriental beauty. uh-huh, oh, the girls are funny, stanis is amazing, what is amazing about this, well, because she showed herself, she did it it’s just very beautiful, i understand that there is a village staged by a professional choreographer, but no one dances like that, why are you all outraged by it now, the movements there are different, i think there are different regions where they dance differently. “i am very ambitious, and in order for me
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to be able to stop and feel love for a person, and not work or do something, to sincerely love, and in order to sincerely love a person, i need this care, and because in childhood i did a lot i fought, i studied and achieved a lot since childhood, therefore, in order to calmly love a person, i need this kind of care and guardianship over me so that i can.
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they know what they want and go towards their intended goal, despite their fragility, slenderness and small stature, so it’s like venus is here and weira, she will break anyone like you and like you and even like you, yes, i liked the way they showed it. very much for you, although initially in their questionnaire it was stated: we need a bride with a devotee, when they last told us the words, love and space are important to you, and doesn’t this concern them, they were the first to talk about living space and i don’t need living space, i was just talking about living together, and people, people who first of all talk about 50/50, talk about loyalty, reproach themselves for commercialism, well, let’s put our lips together.
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tell me about this spicy situation, during the game i jumped on my
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boyfriend, funny, 21 years old, angelin, i’m so clean, well, at least i have something to cling to, there is an african tradition before marriage to organize a symbolic fight, wow, yes make it interesting. hello, in the program time about the most notable events of this day. forward together, vladimir putin in china. this is a state visit, both in terms of protocol and the scale of agreements and prospects. new era relations, strategic
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partnerships from energy to space and the opening of cultures, a special year in russian-chinese ties. shoot to rule, an attempt on the life of the prime minister of slovakia, as is robert fitze now, what’s new in the investigation and who is planting the russian trail? surface group target in the black sea , enemy drones were sunk, iskander destroyed a large headquarters near kharkov, the enemy chooses captivity. the country's resource on the use of state property and partnerships with private business, a conversation between mikhail mishustin and the head of the russian property agency. take more, carry more accurately civilian cargo drones, what results did the best models show at competitions in the moscow region? the main one in sklif is sergei petrikov, director of the legendary institute of emergency medicine and hero of the day, the doctor received us, of course, at work. so,
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vladimir putin's state visit to china. results of the first day, the program of which began at the main beijing tian square. we, where the people's republic of china was proclaimed, which our country was the first to recognize. 75 years from this date in october, but it and its meanings were still on the agenda today. konstantin panyushkin meeting at the highest level. from tiananmen square, sacred to the chinese, from behind a soldier of the honor guard company, vladimir putin’s auros arrives at the house of people’s assembly. the first foreign visit since the re-election began, its state status, the welcoming ceremony are suitable. sejin pin met vladimir putin right next to the car. the two leaders greeted the delegations as they occupied a significant portion of the grand staircase of the gigantic great hall of the people, the world's largest parliament building. there are ministers, captains of business, and when it was time to sing the anthems, artillery salvos thundered in tian an square in honor of the arrival of the russian president. well, by
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the way, for the meeting of vladimir putin, the chinese military orchestra prepared not only the mandatory protocol repertoire. that's not all. at some point it seemed monolithic boxes of soldiers in full dress uniform marched in front of the heads of state with a battle cry. finally, the chinese traditionally involve children in ceremonies for welcoming distinguished guests. translated into russian, the schoolchildren shout warmly, along with the young chinese, the children from our embassy school welcome the children-diplomats who are here on long-term business trips and are forced to live away from their homeland for years. remember russia in general, of course, we remember, you’ll forget it, you miss, no, your grandmothers, grandfather, but today we saw vladimir putin, chinese political observers, whom every child here, as it turns out, knows from school, have high expectations from the state visit
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of the russian president, this is a very important visit in the history of our bilateral relations, our countries will take it as an opportunity. dear mr. sen, dear friend, i am sincerely glad, six months later, to be able to meet you again in hospitable china among my friends. thank you for your congratulatory message on the occasion of my re-election as president of the russian
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federation. we have a good, kind tradition of making first foreign visits to each other. and this is a clear confirmation of the importance that we, you, moscow and beijing attach to the course towards the consistent development of bilateral relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction, these are negotiations in the so-called narrow format, usually in this format with the heads of state of the delegation on i can count it on my fingers, there are 10 people on each side, let alone the next expanded format, the entire delegation. president's state visit schedule it’s not easy for journalists, but at some point he was scheduled to the minute, the head of rusatom still managed to find time, there is news, and a decision was made to create a joint subcommittee on the development of the northern sea route, on
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the russian side this is the activity of rosatom, on the chinese side it will be headed by the minister of transport of the people's republic of china, our task will be. create , as soon as possible, a joint program for expanding chinese transit along the northern sea route, as well as a number of other projects in the interests of using this a global highway, which of course has enormous development potential. in the presence of putin, 10 intergovernmental agreements were signed with beijing today, one of them on the joint development of the bolshoi usuriysky island. it was not possible to agree on this for two decades. we agreed and agreed with the chinese side on the principles of joint development of this common island, where another border crossing appears, an opportunity from...
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now the chairman and i exchanged opinions when we walked into this room, indeed chinese friends were able to create a friendly, warm atmosphere at the same time a very pragmatic, rich, business-rich , constructive atmosphere that helps us work. i assess this positively and warmly welcome president putin. mr. president and i have just held frank, friendly and
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meaningful negotiations. in a joint statement, moscow and beijing oppose steps leading to prolongation of the conflict in ukraine, demand that the united states curtail military-biological projects, and condemn illegal sanctions. we are in constant contact and, in addition to regularly holding bilateral summits, we meet on the sidelines of multilateral events and communicate by phone. which allows us to discuss any, even the most difficult problems, and keep all pressing issues on the russian, chinese and international agenda under personal control. this partnership undoubtedly serves as an example of how ties should be built between states and neighbors. president putin and i managed to develop a new model relations between large neighboring states, precisely on the basis of mutual respect, equality, mutual strong support for each other are key.
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it follows from the leaders' statement that russia and china will provide each other with strong support in protecting vital interests, including issues of sovereignty, and will continue to strengthen cooperation in the military sphere. our military-technical cooperation is always carried out with chinese partners on a planned basis; in fact, they have not changed, that’s all. how we installed and recorded in main program documents, everything is moving this way. a reason for the pride of the two countries, the development of economic relations beijing is moscow’s main trading partner, the annual russian-chinese trade turnover is already over $240 billion, which is more than twice the figure of ten years ago. the share of the ruble and yuan in russian-chinese commercial transactions already exceeds 90%. and this figure continues to grow. which means. we can say that mutual trade and investment are reliably protected from the influence of third countries and negative trends on
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world currency markets. in this context , we agreed that russia and china will continue to strengthen contacts between credit and banking institutions and actively use national payment systems to serve our economic operators. payments are one of the hottest topics in settlement negotiations between russia and china this spring. we are negotiating with chinese banks on cooperation during the general period of very rapid development of our bank, after fifteen years of work here, in amounts, yes, this is how much will it be? in amounts we are in last year they doubled, i think this will be a fairly multiple increase, well, let’s talk about that for now, but take it...


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